1In commands, gather up option values first, and check for errors.  If there
2    is an error in an option specification, return before messing with the
3    object.  Otherwise, go ahead and mess with the object.
4Evaluate maxlon and minlon correctly when reading in lat-lons (polar regions),
5    or provide for explicit input of maxlon and minlon (which could be set to
6    bogus).
7Add flag to GeoLnArrToMap that does not worry about segments if just drawing
8    points.
9Create C functions for arithmetic on angles that check for "overflow."
10Restore Sinusoidal projection (or install some other global equal area
11    projection).
12Option to make geomap::lnarr fmbin and fmxdr read double precision.
13Decide if Add*Task and Cnx*Task functions should return success code instead of
14    void.
15Retire gaz@tkgeomap.org
16Optimize the calculations that use spherical trigonometry.
17Make geolinearray and maplinearray structures resemble each other.  If
18projection is cylindrical equidistant, skip maplinearray transformation to
19save memory.