1# Licensed under a 3-clause BSD style license - see LICENSE.rst
2from .index import SlicedIndex, TableIndices, TableLoc, TableILoc, TableLocIndices
4import sys
5from collections import OrderedDict, defaultdict
6from collections.abc import Mapping
7import warnings
8from copy import deepcopy
9import types
10import itertools
11import weakref
13import numpy as np
14from numpy import ma
16from astropy import log
17from astropy.units import Quantity, QuantityInfo
18from astropy.utils import isiterable, ShapedLikeNDArray
19from astropy.utils.console import color_print
20from astropy.utils.exceptions import AstropyUserWarning
21from astropy.utils.masked import Masked
22from astropy.utils.metadata import MetaData, MetaAttribute
23from astropy.utils.data_info import BaseColumnInfo, MixinInfo, DataInfo
24from astropy.utils.decorators import format_doc
25from astropy.io.registry import UnifiedReadWriteMethod
27from . import groups
28from .pprint import TableFormatter
29from .column import (BaseColumn, Column, MaskedColumn, _auto_names, FalseArray,
30                     col_copy, _convert_sequence_data_to_array)
31from .row import Row
32from .np_utils import fix_column_name
33from .info import TableInfo
34from .index import Index, _IndexModeContext, get_index
35from .connect import TableRead, TableWrite
36from .ndarray_mixin import NdarrayMixin
37from .mixins.registry import get_mixin_handler
38from . import conf
41_implementation_notes = """
42This string has informal notes concerning Table implementation for developers.
44Things to remember:
46- Table has customizable attributes ColumnClass, Column, MaskedColumn.
47  Table.Column is normally just column.Column (same w/ MaskedColumn)
48  but in theory they can be different.  Table.ColumnClass is the default
49  class used to create new non-mixin columns, and this is a function of
50  the Table.masked attribute.  Column creation / manipulation in a Table
51  needs to respect these.
53- Column objects that get inserted into the Table.columns attribute must
54  have the info.parent_table attribute set correctly.  Beware just dropping
55  an object into the columns dict since an existing column may
56  be part of another Table and have parent_table set to point at that
57  table.  Dropping that column into `columns` of this Table will cause
58  a problem for the old one so the column object needs to be copied (but
59  not necessarily the data).
61  Currently replace_column is always making a copy of both object and
62  data if parent_table is set.  This could be improved but requires a
63  generic way to copy a mixin object but not the data.
65- Be aware of column objects that have indices set.
67- `cls.ColumnClass` is a property that effectively uses the `masked` attribute
68  to choose either `cls.Column` or `cls.MaskedColumn`.
71__doctest_skip__ = ['Table.read', 'Table.write', 'Table._read',
72                    'Table.convert_bytestring_to_unicode',
73                    'Table.convert_unicode_to_bytestring',
74                    ]
76__doctest_requires__ = {'*pandas': ['pandas>=1.1']}
78_pprint_docs = """
79    {__doc__}
81    Parameters
82    ----------
83    max_lines : int or None
84        Maximum number of lines in table output.
86    max_width : int or None
87        Maximum character width of output.
89    show_name : bool
90        Include a header row for column names. Default is True.
92    show_unit : bool
93        Include a header row for unit.  Default is to show a row
94        for units only if one or more columns has a defined value
95        for the unit.
97    show_dtype : bool
98        Include a header row for column dtypes. Default is True.
100    align : str or list or tuple or None
101        Left/right alignment of columns. Default is right (None) for all
102        columns. Other allowed values are '>', '<', '^', and '0=' for
103        right, left, centered, and 0-padded, respectively. A list of
104        strings can be provided for alignment of tables with multiple
105        columns.
106    """
108_pformat_docs = """
109    {__doc__}
111    Parameters
112    ----------
113    max_lines : int or None
114        Maximum number of rows to output
116    max_width : int or None
117        Maximum character width of output
119    show_name : bool
120        Include a header row for column names. Default is True.
122    show_unit : bool
123        Include a header row for unit.  Default is to show a row
124        for units only if one or more columns has a defined value
125        for the unit.
127    show_dtype : bool
128        Include a header row for column dtypes. Default is True.
130    html : bool
131        Format the output as an HTML table. Default is False.
133    tableid : str or None
134        An ID tag for the table; only used if html is set.  Default is
135        "table{id}", where id is the unique integer id of the table object,
136        id(self)
138    align : str or list or tuple or None
139        Left/right alignment of columns. Default is right (None) for all
140        columns. Other allowed values are '>', '<', '^', and '0=' for
141        right, left, centered, and 0-padded, respectively. A list of
142        strings can be provided for alignment of tables with multiple
143        columns.
145    tableclass : str or list of str or None
146        CSS classes for the table; only used if html is set.  Default is
147        None.
149    Returns
150    -------
151    lines : list
152        Formatted table as a list of strings.
153    """
156class TableReplaceWarning(UserWarning):
157    """
158    Warning class for cases when a table column is replaced via the
159    Table.__setitem__ syntax e.g. t['a'] = val.
161    This does not inherit from AstropyWarning because we want to use
162    stacklevel=3 to show the user where the issue occurred in their code.
163    """
164    pass
167def descr(col):
168    """Array-interface compliant full description of a column.
170    This returns a 3-tuple (name, type, shape) that can always be
171    used in a structured array dtype definition.
172    """
173    col_dtype = 'O' if (col.info.dtype is None) else col.info.dtype
174    col_shape = col.shape[1:] if hasattr(col, 'shape') else ()
175    return (col.info.name, col_dtype, col_shape)
178def has_info_class(obj, cls):
179    """Check if the object's info is an instance of cls."""
180    # We check info on the class of the instance, since on the instance
181    # itself accessing 'info' has side effects in that it sets
182    # obj.__dict__['info'] if it does not exist already.
183    return isinstance(getattr(obj.__class__, 'info', None), cls)
186def _get_names_from_list_of_dict(rows):
187    """Return list of column names if ``rows`` is a list of dict that
188    defines table data.
190    If rows is not a list of dict then return None.
191    """
192    if rows is None:
193        return None
195    names = set()
196    for row in rows:
197        if not isinstance(row, Mapping):
198            return None
199        names.update(row)
200    return list(names)
203# Note to future maintainers: when transitioning this to dict
204# be sure to change the OrderedDict ref(s) in Row and in __len__().
206class TableColumns(OrderedDict):
207    """OrderedDict subclass for a set of columns.
209    This class enhances item access to provide convenient access to columns
210    by name or index, including slice access.  It also handles renaming
211    of columns.
213    The initialization argument ``cols`` can be a list of ``Column`` objects
214    or any structure that is valid for initializing a Python dict.  This
215    includes a dict, list of (key, val) tuples or [key, val] lists, etc.
217    Parameters
218    ----------
219    cols : dict, list, tuple; optional
220        Column objects as data structure that can init dict (see above)
221    """
223    def __init__(self, cols={}):
224        if isinstance(cols, (list, tuple)):
225            # `cols` should be a list of two-tuples, but it is allowed to have
226            # columns (BaseColumn or mixins) in the list.
227            newcols = []
228            for col in cols:
229                if has_info_class(col, BaseColumnInfo):
230                    newcols.append((col.info.name, col))
231                else:
232                    newcols.append(col)
233            cols = newcols
234        super().__init__(cols)
236    def __getitem__(self, item):
237        """Get items from a TableColumns object.
238        ::
240          tc = TableColumns(cols=[Column(name='a'), Column(name='b'), Column(name='c')])
241          tc['a']  # Column('a')
242          tc[1] # Column('b')
243          tc['a', 'b'] # <TableColumns names=('a', 'b')>
244          tc[1:3] # <TableColumns names=('b', 'c')>
245        """
246        if isinstance(item, str):
247            return OrderedDict.__getitem__(self, item)
248        elif isinstance(item, (int, np.integer)):
249            return list(self.values())[item]
250        elif (isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.shape == () and item.dtype.kind == 'i'):
251            return list(self.values())[item.item()]
252        elif isinstance(item, tuple):
253            return self.__class__([self[x] for x in item])
254        elif isinstance(item, slice):
255            return self.__class__([self[x] for x in list(self)[item]])
256        else:
257            raise IndexError('Illegal key or index value for {} object'
258                             .format(self.__class__.__name__))
260    def __setitem__(self, item, value, validated=False):
261        """
262        Set item in this dict instance, but do not allow directly replacing an
263        existing column unless it is already validated (and thus is certain to
264        not corrupt the table).
266        NOTE: it is easily possible to corrupt a table by directly *adding* a new
267        key to the TableColumns attribute of a Table, e.g.
268        ``t.columns['jane'] = 'doe'``.
270        """
271        if item in self and not validated:
272            raise ValueError("Cannot replace column '{}'.  Use Table.replace_column() instead."
273                             .format(item))
274        super().__setitem__(item, value)
276    def __repr__(self):
277        names = (f"'{x}'" for x in self.keys())
278        return f"<{self.__class__.__name__} names=({','.join(names)})>"
280    def _rename_column(self, name, new_name):
281        if name == new_name:
282            return
284        if new_name in self:
285            raise KeyError(f"Column {new_name} already exists")
287        # Rename column names in pprint include/exclude attributes as needed
288        parent_table = self[name].info.parent_table
289        if parent_table is not None:
290            parent_table.pprint_exclude_names._rename(name, new_name)
291            parent_table.pprint_include_names._rename(name, new_name)
293        mapper = {name: new_name}
294        new_names = [mapper.get(name, name) for name in self]
295        cols = list(self.values())
296        self.clear()
297        self.update(list(zip(new_names, cols)))
299    def __delitem__(self, name):
300        # Remove column names from pprint include/exclude attributes as needed.
301        # __delitem__ also gets called for pop() and popitem().
302        parent_table = self[name].info.parent_table
303        if parent_table is not None:
304            # _remove() method does not require that `name` is in the attribute
305            parent_table.pprint_exclude_names._remove(name)
306            parent_table.pprint_include_names._remove(name)
307        return super().__delitem__(name)
309    def isinstance(self, cls):
310        """
311        Return a list of columns which are instances of the specified classes.
313        Parameters
314        ----------
315        cls : class or tuple thereof
316            Column class (including mixin) or tuple of Column classes.
318        Returns
319        -------
320        col_list : list of `Column`
321            List of Column objects which are instances of given classes.
322        """
323        cols = [col for col in self.values() if isinstance(col, cls)]
324        return cols
326    def not_isinstance(self, cls):
327        """
328        Return a list of columns which are not instances of the specified classes.
330        Parameters
331        ----------
332        cls : class or tuple thereof
333            Column class (including mixin) or tuple of Column classes.
335        Returns
336        -------
337        col_list : list of `Column`
338            List of Column objects which are not instances of given classes.
339        """
340        cols = [col for col in self.values() if not isinstance(col, cls)]
341        return cols
344class TableAttribute(MetaAttribute):
345    """
346    Descriptor to define a custom attribute for a Table subclass.
348    The value of the ``TableAttribute`` will be stored in a dict named
349    ``__attributes__`` that is stored in the table ``meta``.  The attribute
350    can be accessed and set in the usual way, and it can be provided when
351    creating the object.
353    Defining an attribute by this mechanism ensures that it will persist if
354    the table is sliced or serialized, for example as a pickle or ECSV file.
356    See the `~astropy.utils.metadata.MetaAttribute` documentation for additional
357    details.
359    Parameters
360    ----------
361    default : object
362        Default value for attribute
364    Examples
365    --------
366      >>> from astropy.table import Table, TableAttribute
367      >>> class MyTable(Table):
368      ...     identifier = TableAttribute(default=1)
369      >>> t = MyTable(identifier=10)
370      >>> t.identifier
371      10
372      >>> t.meta
373      OrderedDict([('__attributes__', {'identifier': 10})])
374    """
377class PprintIncludeExclude(TableAttribute):
378    """Maintain tuple that controls table column visibility for print output.
380    This is a descriptor that inherits from MetaAttribute so that the attribute
381    value is stored in the table meta['__attributes__'].
383    This gets used for the ``pprint_include_names`` and ``pprint_exclude_names`` Table
384    attributes.
385    """
386    def __get__(self, instance, owner_cls):
387        """Get the attribute.
389        This normally returns an instance of this class which is stored on the
390        owner object.
391        """
392        # For getting from class not an instance
393        if instance is None:
394            return self
396        # If not already stored on `instance`, make a copy of the class
397        # descriptor object and put it onto the instance.
398        value = instance.__dict__.get(self.name)
399        if value is None:
400            value = deepcopy(self)
401            instance.__dict__[self.name] = value
403        # We set _instance_ref on every call, since if one makes copies of
404        # instances, this attribute will be copied as well, which will lose the
405        # reference.
406        value._instance_ref = weakref.ref(instance)
407        return value
409    def __set__(self, instance, names):
410        """Set value of ``instance`` attribute to ``names``.
412        Parameters
413        ----------
414        instance : object
415            Instance that owns the attribute
416        names : None, str, list, tuple
417            Column name(s) to store, or None to clear
418        """
419        if isinstance(names, str):
420            names = [names]
421        if names is None:
422            # Remove attribute value from the meta['__attributes__'] dict.
423            # Subsequent access will just return None.
424            delattr(instance, self.name)
425        else:
426            # This stores names into instance.meta['__attributes__'] as tuple
427            return super().__set__(instance, tuple(names))
429    def __call__(self):
430        """Get the value of the attribute.
432        Returns
433        -------
434        names : None, tuple
435            Include/exclude names
436        """
437        # Get the value from instance.meta['__attributes__']
438        instance = self._instance_ref()
439        return super().__get__(instance, instance.__class__)
441    def __repr__(self):
442        if hasattr(self, '_instance_ref'):
443            out = f'<{self.__class__.__name__} name={self.name} value={self()}>'
444        else:
445            out = super().__repr__()
446        return out
448    def _add_remove_setup(self, names):
449        """Common setup for add and remove.
451        - Coerce attribute value to a list
452        - Coerce names into a list
453        - Get the parent table instance
454        """
455        names = [names] if isinstance(names, str) else list(names)
456        # Get the value. This is the same as self() but we need `instance` here.
457        instance = self._instance_ref()
458        value = super().__get__(instance, instance.__class__)
459        value = [] if value is None else list(value)
460        return instance, names, value
462    def add(self, names):
463        """Add ``names`` to the include/exclude attribute.
465        Parameters
466        ----------
467        names : str, list, tuple
468            Column name(s) to add
469        """
470        instance, names, value = self._add_remove_setup(names)
471        value.extend(name for name in names if name not in value)
472        super().__set__(instance, tuple(value))
474    def remove(self, names):
475        """Remove ``names`` from the include/exclude attribute.
477        Parameters
478        ----------
479        names : str, list, tuple
480            Column name(s) to remove
481        """
482        self._remove(names, raise_exc=True)
484    def _remove(self, names, raise_exc=False):
485        """Remove ``names`` with optional checking if they exist"""
486        instance, names, value = self._add_remove_setup(names)
488        # Return now if there are no attributes and thus no action to be taken.
489        if not raise_exc and '__attributes__' not in instance.meta:
490            return
492        # Remove one by one, optionally raising an exception if name is missing.
493        for name in names:
494            if name in value:
495                value.remove(name)  # Using the list.remove method
496            elif raise_exc:
497                raise ValueError(f'{name} not in {self.name}')
499        # Change to either None or a tuple for storing back to attribute
500        value = None if value == [] else tuple(value)
501        self.__set__(instance, value)
503    def _rename(self, name, new_name):
504        """Rename ``name`` to ``new_name`` if ``name`` is in the list"""
505        names = self() or ()
506        if name in names:
507            new_names = list(names)
508            new_names[new_names.index(name)] = new_name
509            self.set(new_names)
511    def set(self, names):
512        """Set value of include/exclude attribute to ``names``.
514        Parameters
515        ----------
516        names : None, str, list, tuple
517            Column name(s) to store, or None to clear
518        """
519        class _Context:
520            def __init__(self, descriptor_self):
521                self.descriptor_self = descriptor_self
522                self.names_orig = descriptor_self()
524            def __enter__(self):
525                pass
527            def __exit__(self, type, value, tb):
528                descriptor_self = self.descriptor_self
529                instance = descriptor_self._instance_ref()
530                descriptor_self.__set__(instance, self.names_orig)
532            def __repr__(self):
533                return repr(self.descriptor_self)
535        ctx = _Context(descriptor_self=self)
537        instance = self._instance_ref()
538        self.__set__(instance, names)
540        return ctx
543class Table:
544    """A class to represent tables of heterogeneous data.
