1 /*
2 *class++
3 *  Name:
4 *     Polygon
6 *  Purpose:
7 *     A polygonal region within a 2-dimensional Frame.
9 *  Constructor Function:
10 c     astPolygon
11 f     AST_POLYGON
13 *  Description:
14 *     The Polygon class implements a polygonal area, defined by a
15 *     collection of vertices, within a 2-dimensional Frame. The vertices
16 *     are connected together by geodesic curves within the encapsulated Frame.
17 *     For instance, if the encapsulated Frame is a simple Frame then the
18 *     geodesics will be straight lines, but if the Frame is a SkyFrame then
19 *     the geodesics will be great circles. Note, the vertices must be
20 *     supplied in an order such that the inside of the polygon is to the
21 *     left of the boundary as the vertices are traversed. Supplying them
22 *     in the reverse order will effectively negate the polygon.
23 *
24 *     Within a SkyFrame, neighbouring vertices are always joined using the
25 *     shortest path. Thus if an edge of 180 degrees or more in length is
26 *     required, it should be split into section each of which is less
27 *     than 180 degrees. The closed path joining all the vertices in order
28 *     will divide the celestial sphere into two disjoint regions. The
29 *     inside of the polygon is the region which is circled in an
30 *     anti-clockwise manner (when viewed from the inside of the celestial
31 *     sphere) when moving through the list of vertices in the order in
32 *     which they were supplied when the Polygon was created (i.e. the
33 *     inside is to the left of the boundary when moving through the
34 *     vertices in the order supplied).
36 *  Inheritance:
37 *     The Polygon class inherits from the Region class.
39 *  Attributes:
40 *     In addition to those attributes common to all Regions, every
41 *     Polygon also has the following attributes:
42 *     - SimpVertices: Simplify by transforming the vertices?
44 *  Functions:
45 c     In addition to those functions applicable to all Regions, the
46 c     following functions may also be applied to all Polygons:
47 f     In addition to those routines applicable to all Regions, the
48 f     following routines may also be applied to all Polygons:
49 *
50 c     - astDownsize: Reduce the number of vertices in a Polygon.
51 f     - AST_DOWNSIZE: Reduce the number of vertices in a Polygon.
52 c     - astConvex<X>: Create a Polygon giving the convex hull of a pixel array
53 f     - AST_CONVEX<X>: Create a Polygon giving the convex hull of a pixel array
54 c     - astOutline<X>: Create a Polygon outlining values in a pixel array
55 f     - AST_OUTLINE<X>: Create a Polygon outlining values in a pixel array
57 *  Copyright:
58 *     Copyright (C) 1997-2006 Council for the Central Laboratory of the
59 *     Research Councils
60 *     Copyright (C) 2009 Science & Technology Facilities Council.
61 *     All Rights Reserved.
63 *  Licence:
64 *     This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
65 *     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
66 *     License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either
67 *     version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
68 *     version.
69 *
70 *     This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
71 *     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
73 *     GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
74 *
75 *     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General
76 *     License along with this program.  If not, see
77 *     <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
79 *  Authors:
80 *     DSB: David S. Berry (Starlink)
82 *  History:
83 *     26-OCT-2004 (DSB):
84 *        Original version.
85 *     28-MAY-2009 (DSB):
86 *        Added astDownsize.
87 *     29-MAY-2009 (DSB):
88 *        Added astOutline<X>.
89 *     30-JUN-2009 (DSB):
90 *        Override astGetBounded.
91 *     4-NOV-2013 (DSB):
92 *        Modify RegPins so that it can handle uncertainty regions that straddle
93 *        a discontinuity. Previously, such uncertainty Regions could have a huge
94 *        bounding box resulting in matching region being far too big.
95 *     6-DEC-2013 (DSB):
96 *        Reverse the order of the vertices when the Polygon is created,
97 *        if necessary, to ensure that the unnegated Polygon is bounded.
98 *        The parent Region class assumes that unnegated regions are
99 *        bounded.
100 *     6-JAN-2014 (DSB):
101 *        Free edges when clearing the cache, not when establishing a new
102 *        cache, as the number of edges may have changed.
103 *     10-JAN-2014 (DSB):
104 *        - Remove unused parameter description in prologue of for astOutline<X>
105 *     24-FEB-2014 (DSB):
106 *        Added astConvex<X>.
107 *     25-FEB-2014 (DSB):
108 *        Added attribute SimpVertices.
109 *class--
110 */
112 /* Module Macros. */
113 /* ============== */
114 /* Set the name of the class we are implementing. This indicates to
115    the header files that define class interfaces that they should make
116    "protected" symbols available. */
117 #define astCLASS Polygon
119 /* Macros which return the maximum and minimum of two values. */
120 #define MAX(aa,bb) ((aa)>(bb)?(aa):(bb))
121 #define MIN(aa,bb) ((aa)<(bb)?(aa):(bb))
123 /* Macro to check for equality of floating point values. We cannot
124    compare bad values directory because of the danger of floating point
125    exceptions, so bad values are dealt with explicitly. */
126 #define EQUAL(aa,bb) (((aa)==AST__BAD)?(((bb)==AST__BAD)?1:0):(((bb)==AST__BAD)?0:(fabs((aa)-(bb))<=1.0E9*MAX((fabs(aa)+fabs(bb))*DBL_EPSILON,DBL_MIN))))
128 /* Define a macro for testing if a pixel value <V> satisfies the requirements
129    specified by <Oper> and <Value>. Compiler optimisation should remove
130    all the "if" testing from this expression. */
131 #define ISVALID(V,OperI,Value) ( \
132    ( OperI == AST__LT ) ? ( (V) < Value ) : ( \
133       ( OperI == AST__LE ) ? ( (V) <= Value ) : ( \
134          ( OperI == AST__EQ ) ? ( (V) == Value ) : ( \
135             ( OperI == AST__GE ) ? ( (V) >= Value ) : ( \
136                ( OperI == AST__NE ) ? ( (V) != Value ) : ( \
137                   (V) > Value \
138                ) \
139             ) \
140          ) \
141       ) \
142    ) \
143 )
145 /* Macros specifying whether a point is inside, outside or on the
146    boundary of the polygon. */
147 #define UNKNOWN 0
148 #define IN      1
149 #define OUT     2
150 #define ON      3
152 /* Include files. */
153 /* ============== */
154 /* Interface definitions. */
155 /* ---------------------- */
157 #include "globals.h"             /* Thread-safe global data access */
158 #include "error.h"               /* Error reporting facilities */
159 #include "memory.h"              /* Memory allocation facilities */
160 #include "object.h"              /* Base Object class */
161 #include "pointset.h"            /* Sets of points/coordinates */
162 #include "region.h"              /* Coordinate regions (parent class) */
163 #include "channel.h"             /* I/O channels */
164 #include "box.h"                 /* Box Regions */
165 #include "wcsmap.h"              /* Definitons of AST__DPI etc */
166 #include "polygon.h"             /* Interface definition for this class */
167 #include "mapping.h"             /* Position mappings */
168 #include "unitmap.h"             /* Unit Mapping */
169 #include "pal.h"                 /* SLALIB library interface */
170 #include "frame.h"               /* Coordinate system description */
172 /* Error code definitions. */
173 /* ----------------------- */
174 #include "ast_err.h"             /* AST error codes */
176 /* C header files. */
177 /* --------------- */
178 #include <float.h>
179 #include <math.h>
180 #include <stdarg.h>
181 #include <stdlib.h>
182 #include <stddef.h>
183 #include <stdio.h>
184 #include <string.h>
185 #include <limits.h>
187 /* Type definitions. */
188 /* ================= */
190 /* A structure that holds information about an edge of the new Polygon
191    being created by astDownsize. The edge is a line betweeen two of the
192    vertices of the original Polygon. */
193 typedef struct Segment {
194    int i1;        /* Index of starting vertex within old Polygon */
195    int i2;        /* Index of ending vertex within old Polygon */
196    double error;  /* Max geodesic distance from any old vertex to the line */
197    int imax;      /* Index of the old vertex at which max error is reached */
198    struct Segment *next;/* Pointer to next Segment in a double link list */
199    struct Segment *prev;/* Pointer to previous Segment in a double link list */
200 } Segment;
203 /* Module Variables. */
204 /* ================= */
206 /* Address of this static variable is used as a unique identifier for
207    member of this class. */
208 static int class_check;
210 /* Pointers to parent class methods which are extended by this class. */
211 static AstPointSet *(* parent_transform)( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
212 static AstMapping *(* parent_simplify)( AstMapping *, int * );
213 static void (* parent_setregfs)( AstRegion *, AstFrame *, int * );
214 static void (* parent_resetcache)( AstRegion *, int * );
215 static const char *(* parent_getattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
216 static int (* parent_testattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
217 static void (* parent_clearattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
218 static void (* parent_setattrib)( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
221 #ifdef THREAD_SAFE
222 /* Define how to initialise thread-specific globals. */
223 #define GLOBAL_inits \
224    globals->Class_Init = 0; \
225    globals->GetAttrib_Buff[ 0 ] = 0;
227 /* Create the function that initialises global data for this module. */
228 astMAKE_INITGLOBALS(Polygon)
230 /* Define macros for accessing each item of thread specific global data. */
231 #define class_init astGLOBAL(Polygon,Class_Init)
232 #define class_vtab astGLOBAL(Polygon,Class_Vtab)
233 #define getattrib_buff astGLOBAL(Polygon,GetAttrib_Buff)
236 #include <pthread.h>
239 #else
241 static char getattrib_buff[ 51 ];
243 /* Define the class virtual function table and its initialisation flag
244    as static variables. */
245 static AstPolygonVtab class_vtab;   /* Virtual function table */
246 static int class_init = 0;       /* Virtual function table initialised? */
248 #endif
250 /* External Interface Function Prototypes. */
251 /* ======================================= */
252 /* The following functions have public prototypes only (i.e. no
253    protected prototypes), so we must provide local prototypes for use
254    within this module. */
255 AstPolygon *astPolygonId_( void *, int, int, const double *, void *, const char *, ... );
257 /* Prototypes for Private Member Functions. */
258 /* ======================================== */
260 /* Define a macro that expands to a single prototype for function
261    FindInsidePoint for a given data type and operation. */
262 #define FINDINSIDEPOINT_PROTO0(X,Xtype,Oper) \
263 static void FindInsidePoint##Oper##X( Xtype, const Xtype *, const int[2], const int[2], int *, int *, int *, int * );
265 /* Define a macro that expands to a set of prototypes for all operations
266    for function FindInsidePoint for a given data type. */
267 #define FINDINSIDEPOINT_PROTO(X,Xtype) \
275 /* Use the above macros to define all FindInsidePoint prototypes for all
276    data types and operations. */
277 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
279 #endif
282 FINDINSIDEPOINT_PROTO(UL,unsigned long int)
286 FINDINSIDEPOINT_PROTO(US,unsigned short int)
291 /* Define a macro that expands to a single prototype for function
292    TraceEdge for a given data type and operation. */
293 #define TRACEEDGE_PROTO0(X,Xtype,Oper) \
294 static AstPointSet *TraceEdge##Oper##X( Xtype, const Xtype *, const int[2], const int[2], int, int, int, int, int, int * );
296 /* Define a macro that expands to a set of prototypes for all operations
297    for function TraceEdge for a given data type. */
298 #define TRACEEDGE_PROTO(X,Xtype) \
306 /* Use the above macros to define all TraceEdge prototypes for all
307    data types and operations. */
308 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
309 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(LD,long double)
310 #endif
312 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(L,long int)
313 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(UL,unsigned long int)
315 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(UI,unsigned int)
316 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(S,short int)
317 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(US,unsigned short int)
318 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(B,signed char)
319 TRACEEDGE_PROTO(UB,unsigned char)
322 /* Define a macro that expands to a single prototype for function
323    PartHull for a given data type and operation. */
324 #define PARTHULL_PROTO0(X,Xtype,Oper) \
325 static void PartHull##Oper##X( Xtype, const Xtype[], int, int, int, int, int, int, int, const int[2], double **, double **, int *, int * );
327 /* Define a macro that expands to a set of prototypes for all operations
328    for function PartHull for a given data type. */
329 #define PARTHULL_PROTO(X,Xtype) \
337 /* Use the above macros to define all PartHull prototypes for all
338    data types and operations. */
339 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
340 PARTHULL_PROTO(LD,long double)
341 #endif
342 PARTHULL_PROTO(D,double)
343 PARTHULL_PROTO(L,long int)
344 PARTHULL_PROTO(UL,unsigned long int)
346 PARTHULL_PROTO(UI,unsigned int)
347 PARTHULL_PROTO(S,short int)
348 PARTHULL_PROTO(US,unsigned short int)
349 PARTHULL_PROTO(B,signed char)
350 PARTHULL_PROTO(UB,unsigned char)
353 /* Define a macro that expands to a single prototype for function
354    ConvexHull for a given data type and operation. */
355 #define CONVEXHULL_PROTO0(X,Xtype,Oper) \
356 static AstPointSet *ConvexHull##Oper##X( Xtype, const Xtype[], const int[2], int, int, int, int * );
358 /* Define a macro that expands to a set of prototypes for all operations
359    for function ConvexHull for a given data type. */
360 #define CONVEXHULL_PROTO(X,Xtype) \
368 /* Use the above macros to define all ConvexHull prototypes for all
369    data types and operations. */
370 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
371 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(LD,long double)
372 #endif
374 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(L,long int)
375 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(UL,unsigned long int)
377 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(UI,unsigned int)
378 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(S,short int)
379 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(US,unsigned short int)
380 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(B,signed char)
381 CONVEXHULL_PROTO(UB,unsigned char)
384 /* Define a macro that expands to a single prototype for function
385    FindBoxEdge for a given data type and operation. */
386 #define FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO0(X,Xtype,Oper) \
387 static void FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( Xtype, const Xtype[], int, int, int, int, int *, int *, int *, int * );
389 /* Define a macro that expands to a set of prototypes for all operations
390    for function FindBoxEdge for a given data type. */
391 #define FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(X,Xtype) \
399 /* Use the above macros to define all FindBoxEdge prototypes for all
400    data types and operations. */
401 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
402 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(LD,long double)
403 #endif
406 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(UL,unsigned long int)
408 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(UI,unsigned int)
409 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(S,short int)
410 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(US,unsigned short int)
411 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(B,signed char)
412 FINDBOXEDGE_PROTO(UB,unsigned char)
423 /* Non-generic function prototypes. */
424 static AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *, int * );
425 static AstPointSet *DownsizePoly( AstPointSet *, double, int, AstFrame *, int * );
426 static AstPointSet *RegBaseMesh( AstRegion *, int * );
427 static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *, AstPointSet *, int, AstPointSet *, int * );
428 static AstPolygon *Downsize( AstPolygon *, double, int, int * );
429 static Segment *AddToChain( Segment *, Segment *, int * );
430 static Segment *NewSegment( Segment *, int, int, int, int * );
431 static Segment *RemoveFromChain( Segment *, Segment *, int * );
432 static double Polywidth( AstFrame *, AstLineDef **, int, int, double[ 2 ], int * );
433 static int GetBounded( AstRegion *, int * );
434 static int IntCmp( const void *, const void * );
435 static int RegPins( AstRegion *, AstPointSet *, AstRegion *, int **, int * );
436 static int RegTrace( AstRegion *, int, double *, double **, int * );
437 static void Cache( AstPolygon *, int * );
438 static void Copy( const AstObject *, AstObject *, int * );
439 static void Delete( AstObject *, int * );
440 static void Dump( AstObject *, AstChannel *, int * );
441 static void EnsureInside( AstPolygon *, int * );
442 static void FindMax( Segment *, AstFrame *, double *, double *, int, int, int * );
443 static void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *this, double *, double *, int * );
444 static void ResetCache( AstRegion *this, int * );
445 static void SetPointSet( AstPolygon *, AstPointSet *, int * );
446 static void SetRegFS( AstRegion *, AstFrame *, int * );
447 static void SmoothPoly( AstPointSet *, int, double, int * );
449 static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
450 static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
451 static void SetAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
452 static int TestAttrib( AstObject *, const char *, int * );
454 static int GetSimpVertices( AstPolygon *, int * );
455 static int TestSimpVertices( AstPolygon *, int * );
456 static void ClearSimpVertices( AstPolygon *, int * );
457 static void SetSimpVertices( AstPolygon *, int, int * );
460 /* Member functions. */
461 /* ================= */
AddToChain(Segment * head,Segment * seg,int * status)462 static Segment *AddToChain( Segment *head, Segment *seg, int *status ){
463 /*
464 *  Name:
465 *     AddToChain
467 *  Purpose:
468 *     Add a Segment into the linked list of Segments, maintaining the
469 *     required order in the list.
471 *  Type:
472 *     Private function.
474 *  Synopsis:
475 *     #include "polygon.h"
476 *     Segment *AddToChain( Segment *head, Segment *seg, int *status )
478 *  Class Membership:
479 *     Polygon member function
481 *  Description:
482 *     The linked list of Segments maintained by astDownsize is searched
483 *     from the high error end (the head), until a Segment is foound which
484 *     has a lower error than the supplied segment. The supplied Segment
485 *     is then inserted into the list at that point.
487 *  Parameters:
488 *     head
489 *        The Segment structure at the head of the list (i.e. the segment
490 *        with maximum error).
491 *     seg
492 *        The Segment to be added into the list.
493 *     status
494 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
496 *  Returned Value:
497 *     Pointer to the link head (which will have changed if "seg" has a
498 *     higher error than the original head).
500 */
502 /* Local Variables: */
503    Segment *tseg;
505 /* Check the global error status. */
506    if ( !astOK ) return head;
508 /* If the list is empty, return the supplied segment as the new list
509    head. */
510    if( !head ) {
511       head = seg;
513 /* If the supplied segment has a higher error than the original head,
514    insert the new segment in front of the original head. */
515    } else if( seg->error > head->error ){
516       seg->next = head;
517       head->prev = seg;
518       head = seg;
520 /* Otherwise, move down the list from the head until a segment is found
521    which has a lower error than the supplied Segment. Then insert the
522    supplied segment into the list in front of it. */
523    } else {
524       tseg = head;
525       seg->next = NULL;
527       while( tseg->next ) {
528          if( seg->error > tseg->next->error ) {
529             seg->next = tseg->next;
530             seg->prev = tseg;
531             tseg->next->prev = seg;
532             tseg->next = seg;
533             break;
534          }
535          tseg = tseg->next;
536       }
538       if( !seg->next ) {
539          tseg->next = seg;
540          seg->prev = tseg;
541       }
542    }
544 /* Return the new head. */
545    return head;
546 }
Cache(AstPolygon * this,int * status)548 static void Cache( AstPolygon *this, int *status ){
549 /*
550 *  Name:
551 *     Cache
553 *  Purpose:
554 *     Calculate intermediate values and cache them in the Polygon structure.
556 *  Type:
557 *     Private function.
559 *  Synopsis:
560 *     #include "polygon.h"
561 *     void Cache( AstPolygon *this, int *status )
563 *  Class Membership:
564 *     Polygon member function
566 *  Description:
567 *     This function uses the PointSet stored in the parent Region to calculate
568 *     some intermediate values which are useful in other methods. These
569 *     values are stored within the Polygon structure.
571 *  Parameters:
572 *     this
573 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
574 *     status
575 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
577 */
579 /* Local Variables: */
580    AstFrame *frm;       /* Pointer to base Frame in Polygon */
581    double **ptr;        /* Pointer to data in the encapsulated PointSet */
582    double end[ 2 ];     /* Start position for edge */
583    double maxwid;       /* Maximum polygon width found so far */
584    double polcen[ 2 ];  /* Polygon centre perpendicular to current edge */
585    double polwid;       /* Polygon width perpendicular to current edge */
586    double start[ 2 ];   /* Start position for edge */
587    int i;               /* Axis index */
588    int nv;              /* Number of vertices in Polygon */
590 /* Check the global error status. */
591    if ( !astOK ) return;
593 /* Do nothing if the cached information is up to date. */
594    if( this->stale ) {
596 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame. */
597       frm = astGetFrame( ((AstRegion *) this)->frameset, AST__BASE );
599 /* Get the number of vertices. */
600       nv = astGetNpoint( ((AstRegion *) this)->points );
602 /* Get pointers to the coordinate data in the parent Region structure. */
603       ptr = astGetPoints( ((AstRegion *) this)->points );
605 /* Free any existing edge information in the Polygon structure. */
606       if( this->edges ) {
607          for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
608             this->edges[ i ] = astFree( this->edges[ i ] );
609          }
611 /* Allocate memory to store new edge information if necessary. */
612       } else {
613          this->edges = astMalloc( sizeof( AstLineDef *)*(size_t) nv );
614          this->startsat = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nv );
615       }
617 /* Check pointers can be used safely. */
618       if( this->edges ) {
620 /* Create and store a description of each edge. Also form the total
621    distance round the polygon, and the distance from the first vertex
622    at which each edge starts. */
623          this->totlen = 0.0;
624          start[ 0 ] = ptr[ 0 ][ nv - 1 ];
625          start[ 1 ] = ptr[ 1 ][ nv - 1 ];
627          for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
628             end[ 0 ] = ptr[ 0 ][ i ];
629             end[ 1 ] = ptr[ 1 ][ i ];
630             this->edges[ i ] = astLineDef( frm, start, end );
631             start[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
632             start[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
634             this->startsat[ i ] = this->totlen;
635             this->totlen += this->edges[ i ]->length;
636          }
638 /* We now look for a point that is inside the polygon. We want a point
639    that is well within the polygon, since points that are only just inside
640    the polygon can give numerical problems. Loop round each edge with
641    non-zero length. */
642          maxwid = -1.0;
643          for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
644             if( this->edges[ i ]->length > 0.0 ) {
646 /* We define another line perpendicular to the current edge, passing
647    through the mid point of the edge, extending towards the inside of the
648    polygon. The following function returns the distance we can travel
649    along this line before we hit any of the other polygon edges. It also
650    puts the position corresponding to half that distance into "polcen". */
651                polwid = Polywidth( frm, this->edges, i, nv, polcen, status );
653 /* If the width of the polygon perpendicular to the current edge is
654    greater than the width perpdeicular to any other edge, record the
655    width and also store the current polygon centre. */
656                if( polwid > maxwid && polwid != AST__BAD ) {
657                   maxwid = polwid;
658                   (this->in)[ 0 ] = polcen[ 0 ];
659                   (this->in)[ 1 ] = polcen[ 1 ];
660                }
661             }
662          }
664 /* If no width was found it probably means that the polygon vertices were
665    given in clockwise order, resulting in the above process probing the
666    infinite extent outside the polygonal hole. In this case any point
667    outside the hole will do, so we use the current contents of the
668    "polcen" array. Set a flag indicating if the vertices are stored in
669    anti-clockwise order. */
670          if( maxwid < 0.0 ) {
671             (this->in)[ 0 ] = polcen[ 0 ];
672             (this->in)[ 1 ] = polcen[ 1 ];
673             this->acw = 0;
674          } else {
675             this->acw = 1;
676          }
677       }
679 /* Free resources */
680       frm = astAnnul( frm );
682 /* Indicate cached information is up to date. */
683       this->stale = 0;
684    }
685 }
ClearAttrib(AstObject * this_object,const char * attrib,int * status)687 static void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
688 /*
689 *  Name:
690 *     ClearAttrib
692 *  Purpose:
693 *     Clear an attribute value for a Polygon.
695 *  Type:
696 *     Private function.
698 *  Synopsis:
699 *     #include "polygon.h"
700 *     void ClearAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
702 *  Class Membership:
703 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astClearAttrib protected
704 *     method inherited from the Region class).
706 *  Description:
707 *     This function clears the value of a specified attribute for a
708 *     Polygon, so that the default value will subsequently be used.
710 *  Parameters:
711 *     this
712 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
713 *     attrib
714 *        Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the attribute
715 *        name.  This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
716 *        space.
717 *     status
718 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
719 */
721 /* Local Variables: */
722    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to the Polygon structure */
724 /* Check the global error status. */
725    if ( !astOK ) return;
727 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
728    this = (AstPolygon *) this_object;
730 /* Check the attribute name and clear the appropriate attribute. */
732 /* SimpVertices. */
733 /* ------------- */
734    if ( !strcmp( attrib, "simpvertices" ) ) {
735       astClearSimpVertices( this );
737 /* If the attribute is not recognised, pass it on to the parent method
738    for further interpretation. */
739    } else {
740       (*parent_clearattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
741    }
742 }
744 /*
745 *++
746 *  Name:
747 c     astConvex<X>
748 f     AST_CONVEX<X>
750 *  Purpose:
751 *     Create a new Polygon representing the convex hull of a 2D data grid.
753 *  Type:
754 *     Public function.
756 *  Synopsis:
757 c     #include "polygon.h"
758 c     AstPolygon *astConvex<X>( <Xtype> value, int oper, const <Xtype> array[],
759 c                                const int lbnd[2], const int ubnd[2], int starpix )
762 *  Class Membership:
763 *     Polygon method.
765 *  Description:
766 *     This is a set of functions that create the shortest Polygon that
767 *     encloses all pixels with a specified value within a gridded
768 *     2-dimensional data array (e.g. an image).
769 *
770 *     A basic 2-dimensional Frame is used to represent the pixel coordinate
771 *     system in the returned Polygon. The Domain attribute is set to
772 *     "PIXEL", the Title attribute is set to "Pixel coordinates", and the
773 *     Unit attribute for each axis is set to "pixel". All other
774 *     attributes are left unset. The nature of the pixel coordinate system
775 *     is determined by parameter
776 c     "starpix".
777 f     STARPIX.
778 *
779 *     You should use a function which matches the numerical type of the
780 *     data you are processing by replacing <X> in the generic function
781 *     name
782 c     astConvex<X>
783 f     AST_CONVEX<X>
784 c     by an appropriate 1- or 2-character type code. For example, if you
785 *     are procesing data with type
786 c     "float", you should use the function astConvexF
787 f     REAL, you should use the function AST_CONVEXR
788 *     (see the "Data Type Codes" section below for the codes appropriate to
789 *     other numerical types).
791 *  Parameters:
792 c     value
793 f     VALUE = <Xtype> (Given)
794 *        A data value that specifies the pixels to be included within the
795 *        convex hull.
796 c     oper
797 f     OPER = INTEGER (Given)
798 *        Indicates how the
799 c        "value"
800 f        VALUE
801 *        parameter is used to select the required pixels. It can
802 *        have any of the following values:
803 c        - AST__LT: include pixels with value less than "value".
804 c        - AST__LE: include pixels with value less than or equal to "value".
805 c        - AST__EQ: include pixels with value equal to "value".
806 c        - AST__NE: include pixels with value not equal to "value".
807 c        - AST__GE: include pixels with value greater than or equal to "value".
808 c        - AST__GT: include pixels with value greater than "value".
809 f        - AST__LT: include pixels with value less than VALUE.
810 f        - AST__LE: include pixels with value less than or equal to VALUE.
811 f        - AST__EQ: include pixels with value equal to VALUE.
812 f        - AST__NE: include pixels with value not equal to VALUE.
813 f        - AST__GE: include pixels with value greater than or equal to VALUE.
814 f        - AST__GT: include pixels with value greater than VALUE.
815 c     array
816 f     ARRAY( * ) = <Xtype> (Given)
817 c        Pointer to a
818 f        A
819 *        2-dimensional array containing the data to be processed.  The
820 *        numerical type of this array should match the 1- or
821 *        2-character type code appended to the function name (e.g. if
822 c        you are using astConvexF, the type of each array element
823 c        should be "float").
824 f        you are using AST_CONVEXR, the type of each array element
825 f        should be REAL).
826 *
827 *        The storage order of data within this array should be such
828 *        that the index of the first grid dimension varies most
829 *        rapidly and that of the second dimension least rapidly
830 c        (i.e. Fortran array indexing is used).
831 f        (i.e. normal Fortran array storage order).
832 c     lbnd
833 f     LBND( 2 ) = INTEGER (Given)
834 c        Pointer to an array of two integers
835 f        An array
836 *        containing the coordinates of the centre of the first pixel
837 *        in the input grid along each dimension.
838 c     ubnd
839 f     UBND( 2) = INTEGER (Given)
840 c        Pointer to an array of two integers
841 f        An array
842 *        containing the coordinates of the centre of the last pixel in
843 *        the input grid along each dimension.
844 *
845 c        Note that "lbnd" and "ubnd" together define the shape
846 f        Note that LBND and UBND together define the shape
847 *        and size of the input grid, its extent along a particular
848 c        (j'th) dimension being ubnd[j]-lbnd[j]+1 (assuming the
849 c        index "j" to be zero-based). They also define
850 f        (J'th) dimension being UBND(J)-LBND(J)+1. They also define
851 *        the input grid's coordinate system, each pixel having unit
852 *        extent along each dimension with integral coordinate values
853 *        at its centre or upper corner, as selected by parameter
854 c        "starpix".
855 f        STARPIX.
856 c     starpix
857 f     STARPIX = LOGICAL (Given)
858 *        A flag indicating the nature of the pixel coordinate system used
859 *        to describe the vertex positions in the returned Polygon. If
860 c        non-zero,
861 f        .TRUE.,
862 *        the standard Starlink definition of pixel coordinate is used in
863 *        which a pixel with integer index I spans a range of pixel coordinate
864 *        from (I-1) to I (i.e. pixel corners have integral pixel coordinates).
865 c        If zero,
866 f        If .FALSE.,
867 *        the definition of pixel coordinate used by other AST functions
868 c        such as astResample, astMask,
869 f        such as AST_RESAMPLE, AST_MASK,
870 *        etc., is used. In this definition, a pixel with integer index I
871 *        spans a range of pixel coordinate from (I-0.5) to (I+0.5) (i.e.
872 *        pixel centres have integral pixel coordinates).
873 f     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
874 f        The global status.
876 *  Returned Value:
877 c     astConvex<X>()
879 *        A pointer to the required Polygon.
880 c        NULL
881 f        AST__NULL
882 *        is returned without error if the array contains no pixels that
883 *        satisfy the criterion specified by
884 c        "value" and "oper".
885 f        VALUE and OPER.
887 *  Notes:
888 c     - NULL
889 f     - AST__NULL
890 *     will be returned if this function is invoked with the global
891 *     error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
893 *  Data Type Codes:
894 *     To select the appropriate masking function, you should
895 c     replace <X> in the generic function name astConvex<X> with a
896 f     replace <X> in the generic function name AST_CONVEX<X> with a
897 *     1- or 2-character data type code, so as to match the numerical
898 *     type <Xtype> of the data you are processing, as follows:
899 c     - D: double
900 c     - F: float
901 c     - L: long int
902 c     - UL: unsigned long int
903 c     - I: int
904 c     - UI: unsigned int
905 c     - S: short int
906 c     - US: unsigned short int
907 c     - B: byte (signed char)
908 c     - UB: unsigned byte (unsigned char)
910 f     - R: REAL
911 f     - I: INTEGER
912 f     - UI: INTEGER (treated as unsigned)
913 f     - S: INTEGER*2 (short integer)
914 f     - US: INTEGER*2 (short integer, treated as unsigned)
915 f     - B: BYTE (treated as signed)
916 f     - UB: BYTE (treated as unsigned)
917 *
918 c     For example, astConvexD would be used to process "double"
919 c     data, while astConvexS would be used to process "short int"
920 c     data, etc.
