1 /*
2  * Stellarium
3  * Copyright (C) Fabien Chereau
4  * Author 2006 Johannes Gajdosik
5  *
6  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
7  * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
8  * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
9  * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
12  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * GNU General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
17  * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
18  * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Suite 500, Boston, MA  02110-1335, USA.
19  */
21 #include "SphericMirrorCalculator.hpp"
22 #include <QSettings>
23 #include <QDebug>
24 #include "StelUtils.hpp"
SphericMirrorCalculator(const QSettings & conf)26 SphericMirrorCalculator::SphericMirrorCalculator(const QSettings& conf)
27 {
28 	const Vec3f mirror_position(
29 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/mirror_position_x",0.0).toFloat(),
30 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/mirror_position_y",2.0).toFloat(),
31 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/mirror_position_z",0.0).toFloat());
32 	const float mirror_radius(conf.value("spheric_mirror/mirror_radius",0.25).toFloat());
33 	DomeCenter = mirror_position * (-1.0f/mirror_radius);
34 	const float dome_radius(conf.value("spheric_mirror/dome_radius",2.5).toFloat());
35 	DomeRadius = dome_radius / mirror_radius;
36 	const Vec3f projector_position(
37 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_position_x",0.0).toFloat(),
38 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_position_y",1.0).toFloat(),
39 				conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_position_z",-0.2).toFloat());
40 	P = (projector_position - mirror_position) * (1.0f/mirror_radius);
41 	PP = P.lengthSquared();
42 	lP = std::sqrt(PP);
43 	p = P * (1.0f/lP);
44 	float image_distance_div_height = conf.value("spheric_mirror/image_distance_div_height",-1e38f).toFloat();
45 	if (image_distance_div_height <= -1e38f)
46 	{
47 		const float scaling_factor = conf.value("spheric_mirror/scaling_factor", 0.8).toFloat();
48 		image_distance_div_height = std::sqrt(PP-1.0f) * scaling_factor;
49 		qDebug() << "INFO: spheric_mirror:scaling_factor is deprecated and may be removed in future versions.";
50 		qDebug() << "      In order to keep your setup unchanged, please use spheric_mirror:image_distance_div_height = "
51 				<< image_distance_div_height << " instead";
52 	}
53 	horzZoomFactor = conf.value("spheric_mirror/flip_horz",true).toBool() ? (-image_distance_div_height) : image_distance_div_height;
54 	vertZoomFactor = conf.value("spheric_mirror/flip_vert",false).toBool() ? (-image_distance_div_height) : image_distance_div_height;
56 	const float alpha = conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_alpha",0.0f).toFloat() * (M_PI_180f);
57 	const float phi = conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_phi",0.0f).toFloat() * (M_PI_180f);
58 	float delta = conf.value("spheric_mirror/projector_delta",-1e38f).toFloat();
59 	if (delta <= -1e38f)
60 	{
61 		float x,y;
62 		// before calling transform() horzZoomFactor,vertZoomFactor,
63 		// alphaDeltaPhi must already be initialized
64 		initRotMatrix(0.0,0.0,0.0);
65 		transform(Vec3f(0,0,1),x,y);
66 		const float zenith_y(conf.value("spheric_mirror/zenith_y",0.125).toFloat());
67 		delta = -atan(y/image_distance_div_height) + atan(zenith_y/image_distance_div_height);
