1   /*
2  				pc.c
4 *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
5 *
6 *	Part of:	SExtractor
7 *
8 *	Author:		E.BERTIN (IAP)
9 *
10 *	Contents:	Stuff related to Principal Component Analysis (PCA).
11 *
12 *	Last modify:	27/11/2003
13 *
14 *%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
15 */
17 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
18 #include        "config.h"
19 #endif
21 #include	<math.h>
22 #include	<stdio.h>
23 #include	<stdlib.h>
24 #include	<string.h>
26 #include	"define.h"
27 #include	"globals.h"
28 #include	"prefs.h"
29 #include	"fits/fitscat.h"
30 #include	"check.h"
31 #include	"image.h"
32 #include	"poly.h"
33 #include	"psf.h"
35 static  obj2struct	*obj2 = &outobj2;
37 /****** pc_end ***************************************************************
38 PROTO   void pc_end(pcstruct *pc)
39 PURPOSE Free a PC structure and everything it contains.
40 INPUT   pcstruct pointer.
41 OUTPUT  -.
42 NOTES   -.
43 AUTHOR  E. Bertin (IAP, Leiden observatory & ESO)
44 VERSION 15/07/99
45  ***/
pc_end(pcstruct * pc)46 void	pc_end(pcstruct *pc)
47   {
48    int	i;
50   free(pc->maskcomp);
51   free(pc->omaskcomp);
52   free(pc->omasksize);
53   free(pc->maskcurr);
54   free(pc->masksize);
55   free(pc->mx2);
56   free(pc->my2);
57   free(pc->mxy);
58   free(pc->flux);
59   free(pc->bt);
60   if (pc->code)
61     {
62     free(pc->code->pc);
63     for (i=0; i<pc->code->nparam;i++)
64       free(pc->code->param[i]);
65     free(pc->code->param);
66     free(pc->code);
67     }
68   free(pc);
70   return;
71   }
74 /********************************** pc_load **********************************/
75 /*
76 Load the PC data from a FITS file.
77 */
pc_load(catstruct * cat)78 pcstruct	*pc_load(catstruct *cat)
79   {
80    pcstruct	*pc;
81    tabstruct	*tab;
82    keystruct	*key;
83    codestruct	*code;
84    char		*head, str[80], *ci, *filename;
85    int		i, ncode,nparam;
87   if (!(tab = name_to_tab(cat, "PC_DATA", 0)))
88     return NULL;
90   filename = cat->filename;
92 /* OK, we now allocate memory for the PC structure itself */
93   QCALLOC(pc, pcstruct, 1);
95 /* Store a short copy of the PC filename */
96   if ((ci=strrchr(filename, '/')))
97     strcpy(pc->name, ci+1);
98   else
99     strcpy(pc->name, filename);
101 /* Load important scalars (which are stored as FITS keywords) */
102   head = tab->headbuf;
104 /* Dimensionality of the PC mask */
105   if (fitsread(head, "PCNAXIS", &pc->maskdim, H_INT, T_LONG) != RETURN_OK)
106     return NULL;
107   if (pc->maskdim<2 || pc->maskdim>4)
108     error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: wrong dimensionality for the PC "
109 	"mask in ", filename);
110   QMALLOC(pc->masksize, int, pc->maskdim);
111   for (i=0; i<pc->maskdim; i++)
112     pc->masksize[i] = 1;
113   pc->masknpix = 1;
114   for (i=0; i<pc->maskdim; i++)
115     {
116     sprintf(str, "PCAXIS%1d ", i+1);
117     if (fitsread(head, str, &pc->masksize[i], H_INT,T_LONG) != RETURN_OK)
118       goto headerror;
119     pc->masknpix *= pc->masksize[i];
120    }
122   pc->npc = pc->masksize[pc->maskdim-1];
124   ncode = 0;
125   fitsread(head, "NCODE", &ncode, H_INT, T_LONG);
126   fitsread(head, "NCODEPAR", &nparam, H_INT, T_LONG);
128 /* Load the PC mask data */
129   key = read_key(tab, "PC_CONVMASK");
130   pc->maskcomp = key->ptr;
132   key = read_key(tab, "PC_MASK");
