1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
2# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
5This is the APE5 coordinates API document re-written to work as a series of test
8Note that new tests for coordinates functionality should generally *not* be
9added to this file - instead, add them to other appropriate test modules  in
10this package, like ``test_sky_coord.py``, ``test_frames.py``, or
11``test_representation.py``.  This file is instead meant mainly to keep track of
12deviations from the original APE5 plan.
15import pytest
16import numpy as np
17from numpy import testing as npt
19from astropy.tests.helper import assert_quantity_allclose as assert_allclose
20from astropy import units as u
21from astropy import time
22from astropy import coordinates as coords
23from astropy.units import allclose
24from astropy.utils.compat.optional_deps import HAS_SCIPY  # noqa
27def test_representations_api():
28    from astropy.coordinates.representation import SphericalRepresentation, \
29        UnitSphericalRepresentation, PhysicsSphericalRepresentation, \
30        CartesianRepresentation
31    from astropy.coordinates import Angle, Longitude, Latitude, Distance
33    # <-----------------Classes for representation of coordinate data-------------->
34    # These classes inherit from a common base class and internally contain Quantity
35    # objects, which are arrays (although they may act as scalars, like numpy's
36    # length-0  "arrays")
38    # They can be initialized with a variety of ways that make intuitive sense.
39    # Distance is optional.
40    UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg)
41    UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hourangle, lat=5*u.deg)
42    SphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hourangle, lat=5*u.deg, distance=10*u.kpc)
44    # In the initial implementation, the lat/lon/distance arguments to the
45    # initializer must be in order. A *possible* future change will be to allow
46    # smarter guessing of the order.  E.g. `Latitude` and `Longitude` objects can be
47    # given in any order.
48    UnitSphericalRepresentation(Longitude(8, u.hour), Latitude(5, u.deg))
49    SphericalRepresentation(Longitude(8, u.hour), Latitude(5, u.deg), Distance(10, u.kpc))
51    # Arrays of any of the inputs are fine
52    UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=[8, 9]*u.hourangle, lat=[5, 6]*u.deg)
54    # Default is to copy arrays, but optionally, it can be a reference
55    UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=[8, 9]*u.hourangle, lat=[5, 6]*u.deg, copy=False)
57    # strings are parsed by `Latitude` and `Longitude` constructors, so no need to
58    # implement parsing in the Representation classes
59    UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=Angle('2h6m3.3s'), lat=Angle('0.1rad'))
61    # Or, you can give `Quantity`s with keywords, and they will be internally
62    # converted to Angle/Distance
63    c1 = SphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hourangle, lat=5*u.deg, distance=10*u.kpc)
65    # Can also give another representation object with the `reprobj` keyword.
66    c2 = SphericalRepresentation.from_representation(c1)
68    #  distance, lat, and lon typically will just match in shape
69    SphericalRepresentation(lon=[8, 9]*u.hourangle, lat=[5, 6]*u.deg, distance=[10, 11]*u.kpc)
70    # if the inputs are not the same, if possible they will be broadcast following
71    # numpy's standard broadcasting rules.
72    c2 = SphericalRepresentation(lon=[8, 9]*u.hourangle, lat=[5, 6]*u.deg, distance=10*u.kpc)
73    assert len(c2.distance) == 2
74    # when they can't be broadcast, it is a ValueError (same as Numpy)
75    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
76        c2 = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=[8, 9, 10]*u.hourangle, lat=[5, 6]*u.deg)
78    # It's also possible to pass in scalar quantity lists with mixed units. These
79    # are converted to array quantities following the same rule as `Quantity`: all
80    # elements are converted to match the first element's units.
81    c2 = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=Angle([8*u.hourangle, 135*u.deg]),
82                                     lat=Angle([5*u.deg, (6*np.pi/180)*u.rad]))
83    assert c2.lat.unit == u.deg and c2.lon.unit == u.hourangle
84    npt.assert_almost_equal(c2.lon[1].value, 9)
86    # The Quantity initializer itself can also be used to force the unit even if the
87    # first element doesn't have the right unit
88    lon = u.Quantity([120*u.deg, 135*u.deg], u.hourangle)
89    lat = u.Quantity([(5*np.pi/180)*u.rad, 0.4*u.hourangle], u.deg)
90    c2 = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon, lat)
92    # regardless of how input, the `lat` and `lon` come out as angle/distance
93    assert isinstance(c1.lat, Angle)
94    assert isinstance(c1.lat, Latitude)  # `Latitude` is an `~astropy.coordinates.Angle` subclass
95    assert isinstance(c1.distance, Distance)
97    # but they are read-only, as representations are immutable once created
98    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
99        c1.lat = Latitude(5, u.deg)
100    # Note that it is still possible to modify the array in-place, but this is not
101    # sanctioned by the API, as this would prevent things like caching.
