3 * vim:set softtabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab:
4 *
5 * LICENSE: GNU Affero General Public License, version 3 (AGPL-3.0-or-later)
6 * Copyright 2001 - 2020 Ampache.org
7 *
8 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
9 * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
10 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
11 * (at your option) any later version.
12 *
13 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
14 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16 * GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
17 *
18 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
19 * along with this program.  If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
20 */
24namespace Ampache\Repository\Model;
26use Ampache\Module\Authorization\Access;
27use Ampache\Repository\Model\Metadata\Repository\MetadataField;
28use Ampache\Module\System\Dba;
29use Ampache\Config\AmpConfig;
30use Ampache\Module\System\Core;
31use Ampache\Repository\LicenseRepositoryInterface;
32use Ampache\Repository\UserRepositoryInterface;
35 * Search-related voodoo.  Beware tentacles.
36 */
37class Search extends playlist_object
39    protected const DB_TABLENAME = 'search';
41    public $searchtype;
42    public $rules          = array();
43    public $logic_operator = 'AND';
44    public $type           = 'public';
45    public $random         = 0;
46    public $limit          = 0;
47    public $last_count     = 0;
48    public $last_duration  = 0;
49    public $date           = 0;
51    public $basetypes;
52    public $types;
54    public $link;
55    public $f_link;
57    public $search_user;
59    private $stars;
60    private $order_by;
62    /**
63     * constructor
64     * @param integer $search_id
65     * @param string $searchtype
66     * @param User|null $user
67     */
68    public function __construct($search_id = 0, $searchtype = 'song', ?User $user = null)
69    {
70        if ($user->id) {
71            $this->search_user = $user;
72        } else {
73            $this->search_user = Core::get_global('user');
74        }
75        $this->searchtype = $searchtype;
76        if ($search_id > 0) {
77            $info = $this->get_info($search_id);
78            foreach ($info as $key => $value) {
79                $this->$key = $value;
80            }
81            $this->rules = json_decode((string)$this->rules, true);
82        }
83        $this->date = time();
85        $this->stars = array(
86            T_('0 Stars'),
87            T_('1 Star'),
88            T_('2 Stars'),
89            T_('3 Stars'),
90            T_('4 Stars'),
91            T_('5 Stars')
92        );
94        // Define our basetypes
95        $this->set_basetypes();
97        $this->types = array();
98        switch ($searchtype) {
99            case 'song':
100                $this->song_types();
101                $this->order_by = '`song`.`file`';
102                break;
103            case 'album':
104                $this->album_types();
105                $this->order_by = (AmpConfig::get('album_group')) ? '`album`.`name`' : '`album`.`name`, `album`.`disk`';
106                break;
107            case 'video':
108                $this->video_types();
109                $this->order_by = '`video`.`file`';
110                break;
111            case 'artist':
112                $this->artist_types();
113                $this->order_by = '`artist`.`name`';
114                break;
115            case 'playlist':
116                $this->playlist_types();
117                $this->order_by = '`playlist`.`name`';
118                break;
119            case 'label':
120                $this->label_types();
121                $this->order_by = '`label`.`name`';
122                break;
123            case 'user':
124                $this->user_types();
125                $this->order_by = '`user`.`username`';
126                break;
127            case 'tag':
128            case 'genre':
129                $this->tag_types();
130                $this->order_by = '`tag`.`name`';
131                break;
132        } // end switch on searchtype
133    } // end constructor
135    /**
136     * set_basetypes
137     *
138     * Function called during construction to set the different types and rules for search
139     */
140    private function set_basetypes()
141    {
142        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
143            'name' => 'gte',
144            'description' => T_('is greater than or equal to'),
145            'sql' => '>='
146        );
148        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
149            'name' => 'lte',
150            'description' => T_('is less than or equal to'),
151            'sql' => '<='
152        );
154        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
155            'name' => 'equal',
156            'description' => T_('equals'),
