1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see PYFITS.rst
3import ctypes
4import gc
5import itertools
6import math
7import re
8import time
9import warnings
10from contextlib import suppress
12import numpy as np
14from .base import DELAYED, ExtensionHDU, BITPIX2DTYPE, DTYPE2BITPIX
15from .image import ImageHDU
16from .table import BinTableHDU
17from astropy.io.fits import conf
18from astropy.io.fits.card import Card
19from astropy.io.fits.column import Column, ColDefs, TDEF_RE
20from astropy.io.fits.column import KEYWORD_NAMES as TABLE_KEYWORD_NAMES
21from astropy.io.fits.fitsrec import FITS_rec
22from astropy.io.fits.header import Header
23from astropy.io.fits.util import (_is_pseudo_integer, _pseudo_zero, _is_int,
24                                  _get_array_mmap)
26from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
27from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
30    from astropy.io.fits import compression
32except ImportError:
36# Quantization dithering method constants; these are right out of fitsio.h
37NO_DITHER = -1
50# Default compression parameter values
63                        'ZSIMPLE', 'ZTENSION', 'ZEXTEND'}
66class CompImageHeader(Header):
67    """
68    Header object for compressed image HDUs designed to keep the compression
69    header and the underlying image header properly synchronized.
71    This essentially wraps the image header, so that all values are read from
72    and written to the image header.  However, updates to the image header will
73    also update the table header where appropriate.
75    Note that if no image header is passed in, the code will instantiate a
76    regular `~astropy.io.fits.Header`.
77    """
79    # TODO: The difficulty of implementing this screams a need to rewrite this
80    # module
82    _keyword_remaps = {
86        'DATASUM': 'ZDATASUM'
87    }
89    _zdef_re = re.compile(r'(?P<label>^[Zz][a-zA-Z]*)(?P<num>[1-9][0-9 ]*$)?')
90    _compression_keywords = set(_keyword_remaps.values()).union(
92    _indexed_compression_keywords = {'ZNAXIS', 'ZTILE', 'ZNAME', 'ZVAL'}
93    # TODO: Once it place it should be possible to manage some of this through
94    # the schema system, but it's not quite ready for that yet.  Also it still
95    # makes more sense to change CompImageHDU to subclass ImageHDU :/
97    def __new__(cls, table_header, image_header=None):
98        # 2019-09-14 (MHvK): No point wrapping anything if no image_header is
99        # given.  This happens if __getitem__ and copy are called - our super
100        # class will aim to initialize a new, possibly partially filled
101        # header, but we cannot usefully deal with that.
102        # TODO: the above suggests strongly we should *not* subclass from
103        # Header.  See also comment above about the need for reorganization.
104        if image_header is None:
105            return Header(table_header)
106        else:
107            return super().__new__(cls)
109    def __init__(self, table_header, image_header):
110        self._cards = image_header._cards
111        self._keyword_indices = image_header._keyword_indices
112        self._rvkc_indices = image_header._rvkc_indices
113        self._modified = image_header._modified
114        self._table_header = table_header
116    # We need to override and Header methods that can modify the header, and
117    # ensure that they sync with the underlying _table_header
119    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
120        # This isn't pretty, but if the `key` is either an int or a tuple we
121        # need to figure out what keyword name that maps to before doing
122        # anything else; these checks will be repeated later in the
123        # super().__setitem__ call but I don't see another way around it
124        # without some major refactoring
125        if self._set_slice(key, value, self):
126            return
128        if isinstance(key, int):
129            keyword, index = self._keyword_from_index(key)
130        elif isinstance(key, tuple):
131            keyword, index = key
132        else:
133            # We don't want to specify and index otherwise, because that will
134            # break the behavior for new keywords and for commentary keywords
135            keyword, index = key, None
137        if self._is_reserved_keyword(keyword):
138            return
140        super().__setitem__(key, value)
142        if index is not None:
143            remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(keyword)
144            self._table_header[remapped_keyword, index] = value
145        # Else this will pass through to ._update
147    def __delitem__(self, key):
148        if isinstance(key, slice) or self._haswildcard(key):
149            # If given a slice pass that on to the superclass and bail out
150            # early; we only want to make updates to _table_header when given
151            # a key specifying a single keyword
152            return super().__delitem__(key)
154        if isinstance(key, int):
155            keyword, index = self._keyword_from_index(key)
156        elif isinstance(key, tuple):
157            keyword, index = key
158        else:
159            keyword, index = key, None
161        if key not in self:
162            raise KeyError(f"Keyword {key!r} not found.")
164        super().__delitem__(key)
166        remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(keyword)
168        if remapped_keyword in self._table_header:
169            if index is not None:
170                del self._table_header[(remapped_keyword, index)]
171            else:
172                del self._table_header[remapped_keyword]
174    def append(self, card=None, useblanks=True, bottom=False, end=False):
175        # This logic unfortunately needs to be duplicated from the base class
176        # in order to determine the keyword
177        if isinstance(card, str):
178            card = Card(card)
179        elif isinstance(card, tuple):
180            card = Card(*card)
181        elif card is None:
182            card = Card()
183        elif not isinstance(card, Card):
184            raise ValueError(
185                'The value appended to a Header must be either a keyword or '
186                '(keyword, value, [comment]) tuple; got: {!r}'.format(card))
188        if self._is_reserved_keyword(card.keyword):
189            return
191        super().append(card=card, useblanks=useblanks, bottom=bottom, end=end)
193        remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(card.keyword)
195        # card.keyword strips the HIERARCH if present so this must be added
196        # back to avoid a warning.
197        if str(card).startswith("HIERARCH ") and not remapped_keyword.startswith("HIERARCH "):
198            remapped_keyword = "HIERARCH " + remapped_keyword
200        card = Card(remapped_keyword, card.value, card.comment)
202        # Here we disable the use of blank cards, because the call above to
203        # Header.append may have already deleted a blank card in the table
204        # header, thanks to inheritance: Header.append calls 'del self[-1]'
205        # to delete a blank card, which calls CompImageHeader.__deltitem__,
206        # which deletes the blank card both in the image and the table headers!
207        self._table_header.append(card=card, useblanks=False,
208                                  bottom=bottom, end=end)
210    def insert(self, key, card, useblanks=True, after=False):
211        if isinstance(key, int):
212            # Determine condition to pass through to append
213            if after:
214                if key == -1:
215                    key = len(self._cards)
216                else:
217                    key += 1
219            if key >= len(self._cards):
220                self.append(card, end=True)
221                return
223        if isinstance(card, str):
224            card = Card(card)
225        elif isinstance(card, tuple):
226            card = Card(*card)
227        elif not isinstance(card, Card):
228            raise ValueError(
229                'The value inserted into a Header must be either a keyword or '
230                '(keyword, value, [comment]) tuple; got: {!r}'.format(card))
232        if self._is_reserved_keyword(card.keyword):
233            return
235        # Now the tricky part is to determine where to insert in the table
236        # header.  If given a numerical index we need to map that to the
237        # corresponding index in the table header.  Although rare, there may be
238        # cases where there is no mapping in which case we just try the same
239        # index
240        # NOTE: It is crucial that remapped_index in particular is figured out
241        # before the image header is modified
242        remapped_index = self._remap_index(key)
243        remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(card.keyword)
245        super().insert(key, card, useblanks=useblanks, after=after)
247        card = Card(remapped_keyword, card.value, card.comment)
249        # Here we disable the use of blank cards, because the call above to
250        # Header.insert may have already deleted a blank card in the table
251        # header, thanks to inheritance: Header.insert calls 'del self[-1]'
252        # to delete a blank card, which calls CompImageHeader.__delitem__,
253        # which deletes the blank card both in the image and the table headers!
