1 /*** File saoimage/wcslib/dsspos.c
2  *** October 21, 1999
3  *** By Jessica Mink, jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
4  *** Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
5  *** Copyright (C) 1995-2002
6  *** Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, Cambridge, MA, USA
8     This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9     modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10     License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11     version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
13     This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14     but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16     Lesser General Public License for more details.
18     You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
19     License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
20     Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
22     Correspondence concerning WCSTools should be addressed as follows:
23            Internet email: jmink@cfa.harvard.edu
24            Postal address: Jessica Mink
25                            Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory
26                            60 Garden St.
27                            Cambridge, MA 02138 USA
29  * Module:	dsspos.c (Plate solution WCS conversion)
30  * Purpose:	Compute WCS from Digital Sky Survey plate fit
31  * Subroutine:	dsspos() converts from pixel location to RA,Dec
32  * Subroutine:	dsspix() converts from RA,Dec to pixel location
34     These functions are based on the astrmcal.c portion of GETIMAGE by
35     J. Doggett and the documentation distributed with the Digital Sky Survey.
37 */
39 #include <math.h>
40 #include <string.h>
41 #include <stdio.h>
42 #include "wcs.h"
44 int
dsspos(xpix,ypix,wcs,xpos,ypos)45 dsspos (xpix, ypix, wcs, xpos, ypos)
47 /* Routine to determine accurate position for pixel coordinates */
48 /* returns 0 if successful otherwise 1 = angle too large for projection; */
49 /* based on amdpos() from getimage */
51 /* Input: */
52 double	xpix;		/* x pixel number  (RA or long without rotation) */
53 double	ypix;		/* y pixel number  (dec or lat without rotation) */
54 struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* WCS parameter structure */
56 /* Output: */
57 double	*xpos;		/* Right ascension or longitude in degrees */
58 double	*ypos;		/* Declination or latitude in degrees */
60 {
61   double x, y, xmm, ymm, xmm2, ymm2, xmm3, ymm3, x2y2;
62   double xi, xir, eta, etar, raoff, ra, dec;
63   double cond2r = 1.745329252e-2;
64   double cons2r = 206264.8062470964;
65   double twopi = 6.28318530717959;
66   double ctan, ccos;
68 /*  Ignore magnitude and color terms
69   double mag = 0.0;
70   double color = 0.0; */
72 /* Convert from image pixels to plate pixels */
73   x = xpix + wcs->x_pixel_offset - 1.0 + 0.5;
74   y = ypix + wcs->y_pixel_offset - 1.0 + 0.5;
76 /* Convert from pixels to millimeters */
77   xmm = (wcs->ppo_coeff[2] - x * wcs->x_pixel_size) / 1000.0;
78   ymm = (y * wcs->y_pixel_size - wcs->ppo_coeff[5]) / 1000.0;
79   xmm2 = xmm * xmm;