157            'sql' => '<=>'
158        );
160        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
161            'name' => 'ne',
162            'description' => T_('does not equal'),
163            'sql' => '<>'
164        );
166        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
167            'name' => 'gt',
168            'description' => T_('is greater than'),
169            'sql' => '>'
170        );
172        $this->basetypes['numeric'][] = array(
173            'name' => 'lt',
174            'description' => T_('is less than'),
175            'sql' => '<'
176        );
178        $this->basetypes['is_true'][] = array(
179            'name' => 'true',
180            'description' => T_('is true'),
181            'sql' => '1'
182        );
184        $this->basetypes['boolean'][] = array(
185            'name' => 'true',
186            'description' => T_('is true'),
187            'sql' => '1'
188        );
190        $this->basetypes['boolean'][] = array(
191            'name' => 'false',
192            'description' => T_('is false'),
193            'sql' => '0'
194        );
196        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
197            'name' => 'contain',
198            'description' => T_('contains'),
199            'sql' => 'LIKE',
200            'preg_match' => array('/^/', '/$/'),
201            'preg_replace' => array('%', '%')
202        );
204        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
205            'name' => 'notcontain',
206            'description' => T_('does not contain'),
207            'sql' => 'NOT LIKE',
208            'preg_match' => array('/^/', '/$/'),
209            'preg_replace' => array('%', '%')
210        );
212        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
213            'name' => 'start',
214            'description' => T_('starts with'),
215            'sql' => 'LIKE',
216            'preg_match' => '/$/',
217            'preg_replace' => '%'
218        );
220        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
221            'name' => 'end',
222            'description' => T_('ends with'),
223            'sql' => 'LIKE',
224            'preg_match' => '/^/',
225            'preg_replace' => '%'
226        );
228        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
229            'name' => 'equal',
230            'description' => T_('is'),
231            'sql' => '='
232        );
234        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
235            'name' => 'not equal',
236            'description' => T_('is not'),
237            'sql' => '!='
238        );
240        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
241            'name' => 'sounds',
242            'description' => T_('sounds like'),
243            'sql' => 'SOUNDS LIKE'
244        );
246        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
247            'name' => 'notsounds',
248            'description' => T_('does not sound like'),
249            'sql' => 'NOT SOUNDS LIKE'
250        );
252        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
253            'name' => 'regexp',
254            'description' => T_('matches regular expression'),
255            'sql' => 'REGEXP'
256        );
258        $this->basetypes['text'][] = array(
259            'name' => 'notregexp',
260            'description' => T_('does not match regular expression'),
261            'sql' => 'NOT REGEXP'
262        );
264        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
265            'name' => 'contain',
266            'description' => T_('contains'),
267            'sql' => 'LIKE',
268            'preg_match' => array('/^/', '/$/'),
269            'preg_replace' => array('%', '%')
270        );
272        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
273            'name' => 'notcontain',
274            'description' => T_('does not contain'),
275            'sql' => 'NOT LIKE',
276            'preg_match' => array('/^/', '/$/'),
277            'preg_replace' => array('%', '%')
278        );
280        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
281            'name' => 'start',
282            'description' => T_('starts with'),
283            'sql' => 'LIKE',
284            'preg_match' => '/$/',
285            'preg_replace' => '%'
286        );
288        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
289            'name' => 'end',
290            'description' => T_('ends with'),
291            'sql' => 'LIKE',
292            'preg_match' => '/^/',
293            'preg_replace' => '%'
294        );
296        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
297            'name' => 'equal',
298            'description' => T_('is'),
299            'sql' => '>'
300        );
302        $this->basetypes['tags'][] = array(
303            'name' => 'not equal',