254        self._table_header.insert(remapped_index, card, useblanks=False,
255                                  after=after)
257    def _update(self, card):
258        keyword = card[0]
260        if self._is_reserved_keyword(keyword):
261            return
263        super()._update(card)
265        if keyword in Card._commentary_keywords:
266            # Otherwise this will result in a duplicate insertion
267            return
269        remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(keyword)
270        self._table_header._update((remapped_keyword,) + card[1:])
272    # Last piece needed (I think) for synchronizing with the real header
273    # This one is tricky since _relativeinsert calls insert
274    def _relativeinsert(self, card, before=None, after=None, replace=False):
275        keyword = card[0]
277        if self._is_reserved_keyword(keyword):
278            return
280        # Now we have to figure out how to remap 'before' and 'after'
281        if before is None:
282            if isinstance(after, int):
283                remapped_after = self._remap_index(after)
284            else:
285                remapped_after = self._remap_keyword(after)
286            remapped_before = None
287        else:
288            if isinstance(before, int):
289                remapped_before = self._remap_index(before)
290            else:
291                remapped_before = self._remap_keyword(before)
292            remapped_after = None
294        super()._relativeinsert(card, before=before, after=after,
295                                replace=replace)
297        remapped_keyword = self._remap_keyword(keyword)
299        card = Card(remapped_keyword, card[1], card[2])
300        self._table_header._relativeinsert(card, before=remapped_before,
301                                           after=remapped_after,
302                                           replace=replace)
304    @classmethod
305    def _is_reserved_keyword(cls, keyword, warn=True):
306        msg = ('Keyword {!r} is reserved for use by the FITS Tiled Image '
307               'Convention and will not be stored in the header for the '
308               'image being compressed.'.format(keyword))
310        if keyword == 'TFIELDS':
311            if warn:
312                warnings.warn(msg)
313            return True
315        m = TDEF_RE.match(keyword)
317        if m and m.group('label').upper() in TABLE_KEYWORD_NAMES:
318            if warn:
319                warnings.warn(msg)
320            return True
322        m = cls._zdef_re.match(keyword)
324        if m:
325            label = m.group('label').upper()
326            num = m.group('num')
327            if num is not None and label in cls._indexed_compression_keywords:
328                if warn:
329                    warnings.warn(msg)
330                return True
331            elif label in cls._compression_keywords:
332                if warn:
333                    warnings.warn(msg)
334                return True
336        return False
338    @classmethod
339    def _remap_keyword(cls, keyword):
340        # Given a keyword that one might set on an image, remap that keyword to
341        # the name used for it in the COMPRESSED HDU header
342        # This is mostly just a lookup in _keyword_remaps, but needs handling
343        # for NAXISn keywords
345        is_naxisn = False
346        if keyword[:5] == 'NAXIS':
347            with suppress(ValueError):
348                index = int(keyword[5:])
349                is_naxisn = index > 0
351        if is_naxisn:
352            return f'ZNAXIS{index}'
354        # If the keyword does not need to be remapped then just return the
355        # original keyword
356        return cls._keyword_remaps.get(keyword, keyword)
358    def _remap_index(self, idx):
359        # Given an integer index into this header, map that to the index in the
360        # table header for the same card.  If the card doesn't exist in the
361        # table header (generally should *not* be the case) this will just
362        # return the same index
363        # This *does* also accept a keyword or (keyword, repeat) tuple and
364        # obtains the associated numerical index with self._cardindex
365        if not isinstance(idx, int):
366            idx = self._cardindex(idx)
368        keyword, repeat = self._keyword_from_index(idx)
369        remapped_insert_keyword = self._remap_keyword(keyword)
371        with suppress(IndexError, KeyError):
372            idx = self._table_header._cardindex((remapped_insert_keyword,
373                                                 repeat))
375        return idx
378# TODO: Fix this class so that it doesn't actually inherit from BinTableHDU,
379# but instead has an internal BinTableHDU reference
380class CompImageHDU(BinTableHDU):
381    """
382    Compressed Image HDU class.
383    """
385    _manages_own_heap = True
386    """
387    The calls to CFITSIO lay out the heap data in memory, and we write it out
388    the same way CFITSIO organizes it.  In principle this would break if a user
389    manually changes the underlying compressed data by hand, but there is no
390    reason they would want to do that (and if they do that's their
391    responsibility).
392    """
394    _default_name = "COMPRESSED_IMAGE"
396    def __init__(self, data=None, header=None, name=None,
397                 compression_type=DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE,
398                 tile_size=None,
399                 hcomp_scale=DEFAULT_HCOMP_SCALE,
400                 hcomp_smooth=DEFAULT_HCOMP_SMOOTH,
401                 quantize_level=DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_LEVEL,
402                 quantize_method=DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_METHOD,
403                 dither_seed=DEFAULT_DITHER_SEED,
404                 do_not_scale_image_data=False,
405                 uint=False, scale_back=False, **kwargs):
406        """
407        Parameters
408        ----------
409        data : array, optional
410            Uncompressed image data
412        header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`, optional
413            Header to be associated with the image; when reading the HDU from a
414            file (data=DELAYED), the header read from the file
416        name : str, optional
417            The ``EXTNAME`` value; if this value is `None`, then the name from
418            the input image header will be used; if there is no name in the
419            input image header then the default name ``COMPRESSED_IMAGE`` is
420            used.
422        compression_type : str, optional
423            Compression algorithm: one of
424            ``'RICE_1'``, ``'RICE_ONE'``, ``'PLIO_1'``, ``'GZIP_1'``,
425            ``'GZIP_2'``, ``'HCOMPRESS_1'``
427        tile_size : int, optional
428            Compression tile sizes.  Default treats each row of image as a
429            tile.
431        hcomp_scale : float, optional
432            HCOMPRESS scale parameter
434        hcomp_smooth : float, optional
435            HCOMPRESS smooth parameter
437        quantize_level : float, optional
438            Floating point quantization level; see note below
440        quantize_method : int, optional
441            Floating point quantization dithering method; can be either
442            ``NO_DITHER`` (-1; default), ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1`` (1), or
443            ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2`` (2); see note below
445        dither_seed : int, optional
446            Random seed to use for dithering; can be either an integer in the
447            range 1 to 1000 (inclusive), ``DITHER_SEED_CLOCK`` (0; default), or
448            ``DITHER_SEED_CHECKSUM`` (-1); see note below
450        Notes
451        -----
452        The astropy.io.fits package supports 2 methods of image compression:
454            1) The entire FITS file may be externally compressed with the gzip
455               or pkzip utility programs, producing a ``*.gz`` or ``*.zip``
456               file, respectively.  When reading compressed files of this type,
457               Astropy first uncompresses the entire file into a temporary file
458               before performing the requested read operations.  The
459               astropy.io.fits package does not support writing to these types
460               of compressed files.  This type of compression is supported in
461               the ``_File`` class, not in the `CompImageHDU` class.  The file
462               compression type is recognized by the ``.gz`` or ``.zip`` file
463               name extension.
465            2) The `CompImageHDU` class supports the FITS tiled image
466               compression convention in which the image is subdivided into a
467               grid of rectangular tiles, and each tile of pixels is
468               individually compressed.  The details of this FITS compression
469               convention are described at the `FITS Support Office web site
470               <https://fits.gsfc.nasa.gov/registry/tilecompression.html>`_.
471               Basically, the compressed image tiles are stored in rows of a
472               variable length array column in a FITS binary table.  The
473               astropy.io.fits recognizes that this binary table extension
474               contains an image and treats it as if it were an image
475               extension.  Under this tile-compression format, FITS header
476               keywords remain uncompressed.  At this time, Astropy does not
477               support the ability to extract and uncompress sections of the
478               image without having to uncompress the entire image.
480        The astropy.io.fits package supports 3 general-purpose compression
481        algorithms plus one other special-purpose compression technique that is
482        designed for data masks with positive integer pixel values.  The 3
483        general purpose algorithms are GZIP, Rice, and HCOMPRESS, and the
484        special-purpose technique is the IRAF pixel list compression technique
485        (PLIO).  The ``compression_type`` parameter defines the compression
486        algorithm to be used.
488        The FITS image can be subdivided into any desired rectangular grid of
489        compression tiles.  With the GZIP, Rice, and PLIO algorithms, the
490        default is to take each row of the image as a tile.  The HCOMPRESS
491        algorithm is inherently 2-dimensional in nature, so the default in this
492        case is to take 16 rows of the image per tile.  In most cases, it makes
493        little difference what tiling pattern is used, so the default tiles are
494        usually adequate.  In the case of very small images, it could be more
495        efficient to compress the whole image as a single tile.  Note that the
496        image dimensions are not required to be an integer multiple of the tile
497        dimensions; if not, then the tiles at the edges of the image will be
498        smaller than the other tiles.  The ``tile_size`` parameter may be
499        provided as a list of tile sizes, one for each dimension in the image.
500        For example a ``tile_size`` value of ``[100,100]`` would divide a 300 X
501        300 image into 9 100 X 100 tiles.
503        The 4 supported image compression algorithms are all 'lossless' when
504        applied to integer FITS images; the pixel values are preserved exactly
505        with no loss of information during the compression and uncompression
506        process.  In addition, the HCOMPRESS algorithm supports a 'lossy'
507        compression mode that will produce larger amount of image compression.
508        This is achieved by specifying a non-zero value for the ``hcomp_scale``
509        parameter.  Since the amount of compression that is achieved depends
510        directly on the RMS noise in the image, it is usually more convenient
511        to specify the ``hcomp_scale`` factor relative to the RMS noise.
512        Setting ``hcomp_scale = 2.5`` means use a scale factor that is 2.5
513        times the calculated RMS noise in the image tile.  In some cases it may
514        be desirable to specify the exact scaling to be used, instead of
515        specifying it relative to the calculated noise value.  This may be done
516        by specifying the negative of the desired scale value (typically in the
517        range -2 to -100).
519        Very high compression factors (of 100 or more) can be achieved by using
520        large ``hcomp_scale`` values, however, this can produce undesirable
521        'blocky' artifacts in the compressed image.  A variation of the
522        HCOMPRESS algorithm (called HSCOMPRESS) can be used in this case to
523        apply a small amount of smoothing of the image when it is uncompressed
524        to help cover up these artifacts.  This smoothing is purely cosmetic
525        and does not cause any significant change to the image pixel values.
526        Setting the ``hcomp_smooth`` parameter to 1 will engage the smoothing
527        algorithm.