133   pc->omaskcomp = key->ptr;
134   pc->omaskdim = key->naxis;
135   pc->omasknpix = 1;
136   QMALLOC(pc->omasksize, int, pc->omaskdim);
137   for (i=0; i<pc->omaskdim; i++)
138     pc->omasknpix *= (pc->omasksize[i] = key->naxisn[i]);
140   key = read_key(tab, "PC_MX2");
141   pc->mx2 = key->ptr;
143   key = read_key(tab, "PC_MY2");
144   pc->my2 = key->ptr;
146   key = read_key(tab, "PC_MXY");
147   pc->mxy = key->ptr;
149   key = read_key(tab, "PC_FLUX");
150   pc->flux = key->ptr;
152   key = read_key(tab, "PC_BRATIO");
153   pc->bt = key->ptr;
155   if (ncode)
156     {
157     QMALLOC(pc->code, codestruct, 1);
158     code = pc->code;
159     QMALLOC(code->param, float *, nparam);
160     QMALLOC(code->parammod, int, nparam);
161     code->ncode = ncode;
162     code->nparam = nparam;
163     key = read_key(tab, "CODE_PC");
164     code->pc = (float *)key->ptr;
165     for (i=0; i<nparam; i++)
166       {
167       sprintf(str, "CODE_P%d", i+1);
168       key = read_key(tab, str);
169       code->param[i] = (float *)key->ptr;
170       sprintf(str, "CODE_M%d", i+1);
171       fitsread(head, str, &code->parammod[i], H_INT, T_LONG);
172       }
173     }
175   QMALLOC(pc->maskcurr, double, pc->masksize[0]*pc->masksize[1]*pc->npc);
177 /* But don't touch my arrays!! */
178   blank_keys(tab);
180   return pc;
182 headerror:
183   error(EXIT_FAILURE, "*Error*: Incorrect or obsolete PC data in ", filename);
184   return NULL;
185   }
188 /********************************** pc_fit **********************************/
189 /*
190 Fit the PC data to the current data.
191 */
pc_fit(psfstruct * psf,double * data,double * weight,int width,int height,int ix,int iy,double dx,double dy,int npc,float backrms)192 void	pc_fit(psfstruct *psf, double *data, double *weight,
193 		int width, int height,int ix, int iy,
194 		double dx, double dy, int npc, float backrms)
195   {
196    pcstruct	*pc;
197    checkstruct	*check;
198    codestruct	*code;
199    double	*basis,*basis0, *cpix,*cpix0, *pcshift,*wpcshift,
200 		*spix,*wspix, *w, *sumopc,*sumopct, *checkbuf,
201 		*sol,*solt, *datat,
202 		*mx2t, *my2t, *mxyt,
203 		val,val2, xm2,ym2,xym,flux, temp,temp2, theta, pmx2,pmy2,
204 		wnorm, ellip, norm, snorm;
205    float	**param, *ppix, *ospix, *cpc,*cpc2, *fparam,
206 		pixstep, fval, fvalmax, fscale, dparam;
207    int		*parammod,
208 		c,n,p, npix,npix2,nopix, ncoeff, nparam, nmax,nmax2, ncode;
210   pc = psf->pc;
211 /* Build the "local PCs", using the basis func. coeffs computed in psf_fit() */
212   if (npc > pc->npc)
213     npc = pc->npc;
214   npix = pc->masksize[0]*pc->masksize[1];
215   npix2 = width*height;
216   ncoeff = psf->poly->ncoeff;
217   pixstep = 1.0/psf->pixstep;
218   dx *= pixstep;
219   dy *= pixstep;
221   memset(pc->maskcurr, 0, npix*npc*sizeof(double));
222   basis0 = psf->poly->basis;
223   cpix0 = pc->maskcurr;
224   ppix = pc->maskcomp;
226 /* Sum each (PSF-dependent) component */
227   for (c=npc; c--; cpix0 += npix)
228     {
229     basis = basis0;
230     for (n = ncoeff; n--;)
231       {
232       cpix = cpix0;
233       val = *(basis++);
234       for (p=npix; p--;)
235         *(cpix++) += val*(double)*(ppix++);
236       }
237     }
239 /* Allocate memory for temporary buffers */
240   QMALLOC(pcshift, double, npix2*npc);
241   QMALLOC(wpcshift, double, npix2*npc);
242   QMALLOC(sol, double, npc);