546    `~astropy.table.Table` provides a class for heterogeneous tabular data.
547    A key enhancement provided by the `~astropy.table.Table` class over
548    e.g. a `numpy` structured array is the ability to easily modify the
549    structure of the table by adding or removing columns, or adding new
550    rows of data.  In addition table and column metadata are fully supported.
552    `~astropy.table.Table` differs from `~astropy.nddata.NDData` by the
553    assumption that the input data consists of columns of homogeneous data,
554    where each column has a unique identifier and may contain additional
555    metadata such as the data unit, format, and description.
557    See also: https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/table/
559    Parameters
560    ----------
561    data : numpy ndarray, dict, list, table-like object, optional
562        Data to initialize table.
563    masked : bool, optional
564        Specify whether the table is masked.
565    names : list, optional
566        Specify column names.
567    dtype : list, optional
568        Specify column data types.
569    meta : dict, optional
570        Metadata associated with the table.
571    copy : bool, optional
572        Copy the input data. If the input is a Table the ``meta`` is always
573        copied regardless of the ``copy`` parameter.
574        Default is True.
575    rows : numpy ndarray, list of list, optional
576        Row-oriented data for table instead of ``data`` argument.
577    copy_indices : bool, optional
578        Copy any indices in the input data. Default is True.
579    units : list, dict, optional
580        List or dict of units to apply to columns.
581    descriptions : list, dict, optional
582        List or dict of descriptions to apply to columns.
583    **kwargs : dict, optional
584        Additional keyword args when converting table-like object.
585    """
587    meta = MetaData(copy=False)
589    # Define class attributes for core container objects to allow for subclass
590    # customization.
591    Row = Row
592    Column = Column
593    MaskedColumn = MaskedColumn
594    TableColumns = TableColumns
595    TableFormatter = TableFormatter
597    # Unified I/O read and write methods from .connect
598    read = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(TableRead)
599    write = UnifiedReadWriteMethod(TableWrite)
601    pprint_exclude_names = PprintIncludeExclude()
602    pprint_include_names = PprintIncludeExclude()
604    def as_array(self, keep_byteorder=False, names=None):
605        """
606        Return a new copy of the table in the form of a structured np.ndarray or
607        np.ma.MaskedArray object (as appropriate).
609        Parameters
610        ----------
611        keep_byteorder : bool, optional
612            By default the returned array has all columns in native byte
613            order.  However, if this option is `True` this preserves the
614            byte order of all columns (if any are non-native).
616        names : list, optional:
617            List of column names to include for returned structured array.
618            Default is to include all table columns.
620        Returns
621        -------
622        table_array : array or `~numpy.ma.MaskedArray`
623            Copy of table as a numpy structured array.
624            ndarray for unmasked or `~numpy.ma.MaskedArray` for masked.
625        """
626        masked = self.masked or self.has_masked_columns or self.has_masked_values
627        empty_init = ma.empty if masked else np.empty
628        if len(self.columns) == 0:
629            return empty_init(0, dtype=None)
631        dtype = []
633        cols = self.columns.values()
635        if names is not None:
636            cols = [col for col in cols if col.info.name in names]
638        for col in cols:
639            col_descr = descr(col)
641            if not (col.info.dtype.isnative or keep_byteorder):
642                new_dt = np.dtype(col_descr[1]).newbyteorder('=')
643                col_descr = (col_descr[0], new_dt, col_descr[2])
645            dtype.append(col_descr)
647        data = empty_init(len(self), dtype=dtype)
648        for col in cols:
649            # When assigning from one array into a field of a structured array,
650            # Numpy will automatically swap those columns to their destination
651            # byte order where applicable
652            data[col.info.name] = col
654            # For masked out, masked mixin columns need to set output mask attribute.
655            if masked and has_info_class(col, MixinInfo) and hasattr(col, 'mask'):
656                data[col.info.name].mask = col.mask
658        return data
660    def __init__(self, data=None, masked=False, names=None, dtype=None,
661                 meta=None, copy=True, rows=None, copy_indices=True,
662                 units=None, descriptions=None,
663                 **kwargs):
665        # Set up a placeholder empty table
666        self._set_masked(masked)
667        self.columns = self.TableColumns()
668        self.formatter = self.TableFormatter()
669        self._copy_indices = True  # copy indices from this Table by default
670        self._init_indices = copy_indices  # whether to copy indices in init
671        self.primary_key = None
673        # Must copy if dtype are changing
674        if not copy and dtype is not None:
675            raise ValueError('Cannot specify dtype when copy=False')
677        # Specifies list of names found for the case of initializing table with
678        # a list of dict. If data are not list of dict then this is None.
679        names_from_list_of_dict = None
681        # Row-oriented input, e.g. list of lists or list of tuples, list of
682        # dict, Row instance.  Set data to something that the subsequent code
683        # will parse correctly.
684        if rows is not None:
685            if data is not None:
686                raise ValueError('Cannot supply both `data` and `rows` values')
687            if isinstance(rows, types.GeneratorType):
688                # Without this then the all(..) test below uses up the generator
689                rows = list(rows)
691            # Get column names if `rows` is a list of dict, otherwise this is None
692            names_from_list_of_dict = _get_names_from_list_of_dict(rows)
693            if names_from_list_of_dict:
694                data = rows
695            elif isinstance(rows, self.Row):
696                data = rows
697            else:
698                data = list(zip(*rows))
700        # Infer the type of the input data and set up the initialization
701        # function, number of columns, and potentially the default col names
703        default_names = None
705        # Handle custom (subclass) table attributes that are stored in meta.
706        # These are defined as class attributes using the TableAttribute
707        # descriptor.  Any such attributes get removed from kwargs here and
708        # stored for use after the table is otherwise initialized. Any values
709        # provided via kwargs will have precedence over existing values from
710        # meta (e.g. from data as a Table or meta via kwargs).
711        meta_table_attrs = {}
712        if kwargs:
713            for attr in list(kwargs):
714                descr = getattr(self.__class__, attr, None)
715                if isinstance(descr, TableAttribute):
716                    meta_table_attrs[attr] = kwargs.pop(attr)
718        if hasattr(data, '__astropy_table__'):
719            # Data object implements the __astropy_table__ interface method.
720            # Calling that method returns an appropriate instance of
721            # self.__class__ and respects the `copy` arg.  The returned
722            # Table object should NOT then be copied.
723            data = data.__astropy_table__(self.__class__, copy, **kwargs)
724            copy = False
725        elif kwargs:
726            raise TypeError('__init__() got unexpected keyword argument {!r}'
727                            .format(list(kwargs.keys())[0]))
729        if (isinstance(data, np.ndarray)
730                and data.shape == (0,)
731                and not data.dtype.names):
732            data = None
734        if isinstance(data, self.Row):
735            data = data._table[data._index:data._index + 1]
737        if isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
738            # Get column names from `data` if it is a list of dict, otherwise this is None.
739            # This might be previously defined if `rows` was supplied as an init arg.
740            names_from_list_of_dict = (names_from_list_of_dict
741                                       or _get_names_from_list_of_dict(data))
742            if names_from_list_of_dict:
743                init_func = self._init_from_list_of_dicts
744                n_cols = len(names_from_list_of_dict)
745            else:
746                init_func = self._init_from_list
747                n_cols = len(data)
749        elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray):
750            if data.dtype.names:
751                init_func = self._init_from_ndarray  # _struct
752                n_cols = len(data.dtype.names)
753                default_names = data.dtype.names
754            else:
755                init_func = self._init_from_ndarray  # _homog
756                if data.shape == ():
757                    raise ValueError('Can not initialize a Table with a scalar')
758                elif len(data.shape) == 1:
759                    data = data[np.newaxis, :]
760                n_cols = data.shape[1]
762        elif isinstance(data, Mapping):
763            init_func = self._init_from_dict
764            default_names = list(data)
765            n_cols = len(default_names)
767        elif isinstance(data, Table):
768            # If user-input meta is None then use data.meta (if non-trivial)
769            if meta is None and data.meta:
770                # At this point do NOT deepcopy data.meta as this will happen after
771                # table init_func() is called.  But for table input the table meta
772                # gets a key copy here if copy=False because later a direct object ref
773                # is used.
774                meta = data.meta if copy else data.meta.copy()
776            # Handle indices on input table. Copy primary key and don't copy indices
777            # if the input Table is in non-copy mode.
778            self.primary_key = data.primary_key
779            self._init_indices = self._init_indices and data._copy_indices
781            # Extract default names, n_cols, and then overwrite ``data`` to be the
782            # table columns so we can use _init_from_list.
783            default_names = data.colnames
784            n_cols = len(default_names)
785            data = list(data.columns.values())
787            init_func = self._init_from_list
789        elif data is None:
790            if names is None:
791                if dtype is None:
792                    # Table was initialized as `t = Table()`. Set up for empty
793                    # table with names=[], data=[], and n_cols=0.
794                    # self._init_from_list() will simply return, giving the
795                    # expected empty table.
796                    names = []
797                else:
798                    try:
799                        # No data nor names but dtype is available.  This must be
800                        # valid to initialize a structured array.
801                        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
802                        names = dtype.names
803                        dtype = [dtype[name] for name in names]
804                    except Exception:
805                        raise ValueError('dtype was specified but could not be '
806                                         'parsed for column names')
807            # names is guaranteed to be set at this point
808            init_func = self._init_from_list
809            n_cols = len(names)
810            data = [[]] * n_cols
812        else:
813            raise ValueError(f'Data type {type(data)} not allowed to init Table')
815        # Set up defaults if names and/or dtype are not specified.
816        # A value of None means the actual value will be inferred
817        # within the appropriate initialization routine, either from
818        # existing specification or auto-generated.
820        if dtype is None:
821            dtype = [None] * n_cols
822        elif isinstance(dtype, np.dtype):
823            if default_names is None:
824                default_names = dtype.names
825            # Convert a numpy dtype input to a list of dtypes for later use.
826            dtype = [dtype[name] for name in dtype.names]
828        if names is None:
829            names = default_names or [None] * n_cols
831        # Numpy does not support bytes column names on Python 3, so fix them
832        # up now.
833        names = [fix_column_name(name) for name in names]
835        self._check_names_dtype(names, dtype, n_cols)
837        # Finally do the real initialization
838        init_func(data, names, dtype, n_cols, copy)
840        # Set table meta.  If copy=True then deepcopy meta otherwise use the
841        # user-supplied meta directly.
842        if meta is not None:
843            self.meta = deepcopy(meta) if copy else meta
845        # Update meta with TableAttributes supplied as kwargs in Table init.
846        # This takes precedence over previously-defined meta.
847        if meta_table_attrs:
848            for attr, value in meta_table_attrs.items():
849                setattr(self, attr, value)
851        # Whatever happens above, the masked property should be set to a boolean
852        if self.masked not in (None, True, False):
853            raise TypeError("masked property must be None, True or False")
855        self._set_column_attribute('unit', units)
856        self._set_column_attribute('description', descriptions)
858    def _set_column_attribute(self, attr, values):
859        """Set ``attr`` for columns to ``values``, which can be either a dict (keyed by column
860        name) or a dict of name: value pairs.  This is used for handling the ``units`` and
861        ``descriptions`` kwargs to ``__init__``.
862        """
863        if not values:
864            return
866        if isinstance(values, Row):
867            # For a Row object transform to an equivalent dict.
868            values = {name: values[name] for name in values.colnames}
870        if not isinstance(values, Mapping):
871            # If not a dict map, assume iterable and map to dict if the right length
872            if len(values) != len(self.columns):
873                raise ValueError(f'sequence of {attr} values must match number of columns')
874            values = dict(zip(self.colnames, values))
876        for name, value in values.items():
877            if name not in self.columns:
878                raise ValueError(f'invalid column name {name} for setting {attr} attribute')
880            # Special case: ignore unit if it is an empty or blank string
881            if attr == 'unit' and isinstance(value, str):
882                if value.strip() == '':
883                    value = None
885            if value not in (np.ma.masked, None):
886                setattr(self[name].info, attr, value)
888    def __getstate__(self):
889        columns = OrderedDict((key, col if isinstance(col, BaseColumn) else col_copy(col))
890                              for key, col in self.columns.items())
891        return (columns, self.meta)
893    def __setstate__(self, state):
894        columns, meta = state
895        self.__init__(columns, meta=meta)
897    @property
898    def mask(self):
899        # Dynamic view of available masks
900        if self.masked or self.has_masked_columns or self.has_masked_values:
901            mask_table = Table([getattr(col, 'mask', FalseArray(col.shape))
902                                for col in self.itercols()],
903                               names=self.colnames, copy=False)
905            # Set hidden attribute to force inplace setitem so that code like
906            # t.mask['a'] = [1, 0, 1] will correctly set the underlying mask.
907            # See #5556 for discussion.
908            mask_table._setitem_inplace = True
909        else:
910            mask_table = None
912        return mask_table
914    @mask.setter
915    def mask(self, val):
916        self.mask[:] = val
918    @property
919    def _mask(self):
920        """This is needed so that comparison of a masked Table and a
921        MaskedArray works.  The requirement comes from numpy.ma.core
922        so don't remove this property."""
923        return self.as_array().mask
925    def filled(self, fill_value=None):
926        """Return copy of self, with masked values filled.
928        If input ``fill_value`` supplied then that value is used for all
929        masked entries in the table.  Otherwise the individual
930        ``fill_value`` defined for each table column is used.
932        Parameters
933        ----------
934        fill_value : str
935            If supplied, this ``fill_value`` is used for all masked entries
936            in the entire table.
938        Returns
939        -------
940        filled_table : `~astropy.table.Table`
941            New table with masked values filled
942        """
943        if self.masked or self.has_masked_columns or self.has_masked_values:
944            # Get new columns with masked values filled, then create Table with those
945            # new cols (copy=False) but deepcopy the meta.
946            data = [col.filled(fill_value) if hasattr(col, 'filled') else col
947                    for col in self.itercols()]
948            return self.__class__(data, meta=deepcopy(self.meta), copy=False)
949        else:
950            # Return copy of the original object.
951            return self.copy()
953    @property
954    def indices(self):
955        '''
956        Return the indices associated with columns of the table
957        as a TableIndices object.
958        '''
959        lst = []
960        for column in self.columns.values():
961            for index in column.info.indices:
962                if sum([index is x for x in lst]) == 0:  # ensure uniqueness
963                    lst.append(index)
964        return TableIndices(lst)
966    @property
967    def loc(self):
968        '''
969        Return a TableLoc object that can be used for retrieving
970        rows by index in a given data range. Note that both loc
971        and iloc work only with single-column indices.
972        '''
973        return TableLoc(self)
975    @property
976    def loc_indices(self):
977        """
978        Return a TableLocIndices object that can be used for retrieving
979        the row indices corresponding to given table index key value or values.
980        """
981        return TableLocIndices(self)
983    @property
984    def iloc(self):
985        '''
986        Return a TableILoc object that can be used for retrieving
987        indexed rows in the order they appear in the index.
988        '''
989        return TableILoc(self)
991    def add_index(self, colnames, engine=None, unique=False):
992        '''
993        Insert a new index among one or more columns.
994        If there are no indices, make this index the
995        primary table index.
997        Parameters
998        ----------
999        colnames : str or list
1000            List of column names (or a single column name) to index
1001        engine : type or None
1002            Indexing engine class to use, from among SortedArray, BST,
1003            and SCEngine. If the supplied argument is None
1004            (by default), use SortedArray.
1005        unique : bool
1006            Whether the values of the index must be unique. Default is False.
1007        '''
1008        if isinstance(colnames, str):
1009            colnames = (colnames,)
1010        columns = self.columns[tuple(colnames)].values()
1012        # make sure all columns support indexing
1013        for col in columns:
1014            if not getattr(col.info, '_supports_indexing', False):
1015                raise ValueError('Cannot create an index on column "{}", of '
1016                                 'type "{}"'.format(col.info.name, type(col)))
1018        is_primary = not self.indices
1019        index = Index(columns, engine=engine, unique=unique)
1020        sliced_index = SlicedIndex(index, slice(0, 0, None), original=True)
1021        if is_primary:
1022            self.primary_key = colnames
1023        for col in columns:
1024            col.info.indices.append(sliced_index)
1026    def remove_indices(self, colname):
1027        '''
1028        Remove all indices involving the given column.
1029        If the primary index is removed, the new primary
1030        index will be the most recently added remaining
1031        index.