529        Floating point FITS images (which have ``BITPIX`` = -32 or -64) usually
530        contain too much 'noise' in the least significant bits of the mantissa
531        of the pixel values to be effectively compressed with any lossless
532        algorithm.  Consequently, floating point images are first quantized
533        into scaled integer pixel values (and thus throwing away much of the
534        noise) before being compressed with the specified algorithm (either
535        GZIP, RICE, or HCOMPRESS).  This technique produces much higher
536        compression factors than simply using the GZIP utility to externally
537        compress the whole FITS file, but it also means that the original
538        floating point value pixel values are not exactly preserved.  When done
539        properly, this integer scaling technique will only discard the
540        insignificant noise while still preserving all the real information in
541        the image.  The amount of precision that is retained in the pixel
542        values is controlled by the ``quantize_level`` parameter.  Larger
543        values will result in compressed images whose pixels more closely match
544        the floating point pixel values, but at the same time the amount of
545        compression that is achieved will be reduced.  Users should experiment
546        with different values for this parameter to determine the optimal value
547        that preserves all the useful information in the image, without
548        needlessly preserving all the 'noise' which will hurt the compression
549        efficiency.
551        The default value for the ``quantize_level`` scale factor is 16, which
552        means that scaled integer pixel values will be quantized such that the
553        difference between adjacent integer values will be 1/16th of the noise
554        level in the image background.  An optimized algorithm is used to
555        accurately estimate the noise in the image.  As an example, if the RMS
556        noise in the background pixels of an image = 32.0, then the spacing
557        between adjacent scaled integer pixel values will equal 2.0 by default.
558        Note that the RMS noise is independently calculated for each tile of
559        the image, so the resulting integer scaling factor may fluctuate
560        slightly for each tile.  In some cases, it may be desirable to specify
561        the exact quantization level to be used, instead of specifying it
562        relative to the calculated noise value.  This may be done by specifying
563        the negative of desired quantization level for the value of
564        ``quantize_level``.  In the previous example, one could specify
565        ``quantize_level = -2.0`` so that the quantized integer levels differ
566        by 2.0.  Larger negative values for ``quantize_level`` means that the
567        levels are more coarsely-spaced, and will produce higher compression
568        factors.
570        The quantization algorithm can also apply one of two random dithering
571        methods in order to reduce bias in the measured intensity of background
572        regions.  The default method, specified with the constant
573        ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1`` adds dithering to the zero-point of the
574        quantization array itself rather than adding noise to the actual image.
575        The random noise is added on a pixel-by-pixel basis, so in order
576        restore each pixel from its integer value to its floating point value
577        it is necessary to replay the same sequence of random numbers for each
578        pixel (see below).  The other method, ``SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2``, is
579        exactly like the first except that before dithering any pixel with a
580        floating point value of ``0.0`` is replaced with the special integer
581        value ``-2147483647``.  When the image is uncompressed, pixels with
582        this value are restored back to ``0.0`` exactly.  Finally, a value of
583        ``NO_DITHER`` disables dithering entirely.
585        As mentioned above, when using the subtractive dithering algorithm it
586        is necessary to be able to generate a (pseudo-)random sequence of noise
587        for each pixel, and replay that same sequence upon decompressing.  To
588        facilitate this, a random seed between 1 and 10000 (inclusive) is used
589        to seed a random number generator, and that seed is stored in the
590        ``ZDITHER0`` keyword in the header of the compressed HDU.  In order to
591        use that seed to generate the same sequence of random numbers the same
592        random number generator must be used at compression and decompression
593        time; for that reason the tiled image convention provides an
594        implementation of a very simple pseudo-random number generator.  The
595        seed itself can be provided in one of three ways, controllable by the
596        ``dither_seed`` argument:  It may be specified manually, or it may be
597        generated arbitrarily based on the system's clock
598        (``DITHER_SEED_CLOCK``) or based on a checksum of the pixels in the
599        image's first tile (``DITHER_SEED_CHECKSUM``).  The clock-based method
600        is the default, and is sufficient to ensure that the value is
601        reasonably "arbitrary" and that the same seed is unlikely to be
602        generated sequentially.  The checksum method, on the other hand,
603        ensures that the same seed is used every time for a specific image.
604        This is particularly useful for software testing as it ensures that the
605        same image will always use the same seed.
606        """
608        if not COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED:
609            # TODO: Raise a more specific Exception type
610            raise Exception('The astropy.io.fits.compression module is not '
611                            'available.  Creation of compressed image HDUs is '
612                            'disabled.')
614        compression_type = CMTYPE_ALIASES.get(compression_type, compression_type)
616        if data is DELAYED:
617            # Reading the HDU from a file
618            super().__init__(data=data, header=header)
619        else:
620            # Create at least a skeleton HDU that matches the input
621            # header and data (if any were input)
622            super().__init__(data=None, header=header)
624            # Store the input image data
625            self.data = data
627            # Update the table header (_header) to the compressed
628            # image format and to match the input data (if any);
629            # Create the image header (_image_header) from the input
630            # image header (if any) and ensure it matches the input
631            # data; Create the initially empty table data array to
632            # hold the compressed data.
633            self._update_header_data(header, name,
634                                     compression_type=compression_type,
635                                     tile_size=tile_size,
636                                     hcomp_scale=hcomp_scale,
637                                     hcomp_smooth=hcomp_smooth,
638                                     quantize_level=quantize_level,
639                                     quantize_method=quantize_method,
640                                     dither_seed=dither_seed)
642        # TODO: A lot of this should be passed on to an internal image HDU o
643        # something like that, see ticket #88
644        self._do_not_scale_image_data = do_not_scale_image_data
645        self._uint = uint
646        self._scale_back = scale_back
648        self._axes = [self._header.get('ZNAXIS' + str(axis + 1), 0)
649                      for axis in range(self._header.get('ZNAXIS', 0))]
651        # store any scale factors from the table header
652        if do_not_scale_image_data:
653            self._bzero = 0
654            self._bscale = 1
655        else:
656            self._bzero = self._header.get('BZERO', 0)
657            self._bscale = self._header.get('BSCALE', 1)
658        self._bitpix = self._header['ZBITPIX']
660        self._orig_bzero = self._bzero
661        self._orig_bscale = self._bscale
662        self._orig_bitpix = self._bitpix
664    def _remove_unnecessary_default_extnames(self, header):
665        """Remove default EXTNAME values if they are unnecessary.
667        Some data files (eg from CFHT) can have the default EXTNAME and
668        an explicit value.  This method removes the default if a more
669        specific header exists. It also removes any duplicate default
670        values.
671        """
672        if 'EXTNAME' in header:
673            indices = header._keyword_indices['EXTNAME']
674            # Only continue if there is more than one found
675            n_extname = len(indices)
676            if n_extname > 1:
677                extnames_to_remove = [index for index in indices
678                                      if header[index] == self._default_name]
679                if len(extnames_to_remove) == n_extname:
680                    # Keep the first (they are all the same)
681                    extnames_to_remove.pop(0)
682                # Remove them all in reverse order to keep the index unchanged.
683                for index in reversed(sorted(extnames_to_remove)):
684                    del header[index]
686    @property
687    def name(self):
688        # Convert the value to a string to be flexible in some pathological
689        # cases (see ticket #96)
690        # Similar to base class but uses .header rather than ._header
691        return str(self.header.get('EXTNAME', self._default_name))
693    @name.setter
694    def name(self, value):
695        # This is a copy of the base class but using .header instead
696        # of ._header to ensure that the name stays in sync.
697        if not isinstance(value, str):
698            raise TypeError("'name' attribute must be a string")
699        if not conf.extension_name_case_sensitive:
700            value = value.upper()
701        if 'EXTNAME' in self.header:
702            self.header['EXTNAME'] = value
703        else:
704            self.header['EXTNAME'] = (value, 'extension name')
706    @classmethod
707    def match_header(cls, header):
708        card = header.cards[0]
709        if card.keyword != 'XTENSION':
710            return False
712        xtension = card.value
713        if isinstance(xtension, str):
714            xtension = xtension.rstrip()
716        if xtension not in ('BINTABLE', 'A3DTABLE'):
717            return False
719        if 'ZIMAGE' not in header or not header['ZIMAGE']:
720            return False
723            return True
724        elif not COMPRESSION_SUPPORTED:
725            warnings.warn('Failure matching header to a compressed image '
726                          'HDU: The compression module is not available.\n'
727                          'The HDU will be treated as a Binary Table HDU.',
728                          AstropyUserWarning)
729            return False
730        else:
731            # Compression is supported but disabled; just pass silently (#92)
732            return False
734    def _update_header_data(self, image_header,
735                            name=None,
736                            compression_type=None,
737                            tile_size=None,
738                            hcomp_scale=None,
739                            hcomp_smooth=None,
740                            quantize_level=None,
741                            quantize_method=None,
742                            dither_seed=None):
743        """
744        Update the table header (`_header`) to the compressed
745        image format and to match the input data (if any).  Create
746        the image header (`_image_header`) from the input image
747        header (if any) and ensure it matches the input
748        data. Create the initially-empty table data array to hold
749        the compressed data.
751        This method is mainly called internally, but a user may wish to
752        call this method after assigning new data to the `CompImageHDU`
753        object that is of a different type.