102    c2.lat[:] = [0] * u.deg  # possible, but NOT SUPPORTED
104    # To address the fact that there are various other conventions for how spherical
105    # coordinates are defined, other conventions can be included as new classes.
106    # Later there may be other conventions that we implement - for now just the
107    # physics convention, as it is one of the most common cases.
108    _ = PhysicsSphericalRepresentation(phi=120*u.deg, theta=85*u.deg, r=3*u.kpc)
110    # first dimension must be length-3 if a lone `Quantity` is passed in.
111    c1 = CartesianRepresentation(np.random.randn(3, 100) * u.kpc)
112    assert c1.xyz.shape[0] == 3
113    assert c1.xyz.unit == u.kpc
114    assert c1.x.shape[0] == 100
115    assert c1.y.shape[0] == 100
116    assert c1.z.shape[0] == 100
117    # can also give each as separate keywords
118    CartesianRepresentation(x=np.random.randn(100)*u.kpc,
119                            y=np.random.randn(100)*u.kpc,
120                            z=np.random.randn(100)*u.kpc)
121    # if the units don't match but are all distances, they will automatically be
122    # converted to match `x`
123    xarr, yarr, zarr = np.random.randn(3, 100)
124    c1 = CartesianRepresentation(x=xarr*u.kpc, y=yarr*u.kpc, z=zarr*u.kpc)
125    c2 = CartesianRepresentation(x=xarr*u.kpc, y=yarr*u.kpc, z=zarr*u.pc)
126    assert c1.xyz.unit == c2.xyz.unit == u.kpc
127    assert_allclose((c1.z / 1000) - c2.z, 0*u.kpc, atol=1e-10*u.kpc)
129    # representations convert into other representations via  `represent_as`
130    srep = SphericalRepresentation(lon=90*u.deg, lat=0*u.deg, distance=1*u.pc)
131    crep = srep.represent_as(CartesianRepresentation)
132    assert_allclose(crep.x, 0*u.pc, atol=1e-10*u.pc)
133    assert_allclose(crep.y, 1*u.pc, atol=1e-10*u.pc)
134    assert_allclose(crep.z, 0*u.pc, atol=1e-10*u.pc)
135    # The functions that actually do the conversion are defined via methods on the
136    # representation classes. This may later be expanded into a full registerable
137    # transform graph like the coordinate frames, but initially it will be a simpler
138    # method system
141def test_frame_api():
142    from astropy.coordinates.representation import SphericalRepresentation, \
143                                 UnitSphericalRepresentation
144    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK5
145    # <--------------------Reference Frame/"Low-level" classes--------------------->
146    # The low-level classes have a dual role: they act as specifiers of coordinate
147    # frames and they *may* also contain data as one of the representation objects,
148    # in which case they are the actual coordinate objects themselves.
150    # They can always accept a representation as a first argument
151    icrs = ICRS(UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg))
153    # which is stored as the `data` attribute
154    assert icrs.data.lat == 5*u.deg
155    assert icrs.data.lon == 8*u.hourangle
157    # Frames that require additional information like equinoxs or obstimes get them
158    # as keyword parameters to the frame constructor.  Where sensible, defaults are
159    # used. E.g., FK5 is almost always J2000 equinox
160    fk5 = FK5(UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg))
161    J2000 = time.Time('J2000')
162    fk5_2000 = FK5(UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg), equinox=J2000)
163    assert fk5.equinox == fk5_2000.equinox
165    # the information required to specify the frame is immutable
166    J2001 = time.Time('J2001')
167    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
168        fk5.equinox = J2001
170    # Similar for the representation data.
171    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
172        fk5.data = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg)
174    # There is also a class-level attribute that lists the attributes needed to
175    # identify the frame.  These include attributes like `equinox` shown above.