921 f     For example, AST_CONVEXD would be used to process DOUBLE
922 f     PRECISION data, while AST_CONVEXS would be used to process
923 f     short integer data (stored in an INTEGER*2 array), etc.
924 f
925 f     For compatibility with other Starlink facilities, the codes W
926 f     and UW are provided as synonyms for S and US respectively (but
927 f     only in the Fortran interface to AST).
929 *--
930 */
931 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
932    type. Note, this function cannot be a virtual function since the
933    argument list does not include a Polygon, and so no virtual function
934    table is available. */
935 #define MAKE_CONVEX(X,Xtype) \
936 AstPolygon *astConvex##X##_( Xtype value, int oper, const Xtype array[], \
937                              const int lbnd[2], const int ubnd[2], \
938                              int starpix, int *status ) { \
939 \
940 /* Local Variables: */ \
941    AstFrame *frm;            /* Frame in which to define the Polygon */ \
942    AstPointSet *candidate;   /* Candidate polygon vertices */ \
943    AstPolygon *result;       /* Result value to return */ \
944    int xdim;                 /* Number of pixels per row */ \
945    int ydim;                 /* Number of rows */ \
946    static double junk[ 6 ] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; /* Junk poly */ \
947 \
948 /* Initialise. */ \
949    result = NULL; \
950 \
951 /* Check the global error status. */ \
952    if ( !astOK ) return result; \
953 \
954 /* Get the array dimensions. */ \
955    xdim = ubnd[ 0 ] - lbnd[ 0 ] + 1; \
956    ydim = ubnd[ 1 ] - lbnd[ 1 ] + 1; \
957 \
958 /* Get the basic concvex hull. */ \
959    if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
960       candidate = ConvexHullLT##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
961 \
962    } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
963       candidate = ConvexHullLE##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
964 \
965    } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
966       candidate = ConvexHullEQ##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
967 \
968    } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
969       candidate = ConvexHullNE##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
970 \
971    } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
972       candidate = ConvexHullGE##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
973 \
974    } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
975       candidate = ConvexHullGT##X( value, array, lbnd, starpix, xdim, ydim, status ); \
976 \
977    } else if( astOK ){ \
978       astError( AST__OPRIN, "astConvex"#X": Invalid operation code " \
979                 "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
980    } \
981 \
982 /* Check some good selected values were found. */ \
983    if( candidate ) { \
984 \
985 /* Create a default Polygon with 3 junk vertices. */ \
986       frm = astFrame( 2, "Domain=PIXEL,Unit(1)=pixel,Unit(2)=pixel," \
987                       "Title=Pixel coordinates", status ); \
988       result = astPolygon( frm, 3, 3, junk, NULL, " ", status ); \
989 \
990 /* Change the PointSet within the Polygon to the one created above. */ \
991       SetPointSet( result, candidate, status ); \
992 \
993 /* Free resources. */ \
994       frm = astAnnul( frm ); \
995       candidate = astAnnul( candidate ); \
996    } \
997 \
998 /* If an error occurred, clear the returned result. */ \
999    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result ); \
1000 \
1001 /* Return the result. */ \
1002    return result; \
1003 }
1006 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
1007    data type. */
1008 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
MAKE_CONVEX(LD,long double)1009 MAKE_CONVEX(LD,long double)
1010 #endif
1011 MAKE_CONVEX(D,double)
1012 MAKE_CONVEX(L,long int)
1013 MAKE_CONVEX(UL,unsigned long int)
1014 MAKE_CONVEX(I,int)
1015 MAKE_CONVEX(UI,unsigned int)
1016 MAKE_CONVEX(S,short int)
1017 MAKE_CONVEX(US,unsigned short int)
1018 MAKE_CONVEX(B,signed char)
1019 MAKE_CONVEX(UB,unsigned char)
1020 MAKE_CONVEX(F,float)
1022 /* Undefine the macros. */
1023 #undef MAKE_CONVEX
1025 /*
1026 *  Name:
1027 *     ConvexHull
1029 *  Purpose:
1030 *     Find the convex hull enclosing selected pixels in a 2D array.
1032 *  Type:
1033 *     Private function.
1035 *  Synopsis:
1036 *     #include "polygon.h"
1037 *     AstPointSet *ConvexHull<Oper><X>( <Xtype> value, const <Xtype> array[],
1038 *                                       const int lbnd[2], int starpix,
1039 *                                       int xdim, int ydim, int *status )
1041 *  Class Membership:
1042 *     Polygon member function
1044 *  Description:
1045 *     This function uses an algorithm similar to "Andrew's Monotone Chain
1046 *     Algorithm" to create a list of vertices describing the convex hull
1047 *     enclosing the selected pixels in the supplied array. The vertices
1048 *     are returned in a PointSet.
1050 *  Parameters:
1051 *     value
1052 *        A data value that specifies the pixels to be selected.
1053 *     array
1054 *        Pointer to a 2-dimensional array containing the data to be
1055 *        processed. The numerical type of this array should match the 1-
1056 *        or 2-character type code appended to the function name.
1057 *     lbnd
1058 *        The lower pixel index bounds of the array.
1059 *     starpix
1060 *        If non-zero, the usual Starlink definition of pixel coordinate
1061 *        is used (integral values at pixel corners). Otherwise, the
1062 *        system used by other AST functions such as astResample is used
1063 *        (integral values at pixel centres).
1064 *     xdim
1065 *        The number of pixels along each row of the array.
1066 *     ydim
1067 *        The number of rows in the array.
1068 *     status
1069 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1071 *  Returned Value:
1072 *     A PointSet holding the vertices of the convex hull, or NULL if an
1073 *     error occurs.
1075 *  Notes:
1076 *     - The following code has been designed with a view to it being
1077 *     multi-threaded at some point.
1079 */
1081 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
1082    type and operation. */
1083 #define MAKE_CONVEXHULL(X,Xtype,Oper,OperI) \
1084 static AstPointSet *ConvexHull##Oper##X( Xtype value, const Xtype array[], \
1085                                          const int lbnd[2], int starpix, \
1086                                          int xdim, int ydim, int *status ) { \
1087 \
1088 /* Local Variables: */ \
1089    AstPointSet *result; \
1090    double **ptr; \
1091    double *xv1; \
1092    double *xv2; \
1093    double *xv3; \
1094    double *xv4; \
1095    double *xvert; \
1096    double *yv1; \
1097    double *yv2; \
1098    double *yv3; \
1099    double *yv4; \
1100    double *yvert; \
1101    int nv1; \
1102    int nv2; \
1103    int nv3; \
1104    int nv4; \
1105    int nv; \
1106    int xhi; \
1107    int xhiymax; \
1108    int xhiymin; \
1109    int xlo; \
1110    int xloymax; \
1111    int xloymin; \
1112    int yhi; \
1113    int yhixmax; \
1114    int yhixmin; \
1115    int ylo; \
1116    int yloxmax; \
1117    int yloxmin; \
1118 \
1119 /* Initialise */ \
1120    result = NULL; \
1121 \
1122 /* Check the global error status. */ \
1123    if ( !astOK ) return result; \
1124 \
1125 /* Find the lowest Y value at any selected pixel, and find the max and \
1126    min X value of the selected pixels at that lowest Y value. */ \
1127    FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, 1, 1, &ylo, &yloxmax,  \
1128                          &yloxmin, status ); \
1129 \
1130 /* Skip if there are no selected values in the array. */ \
1131    if( ylo > 0 ) { \
1132 \
1133 /* Find the highest Y value at any selected pixel, and find the max and \
1134    min X value of the selected pixels at that highest Y value. */ \
1135       FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, 1, 0, &yhi, &yhixmax,  \
1136                             &yhixmin, status ); \
1137 \
1138 /* Find the lowest X value at any selected pixel, and find the max and \
1139    min Y value of the selected pixels at that lowest X value. */ \
1140       FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, 0, 1, &xlo, &xloymax,  \
1141                             &xloymin, status ); \
1142 \
1143 /* Find the highest X value at any selected pixel, and find the max and \
1144    min Y value of the selected pixels at that highest X value. */ \
1145       FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, 0, 0, &xhi, &xhiymax,  \
1146                             &xhiymin, status ); \
1147 \
1148 /* Create a list of vertices for the bottom right corner of the bounding \
1149    box of the selected pixels. */ \
1150       PartHull##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, yloxmax, ylo, xhi, xhiymin, \
1151                          starpix, lbnd, &xv1, &yv1, &nv1, status ); \
1152 \
1153 /* Create a list of vertices for the top right corner of the bounding \
1154    box of the selected pixels. */ \
1155       PartHull##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, xhi, xhiymax, yhixmax, yhi, \
1156                          starpix, lbnd, &xv2, &yv2, &nv2, status ); \
1157 \
1158 /* Create a list of vertices for the top left corner of the bounding \
1159    box of the selected pixels. */ \
1160       PartHull##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, yhixmin, yhi, xlo, xloymax, \
1161                          starpix, lbnd, &xv3, &yv3, &nv3, status ); \
1162 \
1163 /* Create a list of vertices for the bottom left corner of the bounding \
1164    box of the selected pixels. */ \
1165       PartHull##Oper##X( value, array, xdim, ydim, xlo, xloymin, yloxmin, ylo, \
1166                          starpix, lbnd, &xv4, &yv4, &nv4, status ); \
1167 \
1168 /* Concatenate the four vertex lists and store them in the returned \
1169    PointSet. */ \
1170       nv =  nv1 + nv2 + nv3 + nv4; \
1171       result = astPointSet( nv, 2, " ", status ); \
1172       ptr = astGetPoints( result ); \
1173       if( astOK ) { \
1174          xvert = ptr[ 0 ]; \
1175          yvert = ptr[ 1 ]; \
1176 \
1177          memcpy( xvert, xv1, nv1*sizeof( double ) ); \
1178          memcpy( yvert, yv1, nv1*sizeof( double ) ); \
1179          xvert += nv1; \
1180          yvert += nv1; \
1181 \
1182          memcpy( xvert, xv2, nv2*sizeof( double ) ); \
1183          memcpy( yvert, yv2, nv2*sizeof( double ) ); \
1184          xvert += nv2; \
1185          yvert += nv2; \
1186 \
1187          memcpy( xvert, xv3, nv3*sizeof( double ) ); \
1188          memcpy( yvert, yv3, nv3*sizeof( double ) ); \
1189          xvert += nv3; \
1190          yvert += nv3; \
1191 \
1192          memcpy( xvert, xv4, nv4*sizeof( double ) ); \
1193          memcpy( yvert, yv4, nv4*sizeof( double ) ); \
1194       } \
1195 \
1196 /* Free resources. */ \
1197       xv1 = astFree( xv1 ); \
1198       xv2 = astFree( xv2 ); \
1199       xv3 = astFree( xv3 ); \
1200       xv4 = astFree( xv4 ); \
1201       yv1 = astFree( yv1 ); \
1202       yv2 = astFree( yv2 ); \
1203       yv3 = astFree( yv3 ); \
1204       yv4 = astFree( yv4 ); \
1205    } \
1206 \
1207 /* Free the returned PointSet if an error occurred. */ \
1208    if( result && !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result ); \
1209 \
1210 /* Return the result. */ \
1211    return result; \
1212 }
1214 /* Define a macro that uses the above macro to to create implementations
1215    of ConvexHull for all operations. */
1216 #define MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(X,Xtype) \
1224 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
1225    data type and operation. */
1226 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
1227 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(LD,long double)
1228 #endif
1231 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(UL,unsigned long int)
1233 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(UI,unsigned int)
1234 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(S,short int)
1235 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(US,unsigned short int)
1236 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(B,signed char)
1237 MAKEALL_CONVEXHULL(UB,unsigned char)
1240 /* Undefine the macros. */
1244 static AstPolygon *Downsize( AstPolygon *this, double maxerr, int maxvert,
1245                              int *status ) {
1246 /*
1247 *++
1248 *  Name:
1249 c     astDownsize
1250 f     AST_DOWNSIZE
1252 *  Purpose:
1253 *     Reduce the number of vertices in a Polygon.
1255 *  Type:
1256 *     Public virtual function.
1258 *  Synopsis:
1259 c     #include "polygon.h"
1260 c     AstPolygon *astDownsize( AstPolygon *this, double maxerr, int maxvert )
1263 *  Class Membership:
1264 *     Polygon method.
1266 *  Description:
1267 *     This function returns a pointer to a new Polygon that contains a
1268 *     subset of the vertices in the supplied Polygon. The subset is
1269 *     chosen so that the returned Polygon is a good approximation to
1270 *     the supplied Polygon, within the limits specified by the supplied
1271 *     parameter values. That is, the density of points in the returned
1272 *     Polygon is greater at points where the curvature of the boundary of
1273 *     the supplied Polygon is greater.
1275 *  Parameters:
1276 c     this
1277 f     THIS = INTEGER (Given)
1278 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
1279 c     maxerr
1280 f     MAXERR = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given)
1281 *        The maximum allowed discrepancy between the supplied and
1282 *        returned Polygons, expressed as a geodesic distance within the
1283 *        Polygon's coordinate frame. If this is zero or less, the
1284 *        returned Polygon will have the number of vertices specified by
1285 c        maxvert.
1286 f        MAXVERT.
1287 c     maxvert
1288 f     MAXVERT = INTEGER (Given)
1289 *        The maximum allowed number of vertices in the returned Polygon.
1290 *        If this is less than 3, the number of vertices in the returned
1291 *        Polygon will be the minimum needed to achieve the maximum
1292 *        discrepancy specified by
1293 c        maxerr.
1294 f        MAXERR.
1295 f     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
1296 f        The global status.
1298 *  Returned Value:
1299 c     astDownsize()
1301 *        Pointer to the new Polygon.
1303 *  Notes:
1304 *     - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
1305 c     function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
1306 f     function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
1307 *     should fail for any reason.
1308 *--
1309 */
1311 /* Local Variables: */
1312    AstFrame *frm;         /* Base Frame from the Polygon */
1313    AstPointSet *pset;     /* PointSet holding vertices of downsized polygon */
1314    AstPolygon *result;    /* Returned pointer to new Polygon */
1316 /* Initialise. */
1317    result = NULL;
1319 /* Check the global error status. */
1320    if ( !astOK ) return result;
1322 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame of the Polygon. */
1323    frm = astGetFrame( ((AstRegion *) this)->frameset, AST__BASE );
1325 /* Create a PointSet holding the vertices of the downsized polygon. */
1326    pset = DownsizePoly( ((AstRegion *) this)->points, maxerr, maxvert,
1327                         frm, status );
1329 /* Take a deep copy of the supplied Polygon. */
1330    result = astCopy( this );
1332 /* Change the PointSet within the result Polygon to the one created above. */ \
1333    SetPointSet( result, pset, status ); \
1335 /* Free resources. */
1336    frm = astAnnul( frm );
1337    pset = astAnnul( pset );
1339 /* If an error occurred, annul the returned Polygon. */
1340    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
1342 /* Return the result. */
1343    return result;
1344 }
DownsizePoly(AstPointSet * pset,double maxerr,int maxvert,AstFrame * frm,int * status)1346 static AstPointSet *DownsizePoly( AstPointSet *pset, double maxerr,
1347                                   int maxvert, AstFrame *frm, int *status ) {
1348 /*
1349 *  Name:
1350 *     DownsizePoly
1352 *  Purpose:
1353 *     Reduce the number of vertices in a Polygon.
1355 *  Type:
1356 *     Private function.
1358 *  Synopsis:
1359 *    #include "polygon.h"
1360 *    AstPointSet *DownsizePoly( AstPointSet *pset, double maxerr, int maxvert,
1361 *                               AstFrame *frm, int *status )
1363 *  Class Membership:
1364 *     Polygon member function.
1366 *  Description:
1367 *     This function returns a pointer to a new PointSet that contains a
1368 *     subset of the vertices in the supplied PointSet. The subset is
1369 *     chosen so that the returned polygon is a good approximation to
1370 *     the supplied polygon, within the limits specified by the supplied
1371 *     parameter values. That is, the density of points in the returned
1372 *     polygon is greater at points where the curvature of the boundary of
1373 *     the supplied polygon is greater.
1375 *  Parameters:
1376 *     pset
1377 *        Pointer to the PointSet holding the polygon vertices.
1378 *     maxerr
1379 *        The maximum allowed discrepancy between the supplied and
1380 *        returned Polygons, expressed as a geodesic distance within the
1381 *        Polygon's coordinate frame. If this is zero or less, the
1382 *        returned Polygon will have the number of vertices specified by
1383 *        maxvert.
1384 *     maxvert
1385 *        The maximum allowed number of vertices in the returned Polygon.
1386 *        If this is less than 3, the number of vertices in the returned
1387 *        Polygon will be the minimum needed to achieve the maximum
1388 *        discrepancy specified by
1389 *        maxerr.
1390 *     frm
1391 *        Pointer to the Frame in which the polygon is defined.
1392 *     status
1393 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1395 *  Returned Value:
1396 *        Pointer to the new PointSet.
1398 *  Notes:
1399 *     - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
1400 *     function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
1401 *     should fail for any reason.
1402 */
1404 /* Local Variables: */
1405    AstPointSet *result;   /* Returned pointer to new PointSet */
1406    Segment *head;         /* Pointer to new polygon edge with highest error */
1407    Segment *seg1;         /* Pointer to new polygon edge */
1408    Segment *seg2;         /* Pointer to new polygon edge */
1409    Segment *seg3;         /* Pointer to new polygon edge */
1410    double **ptr;          /* Pointer to arrays of axis values */
1411    double *x;             /* Pointer to array of X values for old Polygon */
1412    double *xnew;          /* Pointer to array of X values for new Polygon */
1413    double *y;             /* Pointer to array of Y values for old Polygon */
1414    double *ynew;          /* Pointer to array of Y values for new Polygon */
1415    double x1;             /* Lowest X value at any vertex */
1416    double x2;             /* Highest X value at any vertex */
1417    double y1;             /* Lowest Y value at any vertex */
1418    double y2;             /* Highest Y value at any vertex */
1419    int *newpoly;          /* Holds indices of retained input vertices */
1420    int i1;                /* Index of first vertex added to output polygon */
1421    int i1x;               /* Index of vertex with lowest X */
1422    int i1y;               /* Index of vertex with lowest Y */
1423    int i2;                /* Index of second vertex added to output polygon */
1424    int i2x;               /* Index of vertex with highest X */
1425    int i2y;               /* Index of vertex with highest Y */
1426    int i3;                /* Index of third vertex added to output polygon */
1427    int iadd;              /* Normalised vertex index */
1428    int iat;               /* Index at which to store new vertex index */
1429    int newlen;            /* Number of vertices currently in new Polygon */
1430    int nv;                /* Number of vertices in old Polygon */
1432 /* Initialise. */
1433    result = NULL;
1435 /* Check the global error status. */
1436    if ( !astOK ) return result;
1438 /* Get the number of vertices in the supplied polygon. */
1439    nv = astGetNpoint( pset );
1441 /* If the maximum error allowed is zero, and the maximum number of
1442    vertices is equal to or greater than the number in the supplied
1443    polygon, just return a deep copy of the supplied PointSet. */
1444    if( maxerr <= 0.0 && ( maxvert < 3 || maxvert >= nv ) ) {
1445       result = astCopy( pset );
1447 /* Otherwise... */
1448    } else {
1450 /* Get pointers to the X and Y arrays holding the vertex coordinates in
1451    the supplied polygon. */
1452       ptr = astGetPoints( pset );
1453       x = ptr[ 0 ];
1454       y = ptr[ 1 ];
1456 /* Allocate memory for an array to hold the original indices of the vertices
1457    to be used to create the returned Polygon. This array is expanded as
1458    needed. */
1459       newpoly = astMalloc( 10*sizeof( int ) );
1461 /* Check the pointers can be used safely. */
1462       if( astOK ) {
1464 /* We first need to decide on three widely spaced vertices which form a
1465    reasonable triangular approximation to the whole polygon. First find
1466    the vertices with the highest and lowest Y values, and the highest and
1467    lowest X values. */
1468          x1 = DBL_MAX;
1469          x2 = -DBL_MAX;
1470          y1 = DBL_MAX;
1471          y2 = -DBL_MAX;
1473          i1y = i1x = 0;
1474          i2y = i2x = nv/2;
1476          for( i3 = 0; i3 < nv; i3++ ) {
1477             if( y[ i3 ] < y1 ) {
1478                y1 = y[ i3 ];
1479                i1y = i3;
1480             } else if( y[ i3 ] > y2 ) {
1481                y2 = y[ i3 ];
1482                i2y = i3;
1483             }
1485             if( x[ i3 ] < x1 ) {
1486                x1 = x[ i3 ];
1487                i1x = i3;
1488             } else if( x[ i3 ] > x2 ) {
1489                x2 = x[ i3 ];
1490                i2x = i3;
1491             }
1492          }
1494 /* Use the axis which spans the greater range. */
1495          if( y2 - y1 > x2 - x1 ) {
1496             i1 = i1y;
1497             i2 = i2y;
1498          } else {
1499             i1 = i1x;
1500             i2 = i2x;
1501          }
1503 /* The index with vertex i1 is definitely going to be one of our three
1504    vertices. We are going to use the line from i1 to i2 to choose the two
1505    other vertices to use. Create a structure describing the segment of the
1506    Polygon from the lowest value on the selected axis (X or Y) to the
1507    highest value. As always, the polygons is traversed in an anti-clockwise
1508    direction. */
1509          seg1 = NewSegment( NULL, i1, i2, nv, status );
1511 /* Find the vertex within this segment which is furthest away from the
1512    line on the right hand side (as moving from vertex i1 to vertex i2). */
1513          FindMax( seg1, frm, x, y, nv, 0, status );
1515 /* Likewise, create a structure describing the remained of the Polygon
1516    (i.e. the segment from the highest value on the selected axis to the
1517    lowest value). Then find the vertex within this segment which is
1518    furthest away from the line on the right hand side. */
1519          seg2 = NewSegment( NULL, i2, i1, nv, status );
1520          FindMax( seg2, frm, x, y, nv, 0, status );
1522 /* Select the segment for which the found vertex is furthest from the
1523    line. */
1524          if( seg2->error > seg1->error ) {
1526 /* If the second segment, we will use the vertex that is farthest from
1527    the line as one of our threee vertices. To ensure that movement from
1528    vertex i1 to i2 to i3 is anti-clockwise, we must use this new vertex
1529    as vertex i3, not i2. */
1530             i3 = seg2->imax;
1532 /* Create a description of the polygon segment from vertex i1 to i3, and
1533    find the vertex which is furthest to the right of the line joining the
1534    two vertices. We use this as the middle vertex (i2). */
1535             seg1 = NewSegment( seg1, i1, i3, nv, status );
1536             FindMax( seg1, frm, x, y, nv, 0, status );
1537             i2 = seg1->imax;
1539 /* Do the same if we are choosing the other segment, ordering the
1540    vertices to retain anti-clockwise movement from i1 to i2 to i3. */
1541          } else {
1542             i2 = seg1->imax;
1543             seg1 = NewSegment( seg1, i2, i1, nv, status );
1544             FindMax( seg1, frm, x, y, nv, 0, status );
1545             i3 = seg1->imax;
1546          }
1548 /* Ensure the vertex indices are in the first cycle. */
1549          if( i2 >= nv ) i2 -= nv;
1550          if( i3 >= nv ) i3 -= nv;
1552 /* Create Segment structures to describe each of these three edges. */
1553          seg1 = NewSegment( seg1, i1, i2, nv, status );
1554          seg2 = NewSegment( seg2, i2, i3, nv, status );
1555          seg3 = NewSegment( NULL, i3, i1, nv, status );
1557 /* Record these 3 vertices in an array holding the original indices of
1558    the vertices to be used to create the returned Polygon. */
1559          newpoly[ 0 ] = i1;
1560          newpoly[ 1 ] = i2;
1561          newpoly[ 2 ] = i3;
1563 /* Indicate the new polygon currently has 3 vertices. */
1564          newlen = 3;
1566 /* Search the old vertices between the start and end of segment 3, looking
1567    for the vertex which lies furthest from the line of segment 3. The
1568    residual between this point and the line is stored in the Segment
1569    structure, as is the index of the vertex at which this maximum residual
1570    occurred. */
1571          FindMax( seg3, frm, x, y, nv, 1, status );
1573 /* The "head" variable points to the head of a double linked list of
1574    Segment structures. This list is ordered by residual, so that the
1575    Segment with the maximum residual is at the head, and the Segment
1576    with the minimum residual is at the tail. Initially "seg3" is at the
1577    head. */
1578          head = seg3;
1580 /* Search the old vertices between the start and end of segment 1, looking
1581    for the vertex which lies furthest from the line of segment 1. The
1582    residual between this point and the line is stored in the Segment
1583    structure, as is the index of the vertex at which this maximum residual
1584    occurred. */
1585          FindMax( seg1, frm, x, y, nv, 1, status );
1587 /* Insert segment 1 into the linked list of Segments, at a position that
1588    maintains the ordering of the segments by error. Thus the head of the
1589    list will still have the max error. */
1590          head = AddToChain( head, seg1, status );
1592 /* Do the same for segment 2. */
1593          FindMax( seg2, frm, x, y, nv, 1, status );
1594          head = AddToChain( head, seg2, status );
1596 /* If the maximum allowed number of vertices in the output Polygon is
1597    less than 3, allow any number of vertices up to the number in the
1598    input Polygon (termination will then be determined just by "maxerr"). */
1599          if( maxvert < 3 ) maxvert = nv;
1601 /* Loop round adding an extra vertex to the returned Polygon until the
1602    maximum residual between the new and old polygons is no more than
1603    "maxerr". Abort early if the specified maximum number of vertices is
1604    reached. */
1605          while( head->error > maxerr && newlen < maxvert ) {
1607 /* The segment at the head of the list has the max error (that is, it is
1608    the segment that departs most from the supplied Polygon). To make the
1609    new polygon a better fit to the old polygon, we add the vertex that is
1610    furthest away from this segment to the new polygon. Remember that a
1611    polygon is cyclic so if the vertex has an index that is greater than the
1612    number of vertices in the old polygon, reduce the index by the number
1613    of vertices in the old polygon. */
1614             iadd = head->imax;
1615             if( iadd >= nv ) iadd -= nv;
1616             iat = newlen++;
1617             newpoly = astGrow( newpoly, newlen, sizeof( int ) );
1618             if( !astOK ) break;
1619             newpoly[ iat ] = iadd;
1621 /* We now split the segment that had the highest error into two segments.
1622    The split occurs at the vertex that had the highest error. */
1623             seg1 = NewSegment( NULL, head->imax, head->i2, nv, status );
1624             seg2 = head;
1625             seg2->i2 = head->imax;
1627 /* We do not know where these two new segments should be in the ordered
1628    linked list, so remove them from the list. */
1629             head = RemoveFromChain( head, seg1, status );
1630             head = RemoveFromChain( head, seg2, status );
1632 /* Find the vertex that deviates most from the first of these two new
1633    segments, and then add the segment into the list of vertices, using
1634    the maximum deviation to determine the position of the segment within
1635    the list. */
1636             FindMax( seg1, frm, x, y, nv, 1, status );
1637             head = AddToChain( head, seg1, status );
1639 /* Do the same for the second new segment. */
1640             FindMax( seg2, frm, x, y, nv, 1, status );
1641             head = AddToChain( head, seg2, status );
1642          }
1644 /* Now we have reached the required accuracy, free resources. */
1645          while( head ) {
1646             seg1 = head;
1647             head = head->next;
1648             seg1 = astFree( seg1 );
1649          }
1651 /* If no vertices have been left out, return a deep copy of the supplied
1652    PointSet. */
1653          if( newlen == nv ) {
1654             result = astCopy( pset );
1656 /* Otherwise, sort the indices of the vertices to be retained so that they
1657    are in the same order as they were in the supplied Polygon. */
1658          } else if( astOK ){
1659             qsort( newpoly, newlen, sizeof( int ), IntCmp );
1661 /* Create a new PointSet and get pointers to its axis values. */
1662             result = astPointSet( newlen, 2, " ", status );
1663             ptr = astGetPoints( result );
1664             xnew = ptr[ 0 ];
1665             ynew = ptr[ 1 ];
1667 /* Copy the axis values for the retained vertices from the old to the new
1668    PointSet. */
1669             if( astOK ) {
1670                for( iat = 0; iat < newlen; iat++ ) {
1671                   *(xnew++) = x[ newpoly[ iat ] ];
1672                   *(ynew++) = y[ newpoly[ iat ] ];
1673                }
1674             }
1675          }
1676       }
1678 /* Free resources. */
1679       newpoly = astFree( newpoly );
1680    }
1682 /* If an error occurred, annul the returned PointSet. */
1683    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
1685 /* Return the result. */
1686    return result;
1687 }
EnsureInside(AstPolygon * this,int * status)1689 static void EnsureInside( AstPolygon *this, int *status ){
1690 /*
1691 *  Name:
1692 *     EnsureInside
1694 *  Purpose:
1695 *     Ensure the unnegated Polygon represents the inside of the polygon.
1697 *  Type:
1698 *     Private function.
1700 *  Synopsis:
1701 *     #include "polygon.h"
1702 *     void EnsureInside( AstPolygon *this, int *status )
1704 *  Class Membership:
1705 *     Polygon member function
1707 *  Description:
1708 *     Reversing the order of the vertices of a Polygon is like negating
1709 *     the Polygon. But the parent Region class assumes that an unnegated
1710 *     region bounded by closed curves (e.g. boxes, circles, ellipses, etc)
1711 *     is bounded. So we need to have a way to ensure that a Polygon also
1712 *     follows this convention. So this function reverses the order of the
1713 *     vertices in the Polygon, if necessary, to ensure that the unnegated
1714 *     Polygon is bounded.
1716 *  Parameters:
1717 *     this
1718 *        The Polygon.