1033        Parameters
1034        ----------
1035        colname : str
1036            Name of column
1037        '''
1038        col = self.columns[colname]
1039        for index in self.indices:
1040            try:
1041                index.col_position(col.info.name)
1042            except ValueError:
1043                pass
1044            else:
1045                for c in index.columns:
1046                    c.info.indices.remove(index)
1048    def index_mode(self, mode):
1049        '''
1050        Return a context manager for an indexing mode.
1052        Parameters
1053        ----------
1054        mode : str
1055            Either 'freeze', 'copy_on_getitem', or 'discard_on_copy'.
1056            In 'discard_on_copy' mode,
1057            indices are not copied whenever columns or tables are copied.
1058            In 'freeze' mode, indices are not modified whenever columns are
1059            modified; at the exit of the context, indices refresh themselves
1060            based on column values. This mode is intended for scenarios in
1061            which one intends to make many additions or modifications in an
1062            indexed column.
1063            In 'copy_on_getitem' mode, indices are copied when taking column
1064            slices as well as table slices, so col[i0:i1] will preserve
1065            indices.
1066        '''
1067        return _IndexModeContext(self, mode)
1069    def __array__(self, dtype=None):
1070        """Support converting Table to np.array via np.array(table).
1072        Coercion to a different dtype via np.array(table, dtype) is not
1073        supported and will raise a ValueError.
1074        """
1075        if dtype is not None:
1076            raise ValueError('Datatype coercion is not allowed')
1078        # This limitation is because of the following unexpected result that
1079        # should have made a table copy while changing the column names.
1080        #
1081        # >>> d = astropy.table.Table([[1,2],[3,4]])
1082        # >>> np.array(d, dtype=[('a', 'i8'), ('b', 'i8')])
1083        # array([(0, 0), (0, 0)],
1084        #       dtype=[('a', '<i8'), ('b', '<i8')])
1086        out = self.as_array()
1087        return out.data if isinstance(out, np.ma.MaskedArray) else out
1089    def _check_names_dtype(self, names, dtype, n_cols):
1090        """Make sure that names and dtype are both iterable and have
1091        the same length as data.
1092        """
1093        for inp_list, inp_str in ((dtype, 'dtype'), (names, 'names')):
1094            if not isiterable(inp_list):
1095                raise ValueError(f'{inp_str} must be a list or None')
1097        if len(names) != n_cols or len(dtype) != n_cols:
1098            raise ValueError(
1099                'Arguments "names" and "dtype" must match number of columns')
1101    def _init_from_list_of_dicts(self, data, names, dtype, n_cols, copy):
1102        """Initialize table from a list of dictionaries representing rows."""
1103        # Define placeholder for missing values as a unique object that cannot
1104        # every occur in user data.
1105        MISSING = object()
1107        # Gather column names that exist in the input `data`.
1108        names_from_data = set()
1109        for row in data:
1110            names_from_data.update(row)
1112        if set(data[0].keys()) == names_from_data:
1113            names_from_data = list(data[0].keys())
1114        else:
1115            names_from_data = sorted(names_from_data)
1117        # Note: if set(data[0].keys()) != names_from_data, this will give an
1118        # exception later, so NO need to catch here.
1120        # Convert list of dict into dict of list (cols), keep track of missing
1121        # indexes and put in MISSING placeholders in the `cols` lists.
1122        cols = {}
1123        missing_indexes = defaultdict(list)
1124        for name in names_from_data:
1125            cols[name] = []
1126            for ii, row in enumerate(data):
1127                try:
1128                    val = row[name]
1129                except KeyError:
1130                    missing_indexes[name].append(ii)
1131                    val = MISSING
1132                cols[name].append(val)
1134        # Fill the missing entries with first values
1135        if missing_indexes:
1136            for name, indexes in missing_indexes.items():
1137                col = cols[name]
1138                first_val = next(val for val in col if val is not MISSING)
1139                for index in indexes:
1140                    col[index] = first_val
1142        # prepare initialization
1143        if all(name is None for name in names):
1144            names = names_from_data
1146        self._init_from_dict(cols, names, dtype, n_cols, copy)
1148        # Mask the missing values if necessary, converting columns to MaskedColumn
1149        # as needed.
1150        if missing_indexes:
1151            for name, indexes in missing_indexes.items():
1152                col = self[name]
1153                # Ensure that any Column subclasses with MISSING values can support
1154                # setting masked values. As of astropy 4.0 the test condition below is
1155                # always True since _init_from_dict cannot result in mixin columns.
1156                if isinstance(col, Column) and not isinstance(col, MaskedColumn):
1157                    self[name] = self.MaskedColumn(col, copy=False)
1159                # Finally do the masking in a mixin-safe way.
1160                self[name][indexes] = np.ma.masked
1161        return
1163    def _init_from_list(self, data, names, dtype, n_cols, copy):
1164        """Initialize table from a list of column data.  A column can be a
1165        Column object, np.ndarray, mixin, or any other iterable object.
1166        """
1167        # Special case of initializing an empty table like `t = Table()`. No
1168        # action required at this point.
1169        if n_cols == 0:
1170            return
1172        cols = []
1173        default_names = _auto_names(n_cols)
1175        for col, name, default_name, dtype in zip(data, names, default_names, dtype):
1176            col = self._convert_data_to_col(col, copy, default_name, dtype, name)
1178            cols.append(col)
1180        self._init_from_cols(cols)
1182    def _convert_data_to_col(self, data, copy=True, default_name=None, dtype=None, name=None):
1183        """
1184        Convert any allowed sequence data ``col`` to a column object that can be used
1185        directly in the self.columns dict.  This could be a Column, MaskedColumn,
1186        or mixin column.
1188        The final column name is determined by::
1190            name or data.info.name or def_name
1192        If ``data`` has no ``info`` then ``name = name or def_name``.
1194        The behavior of ``copy`` for Column objects is:
1195        - copy=True: new class instance with a copy of data and deep copy of meta
1196        - copy=False: new class instance with same data and a key-only copy of meta
1198        For mixin columns:
1199        - copy=True: new class instance with copy of data and deep copy of meta
1200        - copy=False: original instance (no copy at all)
1202        Parameters
1203        ----------
1204        data : object (column-like sequence)
1205            Input column data
1206        copy : bool
1207            Make a copy
1208        default_name : str
1209            Default name
1210        dtype : np.dtype or None
1211            Data dtype
1212        name : str or None
1213            Column name
1215        Returns
1216        -------
1217        col : Column, MaskedColumn, mixin-column type
1218            Object that can be used as a column in self
1219        """
1221        data_is_mixin = self._is_mixin_for_table(data)
1222        masked_col_cls = (self.ColumnClass
1223                          if issubclass(self.ColumnClass, self.MaskedColumn)
1224                          else self.MaskedColumn)
1226        try:
1227            data0_is_mixin = self._is_mixin_for_table(data[0])
1228        except Exception:
1229            # Need broad exception, cannot predict what data[0] raises for arbitrary data
1230            data0_is_mixin = False
1232        # If the data is not an instance of Column or a mixin class, we can
1233        # check the registry of mixin 'handlers' to see if the column can be
1234        # converted to a mixin class
1235        if (handler := get_mixin_handler(data)) is not None:
1236            original_data = data
1237            data = handler(data)
1238            if not (data_is_mixin := self._is_mixin_for_table(data)):
1239                fully_qualified_name = (original_data.__class__.__module__ + '.'
1240                                        + original_data.__class__.__name__)
1241                raise TypeError('Mixin handler for object of type '
1242                                f'{fully_qualified_name} '
1243                                'did not return a valid mixin column')
1245        # Structured ndarray gets viewed as a mixin unless already a valid
1246        # mixin class
1247        if (not isinstance(data, Column) and not data_is_mixin
1248                and isinstance(data, np.ndarray) and len(data.dtype) > 1):
1249            data = data.view(NdarrayMixin)
1250            data_is_mixin = True
1252        # Get the final column name using precedence.  Some objects may not
1253        # have an info attribute. Also avoid creating info as a side effect.
1254        if not name:
1255            if isinstance(data, Column):
1256                name = data.name or default_name
1257            elif 'info' in getattr(data, '__dict__', ()):
1258                name = data.info.name or default_name
1259            else:
1260                name = default_name
1262        if isinstance(data, Column):
1263            # If self.ColumnClass is a subclass of col, then "upgrade" to ColumnClass,
1264            # otherwise just use the original class.  The most common case is a
1265            # table with masked=True and ColumnClass=MaskedColumn.  Then a Column
1266            # gets upgraded to MaskedColumn, but the converse (pre-4.0) behavior
1267            # of downgrading from MaskedColumn to Column (for non-masked table)
1268            # does not happen.
1269            col_cls = self._get_col_cls_for_table(data)
1271        elif data_is_mixin:
1272            # Copy the mixin column attributes if they exist since the copy below
1273            # may not get this attribute.
1274            col = col_copy(data, copy_indices=self._init_indices) if copy else data
1275            col.info.name = name
1276            return col
1278        elif data0_is_mixin:
1279            # Handle case of a sequence of a mixin, e.g. [1*u.m, 2*u.m].
1280            try:
1281                col = data[0].__class__(data)
1282                col.info.name = name
1283                return col
1284            except Exception:
1285                # If that didn't work for some reason, just turn it into np.array of object
1286                data = np.array(data, dtype=object)
1287                col_cls = self.ColumnClass
1289        elif isinstance(data, (np.ma.MaskedArray, Masked)):
1290            # Require that col_cls be a subclass of MaskedColumn, remembering
1291            # that ColumnClass could be a user-defined subclass (though more-likely
1292            # could be MaskedColumn).
1293            col_cls = masked_col_cls
1295        elif data is None:
1296            # Special case for data passed as the None object (for broadcasting
1297            # to an object column). Need to turn data into numpy `None` scalar
1298            # object, otherwise `Column` interprets data=None as no data instead
1299            # of a object column of `None`.
1300            data = np.array(None)
1301            col_cls = self.ColumnClass
1303        elif not hasattr(data, 'dtype'):
1304            # `data` is none of the above, convert to numpy array or MaskedArray
1305            # assuming only that it is a scalar or sequence or N-d nested
1306            # sequence. This function is relatively intricate and tries to
1307            # maintain performance for common cases while handling things like
1308            # list input with embedded np.ma.masked entries. If `data` is a
1309            # scalar then it gets returned unchanged so the original object gets
1310            # passed to `Column` later.
1311            data = _convert_sequence_data_to_array(data, dtype)
1312            copy = False  # Already made a copy above
1313            col_cls = masked_col_cls if isinstance(data, np.ma.MaskedArray) else self.ColumnClass
1315        else:
1316            col_cls = self.ColumnClass
1318        try:
1319            col = col_cls(name=name, data=data, dtype=dtype,
1320                          copy=copy, copy_indices=self._init_indices)
1321        except Exception:
1322            # Broad exception class since we don't know what might go wrong
1323            raise ValueError('unable to convert data to Column for Table')
1325        col = self._convert_col_for_table(col)
1327        return col
1329    def _init_from_ndarray(self, data, names, dtype, n_cols, copy):
1330        """Initialize table from an ndarray structured array"""
1332        data_names = data.dtype.names or _auto_names(n_cols)
1333        struct = data.dtype.names is not None
1334        names = [name or data_names[i] for i, name in enumerate(names)]
1336        cols = ([data[name] for name in data_names] if struct else
1337                [data[:, i] for i in range(n_cols)])
1339        self._init_from_list(cols, names, dtype, n_cols, copy)
1341    def _init_from_dict(self, data, names, dtype, n_cols, copy):
1342        """Initialize table from a dictionary of columns"""
1344        data_list = [data[name] for name in names]
1345        self._init_from_list(data_list, names, dtype, n_cols, copy)
1347    def _get_col_cls_for_table(self, col):
1348        """Get the correct column class to use for upgrading any Column-like object.
1350        For a masked table, ensure any Column-like object is a subclass
1351        of the table MaskedColumn.
1353        For unmasked table, ensure any MaskedColumn-like object is a subclass
1354        of the table MaskedColumn.  If not a MaskedColumn, then ensure that any
1355        Column-like object is a subclass of the table Column.
1356        """
1358        col_cls = col.__class__
1360        if self.masked:
1361            if isinstance(col, Column) and not isinstance(col, self.MaskedColumn):
1362                col_cls = self.MaskedColumn
1363        else:
1364            if isinstance(col, MaskedColumn):
1365                if not isinstance(col, self.MaskedColumn):
1366                    col_cls = self.MaskedColumn
1367            elif isinstance(col, Column) and not isinstance(col, self.Column):
1368                col_cls = self.Column
1370        return col_cls
1372    def _convert_col_for_table(self, col):
1373        """
1374        Make sure that all Column objects have correct base class for this type of
1375        Table.  For a base Table this most commonly means setting to
1376        MaskedColumn if the table is masked.  Table subclasses like QTable
1377        override this method.
1378        """
1379        if isinstance(col, Column) and not isinstance(col, self.ColumnClass):
1380            col_cls = self._get_col_cls_for_table(col)
1381            if col_cls is not col.__class__:
1382                col = col_cls(col, copy=False)
1384        return col
1386    def _init_from_cols(self, cols):
1387        """Initialize table from a list of Column or mixin objects"""
1389        lengths = set(len(col) for col in cols)
1390        if len(lengths) > 1:
1391            raise ValueError(f'Inconsistent data column lengths: {lengths}')
1393        # Make sure that all Column-based objects have correct class.  For
1394        # plain Table this is self.ColumnClass, but for instance QTable will
1395        # convert columns with units to a Quantity mixin.
1396        newcols = [self._convert_col_for_table(col) for col in cols]
1397        self._make_table_from_cols(self, newcols)
1399        # Deduplicate indices.  It may happen that after pickling or when
1400        # initing from an existing table that column indices which had been
1401        # references to a single index object got *copied* into an independent
1402        # object.  This results in duplicates which will cause downstream problems.
1403        index_dict = {}
1404        for col in self.itercols():
1405            for i, index in enumerate(col.info.indices or []):
1406                names = tuple(ind_col.info.name for ind_col in index.columns)
1407                if names in index_dict:
1408                    col.info.indices[i] = index_dict[names]
1409                else:
1410                    index_dict[names] = index
1412    def _new_from_slice(self, slice_):
1413        """Create a new table as a referenced slice from self."""
1415        table = self.__class__(masked=self.masked)
1416        if self.meta:
1417            table.meta = self.meta.copy()  # Shallow copy for slice
1418        table.primary_key = self.primary_key
1420        newcols = []
1421        for col in self.columns.values():
1422            newcol = col[slice_]
1424            # Note in line below, use direct attribute access to col.indices for Column
1425            # instances instead of the generic col.info.indices.  This saves about 4 usec
1426            # per column.
1427            if (col if isinstance(col, Column) else col.info).indices:
1428                # TODO : as far as I can tell the only purpose of setting _copy_indices
1429                # here is to communicate that to the initial test in `slice_indices`.
1430                # Why isn't that just sent as an arg to the function?
1431                col.info._copy_indices = self._copy_indices
1432                newcol = col.info.slice_indices(newcol, slice_, len(col))
1434                # Don't understand why this is forcing a value on the original column.
1435                # Normally col.info does not even have a _copy_indices attribute.  Tests
1436                # still pass if this line is deleted.  (Each col.info attribute access
1437                # is expensive).
1438                col.info._copy_indices = True
1440            newcols.append(newcol)
1442        self._make_table_from_cols(table, newcols, verify=False, names=self.columns.keys())
1443        return table
1445    @staticmethod
1446    def _make_table_from_cols(table, cols, verify=True, names=None):
1447        """
1448        Make ``table`` in-place so that it represents the given list of ``cols``.
1449        """
1450        if names is None:
1451            names = [col.info.name for col in cols]
1453        # Note: we do not test for len(names) == len(cols) if names is not None.  In that
1454        # case the function is being called by from "trusted" source (e.g. right above here)
1455        # that is assumed to provide valid inputs.  In that case verify=False.
1457        if verify:
1458            if None in names:
1459                raise TypeError('Cannot have None for column name')
1460            if len(set(names)) != len(names):
1461                raise ValueError('Duplicate column names')
1463        table.columns = table.TableColumns((name, col) for name, col in zip(names, cols))
1465        for col in cols:
1466            table._set_col_parent_table_and_mask(col)
1468    def _set_col_parent_table_and_mask(self, col):
1469        """
1470        Set ``col.parent_table = self`` and force ``col`` to have ``mask``
1471        attribute if the table is masked and ``col.mask`` does not exist.