176    assert all(nm in ('equinox', 'obstime') for nm in fk5.get_frame_attr_names())
178    # the result of `get_frame_attr_names` is called for particularly in  the
179    # high-level class (discussed below) to allow round-tripping between various
180    # frames.  It is also part of the public API for other similar developer /
181    # advanced users' use.
183    # The actual position information is accessed via the representation objects
184    assert_allclose(icrs.represent_as(SphericalRepresentation).lat, 5*u.deg)
185    # shorthand for the above
186    assert_allclose(icrs.spherical.lat, 5*u.deg)
187    assert icrs.cartesian.z.value > 0
189    # Many frames have a "default" representation, the one in which they are
190    # conventionally described, often with a special name for some of the
191    # coordinates. E.g., most equatorial coordinate systems are spherical with RA and
192    # Dec. This works simply as a shorthand for the longer form above
194    assert_allclose(icrs.dec, 5*u.deg)
195    assert_allclose(fk5.ra, 8*u.hourangle)
197    assert icrs.representation_type == SphericalRepresentation
199    # low-level classes can also be initialized with names valid for that representation
200    # and frame:
201    icrs_2 = ICRS(ra=8*u.hour, dec=5*u.deg, distance=1*u.kpc)
202    assert_allclose(icrs.ra, icrs_2.ra)
204    # and these are taken as the default if keywords are not given:
205    # icrs_nokwarg = ICRS(8*u.hour, 5*u.deg, distance=1*u.kpc)
206    # assert icrs_nokwarg.ra == icrs_2.ra and icrs_nokwarg.dec == icrs_2.dec
208    # they also are capable of computing on-sky or 3d separations from each other,
209    # which will be a direct port of the existing methods:
210    coo1 = ICRS(ra=0*u.hour, dec=0*u.deg)
211    coo2 = ICRS(ra=0*u.hour, dec=1*u.deg)
212    # `separation` is the on-sky separation
213    assert_allclose(coo1.separation(coo2).degree, 1.0)
215    # while `separation_3d` includes the 3D distance information
216    coo3 = ICRS(ra=0*u.hour, dec=0*u.deg, distance=1*u.kpc)
217    coo4 = ICRS(ra=0*u.hour, dec=0*u.deg, distance=2*u.kpc)
218    assert coo3.separation_3d(coo4).kpc == 1.0
220    # The next example fails because `coo1` and `coo2` don't have distances
221    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
222        assert coo1.separation_3d(coo2).kpc == 1.0
224    # repr/str also shows info, with frame and data
225    # assert repr(fk5) == ''
228def test_transform_api():
229    from astropy.coordinates.representation import UnitSphericalRepresentation
230    from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames import ICRS, FK5
231    from astropy.coordinates.baseframe import frame_transform_graph, BaseCoordinateFrame
232    from astropy.coordinates.transformations import DynamicMatrixTransform
233    # <------------------------Transformations------------------------------------->
234    # Transformation functionality is the key to the whole scheme: they transform
235    # low-level classes from one frame to another.
237    # (used below but defined above in the API)
238    fk5 = FK5(ra=8*u.hour, dec=5*u.deg)
240    # If no data (or `None`) is given, the class acts as a specifier of a frame, but
241    # without any stored data.
242    J2001 = time.Time('J2001')
243    fk5_J2001_frame = FK5(equinox=J2001)
245    # if they do not have data, the string instead is the frame specification
246    assert repr(fk5_J2001_frame) == "<FK5 Frame (equinox=J2001.000)>"
248    #  Note that, although a frame object is immutable and can't have data added, it
249    #  can be used to create a new object that does have data by giving the
250    # `realize_frame` method a representation:
251    srep = UnitSphericalRepresentation(lon=8*u.hour, lat=5*u.deg)
252    fk5_j2001_with_data = fk5_J2001_frame.realize_frame(srep)
253    assert fk5_j2001_with_data.data is not None
254    # Now `fk5_j2001_with_data` is in the same frame as `fk5_J2001_frame`, but it
255    # is an actual low-level coordinate, rather than a frame without data.