755        Parameters
756        ----------
757        image_header : `~astropy.io.fits.Header`
758            header to be associated with the image
760        name : str, optional
761            the ``EXTNAME`` value; if this value is `None`, then the name from
762            the input image header will be used; if there is no name in the
763            input image header then the default name 'COMPRESSED_IMAGE' is used
765        compression_type : str, optional
766            compression algorithm 'RICE_1', 'PLIO_1', 'GZIP_1', 'GZIP_2',
767            'HCOMPRESS_1'; if this value is `None`, use value already in the
768            header; if no value already in the header, use 'RICE_1'
770        tile_size : sequence of int, optional
771            compression tile sizes as a list; if this value is `None`, use
772            value already in the header; if no value already in the header,
773            treat each row of image as a tile
775        hcomp_scale : float, optional
776            HCOMPRESS scale parameter; if this value is `None`, use the value
777            already in the header; if no value already in the header, use 1
779        hcomp_smooth : float, optional
780            HCOMPRESS smooth parameter; if this value is `None`, use the value
781            already in the header; if no value already in the header, use 0
783        quantize_level : float, optional
784            floating point quantization level; if this value is `None`, use the
785            value already in the header; if no value already in header, use 16
787        quantize_method : int, optional
788            floating point quantization dithering method; can be either
789            NO_DITHER (-1), SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1 (1; default), or
790            SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2 (2)
792        dither_seed : int, optional
793            random seed to use for dithering; can be either an integer in the
794            range 1 to 1000 (inclusive), DITHER_SEED_CLOCK (0; default), or
795            DITHER_SEED_CHECKSUM (-1)
796        """
798        # Clean up EXTNAME duplicates
799        self._remove_unnecessary_default_extnames(self._header)
801        image_hdu = ImageHDU(data=self.data, header=self._header)
802        self._image_header = CompImageHeader(self._header, image_hdu.header)
803        self._axes = image_hdu._axes
804        del image_hdu
806        # Determine based on the size of the input data whether to use the Q
807        # column format to store compressed data or the P format.
808        # The Q format is used only if the uncompressed data is larger than
809        # 4 GB.  This is not a perfect heuristic, as one can contrive an input
810        # array which, when compressed, the entire binary table representing
811        # the compressed data is larger than 4GB.  That said, this is the same
812        # heuristic used by CFITSIO, so this should give consistent results.
813        # And the cases where this heuristic is insufficient are extreme and
814        # almost entirely contrived corner cases, so it will do for now
815        if self._has_data:
816            huge_hdu = self.data.nbytes > 2 ** 32
817        else:
818            huge_hdu = False
820        # Update the extension name in the table header
821        if not name and 'EXTNAME' not in self._header:
822            # Do not sync this with the image header since the default
823            # name is specific to the table header.
824            self._header.set('EXTNAME', self._default_name,
825                             'name of this binary table extension',
826                             after='TFIELDS')
827        elif name:
828            # Force the name into table and image headers.
829            self.name = name
831        # Set the compression type in the table header.
832        if compression_type:
833            if compression_type not in COMPRESSION_TYPES:
834                warnings.warn(
835                    'Unknown compression type provided (supported are {}). '
836                    'Default ({}) compression will be used.'
837                    .format(', '.join(map(repr, COMPRESSION_TYPES)),
838                            DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE),
839                    AstropyUserWarning)
840                compression_type = DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE
842            self._header.set('ZCMPTYPE', compression_type,
843                             'compression algorithm', after='TFIELDS')
844        else:
845            compression_type = self._header.get('ZCMPTYPE',
846                                                DEFAULT_COMPRESSION_TYPE)
847            compression_type = CMTYPE_ALIASES.get(compression_type,
848                                                  compression_type)
850        # If the input image header had BSCALE/BZERO cards, then insert
851        # them in the table header.
853        if image_header:
854            bzero = image_header.get('BZERO', 0.0)
855            bscale = image_header.get('BSCALE', 1.0)
856            after_keyword = 'EXTNAME'
858            if bscale != 1.0:
859                self._header.set('BSCALE', bscale, after=after_keyword)
860                after_keyword = 'BSCALE'
862            if bzero != 0.0:
863                self._header.set('BZERO', bzero, after=after_keyword)
865        try:
866            bitpix_comment = image_header.comments['BITPIX']
867        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
868            bitpix_comment = 'data type of original image'
870        try:
871            naxis_comment = image_header.comments['NAXIS']
872        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
873            naxis_comment = 'dimension of original image'
875        # Set the label for the first column in the table
877        self._header.set('TTYPE1', 'COMPRESSED_DATA', 'label for field 1',
878                         after='TFIELDS')
880        # Set the data format for the first column.  It is dependent
881        # on the requested compression type.
883        if compression_type == 'PLIO_1':
884            tform1 = '1QI' if huge_hdu else '1PI'
885        else:
886            tform1 = '1QB' if huge_hdu else '1PB'
888        self._header.set('TFORM1', tform1,
889                         'data format of field: variable length array',
890                         after='TTYPE1')
892        # Create the first column for the table.  This column holds the
893        # compressed data.
894        col1 = Column(name=self._header['TTYPE1'], format=tform1)
896        # Create the additional columns required for floating point
897        # data and calculate the width of the output table.
899        zbitpix = self._image_header['BITPIX']
901        if zbitpix < 0 and quantize_level != 0.0:
902            # floating point image has 'COMPRESSED_DATA',
903            # 'UNCOMPRESSED_DATA', 'ZSCALE', and 'ZZERO' columns (unless using
904            # lossless compression, per CFITSIO)
905            ncols = 4
907            # CFITSIO 3.28 and up automatically use the GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA
908            # store floating point data that couldn't be quantized, instead
909            # of the UNCOMPRESSED_DATA column.  There's no way to control
910            # this behavior so the only way to determine which behavior will
911            # be employed is via the CFITSIO version
913            ttype2 = 'GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA'
914            # The required format for the GZIP_COMPRESSED_DATA is actually
915            # missing from the standard docs, but CFITSIO suggests it
916            # should be 1PB, which is logical.
917            tform2 = '1QB' if huge_hdu else '1PB'
919            # Set up the second column for the table that will hold any
920            # uncompressable data.
921            self._header.set('TTYPE2', ttype2, 'label for field 2',
922                             after='TFORM1')
924            self._header.set('TFORM2', tform2,
925                             'data format of field: variable length array',
926                             after='TTYPE2')
928            col2 = Column(name=ttype2, format=tform2)
930            # Set up the third column for the table that will hold
931            # the scale values for quantized data.
932            self._header.set('TTYPE3', 'ZSCALE', 'label for field 3',
933                             after='TFORM2')
934            self._header.set('TFORM3', '1D',
935                             'data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE',
936                             after='TTYPE3')
937            col3 = Column(name=self._header['TTYPE3'],
938                          format=self._header['TFORM3'])
940            # Set up the fourth column for the table that will hold
941            # the zero values for the quantized data.
942            self._header.set('TTYPE4', 'ZZERO', 'label for field 4',
943                             after='TFORM3')
944            self._header.set('TFORM4', '1D',
945                             'data format of field: 8-byte DOUBLE',
946                             after='TTYPE4')
947            after = 'TFORM4'
948            col4 = Column(name=self._header['TTYPE4'],
949                          format=self._header['TFORM4'])
951            # Create the ColDefs object for the table
952            cols = ColDefs([col1, col2, col3, col4])
953        else:
954            # default table has just one 'COMPRESSED_DATA' column
955            ncols = 1
956            after = 'TFORM1'
958            # remove any header cards for the additional columns that
959            # may be left over from the previous data
960            to_remove = ['TTYPE2', 'TFORM2', 'TTYPE3', 'TFORM3', 'TTYPE4',
961                         'TFORM4']
963            for k in to_remove:
964                try:
965                    del self._header[k]
966                except KeyError:
967                    pass
969            # Create the ColDefs object for the table
970            cols = ColDefs([col1])
972        # Update the table header with the width of the table, the
973        # number of fields in the table, the indicator for a compressed
974        # image HDU, the data type of the image data and the number of
975        # dimensions in the image data array.
976        self._header.set('NAXIS1', cols.dtype.itemsize,
977                         'width of table in bytes')
978        self._header.set('TFIELDS', ncols, 'number of fields in each row',
979                         after='GCOUNT')
980        self._header.set('ZIMAGE', True, 'extension contains compressed image',
981                         after=after)
982        self._header.set('ZBITPIX', zbitpix,
983                         bitpix_comment, after='ZIMAGE')
984        self._header.set('ZNAXIS', self._image_header['NAXIS'], naxis_comment,
985                         after='ZBITPIX')
987        # Strip the table header of all the ZNAZISn and ZTILEn keywords
988        # that may be left over from the previous data
990        for idx in itertools.count(1):
991            try:
992                del self._header['ZNAXIS' + str(idx)]
993                del self._header['ZTILE' + str(idx)]
994            except KeyError:
995                break
997        # Verify that any input tile size parameter is the appropriate
998        # size to match the HDU's data.
1000        naxis = self._image_header['NAXIS']
1002        if not tile_size:
1003            tile_size = []
1004        elif len(tile_size) != naxis:
1005            warnings.warn('Provided tile size not appropriate for the data.  '
1006                          'Default tile size will be used.', AstropyUserWarning)
1007            tile_size = []
1009        # Set default tile dimensions for HCOMPRESS_1
1011        if compression_type == 'HCOMPRESS_1':
1012            if (self._image_header['NAXIS1'] < 4 or
1013                    self._image_header['NAXIS2'] < 4):
1014                raise ValueError('Hcompress minimum image dimension is '
1015                                 '4 pixels')
1016            elif tile_size:
1017                if tile_size[0] < 4 or tile_size[1] < 4:
1018                    # user specified tile size is too small
1019                    raise ValueError('Hcompress minimum tile dimension is '
1020                                     '4 pixels')
1021                major_dims = len([ts for ts in tile_size if ts > 1])
1022                if major_dims > 2:
1023                    raise ValueError(
1024                        'HCOMPRESS can only support 2-dimensional tile sizes.'