1719 *     status
1720 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1722 */
1724 /* Local Variables: */
1725    AstRegion *this_region;
1726    double **ptr;
1727    double *p;
1728    double *q;
1729    double tmp;
1730    int bounded;
1731    int i;
1732    int j;
1733    int jmid;
1734    int negated;
1735    int np;
1737 /* Check the global error status. */
1738    if ( !astOK ) return;
1740 /* Is the unnegated Polygon unbounded? If so, we need to reverse the
1741    vertices. */
1742    bounded = astGetBounded( this );
1743    negated = astGetNegated( this );
1744    if( ( bounded && negated ) || ( !bounded && !negated ) ) {
1745       this_region = (AstRegion *) this;
1747 /* Get a pointer to the arrays holding the coordinates at the Polygon
1748    vertices. */
1749       ptr = astGetPoints( this_region->points );
1751 /* Get the number of vertices. */
1752       np = astGetNpoint( this_region->points );
1754 /* Store the index of the last vertex to swap. For odd "np" the central
1755    vertex does not need to be swapped. */
1756       jmid = np/2;
1758 /* Loop round the two axes spanned by the Polygon. */
1759       for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) {
1761 /* Get pointers to the first pair of axis values to be swapped - i.e. the
1762    first and last axis values. */
1763          p = ptr[ i ];
1764          q = p + np - 1;
1766 /* Loop round all pairs of axis values. */
1767          for( j = 0; j < jmid; j++ ) {
1769 /* Swap the pair. */
1770             tmp = *p;
1771             *(p++) = *q;
1772             *(q--) = tmp;
1773          }
1774       }
1776 /* Invert the value of the "Negated" attribute to cancel out the effect
1777    of the above vertex reversal. */
1778       astNegate( this );
1780 /* Indicate the cached information in the Polygon structure is stale. */
1781       this->stale = 1;
1782    }
1783 }
1785 /*
1786 *  Name:
1787 *     FindBoxEdge
1789 *  Purpose:
1790 *     Find an edge of the bounding box containing the selected pixels.
1792 *  Type:
1793 *     Private function.
1795 *  Synopsis:
1796 *     #include "polygon.h"
1797 *     void FindBoxEdge<Oper><X>( <Xtype> value, const <Xtype> array[],
1798 *                                int xdim, int ydim, int axis, int low,
1799 *                                int *val, int *valmax, int *valmin,
1800 *                                int *status )
1802 *  Class Membership:
1803 *     Polygon member function
1805 *  Description:
1806 *     This function search for an edge of the bounding box containing the
1807 *     selected pixels in the supplied array.
1809 *  Parameters:
1810 *     value
1811 *        A data value that specifies the pixels to be selected.
1812 *     array
1813 *        Pointer to a 2-dimensional array containing the data to be
1814 *        processed. The numerical type of this array should match the 1-
1815 *        or 2-character type code appended to the function name.
1816 *     xdim
1817 *        The number of pixels along each row of the array.
1818 *     ydim
1819 *        The number of rows in the array.
1820 *     axis
1821 *        The index (0 or 1) of the pixel axis perpendicular to the edge of the
1822 *        bounding box being found.
1823 *     low
1824 *        If non-zero, the lower edge of the bounding box on the axis
1825 *        specified by "axis" is found and returned. Otherwise, the higher
1826 *        edge of the bounding box on the axis specified by "axis" is
1827 *        found and returned.
1828 *     val
1829 *        Address of an int in which to return the value on axis "axis" of
1830 *        the higher or lower (as specified by "low") edge of the bounding
1831 *        box.
1832 *     valmax
1833 *        Address of an int in which to return the highest value on axis
1834 *        "1-axis" of the selected pixels on the returned edge.
1835 *     valmin
1836 *        Address of an int in which to return the lowest value on axis
1837 *        "1-axis" of the selected pixels on the returned edge.
1838 *     status
1839 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
1841 *  Notes;
1842 *     - Zero is returned for "*val" if no good  values are found, or if
1843 *     an error occurs.
1845 */
1847 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
1848    type and operation. */
1849 #define MAKE_FINDBOXEDGE(X,Xtype,Oper,OperI) \
1850 static void FindBoxEdge##Oper##X( Xtype value, const Xtype array[], int xdim, \
1851                                   int ydim, int axis, int low, int *val, \
1852                                   int *valmax, int *valmin, int *status ) { \
1853 \
1854 /* Local Variables: */ \
1855    int astep; \
1856    int bstep; \
1857    int a0; \
1858    int a1; \
1859    int b0; \
1860    int b1; \
1861    int inc; \
1862    int a; \
1863    int b; \
1864    const Xtype *pc; \
1865 \
1866 /* Initialise. */ \
1867    *val = 0; \
1868    *valmin = 0; \
1869    *valmax = 0; \
1870 \
1871 /* Check the global error status. */ \
1872    if ( !astOK ) return; \
1873 \
1874 /* If we are finding an edge that is parallel to the X axis... */ \
1875    if(  axis ) { \
1876 \
1877 /* Get the vector step between adjacent pixels on the selected axis, and \
1878    on the other axis. */ \
1879       astep = xdim; \
1880       bstep = 1; \
1881 \
1882 /* Get the first and last value to check on the selected axis, and the  \
1883    increment between checks. */ \
1884       if( low ) { \
1885          a0 = 1; \
1886          a1 = ydim; \
1887          inc = 1; \
1888       } else { \
1889          a0 = ydim; \
1890          a1 = 1; \
1891          inc = -1; \
1892       } \
1893 \
1894 /* The first and last value to check on the other axis. */ \
1895       b0 = 1; \
1896       b1 = xdim; \
1897 \
1898 /* Do the same if we are finding an edge that is parallel to the Y axis. */ \
1899    } else {  \
1900       astep = 1; \
1901       bstep = xdim; \
1902 \
1903       if( low ) { \
1904          a0 = 1; \
1905          a1 = xdim; \
1906          inc = 1; \
1907       } else { \
1908          a0 = xdim; \
1909          a1 = 1; \
1910          inc = -1; \
1911       } \
1912 \
1913       b0 = 1; \
1914       b1 = ydim; \
1915    }  \
1916 \
1917 /* Loop round the axis values. */ \
1918    a = a0; \
1919    while( 1 ) { \
1920 \
1921 /* Get a pointer to the first value to be checked at this axis value. */ \
1922       pc = array + (a - 1)*astep + (b0 - 1)*bstep; \
1923 \
1924 /* Scan the other axis to find the first and last selected pixel. */ \
1925       for( b = b0; b <= b1; b++ ) { \
1926          if( ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) {  \
1927             if( *valmin == 0 ) *valmin = b; \
1928             *valmax = b; \
1929          } \
1930          pc += bstep; \
1931       } \
1932 \
1933 /* If any selected pixels were found, store the axis value and exit. */ \
1934       if( *valmax ) { \
1935          *val = a; \
1936          break; \
1937       } \
1938 \
1939 /* Move on to the next axis value. */ \
1940       if( a != a1 ) { \
1941          a += inc; \
1942       } else { \
1943          break; \
1944       } \
1945 \
1946    } \
1947 }
1949 /* Define a macro that uses the above macro to to create implementations
1950    of FindBoxEdge for all operations. */
1951 #define MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(X,Xtype) \
1959 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
1960    data type and operation. */
1961 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
1963 #endif
1966 MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(UL,unsigned long int)
1968 MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(UI,unsigned int)
1970 MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(US,unsigned short int)
1971 MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(B,signed char)
1972 MAKEALL_FINDBOXEDGE(UB,unsigned char)
1975 /* Undefine the macros. */
1979 /*
1980 *  Name:
1981 *     FindInsidePoint
1983 *  Purpose:
1984 *     Find a point that is inside the required outline.
1986 *  Type:
1987 *     Private function.
1989 *  Synopsis:
1990 *     #include "polygon.h"
1991 *     void FindInsidePoint<Oper><X>( <Xtype> value, const <Xtype> array[],
1992 *                                    const int lbnd[ 2 ], const int ubnd[ 2 ],
1993 *                                    int *inx, int *iny, int *iv,
1994 *                                    int *status );
1996 *  Class Membership:
1997 *     Polygon member function
1999 *  Description:
2000 *     The central pixel in the array is checked to see if its value meets
2001 *     the requirements implied by <Oper> and "value". If so, its pixel
2002 *     indices and vector index are returned> if not, a spiral search is
2003 *     made until such a pixel value is found.
2005 *  Parameters:
2006 *     value
2007 *        The data value defining valid pixels.
2008 *     array
2009 *        The data array.
2010 *     lbnd
2011 *        The lower pixel index bounds of the array.
2012 *     ubnd
2013 *        The upper pixel index bounds of the array.
2014 *     inx
2015 *        Pointer to an int in which to return the X pixel index of the
2016 *        first point that meets the requirements implied by <oper> and
2017 *        "value".
2018 *     iny
2019 *        Pointer to an int in which to return the Y pixel index of the
2020 *        first point that meets the requirements implied by <oper> and
2021 *        "value".
2022 *     iv
2023 *        Pointer to an int in which to return the vector index of the
2024 *        first point that meets the requirements implied by <oper> and
2025 *        "value".
2026 *     status
2027 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2029 *  Notes:
2030 *     - <Oper> must be one of LT, LE, EQ, NE, GE, GT.
2033 */
2035 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
2036    type and operation. */
2037 #define MAKE_FINDINSIDEPOINT(X,Xtype,Oper,OperI) \
2038 static void FindInsidePoint##Oper##X( Xtype value, const Xtype array[], \
2039                                       const int lbnd[ 2 ], const int ubnd[ 2 ], \
2040                                       int *inx, int *iny, int *iv, \
2041                                       int *status ){ \
2042 \
2043 /* Local Variables: */ \
2044    const Xtype *pv;  /* Pointer to next data value to test */ \
2045    const char *text; /* Pointer to text describing oper */ \
2046    int cy;           /* Central row index */ \
2047    int iskin;        /* Index of spiral layer being searched */ \
2048    int nskin;        /* Number of spiral layers to search */ \
2049    int nx;           /* Pixel per row */ \
2050    int tmp;          /* Temporary storage */ \
2051    int xhi;          /* High X pixel index bound of current skin */ \
2052    int xlo;          /* Low X pixel index bound of current skin */ \
2053    int yhi;          /* High X pixel index bound of current skin */ \
2054    int ylo;          /* Low X pixel index bound of current skin */ \
2055 \
2056 /* Check the global error status. */ \
2057    if ( !astOK ) return; \
2058 \
2059 /* Find number of pixels in one row of the array. */ \
2060    nx = ( ubnd[ 0 ] - lbnd[ 0 ] + 1 ); \
2061 \
2062 /* Find the pixel indices of the central pixel */ \
2063    *inx = ( ubnd[ 0 ] + lbnd[ 0 ] )/2; \
2064    *iny = ( ubnd[ 1 ] + lbnd[ 1 ] )/2; \
2065 \
2066 /* Initialise the vector index and pointer to refer to the central pixel. */ \
2067    *iv = ( *inx - lbnd[ 0 ] ) + nx*( *iny - lbnd[ 1 ] ) ; \
2068    pv = array + (*iv); \
2069 \
2070 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. This \
2071    relies on the compiler optimisation to remove the "if" statements \
2072    for all but the operation appropriate to the function being defined. */ \
2073    if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2074       if( *pv < value ) return; \
2075 \
2076    } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2077       if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2078 \
2079    } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2080       if( *pv == value ) return; \
2081 \
2082    } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2083       if( *pv != value ) return; \
2084 \
2085    } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2086       if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2087 \
2088    } else { \
2089       if( *pv > value ) return; \
2090    } \
2091 \
2092 /* The central pixel is invalid if we arrive here. So we need to do a \
2093    spiral search out from the centre looking for a valid pixel. Record \
2094    the central row index (this is the row at which we jump to the next \
2095    outer skin when doing the spiral search below). */ \
2096    cy = *iny; \
2097 \
2098 /* Find how many skins can be searched as part of the spiral search \
2099    before the edge of the array is encountered. */ \
2100    nskin = ubnd[ 0 ] - *inx; \
2101    tmp = *inx - lbnd[ 0 ]; \
2102    if( tmp < nskin ) nskin = tmp; \
2103    tmp = ubnd[ 1 ] - *iny; \
2104    if( tmp < nskin ) nskin = tmp; \
2105    tmp = *iny - lbnd[ 1 ]; \
2106    if( tmp < nskin ) nskin = tmp; \
2107 \
2108 /* Initialise the skin box bounds to be just the central pixel. */ \
2109    xlo = xhi = *inx; \
2110    ylo = yhi = *iny; \
2111 \
2112 /* Loop round each skin looking for a valid test pixel. */ \
2113    for( iskin = 0; iskin < nskin; iskin++ ) { \
2114 \
2115 /* Increment the upper and lower bounds of the box forming the next \
2116    skin. */ \
2117       xhi++; \
2118       xlo--; \
2119       yhi++; \
2120       ylo--; \
2121 \
2122 /* Initialise things for the first pixel in the new skin by moving one \
2123    pixel to the right. */ \
2124       pv++; \
2125       (*iv)++; \
2126       (*inx)++; \
2127 \
2128 /* Move up the right hand edge of the box corresponding to the current \
2129    skin. We start at the middle of the right hand edge. */ \
2130       for( *iny = cy; *iny <= yhi; (*iny)++ ) { \
2131 \
2132 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. This relies on the \
2133    compiler optimisation to remove the "if" statements for all but the \
2134    operation appropriate to the function being defined. */ \
2135          if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2136             if( *pv < value ) return; \
2137 \
2138          } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2139             if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2140 \
2141          } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2142             if( *pv == value ) return; \
2143 \
2144          } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2145             if( *pv != value ) return; \
2146 \
2147          } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2148             if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2149 \
2150          } else { \
2151             if( *pv > value ) return; \
2152          } \
2153 \
2154 /* Move up a pixel. */ \
2155          pv += nx; \
2156          *iv += nx; \
2157       } \
2158 \
2159 /* Move down a pixel so that *iny == yhi. */ \
2160       pv -= nx; \
2161       *iv -= nx; \
2162       (*iny)--; \
2163 \
2164 /* Move left along the top edge of the box corresponding to the current \
2165    skin. */ \
2166       for( *inx = xhi; *inx >= xlo; (*inx)-- ) { \
2167 \
2168 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. */ \
2169          if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2170             if( *pv < value ) return; \
2171 \
2172          } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2173             if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2174 \
2175          } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2176             if( *pv == value ) return; \
2177 \
2178          } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2179             if( *pv != value ) return; \
2180 \
2181          } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2182             if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2183 \
2184          } else { \
2185             if( *pv > value ) return; \
2186          } \
2187 \
2188 /* Move left a pixel. */ \
2189          pv--; \
2190          (*iv)--; \
2191       } \
2192 \
2193 /* Move right a pixel so that *inx == xlo. */ \
2194       pv++; \
2195       (*iv)++; \
2196       (*inx)++; \
2197 \
2198 /* Move down along the left hand edge of the box corresponding to the current \
2199    skin. */ \
2200       for( *iny = yhi; *iny >= ylo; (*iny)-- ) { \
2201 \
2202 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. */ \
2203          if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2204             if( *pv < value ) return; \
2205 \
2206          } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2207             if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2208 \
2209          } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2210             if( *pv == value ) return; \
2211 \
2212          } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2213             if( *pv != value ) return; \
2214 \
2215          } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2216             if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2217 \
2218          } else { \
2219             if( *pv > value ) return; \
2220          } \
2221 \
2222 /* Move down a pixel. */ \
2223          pv -= nx; \
2224          *iv -= nx; \
2225       } \
2226 \
2227 /* Move up a pixel so that *iny == ylo. */ \
2228       pv += nx; \
2229       *iv += nx; \
2230       (*iny)++; \
2231 \
2232 /* Move right along the bottom edge of the box corresponding to the current \
2233    skin. */ \
2234       for( *inx = xlo; *inx <= xhi; (*inx)++ ) { \
2235 \
2236 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. */ \
2237          if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2238             if( *pv < value ) return; \
2239 \
2240          } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2241             if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2242 \
2243          } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2244             if( *pv == value ) return; \
2245 \
2246          } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2247             if( *pv != value ) return; \
2248 \
2249          } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2250             if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2251 \
2252          } else { \
2253             if( *pv > value ) return; \
2254          } \
2255 \
2256 /* Move right a pixel. */ \
2257          pv++; \
2258          (*iv)++; \
2259       } \
2260 \
2261 /* Move left a pixel so that *inx == xhi. */ \
2262       pv--; \
2263       (*iv)--; \
2264       (*inx)--; \
2265 \
2266 /* Move up the right hand edge of the box correspionding to the current \
2267    skin. We stop just below the middle of the right hand edge. */ \
2268       for( *iny = ylo; *iny < cy; (*iny)++ ) { \
2269 \
2270 /* Test the pixel value, returning if it is valid. This relies on the \
2271    compiler optimisation to remove the "if" statements for all but the \
2272    operation appropriate to the function being defined. */ \
2273          if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2274             if( *pv < value ) return; \
2275 \
2276          } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2277             if( *pv <= value ) return; \
2278 \
2279          } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2280             if( *pv == value ) return; \
2281 \
2282          } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2283             if( *pv != value ) return; \
2284 \
2285          } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2286             if( *pv >= value ) return; \
2287 \
2288          } else { \
2289             if( *pv > value ) return; \
2290          } \
2291 \
2292 /* Move up a pixel. */ \
2293          pv += nx; \
2294          *iv += nx; \
2295       } \
2296    } \
2297 \
2298 /* Report an error if no inside pooint could be found. */ \
2299    if( OperI == AST__LT ) { \
2300       text = "less than"; \
2301    } else if( OperI == AST__LE ) { \
2302       text = "less than or equal to"; \
2303    } else if( OperI == AST__EQ ) { \
2304       text = "equal to"; \
2305    } else if( OperI == AST__NE ) { \
2306       text = "not equal to"; \
2307    } else if( OperI == AST__GE ) { \
2308       text = "greater than or equal to"; \
2309    } else { \
2310       text = "greater than"; \
2311    } \
2312    astError( AST__NONIN, "astOutline"#X": Could not find a pixel value %s " \
2313              "%g in the supplied array.", status, text, (double) value ); \
2314 }
2316 /* Define a macro that uses the above macro to to create implementations
2317    of FindInsidePoint for all operations. */
2326 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
2327    data type and operation. */
2328 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
2330 #endif
2333 MAKEALL_FINDINSIDEPOINT(UL,unsigned long int)
2337 MAKEALL_FINDINSIDEPOINT(US,unsigned short int)
2342 /* Undefine the macros. */
2346 static void FindMax( Segment *seg, AstFrame *frm, double *x, double *y,
2347                      int nv, int abs, int *status ){
2348 /*
2349 *  Name:
2350 *     FindMax
2352 *  Purpose:
2353 *     Find the maximum discrepancy between a given line segment and the
2354 *     Polygon being downsized.
2356 *  Type:
2357 *     Private function.
2359 *  Synopsis:
2360 *     #include "polygon.h"
2361 *     void FindMax( Segment *seg, AstFrame *frm, double *x, double *y,
2362 *                   int nv, int abs, int *status )
2364 *  Class Membership:
2365 *     Polygon member function
2367 *  Description:
2368 *     The supplied Segment structure describes a range of vertices in
2369 *     the polygon being downsized. This function checks each of these
2370 *     vertices to find the one that lies furthest from the line joining the
2371 *     first and last vertices in the segment. The maximum error, and the
2372 *     vertex index at which this maximum error is found, is stored in the
2373 *     Segment structure.
2375 *  Parameters:
2376 *     seg
2377 *        The structure describing the range of vertices to check. It
2378 *        corresponds to a candidate edge in the downsized polygon.
2379 *     frm
2380 *        The Frame in which the positions are defined.
2381 *     x
2382 *        Pointer to the X axis values in the original Polygon.
2383 *     y
2384 *        Pointer to the Y axis values in the original Polygon.
2385 *     nv
2386 *        Total number of vertics in the old Polygon..
2387 *     abs
2388 *        If non-zero, then the stored maximum is the position with
2389 *        maximum absolute error. Otherwise, the stored maximum is the
2390 *        position with maximum positive error (positive errors are to the
2391 *        right when travelling from start to end of the segment).
2392 *     status
2393 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2395 */
2397 /* Local Variables: */
2398    AstPointSet *pset1; /* PointSet holding vertex positions */
2399    AstPointSet *pset2; /* PointSet holding offset par/perp components */
2400    double **ptr1;      /* Pointers to "pset1" data arrays */
2401    double **ptr2;      /* Pointers to "pset2" data arrays */
2402    double *px;         /* Pointer to next X value */
2403    double *py;         /* Pointer to next Y value */
2404    double ax;          /* X value at start */
2405    double ay;          /* Y value at start */
2406    double ba;          /* Distance between a and b */
2407    double bax;         /* X increment from a to b */
2408    double bay;         /* Y increment from a to b */
2409    double cax;         /* X increment from a to c */
2410    double cay;         /* Y increment from a to c */
2411    double end[ 2 ];    /* Position of starting vertex */
2412    double error;       /* Error value for current vertex */
2413    double start[ 2 ];  /* Position of starting vertex */
2414    int i1;             /* Starting index (always in first cycle) */
2415    int i2;             /* Ending index converted to first cycle */
2416    int i2b;            /* Upper vertex limit in first cycle */
2417    int i;              /* Loop count */
2418    int n;              /* Number of vertices to check */
2420 /* Check the global error status. */
2421    if ( !astOK ) return;
2423 /* Stuff needed for handling cyclic redundancy of vertex indices. */
2424    i1 = seg->i1;
2425    i2 = seg->i2;
2426    n = i2 - i1 - 1;
2427    i2b = i2;
2428    if( i2 >= nv ) {
2429       i2 -= nv;
2430       i2b = nv;
2431    }
2433 /* If the segment has no intermediate vertices, set the segment error to
2434    zero and return. */
2435    if( n < 1 ) {
2436       seg->error = 0.0;
2437       seg->imax = i1;
2439 /* For speed, we use simple plane geometry if the Polygon is defined in a
2440    simple Frame. */
2441    } else if( !strcmp( astGetClass( frm ), "Frame" ) ) {
2443 /* Point "a" is the vertex that marks the start of the segment. Point "b"
2444    is the vertex that marks the end of the segment. */
2445       ax = x[ i1 ];
2446       ay = y[ i1 ];
2447       bax = x[ i2 ] - ax;
2448       bay = y[ i2 ] - ay;
2449       ba = sqrt( bax*bax + bay*bay );
2451 /* Initialise the largest error found so far. */
2452       seg->error = -1.0;
2454 /* Check the vertices from the start (plus one) up to the end (minus one)
2455    or the last vertex (which ever comes first). */
2456       for( i = i1 + 1; i < i2b; i++ ) {
2458 /* Position "c" is the vertex being tested. Find the squared distance from
2459    "c" to the line joining "a" and "b". */
2460          cax = x[ i ] - ax;
2461          cay = y[ i ] - ay;
2462          error = ( bay*cax - cay*bax )/ba;
2463          if( abs ) error = fabs( error );
2465 /* If this is the largest value found so far, record it. Note the error
2466    here is a squared distance. */
2467          if( error > seg->error ) {
2468             seg->error = error;
2469             seg->imax = i;
2470          }
2471       }
2473 /* If the end vertex is in the next cycle, check the remaining vertex
2474    posI would have thought a telentitions in the same way. */
2475       if( i2b != i2 ) {
2477          for( i = 0; i < i2; i++ ) {
2479             cax = x[ i ] - ax;
2480             cay = y[ i ] - ay;
2481             error = ( bay*cax - cay*bax )/ba;
2482             if( abs ) error = fabs( error );
2484             if( error > seg->error ) {
2485                seg->error = error;
2486                seg->imax = i + i2b;
2487             }
2489          }
2490       }
2492 /* If the polygon is not defined in a simple Frame, we use the overloaded
2493    Frame methods to do the geometry. */
2494    } else {
2496 /* Create a PointSet to hold the positions of the vertices to test. We do
2497    not need to test the start or end vertex. */
2498       pset1 = astPointSet( n, 2, " ", status );
2499       ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
2500       if( astOK ) {
2502 /* Copy the vertex axis values form the start (plus one) up to the end
2503    (minus one) vertex or the last vertex (which ever comes first). */
2504          px = ptr1[ 0 ];
2505          py = ptr1[ 1 ];
2507          for( i = i1 + 1; i < i2b; i++ ){
2508             *(px++) = x[ i ];
2509             *(py++) = y[ i ];
2510          }
2512 /* If the end vertex is in the next cycle, copy the remaining vertex
2513    positions into the PointSet. */
2514          if( i2b != i2 ) {
2515             for( i = 0; i < i2; i++ ) {
2516                *(px++) = x[ i ];
2517                *(py++) = y[ i ];
2518             }
2519          }
2521 /* Record the start and end vertex positions. */
2522          start[ 0 ] = x[ i1 ];
2523          start[ 1 ] = y[ i1 ];
2524          end[ 0 ] = x[ i2 ];
2525          end[ 1 ] = y[ i2 ];
2527 /* Resolve the vector from the start to each vertex into two components,
2528    parallel and perpendicular to the start->end vector. */
2529          pset2 = astResolvePoints( frm, start, end, pset1, NULL );
2530          ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
2531          if( astOK ) {
2533 /* Find the vertex with largest perpendicular component. */
2534             seg->error = -1.0;
2535             py = ptr2[ 1 ];
2536             for( i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) {
2538                error = *(py++);
2539                if( abs ) error = fabs( error );
2541                if( error > seg->error ) {
2542                   seg->error = error;
2543                   seg->imax = i + i1;
2544                }
2546             }
2547          }
2549 /* Free resources. */
2550          pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
2551       }
2552       pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
2553    }
2554 }
GetAttrib(AstObject * this_object,const char * attrib,int * status)2556 static const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
2557 /*
2558 *  Name:
2559 *     GetAttrib
2561 *  Purpose:
2562 *     Get the value of a specified attribute for a Polygon.
2564 *  Type:
2565 *     Private function.
2567 *  Synopsis:
2568 *     #include "polygon.h"
2569 *     const char *GetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
2571 *  Class Membership:
2572 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the protected astGetAttrib
2573 *     method inherited from the Region class).
2575 *  Description:
2576 *     This function returns a pointer to the value of a specified
2577 *     attribute for a Polygon, formatted as a character string.
2579 *  Parameters:
2580 *     this
2581 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
2582 *     attrib
2583 *        Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the name of
2584 *        the attribute whose value is required. This name should be in
2585 *        lower case, with all white space removed.
2586 *     status
2587 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2589 *  Returned Value:
2590 *     - Pointer to a null-terminated string containing the attribute
2591 *     value.
2593 *  Notes:
2594 *     - The returned string pointer may point at memory allocated
2595 *     within the Polygon, or at static memory. The contents of the
2596 *     string may be over-written or the pointer may become invalid
2597 *     following a further invocation of the same function or any
2598 *     modification of the Polygon. A copy of the string should
2599 *     therefore be made if necessary.
2600 *     - A NULL pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
2601 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
2602 *     reason.
2603 */
2605 /* Local Variables: */
2606    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
2607    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to the Polygon structure */
2608    const char *result;           /* Pointer value to return */
2609    int ival;                     /* Integer attribute value */
2611 /* Initialise. */
2612    result = NULL;
2614 /* Check the global error status. */
2615    if ( !astOK ) return result;
2617 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
2618    astGET_GLOBALS(this_object);
2620 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
2621    this = (AstPolygon *) this_object;
2623 /* Compare "attrib" with each recognised attribute name in turn,
2624    obtaining the value of the required attribute. If necessary, write
2625    the value into "getattrib_buff" as a null-terminated string in an appropriate
2626    format.  Set "result" to point at the result string. */
2628 /* SimpVertices. */
2629 /* ------------- */
2630    if ( !strcmp( attrib, "simpvertices" ) ) {
2631       ival = astGetSimpVertices( this );
2632       if ( astOK ) {
2633          (void) sprintf( getattrib_buff, "%d", ival );
2634          result = getattrib_buff;
2635       }
2637 /* If the attribute name was not recognised, pass it on to the parent
2638    method for further interpretation. */
2639    } else {
2640       result = (*parent_getattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
2641    }
2643 /* Return the result. */
2644    return result;
2646 }
GetBounded(AstRegion * this,int * status)2648 static int GetBounded( AstRegion *this, int *status ) {
2649 /*
2650 *  Name:
2651 *     GetBounded
2653 *  Purpose:
2654 *     Is the Region bounded?
2656 *  Type:
2657 *     Private function.
2659 *  Synopsis:
2660 *     #include "polygon.h"
2661 *     int GetBounded( AstRegion *this, int *status )
2663 *  Class Membership:
2664 *     Polygon method (over-rides the astGetBounded method inherited from
2665 *     the Region class).
2667 *  Description:
2668 *     This function returns a flag indicating if the Region is bounded.
2669 *     The implementation provided by the base Region class is suitable
2670 *     for Region sub-classes representing the inside of a single closed
2671 *     curve (e.g. Circle, Interval, Box, etc). Other sub-classes (such as
2672 *     CmpRegion, PointList, etc ) may need to provide their own
2673 *     implementations.
2675 *  Parameters:
2676 *     this
2677 *        Pointer to the Region.
2678 *     status
2679 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2681 *  Returned Value:
2682 *     Non-zero if the Region is bounded. Zero otherwise.
2684 */
2686 /* Local Variables: */
2687    int neg;                  /* Has the Polygon been negated? */
2688    int result;               /* Returned result */
2690 /* Initialise */
2691    result = 0;
2693 /* Check the global error status. */
2694    if ( !astOK ) return result;
2696 /* Ensure cached information is available. */
2697    Cache( (AstPolygon *) this, status );
2699 /* See if the Polygon has been negated. */
2700    neg = astGetNegated( this );
2702 /* If the polygon vertices are stored in anti-clockwise order, then the
2703    polygon is bounded if it has not been negated. */
2704    if( ( (AstPolygon *) this)->acw ) {
2705       result = (! neg );
2707 /* If the polygon vertices are stored in clockwise order, then the
2708    polygon is bounded if it has been negated. */
2709    } else {
2710       result = neg;
2711    }
2713 /* Return the result. */
2714    return result;
2715 }
astInitPolygonVtab_(AstPolygonVtab * vtab,const char * name,int * status)2717 void astInitPolygonVtab_(  AstPolygonVtab *vtab, const char *name, int *status ) {
2718 /*
2719 *+
2720 *  Name:
2721 *     astInitPolygonVtab
2723 *  Purpose:
2724 *     Initialise a virtual function table for a Polygon.
2726 *  Type:
2727 *     Protected function.
2729 *  Synopsis:
2730 *     #include "polygon.h"
2731 *     void astInitPolygonVtab( AstPolygonVtab *vtab, const char *name )
2733 *  Class Membership:
2734 *     Polygon vtab initialiser.
2736 *  Description:
2737 *     This function initialises the component of a virtual function
2738 *     table which is used by the Polygon class.
2740 *  Parameters:
2741 *     vtab
2742 *        Pointer to the virtual function table. The components used by
2743 *        all ancestral classes will be initialised if they have not already
2744 *        been initialised.
2745 *     name
2746 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
2747 *        the name of the class to which the virtual function table belongs (it
2748 *        is this pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the Object
2749 *        astClass function).