257    # These frames are primarily useful for specifying what a coordinate should be
258    # transformed *into*, as they are used by the `transform_to` method
259    # E.g., this snippet precesses the point to the new equinox
260    newfk5 = fk5.transform_to(fk5_J2001_frame)
261    assert newfk5.equinox == J2001
263    # transforming to a new frame necessarily loses framespec information if that
264    # information is not applicable to the new frame.  This means transforms are not
265    # always round-trippable:
266    fk5_2 = FK5(ra=8*u.hour, dec=5*u.deg, equinox=J2001)
267    ic_trans = fk5_2.transform_to(ICRS())
269    # `ic_trans` does not have an `equinox`, so now when we transform back to FK5,
270    # it's a *different* RA and Dec
271    fk5_trans = ic_trans.transform_to(FK5())
272    assert not allclose(fk5_2.ra, fk5_trans.ra, rtol=0, atol=1e-10*u.deg)
274    # But if you explicitly give the right equinox, all is fine
275    fk5_trans_2 = fk5_2.transform_to(FK5(equinox=J2001))
276    assert_allclose(fk5_2.ra, fk5_trans_2.ra, rtol=0, atol=1e-10*u.deg)
278    # Trying to transforming a frame with no data is of course an error:
279    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
280        FK5(equinox=J2001).transform_to(ICRS())
282    # To actually define a new transformation, the same scheme as in the
283    # 0.2/0.3 coordinates framework can be re-used - a graph of transform functions
284    # connecting various coordinate classes together.  The main changes are:
285    # 1) The transform functions now get the frame object they are transforming the
286    #    current data into.
287    # 2) Frames with additional information need to have a way to transform between
288    #    objects of the same class, but with different framespecinfo values
290    # An example transform function:
291    class SomeNewSystem(BaseCoordinateFrame):
292        pass
294    @frame_transform_graph.transform(DynamicMatrixTransform, SomeNewSystem, FK5)
295    def new_to_fk5(newobj, fk5frame):
296        _ = newobj.obstime
297        _ = fk5frame.equinox
298        # ... build a *cartesian* transform matrix using `eq` that transforms from
299        # the `newobj` frame as observed at `ot` to FK5 an equinox `eq`
300        matrix = np.eye(3)
301        return matrix
303    # Other options for transform functions include one that simply returns the new
304    # coordinate object, and one that returns a cartesian matrix but does *not*
305    # require `newobj` or `fk5frame` - this allows optimization of the transform.
308def test_highlevel_api():
309    J2001 = time.Time('J2001')
311    # <--------------------------"High-level" class-------------------------------->
312    # The "high-level" class is intended to wrap the lower-level classes in such a
313    # way that they can be round-tripped, as well as providing a variety of
314    # convenience functionality.  This document is not intended to show *all* of the
315    # possible high-level functionality, rather how the high-level classes are
316    # initialized and interact with the low-level classes
318    # this creates an object that contains an `ICRS` low-level class, initialized
319    # identically to the first ICRS example further up.
321    sc = coords.SkyCoord(coords.SphericalRepresentation(lon=8 * u.hour,
322                         lat=5 * u.deg, distance=1 * u.kpc), frame='icrs')
324    # Other representations and `system` keywords delegate to the appropriate
325    # low-level class. The already-existing registry for user-defined coordinates
326    # will be used by `SkyCoordinate` to figure out what various the `system`
327    # keyword actually means.
329    sc = coords.SkyCoord(ra=8 * u.hour, dec=5 * u.deg, frame='icrs')
330    sc = coords.SkyCoord(l=120 * u.deg, b=5 * u.deg, frame='galactic')
332    # High-level classes can also be initialized directly from low-level objects
333    sc = coords.SkyCoord(coords.ICRS(ra=8 * u.hour, dec=5 * u.deg))
335    # The next example raises an error because the high-level class must always
336    # have position data.
337    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
338        sc = coords.SkyCoord(coords.FK5(equinox=J2001))  # raises ValueError
340    # similarly, the low-level object can always be accessed
342    # this is how it's supposed to look, but sometimes the numbers get rounded in
343    # funny ways
344    # assert repr(sc.frame) == '<ICRS Coordinate: ra=120.0 deg, dec=5.0 deg>'
345    rscf = repr(sc.frame)
346    assert rscf.startswith('<ICRS Coordinate: (ra, dec) in deg')
348    # and  the string representation will be inherited from the low-level class.