68 		qDebug() << "INFO: spheric_mirror:zenith_y is deprecated and may be removed in future versions.";
69 		qDebug() << "      In order to keep your setup unchanged, please use spheric_mirror:projector_delta = "
70 				<< (delta*M_180_PIf) << " instead";
71 	}
72 	else
73 		delta *= M_PI_180f;
75 	initRotMatrix(alpha,delta,phi);
76 }
initRotMatrix(float alpha,float delta,float phi)78 void SphericMirrorCalculator::initRotMatrix(float alpha, float delta, float phi)
79 {
80 	const float ca = cos(alpha);
81 	const float sa = sin(alpha);
82 	const float cd = cos(delta);
83 	const float sd = sin(delta);
84 	const float cp = cos(phi);
85 	const float sp = sin(phi);
87 	alphaDeltaPhi[0] =   ca*cp - sa*sd*sp;
88 	alphaDeltaPhi[1] = - sa*cp - ca*sd*sp;
89 	alphaDeltaPhi[2] =            - cd*sp;
91 	alphaDeltaPhi[3] =           sa*cd;
92 	alphaDeltaPhi[4] =           ca*cd;
93 	alphaDeltaPhi[5] =            - sd;
95 	alphaDeltaPhi[6] = - ca*sp - sa*sd*cp;
96 	alphaDeltaPhi[7] =   sa*sp - ca*sd*cp;
97 	alphaDeltaPhi[8] =            - cd*cp;
98 	/*
99     // check if alphaDeltaPhi is an orthogonal matrix:
100   for (int i=0;i<3;i++) {
101     for (int j=0;j<3;j++) {
102 	  float prod0 = 0;
103 	  float prod1 = 0;
104       for (int k=0;k<3;k++) {
105 	prod0 += alphaDeltaPhi[3*i+k]*alphaDeltaPhi[3*j+k];
106 	prod1 += alphaDeltaPhi[i+3*k]*alphaDeltaPhi[j+3*k];
107       }
108       if (i==j) {
109 	prod0 -= 1.0;
110 	prod1 -= 1.0;
111       }
112       if (fabs(prod0)>1e-10) {
113 	qDebug() << "i: " << i << ", j: " << j
114 		 << ", prod0: " << prod0 << ", prod1: " << prod1;
115 	Q_ASSERT(0);
116       }
117       if (fabs(prod1)>1e-10) {
118 	qDebug << "i: " << i << ", j: " << j
119 	       << ", prod0: " << prod0 << ", prod1: " << prod1;
120 	Q_ASSERT(0);
121       }
122     }
123   }
124 */
125 }
transform(const Vec3f & v,float & xb,float & yb) const128 bool SphericMirrorCalculator::transform(const Vec3f &v, float &xb,float &yb) const
129 {
130 	const Vec3f S = DomeCenter + (v * (DomeRadius/v.length()));
131 	const Vec3f SmP = S - P;
132 	const float P_SmP = P.dot(SmP);
133 	const bool rval = ( (PP-1.0f)*SmP.dot(SmP) > P_SmP*P_SmP );
135 	const float lS = S.length();
136 	const Vec3f s(S/lS);
137 	float t_min = 0;
138 	float t_max = 1;
139 	Vec3f Q;
140 	// more iterations would be more accurate,
141 	// but I keep this number of iterations for exact zenith_y compatibility:
142 	for (int i=0;i<10;i++)
143 	{
144 		const float t = 0.5f * (t_min+t_max);
145 		Q = p*t + s*(1.0f-t);
146 		Q.normalize();
147 		Vec3f Qp = P-Q;
148 		Qp.normalize();
149 		Vec3f Qs = S-Q;
150 		Qs.normalize();
151 		if ( (Qp-Qs).dot(Q) > 0.0f )
152 			t_max = t;
153 		else
154 			t_min = t;
155 	}
156 	Vec3f x = Q-P;
158 	// rotate
159 	const float zb = alphaDeltaPhi[1]*x[0] + alphaDeltaPhi[4]*x[1] + alphaDeltaPhi[7]*x[2];
160 	xb = (horzZoomFactor/zb) * (alphaDeltaPhi[0]*x[0] + alphaDeltaPhi[3]*x[1] + alphaDeltaPhi[6]*x[2]);
161 	yb = (vertZoomFactor/zb) * (alphaDeltaPhi[2]*x[0] + alphaDeltaPhi[5]*x[1] + alphaDeltaPhi[8]*x[2]);
163 	return rval;
164 }
retransform(float x,float y,Vec3f & v) const167 bool SphericMirrorCalculator::retransform(float x,float y, Vec3f &v) const
168 {
169 	x /= horzZoomFactor;
170 	y /= vertZoomFactor;
171 	v[0] = alphaDeltaPhi[0]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[1] + alphaDeltaPhi[2]*y;
172 	v[1] = alphaDeltaPhi[3]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[4] + alphaDeltaPhi[5]*y;