1025                        'All but two of the tile_size dimensions must be set '
1026                        'to 1.')
1028            if tile_size and (tile_size[0] == 0 and tile_size[1] == 0):
1029                # compress the whole image as a single tile
1030                tile_size[0] = self._image_header['NAXIS1']
1031                tile_size[1] = self._image_header['NAXIS2']
1033                for i in range(2, naxis):
1034                    # set all higher tile dimensions = 1
1035                    tile_size[i] = 1
1036            elif not tile_size:
1037                # The Hcompress algorithm is inherently 2D in nature, so the
1038                # row by row tiling that is used for other compression
1039                # algorithms is not appropriate.  If the image has less than 30
1040                # rows, then the entire image will be compressed as a single
1041                # tile.  Otherwise the tiles will consist of 16 rows of the
1042                # image.  This keeps the tiles to a reasonable size, and it
1043                # also includes enough rows to allow good compression
1044                # efficiency.  It the last tile of the image happens to contain
1045                # less than 4 rows, then find another tile size with between 14
1046                # and 30 rows (preferably even), so that the last tile has at
1047                # least 4 rows.
1049                # 1st tile dimension is the row length of the image
1050                tile_size.append(self._image_header['NAXIS1'])
1052                if self._image_header['NAXIS2'] <= 30:
1053                    tile_size.append(self._image_header['NAXIS1'])
1054                else:
1055                    # look for another good tile dimension
1056                    naxis2 = self._image_header['NAXIS2']
1057                    for dim in [16, 24, 20, 30, 28, 26, 22, 18, 14]:
1058                        if naxis2 % dim == 0 or naxis2 % dim > 3:
1059                            tile_size.append(dim)
1060                            break
1061                    else:
1062                        tile_size.append(17)
1064                for i in range(2, naxis):
1065                    # set all higher tile dimensions = 1
1066                    tile_size.append(1)
1068            # check if requested tile size causes the last tile to have
1069            # less than 4 pixels
1071            remain = self._image_header['NAXIS1'] % tile_size[0]  # 1st dimen
1073            if remain > 0 and remain < 4:
1074                tile_size[0] += 1  # try increasing tile size by 1
1076                remain = self._image_header['NAXIS1'] % tile_size[0]
1078                if remain > 0 and remain < 4:
1079                    raise ValueError('Last tile along 1st dimension has '
1080                                     'less than 4 pixels')
1082            remain = self._image_header['NAXIS2'] % tile_size[1]  # 2nd dimen
1084            if remain > 0 and remain < 4:
1085                tile_size[1] += 1  # try increasing tile size by 1
1087                remain = self._image_header['NAXIS2'] % tile_size[1]
1089                if remain > 0 and remain < 4:
1090                    raise ValueError('Last tile along 2nd dimension has '
1091                                     'less than 4 pixels')
1093        # Set up locations for writing the next cards in the header.
1094        last_znaxis = 'ZNAXIS'
1096        if self._image_header['NAXIS'] > 0:
1097            after1 = 'ZNAXIS1'
1098        else:
1099            after1 = 'ZNAXIS'
1101        # Calculate the number of rows in the output table and
1102        # write the ZNAXISn and ZTILEn cards to the table header.
1103        nrows = 0
1105        for idx, axis in enumerate(self._axes):
1106            naxis = 'NAXIS' + str(idx + 1)
1107            znaxis = 'ZNAXIS' + str(idx + 1)
1108            ztile = 'ZTILE' + str(idx + 1)
1110            if tile_size and len(tile_size) >= idx + 1:
1111                ts = tile_size[idx]
1112            else:
1113                if ztile not in self._header:
1114                    # Default tile size
1115                    if not idx:
1116                        ts = self._image_header['NAXIS1']
1117                    else:
1118                        ts = 1
1119                else:
1120                    ts = self._header[ztile]
1121                tile_size.append(ts)
1123            if not nrows:
1124                nrows = (axis - 1) // ts + 1
1125            else:
1126                nrows *= ((axis - 1) // ts + 1)
1128            if image_header and naxis in image_header:
1129                self._header.set(znaxis, axis, image_header.comments[naxis],
1130                                 after=last_znaxis)
1131            else:
1132                self._header.set(znaxis, axis,
1133                                 'length of original image axis',
1134                                 after=last_znaxis)
1136            self._header.set(ztile, ts, 'size of tiles to be compressed',
1137                             after=after1)
1138            last_znaxis = znaxis
1139            after1 = ztile
1141        # Set the NAXIS2 header card in the table hdu to the number of
1142        # rows in the table.
1143        self._header.set('NAXIS2', nrows, 'number of rows in table')
1145        self.columns = cols
1147        # Set the compression parameters in the table header.
1149        # First, setup the values to be used for the compression parameters
1150        # in case none were passed in.  This will be either the value
1151        # already in the table header for that parameter or the default
1152        # value.
1153        for idx in itertools.count(1):
1154            zname = 'ZNAME' + str(idx)
1155            if zname not in self._header:
1156                break
1157            zval = 'ZVAL' + str(idx)
1158            if self._header[zname] == 'NOISEBIT':
1159                if quantize_level is None:
1160                    quantize_level = self._header[zval]
1161            if self._header[zname] == 'SCALE   ':
1162                if hcomp_scale is None:
1163                    hcomp_scale = self._header[zval]
1164            if self._header[zname] == 'SMOOTH  ':
1165                if hcomp_smooth is None:
1166                    hcomp_smooth = self._header[zval]
1168        if quantize_level is None:
1169            quantize_level = DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_LEVEL
1171        if hcomp_scale is None:
1172            hcomp_scale = DEFAULT_HCOMP_SCALE
1174        if hcomp_smooth is None:
1175            hcomp_smooth = DEFAULT_HCOMP_SCALE
1177        # Next, strip the table header of all the ZNAMEn and ZVALn keywords
1178        # that may be left over from the previous data
1179        for idx in itertools.count(1):
1180            zname = 'ZNAME' + str(idx)
1181            if zname not in self._header:
1182                break
1183            zval = 'ZVAL' + str(idx)
1184            del self._header[zname]
1185            del self._header[zval]
1187        # Finally, put the appropriate keywords back based on the
1188        # compression type.
1190        after_keyword = 'ZCMPTYPE'
1191        idx = 1
1193        if compression_type == 'RICE_1':
1194            self._header.set('ZNAME1', 'BLOCKSIZE', 'compression block size',
1195                             after=after_keyword)
1196            self._header.set('ZVAL1', DEFAULT_BLOCK_SIZE, 'pixels per block',
1197                             after='ZNAME1')
1199            self._header.set('ZNAME2', 'BYTEPIX',
1200                             'bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)', after='ZVAL1')
1202            if self._header['ZBITPIX'] == 8:
1203                bytepix = 1
1204            elif self._header['ZBITPIX'] == 16:
1205                bytepix = 2
1206            else:
1207                bytepix = DEFAULT_BYTE_PIX
1209            self._header.set('ZVAL2', bytepix,
1210                             'bytes per pixel (1, 2, 4, or 8)',
1211                             after='ZNAME2')
1212            after_keyword = 'ZVAL2'
1213            idx = 3
1214        elif compression_type == 'HCOMPRESS_1':
1215            self._header.set('ZNAME1', 'SCALE', 'HCOMPRESS scale factor',
1216                             after=after_keyword)
1217            self._header.set('ZVAL1', hcomp_scale, 'HCOMPRESS scale factor',
1218                             after='ZNAME1')
1219            self._header.set('ZNAME2', 'SMOOTH', 'HCOMPRESS smooth option',
1220                             after='ZVAL1')
1221            self._header.set('ZVAL2', hcomp_smooth, 'HCOMPRESS smooth option',
1222                             after='ZNAME2')
1223            after_keyword = 'ZVAL2'
1224            idx = 3
1226        if self._image_header['BITPIX'] < 0:   # floating point image
1227            self._header.set('ZNAME' + str(idx), 'NOISEBIT',
1228                             'floating point quantization level',
1229                             after=after_keyword)
1230            self._header.set('ZVAL' + str(idx), quantize_level,
1231                             'floating point quantization level',
1232                             after='ZNAME' + str(idx))
1234            # Add the dither method and seed
1235            if quantize_method:
1236                if quantize_method not in [NO_DITHER, SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_1,
1237                                           SUBTRACTIVE_DITHER_2]:
1239                    warnings.warn('Unknown quantization method provided.  '
1240                                  'Default method ({}) used.'.format(name))
1241                    quantize_method = DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_METHOD
1243                if quantize_method == NO_DITHER:
1244                    zquantiz_comment = 'No dithering during quantization'
1245                else:
1246                    zquantiz_comment = 'Pixel Quantization Algorithm'
1248                self._header.set('ZQUANTIZ',
1249                                 QUANTIZE_METHOD_NAMES[quantize_method],
1250                                 zquantiz_comment,
1251                                 after='ZVAL' + str(idx))
1252            else:
1253                # If the ZQUANTIZ keyword is missing the default is to assume
1254                # no dithering, rather than whatever DEFAULT_QUANTIZE_METHOD
1255                # is set to
1256                quantize_method = self._header.get('ZQUANTIZ', NO_DITHER)
1258                if isinstance(quantize_method, str):
1259                    for k, v in QUANTIZE_METHOD_NAMES.items():
1260                        if v.upper() == quantize_method:
1261                            quantize_method = k
1262                            break
1263                    else:
1264                        quantize_method = NO_DITHER
1266            if quantize_method == NO_DITHER:
1267                if 'ZDITHER0' in self._header:
1268                    # If dithering isn't being used then there's no reason to
1269                    # keep the ZDITHER0 keyword
1270                    del self._header['ZDITHER0']
1271            else:
1272                if dither_seed:
1273                    dither_seed = self._generate_dither_seed(dither_seed)
1274                elif 'ZDITHER0' in self._header:
1275                    dither_seed = self._header['ZDITHER0']
1276                else:
1277                    dither_seed = self._generate_dither_seed(
1278                            DEFAULT_DITHER_SEED)
1280                self._header.set('ZDITHER0', dither_seed,
1281                                 'dithering offset when quantizing floats',
1282                                 after='ZQUANTIZ')
1284        if image_header:
1285            # Move SIMPLE card from the image header to the
1286            # table header as ZSIMPLE card.
