2 /*
3 	edx/emx (EDitor for X), (C) 2002, Terry Loveall
4 	released into the public domain.
5 	Based upon the original work ee.c of Yijun Ding, copyright 1991 which is
6 	in the public domain.
7 	This program comes with no warranties or binaries. Use at your own risk.
8 */
10 /* This is the core editor engine */
12 #define MAXVLINE 450
13 #define EOL 	'\0'	/* end of line marker */
14 #define BLNK	' ' 	/* blank */
15 #define LF		'\n'	/* new line */
16 #define NLEN	256 	/* input buffer length */
17 #define LMAX	10000	/* max line length */
18 #define XINC	20	/* increment for x offset */
20 #define CHG 0	/* file Modified: =0 file not changed, !=0 file changed */
21 #define FIL 1	/* Fill */
22 #define OVR 2	/* character insert=0, Overwrite=1 */
23 #define CAS 3	/* Case sensitive: =0 no, !=0 yes */
24 #define TAB 4	/* Tab expand */
25 #define BLK 5	/* block mark active */
27 #define IND 6	/* auto indent flag */
28 #define REC 7	/* recording macro flag */
29 #define ALL 8	/* replace all flag */
30 #define EDT 9	/* edit flag */
31 #define SHW 10	/* update & show entire screen */
32 #define NEW 11	/* editing a new file */
33 #define WIN 12	/* window: <0 same win, =0 load new */
35 /* buffer sizes */
37 #define AMAX	0x4000 	/* main buffer initial size */
38 #define BMAX	0x1000 	/* block initial size */
39 #define UMAX	0x2000	/* undo level */
40 #define YTOP	0	/* first line */
42 #define VOID_LINK (unsigned int)-1
44 #ifdef GREEK
45 /* Greek letters */
46 static char *greek_letter[26] = {
47 "alpha", "!beta", "Chi", "Delta", "!epsilon", "!Phi",
48 "Gamma", "eta", "iota", "Psi", "kappa", "Lambda", "mu", "nu",
49 "omega", "Pi", "!Theta", "!rho", "!Sigma", "tau", "Upsilon", NULL,
50 "Omega", "Xi", "Psi", "zeta"
51 };
52 int var_greek = 0;                         /* variant of Greek letters */
53 #endif
55 /* character handler types */
56 static enum {
57 		MAIN,
58 		DIALOG,
60 } executive = MAIN; 			/* default character handler */
62 /* current window struct */
63 typedef struct {
64 	char name[NLEN];
65 	int jump;
66 } MWIN; 	/* my window structure */
68 MWIN  ewin;  /* current window */
70 /* undo record struct */
71 typedef struct {
72 	unsigned int link;
73 	int pos;
74 	int length;
75 	char str[0];
76 } U_REC;
78 int x=0, screen_width;		/* screen position 1 <= x <= screen_width */
79 int y=1, screen_height; 	/* screen size 0 <= y <= screen_height */
80 int eolx;					/* coord of eol */
81 int update_scr = 1; 		/* do screen updates flag */
82 int search_mode = 0;		/* was it a replace request ? */
83 unsigned int amax, bmax, umax;	/* main buffer, block size, undo level */
85 char *cfdpath;
86 char Command[256];
88 char *bstart, *bend; 		/* marked block start, end and char pointer */
89 #ifndef MINIMAL
90 char *binding[26];
91 #endif
93 char  bbuf[NLEN]; 			  /* temp file name */
94 char  sbuf[NLEN], rbuf[NLEN]; /* search buffer, replace buffer */
95 char  *s;					  /* pointer to search string */
96 int   rlen, slen;			  /* replace and search lengths */
98 char  *edbuf, *file_end; /* edit buffer, end of file */
99 char  *bb, *mk, *last_mk = NULL;		  /* block buffer, mark */
100 unsigned blen;				  /* length of text in block buffer */
101 char *cur_pos;
102 char *line_start;				/* current pos, start of current line */
103 char *screen_start;				/* global screen start */
104 unsigned int xlo;				/* x offset for left display edge */
105 char *last_pos;					/* last last position visited */
106 char *old_pos;					/* last position visited */
108 int x_offset;					/* offset of xtru from line_start */
109 int xtru = 0, ytru = 0; 				/* file position */
110 int ytot = 0;						/* 0 <= ytru <= ytot */
112 int yl1, yl2; 				  /* 1st, 2nd line of window */
113 int tabsize=4;				  /* tab size */
114 int doCtrlC = 0;				/* decode next char from ^C function */
115 int doCtrlK = 0;				/* decode next char from ^K function */
116 int doCtrlQ = 0;				/* decode next char from ^Q function */
117 int doCtrlX = 0;				/* decode next char from ^X function */
118 int doEscap = 0;				/* decode next char from Esc function */
119 int help_done = 0;
120 int literal = 0;
122 int col;						/* width of dialog preset (if any) */
123 int diastart;					/* start of dialog input field */
124 int first;						/* first dialog char flag, 0=true */