173 	v[2] = alphaDeltaPhi[6]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[7] + alphaDeltaPhi[8]*y;
174 	const float vv = v.dot(v);
175 	const float Pv = P.dot(v);
176 	const float discr = Pv*Pv-(P.dot(P)-1.0f)*vv;
177 	if (discr < 0)
178 		return false;
180 	const Vec3f Q = P + v*((-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))/vv);
181 	const Vec3f w = v - Q*(2*v.dot(Q));
182 	const Vec3f MQ = Q - DomeCenter;
183 	float f = -MQ.dot(w);
184 	f += std::sqrt(f*f - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vv);
185 	const Vec3f S = Q + w*(f/vv);
186 	v = S - DomeCenter;
187 	v *= (1.0f/DomeRadius);
188 	return true;
189 }
retransform(float x,float y,Vec3f & v,Vec3f & vX,Vec3f & vY) const191 bool SphericMirrorCalculator::retransform(float x,float y, Vec3f &v, Vec3f &vX,Vec3f &vY) const
192 {
193 	x /= horzZoomFactor;
194 	const float dx = 1.0f/horzZoomFactor;
195 	y /= vertZoomFactor;
196 	const float dy = 1.0f/vertZoomFactor;
198 	v[0] = alphaDeltaPhi[0]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[1] + alphaDeltaPhi[2]*y;
199 	v[1] = alphaDeltaPhi[3]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[4] + alphaDeltaPhi[5]*y;
200 	v[2] = alphaDeltaPhi[6]*x + alphaDeltaPhi[7] + alphaDeltaPhi[8]*y;
202 	vX[0] = alphaDeltaPhi[0]*dx;
203 	vX[1] = alphaDeltaPhi[3]*dx;
204 	vX[2] = alphaDeltaPhi[6]*dx;
206 	vY[0] = alphaDeltaPhi[2]*dy;
207 	vY[1] = alphaDeltaPhi[5]*dy;
208 	vY[2] = alphaDeltaPhi[8]*dy;
210 	const float vv = v.dot(v);
211 	const float vvX = 2.0f*v.dot(vX);
212 	const float vvY = 2.0f*v.dot(vY);
214 	const float Pv = P.dot(v);
215 	const float PvX = P.dot(vX);
216 	const float PvY = P.dot(vY);
218 	const float discr = Pv*Pv-(P.dot(P)-1.0f)*vv;
219 	const float discr_x = 2.0f*Pv*PvX-(P.dot(P)-1.0f)*vvX;
220 	const float discr_y = 2.0f*Pv*PvY-(P.dot(P)-1.0f)*vvY;
222 	if (discr < 0)
223 		return false;
225 	const Vec3f Q = P + v*((-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))/vv);
226 	const Vec3f Q_x = vX*((-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))/vv) + v*( (vv*(-PvX-0.5f*discr_x/std::sqrt(discr)) - vvX*(-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))) /(vv*vv));
227 	const Vec3f Q_y = vY*((-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))/vv) + v*( (vv*(-PvY-0.5f*discr_y/std::sqrt(discr)) - vvY*(-Pv-std::sqrt(discr))) /(vv*vv));
229 	const Vec3f w = v - Q*(2*v.dot(Q));
230 	const Vec3f w_x = vX - Q_x*(2*v.dot(Q)) - Q*(2*(vX.dot(Q)+v.dot(Q_x)));
231 	const Vec3f w_y = vY - Q_y*(2*v.dot(Q)) - Q*(2*(vY.dot(Q)+v.dot(Q_y)));
233 	const Vec3f MQ = Q - DomeCenter;
234 	// MQ_x = Q_x
235 	// MQ_y = Q_y
237 	float f = -MQ.dot(w);
238 	float f_x = -Q_x.dot(w)-MQ.dot(w_x);
239 	float f_y = -Q_y.dot(w)-MQ.dot(w_y);
241 	float f1   = f + std::sqrt(f*f - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vv);
242 	float f1_x = f_x + 0.5f*(2*f*f_x - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vvX - 2.f*MQ.dot(Q_x)*vv )	/ std::sqrt(f*f - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vv);
243 	float f1_y = f_y + 0.5f*(2*f*f_y - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vvY - 2.f*MQ.dot(Q_y)*vv )	/ std::sqrt(f*f - (MQ.dot(MQ)-DomeRadius*DomeRadius)*vv);
245 	const Vec3f S = Q + w*(f1/vv);
246 	const Vec3f S_x = Q_x + w*((vv*f1_x-vvX*f1)/(vv*vv)) + w_x*(f1/vv);
247 	const Vec3f S_y = Q_y + w*((vv*f1_y-vvY*f1)/(vv*vv)) + w_y*(f1/vv);
249 	v  = S - DomeCenter;
250 	vX = S_x;
251 	vY = S_y;
253 	v  *= (1.0f/DomeRadius);
254 	vX *= (1.0f/DomeRadius);
255 	vY *= (1.0f/DomeRadius);
256 	return true;
257 }