1288            if 'SIMPLE' in image_header:
1289                self._header.set('ZSIMPLE', image_header['SIMPLE'],
1290                                 image_header.comments['SIMPLE'],
1291                                 before='ZBITPIX')
1293            # Move EXTEND card from the image header to the
1294            # table header as ZEXTEND card.
1296            if 'EXTEND' in image_header:
1297                self._header.set('ZEXTEND', image_header['EXTEND'],
1298                                 image_header.comments['EXTEND'])
1300            # Move BLOCKED card from the image header to the
1301            # table header as ZBLOCKED card.
1303            if 'BLOCKED' in image_header:
1304                self._header.set('ZBLOCKED', image_header['BLOCKED'],
1305                                 image_header.comments['BLOCKED'])
1307            # Move XTENSION card from the image header to the
1308            # table header as ZTENSION card.
1310            # Since we only handle compressed IMAGEs, ZTENSION should
1311            # always be IMAGE, even if the caller has passed in a header
1312            # for some other type of extension.
1313            if 'XTENSION' in image_header:
1314                self._header.set('ZTENSION', 'IMAGE',
1315                                 image_header.comments['XTENSION'],
1316                                 before='ZBITPIX')
1318            # Move PCOUNT and GCOUNT cards from image header to the table
1319            # header as ZPCOUNT and ZGCOUNT cards.
1321            if 'PCOUNT' in image_header:
1322                self._header.set('ZPCOUNT', image_header['PCOUNT'],
1323                                 image_header.comments['PCOUNT'],
1324                                 after=last_znaxis)
1326            if 'GCOUNT' in image_header:
1327                self._header.set('ZGCOUNT', image_header['GCOUNT'],
1328                                 image_header.comments['GCOUNT'],
1329                                 after='ZPCOUNT')
1331            # Move CHECKSUM and DATASUM cards from the image header to the
1332            # table header as XHECKSUM and XDATASUM cards.
1334            if 'CHECKSUM' in image_header:
1335                self._header.set('ZHECKSUM', image_header['CHECKSUM'],
1336                                 image_header.comments['CHECKSUM'])
1338            if 'DATASUM' in image_header:
1339                self._header.set('ZDATASUM', image_header['DATASUM'],
1340                                 image_header.comments['DATASUM'])
1341        else:
1342            # Move XTENSION card from the image header to the
1343            # table header as ZTENSION card.
1345            # Since we only handle compressed IMAGEs, ZTENSION should
1346            # always be IMAGE, even if the caller has passed in a header
1347            # for some other type of extension.
1348            if 'XTENSION' in self._image_header:
1349                self._header.set('ZTENSION', 'IMAGE',
1350                                 self._image_header.comments['XTENSION'],
1351                                 before='ZBITPIX')
1353            # Move PCOUNT and GCOUNT cards from image header to the table
1354            # header as ZPCOUNT and ZGCOUNT cards.
1356            if 'PCOUNT' in self._image_header:
1357                self._header.set('ZPCOUNT', self._image_header['PCOUNT'],
1358                                 self._image_header.comments['PCOUNT'],
1359                                 after=last_znaxis)
1361            if 'GCOUNT' in self._image_header:
1362                self._header.set('ZGCOUNT', self._image_header['GCOUNT'],
1363                                 self._image_header.comments['GCOUNT'],
1364                                 after='ZPCOUNT')
1366        # When we have an image checksum we need to ensure that the same
1367        # number of blank cards exist in the table header as there were in
1368        # the image header.  This allows those blank cards to be carried
1369        # over to the image header when the hdu is uncompressed.
1371        if 'ZHECKSUM' in self._header:
1372            required_blanks = image_header._countblanks()
1373            image_blanks = self._image_header._countblanks()
1374            table_blanks = self._header._countblanks()
1376            for _ in range(required_blanks - image_blanks):
1377                self._image_header.append()
1378                table_blanks += 1
1380            for _ in range(required_blanks - table_blanks):
1381                self._header.append()
1383    @lazyproperty
1384    def data(self):
1385        # The data attribute is the image data (not the table data).
1386        data = compression.decompress_hdu(self)
1388        if data is None:
1389            return data
1391        # Scale the data if necessary
1392        if (self._orig_bzero != 0 or self._orig_bscale != 1):
1393            new_dtype = self._dtype_for_bitpix()
1394            data = np.array(data, dtype=new_dtype)
1396            zblank = None
1398            if 'ZBLANK' in self.compressed_data.columns.names:
1399                zblank = self.compressed_data['ZBLANK']
1400            else:
1401                if 'ZBLANK' in self._header:
1402                    zblank = np.array(self._header['ZBLANK'], dtype='int32')
1403                elif 'BLANK' in self._header:
1404                    zblank = np.array(self._header['BLANK'], dtype='int32')
1406            if zblank is not None:
1407                blanks = (data == zblank)
1409            if self._bscale != 1:
1410                np.multiply(data, self._bscale, data)
1411            if self._bzero != 0:
1412                # We have to explicitly cast self._bzero to prevent numpy from
1413                # raising an error when doing self.data += self._bzero, and we
1414                # do this instead of self.data = self.data + self._bzero to
1415                # avoid doubling memory usage.
1416                np.add(data, self._bzero, out=data, casting='unsafe')
1418            if zblank is not None:
1419                data = np.where(blanks, np.nan, data)
1421        # Right out of _ImageBaseHDU.data
1422        self._update_header_scale_info(data.dtype)
1424        return data
1426    @data.setter
1427    def data(self, data):
1428        if (data is not None) and (not isinstance(data, np.ndarray) or
1429                data.dtype.fields is not None):
1430            raise TypeError('CompImageHDU data has incorrect type:{}; '
1431                            'dtype.fields = {}'.format(
1432                    type(data), data.dtype.fields))
1434    @lazyproperty
1435    def compressed_data(self):
1436        # First we will get the table data (the compressed
1437        # data) from the file, if there is any.
1438        compressed_data = super().data
1439        if isinstance(compressed_data, np.rec.recarray):
1440            # Make sure not to use 'del self.data' so we don't accidentally
1441            # go through the self.data.fdel and close the mmap underlying
1442            # the compressed_data array
1443            del self.__dict__['data']
1444            return compressed_data
1445        else:
1446            # This will actually set self.compressed_data with the
1447            # pre-allocated space for the compression data; this is something I
1448            # might do away with in the future
1449            self._update_compressed_data()
1451        return self.compressed_data
1453    @compressed_data.deleter
1454    def compressed_data(self):
1455        # Deleting the compressed_data attribute has to be handled
1456        # with a little care to prevent a reference leak
1457        # First delete the ._coldefs attributes under it to break a possible
1458        # reference cycle
1459        if 'compressed_data' in self.__dict__:
1460            del self.__dict__['compressed_data']._coldefs
1462            # Now go ahead and delete from self.__dict__; normally
1463            # lazyproperty.__delete__ does this for us, but we can prempt it to
1464            # do some additional cleanup
1465            del self.__dict__['compressed_data']
1467            # If this file was mmap'd, numpy.memmap will hold open a file
1468            # handle until the underlying mmap object is garbage-collected;
1469            # since this reference leak can sometimes hang around longer than
1470            # welcome go ahead and force a garbage collection
1471            gc.collect()
1473    @property
1474    def shape(self):
1475        """
1476        Shape of the image array--should be equivalent to ``self.data.shape``.
1477        """
1479        # Determine from the values read from the header
1480        return tuple(reversed(self._axes))
1482    @lazyproperty
1483    def header(self):
1484        # The header attribute is the header for the image data.  It
1485        # is not actually stored in the object dictionary.  Instead,
1486        # the _image_header is stored.  If the _image_header attribute
1487        # has already been defined we just return it.  If not, we must
1488        # create it from the table header (the _header attribute).
1489        if hasattr(self, '_image_header'):
1490            return self._image_header
1492        # Clean up any possible doubled EXTNAME keywords that use
1493        # the default. Do this on the original header to ensure
1494        # duplicates are removed cleanly.
1495        self._remove_unnecessary_default_extnames(self._header)
1497        # Start with a copy of the table header.
1498        image_header = self._header.copy()
1500        # Delete cards that are related to the table.  And move
1501        # the values of those cards that relate to the image from
1502        # their corresponding table cards.  These include
1503        # ZBITPIX -> BITPIX, ZNAXIS -> NAXIS, and ZNAXISn -> NAXISn.