1472        """
1473        # For Column instances it is much faster to do direct attribute access
1474        # instead of going through .info
1475        col_info = col if isinstance(col, Column) else col.info
1476        col_info.parent_table = self
1478        # Legacy behavior for masked table
1479        if self.masked and not hasattr(col, 'mask'):
1480            col.mask = FalseArray(col.shape)
1482    def itercols(self):
1483        """
1484        Iterate over the columns of this table.
1486        Examples
1487        --------
1489        To iterate over the columns of a table::
1491            >>> t = Table([[1], [2]])
1492            >>> for col in t.itercols():
1493            ...     print(col)
1494            col0
1495            ----
1496               1
1497            col1
1498            ----
1499               2
1501        Using ``itercols()`` is similar to  ``for col in t.columns.values()``
1502        but is syntactically preferred.
1503        """
1504        for colname in self.columns:
1505            yield self[colname]
1507    def _base_repr_(self, html=False, descr_vals=None, max_width=None,
1508                    tableid=None, show_dtype=True, max_lines=None,
1509                    tableclass=None):
1510        if descr_vals is None:
1511            descr_vals = [self.__class__.__name__]
1512            if self.masked:
1513                descr_vals.append('masked=True')
1514            descr_vals.append(f'length={len(self)}')
1516        descr = ' '.join(descr_vals)
1517        if html:
1518            from astropy.utils.xml.writer import xml_escape
1519            descr = f'<i>{xml_escape(descr)}</i>\n'
1520        else:
1521            descr = f'<{descr}>\n'
1523        if tableid is None:
1524            tableid = f'table{id(self)}'
1526        data_lines, outs = self.formatter._pformat_table(
1527            self, tableid=tableid, html=html, max_width=max_width,
1528            show_name=True, show_unit=None, show_dtype=show_dtype,
1529            max_lines=max_lines, tableclass=tableclass)
1531        out = descr + '\n'.join(data_lines)
1533        return out
1535    def _repr_html_(self):
1536        out = self._base_repr_(html=True, max_width=-1,
1537                               tableclass=conf.default_notebook_table_class)
1538        # Wrap <table> in <div>. This follows the pattern in pandas and allows
1539        # table to be scrollable horizontally in VS Code notebook display.
1540        out = f'<div>{out}</div>'
1541        return out
1543    def __repr__(self):
1544        return self._base_repr_(html=False, max_width=None)
1546    def __str__(self):
1547        return '\n'.join(self.pformat())
1549    def __bytes__(self):
1550        return str(self).encode('utf-8')
1552    @property
1553    def has_mixin_columns(self):
1554        """
1555        True if table has any mixin columns (defined as columns that are not Column
1556        subclasses).
1557        """
1558        return any(has_info_class(col, MixinInfo) for col in self.columns.values())
1560    @property
1561    def has_masked_columns(self):
1562        """True if table has any ``MaskedColumn`` columns.
1564        This does not check for mixin columns that may have masked values, use the
1565        ``has_masked_values`` property in that case.
1567        """
1568        return any(isinstance(col, MaskedColumn) for col in self.itercols())
1570    @property
1571    def has_masked_values(self):
1572        """True if column in the table has values which are masked.
1574        This may be relatively slow for large tables as it requires checking the mask
1575        values of each column.
1576        """
1577        for col in self.itercols():
1578            if hasattr(col, 'mask') and np.any(col.mask):
1579                return True
1580        else:
1581            return False
1583    def _is_mixin_for_table(self, col):
1584        """
1585        Determine if ``col`` should be added to the table directly as
1586        a mixin column.
1587        """
1588        if isinstance(col, BaseColumn):
1589            return False
1591        # Is it a mixin but not [Masked]Quantity (which gets converted to
1592        # [Masked]Column with unit set).
1593        return has_info_class(col, MixinInfo) and not has_info_class(col, QuantityInfo)
1595    @format_doc(_pprint_docs)
1596    def pprint(self, max_lines=None, max_width=None, show_name=True,
1597               show_unit=None, show_dtype=False, align=None):
1598        """Print a formatted string representation of the table.
1600        If no value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then the height of the
1601        screen terminal is used to set ``max_lines``.  If the terminal
1602        height cannot be determined then the default is taken from the
1603        configuration item ``astropy.conf.max_lines``.  If a negative
1604        value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then there is no line limit
1605        applied.
1607        The same applies for max_width except the configuration item is
1608        ``astropy.conf.max_width``.
1610        """
1611        lines, outs = self.formatter._pformat_table(self, max_lines, max_width,
1612                                                    show_name=show_name, show_unit=show_unit,
1613                                                    show_dtype=show_dtype, align=align)
1614        if outs['show_length']:
1615            lines.append(f'Length = {len(self)} rows')
1617        n_header = outs['n_header']
1619        for i, line in enumerate(lines):
1620            if i < n_header:
1621                color_print(line, 'red')
1622            else:
1623                print(line)
1625    @format_doc(_pprint_docs)
1626    def pprint_all(self, max_lines=-1, max_width=-1, show_name=True,
1627                   show_unit=None, show_dtype=False, align=None):
1628        """Print a formatted string representation of the entire table.
1630        This method is the same as `astropy.table.Table.pprint` except that
1631        the default ``max_lines`` and ``max_width`` are both -1 so that by
1632        default the entire table is printed instead of restricting to the size
1633        of the screen terminal.
1635        """
1636        return self.pprint(max_lines, max_width, show_name,
1637                           show_unit, show_dtype, align)
1639    def _make_index_row_display_table(self, index_row_name):
1640        if index_row_name not in self.columns:
1641            idx_col = self.ColumnClass(name=index_row_name, data=np.arange(len(self)))
1642            return self.__class__([idx_col] + list(self.columns.values()),
1643                                  copy=False)
1644        else:
1645            return self
1647    def show_in_notebook(self, tableid=None, css=None, display_length=50,
1648                         table_class='astropy-default', show_row_index='idx'):
1649        """Render the table in HTML and show it in the IPython notebook.
1651        Parameters
1652        ----------
1653        tableid : str or None
1654            An html ID tag for the table.  Default is ``table{id}-XXX``, where
1655            id is the unique integer id of the table object, id(self), and XXX
1656            is a random number to avoid conflicts when printing the same table
1657            multiple times.
1658        table_class : str or None
1659            A string with a list of HTML classes used to style the table.
1660            The special default string ('astropy-default') means that the string
1661            will be retrieved from the configuration item
1662            ``astropy.table.default_notebook_table_class``. Note that these
1663            table classes may make use of bootstrap, as this is loaded with the
1664            notebook.  See `this page <https://getbootstrap.com/css/#tables>`_
1665            for the list of classes.
1666        css : str
1667            A valid CSS string declaring the formatting for the table. Defaults
1668            to ``astropy.table.jsviewer.DEFAULT_CSS_NB``.
1669        display_length : int, optional
1670            Number or rows to show. Defaults to 50.
1671        show_row_index : str or False
1672            If this does not evaluate to False, a column with the given name
1673            will be added to the version of the table that gets displayed.
1674            This new column shows the index of the row in the table itself,
1675            even when the displayed table is re-sorted by another column. Note
1676            that if a column with this name already exists, this option will be
1677            ignored. Defaults to "idx".
1679        Notes
1680        -----
1681        Currently, unlike `show_in_browser` (with ``jsviewer=True``), this
1682        method needs to access online javascript code repositories.  This is due
1683        to modern browsers' limitations on accessing local files.  Hence, if you
1684        call this method while offline (and don't have a cached version of
1685        jquery and jquery.dataTables), you will not get the jsviewer features.
1686        """
1688        from .jsviewer import JSViewer
1689        from IPython.display import HTML
1691        if tableid is None:
1692            tableid = f'table{id(self)}-{np.random.randint(1, 1e6)}'
1694        jsv = JSViewer(display_length=display_length)
1695        if show_row_index:
1696            display_table = self._make_index_row_display_table(show_row_index)
1697        else:
1698            display_table = self
1699        if table_class == 'astropy-default':
1700            table_class = conf.default_notebook_table_class
1701        html = display_table._base_repr_(html=True, max_width=-1, tableid=tableid,
1702                                         max_lines=-1, show_dtype=False,
1703                                         tableclass=table_class)
1705        columns = display_table.columns.values()
1706        sortable_columns = [i for i, col in enumerate(columns)
1707                            if col.info.dtype.kind in 'iufc']
1708        html += jsv.ipynb(tableid, css=css, sort_columns=sortable_columns)
1709        return HTML(html)
1711    def show_in_browser(self, max_lines=5000, jsviewer=False,
1712                        browser='default', jskwargs={'use_local_files': True},
1713                        tableid=None, table_class="display compact",
1714                        css=None, show_row_index='idx'):
1715        """Render the table in HTML and show it in a web browser.
1717        Parameters
1718        ----------
1719        max_lines : int
1720            Maximum number of rows to export to the table (set low by default
1721            to avoid memory issues, since the browser view requires duplicating
1722            the table in memory).  A negative value of ``max_lines`` indicates
1723            no row limit.
1724        jsviewer : bool
1725            If `True`, prepends some javascript headers so that the table is
1726            rendered as a `DataTables <https://datatables.net>`_ data table.
1727            This allows in-browser searching & sorting.
1728        browser : str
1729            Any legal browser name, e.g. ``'firefox'``, ``'chrome'``,
1730            ``'safari'`` (for mac, you may need to use ``'open -a
1731            "/Applications/Google Chrome.app" {}'`` for Chrome).  If
1732            ``'default'``, will use the system default browser.
1733        jskwargs : dict
1734            Passed to the `astropy.table.JSViewer` init. Defaults to
1735            ``{'use_local_files': True}`` which means that the JavaScript
1736            libraries will be served from local copies.
1737        tableid : str or None
1738            An html ID tag for the table.  Default is ``table{id}``, where id
1739            is the unique integer id of the table object, id(self).
1740        table_class : str or None
1741            A string with a list of HTML classes used to style the table.
1742            Default is "display compact", and other possible values can be
1743            found in https://www.datatables.net/manual/styling/classes
1744        css : str
1745            A valid CSS string declaring the formatting for the table. Defaults
1746            to ``astropy.table.jsviewer.DEFAULT_CSS``.
1747        show_row_index : str or False
1748            If this does not evaluate to False, a column with the given name
1749            will be added to the version of the table that gets displayed.
1750            This new column shows the index of the row in the table itself,
1751            even when the displayed table is re-sorted by another column. Note
1752            that if a column with this name already exists, this option will be
1753            ignored. Defaults to "idx".
1754        """
1756        import os
1757        import webbrowser
1758        import tempfile
1759        from .jsviewer import DEFAULT_CSS
1760        from urllib.parse import urljoin
1761        from urllib.request import pathname2url
1763        if css is None:
1764            css = DEFAULT_CSS
1766        # We can't use NamedTemporaryFile here because it gets deleted as
1767        # soon as it gets garbage collected.
1768        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
1769        path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'table.html')
1771        with open(path, 'w') as tmp:
1772            if jsviewer:
1773                if show_row_index:
1774                    display_table = self._make_index_row_display_table(show_row_index)
1775                else:
1776                    display_table = self
1777                display_table.write(tmp, format='jsviewer', css=css,
1778                                    max_lines=max_lines, jskwargs=jskwargs,
1779                                    table_id=tableid, table_class=table_class)
1780            else:
1781                self.write(tmp, format='html')
1783        try:
1784            br = webbrowser.get(None if browser == 'default' else browser)
1785        except webbrowser.Error:
1786            log.error(f"Browser '{browser}' not found.")
1787        else:
1788            br.open(urljoin('file:', pathname2url(path)))
1790    @format_doc(_pformat_docs, id="{id}")
1791    def pformat(self, max_lines=None, max_width=None, show_name=True,
1792                show_unit=None, show_dtype=False, html=False, tableid=None,
1793                align=None, tableclass=None):
1794        """Return a list of lines for the formatted string representation of
1795        the table.
1797        If no value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then the height of the
1798        screen terminal is used to set ``max_lines``.  If the terminal
1799        height cannot be determined then the default is taken from the
1800        configuration item ``astropy.conf.max_lines``.  If a negative
1801        value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then there is no line limit
1802        applied.
1804        The same applies for ``max_width`` except the configuration item  is
1805        ``astropy.conf.max_width``.
1807        """
1809        lines, outs = self.formatter._pformat_table(
1810            self, max_lines, max_width, show_name=show_name,
1811            show_unit=show_unit, show_dtype=show_dtype, html=html,
1812            tableid=tableid, tableclass=tableclass, align=align)
1814        if outs['show_length']:
1815            lines.append(f'Length = {len(self)} rows')
1817        return lines
1819    @format_doc(_pformat_docs, id="{id}")
1820    def pformat_all(self, max_lines=-1, max_width=-1, show_name=True,
1821                    show_unit=None, show_dtype=False, html=False, tableid=None,
1822                    align=None, tableclass=None):
1823        """Return a list of lines for the formatted string representation of
1824        the entire table.
1826        If no value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then the height of the
1827        screen terminal is used to set ``max_lines``.  If the terminal
1828        height cannot be determined then the default is taken from the
1829        configuration item ``astropy.conf.max_lines``.  If a negative
1830        value of ``max_lines`` is supplied then there is no line limit
1831        applied.
1833        The same applies for ``max_width`` except the configuration item  is
1834        ``astropy.conf.max_width``.
1836        """
1838        return self.pformat(max_lines, max_width, show_name,
1839                            show_unit, show_dtype, html, tableid,
1840                            align, tableclass)
1842    def more(self, max_lines=None, max_width=None, show_name=True,
1843             show_unit=None, show_dtype=False):
1844        """Interactively browse table with a paging interface.
1846        Supported keys::
1848          f, <space> : forward one page
1849          b : back one page
1850          r : refresh same page
1851          n : next row
1852          p : previous row
1853          < : go to beginning
1854          > : go to end
1855          q : quit browsing
1856          h : print this help
1858        Parameters
1859        ----------
1860        max_lines : int
1861            Maximum number of lines in table output
1863        max_width : int or None
1864            Maximum character width of output
1866        show_name : bool
1867            Include a header row for column names. Default is True.
1869        show_unit : bool
1870            Include a header row for unit.  Default is to show a row
1871            for units only if one or more columns has a defined value
1872            for the unit.
1874        show_dtype : bool
1875            Include a header row for column dtypes. Default is True.
1876        """
1877        self.formatter._more_tabcol(self, max_lines, max_width, show_name=show_name,
1878                                    show_unit=show_unit, show_dtype=show_dtype)
1880    def __getitem__(self, item):
1881        if isinstance(item, str):
1882            return self.columns[item]
1883        elif isinstance(item, (int, np.integer)):
1884            return self.Row(self, item)
1885        elif (isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.shape == () and item.dtype.kind == 'i'):
1886            return self.Row(self, item.item())
1887        elif self._is_list_or_tuple_of_str(item):
1888            out = self.__class__([self[x] for x in item],
1889                                 copy_indices=self._copy_indices)
1890            out._groups = groups.TableGroups(out, indices=self.groups._indices,
1891                                             keys=self.groups._keys)
1892            out.meta = self.meta.copy()  # Shallow copy for meta
1893            return out
1894        elif ((isinstance(item, np.ndarray) and item.size == 0)
1895              or (isinstance(item, (tuple, list)) and not item)):
1896            # If item is an empty array/list/tuple then return the table with no rows
1897            return self._new_from_slice([])
1898        elif (isinstance(item, slice)
1899              or isinstance(item, np.ndarray)
1900              or isinstance(item, list)
1901              or isinstance(item, tuple) and all(isinstance(x, np.ndarray)
1902                                                 for x in item)):
1903            # here for the many ways to give a slice; a tuple of ndarray
1904            # is produced by np.where, as in t[np.where(t['a'] > 2)]
1905            # For all, a new table is constructed with slice of all columns
1906            return self._new_from_slice(item)
1907        else:
1908            raise ValueError(f'Illegal type {type(item)} for table item access')
1910    def __setitem__(self, item, value):
1911        # If the item is a string then it must be the name of a column.
1912        # If that column doesn't already exist then create it now.
1913        if isinstance(item, str) and item not in self.colnames:
1914            self.add_column(value, name=item, copy=True)
1916        else:
1917            n_cols = len(self.columns)
1919            if isinstance(item, str):
1920                # Set an existing column by first trying to replace, and if
1921                # this fails do an in-place update.  See definition of mask
1922                # property for discussion of the _setitem_inplace attribute.