2750 *-
2751 */
2753 /* Local Variables: */
2754    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
2755    AstMappingVtab *mapping;      /* Pointer to Mapping component of Vtab */
2756    AstRegionVtab *region;        /* Pointer to Region component of Vtab */
2757    AstObjectVtab *object;        /* Pointer to Object component of Vtab */
2759 /* Check the local error status. */
2760    if ( !astOK ) return;
2762 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
2763    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
2765 /* Initialize the component of the virtual function table used by the
2766    parent class. */
2767    astInitRegionVtab( (AstRegionVtab *) vtab, name );
2769 /* Store a unique "magic" value in the virtual function table. This
2770    will be used (by astIsAPolygon) to determine if an object belongs
2771    to this class.  We can conveniently use the address of the (static)
2772    class_check variable to generate this unique value. */
2773    vtab->id.check = &class_check;
2774    vtab->id.parent = &(((AstRegionVtab *) vtab)->id);
2776 /* Initialise member function pointers. */
2777 /* ------------------------------------ */
2778 /* Store pointers to the member functions (implemented here) that provide
2779    virtual methods for this class. */
2780    vtab->Downsize = Downsize;
2782 /* Save the inherited pointers to methods that will be extended, and
2783    replace them with pointers to the new member functions. */
2784    object = (AstObjectVtab *) vtab;
2785    mapping = (AstMappingVtab *) vtab;
2786    region = (AstRegionVtab *) vtab;
2788    parent_transform = mapping->Transform;
2789    mapping->Transform = Transform;
2791    parent_simplify = mapping->Simplify;
2792    mapping->Simplify = Simplify;
2794    parent_setregfs = region->SetRegFS;
2795    region->SetRegFS = SetRegFS;
2797    parent_resetcache = region->ResetCache;
2798    region->ResetCache = ResetCache;
2800    parent_clearattrib = object->ClearAttrib;
2801    object->ClearAttrib = ClearAttrib;
2802    parent_getattrib = object->GetAttrib;
2803    object->GetAttrib = GetAttrib;
2804    parent_setattrib = object->SetAttrib;
2805    object->SetAttrib = SetAttrib;
2806    parent_testattrib = object->TestAttrib;
2807    object->TestAttrib = TestAttrib;
2809    region->RegPins = RegPins;
2810    region->RegBaseMesh = RegBaseMesh;
2811    region->RegBaseBox = RegBaseBox;
2812    region->RegTrace = RegTrace;
2813    region->GetBounded = GetBounded;
2815    vtab->ClearSimpVertices = ClearSimpVertices;
2816    vtab->GetSimpVertices = GetSimpVertices;
2817    vtab->SetSimpVertices = SetSimpVertices;
2818    vtab->TestSimpVertices = TestSimpVertices;
2820 /* Store replacement pointers for methods which will be over-ridden by
2821    new member functions implemented here. */
2823 /* Declare the copy constructor, destructor and class dump
2824    functions. */
2825    astSetDump( vtab, Dump, "Polygon", "Polygonal region" );
2826    astSetDelete( vtab, Delete );
2827    astSetCopy( vtab, Copy );
2829 /* If we have just initialised the vtab for the current class, indicate
2830    that the vtab is now initialised, and store a pointer to the class
2831    identifier in the base "object" level of the vtab. */
2832    if( vtab == &class_vtab ) {
2833       class_init = 1;
2834       astSetVtabClassIdentifier( vtab, &(vtab->id) );
2835    }
2836 }
IntCmp(const void * a,const void * b)2838 static int IntCmp( const void *a, const void *b ){
2839 /*
2840 *  Name:
2841 *     IntCmp
2843 *  Purpose:
2844 *     An integer comparison function for the "qsort" function.
2846 *  Type:
2847 *     Private function.
2849 *  Synopsis:
2850 *     #include "polygon.h"
2851 *     int IntCmp( const void *a, const void *b )
2853 *  Class Membership:
2854 *     Polygon member function
2856 *  Description:
2857 *     See the docs for "qsort".
2859 *  Parameters:
2860 *     a
2861 *        Pointer to the first int
2862 *     b
2863 *        Pointer to the second int
2865 *  Returnd Value:
2866 *     Positive, negative or zero, depending on whether a is larger than,
2867 *     equal to, or less than b.
2869 */
2871    return *((int*)a) - *((int*)b);
2872 }
NewSegment(Segment * seg,int i1,int i2,int nvert,int * status)2874 static Segment *NewSegment( Segment *seg, int i1, int i2, int nvert,
2875                             int *status ){
2876 /*
2877 *  Name:
2878 *     NewSegment
2880 *  Purpose:
2881 *     Initialise a structure describing a segment of the new Polygon
2882 *     created by astDownsize.
2884 *  Type:
2885 *     Private function.
2887 *  Synopsis:
2888 *     #include "polygon.h"
2889 *     Segment *NewSegment( Segment *seg, int i1, int i2, int nvert,
2890 *                          int *status )
2892 *  Class Membership:
2893 *     Polygon member function
2895 *  Description:
2896 *     This function initialises the contents of a structure describing
2897 *     the specified range of vertices within a Polygon. The cyclic nature
2898 *     of vertex indices is taken into account.
2899 *
2900 *     If no structure is supplied, memory is allocated to hold a new
2901 *     structure.
2903 *  Parameters:
2904 *     seg
2905 *        Pointer to a structure to initialise, or NULL if a new structure
2906 *        is to be allocated.
2907 *     i1
2908 *        The index of a vertex within the old Polygon (supplied to
2909 *        astDownsize) that marks the start of the new line segment in
2910 *        the downsized polygon.
2911 *     i2
2912 *        The index of a vertex within the old Polygon (supplied to
2913 *        astDownsize) that marks the end of the new line segment in
2914 *        the downsized polygon.
2915 *     nvert
2916 *        Total number of vertics in the old Polygon..
2917 *     status
2918 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
2920 *  Returnd Value:
2921 *     Pointer to the initialised Segment structure. It should be freed using
2922 *     astFree when no longer needed.
2924 */
2926 /* Local Variables: */
2927    Segment *result;
2929 /* Check the global error status. */
2930    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
2932 /* Get a pointer to the structure to be initialised, allocating memory
2933    for a new structure if none was supplied. */
2934    result = seg ? seg : astMalloc( sizeof( Segment ) );
2936 /* Check the pointer can be used safely. */
2937    if( result ) {
2939 /* If the supplied ending index is less than the starting index, the
2940    ending index must have gone all the way round the polygon and started
2941    round again. Increase the ending index by the number of vertices to
2942    put it in the same cycle as the starting index. */
2943       if( i2 < i1 ) i2 += nvert;
2945 /* If the supplied starting index is within the first cycle (i.e. zero ->
2946    nvert-1 ), use the indices as they are (which may mean that the ending
2947    index is greater than nvert, but this is handled correctly by other
2948    functions). */
2949       if( i1 < nvert ) {
2950          result->i1 = i1;
2951          result->i2 = i2;
2953 /* If the supplied starting index is within the second cycle (i.e. nvert
2954    or greater) the ending index will be even greater, so we can reduce
2955    both by "nvert" to put them both in the first cycle. The goal is that
2956    the starting index should always be in the first cycle, but the ending
2957    index may possibly be in the second cycle. */
2958       } else {
2959          result->i1 = i1 - nvert;
2960          result->i2 = i2 - nvert;
2961       }
2963 /* Nullify the links to other Segments */
2964       result->next = NULL;
2965       result->prev = NULL;
2966    }
2968 /* Return the pointer to the new Segment structure. */
2969    return result;
2970 }
2972 /*
2973 *++
2974 *  Name:
2975 c     astOutline<X>
2976 f     AST_OUTLINE<X>
2978 *  Purpose:
2979 *     Create a new Polygon outling values in a 2D data grid.
2981 *  Type:
2982 *     Public function.
2984 *  Synopsis:
2985 c     #include "polygon.h"
2986 c     AstPolygon *astOutline<X>( <Xtype> value, int oper, const <Xtype> array[],
2987 c                                const int lbnd[2], const int ubnd[2], double maxerr,
2988 c                                int maxvert, const int inside[2], int starpix )
2990 f                              MAXVERT, INSIDE, STARPIX, STATUS )
2992 *  Class Membership:
2993 *     Polygon method.
2995 *  Description:
2996 *     This is a set of functions that create a Polygon enclosing a single
2997 *     contiguous set of pixels that have a specified value within a gridded
2998 *     2-dimensional data array (e.g. an image).
2999 *
3000 *     A basic 2-dimensional Frame is used to represent the pixel coordinate
3001 *     system in the returned Polygon. The Domain attribute is set to
3002 *     "PIXEL", the Title attribute is set to "Pixel coordinates", and the
3003 *     Unit attribute for each axis is set to "pixel". All other
3004 *     attributes are left unset. The nature of the pixel coordinate system
3005 *     is determined by parameter
3006 c     "starpix".
3007 f     STARPIX.
3008 *
3009 *     The
3010 c     "maxerr" and "maxvert"
3011 f     MAXERR and MAXVERT
3012 *     parameters can be used to control how accurately the returned
3013 *     Polygon represents the required region in the data array. The
3014 *     number of vertices in the returned Polygon will be the minimum
3015 *     needed to achieve the required accuracy.
3016 *
3017 *     You should use a function which matches the numerical type of the
3018 *     data you are processing by replacing <X> in the generic function
3019 *     name
3020 c     astOutline<X>
3021 f     AST_OUTLINE<X>
3022 c     by an appropriate 1- or 2-character type code. For example, if you
3023 *     are procesing data with type
3024 c     "float", you should use the function astOutlineF
3025 f     REAL, you should use the function AST_OUTLINER
3026 *     (see the "Data Type Codes" section below for the codes appropriate to
3027 *     other numerical types).
3029 *  Parameters:
3030 c     value
3031 f     VALUE = <Xtype> (Given)
3032 *        A data value that specifies the pixels to be outlined.
3033 c     oper
3034 f     OPER = INTEGER (Given)
3035 *        Indicates how the
3036 c        "value"
3037 f        VALUE
3038 *        parameter is used to select the outlined pixels. It can
3039 *        have any of the following values:
3040 c        - AST__LT: outline pixels with value less than "value".
3041 c        - AST__LE: outline pixels with value less than or equal to "value".
3042 c        - AST__EQ: outline pixels with value equal to "value".
3043 c        - AST__NE: outline pixels with value not equal to "value".
3044 c        - AST__GE: outline pixels with value greater than or equal to "value".
3045 c        - AST__GT: outline pixels with value greater than "value".
3046 f        - AST__LT: outline pixels with value less than VALUE.
3047 f        - AST__LE: outline pixels with value less than or equal to VALUE.
3048 f        - AST__EQ: outline pixels with value equal to VALUE.
3049 f        - AST__NE: outline pixels with value not equal to VALUE.
3050 f        - AST__GE: outline pixels with value greater than or equal to VALUE.
3051 f        - AST__GT: outline pixels with value greater than VALUE.
3052 c     array
3053 f     ARRAY( * ) = <Xtype> (Given)
3054 c        Pointer to a
3055 f        A
3056 *        2-dimensional array containing the data to be processed.  The
3057 *        numerical type of this array should match the 1- or
3058 *        2-character type code appended to the function name (e.g. if
3059 c        you are using astOutlineF, the type of each array element
3060 c        should be "float").
3061 f        you are using AST_OUTLINER, the type of each array element
3062 f        should be REAL).
3063 *
3064 *        The storage order of data within this array should be such
3065 *        that the index of the first grid dimension varies most
3066 *        rapidly and that of the second dimension least rapidly
3067 c        (i.e. Fortran array indexing is used).
3068 f        (i.e. normal Fortran array storage order).
3069 c     lbnd
3070 f     LBND( 2 ) = INTEGER (Given)
3071 c        Pointer to an array of two integers
3072 f        An array
3073 *        containing the coordinates of the centre of the first pixel
3074 *        in the input grid along each dimension.
3075 c     ubnd
3076 f     UBND( 2) = INTEGER (Given)
3077 c        Pointer to an array of two integers
3078 f        An array
3079 *        containing the coordinates of the centre of the last pixel in
3080 *        the input grid along each dimension.
3081 *
3082 c        Note that "lbnd" and "ubnd" together define the shape
3083 f        Note that LBND and UBND together define the shape
3084 *        and size of the input grid, its extent along a particular
3085 c        (j'th) dimension being ubnd[j]-lbnd[j]+1 (assuming the
3086 c        index "j" to be zero-based). They also define
3087 f        (J'th) dimension being UBND(J)-LBND(J)+1. They also define
3088 *        the input grid's coordinate system, each pixel having unit
3089 *        extent along each dimension with integral coordinate values
3090 *        at its centre or upper corner, as selected by parameter
3091 c        "starpix".
3092 f        STARPIX.
3093 c     maxerr
3094 f     MAXERR = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given)
3095 *        Together with
3096 c        "maxvert",
3097 f        MAXVERT,
3098 *        this determines how accurately the returned Polygon represents
3099 *        the required region of the data array. It gives the target
3100 *        discrepancy between the returned Polygon and the accurate outline
3101 *        in the data array, expressed as a number of pixels. Insignificant
3102 *        vertices are removed from the accurate outline, one by one, until
3103 *        the number of vertices remaining in the returned Polygon equals
3104 c        "maxvert",
3105 f        MAXVERT,
3106 *        or the largest discrepancy between the accurate outline and the
3107 *        returned Polygon is greater than
3108 c        "maxerr". If "maxerr"
3109 f        MAXERR. If MAXERR
3110 *        is zero or less, its value is ignored and the returned Polygon will
3111 *        have the number of vertices specified by
3112 c        "maxvert".
3113 f        MAXVERT.
3114 c     maxvert
3115 f     MAXVERT = INTEGER (Given)
3116 *        Together with
3117 c        "maxerr",
3118 f        MAXERR,
3119 *        this determines how accurately the returned Polygon represents
3120 *        the required region of the data array. It gives the maximum
3121 *        allowed number of vertices in the returned Polygon. Insignificant
3122 *        vertices are removed from the accurate outline, one by one, until
3123 *        the number of vertices remaining in the returned Polygon equals
3124 c        "maxvert",
3125 f        MAXVERT,
3126 *        or the largest discrepancy between the accurate outline and the
3127 *        returned Polygon is greater than
3128 c        "maxerr". If "maxvert"
3129 f        MAXERR. If MAXVERT
3130 *        is less than 3, its value is ignored and the number of vertices in
3131 *        the returned Polygon will be the minimum needed to ensure that the
3132 *        discrepancy between the accurate outline and the returned
3133 *        Polygon is less than
3134 c        "maxerr".
3135 f        MAXERR.
3136 c     inside
3137 f     INSIDE( 2 ) = INTEGER (Given)
3138 c        Pointer to an array of two integers
3139 f        An array
3140 *        containing the indices of a pixel known to be inside the
3141 *        required region. This is needed because the supplied data
3142 *        array may contain several disjoint areas of pixels that satisfy
3143 *        the criterion specified by
3144 c        "value" and "oper".
3145 f        VALUE and OPER.
3146 *        In such cases, the area described by the returned Polygon will
3147 *        be the one that contains the pixel specified by
3148 c        "inside".
3149 f        INSIDE.
3150 *        If the specified pixel is outside the bounds given by
3151 c        "lbnd" and "ubnd",
3152 f        LBND and UBND,
3153 *        or has a value that does not meet the criterion specified by
3154 c        "value" and "oper",
3155 f        VALUE and OPER,
3156 *        then this function will search for a suitable pixel. The search
3157 *        starts at the central pixel and proceeds in a spiral manner until
3158 *        a pixel is found that meets the specified crierion.
3159 c     starpix
3160 f     STARPIX = LOGICAL (Given)
3161 *        A flag indicating the nature of the pixel coordinate system used
3162 *        to describe the vertex positions in the returned Polygon. If
3163 c        non-zero,
3164 f        .TRUE.,
3165 *        the standard Starlink definition of pixel coordinate is used in
3166 *        which a pixel with integer index I spans a range of pixel coordinate
3167 *        from (I-1) to I (i.e. pixel corners have integral pixel coordinates).
3168 c        If zero,
3169 f        If .FALSE.,
3170 *        the definition of pixel coordinate used by other AST functions
3171 c        such as astResample, astMask,
3172 f        such as AST_RESAMPLE, AST_MASK,
3173 *        etc., is used. In this definition, a pixel with integer index I
3174 *        spans a range of pixel coordinate from (I-0.5) to (I+0.5) (i.e.
3175 *        pixel centres have integral pixel coordinates).
3176 f     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
3177 f        The global status.
3179 *  Returned Value:
3180 c     astOutline<X>()
3182 *        A pointer to the required Polygon.
3184 *  Notes:
3185 *     - This function proceeds by first finding a very accurate polygon,
3186 *     and then removing insignificant vertices from this fine polygon
3187 *     using
3188 c     astDownsize.
3189 f     AST_DOWNSIZE.
3190 *     - The returned Polygon is the outer boundary of the contiguous set
3191 *     of pixels that includes ths specified "inside" point, and satisfy
3192 *     the specified value requirement. This set of pixels may potentially
3193 *     include "holes" where the pixel values fail to meet the specified
3194 *     value requirement. Such holes will be ignored by this function.
3195 c     - NULL
3196 f     - AST__NULL
3197 *     will be returned if this function is invoked with the global
3198 *     error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
3200 *  Data Type Codes:
3201 *     To select the appropriate masking function, you should
3202 c     replace <X> in the generic function name astOutline<X> with a
3203 f     replace <X> in the generic function name AST_OUTLINE<X> with a
3204 *     1- or 2-character data type code, so as to match the numerical
3205 *     type <Xtype> of the data you are processing, as follows:
3206 c     - D: double
3207 c     - F: float
3208 c     - L: long int
3209 c     - UL: unsigned long int
3210 c     - I: int
3211 c     - UI: unsigned int
3212 c     - S: short int
3213 c     - US: unsigned short int
3214 c     - B: byte (signed char)
3215 c     - UB: unsigned byte (unsigned char)
3216 f     - D: DOUBLE PRECISION
3217 f     - R: REAL
3218 f     - I: INTEGER
3219 f     - UI: INTEGER (treated as unsigned)
3220 f     - S: INTEGER*2 (short integer)
3221 f     - US: INTEGER*2 (short integer, treated as unsigned)
3222 f     - B: BYTE (treated as signed)
3223 f     - UB: BYTE (treated as unsigned)
3224 *
3225 c     For example, astOutlineD would be used to process "double"
3226 c     data, while astOutlineS would be used to process "short int"
3227 c     data, etc.
3228 f     For example, AST_OUTLINED would be used to process DOUBLE
3229 f     PRECISION data, while AST_OUTLINES would be used to process
3230 f     short integer data (stored in an INTEGER*2 array), etc.
3231 f
3232 f     For compatibility with other Starlink facilities, the codes W
3233 f     and UW are provided as synonyms for S and US respectively (but
3234 f     only in the Fortran interface to AST).
3236 *--
3237 */
3238 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
3239    type. Note, this function cannot be a virtual function since the
3240    argument list does not include a Polygon, and so no virtual function
3241    table is available. */
3242 #define MAKE_OUTLINE(X,Xtype) \
3243 AstPolygon *astOutline##X##_( Xtype value, int oper, const Xtype array[], \
3244                               const int lbnd[2], const int ubnd[2], double maxerr, \
3245                               int maxvert, const int inside[2], int starpix, \
3246                               int *status ) { \
3247 \
3248 /* Local Variables: */ \
3249    AstFrame *frm;            /* Frame in which to define the Polygon */ \
3250    AstPointSet *candidate;   /* Candidate polygon vertices */ \
3251    AstPointSet *pset;        /* PointSet holding downsized polygon vertices */ \
3252    AstPolygon *result;       /* Result value to return */ \
3253    const Xtype *pv;          /* Pointer to next test point */ \
3254    Xtype v;                  /* Value of current pixel */ \
3255    double **ptr;             /* Pointers to PointSet arrays */ \
3256    int boxsize;              /* Half width of smoothign box in vertices */ \
3257    int inx;                  /* X index of inside point */ \
3258    int iny;                  /* Y index of inside point */ \
3259    int iv;                   /* Vector index of next test pixel */ \
3260    int ixv;                  /* X pixel index of next test point */ \
3261    int nv0;                  /* Number of vertices in accurate outline */ \
3262    int nx;                   /* Length of array x axis */ \
3263    int smooth;               /* Do we need to smooth the polygon? */ \
3264    int stop_at_invalid;      /* Indicates when to stop rightwards search */ \
3265    int tmp;                  /* Alternative boxsize */ \
3266    int valid;                /* Does current pixel meet requirements? */ \
3267    static double junk[ 6 ] = {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0 }; /* Junk poly */ \
3268 \
3269 /* Initialise. */ \
3270    result = NULL; \
3271 \
3272 /* Check the global error status. */ \
3273    if ( !astOK ) return result; \
3274 \
3275 /* Avoid compiler warnings. */ \
3276    iv = 0; \
3277 \
3278 /* If we are going to be smoothing the polygon before downsizing it, we \
3279    need to ensure that the full polygon is retained within TraceEdge. if \
3280    this is not the case, TraceEdge can remove all vertices from straight \
3281    lines, except for the vertices that mark the beinning and end of the \
3282    straight line. */ \
3283    smooth = ( maxerr > 0.0 || maxvert > 2 ); \
3284 \
3285 /* Store the X dimension of the array. */ \
3286    nx = ubnd[ 0 ] - lbnd[ 0 ] + 1; \
3287 \
3288 /* See if a valid inside point was supplied. It must be inside the bounds \
3289    of the array, and must have a pixel value that meets the specified \
3290    requirement. */ \
3291    inx = inside[ 0 ]; \
3292    iny = inside[ 1 ]; \
3293    valid = ( inx >= lbnd[ 0 ] && inx <= ubnd[ 0 ] && \
3294              iny >= lbnd[ 1 ] && iny <= ubnd[ 1 ] ); \
3295 \
3296    if( valid  ) { \
3297       iv = ( inx - lbnd[ 0 ] ) + (iny - lbnd[ 1 ] )*nx; \
3298       v = array[ iv ]; \
3299 \
3300       if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
3301          valid = ( v < value ); \
3302 \
3303       } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
3304          valid = ( v <= value ); \
3305 \
3306       } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
3307          valid = ( v == value ); \
3308 \
3309       } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
3310          valid = ( v != value ); \
3311 \
3312       } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
3313          valid = ( v >= value ); \
3314 \
3315       } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
3316          valid = ( v > value ); \
3317 \
3318       } else if( astOK ){ \
3319          astError( AST__OPRIN, "astOutline"#X": Invalid operation code " \
3320                    "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
3321       } \
3322    } \
3323 \
3324 /* If no valid inside point was supplied, find one now. */ \
3325    if( !valid ) { \
3326 \
3327       if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
3328          FindInsidePointLT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3329 \
3330       } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
3331          FindInsidePointLE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3332 \
3333       } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
3334          FindInsidePointEQ##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3335 \
3336       } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
3337          FindInsidePointNE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3338 \
3339       } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
3340          FindInsidePointGE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3341 \
3342       } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
3343          FindInsidePointGT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, &inx, &iny, &iv, status ); \
3344 \
3345       } else if( astOK ){ \
3346          astError( AST__OPRIN, "astOutline"#X": Invalid operation code " \
3347                    "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
3348       } \
3349    } \
3350 \
3351 /* We now need to find a point on the boundary of the region containing \
3352    the inside point. Starting at the inside point, move to the right \
3353    through the array until a pixel is found which fails to meet the value \
3354    requirement or the edge of the array is reached. */ \
3355 \
3356    candidate = NULL; \
3357    pv = array + iv; \
3358    ixv = inx; \
3359    stop_at_invalid = 1; \
3360 \
3361    while( ++ixv <= ubnd[ 0 ] ) { \
3362 \
3363 /* Get the next pixel value. */ \
3364       v = *(++pv); \
3365 \
3366 /* See if it meets the value requirement. */ \
3367       if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
3368          valid = ( v < value ); \
3369 \
3370       } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
3371          valid = ( v <= value ); \
3372 \
3373       } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
3374          valid = ( v == value ); \
3375 \
3376       } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
3377          valid = ( v != value ); \
3378 \
3379       } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
3380          valid = ( v >= value ); \
3381 \
3382       } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
3383          valid = ( v > value ); \
3384 \
3385       } else if( astOK ){ \
3386          astError( AST__OPRIN, "astOutline"#X": Invalid operation code " \
3387                    "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
3388          break; \
3389       } \
3390 \
3391 /* If we are currently looking for the next invalid pixel, and this pixel \
3392    is invalid... */ \
3393       if( stop_at_invalid ) { \
3394          if( ! valid ) { \
3395 \
3396 /* The current pixel may be on the required polygon, or it may be on the  \
3397    edge of a hole contained within the region being outlined. We would  \
3398    like to jump over such holes so that we can continue to look for the  \
3399    real edge of the region being outlined. In order to determine if we  \
3400    have reached a hole, we trace the edge that passes through the current  \
3401    pixel, forming a candidate polygon in the process. In the process, We  \
3402    see if the inside point falls within this candidate polygon. If it does  \
3403    then the polygon is accepted as the required polygon. Otherwise, it is  \
3404    rejected as a mere hole, and we continue moving away from the inside  \
3405    point, looking for a new edge. */ \
3406             if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
3407                candidate = TraceEdgeLT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3408                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3409 \
3410             } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
3411                candidate = TraceEdgeLE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3412                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3413 \
3414             } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
3415                candidate = TraceEdgeEQ##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3416                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3417 \
3418             } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
3419                candidate = TraceEdgeNE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3420                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3421 \
3422             } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
3423                candidate = TraceEdgeGE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3424                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3425 \
3426             } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
3427                candidate = TraceEdgeGT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3428                                            ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3429 \
3430             } else if( astOK ){ \
3431                astError( AST__OPRIN, "astOutline"#X": Invalid operation code " \
3432                          "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
3433             } \
3434 \
3435 /* If the candidate polygon is the required polygon, break out of the \
3436    loop. Otherwise, indicate that we want to continue moving right, \
3437    across the hole, until we reach the far side of the hole (i.e. find \
3438    the next valid pixel). */ \
3439             if( candidate ) { \
3440                break; \
3441             } else { \
3442                stop_at_invalid = 0; \
3443             } \
3444          } \
3445 \
3446 /* If we are currently looking for the next valid pixel, and the current \
3447    pixel is valid... */ \
3448       } else if( valid ) { \
3449 \
3450 /* We have reached the far side of a hole. Continue moving right, looking \
3451    now for the next invalid pixel (which may be on the required polygon). */ \
3452          stop_at_invalid = 1; \
3453       } \
3454    } \
3455 \
3456 /* If we have not yet found the required polygon, we must have reached \
3457    the right hand edge of the array. So we now follow the edge of the \
3458    array round until we meet the boundary of the required region. */ \
3459    if( !candidate ) { \
3460       if( oper == AST__LT ) { \
3461          candidate = TraceEdgeLT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3462                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3463 \
3464       } else if( oper == AST__LE ) { \
3465          candidate = TraceEdgeLE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3466                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3467 \
3468       } else if( oper == AST__EQ ) { \
3469          candidate = TraceEdgeEQ##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3470                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3471 \
3472       } else if( oper == AST__NE ) { \
3473          candidate = TraceEdgeNE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3474                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3475 \
3476       } else if( oper == AST__GE ) { \
3477          candidate = TraceEdgeGE##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3478                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3479 \
3480       } else if( oper == AST__GT ) { \
3481          candidate = TraceEdgeGT##X( value, array, lbnd, ubnd, iv - 1, \
3482                                      ixv - 1, iny, starpix, smooth, status ); \
3483 \
3484       } else if( astOK ){ \
3485          astError( AST__OPRIN, "astOutline"#X": Invalid operation code " \
3486                    "(%d) supplied (programming error).", status, oper ); \
3487       } \
3488    } \
3489 \
3490 /* If required smooth the full resolution polygon before downsizing it. */ \
3491    if( smooth ) { \
3492 \
3493 /* Initially, set the boxsize to be equal to the required accouracy. */ \
3494       if( maxerr > 0 ) { \
3495          boxsize = (int) maxerr; \
3496       } else { \
3497          boxsize = INT_MAX; \
3498       } \
3499 \
3500 /* Determine a second box size equal to the average number of vertices in \
3501    the accurate outline, per vertex in the returned Polygon. */ \
3502       nv0 = astGetNpoint( candidate ); \
3503       if( maxvert > 2 ) { \
3504          tmp = nv0/(2*maxvert); \
3505       } else { \
3506          tmp = INT_MAX; \
3507       } \
3508 \
3509 /* Use the minimum of the two box sizes. */ \
3510       if( tmp < boxsize ) boxsize = tmp; \
3511 \
3512 /* Ensure the box is sufficiently small to allow at least 10 full boxes \
3513    (=20 half boxes) around the polygon. */ \
3514       tmp = nv0/20; \
3515       if( tmp < boxsize ) boxsize = tmp; \
3516       if( boxsize == 0 ) boxsize = 1; \
3517 \
3518 /* Smooth the polygon. */ \
3519       SmoothPoly( candidate, boxsize, 1.0, status ); \
3520    } \
3521 \
3522 /* Reduce the number of vertices in the outline. */ \
3523    frm = astFrame( 2, "Domain=PIXEL,Unit(1)=pixel,Unit(2)=pixel," \
3524                    "Title=Pixel coordinates", status ); \
3525    pset = DownsizePoly( candidate, maxerr, maxvert, frm, status ); \
3526 \
3527 /* Create a default Polygon with 3 junk vertices. */ \
3528    result = astPolygon( frm, 3, 3, junk, NULL, " ", status ); \
3529 \
3530 /* Change the PointSet within the Polygon to the one created above. */ \
3531    SetPointSet( result, pset, status ); \
3532 \
3533 /* Free resources. Note, we need to free the arrays within the candidate \
3534    PointSet explicitly, since they were not created as part of the \
3535    construction of the PointSet (see TraceEdge). */ \
3536    pset = astAnnul( pset ); \
3537    frm = astAnnul( frm ); \
3538    ptr = astGetPoints( candidate ); \
3539    if( astOK ) { \
3540       astFree( ptr[ 0 ] ); \
3541       astFree( ptr[ 1 ] ); \
3542    } \
3543    candidate = astAnnul( candidate ); \
3544 \
3545 /* If an error occurred, clear the returned result. */ \
3546    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result ); \
3547 \
3548 /* Return the result. */ \
3549    return result; \
3550 }
3553 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
3554    data type. */
3555 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
MAKE_OUTLINE(LD,long double)3556 MAKE_OUTLINE(LD,long double)
3557 #endif
3558 MAKE_OUTLINE(D,double)
3559 MAKE_OUTLINE(L,long int)
3560 MAKE_OUTLINE(UL,unsigned long int)
3561 MAKE_OUTLINE(I,int)
3562 MAKE_OUTLINE(UI,unsigned int)
3563 MAKE_OUTLINE(S,short int)
3564 MAKE_OUTLINE(US,unsigned short int)
3565 MAKE_OUTLINE(B,signed char)
3566 MAKE_OUTLINE(UB,unsigned char)
3567 MAKE_OUTLINE(F,float)
3569 /* Undefine the macros. */
3570 #undef MAKE_OUTLINE
3572 /*
3573 *  Name:
3574 *     PartHull
3576 *  Purpose:
3577 *     Find the convex hull enclosing selected pixels in one corner of a 2D array.
