2/* vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab: */
4 *
5 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL-3.0-or-later)
6 * Copyright 2001 - 2020 Ampache.org
7 *
8 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 *
21 */
23use Ampache\Config\AmpConfig;
24use Ampache\Module\Art\Collector\ArtCollector;
25use Ampache\Module\System\Core;
26use Ampache\Module\Util\Ui;
30$keywords  = $item->get_keywords();
31$limit     = AmpConfig::get('art_search_limit', ArtCollector::ART_SEARCH_LIMIT);
32$art_order = AmpConfig::get('art_order', array());
33$art_type  = ($object_type == 'album') ? T_('Cover Art Search') : T_('Artist Art Search');
34UI::show_box_top($art_type, 'box box_get_albumart'); ?>
35<form enctype="multipart/form-data" name="coverart" method="post" action="<?php echo AmpConfig::get('web_path'); ?>/arts.php?action=find_art&object_type=<?php echo $object_type; ?>&object_id=<?php echo $object_id; ?>&burl=<?php echo base64_encode($burl); ?>&artist_name=<?php echo urlencode(Core::get_request('artist_name')); ?>&album_name=<?php echo urlencode(Core::get_request('album_name')); ?>&cover=<?php echo urlencode(Core::get_request('cover')); ?>" style="Display:inline;">
36    <table class="gatherart">
37        <?php
38        foreach ($keywords as $key => $word) {
39            if ($key == 'year') {
40                $year_str = (string)$word['value'];
41                continue;
42            }
43            if (($key != 'mb_albumid_group' && $key != 'mb_artistid') && ($key != 'keyword' && $word['label'])) { ?>
44                <tr>
45                    <td>
46                        <?php echo $word['label']; ?>&nbsp;
47                    </td>
48                    <td>
49                       <input type="text"
50                    id="option_<?php echo $key . '"'; ?>
51                    name="option_<?php echo $key; ?>"
52                    value="<?php echo scrub_out(unhtmlentities($word['value'])); ?>"
53                    <?php
54                         if ($key == 'album') {
55                             echo ' required';
56                         } elseif ($key == 'artist') {
57                             if ($object_type == 'artist') {
58                                 echo 'required';
59                             }
60                         }
61                     ?>
62                    />
63                  </td>
64                </tr>
65        <?php
66            }
67        } ?>
68        <tr>
69            <td>
70                <?php echo T_('Direct URL to Image'); ?>
71            </td>
72            <td><input type="url" id="cover" name="cover" value="" /></td>
73        </tr>
74        <tr>
75            <td>
76                <?php echo T_('Local Image'); ?> (&lt; <?php echo Ui::format_bytes(AmpConfig::get('max_upload_size')); ?>)
77            </td>
78            <td>
79               <input type="file" id="file" name="file" value="" />
80            </td>
81        </tr>
82       <?php
83        if (in_array('spotify', $art_order)) {
84            if ($object_type == 'album') {?>
85      <tr>
86             <th class="center" rowspan="3" style>
87                <?php echo T_('Spotify Album Filters'); ?>
88             </th>
89             <td>
90                <label for="for artistFilter"><?php echo T_('Artist'); ?></label>
91                <input type="checkbox" id="artistFilter"
92                    name="artist_filter" value="artist"
93                     onchange="validateArtist()">
94             </td>
95         </tr>
96        <tr>
97           <td>
98                <label id="gatherYear" for="yearFilter"><?php echo T_('Year'); ?> </label>
99                <input type="text" id="yearFilter" name="year_filter" size="5" maxlength="9" pattern="[0-9]{4}(-[0-9]{4})?" value="<?php echo $year_str; ?>">
100                <label><?php echo T_("(e.g. '2001', '2001-2005')"); ?></label>
101           </td>
102          </tr>
103          <tr>
104          <td>
105             <label id="gatherLimit" for="searchLimit"> <?php echo T_('Limit'); ?></label>
106              <input type="number" id="searchLimit"
107                name="search_limit" required min="1" max="50" value="<?php echo $limit; ?>">
108          </td>
109          </tr>
110            <?php } ?>
111          <tr>
112             <?php if ($object_type == 'artist') { ?>
113             <td>
114               <?php echo T_('Search Limit'); ?>
115             </td>
116             <td>
117                  <input type="number" id="searchLimit"
118                  name="search_limit" required min="1" max="50" value="<?php echo $limit; ?>">
119              </td>
121          <?php }
122        } else { ?>
123            <td>
124            </td>
125            <?php } ?>
126            <td>
127            </td>
128          </tr>
129        </table>
130     <div class="formValidation">
131        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="find_art" />
132        <input type="hidden" name="object_type" value="<?php echo $object_type; ?>" />
133        <input type="hidden" name="object_id" value="<?php echo $object_id; ?>" />
134        <input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="<?php echo AmpConfig::get('max_upload_size'); ?>" />
135        <?php if (AmpConfig::get('ajax_load')) {
136            $cancelurl = ((string) AmpConfig::get('web_path') == '') ? $burl : (AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/' . $burl);
137        } else {
138            $cancelurl = (string) $burl;
139        }
140         ?>
141        <input type="button" value="<?php echo T_('Cancel'); ?>" onClick="NavigateTo('<?php echo $cancelurl; ?>');" />
142        <input type="submit" value="<?php echo T_('Get Art'); ?>" />
143    </div>
145<?php UI::show_box_bottom(); ?>
147    function validateArtist()
148    {
149       var artist = document.getElementById('option_artist');
151       var checked = document.getElementById('artistFilter').checked;
152       if (checked == true) {
153         artist.setAttribute("required", "true");
154       } else {
155         artist.removeAttribute('required');
156       }
157    }