1923                if (not getattr(self, '_setitem_inplace', False)
1924                        and not conf.replace_inplace):
1925                    try:
1926                        self._replace_column_warnings(item, value)
1927                        return
1928                    except Exception:
1929                        pass
1930                self.columns[item][:] = value
1932            elif isinstance(item, (int, np.integer)):
1933                self._set_row(idx=item, colnames=self.colnames, vals=value)
1935            elif (isinstance(item, slice)
1936                  or isinstance(item, np.ndarray)
1937                  or isinstance(item, list)
1938                  or (isinstance(item, tuple)  # output from np.where
1939                      and all(isinstance(x, np.ndarray) for x in item))):
1941                if isinstance(value, Table):
1942                    vals = (col for col in value.columns.values())
1944                elif isinstance(value, np.ndarray) and value.dtype.names:
1945                    vals = (value[name] for name in value.dtype.names)
1947                elif np.isscalar(value):
1948                    vals = itertools.repeat(value, n_cols)
1950                else:  # Assume this is an iterable that will work
1951                    if len(value) != n_cols:
1952                        raise ValueError('Right side value needs {} elements (one for each column)'
1953                                         .format(n_cols))
1954                    vals = value
1956                for col, val in zip(self.columns.values(), vals):
1957                    col[item] = val
1959            else:
1960                raise ValueError(f'Illegal type {type(item)} for table item access')
1962    def __delitem__(self, item):
1963        if isinstance(item, str):
1964            self.remove_column(item)
1965        elif isinstance(item, (int, np.integer)):
1966            self.remove_row(item)
1967        elif (isinstance(item, (list, tuple, np.ndarray))
1968              and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in item)):
1969            self.remove_columns(item)
1970        elif (isinstance(item, (list, np.ndarray))
1971              and np.asarray(item).dtype.kind == 'i'):
1972            self.remove_rows(item)
1973        elif isinstance(item, slice):
1974            self.remove_rows(item)
1975        else:
1976            raise IndexError('illegal key or index value')
1978    def _ipython_key_completions_(self):
1979        return self.colnames
1981    def field(self, item):
1982        """Return column[item] for recarray compatibility."""
1983        return self.columns[item]
1985    @property
1986    def masked(self):
1987        return self._masked
1989    @masked.setter
1990    def masked(self, masked):
1991        raise Exception('Masked attribute is read-only (use t = Table(t, masked=True)'
1992                        ' to convert to a masked table)')
1994    def _set_masked(self, masked):
1995        """
1996        Set the table masked property.
1998        Parameters
1999        ----------
2000        masked : bool
2001            State of table masking (`True` or `False`)
2002        """
2003        if masked in [True, False, None]:
2004            self._masked = masked
2005        else:
2006            raise ValueError("masked should be one of True, False, None")
2008        self._column_class = self.MaskedColumn if self._masked else self.Column
2010    @property
2011    def ColumnClass(self):
2012        if self._column_class is None:
2013            return self.Column
2014        else:
2015            return self._column_class
2017    @property
2018    def dtype(self):
2019        return np.dtype([descr(col) for col in self.columns.values()])
2021    @property
2022    def colnames(self):
2023        return list(self.columns.keys())
2025    @staticmethod
2026    def _is_list_or_tuple_of_str(names):
2027        """Check that ``names`` is a tuple or list of strings"""
2028        return (isinstance(names, (tuple, list)) and names
2029                and all(isinstance(x, str) for x in names))
2031    def keys(self):
2032        return list(self.columns.keys())
2034    def values(self):
2035        return self.columns.values()
2037    def items(self):
2038        return self.columns.items()
2040    def __len__(self):
2041        # For performance reasons (esp. in Row) cache the first column name
2042        # and use that subsequently for the table length.  If might not be
2043        # available yet or the column might be gone now, in which case
2044        # try again in the except block.
2045        try:
2046            return len(OrderedDict.__getitem__(self.columns, self._first_colname))
2047        except (AttributeError, KeyError):
2048            if len(self.columns) == 0:
2049                return 0
2051            # Get the first column name
2052            self._first_colname = next(iter(self.columns))
2053            return len(self.columns[self._first_colname])
2055    def index_column(self, name):
2056        """
2057        Return the positional index of column ``name``.
2059        Parameters
2060        ----------
2061        name : str
2062            column name
2064        Returns
2065        -------
2066        index : int
2067            Positional index of column ``name``.
2069        Examples
2070        --------
2071        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2073            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2074            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2075            >>> print(t)
2076             a   b   c
2077            --- --- ---
2078              1 0.1   x
2079              2 0.2   y
2080              3 0.3   z
2082        Get index of column 'b' of the table::
2084            >>> t.index_column('b')
2085            1
2086        """
2087        try:
2088            return self.colnames.index(name)
2089        except ValueError:
2090            raise ValueError(f"Column {name} does not exist")
2092    def add_column(self, col, index=None, name=None, rename_duplicate=False, copy=True,
2093                   default_name=None):
2094        """
2095        Add a new column to the table using ``col`` as input.  If ``index``
2096        is supplied then insert column before ``index`` position
2097        in the list of columns, otherwise append column to the end
2098        of the list.
2100        The ``col`` input can be any data object which is acceptable as a
2101        `~astropy.table.Table` column object or can be converted.  This includes
2102        mixin columns and scalar or length=1 objects which get broadcast to match
2103        the table length.
2105        To add several columns at once use ``add_columns()`` or simply call
2106        ``add_column()`` for each one.  There is very little performance difference
2107        in the two approaches.
2109        Parameters
2110        ----------
2111        col : object
2112            Data object for the new column
2113        index : int or None
2114            Insert column before this position or at end (default).
2115        name : str
2116            Column name
2117        rename_duplicate : bool
2118            Uniquify column name if it already exist. Default is False.
2119        copy : bool
2120            Make a copy of the new column. Default is True.
2121        default_name : str or None
2122            Name to use if both ``name`` and ``col.info.name`` are not available.
2123            Defaults to ``col{number_of_columns}``.
2125        Examples
2126        --------
2127        Create a table with two columns 'a' and 'b', then create a third column 'c'
2128        and append it to the end of the table::
2130            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2131            >>> col_c = Column(name='c', data=['x', 'y'])
2132            >>> t.add_column(col_c)
2133            >>> print(t)
2134             a   b   c
2135            --- --- ---
2136              1 0.1   x
2137              2 0.2   y
2139        Add column 'd' at position 1. Note that the column is inserted
2140        before the given index::
2142            >>> t.add_column(['a', 'b'], name='d', index=1)
2143            >>> print(t)
2144             a   d   b   c
2145            --- --- --- ---
2146              1   a 0.1   x
2147              2   b 0.2   y
2149        Add second column named 'b' with rename_duplicate::
2151            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2152            >>> t.add_column(1.1, name='b', rename_duplicate=True)
2153            >>> print(t)
2154             a   b  b_1
2155            --- --- ---
2156              1 0.1 1.1
2157              2 0.2 1.1
2159        Add an unnamed column or mixin object in the table using a default name
2160        or by specifying an explicit name with ``name``. Name can also be overridden::
2162            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2163            >>> t.add_column(['a', 'b'])
2164            >>> t.add_column(col_c, name='d')
2165            >>> print(t)
2166             a   b  col2  d
2167            --- --- ---- ---
2168              1 0.1    a   x
2169              2 0.2    b   y
2170        """
2171        if default_name is None:
2172            default_name = f'col{len(self.columns)}'
2174        # Convert col data to acceptable object for insertion into self.columns.
2175        # Note that along with the lines above and below, this allows broadcasting
2176        # of scalars to the correct shape for adding to table.
2177        col = self._convert_data_to_col(col, name=name, copy=copy,
2178                                        default_name=default_name)
2180        # Assigning a scalar column to an empty table should result in an
2181        # exception (see #3811).
2182        if col.shape == () and len(self) == 0:
2183            raise TypeError('Empty table cannot have column set to scalar value')
2184        # Make col data shape correct for scalars.  The second test is to allow
2185        # broadcasting an N-d element to a column, e.g. t['new'] = [[1, 2]].
2186        elif (col.shape == () or col.shape[0] == 1) and len(self) > 0:
2187            new_shape = (len(self),) + getattr(col, 'shape', ())[1:]
2188            if isinstance(col, np.ndarray):
2189                col = np.broadcast_to(col, shape=new_shape,
2190                                      subok=True)
2191            elif isinstance(col, ShapedLikeNDArray):
2192                col = col._apply(np.broadcast_to, shape=new_shape,
2193                                 subok=True)
2195            # broadcast_to() results in a read-only array.  Apparently it only changes
2196            # the view to look like the broadcasted array.  So copy.
2197            col = col_copy(col)
2199        name = col.info.name
2201        # Ensure that new column is the right length
2202        if len(self.columns) > 0 and len(col) != len(self):
2203            raise ValueError('Inconsistent data column lengths')
2205        if rename_duplicate:
2206            orig_name = name
2207            i = 1
2208            while name in self.columns:
2209                # Iterate until a unique name is found
2210                name = orig_name + '_' + str(i)
2211                i += 1
2212            col.info.name = name
2214        # Set col parent_table weakref and ensure col has mask attribute if table.masked
2215        self._set_col_parent_table_and_mask(col)
2217        # Add new column as last column
2218        self.columns[name] = col
2220        if index is not None:
2221            # Move the other cols to the right of the new one
2222            move_names = self.colnames[index:-1]
2223            for move_name in move_names:
2224                self.columns.move_to_end(move_name, last=True)
2226    def add_columns(self, cols, indexes=None, names=None, copy=True, rename_duplicate=False):
2227        """
2228        Add a list of new columns the table using ``cols`` data objects.  If a
2229        corresponding list of ``indexes`` is supplied then insert column
2230        before each ``index`` position in the *original* list of columns,
2231        otherwise append columns to the end of the list.
2233        The ``cols`` input can include any data objects which are acceptable as
2234        `~astropy.table.Table` column objects or can be converted.  This includes
2235        mixin columns and scalar or length=1 objects which get broadcast to match
2236        the table length.
2238        From a performance perspective there is little difference between calling
2239        this method once or looping over the new columns and calling ``add_column()``
2240        for each column.
2242        Parameters
2243        ----------
2244        cols : list of object
2245            List of data objects for the new columns
2246        indexes : list of int or None
2247            Insert column before this position or at end (default).
2248        names : list of str
2249            Column names
2250        copy : bool
2251            Make a copy of the new columns. Default is True.
2252        rename_duplicate : bool
2253            Uniquify new column names if they duplicate the existing ones.
2254            Default is False.
2256        See Also
2257        --------
2258        astropy.table.hstack, update, replace_column
2260        Examples
2261        --------
2262        Create a table with two columns 'a' and 'b', then create columns 'c' and 'd'
2263        and append them to the end of the table::
2265            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2266            >>> col_c = Column(name='c', data=['x', 'y'])
2267            >>> col_d = Column(name='d', data=['u', 'v'])
2268            >>> t.add_columns([col_c, col_d])
2269            >>> print(t)
2270             a   b   c   d
2271            --- --- --- ---
2272              1 0.1   x   u
2273              2 0.2   y   v
2275        Add column 'c' at position 0 and column 'd' at position 1. Note that
2276        the columns are inserted before the given position::
2278            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2279            >>> t.add_columns([['x', 'y'], ['u', 'v']], names=['c', 'd'],
2280            ...               indexes=[0, 1])
2281            >>> print(t)
2282             c   a   d   b
2283            --- --- --- ---
2284              x   1   u 0.1
2285              y   2   v 0.2
2287        Add second column 'b' and column 'c' with ``rename_duplicate``::
2289            >>> t = Table([[1, 2], [0.1, 0.2]], names=('a', 'b'))
2290            >>> t.add_columns([[1.1, 1.2], ['x', 'y']], names=('b', 'c'),
2291            ...               rename_duplicate=True)
2292            >>> print(t)
2293             a   b  b_1  c
2294            --- --- --- ---
2295              1 0.1 1.1  x
2296              2 0.2 1.2  y
2298        Add unnamed columns or mixin objects in the table using default names
2299        or by specifying explicit names with ``names``. Names can also be overridden::
2301            >>> t = Table()
2302            >>> col_b = Column(name='b', data=['u', 'v'])
2303            >>> t.add_columns([[1, 2], col_b])
2304            >>> t.add_columns([[3, 4], col_b], names=['c', 'd'])
2305            >>> print(t)
2306            col0  b   c   d
2307            ---- --- --- ---
2308               1   u   3   u
2309               2   v   4   v
2310        """
2311        if indexes is None:
2312            indexes = [len(self.columns)] * len(cols)
2313        elif len(indexes) != len(cols):
2314            raise ValueError('Number of indexes must match number of cols')
2316        if names is None:
2317            names = (None,) * len(cols)
2318        elif len(names) != len(cols):
2319            raise ValueError('Number of names must match number of cols')
2321        default_names = [f'col{ii + len(self.columns)}'
2322                         for ii in range(len(cols))]
2324        for ii in reversed(np.argsort(indexes)):
2325            self.add_column(cols[ii], index=indexes[ii], name=names[ii],
2326                            default_name=default_names[ii],
2327                            rename_duplicate=rename_duplicate, copy=copy)
2329    def _replace_column_warnings(self, name, col):
2330        """
2331        Same as replace_column but issues warnings under various circumstances.
2332        """
2333        warns = conf.replace_warnings
2334        refcount = None
2335        old_col = None
2337        if 'refcount' in warns and name in self.colnames:
2338            refcount = sys.getrefcount(self[name])
2340        if name in self.colnames:
2341            old_col = self[name]
2343        # This may raise an exception (e.g. t['a'] = 1) in which case none of
2344        # the downstream code runs.
2345        self.replace_column(name, col)
2347        if 'always' in warns:
2348            warnings.warn(f"replaced column '{name}'",
2349                          TableReplaceWarning, stacklevel=3)
2351        if 'slice' in warns:
2352            try:
2353                # Check for ndarray-subclass slice.  An unsliced instance
2354                # has an ndarray for the base while sliced has the same class
2355                # as parent.
2356                if isinstance(old_col.base, old_col.__class__):
2357                    msg = ("replaced column '{}' which looks like an array slice. "
2358                           "The new column no longer shares memory with the "
2359                           "original array.".format(name))
2360                    warnings.warn(msg, TableReplaceWarning, stacklevel=3)
2361            except AttributeError:
2362                pass
2364        if 'refcount' in warns:
2365            # Did reference count change?
2366            new_refcount = sys.getrefcount(self[name])
2367            if refcount != new_refcount:
2368                msg = ("replaced column '{}' and the number of references "
2369                       "to the column changed.".format(name))
2370                warnings.warn(msg, TableReplaceWarning, stacklevel=3)
2372        if 'attributes' in warns:
2373            # Any of the standard column attributes changed?
2374            changed_attrs = []
2375            new_col = self[name]
2376            # Check base DataInfo attributes that any column will have
2377            for attr in DataInfo.attr_names:
2378                if getattr(old_col.info, attr) != getattr(new_col.info, attr):
2379                    changed_attrs.append(attr)
2381            if changed_attrs:
2382                msg = ("replaced column '{}' and column attributes {} changed."
2383                       .format(name, changed_attrs))
2384                warnings.warn(msg, TableReplaceWarning, stacklevel=3)
2386    def replace_column(self, name, col, copy=True):
2387        """
2388        Replace column ``name`` with the new ``col`` object.
2390        The behavior of ``copy`` for Column objects is:
2391        - copy=True: new class instance with a copy of data and deep copy of meta
2392        - copy=False: new class instance with same data and a key-only copy of meta
2394        For mixin columns:
2395        - copy=True: new class instance with copy of data and deep copy of meta
2396        - copy=False: original instance (no copy at all)
2398        Parameters
2399        ----------
2400        name : str
2401            Name of column to replace
2402        col : `~astropy.table.Column` or `~numpy.ndarray` or sequence
2403            New column object to replace the existing column.
2404        copy : bool
2405            Make copy of the input ``col``, default=True
2407        See Also
2408        --------
2409        add_columns, astropy.table.hstack, update
2411        Examples
2412        --------
2413        Replace column 'a' with a float version of itself::
2415            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3]], names=('a', 'b'))
2416            >>> float_a = t['a'].astype(float)
2417            >>> t.replace_column('a', float_a)
2418        """
2419        if name not in self.colnames:
2420            raise ValueError(f'column name {name} is not in the table')
2422        if self[name].info.indices:
2423            raise ValueError('cannot replace a table index column')
2425        col = self._convert_data_to_col(col, name=name, copy=copy)
2426        self._set_col_parent_table_and_mask(col)
2428        # Ensure that new column is the right length, unless it is the only column
2429        # in which case re-sizing is allowed.