80   ymm2 = ymm * ymm;
81   xmm3 = xmm * xmm2;
82   ymm3 = ymm * ymm2;
83   x2y2 = xmm2 + ymm2;
85 /*  Compute coordinates from x,y and plate model */
87   xi =  wcs->x_coeff[ 0]*xmm	+ wcs->x_coeff[ 1]*ymm +
88 	wcs->x_coeff[ 2]		+ wcs->x_coeff[ 3]*xmm2 +
89 	wcs->x_coeff[ 4]*xmm*ymm	+ wcs->x_coeff[ 5]*ymm2 +
90 	wcs->x_coeff[ 6]*(x2y2)	+ wcs->x_coeff[ 7]*xmm3 +
91 	wcs->x_coeff[ 8]*xmm2*ymm	+ wcs->x_coeff[ 9]*xmm*ymm2 +
92 	wcs->x_coeff[10]*ymm3	+ wcs->x_coeff[11]*xmm*(x2y2) +
93 	wcs->x_coeff[12]*xmm*x2y2*x2y2;
95 /*  Ignore magnitude and color terms
96 	+ wcs->x_coeff[13]*mag	+ wcs->x_coeff[14]*mag*mag +
97 	wcs->x_coeff[15]*mag*mag*mag + wcs->x_coeff[16]*mag*xmm +
98 	wcs->x_coeff[17]*mag*x2y2	+ wcs->x_coeff[18]*mag*xmm*x2y2 +
99 	wcs->x_coeff[19]*color; */
101   eta =	wcs->y_coeff[ 0]*ymm	+ wcs->y_coeff[ 1]*xmm +
102 	wcs->y_coeff[ 2]		+ wcs->y_coeff[ 3]*ymm2 +
103 	wcs->y_coeff[ 4]*xmm*ymm	+ wcs->y_coeff[ 5]*xmm2 +
104 	wcs->y_coeff[ 6]*(x2y2)	+ wcs->y_coeff[ 7]*ymm3 +
105 	wcs->y_coeff[ 8]*ymm2*xmm	+ wcs->y_coeff[ 9]*ymm*xmm2 +
106 	wcs->y_coeff[10]*xmm3	+ wcs->y_coeff[11]*ymm*(x2y2) +
107 	wcs->y_coeff[12]*ymm*x2y2*x2y2;
109 /*  Ignore magnitude and color terms
110 	+ wcs->y_coeff[13]*mag	+ wcs->y_coeff[14]*mag*mag +
111 	wcs->y_coeff[15]*mag*mag*mag + wcs->y_coeff[16]*mag*ymm +
112 	wcs->y_coeff[17]*mag*x2y2)	+ wcs->y_coeff[18]*mag*ymm*x2y2 +
113 	wcs->y_coeff[19]*color; */
115 /* Convert to radians */
117   xir = xi / cons2r;
118   etar = eta / cons2r;
120 /* Convert to RA and Dec */
122   ctan = tan (wcs->plate_dec);
123   ccos = cos (wcs->plate_dec);
124   raoff = atan2 (xir / ccos, 1.0 - etar * ctan);
125   ra = raoff + wcs->plate_ra;
126   if (ra < 0.0) ra = ra + twopi;
127   *xpos = ra / cond2r;
129   dec = atan (cos (raoff) * ((etar + ctan) / (1.0 - (etar * ctan))));
130   *ypos = dec / cond2r;
131   return 0;
132 }
135 int
dsspix(xpos,ypos,wcs,xpix,ypix)136 dsspix (xpos, ypos, wcs, xpix, ypix)
138 /* Routine to determine pixel coordinates for sky position */
139 /* returns 0 if successful otherwise 1 = angle too large for projection; */
140 /* based on amdinv() from getimage */
142 /* Input: */
143 double	xpos;		/* Right ascension or longitude in degrees */
144 double	ypos;		/* Declination or latitude in degrees */
145 struct WorldCoor *wcs;	/* WCS parameter structure */
147 /* Output: */
148 double	*xpix;		/* x pixel number  (RA or long without rotation) */
149 double	*ypix;		/* y pixel number  (dec or lat without rotation) */
151 {
152   double div,xi,eta,x,y,xy,x2,y2,x2y,y2x,x3,y3,x4,y4,x2y2,cjunk,dx,dy;
153   double sypos,cypos,syplate,cyplate,sxdiff,cxdiff;
154   double f,fx,fy,g,gx,gy, xmm, ymm;
155   double conr2s = 206264.8062470964;
156   double tolerance = 0.0000005;
157   int    max_iterations = 50;
158   int    i;
159   double xr, yr; 	/* position in radians */
161   *xpix = 0.0;
162   *ypix = 0.0;
164 /* Convert RA and Dec in radians to standard coordinates on a plate */
165   xr = degrad (xpos);
166   yr = degrad (ypos);
167   sypos = sin (yr);
168   cypos = cos (yr);
169   if (wcs->plate_dec == 0.0)
170     wcs->plate_dec = degrad (wcs->yref);
