1J/A+A/511/A56 Abundances of five open clusters (Pancino+, 2010)
3Chemical abundance analysis of the open clusters Cr 110, NGC 2420, NGC 7789,
4and M 67 (NGC 2682).
5 Pancino E., Carrera R., Rossetti, E., Gallart C.
6 <Astron. Astrophys. 511, A56 (2010)>
7 =2010A&A...511A..56P
9ADC_Keywords: Clusters, open ; Stars, giant ; Equivalent widths ; Spectroscopy
10Keywords: stars: abundances - Galaxy: disk -
11 open clusters and associations: general
14 The present number of Galactic open clusters that have high resolution
15 abundance determinations, not only of [Fe/H], but also of other key
16 elements, is largely insufficient to enable a clear modeling of the
17 Galactic disk chemical evolution. To increase the number of Galactic
18 open clusters with high quality measurements, we obtained high
19 resolution (R~30000), high quality (S/N~50-100 per pixel), echelle
20 spectra with the fiber spectrograph FOCES, at Calar Alto, Spain, for
21 three red clump stars in each of five Open Clusters. We used the
22 classical equivalent width analysis method to obtain accurate
23 abundances of sixteen elements: Al, Ba, Ca, Co, Cr, Fe, La, Mg, Na,
24 Nd, Ni, Sc, Si, Ti, V, and Y. We also derived the oxygen abundance
25 using spectral synthesis of the 6300{AA} forbidden line.
28 Atomic data and equivalent widths for 15 red clump giants in 5 open
29 clusters: Cr 110, NGC 2099, NGC 2420, M 67, NGC 7789.
31File Summary:
33 FileName Lrecl Records Explanations
35ReadMe 80 . This file
36table1.dat 103 15 Observing logs and programme stars information
37table5.dat 56 5265 Atomic data and equivalent widths
40See also:
41 J/A+A/455/271 : Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441 (Gratton+, 2006)
42 J/A+A/464/953 : Abundances of red giants in NGC 6441 (Gratton+, 2007)
43 J/A+A/505/117 : Abund. of red giants in 15 globular clusters (Carretta+, 2009)
45Byte-by-byte Description of file: table.dat
47 Bytes Format Units Label Explanations
49 1- 7 A7 --- Cluster Cluster name
50 9- 12 I4 --- Star
51 14- 20 F7.2 0.1nm Wave wave
52 ? Wavelength in Angstroms
53 22- 23 A2 --- El a
54 24 I1 --- ion ?=0
55 - Ionization stage (1 for neutral element)
56 26- 30 F5.2 eV chiEx Excitation potential
57 32- 37 F6.2 --- loggf Logarithm of the oscillator strength
58 39- 43 F5.1 0.1pm EW ?=-9.9 Equivalent width (in mA)
59 46- 49 F4.1 0.1pm e_EW ?=-9.9 rms uncertainty on EW
60 51- 56 F6.3 --- Q ?=-9.999 DAOSPEC quality parameter Q
61 (large values are bad)
65 Elena Pancino, elena.pancino(at)oabo.inaf.it
67(End) Elena Pancino [INAF-OABo, Italy], Patricia Vannier [CDS] 23-Nov-2009