244 /* Now shift and scale to the right position, and weight the PCs */
245   cpix = pc->maskcurr;
246   spix = pcshift;
247   wspix = wpcshift;
248   for (c=npc; c--; cpix += npix)
249     {
250     vignet_resample(cpix, pc->masksize[0], pc->masksize[1],
251 		spix, width, height, -dx, -dy, pixstep);
252     w = weight;
253     for (p=npix2; p--;)
254       *(wspix++) = *(spix++)**(w++);
255     }
257 /* Compute the weight normalization */
258   wnorm = 0.0;
259   w = weight;
260   for (p=npix2; p--;)
261     {
262     val = *(w++);
263     wnorm += val*val;
264     }
266 /* Scalar product of data and (approximately orthogonal) basis functions */
267   wspix = wpcshift;
268   solt = sol;
269   snorm = 0.0;
270   for (c=npc; c--;)
271     {
272     datat = data;
273     val = 0.0;
274     for (p=npix2; p--;)
275       val += *(datat++)**(wspix++);
276     val2 = *(solt++) = val*npix2/wnorm;
277     snorm += val2*val2;
278     }
281 /* Normalize solution vector */
282   snorm = sqrt(snorm);
283   solt = sol;
284   for (c=npc; c--;)
285     *(solt++) /= snorm;
287   if ((code = pc->code))
288     {
289     ncode = code->ncode;
290 /*-- Codebook search */
291     cpc = code->pc;
292     fvalmax = -BIG;
293     nmax = 0;
294     for (n=ncode; n--;)
295       {
296       fval = 0.0;
297       solt = sol;
298       for (p=npc; p--;)
299         fval += *(solt++)**(cpc++);
300       if (fval>fvalmax)
301         {
302         fvalmax = fval;
303         nmax = n;
304         }
305       }
306     nmax = ncode - 1 - nmax;
308 /*-- Interpolation */
309     param = code->param;
310     parammod = code->parammod;
311     nparam = code->nparam;
312     QMALLOC(fparam, float, nparam);
313     for (p=0; p<nparam; p++)
314       {
315       dparam = 0.0;
316       if (parammod[p])
317         {
318         val2 = 0.0;
319         if ((nmax2 = nmax+parammod[p]) < ncode)
320           {
321           cpc = code->pc+npc*nmax;
322           cpc2 = code->pc+npc*nmax2;
323           solt = sol;
324           norm = 0.0;
325           for (c=npc; c--;)
326             {
327             val = *(cpc2++)-*cpc;
328             val2 += val*(*(solt++) - *(cpc++));
329             norm += val*val;
330             }
331           if (norm>0.0)
332             dparam = val2/norm*(param[p][nmax2]-param[p][nmax]);
333           else
334             val2 = 0.0;
335           }
336 /*------ If dot product negative of something went wrong, try other side */
337         if (val2<=0.0 && (nmax2 = nmax-parammod[p]) >= 0)
338           {
339           cpc = code->pc+npc*nmax;
340           cpc2 = code->pc+npc*nmax2;
341           solt = sol;
342           norm = val2 = 0.0;
343           for (c=npc; c--;)
344             {
345             val = *(cpc2++)-*cpc;
346             val2 += val*(*(solt++) - *(cpc++));
347             norm += val*val;
348             }
349           if (norm>0.0)
350             dparam = val2/norm*(param[p][nmax2]-param[p][nmax]);
351           }
352         fparam[p] = param[p][nmax] + dparam;
353         }
354       }
356     solt = sol;
357     cpc = code->pc+npc*nmax;
358     fscale = fvalmax*code->param[0][nmax]*snorm;
359     for (p=npc; p--;)
360       *(solt++) = fscale**(cpc++);
362 /*-- Copy the derived physical quantities to output parameters */
363 /*-- (subject to changes) */
364     obj2->flux_galfit = fscale;