304            'description' => T_('is not'),
305            'sql' => '='
306        );
308        $this->basetypes['boolean_numeric'][] = array(
309            'name' => 'equal',
310            'description' => T_('is'),
311            'sql' => '<=>'
312        );
314        $this->basetypes['boolean_numeric'][] = array(
315            'name' => 'ne',
316            'description' => T_('is not'),
317            'sql' => '<>'
318        );
320        $this->basetypes['boolean_subsearch'][] = array(
321            'name' => 'equal',
322            'description' => T_('is'),
323            'sql' => ''
324        );
326        $this->basetypes['boolean_subsearch'][] = array(
327            'name' => 'ne',
328            'description' => T_('is not'),
329            'sql' => 'NOT'
330        );
332        $this->basetypes['date'][] = array(
333            'name' => 'lt',
334            'description' => T_('before'),
335            'sql' => '<'
336        );
338        $this->basetypes['date'][] = array(
339            'name' => 'gt',
340            'description' => T_('after'),
341            'sql' => '>'
342        );
344        $this->basetypes['days'][] = array(
345            'name' => 'lt',
346            'description' => T_('before (x) days ago'),
347            'sql' => '<'
348        );
350        $this->basetypes['days'][] = array(
351            'name' => 'gt',
352            'description' => T_('after (x) days ago'),
353            'sql' => '>'
354        );
356        $this->basetypes['recent_played'][] = array(
357            'name' => 'ply',
358            'description' => T_('Limit'),
359            'sql' => '`date`'
360        );
361        $this->basetypes['recent_added'][] = array(
362            'name' => 'add',
363            'description' => T_('Limit'),
364            'sql' => '`addition_time`'
365        );
367        $this->basetypes['recent_updated'][] = array(
368            'name' => 'upd',
369            'description' => T_('Limit'),
370            'sql' => '`update_time`'
371        );
373        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
374            'name' => 'love',
375            'description' => T_('has loved'),
376            'sql' => 'userflag'
377        );
379        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
380            'name' => '5star',
381            'description' => T_('has rated 5 stars'),
382            'sql' => '`rating` = 5'
383        );
385        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
386            'name' => '4star',
387            'description' => T_('has rated 4 stars'),
388            'sql' => '`rating` = 4'
389        );
391        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
392            'name' => '3star',
393            'description' => T_('has rated 3 stars'),
394            'sql' => '`rating` = 3'
395        );
397        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
398            'name' => '2star',
399            'description' => T_('has rated 2 stars'),
400            'sql' => '`rating` = 2'
401        );
403        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
404            'name' => '1star',
405            'description' => T_('has rated 1 star'),
406            'sql' => '`rating` = 1'
407        );
409        $this->basetypes['user_numeric'][] = array(
410            'name' => 'unrated',
411            'description' => T_('has not rated'),
412            'sql' => 'unrated'
413        );
414        $this->basetypes['multiple'] = array_merge($this->basetypes['text'], $this->basetypes['numeric']);
415    }
417    /**
418     * type_numeric
419     *
420     * Generic integer searches rules
421     * @param string $name
422     * @param string $label
423     * @param string $type
424     */
425    private function type_numeric($name, $label, $type = 'numeric')
426    {
427        $this->types[] = array(
428            'name' => $name,
429            'label' => $label,
430            'type' => $type,
431            'widget' => array('input', 'number')
432        );
433    }
435    /**
436     * type_date
437     *
438     * Generic integer searches rules
439     * @param string $name
440     * @param string $label
441     */
442    private function type_date($name, $label)
443    {
444        $this->types[] = array(
445            'name' => $name,
446            'label' => $label,
447            'type' => 'date',
448            'widget' => array('input', 'datetime-local')
449        );
450    }
452    /**
453     * type_text
454     *
455     * Generic text rules
456     * @param string $name
457     * @param string $label
458     */
459    private function type_text($name, $label)
460    {
461        $this->types[] = array(
462            'name' => $name,
463            'label' => $label,
464            'type' => 'text',
465            'widget' => array('input', 'text')
466        );
467    }
469    /**
470     * type_select