2430        if len(self.columns) > 1 and len(col) != len(self[name]):
2431            raise ValueError('length of new column must match table length')
2433        self.columns.__setitem__(name, col, validated=True)
2435    def remove_row(self, index):
2436        """
2437        Remove a row from the table.
2439        Parameters
2440        ----------
2441        index : int
2442            Index of row to remove
2444        Examples
2445        --------
2446        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2448            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2449            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2450            >>> print(t)
2451             a   b   c
2452            --- --- ---
2453              1 0.1   x
2454              2 0.2   y
2455              3 0.3   z
2457        Remove row 1 from the table::
2459            >>> t.remove_row(1)
2460            >>> print(t)
2461             a   b   c
2462            --- --- ---
2463              1 0.1   x
2464              3 0.3   z
2466        To remove several rows at the same time use remove_rows.
2467        """
2468        # check the index against the types that work with np.delete
2469        if not isinstance(index, (int, np.integer)):
2470            raise TypeError("Row index must be an integer")
2471        self.remove_rows(index)
2473    def remove_rows(self, row_specifier):
2474        """
2475        Remove rows from the table.
2477        Parameters
2478        ----------
2479        row_specifier : slice or int or array of int
2480            Specification for rows to remove
2482        Examples
2483        --------
2484        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2486            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2487            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2488            >>> print(t)
2489             a   b   c
2490            --- --- ---
2491              1 0.1   x
2492              2 0.2   y
2493              3 0.3   z
2495        Remove rows 0 and 2 from the table::
2497            >>> t.remove_rows([0, 2])
2498            >>> print(t)
2499             a   b   c
2500            --- --- ---
2501              2 0.2   y
2504        Note that there are no warnings if the slice operator extends
2505        outside the data::
2507            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2508            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2509            >>> t.remove_rows(slice(10, 20, 1))
2510            >>> print(t)
2511             a   b   c
2512            --- --- ---
2513              1 0.1   x
2514              2 0.2   y
2515              3 0.3   z
2516        """
2517        # Update indices
2518        for index in self.indices:
2519            index.remove_rows(row_specifier)
2521        keep_mask = np.ones(len(self), dtype=bool)
2522        keep_mask[row_specifier] = False
2524        columns = self.TableColumns()
2525        for name, col in self.columns.items():
2526            newcol = col[keep_mask]
2527            newcol.info.parent_table = self
2528            columns[name] = newcol
2530        self._replace_cols(columns)
2532        # Revert groups to default (ungrouped) state
2533        if hasattr(self, '_groups'):
2534            del self._groups
2536    def iterrows(self, *names):
2537        """
2538        Iterate over rows of table returning a tuple of values for each row.
2540        This method is especially useful when only a subset of columns are needed.
2542        The ``iterrows`` method can be substantially faster than using the standard
2543        Table row iteration (e.g. ``for row in tbl:``), since that returns a new
2544        ``~astropy.table.Row`` object for each row and accessing a column in that
2545        row (e.g. ``row['col0']``) is slower than tuple access.
2547        Parameters
2548        ----------
2549        names : list
2550            List of column names (default to all columns if no names provided)
2552        Returns
2553        -------
2554        rows : iterable
2555            Iterator returns tuples of row values
2557        Examples
2558        --------
2559        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2561            >>> t = Table({'a': [1, 2, 3],
2562            ...            'b': [1.0, 2.5, 3.0],
2563            ...            'c': ['x', 'y', 'z']})
2565        To iterate row-wise using column names::
2567            >>> for a, c in t.iterrows('a', 'c'):
2568            ...     print(a, c)
2569            1 x
2570            2 y
2571            3 z
2573        """
2574        if len(names) == 0:
2575            names = self.colnames
2576        else:
2577            for name in names:
2578                if name not in self.colnames:
2579                    raise ValueError(f'{name} is not a valid column name')
2581        cols = (self[name] for name in names)
2582        out = zip(*cols)
2583        return out
2585    def remove_column(self, name):
2586        """
2587        Remove a column from the table.
2589        This can also be done with::
2591          del table[name]
2593        Parameters
2594        ----------
2595        name : str
2596            Name of column to remove
2598        Examples
2599        --------
2600        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2602            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2603            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2604            >>> print(t)
2605             a   b   c
2606            --- --- ---
2607              1 0.1   x
2608              2 0.2   y
2609              3 0.3   z
2611        Remove column 'b' from the table::
2613            >>> t.remove_column('b')
2614            >>> print(t)
2615             a   c
2616            --- ---
2617              1   x
2618              2   y
2619              3   z
2621        To remove several columns at the same time use remove_columns.
2622        """
2624        self.remove_columns([name])
2626    def remove_columns(self, names):
2627        '''
2628        Remove several columns from the table.
2630        Parameters
2631        ----------
2632        names : list
2633            A list containing the names of the columns to remove
2635        Examples
2636        --------
2637        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2639            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2640            ...     names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2641            >>> print(t)
2642             a   b   c
2643            --- --- ---
2644              1 0.1   x
2645              2 0.2   y
2646              3 0.3   z
2648        Remove columns 'b' and 'c' from the table::
2650            >>> t.remove_columns(['b', 'c'])
2651            >>> print(t)
2652             a
2653            ---
2654              1
2655              2
2656              3
2658        Specifying only a single column also works. Remove column 'b' from the table::
2660            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3], [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], ['x', 'y', 'z']],
2661            ...     names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2662            >>> t.remove_columns('b')
2663            >>> print(t)
2664             a   c
2665            --- ---
2666              1   x
2667              2   y
2668              3   z
2670        This gives the same as using remove_column.
2671        '''
2672        if isinstance(names, str):
2673            names = [names]
2675        for name in names:
2676            if name not in self.columns:
2677                raise KeyError(f"Column {name} does not exist")
2679        for name in names:
2680            self.columns.pop(name)
2682    def _convert_string_dtype(self, in_kind, out_kind, encode_decode_func):
2683        """
2684        Convert string-like columns to/from bytestring and unicode (internal only).
2686        Parameters
2687        ----------
2688        in_kind : str
2689            Input dtype.kind
2690        out_kind : str
2691            Output dtype.kind
2692        """
2694        for col in self.itercols():
2695            if col.dtype.kind == in_kind:
2696                try:
2697                    # This requires ASCII and is faster by a factor of up to ~8, so
2698                    # try that first.
2699                    newcol = col.__class__(col, dtype=out_kind)
2700                except (UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError):
2701                    newcol = col.__class__(encode_decode_func(col, 'utf-8'))
2703                    # Quasi-manually copy info attributes.  Unfortunately
2704                    # DataInfo.__set__ does not do the right thing in this case
2705                    # so newcol.info = col.info does not get the old info attributes.
2706                    for attr in col.info.attr_names - col.info._attrs_no_copy - set(['dtype']):
2707                        value = deepcopy(getattr(col.info, attr))
2708                        setattr(newcol.info, attr, value)
2710                self[col.name] = newcol
2712    def convert_bytestring_to_unicode(self):
2713        """
2714        Convert bytestring columns (dtype.kind='S') to unicode (dtype.kind='U')
2715        using UTF-8 encoding.
2717        Internally this changes string columns to represent each character
2718        in the string with a 4-byte UCS-4 equivalent, so it is inefficient
2719        for memory but allows scripts to manipulate string arrays with
2720        natural syntax.
2721        """
2722        self._convert_string_dtype('S', 'U', np.char.decode)
2724    def convert_unicode_to_bytestring(self):
2725        """
2726        Convert unicode columns (dtype.kind='U') to bytestring (dtype.kind='S')
2727        using UTF-8 encoding.
2729        When exporting a unicode string array to a file, it may be desirable
2730        to encode unicode columns as bytestrings.
2731        """
2732        self._convert_string_dtype('U', 'S', np.char.encode)
2734    def keep_columns(self, names):
2735        '''
2736        Keep only the columns specified (remove the others).
2738        Parameters
2739        ----------
2740        names : list
2741            A list containing the names of the columns to keep. All other
2742            columns will be removed.
2744        Examples
2745        --------
2746        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2748            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3],[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],['x', 'y', 'z']],
2749            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2750            >>> print(t)
2751             a   b   c
2752            --- --- ---
2753              1 0.1   x
2754              2 0.2   y
2755              3 0.3   z
2757        Specifying only a single column name keeps only this column.
2758        Keep only column 'a' of the table::
2760            >>> t.keep_columns('a')
2761            >>> print(t)
2762             a
2763            ---
2764              1
2765              2
2766              3
2768        Specifying a list of column names is keeps is also possible.
2769        Keep columns 'a' and 'c' of the table::
2771            >>> t = Table([[1, 2, 3],[0.1, 0.2, 0.3],['x', 'y', 'z']],
2772            ...           names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
2773            >>> t.keep_columns(['a', 'c'])
2774            >>> print(t)
2775             a   c
2776            --- ---
2777              1   x
2778              2   y
2779              3   z
2780        '''
2782        if isinstance(names, str):
2783            names = [names]
2785        for name in names:
2786            if name not in self.columns:
2787                raise KeyError(f"Column {name} does not exist")
2789        remove = list(set(self.keys()) - set(names))
2791        self.remove_columns(remove)
2793    def rename_column(self, name, new_name):
2794        '''
2795        Rename a column.
2797        This can also be done directly with by setting the ``name`` attribute
2798        for a column::
2800          table[name].name = new_name
2802        TODO: this won't work for mixins
2804        Parameters
2805        ----------
2806        name : str
2807            The current name of the column.
2808        new_name : str
2809            The new name for the column
2811        Examples
2812        --------
2813        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2815            >>> t = Table([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]], names=('a','b','c'))
2816            >>> print(t)
2817             a   b   c
2818            --- --- ---
2819              1   3   5
2820              2   4   6
2822        Renaming column 'a' to 'aa'::
2824            >>> t.rename_column('a' , 'aa')
2825            >>> print(t)
2826             aa  b   c
2827            --- --- ---
2828              1   3   5
2829              2   4   6
2830        '''
2832        if name not in self.keys():
2833            raise KeyError(f"Column {name} does not exist")
2835        self.columns[name].info.name = new_name
2837    def rename_columns(self, names, new_names):
2838        '''
2839        Rename multiple columns.
2841        Parameters
2842        ----------
2843        names : list, tuple
2844            A list or tuple of existing column names.
2845        new_names : list, tuple
2846            A list or tuple of new column names.
2848        Examples
2849        --------
2850        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b', 'c'::
2852            >>> t = Table([[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]], names=('a','b','c'))
2853            >>> print(t)
2854              a   b   c
2855             --- --- ---
2856              1   3   5
2857              2   4   6
2859        Renaming columns 'a' to 'aa' and 'b' to 'bb'::
2861            >>> names = ('a','b')
2862            >>> new_names = ('aa','bb')
2863            >>> t.rename_columns(names, new_names)
2864            >>> print(t)
2865             aa  bb   c
2866            --- --- ---
2867              1   3   5
2868              2   4   6
2869        '''
2871        if not self._is_list_or_tuple_of_str(names):
2872            raise TypeError("input 'names' must be a tuple or a list of column names")
2874        if not self._is_list_or_tuple_of_str(new_names):
2875            raise TypeError("input 'new_names' must be a tuple or a list of column names")
2877        if len(names) != len(new_names):
2878            raise ValueError("input 'names' and 'new_names' list arguments must be the same length")
2880        for name, new_name in zip(names, new_names):
2881            self.rename_column(name, new_name)
2883    def _set_row(self, idx, colnames, vals):
2884        try:
2885            assert len(vals) == len(colnames)
2886        except Exception:
2887            raise ValueError('right hand side must be a sequence of values with '
2888                             'the same length as the number of selected columns')
2890        # Keep track of original values before setting each column so that
2891        # setting row can be transactional.
2892        orig_vals = []
2893        cols = self.columns
2894        try:
2895            for name, val in zip(colnames, vals):
2896                orig_vals.append(cols[name][idx])
2897                cols[name][idx] = val
2898        except Exception:
2899            # If anything went wrong first revert the row update then raise
2900            for name, val in zip(colnames, orig_vals[:-1]):
2901                cols[name][idx] = val
2902            raise
2904    def add_row(self, vals=None, mask=None):
2905        """Add a new row to the end of the table.
2907        The ``vals`` argument can be:
2909        sequence (e.g. tuple or list)
2910            Column values in the same order as table columns.
2911        mapping (e.g. dict)
2912            Keys corresponding to column names.  Missing values will be
2913            filled with np.zeros for the column dtype.
2914        `None`
2915            All values filled with np.zeros for the column dtype.
2917        This method requires that the Table object "owns" the underlying array
2918        data.  In particular one cannot add a row to a Table that was
2919        initialized with copy=False from an existing array.
2921        The ``mask`` attribute should give (if desired) the mask for the
2922        values. The type of the mask should match that of the values, i.e. if
2923        ``vals`` is an iterable, then ``mask`` should also be an iterable
2924        with the same length, and if ``vals`` is a mapping, then ``mask``
2925        should be a dictionary.
2927        Parameters
2928        ----------
2929        vals : tuple, list, dict or None
2930            Use the specified values in the new row
2931        mask : tuple, list, dict or None
2932            Use the specified mask values in the new row
2934        Examples
2935        --------
2936        Create a table with three columns 'a', 'b' and 'c'::
2938           >>> t = Table([[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]], names=('a','b','c'))
2939           >>> print(t)
2940            a   b   c
2941           --- --- ---
2942             1   4   7
2943             2   5   8
2945        Adding a new row with entries '3' in 'a', '6' in 'b' and '9' in 'c'::
2947           >>> t.add_row([3,6,9])
2948           >>> print(t)
2949             a   b   c
2950             --- --- ---
2951             1   4   7
2952             2   5   8
2953             3   6   9
2954        """
2955        self.insert_row(len(self), vals, mask)
2957    def insert_row(self, index, vals=None, mask=None):
2958        """Add a new row before the given ``index`` position in the table.
2960        The ``vals`` argument can be:
2962        sequence (e.g. tuple or list)
2963            Column values in the same order as table columns.
2964        mapping (e.g. dict)
2965            Keys corresponding to column names.  Missing values will be
2966            filled with np.zeros for the column dtype.
2967        `None`
2968            All values filled with np.zeros for the column dtype.
2970        The ``mask`` attribute should give (if desired) the mask for the
2971        values. The type of the mask should match that of the values, i.e. if
2972        ``vals`` is an iterable, then ``mask`` should also be an iterable
2973        with the same length, and if ``vals`` is a mapping, then ``mask``
2974        should be a dictionary.
2976        Parameters
2977        ----------
2978        vals : tuple, list, dict or None
2979            Use the specified values in the new row
2980        mask : tuple, list, dict or None
2981            Use the specified mask values in the new row
2982        """
2983        colnames = self.colnames
2985        N = len(self)
2986        if index < -N or index > N:
2987            raise IndexError("Index {} is out of bounds for table with length {}"
2988                             .format(index, N))
2989        if index < 0:
2990            index += N
2992        if isinstance(vals, Mapping) or vals is None:
2993            # From the vals and/or mask mappings create the corresponding lists
2994            # that have entries for each table column.
2995            if mask is not None and not isinstance(mask, Mapping):
2996                raise TypeError("Mismatch between type of vals and mask")
2998            # Now check that the mask is specified for the same keys as the
2999            # values, otherwise things get really confusing.
3000            if mask is not None and set(vals.keys()) != set(mask.keys()):
3001                raise ValueError('keys in mask should match keys in vals')
3003            if vals and any(name not in colnames for name in vals):
3004                raise ValueError('Keys in vals must all be valid column names')
3006            vals_list = []
3007            mask_list = []
3009            for name in colnames:
3010                if vals and name in vals:
3011                    vals_list.append(vals[name])
3012                    mask_list.append(False if mask is None else mask[name])
3013                else:
3014                    col = self[name]
3015                    if hasattr(col, 'dtype'):
3016                        # Make a placeholder zero element of the right type which is masked.
3017                        # This assumes the appropriate insert() method will broadcast a
3018                        # numpy scalar to the right shape.
3019                        vals_list.append(np.zeros(shape=(), dtype=col.dtype))
3021                        # For masked table any unsupplied values are masked by default.