3579 *  Type:
3580 *     Private function.
3582 *  Synopsis:
3583 *     #include "polygon.h"
3584 *     void PartHull<Oper><X>( <Xtype> value, const <Xtype> array[], int xdim,
3585 *                             int ydim, int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye,
3586 *                             int starpix, const int lbnd[2], double **xvert,
3587 *                             double **yvert, int *nvert, int *status )
3589 *  Class Membership:
3590 *     Polygon member function
3592 *  Description:
3593 *     This function uses an algorithm similar to "Andrew's Monotone Chain
3594 *     Algorithm" to create a list of vertices describing one corner of the
3595 *     convex hull enclosing the selected pixels in the supplied array.
3596 *     The corner is defined to be the area of the array to the right of
3597 *     the line from (xs,ys) to (xe,ye).
3599 *  Parameters:
3600 *     value
3601 *        A data value that specifies the pixels to be selected.
3602 *     array
3603 *        Pointer to a 2-dimensional array containing the data to be
3604 *        processed. The numerical type of this array should match the 1-
3605 *        or 2-character type code appended to the function name.
3606 *     xdim
3607 *        The number of pixels along each row of the array.
3608 *     ydim
3609 *        The number of rows in the array.
3610 *     xs
3611 *        The X GRID index of the first pixel on the line to be checked.
3612 *     ys
3613 *        The Y GRID index of the first pixel on the line to be checked.
3614 *     xe
3615 *        The X GRID index of the last pixel on the line to be checked.
3616 *     ye
3617 *        The Y GRID index of the last pixel on the line to be checked.
3618 *     starpix
3619 *        If non-zero, the usual Starlink definition of pixel coordinate
3620 *        is used (integral values at pixel corners). Otherwise, the
3621 *        system used by other AST functions such as astResample is used
3622 *        (integral values at pixel centres).
3623 *     lbnd
3624 *        The lower pixel index bounds of the array.
3625 *     xvert
3626 *        Address of a pointer in which to return a pointer to the list
3627 *        of GRID x values on the hull.
3628 *     yvert
3629 *        Address of a pointer in which to return a pointer to the list
3630 *        of GRID y values on the hull.
3631 *     nvert
3632 *        Address of a pointer in which to return the number of points in
3633 *        the returned xvert and yvert arrays.
3634 *     status
3635 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3637 */
3639 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
3640    type and operation. */
3641 #define MAKE_PARTHULL(X,Xtype,Oper,OperI) \
3642 static void PartHull##Oper##X( Xtype value, const Xtype array[], int xdim, \
3643                                int ydim, int xs, int ys, int xe, int ye, \
3644                                int starpix, const int lbnd[2], \
3645                                double **xvert, double **yvert, int *nvert, \
3646                                int *status ) { \
3647 \
3648 /* Local Variables: */ \
3649    const Xtype *pc; \
3650    double *pxy; \
3651    double dx2; \
3652    double dx1; \
3653    double dy1; \
3654    double dy2; \
3655    double off; \
3656    double xdelta; \
3657    int ivert; \
3658    int ix; \
3659    int iy; \
3660    int x0; \
3661    int x1; \
3662    int xl; \
3663    int xlim; \
3664    int xr; \
3665    int yinc; \
3666 \
3667 /* Initialise */ \
3668    *yvert = NULL; \
3669    *xvert = NULL; \
3670    *nvert = 0; \
3671 \
3672 /* Check the global error status. */ \
3673    if ( !astOK ) return; \
3674 \
3675 /* If the line has zero length. just return a single vertex. */ \
3676    if( xs == xe && ys == ye ) { \
3677       *xvert = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) ); \
3678       *yvert = astMalloc( sizeof( double ) ); \
3679       if( astOK ) { \
3680          if( starpix ) { \
3681             (*xvert)[ 0 ] = xs + lbnd[ 0 ] - 1.5; \
3682             (*yvert)[ 0 ] = ys + lbnd[ 1 ] - 1.5; \
3683          } else { \
3684             (*xvert)[ 0 ] = xs + lbnd[ 0 ] - 1.0; \
3685             (*yvert)[ 0 ] = ys + lbnd[ 1 ] - 1.0; \
3686          } \
3687          *nvert = 1; \
3688       } \
3689       return; \
3690    } \
3691 \
3692 /* Otherwise check the line is sloping. */ \
3693    if( xs == xe ) { \
3694       astError( AST__INTER, "astOutline(Polygon): Bounding box " \
3695                 "has zero width (internal AST programming error).", \
3696                 status ); \
3697       return; \
3698    } else if( ys == ye ) { \
3699       astError( AST__INTER, "astOutline(Polygon): Bounding box " \
3700                 "has zero height (internal AST programming error).", \
3701                 status ); \
3702       return; \
3703    } \
3704 \
3705 /* Calculate the difference in length between adjacent rows of the area \
3706    to be tested. */ \
3707    xdelta = ((double)( xe - xs ))/((double)( ye - ys )); \
3708 \
3709 /* The left and right X limits */ \
3710    if( xe > xs ) { \
3711       xl = xs; \
3712       xr = xe; \
3713    } else { \
3714       xl = xe; \
3715       xr = xs; \
3716    } \
3717 \
3718 /* Get the increment in row number as we move from the start to the end \
3719    of the line. */ \
3720    yinc = ( ye > ys ) ? 1 : -1; \
3721 \
3722 /* Loop round all rows that cross the region to be tested, from start to \
3723    end of the supplied line. */ \
3724    iy = ys; \
3725    while( astOK ) { \
3726 \
3727 /* Get the GRID X coord where the line crosses this row. */ \
3728       xlim = (int)( 0.5 + xs + xdelta*( iy - ys ) ); \
3729 \
3730 /* Get the index of the first and last columns to be tested on this row. */ \
3731       if( yinc < 0 ) { \
3732          x0 = xl; \
3733          x1 = xlim; \
3734       } else { \
3735          x0 = xlim; \
3736          x1 = xr; \
3737       } \
3738 \
3739 /* Get a pointer to the first pixel to be tested at this row. */ \
3740       pc = array + ( iy - 1 )*xdim + x0 - 1; \
3741 \
3742 /* Loop round all columns to be tested in this row. */ \
3743       for( ix = x0; ix <= x1 && astOK; ix++,pc++ ) { \
3744 \
3745 /* Ignore pixels that are not selected. */ \
3746          if( ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) { \
3747 \
3748 /* If this is the very first pixel, initialise the hull to contain just \
3749    the first pixel. */ \
3750             if( *nvert == 0 ){ \
3751                *xvert = astMalloc( 200*sizeof( double ) ); \
3752                *yvert = astMalloc( 200*sizeof( double ) ); \
3753                if( astOK ) { \
3754                   (*xvert)[ 0 ] = ix; \
3755                   (*yvert)[ 0 ] = iy; \
3756                   *nvert = 1; \
3757                } else { \
3758                   break; \
3759                } \
3760 \
3761 /* Otherwise.... */ \
3762             } else { \
3763 \
3764 /* Loop until the hull has been corrected to include the current pixel. */ \
3765                while( 1 ) { \
3766 \
3767 /* If the hull currently contains only one pixel, add the current pixel to \
3768    the end of the hull. */ \
3769                   if( *nvert == 1 ){ \
3770                      (*xvert)[ 1 ] = ix; \
3771                      (*yvert)[ 1 ] = iy; \
3772                      *nvert = 2; \
3773                      break; \
3774 \
3775 /* Otherwise... */ \
3776                   } else { \
3777 \
3778 /* Extend the line from the last-but-one pixel on the hull to the last \
3779    pixel on the hull, and see if the current pixel is to the left of \
3780    this line. If it is, it too is on the hull and so push it onto the end \
3781    of the list of vertices. */ \
3782                      dx1 = (*xvert)[ *nvert - 1 ] - (*xvert)[ *nvert - 2 ]; \
3783                      dy1 = (*yvert)[ *nvert - 1 ] - (*yvert)[ *nvert - 2 ]; \
3784                      dx2 = ix - (*xvert)[ *nvert - 2 ]; \
3785                      dy2 = iy - (*yvert)[ *nvert - 2 ]; \
3786 \
3787                      if( dx1*dy2 > dx2*dy1 ) { \
3788                         ivert = (*nvert)++; \
3789                         *xvert = astGrow( *xvert, *nvert, sizeof( double ) );  \
3790                         *yvert = astGrow( *yvert, *nvert, sizeof( double ) );  \
3791                         if( astOK ) {  \
3792                            (*xvert)[ ivert ] = ix; \
3793                            (*yvert)[ ivert ] = iy; \
3794                         }  \
3795 \
3796 /* Leave the loop now that the new point is on the hull. */ \
3797                         break; \
3798 \
3799 /* If the new point is to the left of the line, then the last point \
3800    previously thought to be on hull is in fact not on the hull, so remove \
3801    it. We then loop again to compare the new pixel with modified hull. */ \
3802                      } else { \
3803                         (*nvert)--; \
3804                      } \
3805                   } \
3806                } \
3807             } \
3808          } \
3809       } \
3810 \
3811       if( iy == ye ) { \
3812          break; \
3813       } else { \
3814          iy += yinc; \
3815       } \
3816 \
3817    } \
3818 \
3819 /* Convert GRID coords to PIXEL coords. */ \
3820    if( astOK ) { \
3821       pxy = *xvert; \
3822       off = starpix ? lbnd[ 0 ] - 1.5 : lbnd[ 0 ] - 1.0; \
3823       for( ivert = 0; ivert < *nvert; ivert++ ) *(pxy++) += off; \
3824 \
3825       pxy = *yvert; \
3826       off = starpix ? lbnd[ 1 ] - 1.5 : lbnd[ 1 ] - 1.0; \
3827       for( ivert = 0; ivert < *nvert; ivert++ ) *(pxy++) += off; \
3828 \
3829 /* Free lists if an error has occurred. */ \
3830    } else { \
3831       *xvert = astFree( *xvert ); \
3832       *yvert = astFree( *yvert ); \
3833       *nvert = 0; \
3834    } \
3835 }
3837 /* Define a macro that uses the above macro to to create implementations
3838    of PartHull for all operations. */
3839 #define MAKEALL_PARTHULL(X,Xtype) \
3847 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
3848    data type and operation. */
3849 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
3850 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(LD,long double)
3851 #endif
3853 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(L,long int)
3854 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(UL,unsigned long int)
3856 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(UI,unsigned int)
3857 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(S,short int)
3858 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(US,unsigned short int)
3859 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(B,signed char)
3860 MAKEALL_PARTHULL(UB,unsigned char)
3863 /* Undefine the macros. */
3864 #undef MAKE_PARTHULL
3867 static double Polywidth( AstFrame *frm, AstLineDef **edges, int i, int nv,
3868                          double cen[ 2 ], int *status ){
3869 /*
3870 *  Name:
3871 *     Polywidth
3873 *  Purpose:
3874 *     Find the width of a polygon perpendicular to a given edge.
3876 *  Type:
3877 *     Private function.
3879 *  Synopsis:
3880 *     #include "polygon.h"
3881 *     double Polywidth( AstFrame *frm, AstLineDef **edges, int i, int nv,
3882 *                       double cen[ 2 ], int *status )
3884 *  Class Membership:
3885 *     Polygon member function
3887 *  Description:
3888 *     This function defines a line perpendicular to a given polygon edge,
3889 *     passing through the mid point of the edge, extending towards the
3890 *     inside of the polygon. It returns the distance that can be travelled
3891 *     along this line before any of the other polygon edges are hit (the
3892 *     "width" of the polygon perpendicular to the given edge). It also
3893 *     puts the position corresponding to half that distance into "cen".
3895 *  Parameters:
3896 *     frm
3897 *        The Frame in which the lines are defined.
3898 *     edges
3899 *        Array of "nv" pointers to AstLineDef structures, each defining an
3900 *        edge of the polygon.
3901 *     i
3902 *        The index of the edge that is to define the polygon width.
3903 *     nv
3904 *        Total number of edges.
3905 *     cen
3906 *        An array into which are put the coords of the point half way
3907 *        along the polygon width line.
3908 *     status
3909 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
3911 *  Returnd Value:
3912 *     The width of the polygon perpendicular to the given edge, or
3913 *     AST__BAD if the width cannot be determined (usually because the
3914 *     vertices been supplied in a clockwise direction, effectively
3915 *     negating the Polygon).
3917 */
3919 /* Local Variables: */
3920    AstLineDef *line;
3921    double *cross;
3922    double d;
3923    double end[ 2 ];
3924    double l1;
3925    double l2;
3926    double result;
3927    double start[ 2 ];
3928    int j;
3930 /* Check the global error status. */
3931    result = AST__BAD;
3932    if ( !astOK ) return result;
3934 /* Create a Line description for a line perpendicular to the specified
3935    edge, passing through the mid point of the edge, and extending towards
3936    the inside of the polygon. First move away from the start along the
3937    line to the mid point. This gives the start of the new line. */
3938    l1 = 0.5*( edges[ i ]->length );
3939    astLineOffset( frm, edges[ i ], l1, 0.0, start );
3941 /* We now move away from this position at right angles to the line. We
3942    start off by moving 5 times the length of the specified edge. For
3943    some Frames (e.g. SkyFrames) this may result in a position that is
3944    much too close (i.e. if it goes all the way round the great circle
3945    and comes back to the beginning). Therefore, we check that the end
3946    point is the requested distance from the start point, and if not, we
3947    halve the length of the line and try again. */
3948    l2 = 10.0*l1;
3949    while( 1 ) {
3950       astLineOffset( frm, edges[ i ], l1, l2, end );
3951       d = astDistance( frm, start, end );
3952       if( d != AST__BAD && fabs( d - l2 ) < 1.0E-6*l2 ) break;
3953       l2 *= 0.5;
3954    }
3956 /* Create a description of the required line. */
3957    line = astLineDef( frm, start, end );
3959 /* Loop round every edge, except for the supplied edge. */
3960    for( j = 0; j < nv; j++ ) {
3961       if( j != i ) {
3963 /* Find the position at which the line created above crosses the current
3964    edge. Skip to the next edge if the line does not intersect the edge
3965    within the length of the edge. */
3966          if( astLineCrossing( frm, line, edges[ j ], &cross ) ) {
3968 /* Find the distance between the crossing point and the line start. */
3969             d = astDistance( frm, start, cross );
3971 /* If this is less than the smallest found so far, record it. */
3972             if( d != AST__BAD && ( d < result || result == AST__BAD ) ) {
3973                result = d;
3974             }
3975          }
3977 /* Free resources */
3978          cross = astFree( cross );
3979       }
3980    }
3981    line = astFree( line );
3983 /* If a width was found, return the point half way across the polygon. */
3984    if( result != AST__BAD ) {
3985       astOffset( frm, start, end, 0.5*result, cen );
3987 /* The usual reason for not finding a width is if the polygon vertices
3988    are supplied in clockwise order, effectively negating the polygon, and
3989    resulting in the "inside" of the polygon being the infinite region
3990    outside a polygonal hole. In this case, the end point of the line
3991    perpendicular to the initial edge can be returned as a representative
3992    "inside" point. */
3993    } else {
3994       cen[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
3995       cen[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
3996    }
3998 /* Return the width. */
3999    return result;
4001 }
RegBaseBox(AstRegion * this_region,double * lbnd,double * ubnd,int * status)4003 static void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *this_region, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status ){
4004 /*
4005 *  Name:
4006 *     RegBaseBox
4008 *  Purpose:
4009 *     Returns the bounding box of an un-negated Region in the base Frame of
4010 *     the encapsulated FrameSet.
4012 *  Type:
4013 *     Private function.
4015 *  Synopsis:
4016 *     #include "polygon.h"
4017 *     void RegBaseBox( AstRegion *this, double *lbnd, double *ubnd, int *status )
4019 *  Class Membership:
4020 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astRegBaseBox protected
4021 *     method inherited from the Region class).
4023 *  Description:
4024 *     This function returns the upper and lower axis bounds of a Region in
4025 *     the base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet, assuming the Region
4026 *     has not been negated. That is, the value of the Negated attribute
4027 *     is ignored.
4029 *  Parameters:
4030 *     this
4031 *        Pointer to the Region.
4032 *     lbnd
4033 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the lower axis bounds
4034 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
4035 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
4036 *        axes in the base Frame.
4037 *     ubnd
4038 *        Pointer to an array in which to return the upper axis bounds
4039 *        covered by the Region in the base Frame of the encapsulated
4040 *        FrameSet. It should have at least as many elements as there are
4041 *        axes in the base Frame.
4042 *     status
4043 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4045 */
4047 /* Local Variables: */
4048    AstFrame *frm;             /* Pointer to encapsulated Frame */
4049    AstPointSet *pset;         /* Pointer to PointSet defining the Region */
4050    AstPolygon *this;          /* Pointer to Polygon structure */
4051    AstRegion *reg;            /* Base Frame equivalent of supplied Polygon */
4052    double **ptr;              /* Pointer to PointSet data */
4053    double *x;                 /* Pointer to next X axis value */
4054    double *y;                 /* Pointer to next Y axis value */
4055    double dist;               /* Offset along an axis */
4056    double x0;                 /* The first X axis value */
4057    double y0;                 /* The first Y axis value */
4058    int ip;                    /* Point index */
4059    int np;                    /* No. of points in PointSet */
4061 /* Check the global error status. */
4062    if ( !astOK ) return;
4064 /* Get a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4065    this = (AstPolygon *) this_region;
4067 /* If the base Frame bounding box has already been found, return the
4068    values stored in the Polygon structure. */
4069    if( this->lbnd[ 0 ] != AST__BAD ) {
4070       lbnd[ 0 ] = this->lbnd[ 0 ];
4071       lbnd[ 1 ] = this->lbnd[ 1 ];
4072       ubnd[ 0 ] = this->ubnd[ 0 ];
4073       ubnd[ 1 ] = this->ubnd[ 1 ];
4075 /* If the base Frame bounding box has not yet been found, find it now and
4076    store it in the Polygon structure. */
4077    } else {
4079 /* Get the axis values for the PointSet which defines the location and
4080    extent of the region in the base Frame of the encapsulated FrameSet. */
4081       pset = this_region->points;
4082       ptr = astGetPoints( pset );
4083       np = astGetNpoint( pset );
4085 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame in the frameset encapsulated by the
4086    parent Region structure. */
4087       frm = astGetFrame( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE );
4089 /* Find the upper and lower bounds of the box enclosing all the vertices.
4090    The box is expressed in terms of axis offsets from the first vertex, in
4091    order to avoid problems with boxes that cross RA=0 or RA=12h */
4092       lbnd[ 0 ] = 0.0;
4093       lbnd[ 1 ] = 0.0;
4094       ubnd[ 0 ] = 0.0;
4095       ubnd[ 1 ] = 0.0;
4097       x = ptr[ 0 ];
4098       y = ptr[ 1 ];
4100       x0 = *x;
4101       y0 = *y;
4103       for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++, x++, y++ ) {
4105          dist =  astAxDistance( frm, 1, x0, *x );
4106          if( dist < lbnd[ 0 ] ) {
4107             lbnd[ 0 ] = dist;
4108          } else if( dist > ubnd[ 0 ] ) {
4109             ubnd[ 0 ] = dist;
4110          }
4112          dist =  astAxDistance( frm, 2, y0, *y );
4113          if( dist < lbnd[ 1 ] ) {
4114             lbnd[ 1 ] = dist;
4115          } else if( dist > ubnd[ 1 ] ) {
4116             ubnd[ 1 ] = dist;
4117          }
4119       }
4121 /* Convert the box bounds to absolute values, rather than values relative
4122    to the first vertex. */
4123       lbnd[ 0 ] += x0;
4124       lbnd[ 1 ] += y0;
4125       ubnd[ 0 ] += x0;
4126       ubnd[ 1 ] += y0;
4128 /* The astNormBox requires a Mapping which can be used to test points in
4129    this base Frame. Create a copy of the Polygon and then set its
4130    FrameSet so that the current Frame in the copy is the same as the base
4131    Frame in the original. */
4132       reg = astCopy( this );
4133       astSetRegFS( reg, frm );
4134       astSetNegated( reg, 0 );
4136 /* Normalise this box. */
4137       astNormBox( frm, lbnd, ubnd, reg );
4139 /* Free resources */
4140       reg = astAnnul( reg );
4141       frm = astAnnul( frm );
4143 /* Store it in the olygon structure for future use. */
4144       this->lbnd[ 0 ] = lbnd[ 0 ];
4145       this->lbnd[ 1 ] = lbnd[ 1 ];
4146       this->ubnd[ 0 ] = ubnd[ 0 ];
4147       this->ubnd[ 1 ] = ubnd[ 1 ];
4149    }
4150 }
RegBaseMesh(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)4152 static AstPointSet *RegBaseMesh( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ){
4153 /*
4154 *  Name:
4155 *     RegBaseMesh
4157 *  Purpose:
4158 *     Return a PointSet containing a mesh of points on the boundary of a
4159 *     Region in its base Frame.
4161 *  Type:
4162 *     Private function.
4164 *  Synopsis:
4165 *     #include "polygon.h"
4166 *     AstPointSet *astRegBaseMesh( AstRegion *this, int *status )
4168 *  Class Membership:
4169 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astRegBaseMesh protected
4170 *     method inherited from the Region class).
4172 *  Description:
4173 *     This function returns a PointSet containing a mesh of points on the
4174 *     boundary of the Region. The points refer to the base Frame of
4175 *     the encapsulated FrameSet.
4177 *  Parameters:
4178 *     this
4179 *        Pointer to the Region.
4180 *     status
4181 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4183 *  Returned Value:
4184 *     Pointer to the PointSet. Annul the pointer using astAnnul when it
4185 *     is no longer needed.
4187 *  Notes:
4188 *    - A NULL pointer is returned if an error has already occurred, or if
4189 *    this function should fail for any reason.
4191 */
4193 /* Local Variables: */
4194    AstFrame *frm;                 /* Base Frame in encapsulated FrameSet */
4195    AstPointSet *result;           /* Returned pointer */
4196    AstPolygon *this;              /* The Polygon structure */
4197    double **rptr;                 /* Pointers to returned mesh data */
4198    double **vptr;                 /* Pointers to vertex data */
4199    double *lens;                  /* Pointer to work space holding edge lengths */
4200    double d;                      /* Length of this edge */
4201    double delta;                  /* Angular separation of points */
4202    double end[ 2 ];               /* End position */
4203    double mp;                     /* No. of mesh points per unit distance */
4204    double p[ 2 ];                 /* Position in 2D Frame */
4205    double start[ 2 ];             /* Start position */
4206    double total;                  /* Total length of polygon */
4207    int ip;                        /* Point index */
4208    int iv;                        /* Vertex index */
4209    int n;                         /* No. of points on this edge */
4210    int next;                      /* Index of next point in returned PointSet */
4211    int np;                        /* No. of points in returned PointSet */
4212    int nv;                        /* No. of polygon vertices */
4214 /* Initialise */
4215    result= NULL;
4217 /* Check the global error status. */
4218    if ( !astOK ) return result;
4220 /* If the Region structure contains a pointer to a PointSet holding
4221    a previously created mesh, return it. */
4222    if( this_region->basemesh ) {
4223       result = astClone( this_region->basemesh );
4225 /* Otherwise, create a new mesh. */
4226    } else {
4228 /* Get a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4229       this = (AstPolygon *) this_region;
4231 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame in the encapsulated FrameSet. */
4232       frm = astGetFrame( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE );
4234 /* Get the number of vertices and pointers to the vertex axis values. */
4235       nv = astGetNpoint( this_region->points );
4236       vptr = astGetPoints( this_region->points );
4238 /* Allocate memory to hold the geodesic length of each edge. */
4239       lens = astMalloc( sizeof( double )*(size_t) nv );
4241       if( astOK ) {
4243 /* Find the total geodesic distance around the boundary. */
4244          total = 0.0;
4246          start[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ 0 ];
4247          start[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ 0 ];
4249          for( iv = 1; iv < nv; iv++ ) {
4250             end[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ iv ];
4251             end[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ iv ];
4253             d = astDistance( frm, start, end );
4254             if( d != AST__BAD ) total += fabs( d );
4255             lens[ iv ] = d;
4256             start[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
4257             start[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
4258          }
4260          end[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ 0 ];
4261          end[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ 0 ];
4263          d = astDistance( frm, start, end );
4264          if( d != AST__BAD ) total += fabs( d );
4265          lens[ 0 ] = d;
4267 /* Find the number of mesh points per unit geodesic distance. */
4268          if( total > 0.0 ){
4269             mp = astGetMeshSize( this )/total;
4271 /* Find the total number of mesh points required. */
4272             np = 0;
4273             for( iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++ ) {
4274                if( lens[ iv ] != AST__BAD ) np += 1 + (int)( lens[ iv ]*mp );
4275             }
4277 /* Create a suitable PointSet to hold the returned positions. */
4278             result = astPointSet( np, 2, "", status );
4279             rptr = astGetPoints( result );
4280             if( astOK ) {
4282 /* Initialise the index of the next point to be added to the returned
4283    PointSet. */
4284                next = 0;
4286 /* Loop round each good edge of the polygon. The edge ends at vertex "iv". */
4287                start[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ 0 ];
4288                start[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ 0 ];
4290                for( iv = 1; iv < nv; iv++ ) {
4291                   end[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ iv ];
4292                   end[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ iv ];
4293                   if( lens[ iv ] != AST__BAD ) {
4295 /* Add the position of the starting vertex to the returned mesh. */
4296                      rptr[ 0 ][ next ] = start[ 0 ];
4297                      rptr[ 1 ][ next ] = start[ 1 ];
4298                      next++;
4300 /* Find the number of points on this edge, and the geodesic distance
4301    between them. */
4302                      n = 1 + (int) ( lens[ iv ]*mp );
4304 /* If more than one point, find the distance between points. */
4305                      if( n > 1 ) {
4306                         delta = lens[ iv ]/n;
4308 /* Loop round the extra points. */
4309                         for( ip = 1; ip < n; ip++ ) {
4311 /* Find the position of the next mesh point. */
4312                            astOffset( frm, start, end, delta*ip, p );
4314 /* Add it to the mesh. */
4315                            rptr[ 0 ][ next ] = p[ 0 ];
4316                            rptr[ 1 ][ next ] = p[ 1 ];
4317                            next++;
4319                         }
4320                      }
4321                   }
4323 /* The end of this edge becomes the start of the next. */
4324                   start[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
4325                   start[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
4326                }
4328 /* Now do the edge which ends at the first vertex. */
4329                end[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ 0 ];
4330                end[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ 0 ];
4331                if( lens[ 0 ] != AST__BAD ) {
4332                   rptr[ 0 ][ next ] = start[ 0 ];
4333                   rptr[ 1 ][ next ] = start[ 1 ];
4334                   next++;
4336                   n = 1 + (int)( lens[ 0 ]*mp );
4337                   if( n > 1 ) {
4338                      delta = lens[ 0 ]/n;
4339                      for( ip = 1; ip < n; ip++ ) {
4340                         astOffset( frm, start, end, delta*ip, p );
4341                         rptr[ 0 ][ next ] = p[ 0 ];
4342                         rptr[ 1 ][ next ] = p[ 1 ];
4343                         next++;
4344                      }
4345                   }
4346                }
4348 /* Check the PointSet size was correct. */
4349                if( next != np && astOK ) {
4350                   astError( AST__INTER, "astRegBaseMesh(%s): Error in the "
4351                             "allocated PointSet size (%d) - should have "
4352                             "been %d (internal AST programming error).", status,
4353                             astGetClass( this ), np, next );
4354                }
4356 /* Save the returned pointer in the Region structure so that it does not
4357    need to be created again next time this function is called. */
4358                if( astOK ) this_region->basemesh = astClone( result );
4360             }
4362          } else if( astOK ) {
4363             astError( AST__BADIN, "astRegBaseMesh(%s): The boundary of "
4364                       "the supplied %s has an undefined length.", status,
4365                       astGetClass( this ), astGetClass( this ) );
4366          }
4368       }
4370 /* Free resources. */
4371       frm = astAnnul( frm );
4372       lens = astFree( lens );
4373    }
4375 /* Annul the result if an error has occurred. */
4376    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
4378 /* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
4379    return result;
4380 }
RegPins(AstRegion * this_region,AstPointSet * pset,AstRegion * unc,int ** mask,int * status)4382 static int RegPins( AstRegion *this_region, AstPointSet *pset, AstRegion *unc,
4383                     int **mask, int *status ){
4384 /*
4385 *  Name:
4386 *     RegPins
4388 *  Purpose:
4389 *     Check if a set of points fall on the boundary of a given Polygon.
4391 *  Type:
4392 *     Private function.
4394 *  Synopsis:
4395 *     #include "polygon.h"
4396 *     int RegPins( AstRegion *this, AstPointSet *pset, AstRegion *unc,
4397 *                  int **mask, int *status )
4399 *  Class Membership:
4400 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astRegPins protected
4401 *     method inherited from the Region class).
4403 *  Description:
4404 *     This function returns a flag indicating if the supplied set of
4405 *     points all fall on the boundary of the given Polygon.
4406 *
4407 *     Some tolerance is allowed, as specified by the uncertainty Region
4408 *     stored in the supplied Polygon "this", and the supplied uncertainty
4409 *     Region "unc" which describes the uncertainty of the supplied points.
4411 *  Parameters:
4412 *     this
4413 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
4414 *     pset
4415 *        Pointer to the PointSet. The points are assumed to refer to the
4416 *        base Frame of the FrameSet encapsulated by "this".
4417 *     unc
4418 *        Pointer to a Region representing the uncertainties in the points
4419 *        given by "pset". The Region is assumed to represent the base Frame
4420 *        of the FrameSet encapsulated by "this". Zero uncertainity is assumed
4421 *        if NULL is supplied.
4422 *     mask
4423 *        Pointer to location at which to return a pointer to a newly
4424 *        allocated dynamic array of ints. The number of elements in this
4425 *        array is equal to the value of the Npoint attribute of "pset".
4426 *        Each element in the returned array is set to 1 if the
4427 *        corresponding position in "pset" is on the boundary of the Region
4428 *        and is set to zero otherwise. A NULL value may be supplied
4429 *        in which case no array is created. If created, the array should
4430 *        be freed using astFree when no longer needed.
4431 *     status
4432 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4434 *  Returned Value:
4435 *     Non-zero if the points all fall on the boundary of the given
4436 *     Region, to within the tolerance specified. Zero otherwise.