471     *
472     * Generic rule to select from a list
473     * @param string $name
474     * @param string $label
475     * @param string $type
476     * @param array $array
477     */
478    private function type_select($name, $label, $type, $array)
479    {
480        $this->types[] = array(
481            'name' => $name,
482            'label' => $label,
483            'type' => $type,
484            'widget' => array('select', $array)
485        );
486    }
488    /**
489     * type_boolean
490     *
491     * True or false generic searches
492     * @param string $name
493     * @param string $label
494     * @param string $type
495     */
496    private function type_boolean($name, $label, $type = 'boolean')
497    {
498        $this->types[] = array(
499            'name' => $name,
500            'label' => $label,
501            'type' => $type,
502            'widget' => array('input', 'hidden')
503        );
504    }
506    /**
507     * songtypes
508     *
509     * this is where all the searchtypes for songs are defined
510     */
511    private function song_types()
512    {
513        $this->type_text('anywhere', T_('Any searchable text'));
514        $this->type_text('title', T_('Title'));
515        $this->type_text('album', T_('Album'));
516        $this->type_text('artist', T_('Song Artist'));
517        $this->type_text('album_artist', T_('Album Artist'));
518        $this->type_text('composer', T_('Composer'));
520        $this->type_numeric('year', T_('Year'));
522        if (AmpConfig::get('ratings')) {
523            $this->type_select('myrating', T_('My Rating'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
524            $this->type_select('rating', T_('Rating (Average)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
525            $this->type_select('albumrating', T_('My Rating (Album)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
526            $this->type_select('artistrating', T_('My Rating (Artist)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
527        }
528        if (AmpConfig::get('userflags')) {
529            $this->type_text('favorite', T_('Favorites'));
530            $this->type_text('favorite_album', T_('Favorites (Album)'));
531            $this->type_text('favorite_artist', T_('Favorites (Artist)'));
532        }
534        /* HINT: Number of times object has been played */
535        $this->type_numeric('played_times', T_('# Played'));
536        /* HINT: Number of times object has been skipped */
537        $this->type_numeric('skipped_times', T_('# Skipped'));
538        /* HINT: Number of times object has been played OR skipped */
539        $this->type_numeric('played_or_skipped_times', T_('# Played or Skipped'));
540        /* HINT: Percentage of (Times Played / Times skipped) * 100 */
541        $this->type_numeric('play_skip_ratio', T_('Played/Skipped ratio'));
542        $this->type_numeric('last_play', T_('My Last Play'), 'days');
543        $this->type_numeric('last_skip', T_('My Last Skip'), 'days');
544        $this->type_numeric('last_play_or_skip', T_('My Last Play or Skip'), 'days');
545        $this->type_boolean('played', T_('Played'));
546        $this->type_boolean('myplayed', T_('Played by Me'));
547        $this->type_boolean('myplayedalbum', T_('Played by Me (Album)'));
548        $this->type_boolean('myplayedartist', T_('Played by Me (Artist)'));
549        $this->type_numeric('time', T_('Length (in minutes)'));
551        $this->type_text('tag', T_('Genre'));
552        $this->type_text('album_tag', T_('Album Genre'));
553        $this->type_text('artist_tag', T_('Artist Genre'));
555        $users = $this->getUserRepository()->getValidArray();
556        $this->type_select('other_user', T_('Another User'), 'user_numeric', $users);
557        $this->type_select('other_user_album', T_('Another User (Album)'), 'user_numeric', $users);
558        $this->type_select('other_user_artist', T_('Another User (Artist)'), 'user_numeric', $users);
560        $this->type_text('label', T_('Label'));
561        if (AmpConfig::get('licensing')) {
562            $licenses = array();
563            foreach ($this->getLicenseRepository()->getAll() as $license_id) {
564                $license               = new License($license_id);
565                $licenses[$license_id] = $license->name;
566            }
567            $this->type_select('license', T_('Music License'), 'boolean_numeric', $licenses);
568        }
570        $playlists = Playlist::get_playlist_array($this->search_user->id);
571        if (!empty($playlists)) {
572            $this->type_select('playlist', T_('Playlist'), 'boolean_numeric', $playlists);
573        }
574        $playlists = self::get_search_array($this->search_user->id);
575        if (!empty($playlists)) {
576            $this->type_select('smartplaylist', T_('Smart Playlist'), 'boolean_subsearch', $playlists);
577        }