3022                        mask_list.append(self.masked and vals is not None)
3023                    else:
3024                        raise ValueError(f"Value must be supplied for column '{name}'")
3026            vals = vals_list
3027            mask = mask_list
3029        if isiterable(vals):
3030            if mask is not None and (not isiterable(mask) or isinstance(mask, Mapping)):
3031                raise TypeError("Mismatch between type of vals and mask")
3033            if len(self.columns) != len(vals):
3034                raise ValueError('Mismatch between number of vals and columns')
3036            if mask is not None:
3037                if len(self.columns) != len(mask):
3038                    raise ValueError('Mismatch between number of masks and columns')
3039            else:
3040                mask = [False] * len(self.columns)
3042        else:
3043            raise TypeError('Vals must be an iterable or mapping or None')
3045        # Insert val at index for each column
3046        columns = self.TableColumns()
3047        for name, col, val, mask_ in zip(colnames, self.columns.values(), vals, mask):
3048            try:
3049                # If new val is masked and the existing column does not support masking
3050                # then upgrade the column to a mask-enabled type: either the table-level
3051                # default ColumnClass or else MaskedColumn.
3052                if mask_ and isinstance(col, Column) and not isinstance(col, MaskedColumn):
3053                    col_cls = (self.ColumnClass
3054                               if issubclass(self.ColumnClass, self.MaskedColumn)
3055                               else self.MaskedColumn)
3056                    col = col_cls(col, copy=False)
3058                newcol = col.insert(index, val, axis=0)
3060                if len(newcol) != N + 1:
3061                    raise ValueError('Incorrect length for column {} after inserting {}'
3062                                     ' (expected {}, got {})'
3063                                     .format(name, val, len(newcol), N + 1))
3064                newcol.info.parent_table = self
3066                # Set mask if needed and possible
3067                if mask_:
3068                    if hasattr(newcol, 'mask'):
3069                        newcol[index] = np.ma.masked
3070                    else:
3071                        raise TypeError("mask was supplied for column '{}' but it does not "
3072                                        "support masked values".format(col.info.name))
3074                columns[name] = newcol
3076            except Exception as err:
3077                raise ValueError("Unable to insert row because of exception in column '{}':\n{}"
3078                                 .format(name, err)) from err
3080        for table_index in self.indices:
3081            table_index.insert_row(index, vals, self.columns.values())
3083        self._replace_cols(columns)
3085        # Revert groups to default (ungrouped) state
3086        if hasattr(self, '_groups'):
3087            del self._groups
3089    def _replace_cols(self, columns):
3090        for col, new_col in zip(self.columns.values(), columns.values()):
3091            new_col.info.indices = []
3092            for index in col.info.indices:
3093                index.columns[index.col_position(col.info.name)] = new_col
3094                new_col.info.indices.append(index)
3096        self.columns = columns
3098    def update(self, other, copy=True):
3099        """
3100        Perform a dictionary-style update and merge metadata.
3102        The argument ``other`` must be a |Table|, or something that can be used
3103        to initialize a table. Columns from (possibly converted) ``other`` are
3104        added to this table. In case of matching column names the column from
3105        this table is replaced with the one from ``other``.
3107        Parameters
3108        ----------
3109        other : table-like
3110            Data to update this table with.
3111        copy : bool
3112            Whether the updated columns should be copies of or references to
3113            the originals.
3115        See Also
3116        --------
3117        add_columns, astropy.table.hstack, replace_column
3119        Examples
3120        --------
3121        Update a table with another table::
3123            >>> t1 = Table({'a': ['foo', 'bar'], 'b': [0., 0.]}, meta={'i': 0})
3124            >>> t2 = Table({'b': [1., 2.], 'c': [7., 11.]}, meta={'n': 2})
3125            >>> t1.update(t2)
3126            >>> t1
3127            <Table length=2>
3128             a      b       c
3129            str3 float64 float64
3130            ---- ------- -------
3131             foo     1.0     7.0
3132             bar     2.0    11.0
3133            >>> t1.meta
3134            {'i': 0, 'n': 2}
3136        Update a table with a dictionary::
3138            >>> t = Table({'a': ['foo', 'bar'], 'b': [0., 0.]})
3139            >>> t.update({'b': [1., 2.]})
3140            >>> t
3141            <Table length=2>
3142             a      b
3143            str3 float64
3144            ---- -------
3145             foo     1.0
3146             bar     2.0
3147        """
3148        from .operations import _merge_table_meta
3149        if not isinstance(other, Table):
3150            other = self.__class__(other, copy=copy)
3151        common_cols = set(self.colnames).intersection(other.colnames)
3152        for name, col in other.items():
3153            if name in common_cols:
3154                self.replace_column(name, col, copy=copy)
3155            else:
3156                self.add_column(col, name=name, copy=copy)
3157        _merge_table_meta(self, [self, other], metadata_conflicts='silent')
3159    def argsort(self, keys=None, kind=None, reverse=False):
3160        """
3161        Return the indices which would sort the table according to one or
3162        more key columns.  This simply calls the `numpy.argsort` function on
3163        the table with the ``order`` parameter set to ``keys``.
3165        Parameters
3166        ----------
3167        keys : str or list of str
3168            The column name(s) to order the table by
3169        kind : {'quicksort', 'mergesort', 'heapsort'}, optional
3170            Sorting algorithm.
3171        reverse : bool
3172            Sort in reverse order (default=False)
3174        Returns
3175        -------
3176        index_array : ndarray, int
3177            Array of indices that sorts the table by the specified key
3178            column(s).
3179        """
3180        if isinstance(keys, str):
3181            keys = [keys]
3183        # use index sorted order if possible
3184        if keys is not None:
3185            index = get_index(self, names=keys)
3186            if index is not None:
3187                idx = np.asarray(index.sorted_data())
3188                return idx[::-1] if reverse else idx
3190        kwargs = {}
3191        if keys:
3192            # For multiple keys return a structured array which gets sorted,
3193            # while for a single key return a single ndarray.  Sorting a
3194            # one-column structured array is slower than ndarray (e.g. a
3195            # factor of ~6 for a 10 million long random array), and much slower
3196            # for in principle sortable columns like Time, which get stored as
3197            # object arrays.
3198            if len(keys) > 1:
3199                kwargs['order'] = keys
3200                data = self.as_array(names=keys)
3201            else:
3202                data = self[keys[0]]
3203        else:
3204            # No keys provided so sort on all columns.
3205            data = self.as_array()
3207        if kind:
3208            kwargs['kind'] = kind
3210        # np.argsort will look for a possible .argsort method (e.g., for Time),
3211        # and if that fails cast to an array and try sorting that way.
3212        idx = np.argsort(data, **kwargs)
3214        return idx[::-1] if reverse else idx
3216    def sort(self, keys=None, reverse=False):
3217        '''
3218        Sort the table according to one or more keys. This operates
3219        on the existing table and does not return a new table.
3221        Parameters
3222        ----------
3223        keys : str or list of str
3224            The key(s) to order the table by. If None, use the
3225            primary index of the Table.
3227        reverse : bool
3228            Sort in reverse order (default=False)
3230        Examples
3231        --------
3232        Create a table with 3 columns::
3234            >>> t = Table([['Max', 'Jo', 'John'], ['Miller', 'Miller', 'Jackson'],
3235            ...            [12, 15, 18]], names=('firstname', 'name', 'tel'))
3236            >>> print(t)
3237            firstname   name  tel
3238            --------- ------- ---
3239                  Max  Miller  12
3240                   Jo  Miller  15
3241                 John Jackson  18
3243        Sorting according to standard sorting rules, first 'name' then 'firstname'::
3245            >>> t.sort(['name', 'firstname'])
3246            >>> print(t)
3247            firstname   name  tel
3248            --------- ------- ---
3249                 John Jackson  18
3250                   Jo  Miller  15
3251                  Max  Miller  12
3253        Sorting according to standard sorting rules, first 'firstname' then 'tel',
3254        in reverse order::
3256            >>> t.sort(['firstname', 'tel'], reverse=True)
3257            >>> print(t)
3258            firstname   name  tel
3259            --------- ------- ---
3260                  Max  Miller  12
3261                 John Jackson  18
3262                   Jo  Miller  15
3263        '''
3264        if keys is None:
3265            if not self.indices:
3266                raise ValueError("Table sort requires input keys or a table index")
3267            keys = [x.info.name for x in self.indices[0].columns]
3269        if isinstance(keys, str):
3270            keys = [keys]
3272        indexes = self.argsort(keys)
3274        if reverse:
3275            indexes = indexes[::-1]
3277        with self.index_mode('freeze'):
3278            for name, col in self.columns.items():
3279                # Make a new sorted column.  This requires that take() also copies
3280                # relevant info attributes for mixin columns.
3281                new_col = col.take(indexes, axis=0)
3283                # First statement in try: will succeed if the column supports an in-place
3284                # update, and matches the legacy behavior of astropy Table.  However,
3285                # some mixin classes may not support this, so in that case just drop
3286                # in the entire new column. See #9553 and #9536 for discussion.
3287                try:
3288                    col[:] = new_col
3289                except Exception:
3290                    # In-place update failed for some reason, exception class not
3291                    # predictable for arbitrary mixin.
3292                    self[col.info.name] = new_col
3294    def reverse(self):
3295        '''
3296        Reverse the row order of table rows.  The table is reversed
3297        in place and there are no function arguments.
3299        Examples
3300        --------
3301        Create a table with three columns::
3303            >>> t = Table([['Max', 'Jo', 'John'], ['Miller','Miller','Jackson'],
3304            ...         [12,15,18]], names=('firstname','name','tel'))
3305            >>> print(t)
3306            firstname   name  tel
3307            --------- ------- ---
3308                  Max  Miller  12
3309                   Jo  Miller  15
3310                 John Jackson  18
3312        Reversing order::
3314            >>> t.reverse()
3315            >>> print(t)
3316            firstname   name  tel
3317            --------- ------- ---
3318                 John Jackson  18
3319                   Jo  Miller  15
3320                  Max  Miller  12
3321        '''
3322        for col in self.columns.values():
3323            # First statement in try: will succeed if the column supports an in-place
3324            # update, and matches the legacy behavior of astropy Table.  However,
3325            # some mixin classes may not support this, so in that case just drop
3326            # in the entire new column. See #9836, #9553, and #9536 for discussion.
3327            new_col = col[::-1]
3328            try:
3329                col[:] = new_col
3330            except Exception:
3331                # In-place update failed for some reason, exception class not
3332                # predictable for arbitrary mixin.
3333                self[col.info.name] = new_col
3335        for index in self.indices:
3336            index.reverse()
3338    def round(self, decimals=0):
3339        '''
3340        Round numeric columns in-place to the specified number of decimals.
3341        Non-numeric columns will be ignored.
3343        Examples
3344        --------
3345        Create three columns with different types:
3347            >>> t = Table([[1, 4, 5], [-25.55, 12.123, 85],
3348            ...     ['a', 'b', 'c']], names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
3349            >>> print(t)
3350             a    b     c
3351            --- ------ ---
3352              1 -25.55   a
3353              4 12.123   b
3354              5   85.0   c
3356        Round them all to 0:
3358            >>> t.round(0)
3359            >>> print(t)
3360             a    b    c
3361            --- ----- ---
3362              1 -26.0   a
3363              4  12.0   b
3364              5  85.0   c
3366        Round column 'a' to -1 decimal:
3368            >>> t.round({'a':-1})
3369            >>> print(t)
3370             a    b    c
3371            --- ----- ---
3372              0 -26.0   a
3373              0  12.0   b
3374              0  85.0   c
3376        Parameters
3377        ----------
3378        decimals: int, dict
3379            Number of decimals to round the columns to. If a dict is given,
3380            the columns will be rounded to the number specified as the value.
3381            If a certain column is not in the dict given, it will remain the
3382            same.
3383        '''
3384        if isinstance(decimals, Mapping):
3385            decimal_values = decimals.values()
3386            column_names = decimals.keys()
3387        elif isinstance(decimals, int):
3388            decimal_values = itertools.repeat(decimals)
3389            column_names = self.colnames
3390        else:
3391            raise ValueError("'decimals' argument must be an int or a dict")
3393        for colname, decimal in zip(column_names, decimal_values):
3394            col = self.columns[colname]
3395            if np.issubdtype(col.info.dtype, np.number):
3396                try:
3397                    np.around(col, decimals=decimal, out=col)
3398                except TypeError:
3399                    # Bug in numpy see https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/15438
3400                    col[()] = np.around(col, decimals=decimal)
3402    def copy(self, copy_data=True):
3403        '''
3404        Return a copy of the table.
3406        Parameters
3407        ----------
3408        copy_data : bool
3409            If `True` (the default), copy the underlying data array.
3410            Otherwise, use the same data array. The ``meta`` is always
3411            deepcopied regardless of the value for ``copy_data``.
3412        '''
3413        out = self.__class__(self, copy=copy_data)
3415        # If the current table is grouped then do the same in the copy
3416        if hasattr(self, '_groups'):
3417            out._groups = groups.TableGroups(out, indices=self._groups._indices,
3418                                             keys=self._groups._keys)
3419        return out
3421    def __deepcopy__(self, memo=None):
3422        return self.copy(True)
3424    def __copy__(self):
3425        return self.copy(False)
3427    def __lt__(self, other):
3428        return super().__lt__(other)
3430    def __gt__(self, other):
3431        return super().__gt__(other)
3433    def __le__(self, other):
3434        return super().__le__(other)
3436    def __ge__(self, other):
3437        return super().__ge__(other)
3439    def __eq__(self, other):
3440        return self._rows_equal(other)
3442    def __ne__(self, other):
3443        return ~self.__eq__(other)
3445    def _rows_equal(self, other):
3446        """
3447        Row-wise comparison of table with any other object.
3449        This is actual implementation for __eq__.
3451        Returns a 1-D boolean numpy array showing result of row-wise comparison.
3452        This is the same as the ``==`` comparison for tables.
3454        Parameters
3455        ----------
3456        other : Table or DataFrame or ndarray
3457             An object to compare with table
3459        Examples
3460        --------
3461        Comparing one Table with other::
3463            >>> t1 = Table([[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]], names=('a','b','c'))
3464            >>> t2 = Table([[1,2],[4,5],[7,8]], names=('a','b','c'))
3465            >>> t1._rows_equal(t2)
3466            array([ True,  True])
3468        """
3470        if isinstance(other, Table):
3471            other = other.as_array()
3473        if self.has_masked_columns:
3474            if isinstance(other, np.ma.MaskedArray):
3475                result = self.as_array() == other
3476            else:
3477                # If mask is True, then by definition the row doesn't match
3478                # because the other array is not masked.
3479                false_mask = np.zeros(1, dtype=[(n, bool) for n in self.dtype.names])
3480                result = (self.as_array().data == other) & (self.mask == false_mask)
3481        else:
3482            if isinstance(other, np.ma.MaskedArray):
3483                # If mask is True, then by definition the row doesn't match
3484                # because the other array is not masked.
3485                false_mask = np.zeros(1, dtype=[(n, bool) for n in other.dtype.names])
3486                result = (self.as_array() == other.data) & (other.mask == false_mask)
3487            else:
3488                result = self.as_array() == other
3490        return result
3492    def values_equal(self, other):
3493        """
3494        Element-wise comparison of table with another table, list, or scalar.
3496        Returns a ``Table`` with the same columns containing boolean values
3497        showing result of comparison.
3499        Parameters
3500        ----------
3501        other : table-like object or list or scalar
3502             Object to compare with table
3504        Examples
3505        --------
3506        Compare one Table with other::
3508          >>> t1 = Table([[1, 2], [4, 5], [-7, 8]], names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
3509          >>> t2 = Table([[1, 2], [-4, 5], [7, 8]], names=('a', 'b', 'c'))
3510          >>> t1.values_equal(t2)
3511          <Table length=2>
3512           a     b     c
3513          bool  bool  bool
3514          ---- ----- -----
3515          True False False
3516          True  True  True
3518        """
3519        if isinstance(other, Table):
3520            names = other.colnames
3521        else:
3522            try:
3523                other = Table(other, copy=False)
3524                names = other.colnames
3525            except Exception:
3526                # Broadcast other into a dict, so e.g. other = 2 will turn into
3527                # other = {'a': 2, 'b': 2} and then equality does a
3528                # column-by-column broadcasting.
