1Optimize pointProc and areaProc for lnarr items.
2In commands, gather up option values first, and check for errors.  If there
3    is an error in an option specification, return before messing with the
4    object.  Otherwise, go ahead and mess with the object.
5Evaluate maxlon and minlon correctly when reading in lat-lons (polar regions),
6    or provide for explicit input of maxlon and minlon (which could be set to
7    bogus).
8Add flag to GeoLnArrToMap that does not worry about segments if just drawing
9    points.
10Create C functions for arithmetic on angles that check for "overflow."
11Optimize the calculations that use spherical trigonometry.
12Restore Sinusoidal projection (or install some other global equal area
13    projection).
14Option to make geomap::lnarr fmbin and fmxdr read double precision.
15Decide if Add*Task and Cnx*Task functions should return success code instead of
16    void.
17Delete temporary variables at end of namespace scripts.
18Key to select east-west or north-south cursor motion.
19Document ::geomap::ProjRef array.
20Menu selection to append directories to auto_path.
21Procedures to get and set colorval and colorscript values.
22Find out why latlontoxy returns erroneous results when run in an igeomap
23update script with the lazy option set.