4438 */
4440 /* Local variables: */
4441    AstFrame *frm;               /* Base Frame in supplied Polygon */
4442    AstPointSet *pset1;          /* Pointer to copy of supplied PointSet */
4443    AstPointSet *pset2;          /* Pointer to PointSet holding resolved components */
4444    AstPolygon *this;            /* Pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4445    AstRegion *tunc;             /* Uncertainity Region from "this" */
4446    double **ptr1;               /* Pointer to axis values in "pset1" */
4447    double **ptr2;               /* Pointer to axis values in "pset2" */
4448    double **vptr;               /* Pointer to axis values at vertices */
4449    double *safe;                /* An interior point in "this" */
4450    double edge_len;             /* Length of current edge */
4451    double end[2];               /* Position of end of current edge */
4452    double l1;                   /* Length of bounding box diagonal */
4453    double l2;                   /* Length of bounding box diagonal */
4454    double lbnd_tunc[2];         /* Lower bounds of "this" uncertainty Region */
4455    double lbnd_unc[2];          /* Lower bounds of supplied uncertainty Region */
4456    double par;                  /* Parallel component */
4457    double parmax;               /* Max acceptable parallel component */
4458    double prp;                  /* Perpendicular component */
4459    double start[2];             /* Position of start of current edge */
4460    double ubnd_tunc[2];         /* Upper bounds of "this" uncertainty Region */
4461    double ubnd_unc[2];          /* Upper bounds of supplied uncertainty Region */
4462    double wid;                  /* Width of acceptable margin around polygon */
4463    int *m;                      /* Pointer to next mask value */
4464    int i;                       /* Edge index */
4465    int ip;                      /* Point index */
4466    int np;                      /* No. of supplied points */
4467    int nv;                      /* No. of vertices */
4468    int result;                  /* Returned flag */
4470 /* Initialise */
4471    result = 0;
4472    if( mask ) *mask = NULL;
4474 /* Check the inherited status. */
4475    if( !astOK ) return result;
4477 /* Get a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4478    this = (AstPolygon *) this_region;
4480 /* Check the supplied PointSet has 2 axis values per point. */
4481    if( astGetNcoord( pset ) != 2 && astOK ) {
4482       astError( AST__INTER, "astRegPins(%s): Illegal number of axis "
4483                 "values per point (%d) in the supplied PointSet - should be "
4484                 "2 (internal AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( this ),
4485                 astGetNcoord( pset ) );
4486    }
4488 /* Get the number of axes in the uncertainty Region and check it is also 2. */
4489    if( unc && astGetNaxes( unc ) != 2 && astOK ) {
4490       astError( AST__INTER, "astRegPins(%s): Illegal number of axes (%d) "
4491                 "in the supplied uncertainty Region - should be 2 "
4492                 "(internal AST programming error).", status, astGetClass( this ),
4493                 astGetNaxes( unc ) );
4494    }
4496 /* Get pointers to the axis values at the polygon vertices. */
4497    vptr = astGetPoints( this_region->points );
4499 /* Get the number of vertices. */
4500    nv = astGetNpoint( this_region->points );
4502 /* Take a copy of the supplied PointSet and get pointers to its axis
4503    values,and its size */
4504    pset1 = astCopy( pset );
4505    ptr1 = astGetPoints( pset1 );
4506    np = astGetNpoint( pset1 );
4508 /* Create a PointSet to hold the resolved components and get pointers to its
4509    axis data. */
4510    pset2 = astPointSet( np, 2, "", status );
4511    ptr2 = astGetPoints( pset2 );
4513 /* Create a mask array if required. */
4514    if( mask ) *mask = astMalloc( sizeof(int)*(size_t) np );
4516 /* Get the centre of the region in the base Frame. We use this as a "safe"
4517    interior point within the region. */
4518    safe = astRegCentre( this, NULL, NULL, 0, AST__BASE );
4520 /* We now find the maximum distance on each axis that a point can be from the
4521    boundary of the Polygon for it still to be considered to be on the boundary.
4522    First get the Region which defines the uncertainty within the Polygon
4523    being checked (in its base Frame), re-centre it on the interior point
4524    found above (to avoid problems if the uncertainty region straddles a
4525    discontinuity), and get its bounding box. The current Frame of the
4526    uncertainty Region is the same as the base Frame of the Polygon. */
4527    tunc = astGetUncFrm( this, AST__BASE );
4528    if( safe ) astRegCentre( tunc, safe, NULL, 0, AST__CURRENT );
4529    astGetRegionBounds( tunc, lbnd_tunc, ubnd_tunc );
4531 /* Find the geodesic length within the base Frame of "this" of the diagonal of
4532    the bounding box. */
4533    frm = astGetFrame( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE );
4534    l1 = astDistance( frm, lbnd_tunc, ubnd_tunc );
4536 /* Also get the Region which defines the uncertainty of the supplied
4537    points and get its bounding box. First re-centre the uncertainty at the
4538    interior position to avoid problems from uncertainties that straddle a
4539    discontinuity. */
4540    if( unc ) {
4541       if( safe ) astRegCentre( unc, safe, NULL, 0, AST__CURRENT );
4542       astGetRegionBounds( unc, lbnd_unc, ubnd_unc );
4544 /* Find the geodesic length of the diagonal of this bounding box. */
4545       l2 = astDistance( frm, lbnd_unc, ubnd_unc );
4547 /* Assume zero uncertainty if no "unc" Region was supplied. */
4548    } else {
4549       l2 = 0.0;
4550    }
4552 /* The required border width is half of the total diagonal of the two bounding
4553    boxes. */
4554    if( astOK ) {
4555       wid = 0.5*( l1 + l2 );
4557 /* Loop round each edge of the polygon. Edge "i" starts at vertex "i-1"
4558    and ends at vertex "i". Edge zero starts at vertex "nv-1" and ends at
4559    vertex zero. */
4560       start[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ nv - 1 ];
4561       start[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ nv - 1 ];
4562       for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
4563          end[ 0 ] = vptr[ 0 ][ i ];
4564          end[ 1 ] = vptr[ 1 ][ i ];
4566 /* Find the length of this edge. */
4567          edge_len = astDistance( frm, start, end );
4569 /* Resolve all the supplied mesh points into components parallel and
4570    perpendicular to this edge. */
4571          (void) astResolvePoints( frm, start, end, pset1, pset2 );
4573 /* A point is effectively on this edge if the parallel component is
4574    greater than (-wid) and less than (edge_len+wid) AND the perpendicular
4575    component has an absolute value less than wid. Identify such positions
4576    and set them bad in pset1. */
4577          parmax = edge_len + wid;
4578          for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++ ) {
4579             par = ptr2[ 0 ][ ip ];
4580             prp = ptr2[ 1 ][ ip ];
4582             if( par != AST__BAD && prp != AST__BAD ) {
4583                if( par > -wid && par < parmax && prp > -wid && prp < wid ) {
4584                   ptr1[ 0 ][ ip ] = AST__BAD;
4585                   ptr1[ 1 ][ ip ] = AST__BAD;
4586                }
4587             }
4588          }
4590 /* The end of the current edge becomes the start of the next. */
4591          start[ 0 ] = end[ 0 ];
4592          start[ 1 ] = end[ 1 ];
4593       }
4595 /* See if any good points are left in pset1. If so, it means that those
4596    points were not on any edge of hte Polygon. We use two alogorithms
4597    here depending on whether we are creating a mask array, since we can
4598    abort the check upon finding the first good point if we are not
4599    producing a mask. */
4600       result = 1;
4601       if( mask ) {
4602          m = *mask;
4603          for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++, m++ ) {
4604             if( ptr1[ 0 ][ ip ] != AST__BAD &&
4605                 ptr1[ 1 ][ ip ] != AST__BAD ) {
4606                *m = 0;
4607                result = 0;
4608             } else {
4609                *m = 1;
4610             }
4611          }
4612       } else {
4613          for( ip = 0; ip < np; ip++, m++ ) {
4614             if( ptr1[ 0 ][ ip ] != AST__BAD &&
4615                 ptr1[ 1 ][ ip ] != AST__BAD ) {
4616                result = 0;
4617                break;
4618             }
4619          }
4620       }
4621    }
4623 /* Free resources. */
4624    tunc = astAnnul( tunc );
4625    frm = astAnnul( frm );
4626    safe = astFree( safe );
4627    pset1 = astAnnul( pset1 );
4628    pset2 = astAnnul( pset2 );
4630 /* If an error has occurred, return zero. */
4631    if( !astOK ) {
4632       result = 0;
4633       if( mask ) *mask = astAnnul( *mask );
4634    }
4636 /* Return the result. */
4637    return result;
4638 }
RegTrace(AstRegion * this_region,int n,double * dist,double ** ptr,int * status)4640 static int RegTrace( AstRegion *this_region, int n, double *dist, double **ptr,
4641                      int *status ){
4642 /*
4643 *+
4644 *  Name:
4645 *     RegTrace
4647 *  Purpose:
4648 *     Return requested positions on the boundary of a 2D Region.
4650 *  Type:
4651 *     Private function.
4653 *  Synopsis:
4654 *     #include "polygon.h"
4655 *     int astTraceRegion( AstRegion *this, int n, double *dist, double **ptr );
4657 *  Class Membership:
4658 *     Polygon member function (overrides the astTraceRegion method
4659 *     inherited from the parent Region class).
4661 *  Description:
4662 *     This function returns positions on the boundary of the supplied
4663 *     Region, if possible. The required positions are indicated by a
4664 *     supplied list of scalar parameter values in the range zero to one.
4665 *     Zero corresponds to some arbitrary starting point on the boundary,
4666 *     and one corresponds to the end (which for a closed region will be
4667 *     the same place as the start).
4669 *  Parameters:
4670 *     this
4671 *        Pointer to the Region.
4672 *     n
4673 *        The number of positions to return. If this is zero, the function
4674 *        returns without action (but the returned function value still
4675 *        indicates if the method is supported or not).
4676 *     dist
4677 *        Pointer to an array of "n" scalar parameter values in the range
4678 *        0 to 1.0.
4679 *     ptr
4680 *        A pointer to an array of pointers. The number of elements in
4681 *        this array should equal tthe number of axes in the Frame spanned
4682 *        by the Region. Each element of the array should be a pointer to
4683 *        an array of "n" doubles, in which to return the "n" values for
4684 *        the corresponding axis. The contents of the arrays are unchanged
4685 *        if the supplied Region belongs to a class that does not
4686 *        implement this method.
4688 *  Returned Value:
4689 *     Non-zero if the astTraceRegion method is implemented by the class
4690 *     of Region supplied, and zero if not.
4692 *-
4693 */
4695 /* Local Variables; */
4696    AstFrame *frm;
4697    AstMapping *map;
4698    AstPointSet *bpset;
4699    AstPointSet *cpset;
4700    AstPolygon *this;
4701    double **bptr;
4702    double d;
4703    double p[ 2 ];
4704    int i;
4705    int j0;
4706    int j;
4707    int ncur;
4708    int nv;
4709    int monotonic;
4711 /* Check inherited status, and the number of points to return, returning
4712    a non-zero value to indicate that this class supports the astRegTrace
4713    method. */
4714    if( ! astOK || n == 0 ) return 1;
4716 /* Get a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4717    this = (AstPolygon *) this_region;
4719 /* Ensure cached information is available. */
4720    Cache( this, status );
4722 /* Get a pointer to the base Frame in the encapsulated FrameSet. */
4723    frm = astGetFrame( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE );
4725 /* We first determine the required positions in the base Frame of the
4726    Region, and then transform them into the current Frame. Get the
4727    base->current Mapping, and the number of current Frame axes. */
4728    map = astGetMapping( this_region->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
4730 /* If it's a UnitMap we do not need to do the transformation, so put the
4731    base Frame positions directly into the supplied arrays. */
4732    if( astIsAUnitMap( map ) ) {
4733       bpset = NULL;
4734       bptr = ptr;
4735       ncur = 2;
4737 /* Otherwise, create a PointSet to hold the base Frame positions (known
4738    to be 2D since this is an polygon). */
4739    } else {
4740       bpset = astPointSet( n, 2, " ", status );
4741       bptr = astGetPoints( bpset );
4742       ncur = astGetNout( map );
4743    }
4745 /* Check the pointers can be used safely. */
4746    if( astOK ) {
4748 /* Get the number of vertices. */
4749       nv = astGetNpoint( this_region->points );
4751 /* If we have a reasonable number of pointsand there are a reasonable
4752    number of vertices, we can be quicker if we know if the parameteric
4753    distances are monotonic increasing. Find out now. */
4754       if( n > 5 && nv > 5 ) {
4756          monotonic = 1;
4757          for( i = 1; i < n; i++ ) {
4758             if( dist[ i ] < dist[ i - 1 ] ) {
4759                monotonic = 0;
4760                break;
4761             }
4762          }
4764       } else {
4765          monotonic = 0;
4766       }
4768 /* Loop round each point. */
4769       j0 = 1;
4770       for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
4772 /* Get the required round the polygon, starting from vertex zero. */
4773          d = dist[ i ]*this->totlen;
4775 /* Loop round each vertex until we find one which is beyond the required
4776    point. If the supplied distances are monotonic increasing, we can
4777    start the checks at the same vertex that was used for the previous
4778    since we know there will never be a backward step. */
4779          for( j = j0; j < nv; j++ ) {
4780             if( this->startsat[ j ] > d ) break;
4781          }
4783 /* If the distances are monotonic increasing, record the vertex that we
4784    have reached so far. */
4785          if( monotonic ) j0 = j;
4787 /* Find the distance to travel beyond the previous vertex. */
4788          d -= this->startsat[ j - 1 ];
4790 /* Find the position, that is the required distance from the previous
4791    vertex towards the next vertex. */
4792          astLineOffset( frm, this->edges[ j - 1 ], d, 0.0, p );
4794 /* Store the resulting axis values. */
4795          bptr[ 0 ][ i ] = p[ 0 ];
4796          bptr[ 1 ][ i ] = p[ 1 ];
4797       }
4798    }
4800 /* If required, transform the base frame positions into the current
4801    Frame, storing them in the supplied array. Then free resources. */
4802    if( bpset ) {
4803       cpset = astPointSet( n, ncur, " ", status );
4804       astSetPoints( cpset, ptr );
4806       (void) astTransform( map, bpset, 1, cpset );
4808       cpset = astAnnul( cpset );
4809       bpset = astAnnul( bpset );
4810    }
4812 /* Free remaining resources. */
4813    map = astAnnul( map );
4814    frm = astAnnul( frm );
4816 /* Return a non-zero value to indicate that this class supports the
4817    astRegTrace method. */
4818    return 1;
4819 }
RemoveFromChain(Segment * head,Segment * seg,int * status)4821 static Segment *RemoveFromChain( Segment *head, Segment *seg, int *status ){
4822 /*
4823 *  Name:
4824 *     RemoveFromChain
4826 *  Purpose:
4827 *     Remove a Segment from the link list maintained by astDownsize.
4829 *  Type:
4830 *     Private function.
4832 *  Synopsis:
4833 *     #include "polygon.h"
4834 *     Segment *RemoveFromChain( Segment *head, Segment *seg, int *status )
4836 *  Class Membership:
4837 *     Polygon member function
4839 *  Description:
4840 *     The supplied Segment is removed form the list, and the gap is
4841 *     closed up.
4843 *  Parameters:
4844 *     head
4845 *        The Segment structure at the head of the list.
4846 *     seg
4847 *        The Segment to be removed from the list.
4848 *     status
4849 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4851 *  Returned Value:
4852 *     Pointer to the link head (which will have changed if "seg" was the
4853 *     original head).
4855 */
4857 /* Check the global error status. */
4858    if ( !astOK ) return head;
4860 /* If the Segment was the original head, make the next segment the new
4861    head. */
4862    if( head == seg ) head = seg->next;
4864 /* Close up the links between the Segments on either side of the segment
4865    being removed. */
4866    if( seg->prev ) seg->prev->next = seg->next;
4867    if( seg->next ) seg->next->prev = seg->prev;
4869 /* Nullify the links in the segment being removed. */
4870    seg->next = NULL;
4871    seg->prev = NULL;
4873 /* Return the new head. */
4874    return head;
4875 }
ResetCache(AstRegion * this_region,int * status)4877 static void ResetCache( AstRegion *this_region, int *status ){
4878 /*
4879 *  Name:
4880 *     ResetCache
4882 *  Purpose:
4883 *     Clear cached information within the supplied Region.
4885 *  Type:
4886 *     Private function.
4888 *  Synopsis:
4889 *     #include "polygon.h"
4890 *     void ResetCache( AstRegion *this, int *status )
4892 *  Class Membership:
4893 *     Region member function (overrides the astResetCache method
4894 *     inherited from the parent Region class).
4896 *  Description:
4897 *     This function clears cached information from the supplied Region
4898 *     structure.
4900 *  Parameters:
4901 *     this
4902 *        Pointer to the Region.
4903 *     status
4904 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4905 */
4907 /* Local Variables: */
4908    AstPolygon *this;
4909    int i;
4910    int nv;
4912 /* Get a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4913    this = (AstPolygon *) this_region;
4915 /* If a Polygon was supplied, indicate cached information needs to be
4916    recalculated. */
4917    if( this ) {
4918       this->stale = 1;
4919       this->lbnd[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
4921 /* Free any edge structures (number of vertices may be about to change so
4922    this cannot be left until the next call to "Cache()". */
4923       if( this->edges ) {
4924          nv = astGetNpoint( this_region->points );
4925          for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
4926             this->edges[ i ] = astFree( this->edges[ i ] );
4927          }
4928          this->edges = astFree( this->edges );
4929       }
4931 /* Clear the cache of the parent class. */
4932       (*parent_resetcache)( this_region, status );
4933    }
4934 }
SetAttrib(AstObject * this_object,const char * setting,int * status)4936 static void SetAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *setting, int *status ) {
4937 /*
4938 *  Name:
4939 *     SetAttrib
4941 *  Purpose:
4942 *     Set an attribute value for a Polygon.
4944 *  Type:
4945 *     Private function.
4947 *  Synopsis:
4948 *     #include "polygon.h"
4949 *     void SetAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *setting, int *status )
4951 *  Class Membership:
4952 *     Polygon member function (extends the astSetAttrib method inherited from
4953 *     the Region class).
4955 *  Description:
4956 *     This function assigns an attribute value for a Polygon, the attribute
4957 *     and its value being specified by means of a string of the form:
4958 *
4959 *        "attribute= value "
4960 *
4961 *     Here, "attribute" specifies the attribute name and should be in lower
4962 *     case with no white space present. The value to the right of the "="
4963 *     should be a suitable textual representation of the value to be assigned
4964 *     and this will be interpreted according to the attribute's data type.
4965 *     White space surrounding the value is only significant for string
4966 *     attributes.
4968 *  Parameters:
4969 *     this
4970 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
4971 *     setting
4972 *        Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the new attribute
4973 *        value.
4974 *     status
4975 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
4977 *  Returned Value:
4978 *     void
4979 */
4981 /* Local Vaiables: */
4982    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to the Polygon structure */
4983    int ival;                     /* Integer attribute value */
4984    int len;                      /* Length of setting string */
4985    int nc;                       /* Number of characters read by astSscanf */
4987 /* Check the global error status. */
4988    if ( !astOK ) return;
4990 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
4991    this = (AstPolygon *) this_object;
4993 /* Obtain the length of the setting string. */
4994    len = strlen( setting );
4996 /* Test for each recognised attribute in turn, using "astSscanf" to parse the
4997    setting string and extract the attribute value (or an offset to it in the
4998    case of string values). In each case, use the value set in "nc" to check
4999    that the entire string was matched. Once a value has been obtained, use the
5000    appropriate method to set it. */
5002 /* SimpVertices. */
5003 /* ------------- */
5004    if ( nc = 0,
5005                ( 1 == astSscanf( setting, "simpvertices= %d %n", &ival, &nc ) )
5006                && ( nc >= len ) ) {
5007       astSetSimpVertices( this, ival );
5009 /* Pass any unrecognised setting to the parent method for further
5010    interpretation. */
5011    } else {
5012       (*parent_setattrib)( this_object, setting, status );
5013    }
5014 }
SetPointSet(AstPolygon * this,AstPointSet * pset,int * status)5016 static void SetPointSet( AstPolygon *this, AstPointSet *pset, int *status ){
5017 /*
5018 *  Name:
5019 *     SetPointSet
5021 *  Purpose:
5022 *     Store a new set of vertices in an existing Polygon.
5024 *  Type:
5025 *     Private function.
5027 *  Synopsis:
5028 *     #include "polygon.h"
5029 *     void SetPointSet( AstPolygon *this, AstPointSet *pset, int *status )
5031 *  Class Membership:
5032 *     Polygon member function
5034 *  Description:
5035 *     The PointSet in the supplied Polygon is annulled, and replaced by a
5036 *     clone of the supplied PointSet pointer.
5038 *  Parameters:
5039 *     this
5040 *        Pointer to the Polygon to be changed.
5041 *     pset
5042 *        The PointSet containing the new vertex information.
5043 *     status
5044 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5046 */
5049 /* Check the global error status. */
5050    if ( !astOK ) return;
5052 /* Indicate the cached information in the polygon will need to be
5053    re-calculated when needed. */
5054    astResetCache( this );
5056 /* Annul the pointer to the PointSet already in the supplied Polygon. */
5057    (void) astAnnul( ((AstRegion *) this)->points );
5059 /* Store a clone of the supplied new PointSet pointer. */
5060    ((AstRegion *) this)->points = astClone( pset );
5062 }
SetRegFS(AstRegion * this_region,AstFrame * frm,int * status)5064 static void SetRegFS( AstRegion *this_region, AstFrame *frm, int *status ) {
5065 /*
5066 *  Name:
5067 *     SetRegFS
5069 *  Purpose:
5070 *     Stores a new FrameSet in a Region
5072 *  Type:
5073 *     Private function.
5075 *  Synopsis:
5076 *     #include "polygon.h"
5077 *     void SetRegFS( AstRegion *this_region, AstFrame *frm, int *status )
5079 *  Class Membership:
5080 *     Polygon method (over-rides the astSetRegFS method inherited from
5081 *     the Region class).
5083 *  Description:
5084 *     This function creates a new FrameSet and stores it in the supplied
5085 *     Region. The new FrameSet contains two copies of the supplied
5086 *     Frame, connected by a UnitMap.
5088 *  Parameters:
5089 *     this
5090 *        Pointer to the Region.
5091 *     frm
5092 *        The Frame to use.
5093 *     status
5094 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5096 */
5099 /* Check the global error status. */
5100    if ( !astOK ) return;
5102 /* Indicate cached information eeds re-calculating. */
5103    astResetCache( this_region );
5105 /* Invoke the parent method to store the FrameSet in the parent Region
5106    structure. */
5107    (* parent_setregfs)( this_region, frm, status );
5109 }
Simplify(AstMapping * this_mapping,int * status)5111 static AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *this_mapping, int *status ) {
5112 /*
5113 *  Name:
5114 *     Simplify
5116 *  Purpose:
5117 *     Simplify the Mapping represented by a Region.
5119 *  Type:
5120 *     Private function.
5122 *  Synopsis:
5123 *     #include "polygon.h"
5124 *     AstMapping *Simplify( AstMapping *this, int *status )
5126 *  Class Membership:
5127 *     Polygon method (over-rides the astSimplify method inherited
5128 *     from the Region class).
5130 *  Description:
5131 *     This function invokes the parent Region Simplify method, and then
5132 *     performs any further region-specific simplification.
5133 *
5134 *     If the Mapping from base to current Frame is not a UnitMap, this
5135 *     will include attempting to fit a new Region to the boundary defined
5136 *     in the current Frame.
5138 *  Parameters:
5139 *     this
5140 *        Pointer to the original Region.
5141 *     status
5142 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5144 *  Returned Value:
5145 *     A pointer to the simplified Region. A cloned pointer to the
5146 *     supplied Region will be returned if no simplication could be
5147 *     performed.
5149 *  Notes:
5150 *     - A NULL pointer value will be returned if this function is
5151 *     invoked with the AST error status set, or if it should fail for
5152 *     any reason.
5153 */
5155 /* Local Variables: */
5156    AstFrame *frm;             /* Current Frame */
5157    AstMapping *map;           /* Base -> current Mapping */
5158    AstMapping *result;        /* Result pointer to return */
5159    AstPointSet *mesh;         /* Mesh of current Frame positions */
5160    AstPointSet *ps2;          /* Polygon PointSet in current Frame */
5161    AstPolygon *newpol;        /* New Polygon */
5162    AstRegion *new;            /* Pointer to simplified Region */
5163    AstRegion *this;           /* Pointer to supplied Region structure */
5164    AstRegion *unc;            /* Pointer to uncertainty Region */
5165    double **ptr2;             /* Pointer axis values in "ps2" */
5166    double *mem;               /* Pointer to array holding new vertex coords */
5167    double *p;                 /* Pointer to next vertex coords */
5168    double *q;                 /* Pointer to next vertex coords */
5169    int iv;                    /* Vertex index */
5170    int nv;                    /* Number of vertices in polygon */
5171    int ok;                    /* Are the new polygon vertices good? */
5172    int simpler;               /* Has some simplication taken place? */
5174 /* Initialise. */
5175    result = NULL;
5177 /* Check the global error status. */
5178    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5180 /* Get a pointer to the supplied Region structure. */
5181    this = (AstRegion *) this_mapping;
5183 /* Invoke the parent Simplify method inherited from the Region class. This
5184    will simplify the encapsulated FrameSet and uncertainty Region. */
5185    new = (AstRegion *) (*parent_simplify)( this_mapping, status );
5187 /* Note if any simplification took place. This is assumed to be the case
5188    if the pointer returned by the above call is different to the supplied
5189    pointer. */
5190    simpler = ( new != this );
5192 /* We attempt to simplify the Polygon by re-defining it within its current
5193    Frame. Transforming the Polygon from its base to its current Frame may
5194    result in the region no having the same edges. If required, we test this
5195    by transforming a set of bounds on the Polygon boundary. This can only
5196    be done if the current Frame is 2-dimensional. Also, there is only any
5197    point in doing it if the Mapping from base to current Frame in the
5198    Polygon is not a UnitMap. */
5199    map = astGetMapping(  new->frameset, AST__BASE, AST__CURRENT );
5200    if( !astIsAUnitMap( map ) && astGetNout( map ) == 2 ) {
5202 /* Get a pointer to the Frame represented by the Polgon. */
5203       frm = astGetFrame( new->frameset, AST__CURRENT );
5205 /* Get the Region describing the positional uncertainty in this Frame. */
5206       unc = astGetUncFrm( new, AST__CURRENT );
5208 /* Get the positions of the vertices within this Frame. */
5209       ps2 = astRegTransform( this, this->points, 1, NULL, NULL );
5210       ptr2 = astGetPoints( ps2 );
5212 /* Get the number of vertices. */
5213       nv = astGetNpoint( ps2 );
5215 /* Re-organise the vertex axis values into the form required by the
5216    Polygon constructor function. */
5217       mem = astMalloc( sizeof( double)*(size_t)( 2*nv ) );
5218       if( astOK ) {
5219          ok = 1;
5220          p = mem;
5221          q = ptr2[ 0 ];
5222          for( iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++ ) {
5223             if( ( *(p++) = *(q++) ) == AST__BAD ) ok = 0;
5224          }
5225          q = ptr2[ 1 ];
5226          for( iv = 0; iv < nv; iv++ ) *(p++) = *(q++);
5228 /* Create a new Polygon using these transformed vertices. */
5229          if( ok ) {
5230             newpol = astPolygon( frm, nv, nv, mem, unc, "", status );
5232 /* If the SimpVertices attribute is zero, we now check that the
5233    transformation has not bent the edges of the polygon significantly.
5234    If it has, we annul the new Polygon. */
5235             if( !astGetSimpVertices( this ) ) {
5237 /* Get a mesh of points covering the Polygon in this Frame. */
5238                mesh = astRegMesh( new );
5240 /* See if all points within the mesh created from the original Polygon fall
5241    on the boundary of the new Polygon, to within the uncertainty of the
5242    Region. If not, annul the new Polgon. */
5243                if( !astRegPins( newpol, mesh, NULL, NULL ) ) {
5244                   newpol = astAnnul( newpol );
5245                }
5247 /* Free the mesh. */
5248                mesh = astAnnul( mesh );
5249             }
5251 /* If we still have a new polygon, use the new Polygon in place of the
5252    original Region. */
5253             if( newpol ) {
5254                (void) astAnnul( new );
5255                new = (AstRegion *) newpol;
5256                simpler = 1;
5257             }
5258          }
5259       }
5261 /* Free other resources. */
5262       frm = astAnnul( frm );
5263       unc = astAnnul( unc );
5264       ps2 = astAnnul( ps2 );
5265       mem = astFree( mem );
5266    }
5267    map = astAnnul( map );
5269 /* If any simplification could be performed, copy Region attributes from
5270    the supplied Region to the returned Region, and return a pointer to it.
5271    If the supplied Region had no uncertainty, ensure the returned Region
5272    has no uncertainty. Otherwise, return a clone of the supplied pointer. */
5273    if( simpler ){
5274       astRegOverlay( new, this, 1 );
5275       result = (AstMapping *) new;
5277    } else {
5278       new = astAnnul( new );
5279       result = astClone( this );
5280    }
5282 /* If an error occurred, annul the returned pointer. */
5283    if ( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
5285 /* Return the result. */
5286    return result;
5287 }
SmoothPoly(AstPointSet * pset,int boxsize,double strength,int * status)5289 static void SmoothPoly( AstPointSet *pset, int boxsize, double strength,
5290                         int *status ) {
5291 /*
5292 *  Name:
5293 *     SmoothPoly
5295 *  Purpose:
5296 *     Smoooth a polygon assuming plane geometry.
5298 *  Type:
5299 *     Private function.
5301 *  Synopsis:
5302 *     #include "polygon.h"
5303 *     void SmoothPoly( AstPointSet *pset, int boxsize, double strength,
5304 *                      int *status )
5306 *  Class Membership:
5307 *     Polygon member function
5309 *  Description:
5310 *     This function smooths a polygon, without changing the number of
5311 *     vertices. It assumes plane geometry, so should not be used to
5312 *     smooth polygons defined within a SkyFrame or CmpFrame.
5313 *
5314 *     Each vertex is replaced by a new vertex determined as follows: the
5315 *     mean X and Y axis value of the vertices in a section of the polygon
5316 *     centred on the vertex being replaced are found (the length of the
5317 *     section is given by parameter "boxsize"). The new vertex position
5318 *     is then the weighted mean of this mean (X,Y) position and the old
5319 *     vertex position. The weight for the mean (X,Y) position is given
5320 *     by parameter "strength", and the weight for the old vertex
5321 *     position is (1.0 - strength)
5323 *  Parameters:
5324 *     pset
5325 *        A PointSet holding the polygon vertices.
5326 *     boxsize
5327 *        Half width of the box filter, given as a number of vertices.
5328 *     strength
5329 *        The weight to use for the mean (X,Y) position when finding each
5330 *        new vertex position. Should be in the range 0.0 to 1.0. A value
5331 *        of zero results in no change being made to the polygon. A value
5332 *        of 1.0 results in the returned polygon being fully smoothed.