171   syplate = sin (wcs->plate_dec);
172   cyplate = cos (wcs->plate_dec);
173   if (wcs->plate_ra == 0.0)
174     wcs->plate_ra = degrad (wcs->yref);
175   sxdiff = sin (xr - wcs->plate_ra);
176   cxdiff = cos (xr - wcs->plate_ra);
177   div = (sypos * syplate) + (cypos * cyplate * cxdiff);
178   if (div == 0.0)
179     return (1);
180   xi = cypos * sxdiff * conr2s / div;
181   eta = ((sypos * cyplate) - (cypos * syplate * cxdiff)) * conr2s / div;
183 /* Set initial value for x,y */
184   if (wcs->plate_scale == 0.0)
185     return (1);
186   xmm = xi / wcs->plate_scale;
187   ymm = eta / wcs->plate_scale;
189 /* Iterate by Newton's method */
190   for (i = 0; i < max_iterations; i++) {
192     /* X plate model */
193     xy = xmm * ymm;
194     x2 = xmm * xmm;
195     y2 = ymm * ymm;
196     x2y = x2 * ymm;
197     y2x = y2 * xmm;
198     x2y2 = x2 + y2;
199     cjunk = x2y2 * x2y2;
200     x3 = x2 * xmm;
201     y3 = y2 * ymm;
202     x4 = x2 * x2;
203     y4 = y2 * y2;
204     f = wcs->x_coeff[0]*xmm      + wcs->x_coeff[1]*ymm +
205         wcs->x_coeff[2]          + wcs->x_coeff[3]*x2 +
206         wcs->x_coeff[4]*xy       + wcs->x_coeff[5]*y2 +
207         wcs->x_coeff[6]*x2y2     + wcs->x_coeff[7]*x3 +
208         wcs->x_coeff[8]*x2y      + wcs->x_coeff[9]*y2x +
209         wcs->x_coeff[10]*y3      + wcs->x_coeff[11]*xmm*x2y2 +
210         wcs->x_coeff[12]*xmm*cjunk;
211     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
212       + wcs->x_coeff[13]*mag +
213         wcs->x_coeff[14]*mag*mag   + wcs->x_coeff[15]*mag*mag*mag +
214         wcs->x_coeff[16]*mag*xmm   + wcs->x_coeff[17]*mag*(x2+y2) +
215         wcs->x_coeff[18]*mag*xmm*(x2+y2)  + wcs->x_coeff[19]*color;
216     */
218     /*  Derivative of X model wrt x */
219     fx = wcs->x_coeff[0]           + wcs->x_coeff[3]*2.0*xmm +
220          wcs->x_coeff[4]*ymm       + wcs->x_coeff[6]*2.0*xmm +
221          wcs->x_coeff[7]*3.0*x2    + wcs->x_coeff[8]*2.0*xy +
222          wcs->x_coeff[9]*y2        + wcs->x_coeff[11]*(3.0*x2+y2) +
223          wcs->x_coeff[12]*(5.0*x4 +6.0*x2*y2+y4);
224     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
225          wcs->x_coeff[16]*mag      + wcs->x_coeff[17]*mag*2.0*xmm +
226          wcs->x_coeff[18]*mag*(3.0*x2+y2);
227     */
229     /* Derivative of X model wrt y */
230     fy = wcs->x_coeff[1]           + wcs->x_coeff[4]*xmm +
231          wcs->x_coeff[5]*2.0*ymm   + wcs->x_coeff[6]*2.0*ymm +
232          wcs->x_coeff[8]*x2        + wcs->x_coeff[9]*2.0*xy +
233          wcs->x_coeff[10]*3.0*y2   + wcs->x_coeff[11]*2.0*xy +
234          wcs->x_coeff[12]*4.0*xy*x2y2;
235     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
236          wcs->x_coeff[17]*mag*2.0*ymm +
237          wcs->x_coeff[18]*mag*2.0*xy;
238     */
240     /* Y plate model */
241     g = wcs->y_coeff[0]*ymm       + wcs->y_coeff[1]*xmm +
242        wcs->y_coeff[2]            + wcs->y_coeff[3]*y2 +
243        wcs->y_coeff[4]*xy         + wcs->y_coeff[5]*x2 +
244        wcs->y_coeff[6]*x2y2       + wcs->y_coeff[7]*y3 +
245        wcs->y_coeff[8]*y2x        + wcs->y_coeff[9]*x2y +