365     obj2->gdposang = fparam[1];
366     if (obj2->gdposang>90.0)
367       obj2->gdposang -= 180.0;
368     else if (obj2->gdposang<-90.0)
369       obj2->gdposang += 180.0;
370     obj2->gdscale = fparam[2];
371     obj2->gdaspect = fparam[3];
372     ellip = (1.0 - obj2->gdaspect)/(1.0 + obj2->gdaspect);
373     obj2->gde1 = (float)(ellip*cos(2*obj2->gdposang*PI/180.0));
374     obj2->gde2 = (float)(ellip*sin(2*obj2->gdposang*PI/180.0));
375 /*---- Copy the best-fitting PCs to the VECTOR_PC output vector */
376     if (FLAG(obj2.vector_pc))
377       {
378       solt = sol;
379       ppix = obj2->vector_pc;
380       for (c=prefs.pc_vectorsize>npc?npc:prefs.pc_vectorsize; c--;)
381         *(ppix++) = *(solt++);
382       }
384     free(fparam);
385     }
387   xm2 = ym2 = xym = flux = 0.0;
388   solt = sol;
389   mx2t = pc->mx2;
390   my2t = pc->my2;
391   mxyt = pc->mxy;
392   for (c=npc; c--;)
393     {
394     val = *(solt++);
395     xm2 += val**(mx2t++);
396     ym2 += val**(my2t++);
397     xym += val**(mxyt++);
398     }
400   obj2->mx2_pc = xm2;
401   obj2->my2_pc = ym2;
402   obj2->mxy_pc = xym;
404   if (FLAG(obj2.a_pc))
405     {
406 /* Handle fully correlated x/y (which cause a singularity...) */
407     if ((temp2=xm2*ym2-xym*xym)<0.00694)
408       {
409       xm2 += 0.0833333;
410       ym2 += 0.0833333;
411       temp2 = xm2*ym2-xym*xym;
412       }
414     if ((fabs(temp=xm2-ym2)) > 0.0)
415       theta = atan2(2.0 * xym,temp) / 2.0;
416     else
417       theta = PI/4.0;
419     temp = sqrt(0.25*temp*temp+xym*xym);
420     pmy2 = pmx2 = 0.5*(xm2+ym2);
421     pmx2 += temp;
422     pmy2 -= temp;
424     obj2->a_pc = (float)sqrt(pmx2);
425     obj2->b_pc = (float)sqrt(pmy2);
426     obj2->theta_pc = (float)(theta*180.0/PI);
427     }
429 /* CHECK-Images */
430   if (prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPCPROTOS] || prefs.check[CHECK_PCPROTOS])
431     {
432     spix = pcshift;
433     solt = sol;
434     for (c=npc; c--; solt++)
435       {
436       ppix = checkmask;
437       for (p=npix2; p--;)
438         *(ppix++) = (PIXTYPE)*(spix++);
439       if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_SUBPCPROTOS]))
440         addcheck(check, checkmask, width,height, ix,iy, -*solt);
441       if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_PCPROTOS]))
442         addcheck(check, checkmask, width,height, ix,iy, *solt);
443       }
444     }
445   if ((check = prefs.check[CHECK_PCOPROTOS]))
446     {
447 /*- Reconstruct the unconvolved profile */
448     nopix = pc->omasksize[0]*pc->omasksize[1];
449     QCALLOC(sumopc, double, nopix);
450     solt = sol;
451     ospix = pc->omaskcomp;
452     for (c=npc; c--;)
453       {
454       val = *(solt++);
455       sumopct = sumopc;
456       for (p=nopix; p--;)
457         *(sumopct++) += val*(double)*(ospix++);
458       }
459     QMALLOC(checkbuf, double, npix2);
460     vignet_resample(sumopc, pc->omasksize[0], pc->omasksize[1],
461 		checkbuf, width, height, -dx, -dy, pixstep);
462     ppix = checkmask;
463     spix = checkbuf;
464     for (p=npix2; p--;)
465       *(ppix++) = (PIXTYPE)*(spix++);
466     addcheck(check, checkmask, width,height, ix,iy, 1.0);
467     free(checkbuf);
468     free(sumopc);
469     }
471 /* Free memory */
472   free(pcshift);
473   free(wpcshift);
474   free(sol);
476   return;
477   }