3529                names = self.colnames
3530                other = {name: other for name in names}
3532        # Require column names match but do not require same column order
3533        if set(self.colnames) != set(names):
3534            raise ValueError('cannot compare tables with different column names')
3536        eqs = []
3537        for name in names:
3538            try:
3539                np.broadcast(self[name], other[name])  # Check if broadcast-able
3540                # Catch the numpy FutureWarning related to equality checking,
3541                # "elementwise comparison failed; returning scalar instead, but
3542                #  in the future will perform elementwise comparison".  Turn this
3543                # into an exception since the scalar answer is not what we want.
3544                with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warns:
3545                    warnings.simplefilter('always')
3546                    eq = self[name] == other[name]
3547                    if (warns and issubclass(warns[-1].category, FutureWarning)
3548                            and 'elementwise comparison failed' in str(warns[-1].message)):
3549                        raise FutureWarning(warns[-1].message)
3550            except Exception as err:
3551                raise ValueError(f'unable to compare column {name}') from err
3553            # Be strict about the result from the comparison. E.g. SkyCoord __eq__ is just
3554            # broken and completely ignores that it should return an array.
3555            if not (isinstance(eq, np.ndarray)
3556                    and eq.dtype is np.dtype('bool')
3557                    and len(eq) == len(self)):
3558                raise TypeError(f'comparison for column {name} returned {eq} '
3559                                f'instead of the expected boolean ndarray')
3561            eqs.append(eq)
3563        out = Table(eqs, names=names)
3565        return out
3567    @property
3568    def groups(self):
3569        if not hasattr(self, '_groups'):
3570            self._groups = groups.TableGroups(self)
3571        return self._groups
3573    def group_by(self, keys):
3574        """
3575        Group this table by the specified ``keys``
3577        This effectively splits the table into groups which correspond to unique
3578        values of the ``keys`` grouping object.  The output is a new
3579        `~astropy.table.TableGroups` which contains a copy of this table but
3580        sorted by row according to ``keys``.
3582        The ``keys`` input to `group_by` can be specified in different ways:
3584          - String or list of strings corresponding to table column name(s)
3585          - Numpy array (homogeneous or structured) with same length as this table
3586          - `~astropy.table.Table` with same length as this table
3588        Parameters
3589        ----------
3590        keys : str, list of str, numpy array, or `~astropy.table.Table`
3591            Key grouping object
3593        Returns
3594        -------
3595        out : `~astropy.table.Table`
3596            New table with groups set
3597        """
3598        return groups.table_group_by(self, keys)
3600    def to_pandas(self, index=None, use_nullable_int=True):
3601        """
3602        Return a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance
3604        The index of the created DataFrame is controlled by the ``index``
3605        argument.  For ``index=True`` or the default ``None``, an index will be
3606        specified for the DataFrame if there is a primary key index on the
3607        Table *and* if it corresponds to a single column.  If ``index=False``
3608        then no DataFrame index will be specified.  If ``index`` is the name of
3609        a column in the table then that will be the DataFrame index.
3611        In addition to vanilla columns or masked columns, this supports Table
3612        mixin columns like Quantity, Time, or SkyCoord.  In many cases these
3613        objects have no analog in pandas and will be converted to a "encoded"
3614        representation using only Column or MaskedColumn.  The exception is
3615        Time or TimeDelta columns, which will be converted to the corresponding
3616        representation in pandas using ``np.datetime64`` or ``np.timedelta64``.
3617        See the example below.
3619        Parameters
3620        ----------
3621        index : None, bool, str
3622            Specify DataFrame index mode
3623        use_nullable_int : bool, default=True
3624            Convert integer MaskedColumn to pandas nullable integer type.
3625            If ``use_nullable_int=False`` or the pandas version does not support
3626            nullable integer types (version < 0.24), then the column is converted
3627            to float with NaN for missing elements and a warning is issued.
3629        Returns
3630        -------
3631        dataframe : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
3632            A pandas :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance
3634        Raises
3635        ------
3636        ImportError
3637            If pandas is not installed
3638        ValueError
3639            If the Table has multi-dimensional columns
3641        Examples
3642        --------
3643        Here we convert a table with a few mixins to a
3644        :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance.
3646          >>> import pandas as pd
3647          >>> from astropy.table import QTable
3648          >>> import astropy.units as u
3649          >>> from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
3650          >>> from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
3652          >>> q = [1, 2] * u.m
3653          >>> tm = Time([1998, 2002], format='jyear')
3654          >>> sc = SkyCoord([5, 6], [7, 8], unit='deg')
3655          >>> dt = TimeDelta([3, 200] * u.s)
3657          >>> t = QTable([q, tm, sc, dt], names=['q', 'tm', 'sc', 'dt'])
3659          >>> df = t.to_pandas(index='tm')
3660          >>> with pd.option_context('display.max_columns', 20):
3661          ...     print(df)
3662                        q  sc.ra  sc.dec              dt
3663          tm
3664          1998-01-01  1.0    5.0     7.0 0 days 00:00:03
3665          2002-01-01  2.0    6.0     8.0 0 days 00:03:20
3667        """
3668        from pandas import DataFrame, Series
3670        if index is not False:
3671            if index in (None, True):
3672                # Default is to use the table primary key if available and a single column
3673                if self.primary_key and len(self.primary_key) == 1:
3674                    index = self.primary_key[0]
3675                else:
3676                    index = False
3677            else:
3678                if index not in self.colnames:
3679                    raise ValueError('index must be None, False, True or a table '
3680                                     'column name')
3682        def _encode_mixins(tbl):
3683            """Encode a Table ``tbl`` that may have mixin columns to a Table with only
3684            astropy Columns + appropriate meta-data to allow subsequent decoding.
3685            """
3686            from . import serialize
3687            from astropy.time import TimeBase, TimeDelta
3689            # Convert any Time or TimeDelta columns and pay attention to masking
3690            time_cols = [col for col in tbl.itercols() if isinstance(col, TimeBase)]
3691            if time_cols:
3693                # Make a light copy of table and clear any indices
3694                new_cols = []
3695                for col in tbl.itercols():
3696                    new_col = col_copy(col, copy_indices=False) if col.info.indices else col
3697                    new_cols.append(new_col)
3698                tbl = tbl.__class__(new_cols, copy=False)
3700                # Certain subclasses (e.g. TimeSeries) may generate new indices on
3701                # table creation, so make sure there are no indices on the table.
3702                for col in tbl.itercols():
3703                    col.info.indices.clear()
3705                for col in time_cols:
3706                    if isinstance(col, TimeDelta):
3707                        # Convert to nanoseconds (matches astropy datetime64 support)
3708                        new_col = (col.sec * 1e9).astype('timedelta64[ns]')
3709                        nat = np.timedelta64('NaT')
3710                    else:
3711                        new_col = col.datetime64.copy()
3712                        nat = np.datetime64('NaT')
3713                    if col.masked:
3714                        new_col[col.mask] = nat
3715                    tbl[col.info.name] = new_col
3717            # Convert the table to one with no mixins, only Column objects.
3718            encode_tbl = serialize.represent_mixins_as_columns(tbl)
3719            return encode_tbl
3721        tbl = _encode_mixins(self)
3723        badcols = [name for name, col in self.columns.items() if len(col.shape) > 1]
3724        if badcols:
3725            raise ValueError(
3726                f'Cannot convert a table with multidimensional columns to a '
3727                f'pandas DataFrame. Offending columns are: {badcols}\n'
3728                f'One can filter out such columns using:\n'
3729                f'names = [name for name in tbl.colnames if len(tbl[name].shape) <= 1]\n'
3730                f'tbl[names].to_pandas(...)')
3732        out = OrderedDict()
3734        for name, column in tbl.columns.items():
3735            if getattr(column.dtype, 'isnative', True):
3736                out[name] = column
3737            else:
3738                out[name] = column.data.byteswap().newbyteorder('=')
3740            if isinstance(column, MaskedColumn) and np.any(column.mask):
3741                if column.dtype.kind in ['i', 'u']:
3742                    pd_dtype = column.dtype.name
3743                    if use_nullable_int:
3744                        # Convert int64 to Int64, uint32 to UInt32, etc for nullable types
3745                        pd_dtype = pd_dtype.replace('i', 'I').replace('u', 'U')
3746                    out[name] = Series(out[name], dtype=pd_dtype)
3748                    # If pandas is older than 0.24 the type may have turned to float
3749                    if column.dtype.kind != out[name].dtype.kind:
3750                        warnings.warn(
3751                            f"converted column '{name}' from {column.dtype} to {out[name].dtype}",
3752                            TableReplaceWarning, stacklevel=3)
3753                elif column.dtype.kind not in ['f', 'c']:
3754                    out[name] = column.astype(object).filled(np.nan)
3756        kwargs = {}
3758        if index:
3759            idx = out.pop(index)
3761            kwargs['index'] = idx
3763            # We add the table index to Series inputs (MaskedColumn with int values) to override
3764            # its default RangeIndex, see #11432
3765            for v in out.values():
3766                if isinstance(v, Series):
3767                    v.index = idx
3769        df = DataFrame(out, **kwargs)
3770        if index:
3771            # Explicitly set the pandas DataFrame index to the original table
3772            # index name.
3773            df.index.name = idx.info.name
3775        return df
3777    @classmethod
3778    def from_pandas(cls, dataframe, index=False, units=None):
3779        """
3780        Create a `~astropy.table.Table` from a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance
3782        In addition to converting generic numeric or string columns, this supports
3783        conversion of pandas Date and Time delta columns to `~astropy.time.Time`
3784        and `~astropy.time.TimeDelta` columns, respectively.
3786        Parameters
3787        ----------
3788        dataframe : :class:`pandas.DataFrame`
3789            A pandas :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance
3790        index : bool
3791            Include the index column in the returned table (default=False)
3792        units: dict
3793            A dict mapping column names to to a `~astropy.units.Unit`.
3794            The columns will have the specified unit in the Table.
3796        Returns
3797        -------
3798        table : `~astropy.table.Table`
3799            A `~astropy.table.Table` (or subclass) instance
3801        Raises
3802        ------
3803        ImportError
3804            If pandas is not installed
3806        Examples
3807        --------
3808        Here we convert a :class:`pandas.DataFrame` instance
3809        to a `~astropy.table.QTable`.
3811          >>> import numpy as np
3812          >>> import pandas as pd
3813          >>> from astropy.table import QTable
3815          >>> time = pd.Series(['1998-01-01', '2002-01-01'], dtype='datetime64[ns]')
3816          >>> dt = pd.Series(np.array([1, 300], dtype='timedelta64[s]'))
3817          >>> df = pd.DataFrame({'time': time})
3818          >>> df['dt'] = dt
3819          >>> df['x'] = [3., 4.]
3820          >>> with pd.option_context('display.max_columns', 20):
3821          ...     print(df)
3822                  time              dt    x
3823          0 1998-01-01 0 days 00:00:01  3.0
3824          1 2002-01-01 0 days 00:05:00  4.0
3826          >>> QTable.from_pandas(df)
3827          <QTable length=2>
3828                    time              dt       x
3829                    Time          TimeDelta float64
3830          ----------------------- --------- -------
3831          1998-01-01T00:00:00.000       1.0     3.0
3832          2002-01-01T00:00:00.000     300.0     4.0
3834        """
3836        out = OrderedDict()
3838        names = list(dataframe.columns)
3839        columns = [dataframe[name] for name in names]
3840        datas = [np.array(column) for column in columns]
3841        masks = [np.array(column.isnull()) for column in columns]
3843        if index:
3844            index_name = dataframe.index.name or 'index'
3845            while index_name in names:
3846                index_name = '_' + index_name + '_'
3847            names.insert(0, index_name)
3848            columns.insert(0, dataframe.index)
3849            datas.insert(0, np.array(dataframe.index))
3850            masks.insert(0, np.zeros(len(dataframe), dtype=bool))
3852        if units is None:
3853            units = [None] * len(names)
3854        else:
3855            if not isinstance(units, Mapping):
3856                raise TypeError('Expected a Mapping "column-name" -> "unit"')
3858            not_found = set(units.keys()) - set(names)
3859            if not_found:
3860                warnings.warn(f'`units` contains additional columns: {not_found}')
3862            units = [units.get(name) for name in names]
3864        for name, column, data, mask, unit in zip(names, columns, datas, masks, units):
3866            if column.dtype.kind in ['u', 'i'] and np.any(mask):
3867                # Special-case support for pandas nullable int
3868                np_dtype = str(column.dtype).lower()
3869                data = np.zeros(shape=column.shape, dtype=np_dtype)
3870                data[~mask] = column[~mask]
3871                out[name] = MaskedColumn(data=data, name=name, mask=mask, unit=unit, copy=False)
3872                continue
3874            if data.dtype.kind == 'O':
3875                # If all elements of an object array are string-like or np.nan
3876                # then coerce back to a native numpy str/unicode array.
3877                string_types = (str, bytes)
3878                nan = np.nan
3879                if all(isinstance(x, string_types) or x is nan for x in data):
3880                    # Force any missing (null) values to b''.  Numpy will
3881                    # upcast to str/unicode as needed.
3882                    data[mask] = b''
3884                    # When the numpy object array is represented as a list then
3885                    # numpy initializes to the correct string or unicode type.
3886                    data = np.array([x for x in data])
3888            # Numpy datetime64
3889            if data.dtype.kind == 'M':
3890                from astropy.time import Time
3891                out[name] = Time(data, format='datetime64')
3892                if np.any(mask):
3893                    out[name][mask] = np.ma.masked
3894                out[name].format = 'isot'
3896            # Numpy timedelta64
3897            elif data.dtype.kind == 'm':
3898                from astropy.time import TimeDelta
3899                data_sec = data.astype('timedelta64[ns]').astype(np.float64) / 1e9
3900                out[name] = TimeDelta(data_sec, format='sec')
3901                if np.any(mask):
3902                    out[name][mask] = np.ma.masked
3904            else:
3905                if np.any(mask):
3906                    out[name] = MaskedColumn(data=data, name=name, mask=mask, unit=unit)
3907                else:
3908                    out[name] = Column(data=data, name=name, unit=unit)
3910        return cls(out)
3912    info = TableInfo()
3915class QTable(Table):
3916    """A class to represent tables of heterogeneous data.
3918    `~astropy.table.QTable` provides a class for heterogeneous tabular data
3919    which can be easily modified, for instance adding columns or new rows.
3921    The `~astropy.table.QTable` class is identical to `~astropy.table.Table`
3922    except that columns with an associated ``unit`` attribute are converted to
3923    `~astropy.units.Quantity` objects.
3925    See also:
3927    - https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/table/
3928    - https://docs.astropy.org/en/stable/table/mixin_columns.html
3930    Parameters
3931    ----------
3932    data : numpy ndarray, dict, list, table-like object, optional
3933        Data to initialize table.
3934    masked : bool, optional
3935        Specify whether the table is masked.
3936    names : list, optional
3937        Specify column names.
3938    dtype : list, optional
3939        Specify column data types.
3940    meta : dict, optional
3941        Metadata associated with the table.
3942    copy : bool, optional
3943        Copy the input data. Default is True.
3944    rows : numpy ndarray, list of list, optional
3945        Row-oriented data for table instead of ``data`` argument.
3946    copy_indices : bool, optional
3947        Copy any indices in the input data. Default is True.
3948    **kwargs : dict, optional
3949        Additional keyword args when converting table-like object.
3951    """
3953    def _is_mixin_for_table(self, col):
3954        """
3955        Determine if ``col`` should be added to the table directly as
3956        a mixin column.
3957        """
3958        return has_info_class(col, MixinInfo)
3960    def _convert_col_for_table(self, col):
3961        if isinstance(col, Column) and getattr(col, 'unit', None) is not None:
3962            # We need to turn the column into a quantity; use subok=True to allow
3963            # Quantity subclasses identified in the unit (such as u.mag()).
3964            q_cls = Masked(Quantity) if isinstance(col, MaskedColumn) else Quantity
3965            try:
3966                qcol = q_cls(col.data, col.unit, copy=False, subok=True)
3967            except Exception as exc:
3968                warnings.warn(f"column {col.info.name} has a unit but is kept as "
3969                              f"a {col.__class__.__name__} as an attempt to "
3970                              f"convert it to Quantity failed with:\n{exc!r}",
3971                              AstropyUserWarning)
3972            else:
3973                qcol.info = col.info
3974                qcol.info.indices = col.info.indices
3975                col = qcol
3976        else:
3977            col = super()._convert_col_for_table(col)
3979        return col