125 int dblen;						/* current dialog buffer size */
126 char *diabuf;					/* dialog buffer pointer */
127 void (*dialogCB) ();			/* callback pointer */
129 static char lbuf[16];			/* goto line number buffer */
130 static char cbuf[16];			/* goto column number buffer */
131 static char wbuf[8]="78";		/* reformat block right margin */
132 static char twbuf[8]="4";		/* tab width buffer */
134 static char mbuf[256];			/* macro record buffer */
135 static char *pmbuf=mbuf;		/* record pointer for macro buffer */
136 struct stat ofstat;				/* edit file stat structure */
138 FILE  *fi, *fo, *fb;			/* file handles for input, output, block */
139 static char fbuf[256];			/* current file name buffer */
141 char	flag[WIN+1]="\0\0\0C\0\0N\0\0E\0";	/* options flag presets */
142 char	fsym[]="MFOCTBNRAE? ";	/* Modified,Fill,Overwrite,Case,Tab,Block marked,autoiNdent,Rec,All */
144 /* word delimiter chars */
145 char wdelims[] = "\t ,;+-*=^&|?:`()[]{}<>\"\'";
146 char sdelims[] = "\t >]})";
147 char s1delims[] = "\t ";
149 int undo_wrap = 0;		/* undo buffer wrap flag */
150 void * unbuf;			/* undo stack */
151 U_REC* undop = NULL;		/* active undo/redo pointer */
152 U_REC* undosp = NULL;		/* top of undo stack pointer */
153 int in_undo;			/* dont reset undop to undosp if true */
154 int undone=1; 			/* have undone all */
156 /* function prototypes */
158 int get_tru(char* pos);
159 char* get_cur();
160 char * realloc_buffer();
161 void init_undo();
162 U_REC* new_undo(char *pos, int len);
163 void u_del(char *pos, int len);
164 void u_ins(char *pos, int len);
165 void ytot_ins();
166 void undo();
167 void redo();
168 void sys_exit(int code);
169 void move_to(int newx, int newy);
170 void getx();
171 void cursor_up(), cursor_down(), cursor_left(), cursor_right();
172 void cursor_pageup();
173 void cursor_pagedown();
174 void word_left();
175 void word_right();
176 void word_mark();
177 void drstr(char* disp, int i);
178 void show_rest(int len, char *s);
179 void show_scr(int fr, int to);
180 void scroll_up();
181 void scroll_down();
182 void scr_update();
183 void show_sdn(int line);
184 void show_flag(int x, int g);
185 void dialog(int key);
186 void show_note(char *prp);
187 int  show_gets(char *prp, char *buf, int blen, void *cb);
188 void options(int key);
189 void show_pos();
190 void show_top(), show_help(), show_mode();
191 void top();
192 char *file_new();
193 void file_read();
194 char *file_ltab(char *s);
195 int  file_write(FILE *fp, char *s, char *e);
196 int  file_fout();
197 void do_save();
198 void set_title();
199 int SYSTEM (char *cmd);
200 void gorun();
201 void new_edit(char *nfile);
202 void do_cd();
203 void chgdir();
204 void do_open();
205 #ifndef MINIMAL
206 void launch_edit();
207 void req_edit();
208 #endif
209 void file_save(int f_all, int f_win);
210 void file_resize(char *s, char *d);
211 void goto_x(int xx), goto_y(int yy);
212 void goto_ptr(char *s);
213 void goline();
214 void goto_last();
215 void goto_line(), goto_col();
216 void gocol();
217 void goto_col();
218 void switch_marks();
219 void find_match();
220 int  str_cmp(char *s);
221 void gofindforward();
222 void gofindbackward();
223 char *goto_find(char *s, int  back);
224 void get_mk(char* dbuf);
225 char *goto_search(int	back);
226 void do_sar();
227 void ask_replace();
228 void goto_replace();
229 void gettab();
230 void tab_size();
231 void getmarg();
232 void window_size();
233 void mark_off();
234 void block_put(), block_get(), block_mark();
235 void remove_block();
236 void block_remove_update();
237 void chg_case(int upper);
238 void transpose();
239 void block_copy(int delete);
240 void block_paste(), block_write(), block_line();
241 void doblockr();
242 void doblockw();
243 void block_read();
244 int  block_fill();
245 void block_format();
246 void key_return(), key_deleol(char *s), key_delete();
247 void key_backspace(), key_delword(int eol);
248 void key_tab(int tabi);
249 void key_normal(int key);
250 void key_macros(int record);
251 #ifdef GREEK
252 void key_greek(int key);
253 #endif
254 void ctrlc_key(int key);
255 void ctrlk_key(int key);
256 void ctrlq_key(int key);
257 void key_alt(int key);
258 void key_control(int key);
259 void key_escape(int key);
260 void key_func(int key);
261 void key_binding(int key);
262 void main_exec(int key);