5333 *     status
5334 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5336 */
5338 /* Local Variables: */
5339    double **ptr;
5340    double *newx;
5341    double *newy;
5342    double *nx;
5343    double *ny;
5344    double *oldx;
5345    double *oldy;
5346    double *ox;
5347    double *oy;
5348    double *px;
5349    double *py;
5350    double *qx;
5351    double *qy;
5352    double a;
5353    double b;
5354    double sx;
5355    double sy;
5356    int half_width;
5357    int i;
5358    int nv;
5359    int top;
5361 /* Check the global error status. */
5362    if ( !astOK ) return;
5364 /* Get the number of vertices. */
5365    nv = astGetNpoint( pset );
5367 /* Get pointers to arrays holding the supplied vertex positions. */
5368    ptr = astGetPoints( pset );
5369    oldx = ptr[ 0 ];
5370    oldy = ptr[ 1 ];
5372 /* Allocate arrays to hold the returned vertex positions. */
5373    newx = astMalloc( nv*sizeof( double ) );
5374    newy = astMalloc( nv*sizeof( double ) );
5376 /* Check these pointers can be used safely. */
5377    if( astOK ) {
5379 /* Get weighting factors for the fully smoothed and unsmoothed positions. */
5380       a = strength;
5381       b = 1.0 - a;
5383 /* Ensure the box size is sufficiently small for there to be room for
5384    two boxes along the polygon. */
5385       half_width = nv/4 - 1;
5386       if( boxsize < half_width ) half_width = boxsize;
5387       if( half_width < 1 ) half_width = 1;
5389 /* Modify the weight for the fully smoothed position to include the
5390    normalisation factor needed to account for the box width. */
5391       a /= 2*half_width + 1;
5393 /* Find the sum of the x and y coordinates within a box centred on the
5394    first vertex. This includes vertices from the end of the polygon. */
5395       px = oldx + 1;
5396       qx = oldx + nv;
5397       sx = (oldx)[ 0 ];
5399       py = oldy + 1;
5400       qy = oldy + nv;
5401       sy = (oldy)[ 0 ];
5403       for( i = 0; i < half_width; i++ ) {
5404          sx += *(px++) + *(--qx);
5405          sy += *(py++) + *(--qy);
5406       }
5408 /* Replacing vertices within the first half box will include vertices at
5409    both ends of the polygon. Set up the pointers accordingly, and then
5410    find replacements for each vertex in the first half box.*/
5411       ox = oldx;
5412       oy = oldy;
5413       nx = newx;
5414       ny = newy;
5415       for( i = 0; i < half_width; i++ ) {
5417 /* Form the new vertex (x,y) values as the weighted mean of the mean
5418    (x,y) values in the box, and the old (x,y) values. */
5419          *(nx++) = a*sx + b*( *(ox++) );
5420          *(ny++) = a*sy + b*( *(oy++) );
5422 /* Add in the next vertex X and Y axis values to the running sums, and
5423    remove the position that has now passed out of the box. */
5424          sx += *(px++) - *(qx++);
5425          sy += *(py++) - *(qy++);
5426       }
5428 /* Adjust the pointer for the rest of the polygon, up to one half box away
5429    from the end. In this section, the smoothing box does not touch either
5430    end of the polygon. */
5431       top = nv - half_width - 1;
5432       qx = oldx;
5433       qy = oldy;
5434       for( ; i < top; i++ ){
5436 /* Form the new vertex (x,y) values as the weighted mean of the mean
5437    (x,y) values in the box, and the old (x,y) values. */
5438          *(nx++) = a*sx + b*( *(ox++) );
5439          *(ny++) = a*sy + b*( *(oy++) );
5441 /* Add in the next vertex X and Y axis values to the running sums, and
5442    remove the position that has now passed out of the box. */
5443          sx += *(px++) - *(qx++);
5444          sy += *(py++) - *(qy++);
5445       }
5447 /* Now do the last half box (which includes vertices from the start of
5448    the polygon). */
5449       top = nv;
5450       px = oldx;
5451       py = oldy;
5452       for( ; i < top; i++ ){
5453          *(nx++) = a*sx + b*( *(ox++) );
5454          *(ny++) = a*sy + b*( *(oy++) );
5455          sx += *(px++) - *(qx++);
5456          sy += *(py++) - *(qy++);
5457       }
5459 /* Replace the data points in the PointSet. */
5460       ptr[ 0 ] = newx;
5461       ptr[ 1 ] = newy;
5462       oldx = astFree( oldx );
5463       oldy = astFree( oldy );
5464    }
5465 }
TestAttrib(AstObject * this_object,const char * attrib,int * status)5467 static int TestAttrib( AstObject *this_object, const char *attrib, int *status ) {
5468 /*
5469 *  Name:
5470 *     TestAttrib
5472 *  Purpose:
5473 *     Test if a specified attribute value is set for a Polygon.
5475 *  Type:
5476 *     Private function.
5478 *  Synopsis:
5479 *     #include "polygon.h"
5480 *     int TestAttrib( AstObject *this, const char *attrib, int *status )
5482 *  Class Membership:
5483 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astTestAttrib protected
5484 *     method inherited from the Region class).
5486 *  Description:
5487 *     This function returns a boolean result (0 or 1) to indicate whether
5488 *     a value has been set for one of a Polygon's attributes.
5490 *  Parameters:
5491 *     this
5492 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
5493 *     attrib
5494 *        Pointer to a null terminated string specifying the attribute
5495 *        name.  This should be in lower case with no surrounding white
5496 *        space.
5497 *     status
5498 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5500 *  Returned Value:
5501 *     One if a value has been set, otherwise zero.
5503 *  Notes:
5504 *     - A value of zero will be returned if this function is invoked
5505 *     with the global status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
5506 */
5508 /* Local Variables: */
5509    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to the Polygon structure */
5510    int result;                   /* Result value to return */
5512 /* Initialise. */
5513    result = 0;
5515 /* Check the global error status. */
5516    if ( !astOK ) return result;
5518 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
5519    this = (AstPolygon *) this_object;
5521 /* Check the attribute name and test the appropriate attribute. */
5523 /* SimpVertices. */
5524 /* ------------- */
5525    if ( !strcmp( attrib, "simpvertices" ) ) {
5526       result = astTestSimpVertices( this );
5528 /* If the attribute is not recognised, pass it on to the parent method
5529    for further interpretation. */
5530    } else {
5531       result = (*parent_testattrib)( this_object, attrib, status );
5532    }
5534 /* Return the result, */
5535    return result;
5536 }
5538 /*
5539 *  Name:
5540 *     TraceEdge
5542 *  Purpose:
5543 *     Find a point that is inside the required outline.
5545 *  Type:
5546 *     Private function.
5548 *  Synopsis:
5549 *     #include "polygon.h"
5550 *     void TraceEdge<Oper><X>( <Xtype> value, const <Xtype> array[],
5551 *                              const int lbnd[ 2 ], const int ubnd[ 2 ],
5552 *                              int iv0, int ix0, int iy0, int starpix,
5553 *                              int full, int *status );
5555 *  Class Membership:
5556 *     Polygon member function
5558 *  Description:
5559 *     This function forms a polygon enclosing the region of the data
5560 *     array specified by <Oper> and "value". If this polygon contains
5561 *     the point "(inx,iny)", then a PointSet is returned holding the
5562 *     pixel coordinates of the Polygon vertices. If the polygon
5563 *     does not contain "(inx,iny)", a NULL pointer is returned.
5564 *
5565 *     Each vertex in the polygon corresponds to a corner of a pixel in
5566 *     the data array.
5568 *  Parameters:
5569 *     value
5570 *        The data value defining valid pixels.
5571 *     array
5572 *        The data array.
5573 *     lbnd
5574 *        The lower pixel index bounds of the array.
5575 *     ubnd
5576 *        The upper pixel index bounds of the array.
5577 *     iv0
5578 *        The vector index of a pixel inside the region such that the
5579 *        pixel to the right is NOT inside the region. This defines the
5580 *        start of the polygon.
5581 *     ix0
5582 *        The X pixel index of the pixel specified by "iv0".
5583 *     inx
5584 *        The X pixel index of a point which must be inside the polygon
5585 *        for the polygon to be acceptable.
5586 *     iny
5587 *        The Y pixel index of a point which must be inside the polygon
5588 *        for the polygon to be acceptable.
5589 *     starpix
5590 *        If non-zero, the usual Starlink definition of pixel coordinate
5591 *        is used (integral values at pixel corners). Otherwise, the
5592 *        system used by other AST functions such as astResample is used
5593 *        (integral values at pixel centres).
5594 *     full
5595 *        If non-zero, the full polygon is stored. If zero, vertices in the
5596 *        middle of straight sections of the Polygon are omitted.
5597 *     status
5598 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5600 *  Returned Value:
5601 *     A pointer to a PointSet holding the vertices of the polygon, or
5602 *     NULL if the polygon did not contain "(inx,iny)".
5604 *  Notes:
5605 *     - <Oper> must be one of LT, LE, EQ, GE, GT, NE.
5608 */
5610 /* Define a macro to implement the function for a specific data
5611    type and operation. */
5612 #define MAKE_TRACEEDGE(X,Xtype,Oper,OperI) \
5613 static AstPointSet *TraceEdge##Oper##X( Xtype value, const Xtype array[], \
5614                                         const int lbnd[ 2 ], const int ubnd[ 2 ], \
5615                                         int iv0, int ix0, int iy0, \
5616                                         int starpix, int full, \
5617                                         int *status ){ \
5618 \
5619 /* Local Variables: */ \
5620    AstPointSet *result; /* Pointer to text describing oper */ \
5621    const Xtype *pa;     /* Pointer to current valid pixel value */ \
5622    const Xtype *pb;     /* Pointer to neigbouring valid pixel value */ \
5623    const Xtype *pc;     /* Pointer to neigbouring valid pixel value */ \
5624    double *ptr[ 2 ];    /* PointSet data pointers */ \
5625    double *xvert;       /* Pointer to array holding vertex X axis values */ \
5626    double *yvert;       /* Pointer to array holding vertex Y axis values */ \
5627    double xx;           /* Pixel X coord at corner */ \
5628    double yy;           /* Pixel Y coord at corner */ \
5629    int at;              /* The pixel corner to draw to */ \
5630    int done;            /* Have we arrived back at the start of the polygon? */ \
5631    int ii;              /* Index of new vertex */ \
5632    int ix;              /* X pixel index of current valid pixel */ \
5633    int iy;              /* Y pixel index of current valid pixel */ \
5634    int nright;          /* Overall number of right hand turns along polygon */ \
5635    int nvert;           /* Number of vertices */ \
5636    int nx;              /* Pixels per row */ \
5637 \
5638 /* Initialise */ \
5639    result = NULL; \
5640 \
5641 /* Check the global error status. */ \
5642    if ( !astOK ) return result; \
5643 \
5644 \
5645 /* Initialise pointers to arrays holding the X and Y pixel coordinates at \
5646    the vertices of the polygon. */ \
5647    xvert = NULL; \
5648    yvert = NULL; \
5649    nvert = 0; \
5650 \
5651 /* Find number of pixels in one row of the array. */ \
5652    nx = ( ubnd[ 0 ] - lbnd[ 0 ] + 1 ); \
5653 \
5654 /* The four corners of a pixel are numbered as follows: 0=bottom left, \
5655    1=top left, 2=top right, 3=bottom right. The following algorithm moves \
5656    along pixel edges, from corner to corner, using the above numbering \
5657    scheme to identify the corners. We start the polygon by moving from the \
5658    bottom right to the top right corner of pixel "(ix0,iy0)". */ \
5659    ix = ix0; \
5660    iy = iy0; \
5661    at = 2; \
5662 \
5663 /* Store a pointer to the first good pixel value. */ \
5664    pa = array + ( ix - lbnd[ 0 ] ) + nx*( iy - lbnd[ 1 ] ) ; \
5665 \
5666 /* We count the number of times the polygon turns to the right compared \
5667    to the left. Initialise it to zero. */ \
5668    nright = 0; \
5669 \
5670 /* Loop round tracing out the polygon until we arrive back at the \
5671    beginning. The Polygon class requires that the inside of the polygon \
5672    is to the left as we move round the polygon in an anti-clockwise \
5673    direction. So at each corner, we attempt to move to the next \
5674    anti-clockwise good pixel corner. */ \
5675    done = 0; \
5676    while( !done ) { \
5677 \
5678 /* If we have arrived at the bottom left corner of the good pixel, we must \
5679    have come from the top left corner since all movements around a pixel \
5680    must be anti-clockwise. */ \
5681       if( at == 0 ) { \
5682 \
5683 /* Note the pixel coordinates at the bottom left corner of the current \
5684    pixel. */ \
5685          if( starpix ) { \
5686             xx = ix - 1.0; \
5687             yy = iy - 1.0; \
5688          } else { \
5689             xx = ix - 0.5; \
5690             yy = iy - 0.5; \
5691          } \
5692 \
5693 /* Get a pointer to lower left pixel value */ \
5694          pb = pa - nx - 1; \
5695 \
5696 /* Get a pointer to lower mid pixel value. */ \
5697          pc = pb + 1; \
5698 \
5699 /* If the lower left pixel is within the array and meets the validity \
5700    requirements, move to the left along its top edge. */ \
5701          if( iy > lbnd[ 1 ] && ix > lbnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pb,OperI,value) ) { \
5702             nright++; \
5703             pa = pb; \
5704             at = 1; \
5705             ix--; \
5706             iy--; \
5707 \
5708 /* Otherwise, if lower mid pixel is good, move down its left edge. */ \
5709          } else if( iy > lbnd[ 1 ] && ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) { \
5710             pa = pc; \
5711             at = 0; \
5712             iy--; \
5713 \
5714 /* Otherwise, move to the right along the bottom edge of the current pixel. */ \
5715          } else { \
5716             nright--; \
5717             at = 3; \
5718          } \
5719 \
5720 /* If the polygon bends at this point, or if we will be smoothing the \
5721    polygon, append the pixel coordinates at this pixel corner to the \
5722    polygon. */ \
5723          if( full || pa != pc ) ADD( xx, yy ); \
5724 \
5725 /* If we have arrived at the top left corner of the good pixel, we must \
5726    have come from the top right corner. */ \
5727       } else if( at == 1 ) { \
5728 \
5729 /* Note the pixel coordinates at the top left corner of the current \
5730    pixel. */ \
5731          if( starpix ) { \
5732             xx = ix - 1.0; \
5733             yy = iy; \
5734          } else { \
5735             xx = ix - 0.5; \
5736             yy = iy + 0.5; \
5737          } \
5738 \
5739 /* Get a pointer to upper left pixel value */ \
5740          pb = pa + nx - 1; \
5741 \
5742 /* Get a pointer to mid left pixel value. */ \
5743          pc = pa - 1; \
5744 \
5745 /* If upper left pixel is good, move up its left edge. */ \
5746          if( iy < ubnd[ 1 ] && ix > lbnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pb,OperI,value) ) { \
5747             nright++; \
5748             pa = pb; \
5749             at = 2; \
5750             ix--; \
5751             iy++; \
5752 \
5753 /* Otherwise, if left mid pixel is good, move left along its top edge. */ \
5754          } else if( ix > lbnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) { \
5755             pa = pc; \
5756             at = 1; \
5757             ix--; \
5758 \
5759 /* Otherwise, move down the left edge of the current pixel. */ \
5760          } else { \
5761             nright--; \
5762             at = 0; \
5763          } \
5764 \
5765 /* If the polygon bends at this point, or if we will be smoothing the \
5766    polygon, append the pixel coordinates at this pixel corner to the \
5767    polygon. */ \
5768          if( full || pa != pc ) ADD( xx, yy ); \
5769 \
5770 /* If we have arrived at the top right corner of the good pixel, we must \
5771    have come from the bottom right corner. */ \
5772       } else if( at == 2 ) { \
5773 \
5774 /* Note the pixel coordinates at the top right corner of the current \
5775    pixel. */ \
5776          if( starpix ) { \
5777             xx = ix; \
5778             yy = iy; \
5779          } else { \
5780             xx = ix + 0.5; \
5781             yy = iy + 0.5; \
5782          } \
5783 \
5784 /* Pointer to upper right pixel value */ \
5785          pb = pa + nx + 1; \
5786 \
5787 /* Pointer to top mid pixel value. */ \
5788          pc = pa + nx; \
5789 \
5790 /* If upper right pixel is good, move right along its bottom edge. */ \
5791          if( iy < ubnd[ 1 ] && ix < ubnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pb,OperI,value) ){ \
5792             nright++; \
5793             pa = pb; \
5794             at = 3; \
5795             ix++; \
5796             iy++; \
5797 \
5798 /* Otherwise, if upper mid pixel is good, move up its right edge. */ \
5799          } else if( iy < ubnd[ 1 ] && ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) { \
5800             pa = pc; \
5801             at = 2; \
5802             iy++; \
5803 \
5804 /* Otherwise, move left along the top edge of the current pixel. */ \
5805          } else { \
5806             nright--; \
5807             at = 1; \
5808          } \
5809 \
5810 /* If the polygon bends at this point, or if we will be smoothing the \
5811    polygon, append the pixel coordinates at this pixel corner to the \
5812    polygon. */ \
5813          if( full || pa != pc ) ADD( xx, yy ); \
5814 \
5815 /* Arrived at bottom right corner of good pixel from lower left. */ \
5816       } else { \
5817 \
5818 /* Note the pixel coordinates at the bottom right corner of the current \
5819    pixel. */ \
5820          if( starpix ) { \
5821             xx = ix; \
5822             yy = iy - 1.0; \
5823          } else { \
5824             xx = ix + 0.5; \
5825             yy = iy - 0.5; \
5826          } \
5827 \
5828 /* Pointer to lower right pixel value */ \
5829          pb = pa - ( nx - 1 ); \
5830 \
5831 /* Pointer to mid right pixel value. */ \
5832          pc = pa + 1; \
5833 \
5834 /* If lower right pixel is good, move down its left edge. */ \
5835          if( iy > lbnd[ 1 ] && ix < ubnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pb,OperI,value) ) { \
5836             nright++; \
5837             pa = pb; \
5838             at = 0; \
5839             ix++; \
5840             iy--; \
5841 \
5842 /* Otherwise, if right mid pixel is good, move right along its lower edge. */ \
5843          } else if( ix < ubnd[ 0 ] && ISVALID(*pc,OperI,value) ) { \
5844             pa = pc; \
5845             at = 3; \
5846             ix++; \
5847 \
5848 /* Otherwise, move up the left edge of the current pixel. */ \
5849          } else { \
5850             nright--; \
5851             at = 2; \
5852          } \
5853 \
5854 /* If the polygon bends at this point, or if we will be smoothing the \
5855    polygon, append the pixel coordinates at this pixel corner to the \
5856    polygon. */ \
5857          if( full || pa != pc ) ADD( xx, yy ); \
5858       } \
5859 \
5860 /* If we have arrived back at the start, break out of the loop. */ \
5861       if( ix == ix0 && iy == iy0 && at == 2 ) done = 1; \
5862    } \
5863 \
5864 /* If we have circled round to the right, the polygon will not enclosed \
5865    the specified position, so free resources and return a NULL pointer. */ \
5866    if( nright > 0 ) { \
5867       xvert = astFree( xvert ); \
5868       yvert = astFree( yvert ); \
5869 \
5870 /* If we have circled round to the left, the polygon will enclose \
5871    the specified position, so create and return a PointSet. */ \
5872    } else { \
5873       result = astPointSet( nvert, 2, " ", status ); \
5874       ptr[ 0 ] = xvert; \
5875       ptr[ 1 ] = yvert; \
5876       astSetPoints( result, ptr ); \
5877    } \
5878 \
5879 /* Annul the returned PointSet if anythign went wrong. */ \
5880    if( !astOK && result ) result = astAnnul( result ); \
5881 \
5882 /* Return the PointSet pointer. */ \
5883    return result; \
5884 }
5886 /* Define a macro to add a vertex position to dynamically allocated
5887    arrays of X and Y positions. */
5888 #define ADD(X,Y) {\
5889    ii = nvert++; \
5890    xvert = (double *) astGrow( xvert, nvert, sizeof( double ) ); \
5891    yvert = (double *) astGrow( yvert, nvert, sizeof( double ) ); \
5892    if( astOK ) { \
5893       xvert[ ii ] = (X); \
5894       yvert[ ii ] = (Y); \
5895    } \
5896 }
5898 /* Define a macro that uses the above macro to to create implementations
5899    of TraceEdge for all operations. */
5900 #define MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(X,Xtype) \
5908 /* Expand the above macro to generate a function for each required
5909    data type and operation. */
5910 #if HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE     /* Not normally implemented */
5912 #endif
5914 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(L,long int)
5915 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(UL,unsigned long int)
5917 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(UI,unsigned int)
5918 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(S,short int)
5919 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(US,unsigned short int)
5920 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(B,signed char)
5921 MAKEALL_TRACEEDGE(UB,unsigned char)
5924 /* Undefine the macros. */
5925 #undef MAKE_TRACEEDGE
5928 static AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this_mapping, AstPointSet *in,
5929                                int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status ) {
5930 /*
5931 *  Name:
5932 *     Transform
5934 *  Purpose:
5935 *     Apply a Polygon to transform a set of points.
5937 *  Type:
5938 *     Private function.
5940 *  Synopsis:
5941 *     #include "polygon.h"
5942 *     AstPointSet *Transform( AstMapping *this, AstPointSet *in,
5943 *                             int forward, AstPointSet *out, int *status )
5945 *  Class Membership:
5946 *     Polygon member function (over-rides the astTransform protected
5947 *     method inherited from the Region class).
5949 *  Description:
5950 *     This function takes a Polygon and a set of points encapsulated in a
5951 *     PointSet and transforms the points by setting axis values to
5952 *     AST__BAD for all points which are outside the region. Points inside
5953 *     the region are copied unchanged from input to output.
5955 *  Parameters:
5956 *     this
5957 *        Pointer to the Polygon.
5958 *     in
5959 *        Pointer to the PointSet holding the input coordinate data.
5960 *     forward
5961 *        A non-zero value indicates that the forward coordinate transformation
5962 *        should be applied, while a zero value requests the inverse
5963 *        transformation.
5964 *     out
5965 *        Pointer to a PointSet which will hold the transformed (output)
5966 *        coordinate values. A NULL value may also be given, in which case a
5967 *        new PointSet will be created by this function.
5968 *     status
5969 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
5971 *  Returned Value:
5972 *     Pointer to the output (possibly new) PointSet.
5974 *  Notes:
5975 *     -  The forward and inverse transformations are identical for a
5976 *     Region.
5977 *     -  A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
5978 *     global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
5979 *     -  The number of coordinate values per point in the input PointSet must
5980 *     match the number of axes in the Frame represented by the Polygon.
5981 *     -  If an output PointSet is supplied, it must have space for sufficient
5982 *     number of points and coordinate values per point to accommodate the
5983 *     result. Any excess space will be ignored.
5984 */
5986 /* Local Variables: */
5987    AstFrame *frm;                /* Pointer to base Frame in FrameSet */
5988    AstLineDef *a;                /* Line from inside point to test point */
5989    AstLineDef *b;                /* Polygon edge */
5990    AstPointSet *in_base;         /* PointSet holding base Frame input positions*/
5991    AstPointSet *result;          /* Pointer to output PointSet */
5992    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to Polygon */
5993    double **ptr_in;              /* Pointer to input base Frame coordinate data */
5994    double **ptr_out;             /* Pointer to output current Frame coordinate data */
5995    double *px;                   /* Pointer to array of first axis values */
5996    double *py;                   /* Pointer to array of second axis values */
5997    double p[ 2 ];                /* Current test position */
5998    int closed;                   /* Is the boundary part of the Region? */
5999    int i;                        /* Edge index */
6000    int icoord;                   /* Coordinate index */
6001    int in_region;                /* Is the point inside the Region? */
6002    int ncoord_out;               /* No. of current Frame axes */
6003    int ncross;                   /* Number of crossings */
6004    int neg;                      /* Has the Region been negated? */
6005    int npoint;                   /* No. of input points */
6006    int nv;                       /* No. of vertices */
6007    int point;                    /* Loop counter for input points */
6008    int pos;                      /* Is test position in, on, or outside boundary? */
6010 /* Check the global error status. */
6011    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
6013 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
6014    this = (AstPolygon *) this_mapping;
6016 /* Apply the parent mapping using the stored pointer to the Transform member
6017    function inherited from the parent Region class. This function validates
6018    all arguments and generates an output PointSet if necessary,
6019    containing a copy of the input PointSet. */
6020    result = (*parent_transform)( this_mapping, in, forward, out, status );
6022 /* Get the number of points to be transformed. */
6023    npoint = astGetNpoint( result );
6025 /* Get a pointer to the output axis values. */
6026    ptr_out = astGetPoints( result );
6028 /* Find the number of axes in the current Frame. This need not be 2 (the
6029    number of axes in the *base* Frame must be 2 however). */
6030    ncoord_out = astGetNcoord( result );
6032 /* We will now extend the parent astTransform method by performing the
6033    calculations needed to generate the output coordinate values. */
6035 /* First use the encapsulated FrameSet to transform the supplied positions
6036    from the current Frame in the encapsulated FrameSet (the Frame
6037    represented by the Region), to the base Frame (the Frame in which the
6038    Region is defined). This call also returns a pointer to the base Frame
6039    of the encapsulated FrameSet. Note, the returned pointer may be a
6040    clone of the "in" pointer, and so we must be carefull not to modify the
6041    contents of the returned PointSet. */
6042    in_base = astRegTransform( this, in, 0, NULL, &frm );
6043    ptr_in = astGetPoints( in_base );
6045 /* Get the number of vertices in the polygon. */
6046    nv = astGetNpoint( ((AstRegion *) this)->points );
6048 /* See if the boundary is part of the Region. */
6049    closed = astGetClosed( this );
6051 /* See if the Region has been negated. */
6052    neg = astGetNegated( this );
6054 /* Perform coordinate arithmetic. */
6055 /* ------------------------------ */
6056    if ( astOK ) {
6057       px = ptr_in[ 0 ];
6058       py = ptr_in[ 1 ];
6060 /* Loop round each supplied point in the base Frame of the polygon. */
6061       for ( point = 0; point < npoint; point++, px++, py++ ) {
6063 /* If the input point is bad, indicate that bad output values should be
6064    returned. */
6065          if( *px == AST__BAD || *py == AST__BAD ) {
6066             in_region = 0;
6068 /* Otherwise, we first determine if the point is inside, outside, or on,
6069    the Polygon boundary. Initialially it is unknown. */
6070          } else {
6072 /* Ensure cached information is available.*/
6073             Cache( this, status );
6075 /* Create a definition of the line from a point which is inside the
6076    polygon to the supplied point. This is a structure which includes
6077    cached intermediate information which can be used to speed up
6078    subsequent calculations. */
6079             p[ 0 ] = *px;
6080             p[ 1 ] = *py;
6081             a = astLineDef( frm, this->in, p );
6083 /* We now determine the number of times this line crosses the polygon
6084    boundary. Initialise the number of crossings to zero. */
6085             ncross = 0;
6086             pos = UNKNOWN;
6088 /* Loop rouind all edges of the polygon. */
6089             for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
6090                b = this->edges[ i ];
6092 /* If this point is on the current edge, then we need do no more checks
6093    since we know it is either inside or outside the polygon (depending on
6094    whether the polygon is closed or not). */
6095                if( astLineContains( frm, b, 0, p ) ) {
6096                   pos = ON;
6097                   break;
6099 /* Otherwise, see if the two lines cross within their extent. If so,
6100    increment the number of crossings. */
6101                } else if( astLineCrossing( frm, b, a, NULL ) ) {
6102                   ncross++;
6103                }
6104             }
6106 /* Free resources */
6107             a = astFree( a );
6109 /* If the position is not on the boundary, it is inside the boundary if
6110    the number of crossings is even, and outside otherwise. */
6111             if( pos == UNKNOWN ) pos = ( ncross % 2 == 0 )? IN : OUT;
6113 /* Whether the point is in the Region depends on whether the point is
6114    inside the polygon boundary, whether the Polygon has been negated, and
6115    whether the polygon is closed. */
6116             if( neg ) {
6117                if( pos == IN ) {
6118                   in_region = 0;
6119                } else if( pos == OUT ) {
6120                   in_region = 1;
6121                } else if( closed ) {
6122                   in_region = 1;
6123                } else {
6124                   in_region = 0;
6125                }
6127             } else {
6128                if( pos == IN ) {
6129                   in_region = 1;
6130                } else if( pos == OUT ) {
6131                   in_region = 0;
6132                } else if( closed ) {
6133                   in_region = 1;
6134                } else {
6135                   in_region = 0;
6136                }
6137             }
6138          }
6140 /* If the point is not inside the Region, store bad output values. */
6141          if( !in_region ) {
6142             for ( icoord = 0; icoord < ncoord_out; icoord++ ) {
6143                ptr_out[ icoord ][ point ] = AST__BAD;
6144             }
6145          }
6146       }
6147    }
6149 /* Free resources */
6150    in_base = astAnnul( in_base );
6151    frm = astAnnul( frm );
6153 /* Annul the result if an error has occurred. */
6154    if( !astOK ) result = astAnnul( result );
6156 /* Return a pointer to the output PointSet. */
6157    return result;
6158 }
6160 /* Functions which access class attributes. */
6161 /* ---------------------------------------- */
6162 /* Implement member functions to access the attributes associated with
6163    this class using the macros defined for this purpose in the
6164    "object.h" file. For a description of each attribute, see the class
6165    interface (in the associated .h file). */
6167 /*
6168 *att++
6169 *  Name:
6170 *     SimpVertices
6172 *  Purpose:
6173 *     Simplify a Polygon by transforming its vertices?
6175 *  Type:
6176 *     Public attribute.
6178 *  Synopsis:
6179 *     Integer (boolean).
6181 *  Description:
6182 *     This attribute controls the behaviour of the
6183 c     astSimplify
6184 f     AST_SIMPLIFY
6185 *     method when applied to a Polygon. The simplified Polygon is created
6186 *     by transforming the vertices from the Frame in which the Polygon
6187 *     was originally defined into the Frame currently represented by the
6188 *     Polygon. If SimpVertices is non-zero (the default) then this
6189 *     simplified Polygon is returned without further checks. If SimpVertices
6190 *     is zero, a check is made that the edges of the new Polygon do not
6191 *     depart significantly from the edges of the original Polygon (as
6192 *     determined by the uncertainty associated with the Polygon). This
6193 *     could occur, for instance, if the Mapping frrm the original to the
6194 *     current Frame is highly non-linear. If this check fails, the
6195 *     original unsimplified Polygon is returned without change.
6197 *  Applicability:
6198 *     Polygon
6199 *        All Polygons have this attribute.
6201 *att--
6202 */
6203 astMAKE_CLEAR(Polygon,SimpVertices,simp_vertices,-INT_MAX)
6204 astMAKE_GET(Polygon,SimpVertices,int,0,( ( this->simp_vertices != -INT_MAX ) ?