1504        # (Note: Used set here instead of list in case there are any duplicate
1505        # keywords, which there may be in some pathological cases:
1506        # https://github.com/astropy/astropy/issues/2750
1507        for keyword in set(image_header):
1508            if CompImageHeader._is_reserved_keyword(keyword, warn=False):
1509                del image_header[keyword]
1511        if 'ZSIMPLE' in self._header:
1512            image_header.set('SIMPLE', self._header['ZSIMPLE'],
1513                             self._header.comments['ZSIMPLE'], before=0)
1514        elif 'ZTENSION' in self._header:
1515            if self._header['ZTENSION'] != 'IMAGE':
1516                warnings.warn("ZTENSION keyword in compressed "
1517                              "extension != 'IMAGE'", AstropyUserWarning)
1518            image_header.set('XTENSION', 'IMAGE',
1519                             self._header.comments['ZTENSION'], before=0)
1520        else:
1521            image_header.set('XTENSION', 'IMAGE', before=0)
1523        image_header.set('BITPIX', self._header['ZBITPIX'],
1524                         self._header.comments['ZBITPIX'], before=1)
1526        image_header.set('NAXIS', self._header['ZNAXIS'],
1527                         self._header.comments['ZNAXIS'], before=2)
1529        last_naxis = 'NAXIS'
1530        for idx in range(image_header['NAXIS']):
1531            znaxis = 'ZNAXIS' + str(idx + 1)
1532            naxis = znaxis[1:]
1533            image_header.set(naxis, self._header[znaxis],
1534                             self._header.comments[znaxis],
1535                             after=last_naxis)
1536            last_naxis = naxis
1538        # Delete any other spurious NAXISn keywords:
1539        naxis = image_header['NAXIS']
1540        for keyword in list(image_header['NAXIS?*']):
1541            try:
1542                n = int(keyword[5:])
1543            except Exception:
1544                continue
1546            if n > naxis:
1547                del image_header[keyword]
1549        # Although PCOUNT and GCOUNT are considered mandatory for IMAGE HDUs,
1550        # ZPCOUNT and ZGCOUNT are optional, probably because for IMAGE HDUs
1551        # their values are always 0 and 1 respectively
1552        if 'ZPCOUNT' in self._header:
1553            image_header.set('PCOUNT', self._header['ZPCOUNT'],
1554                             self._header.comments['ZPCOUNT'],
1555                             after=last_naxis)
1556        else:
1557            image_header.set('PCOUNT', 0, after=last_naxis)
1559        if 'ZGCOUNT' in self._header:
1560            image_header.set('GCOUNT', self._header['ZGCOUNT'],
1561                             self._header.comments['ZGCOUNT'],
1562                             after='PCOUNT')
1563        else:
1564            image_header.set('GCOUNT', 1, after='PCOUNT')
1566        if 'ZEXTEND' in self._header:
1567            image_header.set('EXTEND', self._header['ZEXTEND'],
1568                             self._header.comments['ZEXTEND'])
1570        if 'ZBLOCKED' in self._header:
1571            image_header.set('BLOCKED', self._header['ZBLOCKED'],
1572                             self._header.comments['ZBLOCKED'])
1574        # Move the ZHECKSUM and ZDATASUM cards to the image header
1575        # as CHECKSUM and DATASUM
1576        if 'ZHECKSUM' in self._header:
1577            image_header.set('CHECKSUM', self._header['ZHECKSUM'],
1578                             self._header.comments['ZHECKSUM'])
1580        if 'ZDATASUM' in self._header:
1581            image_header.set('DATASUM', self._header['ZDATASUM'],
1582                             self._header.comments['ZDATASUM'])
1584        # Remove the EXTNAME card if the value in the table header
1585        # is the default value of COMPRESSED_IMAGE.
1586        if ('EXTNAME' in image_header and
1587                image_header['EXTNAME'] == self._default_name):
1588            del image_header['EXTNAME']
1590        # Look to see if there are any blank cards in the table
1591        # header.  If there are, there should be the same number
1592        # of blank cards in the image header.  Add blank cards to
1593        # the image header to make it so.
1594        table_blanks = self._header._countblanks()
1595        image_blanks = image_header._countblanks()
1597        for _ in range(table_blanks - image_blanks):
1598            image_header.append()
1600        # Create the CompImageHeader that syncs with the table header, and save
1601        # it off to self._image_header so it can be referenced later
1602        # unambiguously
1603        self._image_header = CompImageHeader(self._header, image_header)
1605        return self._image_header
1607    def _summary(self):
1608        """
1609        Summarize the HDU: name, dimensions, and formats.
1610        """
1611        class_name = self.__class__.__name__
1613        # if data is touched, use data info.
1614        if self._data_loaded:
1615            if self.data is None:
1616                _shape, _format = (), ''
1617            else:
1619                # the shape will be in the order of NAXIS's which is the
1620                # reverse of the numarray shape
1621                _shape = list(self.data.shape)
1622                _format = self.data.dtype.name
1623                _shape.reverse()
1624                _shape = tuple(_shape)
1625                _format = _format[_format.rfind('.') + 1:]
1627        # if data is not touched yet, use header info.
1628        else:
1629            _shape = ()
1631            for idx in range(self.header['NAXIS']):
1632                _shape += (self.header['NAXIS' + str(idx + 1)],)
1634            _format = BITPIX2DTYPE[self.header['BITPIX']]
1636        return (self.name, self.ver, class_name, len(self.header), _shape,
1637                _format)
1639    def _update_compressed_data(self):
1640        """
1641        Compress the image data so that it may be written to a file.
1642        """
1644        # Check to see that the image_header matches the image data
1645        image_bitpix = DTYPE2BITPIX[self.data.dtype.name]
1647        if image_bitpix != self._orig_bitpix or self.data.shape != self.shape:
1648            self._update_header_data(self.header)
1650        # TODO: This is copied right out of _ImageBaseHDU._writedata_internal;
1651        # it would be cool if we could use an internal ImageHDU and use that to
1652        # write to a buffer for compression or something. See ticket #88
1653        # deal with unsigned integer 16, 32 and 64 data
1654        old_data = self.data
1655        if _is_pseudo_integer(self.data.dtype):
1656            # Convert the unsigned array to signed
1657            self.data = np.array(
1658                self.data - _pseudo_zero(self.data.dtype),
1659                dtype=f'=i{self.data.dtype.itemsize}')
1660            should_swap = False
1661        else:
1662            should_swap = not self.data.dtype.isnative
1664        if should_swap:
1666            if self.data.flags.writeable:
1667                self.data.byteswap(True)
1668            else:
1669                # For read-only arrays, there is no way around making
1670                # a byteswapped copy of the data.
1671                self.data = self.data.byteswap(False)
1673        try:
1674            nrows = self._header['NAXIS2']
1675            tbsize = self._header['NAXIS1'] * nrows
1677            self._header['PCOUNT'] = 0
1678            if 'THEAP' in self._header:
1679                del self._header['THEAP']
1680            self._theap = tbsize
1682            # First delete the original compressed data, if it exists
1683            del self.compressed_data
1685            # Make sure that the data is contiguous otherwise CFITSIO
1686            # will not write the expected data
1687            self.data = np.ascontiguousarray(self.data)
1689            # Compress the data.
1690            # The current implementation of compress_hdu assumes the empty
1691            # compressed data table has already been initialized in
1692            # self.compressed_data, and writes directly to it
1693            # compress_hdu returns the size of the heap for the written
1694            # compressed image table
1695            heapsize, self.compressed_data = compression.compress_hdu(self)
1696        finally:
1697            # if data was byteswapped return it to its original order
1698            if should_swap:
1699                self.data.byteswap(True)
1700            self.data = old_data
1702        # CFITSIO will write the compressed data in big-endian order
1703        dtype = self.columns.dtype.newbyteorder('>')
1704        buf = self.compressed_data
1705        compressed_data = buf[:self._theap].view(dtype=dtype,
1706                                                 type=np.rec.recarray)
1707        self.compressed_data = compressed_data.view(FITS_rec)
1708        self.compressed_data._coldefs = self.columns
1709        self.compressed_data._heapoffset = self._theap
1710        self.compressed_data._heapsize = heapsize
1712    def scale(self, type=None, option='old', bscale=1, bzero=0):
1713        """
1714        Scale image data by using ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO``.
1716        Calling this method will scale ``self.data`` and update the keywords of
1717        ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` in ``self._header`` and ``self._image_header``.
1718        This method should only be used right before writing to the output
1719        file, as the data will be scaled and is therefore not very usable after
1720        the call.
1722        Parameters
1723        ----------
1725        type : str, optional
1726            destination data type, use a string representing a numpy dtype
1727            name, (e.g. ``'uint8'``, ``'int16'``, ``'float32'`` etc.).  If is
1728            `None`, use the current data type.
1730        option : str, optional
1731            how to scale the data: if ``"old"``, use the original ``BSCALE``
1732            and ``BZERO`` values when the data was read/created. If
1733            ``"minmax"``, use the minimum and maximum of the data to scale.
1734            The option will be overwritten by any user-specified bscale/bzero
1735            values.
1737        bscale, bzero : int, optional
1738            user specified ``BSCALE`` and ``BZERO`` values.