246        wcs->y_coeff[10]*x3        + wcs->y_coeff[11]*ymm*x2y2 +
247        wcs->y_coeff[12]*ymm*cjunk;
248     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
249        wcs->y_coeff[13]*mag        + wcs->y_coeff[14]*mag*mag +
250        wcs->y_coeff[15]*mag*mag*mag + wcs->y_coeff[16]*mag*ymm +
251        wcs->y_coeff[17]*mag*x2y2 +
252        wcs->y_coeff[18]*mag*ymm*x2y2 + wcs->y_coeff[19]*color;
253     */
255     /* Derivative of Y model wrt x */
256     gx = wcs->y_coeff[1]           + wcs->y_coeff[4]*ymm +
257          wcs->y_coeff[5]*2.0*xmm   + wcs->y_coeff[6]*2.0*xmm +
258          wcs->y_coeff[8]*y2       + wcs->y_coeff[9]*2.0*xy +
259          wcs->y_coeff[10]*3.0*x2  + wcs->y_coeff[11]*2.0*xy +
260          wcs->y_coeff[12]*4.0*xy*x2y2;
261     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
262          wcs->y_coeff[17]*mag*2.0*xmm +
263          wcs->y_coeff[18]*mag*ymm*2.0*xmm;
264     */
266     /* Derivative of Y model wrt y */
267     gy = wcs->y_coeff[0]            + wcs->y_coeff[3]*2.0*ymm +
268          wcs->y_coeff[4]*xmm        + wcs->y_coeff[6]*2.0*ymm +
269          wcs->y_coeff[7]*3.0*y2     + wcs->y_coeff[8]*2.0*xy +
270          wcs->y_coeff[9]*x2         + wcs->y_coeff[11]*(x2+3.0*y2) +
271          wcs->y_coeff[12]*(5.0*y4 + 6.0*x2*y2 + x4);
272     /* magnitude and color terms ignored
273          wcs->y_coeff[16]*mag       + wcs->y_coeff[17]*mag*2.0*ymm +
274          wcs->y_coeff[18]*mag*(x2+3.0*y2);
275     */
277     f = f - xi;
278     g = g - eta;
279     dx = ((-f * gy) + (g * fy)) / ((fx * gy) - (fy * gx));
280     dy = ((-g * fx) + (f * gx)) / ((fx * gy) - (fy * gx));
281     xmm = xmm + dx;
282     ymm = ymm + dy;
283     if ((fabs(dx) < tolerance) && (fabs(dy) < tolerance)) break;
284     }
286 /* Convert mm from plate center to plate pixels */
287   if (wcs->x_pixel_size == 0.0 || wcs->y_pixel_size == 0.0)
288     return (1);
289   x = (wcs->ppo_coeff[2] - xmm*1000.0) / wcs->x_pixel_size;
290   y = (wcs->ppo_coeff[5] + ymm*1000.0) / wcs->y_pixel_size;
292 /* Convert from plate pixels to image pixels */
293   *xpix = x - wcs->x_pixel_offset + 1.0 - 0.5;
294   *ypix = y - wcs->y_pixel_offset + 1.0 - 0.5;
296 /* If position is off of the image, return offscale code */
297   if (*xpix < 0.5 || *xpix > wcs->nxpix+0.5)
298     return -1;
299   if (*ypix < 0.5 || *ypix > wcs->nypix+0.5)
300     return -1;
302   return 0;
303 }
304 /* Mar  6 1995	Original version of this code
305  * May  4 1995	Fix eta cross terms which were all in y
306  * Jun 21 1995	Add inverse routine
307  * Oct 17 1995	Fix inverse routine (degrees -> radians)
308  * Nov  7 1995	Add half pixel to image coordinates to get astrometric
309  *                plate coordinates
310  * Feb 26 1996	Fix plate to image pixel conversion error
311  *
312  * Mar 23 1998	Change names from plate*() to dss*()
313  * Apr  7 1998	Change amd_i_coeff to i_coeff
314  * Sep  4 1998	Fix possible divide by zero in dsspos() from Allen Harris, SAO
315  * Sep 10 1998	Fix possible divide by zero in dsspix() from Allen Harris, SAO
316  *
317  * Oct 21 1999	Drop declaration of cond2r in dsspix()
318  */