6205                                    this->simp_vertices : 1 ))
6206 astMAKE_SET(Polygon,SimpVertices,int,simp_vertices,( value != 0 ))
6207 astMAKE_TEST(Polygon,SimpVertices,( this->simp_vertices != -INT_MAX ))
6209 /* Copy constructor. */
6210 /* ----------------- */
Copy(const AstObject * objin,AstObject * objout,int * status)6211 static void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status ) {
6212 /*
6213 *  Name:
6214 *     Copy
6216 *  Purpose:
6217 *     Copy constructor for Polygon objects.
6219 *  Type:
6220 *     Private function.
6222 *  Synopsis:
6223 *     void Copy( const AstObject *objin, AstObject *objout, int *status )
6225 *  Description:
6226 *     This function implements the copy constructor for Polygon objects.
6228 *  Parameters:
6229 *     objin
6230 *        Pointer to the object to be copied.
6231 *     objout
6232 *        Pointer to the object being constructed.
6233 *     status
6234 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
6236 *  Notes:
6237 *     -  This constructor makes a deep copy.
6238 */
6240 /* Local Variables: */
6241    AstPolygon *out;               /* Pointer to output Polygon  */
6243 /* Check the global error status. */
6244    if ( !astOK ) return;
6246 /* Obtain pointers to the output Polygon. */
6247    out = (AstPolygon *) objout;
6249 /* For safety, first clear any references to the input memory from
6250    the output Polygon. */
6251    out->edges = NULL;
6252    out->startsat = NULL;
6254 /* Indicate cached information needs nre-calculating. */
6255    astResetCache( (AstPolygon *) out );
6256 }
6259 /* Destructor. */
6260 /* ----------- */
Delete(AstObject * obj,int * status)6261 static void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status ) {
6262 /*
6263 *  Name:
6264 *     Delete
6266 *  Purpose:
6267 *     Destructor for Polygon objects.
6269 *  Type:
6270 *     Private function.
6272 *  Synopsis:
6273 *     void Delete( AstObject *obj, int *status )
6275 *  Description:
6276 *     This function implements the destructor for Polygon objects.
6278 *  Parameters:
6279 *     obj
6280 *        Pointer to the object to be deleted.
6281 *     status
6282 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
6284 *  Notes:
6285 *     This function attempts to execute even if the global error status is
6286 *     set.
6287 */
6289 /* Local Variables: */
6290    AstPointSet *ps;                  /* Pointer to PointSet inside Region */
6291    AstPolygon *this;                 /* Pointer to Polygon */
6292    int i;                            /* Index of vertex */
6293    int istat;                        /* Original AST error status */
6294    int nv;                           /* Number of vertices */
6295    int rep;                          /* Original error reporting state */
6297 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
6298    this = (AstPolygon *) obj;
6300 /* Annul all resources. */
6301    ps = ((AstRegion *) this)->points;
6302    if( this->edges && ps ) {
6304 /* Ensure we get a value for "nv" even if an error has occurred. */
6305       istat = astStatus;
6306       astClearStatus;
6307       rep = astReporting( 0 );
6309       nv = astGetNpoint( ps );
6311       astSetStatus( istat );
6312       astReporting( rep );
6314 /* Free the structures holding the edge information. */
6315       for( i = 0; i < nv; i++ ) {
6316          this->edges[ i ] = astFree( this->edges[ i ] );
6317       }
6318       this->edges = astFree( this->edges );
6319       this->startsat = astFree( this->startsat );
6321    }
6322 }
6324 /* Dump function. */
6325 /* -------------- */
Dump(AstObject * this_object,AstChannel * channel,int * status)6326 static void Dump( AstObject *this_object, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
6327 /*
6328 *  Name:
6329 *     Dump
6331 *  Purpose:
6332 *     Dump function for Polygon objects.
6334 *  Type:
6335 *     Private function.
6337 *  Synopsis:
6338 *     void Dump( AstObject *this, AstChannel *channel, int *status )
6340 *  Description:
6341 *     This function implements the Dump function which writes out data
6342 *     for the Polygon class to an output Channel.
6344 *  Parameters:
6345 *     this
6346 *        Pointer to the Polygon whose data are being written.
6347 *     channel
6348 *        Pointer to the Channel to which the data are being written.
6349 *     status
6350 *        Pointer to the inherited status variable.
6351 */
6353 /* Local Variables: */
6354    AstPolygon *this;             /* Pointer to the Polygon structure */
6355    int ival;                     /* Integer attribute value */
6356    int set;                      /* Attribute value set? */
6358 /* Check the global error status. */
6359    if ( !astOK ) return;
6361 /* Obtain a pointer to the Polygon structure. */
6362    this = (AstPolygon *) this_object;
6364 /* Write out values representing the instance variables for the
6365    Polygon class.  Accompany these with appropriate comment strings,
6366    possibly depending on the values being written.*/
6368 /* In the case of attributes, we first use the appropriate (private)
6369    Test...  member function to see if they are set. If so, we then use
6370    the (private) Get... function to obtain the value to be written
6371    out.
6373    For attributes which are not set, we use the astGet... method to
6374    obtain the value instead. This will supply a default value
6375    (possibly provided by a derived class which over-rides this method)
6376    which is more useful to a human reader as it corresponds to the
6377    actual default attribute value.  Since "set" will be zero, these
6378    values are for information only and will not be read back. */
6380 /* SimpVertices. */
6381 /* ------------ */
6382 /* Write out the forward-inverse simplification flag. */
6383    set = TestSimpVertices( this, status );
6384    ival = set ? GetSimpVertices( this, status ) : astGetSimpVertices( this );
6385    astWriteInt( channel, "SimpVT", set, 0, ival, "Simplify by transforming vertices?" );
6387 /* A flag indicating the convention used for determining the interior of
6388    the polygon. A zero value indicates that the old AST system is in
6389    use (inside to the left when moving anti-clockwise round the vertices
6390    as viewed from the outside of the celestial sphere). A non-zero value
6391    indicates the STC system is in use (inside to the left when moving
6392    anti-clockwise round the vertices as viewed from the inside of the
6393    celestial sphere). AST currently uses the STC system. */
6394    astWriteInt( channel, "Order", 1, 0, 1, "Polygon uses STC vertex order convention" );
6395 }
6397 /* Standard class functions. */
6398 /* ========================= */
6399 /* Implement the astIsAPolygon and astCheckPolygon functions using the macros
6400    defined for this purpose in the "object.h" header file. */
astMAKE_ISA(Polygon,Region)6401 astMAKE_ISA(Polygon,Region)
6402 astMAKE_CHECK(Polygon)
6404 AstPolygon *astPolygon_( void *frame_void, int npnt, int dim,
6405                          const double *points, AstRegion *unc,
6406                          const char *options, int *status, ...) {
6407 /*
6408 *++
6409 *  Name:
6410 c     astPolygon
6411 f     AST_POLYGON
6413 *  Purpose:
6414 *     Create a Polygon.
6416 *  Type:
6417 *     Public function.
6419 *  Synopsis:
6420 c     #include "polygon.h"
6421 c     AstPolygon *astPolygon( AstFrame *frame, int npnt, int dim,
6422 c                             const double *points, AstRegion *unc,
6423 c                             const char *options, ... )
6426 *  Class Membership:
6427 *     Polygon constructor.
6429 *  Description:
6430 *     This function creates a new Polygon object and optionally initialises
6431 *     its attributes.
6432 *
6433 *     The Polygon class implements a polygonal area, defined by a
6434 *     collection of vertices, within a 2-dimensional Frame. The vertices
6435 *     are connected together by geodesic curves within the encapsulated Frame.
6436 *     For instance, if the encapsulated Frame is a simple Frame then the
6437 *     geodesics will be straight lines, but if the Frame is a SkyFrame then
6438 *     the geodesics will be great circles. Note, the vertices must be
6439 *     supplied in an order such that the inside of the polygon is to the
6440 *     left of the boundary as the vertices are traversed. Supplying them
6441 *     in the reverse order will effectively negate the polygon.
6442 *
6443 *     Within a SkyFrame, neighbouring vertices are always joined using the
6444 *     shortest path. Thus if an edge of 180 degrees or more in length is
6445 *     required, it should be split into section each of which is less
6446 *     than 180 degrees. The closed path joining all the vertices in order
6447 *     will divide the celestial sphere into two disjoint regions. The
6448 *     inside of the polygon is the region which is circled in an
6449 *     anti-clockwise manner (when viewed from the inside of the celestial
6450 *     sphere) when moving through the list of vertices in the order in
6451 *     which they were supplied when the Polygon was created (i.e. the
6452 *     inside is to the left of the boundary when moving through the
6453 *     vertices in the order supplied).
6455 *  Parameters:
6456 c     frame
6457 f     FRAME = INTEGER (Given)
6458 *        A pointer to the Frame in which the region is defined. It must
6459 *        have exactly 2 axes. A deep copy is taken of the supplied Frame.
6460 *        This means that any subsequent changes made to the Frame using the
6461 *        supplied pointer will have no effect the Region.
6462 c     npnt
6463 f     NPNT = INTEGER (Given)
6464 *        The number of points in the Region.
6465 c     dim
6466 f     DIM = INTEGER (Given)
6467 c        The number of elements along the second dimension of the "points"
6468 f        The number of elements along the first dimension of the POINTS
6469 *        array (which contains the point coordinates). This value is
6470 *        required so that the coordinate values can be correctly
6471 *        located if they do not entirely fill this array. The value
6472 c        given should not be less than "npnt".
6473 f        given should not be less than NPNT.
6474 c     points
6475 f     POINTS( DIM, 2 ) = DOUBLE PRECISION (Given)
6476 c        The address of the first element of a 2-dimensional array of
6477 c        shape "[2][dim]" giving the physical coordinates of the vertices.
6478 c        These should be stored such that the value of coordinate
6479 c        number "coord" for point number "pnt" is found in element
6480 c        "in[coord][pnt]".
6481 f        A 2-dimensional array giving the physical coordinates of the
6482 f        vertices. These should be stored such that the value of coordinate
6483 f        number COORD for point number PNT is found in element IN(PNT,COORD).
6484 c     unc
6485 f     UNC = INTEGER (Given)
6486 *        An optional pointer to an existing Region which specifies the
6487 *        uncertainties associated with the boundary of the Box being created.
6488 *        The uncertainty in any point on the boundary of the Box is found by
6489 *        shifting the supplied "uncertainty" Region so that it is centred at
6490 *        the boundary point being considered. The area covered by the
6491 *        shifted uncertainty Region then represents the uncertainty in the
6492 *        boundary position. The uncertainty is assumed to be the same for
6493 *        all points.
6494 *
6495 *        If supplied, the uncertainty Region must be of a class for which
6496 *        all instances are centro-symetric (e.g. Box, Circle, Ellipse, etc.)
6497 *        or be a Prism containing centro-symetric component Regions. A deep
6498 *        copy of the supplied Region will be taken, so subsequent changes to
6499 *        the uncertainty Region using the supplied pointer will have no
6500 *        effect on the created Box. Alternatively,
6501 f        a null Object pointer (AST__NULL)
6502 c        a NULL Object pointer
6503 *        may be supplied, in which case a default uncertainty is used
6504 *        equivalent to a box 1.0E-6 of the size of the Box being created.
6505 *
6506 *        The uncertainty Region has two uses: 1) when the
6507 c        astOverlap
6508 f        AST_OVERLAP
6509 *        function compares two Regions for equality the uncertainty
6510 *        Region is used to determine the tolerance on the comparison, and 2)
6511 *        when a Region is mapped into a different coordinate system and
6512 *        subsequently simplified (using
6513 c        astSimplify),
6514 f        AST_SIMPLIFY),
6515 *        the uncertainties are used to determine if the transformed boundary
6516 *        can be accurately represented by a specific shape of Region.
6517 c     options
6518 f     OPTIONS = CHARACTER * ( * ) (Given)
6519 c        Pointer to a null-terminated string containing an optional
6520 c        comma-separated list of attribute assignments to be used for
6521 c        initialising the new Polygon. The syntax used is identical to
6522 c        that for the astSet function and may include "printf" format
6523 c        specifiers identified by "%" symbols in the normal way.
6524 f        A character string containing an optional comma-separated
6525 f        list of attribute assignments to be used for initialising the
6526 f        new Polygon. The syntax used is identical to that for the
6527 f        AST_SET routine.
6528 c     ...
6529 c        If the "options" string contains "%" format specifiers, then
6530 c        an optional list of additional arguments may follow it in
6531 c        order to supply values to be substituted for these
6532 c        specifiers. The rules for supplying these are identical to
6533 c        those for the astSet function (and for the C "printf"
6534 c        function).
6535 f     STATUS = INTEGER (Given and Returned)
6536 f        The global status.
6538 *  Returned Value:
6539 c     astPolygon()
6541 *        A pointer to the new Polygon.
6543 *  Notes:
6544 *     - A null Object pointer (AST__NULL) will be returned if this
6545 c     function is invoked with the AST error status set, or if it
6546 f     function is invoked with STATUS set to an error value, or if it
6547 *     should fail for any reason.
6549 *  Status Handling:
6550 *     The protected interface to this function includes an extra
6551 *     parameter at the end of the parameter list descirbed above. This
6552 *     parameter is a pointer to the integer inherited status
6553 *     variable: "int *status".
6555 *--
6556 */
6558 /* Local Variables: */
6559    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
6560    AstFrame *frame;              /* Pointer to Frame structure */
6561    AstPolygon *new;            /* Pointer to new Polygon */
6562    va_list args;                 /* Variable argument list */
6564 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
6565    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
6567 /* Check the global status. */
6568    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
6570 /* Obtain and validate a pointer to the supplied Frame structure. */
6571    frame = astCheckFrame( frame_void );
6573 /* Initialise the Polygon, allocating memory and initialising the
6574    virtual function table as well if necessary. */
6575    new = astInitPolygon( NULL, sizeof( AstPolygon ), !class_init,
6576                          &class_vtab, "Polygon", frame, npnt,
6577                          dim, points, unc );
6579 /* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
6580    initialised. */
6581    if ( astOK ) {
6582       class_init = 1;
6584 /* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
6585    to the astVSet method to initialise the new Polygon's attributes. */
6586       va_start( args, status );
6587       astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
6588       va_end( args );
6590 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
6591       if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
6592    }
6594 /* Return a pointer to the new Polygon. */
6595    return new;
6596 }
astPolygonId_(void * frame_void,int npnt,int dim,const double * points,void * unc_void,const char * options,...)6598 AstPolygon *astPolygonId_( void *frame_void, int npnt, int dim,
6599                            const double *points, void *unc_void,
6600                            const char *options, ... ) {
6601 /*
6602 *  Name:
6603 *     astPolygonId_
6605 *  Purpose:
6606 *     Create a Polygon.
6608 *  Type:
6609 *     Private function.
6611 *  Synopsis:
6612 *     #include "polygon.h"
6613 *     AstPolygon *astPolygonId_( void *frame_void, int npnt,
6614 *                                int dim, const double *points, void *unc_void,
6615 *                                const char *options, ... )
6617 *  Class Membership:
6618 *     Polygon constructor.
6620 *  Description:
6621 *     This function implements the external (public) interface to the
6622 *     astPolygon constructor function. It returns an ID value (instead
6623 *     of a true C pointer) to external users, and must be provided
6624 *     because astPolygon_ has a variable argument list which cannot be
6625 *     encapsulated in a macro (where this conversion would otherwise
6626 *     occur).
6627 *
6628 *     The variable argument list also prevents this function from
6629 *     invoking astPolygon_ directly, so it must be a re-implementation
6630 *     of it in all respects, except for the final conversion of the
6631 *     result to an ID value.
6633 *  Parameters:
6634 *     As for astPolygon_.
6636 *  Returned Value:
6637 *     The ID value associated with the new Polygon.
6638 */
6640 /* Local Variables: */
6641    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
6642    AstFrame *frame;              /* Pointer to Frame structure */
6643    AstPolygon *new;              /* Pointer to new Polygon */
6644    AstRegion *unc;               /* Pointer to Region structure */
6645    va_list args;                 /* Variable argument list */
6647    int *status;                  /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
6648    astGET_GLOBALS(NULL);
6650 /* Get a pointer to the inherited status value. */
6651    status = astGetStatusPtr;
6653 /* Check the global status. */
6654    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
6656 /* Obtain a Frame pointer from the supplied ID and validate the
6657    pointer to ensure it identifies a valid Frame. */
6658    frame = astVerifyFrame( astMakePointer( frame_void ) );
6660 /* Obtain a Region pointer from the supplied "unc" ID and validate the
6661    pointer to ensure it identifies a valid Region . */
6662    unc = unc_void ? astCheckRegion( astMakePointer( unc_void ) ) : NULL;
6664 /* Initialise the Polygon, allocating memory and initialising the
6665    virtual function table as well if necessary. */
6666    new = astInitPolygon( NULL, sizeof( AstPolygon ), !class_init,
6667                          &class_vtab, "Polygon", frame, npnt, dim,
6668                          points, unc );
6670 /* If successful, note that the virtual function table has been
6671    initialised. */
6672    if ( astOK ) {
6673       class_init = 1;
6675 /* Obtain the variable argument list and pass it along with the options string
6676    to the astVSet method to initialise the new Polygon's attributes. */
6677       va_start( args, options );
6678       astVSet( new, options, NULL, args );
6679       va_end( args );
6681 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new object. */
6682       if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
6683    }
6685 /* Return an ID value for the new Polygon. */
6686    return astMakeId( new );
6687 }
astInitPolygon_(void * mem,size_t size,int init,AstPolygonVtab * vtab,const char * name,AstFrame * frame,int npnt,int dim,const double * points,AstRegion * unc,int * status)6690 AstPolygon *astInitPolygon_( void *mem, size_t size, int init, AstPolygonVtab *vtab,
6691                              const char *name, AstFrame *frame, int npnt,
6692                              int dim, const double *points, AstRegion *unc, int *status ) {
6693 /*
6694 *+
6695 *  Name:
6696 *     astInitPolygon
6698 *  Purpose:
6699 *     Initialise a Polygon.
6701 *  Type:
6702 *     Protected function.
6704 *  Synopsis:
6705 *     #include "polygon.h"
6706 *     AstPolygon *astInitPolygon( void *mem, size_t size, int init, AstPolygonVtab *vtab,
6707 *                                 const char *name, AstFrame *frame, int npnt,
6708 *                                 int dim, const double *points, AstRegion *unc )
6710 *  Class Membership:
6711 *     Polygon initialiser.
6713 *  Description:
6714 *     This function is provided for use by class implementations to initialise
6715 *     a new Polygon object. It allocates memory (if necessary) to accommodate
6716 *     the Polygon plus any additional data associated with the derived class.
6717 *     It then initialises a Polygon structure at the start of this memory. If
6718 *     the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a virtual
6719 *     function table for a Polygon at the start of the memory passed via the
6720 *     "vtab" parameter.
6722 *  Parameters:
6723 *     mem
6724 *        A pointer to the memory in which the Polygon is to be initialised.
6725 *        This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the Polygon data
6726 *        (sizeof(Polygon)) plus any data used by the derived class. If a value
6727 *        of NULL is given, this function will allocate the memory itself using
6728 *        the "size" parameter to determine its size.
6729 *     size
6730 *        The amount of memory used by the Polygon (plus derived class data).
6731 *        This will be used to allocate memory if a value of NULL is given for
6732 *        the "mem" parameter. This value is also stored in the Polygon
6733 *        structure, so a valid value must be supplied even if not required for
6734 *        allocating memory.
6735 *     init
6736 *        A logical flag indicating if the Polygon's virtual function table is
6737 *        to be initialised. If this value is non-zero, the virtual function
6738 *        table will be initialised by this function.
6739 *     vtab
6740 *        Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be associated
6741 *        with the new Polygon.
6742 *     name
6743 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which contains
6744 *        the name of the class to which the new object belongs (it is this
6745 *        pointer value that will subsequently be returned by the astGetClass
6746 *        method).
6747 *     frame
6748 *        A pointer to the Frame in which the region is defined.
6749 *     npnt
6750 *        The number of points in the Region.
6751 *     dim
6752 *        The number of elements along the second dimension of the "points"
6753 *        array (which contains the point coordinates). This value is
6754 *        required so that the coordinate values can be correctly
6755 *        located if they do not entirely fill this array. The value
6756 *        given should not be less than "npnt".
6757 *     points
6758 *        The address of the first element of a 2-dimensional array of
6759 *        shape "[2][dim]" giving the physical coordinates of the
6760 *        points. These should be stored such that the value of coordinate
6761 *        number "coord" for point number "pnt" is found in element
6762 *        "in[coord][pnt]".
6763 *     unc
6764 *        A pointer to a Region which specifies the uncertainty in the
6765 *        supplied positions (all points in the new Polygon being
6766 *        initialised are assumed to have the same uncertainty). A NULL
6767 *        pointer can be supplied, in which case default uncertainties equal
6768 *        to 1.0E-6 of the dimensions of the new Polygon's bounding box are
6769 *        used. If an uncertainty Region is supplied, it must be either a Box,
6770 *        a Circle or an Ellipse, and its encapsulated Frame must be related
6771 *        to the Frame supplied for parameter "frame" (i.e. astConvert
6772 *        should be able to find a Mapping between them). Two positions
6773 *        the "frame" Frame are considered to be co-incident if their
6774 *        uncertainty Regions overlap. The centre of the supplied
6775 *        uncertainty Region is immaterial since it will be re-centred on the
6776 *        point being tested before use. A deep copy is taken of the supplied
6777 *        Region.
6779 *  Returned Value:
6780 *     A pointer to the new Polygon.
6782 *  Notes:
6783 *     -  A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked with the
6784 *     global error status set, or if it should fail for any reason.
6785 *-
6786 */
6788 /* Local Variables: */
6789    AstPolygon *new;        /* Pointer to new Polygon */
6790    AstPointSet *pset;        /* Pointer to PointSet holding points */
6791    const double *q;          /* Pointer to next supplied axis value */
6792    double **ptr;             /* Pointer to data in pset */
6793    double *p;                /* Pointer to next PointSet axis value */
6794    int i;                    /* Axis index */
6795    int j;                    /* Point index */
6796    int nin;                  /* No. of axes */
6798 /* Check the global status. */
6799    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
6801 /* If necessary, initialise the virtual function table. */
6802    if ( init ) astInitPolygonVtab( vtab, name );
6804 /* Initialise. */
6805    new = NULL;
6807 /* Check the number of axis values per position is correct. */
6808    nin = astGetNaxes( frame );
6809    if( nin != 2 ) {
6810       astError( AST__BADIN, "astInitPolygon(%s): The supplied %s has %d "
6811                 "axes - polygons must have exactly 2 axes.", status, name,
6812                 astGetClass( frame ), nin );
6814 /* If so create a PointSet and store the supplied points in it. Check
6815    none are bad. */
6816    } else {
6817       pset = astPointSet( npnt, 2, "", status );
6818       ptr = astGetPoints( pset );
6819       for( i = 0; i < 2 && astOK; i++ ) {
6820          p = ptr[ i ];
6821          q = points + i*dim;
6822          for( j = 0; j < npnt; j++ ) {
6823             if( (*(p++) = *(q++)) == AST__BAD ) {
6824                astError( AST__BADIN, "astInitPolygon(%s): One or more "
6825                          "bad axis values supplied for the vertex "
6826                          "number %d.", status, name, j + 1 );
6827                break;
6828             }
6829          }
6830       }
6832 /* Initialise a Region structure (the parent class) as the first component
6833    within the Polygon structure, allocating memory if necessary. */
6834       new = (AstPolygon *) astInitRegion( mem, size, 0, (AstRegionVtab *) vtab,
6835                                           name, frame, pset, unc );
6836       if ( astOK ) {
6838 /* Initialise the Polygon data. */
6839 /* ------------------------------ */
6840          new->lbnd[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
6841          new->ubnd[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
6842          new->lbnd[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
6843          new->ubnd[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
6844          new->simp_vertices = -INT_MAX;
6845          new->edges = NULL;
6846          new->startsat = NULL;
6847          new->totlen = 0.0;
6848          new->acw = 1;
6849          new->stale = 1;
6851 /* Ensure the vertices are stored such that the unnegated Polygon
6852    represents the inside of the polygon. */
6853          EnsureInside( new, status );
6855 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new Polygon. */
6856          if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
6857       }
6859 /* Free resources. */
6860       pset = astAnnul( pset );
6862    }
6864 /* Return a pointer to the new Polygon. */
6865    return new;
6866 }
astLoadPolygon_(void * mem,size_t size,AstPolygonVtab * vtab,const char * name,AstChannel * channel,int * status)6868 AstPolygon *astLoadPolygon_( void *mem, size_t size, AstPolygonVtab *vtab,
6869                              const char *name, AstChannel *channel, int *status ) {
6870 /*
6871 *+
6872 *  Name:
6873 *     astLoadPolygon
6875 *  Purpose:
6876 *     Load a Polygon.
6878 *  Type:
6879 *     Protected function.
6881 *  Synopsis:
6882 *     #include "polygon.h"
6883 *     AstPolygon *astLoadPolygon( void *mem, size_t size, AstPolygonVtab *vtab,
6884 *                                 const char *name, AstChannel *channel )
6886 *  Class Membership:
6887 *     Polygon loader.
6889 *  Description:
6890 *     This function is provided to load a new Polygon using data read
6891 *     from a Channel. It first loads the data used by the parent class
6892 *     (which allocates memory if necessary) and then initialises a
6893 *     Polygon structure in this memory, using data read from the input
6894 *     Channel.
6895 *
6896 *     If the "init" flag is set, it also initialises the contents of a
6897 *     virtual function table for a Polygon at the start of the memory
6898 *     passed via the "vtab" parameter.
6900 *  Parameters:
6901 *     mem
6902 *        A pointer to the memory into which the Polygon is to be
6903 *        loaded.  This must be of sufficient size to accommodate the
6904 *        Polygon data (sizeof(Polygon)) plus any data used by derived
6905 *        classes. If a value of NULL is given, this function will
6906 *        allocate the memory itself using the "size" parameter to
6907 *        determine its size.
6908 *     size
6909 *        The amount of memory used by the Polygon (plus derived class
6910 *        data).  This will be used to allocate memory if a value of
6911 *        NULL is given for the "mem" parameter. This value is also
6912 *        stored in the Polygon structure, so a valid value must be
6913 *        supplied even if not required for allocating memory.
6914 *
6915 *        If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "size" value is ignored
6916 *        and sizeof(AstPolygon) is used instead.
6917 *     vtab
6918 *        Pointer to the start of the virtual function table to be
6919 *        associated with the new Polygon. If this is NULL, a pointer
6920 *        to the (static) virtual function table for the Polygon class
6921 *        is used instead.
6922 *     name
6923 *        Pointer to a constant null-terminated character string which
6924 *        contains the name of the class to which the new object
6925 *        belongs (it is this pointer value that will subsequently be
6926 *        returned by the astGetClass method).
6927 *
6928 *        If the "vtab" parameter is NULL, the "name" value is ignored
6929 *        and a pointer to the string "Polygon" is used instead.
6931 *  Returned Value:
6932 *     A pointer to the new Polygon.
6934 *  Notes:
6935 *     - A null pointer will be returned if this function is invoked
6936 *     with the global error status set, or if it should fail for any
6937 *     reason.
6938 *-
6939 */
6941 /* Local Variables: */
6942    astDECLARE_GLOBALS            /* Pointer to thread-specific global data */
6943    AstPolygon *new;              /* Pointer to the new Polygon */
6944    int order;                    /* Is the new (STC) order convention used? */
6946 /* Initialise. */
6947    new = NULL;
6949 /* Check the global error status. */
6950    if ( !astOK ) return new;
6952 /* Get a pointer to the thread specific global data structure. */
6953    astGET_GLOBALS(channel);
6955 /* If a NULL virtual function table has been supplied, then this is
6956    the first loader to be invoked for this Polygon. In this case the
6957    Polygon belongs to this class, so supply appropriate values to be
6958    passed to the parent class loader (and its parent, etc.). */
6959    if ( !vtab ) {
6960       size = sizeof( AstPolygon );
6961       vtab = &class_vtab;
6962       name = "Polygon";
6964 /* If required, initialise the virtual function table for this class. */
6965       if ( !class_init ) {
6966          astInitPolygonVtab( vtab, name );
6967          class_init = 1;
6968       }
6969    }
6971 /* Invoke the parent class loader to load data for all the ancestral
6972    classes of the current one, returning a pointer to the resulting
6973    partly-built Polygon. */
6974    new = astLoadRegion( mem, size, (AstRegionVtab *) vtab, name,
6975                         channel );
6977    if ( astOK ) {
6979 /* Read input data. */
6980 /* ================ */
6981 /* Request the input Channel to read all the input data appropriate to
6982    this class into the internal "values list". */
6983       astReadClassData( channel, "Polygon" );
6985 /* Now read each individual data item from this list and use it to
6986    initialise the appropriate instance variable(s) for this class. */
6988 /* In the case of attributes, we first read the "raw" input value,
6989    supplying the "unset" value as the default. If a "set" value is
6990    obtained, we then use the appropriate (private) Set... member
6991    function to validate and set the value properly. */
6993    new->simp_vertices = astReadInt( channel, "simpvt", -INT_MAX );
6994    if ( TestSimpVertices( new, status ) ) SetSimpVertices( new, new->simp_vertices, status );
6996 /* A flag indicating what order the vertices are stored in. See the Dump
6997    function. */
6998       order = astReadInt( channel, "order", 0 );
7000 /* Initialise other class properties. */
7001       new->lbnd[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
7002       new->ubnd[ 0 ] = AST__BAD;
7003       new->lbnd[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
7004       new->ubnd[ 1 ] = AST__BAD;
7005       new->edges = NULL;
7006       new->startsat = NULL;
7007       new->totlen = 0.0;
7008       new->acw = 1;
7009       new->stale = 1;
7011 /* If the order in which the vertices were written used the old AST
7012    convention, negate the Polygon so that it is consistent with the
7013    current conevtion (based on STC). */
7014       if( ! order ) astNegate( new );
7016 /* Ensure the vertices are stored such that the unnegated Polygon
7017    represents the inside of the polygon. */
7018       EnsureInside( new, status );
7020 /* If an error occurred, clean up by deleting the new Polygon. */
7021       if ( !astOK ) new = astDelete( new );
7022    }
7024 /* Return the new Polygon pointer. */
7025    return new;
7026 }
7028 /* Virtual function interfaces. */
7029 /* ============================ */
7030 /* These provide the external interface to the virtual functions defined by
7031    this class. Each simply checks the global error status and then locates and
7032    executes the appropriate member function, using the function pointer stored
7033    in the object's virtual function table (this pointer is located using the
7034    astMEMBER macro defined in "object.h").
7036    Note that the member function may not be the one defined here, as it may
7037    have been over-ridden by a derived class. However, it should still have the
7038    same interface. */
astDownsize_(AstPolygon * this,double maxerr,int maxvert,int * status)7041 AstPolygon *astDownsize_( AstPolygon *this, double maxerr, int maxvert,
7042                           int *status ) {
7043    if ( !astOK ) return NULL;
7044    return (**astMEMBER(this,Polygon,Downsize))( this, maxerr, maxvert, status );
7045 }