350    # same deal, should loook like this, but different archituectures/ python
351    # versions may round the numbers differently
352    # assert repr(sc) == '<SkyCoord (ICRS): ra=120.0 deg, dec=5.0 deg>'
353    rsc = repr(sc)
354    assert rsc.startswith('<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg')
356    # Supports a variety of possible complex string formats
357    sc = coords.SkyCoord('8h00m00s +5d00m00.0s', frame='icrs')
359    # In the next example, the unit is only needed b/c units are ambiguous.  In
360    # general, we *never* accept ambiguity
361    sc = coords.SkyCoord('8:00:00 +5:00:00.0', unit=(u.hour, u.deg), frame='icrs')
363    # The next one would yield length-2 array coordinates, because of the comma
365    sc = coords.SkyCoord(['8h 5d', '2°2′3″ 0.3rad'], frame='icrs')
367    # It should also interpret common designation styles as a coordinate
368    # NOT YET
369    # sc = coords.SkyCoord('SDSS J123456.89-012345.6', frame='icrs')
371    # but it should also be possible to provide formats for outputting to strings,
372    # similar to `Time`.  This can be added right away or at a later date.
374    # transformation is done the same as for low-level classes, which it delegates to
376    sc_fk5_j2001 = sc.transform_to(coords.FK5(equinox=J2001))
377    assert sc_fk5_j2001.equinox == J2001
379    # The key difference is that the high-level class remembers frame information
380    # necessary for round-tripping, unlike the low-level classes:
381    sc1 = coords.SkyCoord(ra=8 * u.hour, dec=5 * u.deg, equinox=J2001, frame='fk5')
382    sc2 = sc1.transform_to('icrs')
384    # The next assertion succeeds, but it doesn't mean anything for ICRS, as ICRS
385    # isn't defined in terms of an equinox
386    assert sc2.equinox == J2001
388    # But it *is* necessary once we transform to FK5
389    sc3 = sc2.transform_to('fk5')
390    assert sc3.equinox == J2001
391    assert_allclose(sc1.ra, sc3.ra)
393    # `SkyCoord` will also include the attribute-style access that is in the
394    # v0.2/0.3 coordinate objects.  This will *not* be in the low-level classes
395    sc = coords.SkyCoord(ra=8 * u.hour, dec=5 * u.deg, frame='icrs')
396    scgal = sc.galactic
397    assert str(scgal).startswith('<SkyCoord (Galactic): (l, b)')
399    # the existing `from_name` and `match_to_catalog_*` methods will be moved to the
400    # high-level class as convenience functionality.
402    # in remote-data test below!
403    # m31icrs = coords.SkyCoord.from_name('M31', frame='icrs')
404    # assert str(m31icrs) == '<SkyCoord (ICRS) RA=10.68471 deg, Dec=41.26875 deg>'
406    if HAS_SCIPY:
407        cat1 = coords.SkyCoord(ra=[1, 2]*u.hr, dec=[3, 4.01]*u.deg,
408                               distance=[5, 6]*u.kpc, frame='icrs')
409        cat2 = coords.SkyCoord(ra=[1, 2, 2.01]*u.hr, dec=[3, 4, 5]*u.deg,
410                               distance=[5, 200, 6]*u.kpc, frame='icrs')
411        idx1, sep2d1, dist3d1 = cat1.match_to_catalog_sky(cat2)
412        idx2, sep2d2, dist3d2 = cat1.match_to_catalog_3d(cat2)
414        assert np.any(idx1 != idx2)
416    # additional convenience functionality for the future should be added as methods
417    # on `SkyCoord`, *not* the low-level classes.
421def test_highlevel_api_remote():
422    m31icrs = coords.SkyCoord.from_name('M31', frame='icrs')
424    m31str = str(m31icrs)
425    assert m31str.startswith('<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg\n    (')
426    assert m31str.endswith(')>')
427    assert '10.68' in m31str
428    assert '41.26' in m31str
429    # The above is essentially a replacement of the below, but tweaked so that
430    # small/moderate changes in what `from_name` returns don't cause the tests
431    # to fail
432    # assert str(m31icrs) == '<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg\n    (10.6847083, 41.26875)>'
434    m31fk4 = coords.SkyCoord.from_name('M31', frame='fk4')
436    assert not m31icrs.is_equivalent_frame(m31fk4)
437    assert np.abs(m31icrs.ra - m31fk4.ra) > .5*u.deg