1739        """
1741        if self.data is None:
1742            return
1744        # Determine the destination (numpy) data type
1745        if type is None:
1746            type = BITPIX2DTYPE[self._bitpix]
1747        _type = getattr(np, type)
1749        # Determine how to scale the data
1750        # bscale and bzero takes priority
1751        if (bscale != 1 or bzero != 0):
1752            _scale = bscale
1753            _zero = bzero
1754        else:
1755            if option == 'old':
1756                _scale = self._orig_bscale
1757                _zero = self._orig_bzero
1758            elif option == 'minmax':
1759                if isinstance(_type, np.floating):
1760                    _scale = 1
1761                    _zero = 0
1762                else:
1763                    _min = np.minimum.reduce(self.data.flat)
1764                    _max = np.maximum.reduce(self.data.flat)
1766                    if _type == np.uint8:  # uint8 case
1767                        _zero = _min
1768                        _scale = (_max - _min) / (2. ** 8 - 1)
1769                    else:
1770                        _zero = (_max + _min) / 2.
1772                        # throw away -2^N
1773                        _scale = (_max - _min) / (2. ** (8 * _type.bytes) - 2)
1775        # Do the scaling
1776        if _zero != 0:
1777            # We have to explicitly cast self._bzero to prevent numpy from
1778            # raising an error when doing self.data -= _zero, and we
1779            # do this instead of self.data = self.data - _zero to
1780            # avoid doubling memory usage.
1781            np.subtract(self.data, _zero, out=self.data, casting='unsafe')
1782            self.header['BZERO'] = _zero
1783        else:
1784            # Delete from both headers
1785            for header in (self.header, self._header):
1786                with suppress(KeyError):
1787                    del header['BZERO']
1789        if _scale != 1:
1790            self.data /= _scale
1791            self.header['BSCALE'] = _scale
1792        else:
1793            for header in (self.header, self._header):
1794                with suppress(KeyError):
1795                    del header['BSCALE']
1797        if self.data.dtype.type != _type:
1798            self.data = np.array(np.around(self.data), dtype=_type)  #
1800        # Update the BITPIX Card to match the data
1801        self._bitpix = DTYPE2BITPIX[self.data.dtype.name]
1802        self._bzero = self.header.get('BZERO', 0)
1803        self._bscale = self.header.get('BSCALE', 1)
1804        # Update BITPIX for the image header specifically
1805        # TODO: Make this more clear by using self._image_header, but only once
1806        # this has been fixed so that the _image_header attribute is guaranteed
1807        # to be valid
1808        self.header['BITPIX'] = self._bitpix
1810        # Update the table header to match the scaled data
1811        self._update_header_data(self.header)
1813        # Since the image has been manually scaled, the current
1814        # bitpix/bzero/bscale now serve as the 'original' scaling of the image,
1815        # as though the original image has been completely replaced
1816        self._orig_bitpix = self._bitpix
1817        self._orig_bzero = self._bzero
1818        self._orig_bscale = self._bscale
1820    def _prewriteto(self, checksum=False, inplace=False):
1821        if self._scale_back:
1822            self.scale(BITPIX2DTYPE[self._orig_bitpix])
1824        if self._has_data:
1825            self._update_compressed_data()
1827            # Use methods in the superclass to update the header with
1828            # scale/checksum keywords based on the data type of the image data
1829            self._update_pseudo_int_scale_keywords()
1831            # Shove the image header and data into a new ImageHDU and use that
1832            # to compute the image checksum
1833            image_hdu = ImageHDU(data=self.data, header=self.header)
1834            image_hdu._update_checksum(checksum)
1835            if 'CHECKSUM' in image_hdu.header:
1836                # This will also pass through to the ZHECKSUM keyword and
1837                # ZDATASUM keyword
1838                self._image_header.set('CHECKSUM',
1839                                       image_hdu.header['CHECKSUM'],
1840                                       image_hdu.header.comments['CHECKSUM'])
1841            if 'DATASUM' in image_hdu.header:
1842                self._image_header.set('DATASUM', image_hdu.header['DATASUM'],
1843                                       image_hdu.header.comments['DATASUM'])
1844            # Store a temporary backup of self.data in a different attribute;
1845            # see below
1846            self._imagedata = self.data
1848            # Now we need to perform an ugly hack to set the compressed data as
1849            # the .data attribute on the HDU so that the call to _writedata
1850            # handles it properly
1851            self.__dict__['data'] = self.compressed_data
1853        return super()._prewriteto(checksum=checksum, inplace=inplace)
1855    def _writeheader(self, fileobj):
1856        """
1857        Bypasses `BinTableHDU._writeheader()` which updates the header with
1858        metadata about the data that is meaningless here; another reason
1859        why this class maybe shouldn't inherit directly from BinTableHDU...
1860        """
1862        return ExtensionHDU._writeheader(self, fileobj)
1864    def _writedata(self, fileobj):
1865        """
1866        Wrap the basic ``_writedata`` method to restore the ``.data``
1867        attribute to the uncompressed image data in the case of an exception.
1868        """
1870        try:
1871            return super()._writedata(fileobj)
1872        finally:
1873            # Restore the .data attribute to its rightful value (if any)
1874            if hasattr(self, '_imagedata'):
1875                self.__dict__['data'] = self._imagedata
1876                del self._imagedata
1877            else:
1878                del self.data
1880    def _close(self, closed=True):
1881        super()._close(closed=closed)
1883        # Also make sure to close access to the compressed data mmaps
1884        if (closed and self._data_loaded and
1885                _get_array_mmap(self.compressed_data) is not None):
1886            del self.compressed_data
1888    # TODO: This was copied right out of _ImageBaseHDU; get rid of it once we
1889    # find a way to rewrite this class as either a subclass or wrapper for an
1890    # ImageHDU
1891    def _dtype_for_bitpix(self):
1892        """
1893        Determine the dtype that the data should be converted to depending on
1894        the BITPIX value in the header, and possibly on the BSCALE value as
1895        well.  Returns None if there should not be any change.
1896        """
1898        bitpix = self._orig_bitpix
1899        # Handle possible conversion to uints if enabled
1900        if self._uint and self._orig_bscale == 1:
1901            for bits, dtype in ((16, np.dtype('uint16')),
1902                                (32, np.dtype('uint32')),
1903                                (64, np.dtype('uint64'))):
1904                if bitpix == bits and self._orig_bzero == 1 << (bits - 1):
1905                    return dtype
1907        if bitpix > 16:  # scale integers to Float64
1908            return np.dtype('float64')
1909        elif bitpix > 0:  # scale integers to Float32
1910            return np.dtype('float32')
1912    def _update_header_scale_info(self, dtype=None):
1913        if (not self._do_not_scale_image_data and
1914                not (self._orig_bzero == 0 and self._orig_bscale == 1)):
1915            for keyword in ['BSCALE', 'BZERO']:
1916                # Make sure to delete from both the image header and the table
1917                # header; later this will be streamlined
1918                for header in (self.header, self._header):
1919                    with suppress(KeyError):
1920                        del header[keyword]
1921                        # Since _update_header_scale_info can, currently, be
1922                        # called *after* _prewriteto(), replace these with
1923                        # blank cards so the header size doesn't change
1924                        header.append()
1926            if dtype is None:
1927                dtype = self._dtype_for_bitpix()
1928            if dtype is not None:
1929                self.header['BITPIX'] = DTYPE2BITPIX[dtype.name]
1931            self._bzero = 0
1932            self._bscale = 1
1933            self._bitpix = self.header['BITPIX']
1935    def _generate_dither_seed(self, seed):
1936        if not _is_int(seed):
1937            raise TypeError("Seed must be an integer")
1939        if not -1 <= seed <= 10000:
1940            raise ValueError(
1941                "Seed for random dithering must be either between 1 and "
1942                "10000 inclusive, 0 for autogeneration from the system "
1943                "clock, or -1 for autogeneration from a checksum of the first "
1944                "image tile (got {})".format(seed))
1946        if seed == DITHER_SEED_CHECKSUM:
1947            # Determine the tile dimensions from the ZTILEn keywords
1948            naxis = self._header['ZNAXIS']
1949            tile_dims = [self._header[f'ZTILE{idx + 1}']
1950                         for idx in range(naxis)]
1951            tile_dims.reverse()
1953            # Get the first tile by using the tile dimensions as the end
1954            # indices of slices (starting from 0)
1955            first_tile = self.data[tuple(slice(d) for d in tile_dims)]
1957            # The checksum algorithm used is literally just the sum of the bytes
1958            # of the tile data (not its actual floating point values).  Integer
1959            # overflow is irrelevant.
1960            csum = first_tile.view(dtype='uint8').sum()
1962            # Since CFITSIO uses an unsigned long (which may be different on
1963            # different platforms) go ahead and truncate the sum to its
1964            # unsigned long value and take the result modulo 10000
1965            return (ctypes.c_ulong(csum).value % 10000) + 1
1966        elif seed == DITHER_SEED_CLOCK:
1967            # This isn't exactly the same algorithm as CFITSIO, but that's okay
1968            # since the result is meant to be arbitrary. The primary difference
1969            # is that CFITSIO incorporates the HDU number into the result in
1970            # the hopes of heading off the possibility of the same seed being
1971            # generated for two HDUs at the same time.  Here instead we just
1972            # add in the HDU object's id
1973            return ((sum(int(x) for x in math.modf(time.time())) + id(self)) %
1974                    10000) + 1
1975        else:
1976            return seed