579        $this->type_text('playlist_name', T_('Playlist Name'));
581        $this->type_text('comment', T_('Comment'));
582        $this->type_text('lyrics', T_('Lyrics'));
583        $this->type_text('file', T_('Filename'));
584        $bitrate_array = array(
585            '32',
586            '40',
587            '48',
588            '56',
589            '64',
590            '80',
591            '96',
592            '112',
593            '128',
594            '160',
595            '192',
596            '224',
597            '256',
598            '320',
599            '640',
600            '1280'
601        );
602        $this->type_select('bitrate', T_('Bitrate'), 'numeric', $bitrate_array);
603        $this->type_date('added', T_('Added'));
604        $this->type_date('updated', T_('Updated'));
606        $this->type_numeric('recent_played', T_('Recently played'), 'recent_played');
607        $this->type_numeric('recent_added', T_('Recently added'), 'recent_added');
608        $this->type_numeric('recent_updated', T_('Recently updated'), 'recent_updated');
610        $catalogs = array();
611        foreach (Catalog::get_catalogs('music', $this->search_user->id) as $catid) {
612            $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catid);
613            $catalog->format();
614            $catalogs[$catid] = $catalog->f_name;
615        }
616        if (!empty($catalogs)) {
617            $this->type_select('catalog', T_('Catalog'), 'boolean_numeric', $catalogs);
618        }
620        $this->type_text('mbid', T_('MusicBrainz ID'));
621        $this->type_text('mbid_album', T_('MusicBrainz ID (Album)'));
622        $this->type_text('mbid_artist', T_('MusicBrainz ID (Artist)'));
623        $this->type_boolean('possible_duplicate', T_('Possible Duplicate'), 'is_true');
625        if (AmpConfig::get('enable_custom_metadata')) {
626            $metadataFields          = array();
627            $metadataFieldRepository = new MetadataField();
628            foreach ($metadataFieldRepository->findAll() as $metadata) {
629                $metadataFields[$metadata->getId()] = $metadata->getName();
630            }
631            $this->types[] = array(
632                'name' => 'metadata',
633                'label' => T_('Metadata'),
634                'type' => 'multiple',
635                'subtypes' => $metadataFields,
636                'widget' => array('subtypes', array('input', 'text'))
637            );
638        }
639    }
641    /**
642     * artisttypes
643     *
644     * this is where all the searchtypes for artists are defined
645     */
646    private function artist_types()
647    {
648        $this->type_text('title', T_('Name'));
650        $this->type_numeric('yearformed', T_('Year'));
651        $this->type_text('placeformed', T_('Place'));
653        if (AmpConfig::get('ratings')) {
654            $this->type_select('myrating', T_('My Rating'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
655            $this->type_select('rating', T_('Rating (Average)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
656        }
658        if (AmpConfig::get('userflags')) {
659            $this->type_text('favorite', T_('Favorites'));
660        }
662        /* HINT: Number of times object has been played */
663        $this->type_numeric('played_times', T_('# Played'));
664        $this->type_numeric('last_play', T_('My Last Play'), 'days');
665        $this->type_numeric('last_skip', T_('My Last Skip'), 'days');
666        $this->type_numeric('last_play_or_skip', T_('My Last Play or Skip'), 'days');
667        $this->type_boolean('played', T_('Played'));
668        $this->type_boolean('myplayed', T_('Played by Me'));
669        $this->type_numeric('time', T_('Length (in minutes)'));
671        $this->type_text('tag', T_('Genre'));
673        $users = $this->getUserRepository()->getValidArray();
674        $this->type_select('other_user', T_('Another User'), 'user_numeric', $users);
676        $this->type_numeric('recent_played', T_('Recently played'), 'recent_played');
678        $catalogs = array();
679        foreach (Catalog::get_catalogs('music', $this->search_user->id) as $catid) {
680            $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catid);
681            $catalog->format();
682            $catalogs[$catid] = $catalog->f_name;
683        }
684        if (!empty($catalogs)) {
685            $this->type_select('catalog', T_('Catalog'), 'boolean_numeric', $catalogs);
686        }
688        $this->type_text('mbid', T_('MusicBrainz ID'));
690        $this->type_boolean('has_image', T_('Local Image'));
691        $this->type_numeric('image_width', T_('Image Width'));
692        $this->type_numeric('image_height', T_('Image Height'));
693        $this->type_boolean('possible_duplicate', T_('Possible Duplicate'), 'is_true');
694        $this->type_boolean('possible_duplicate_album', T_('Possible Duplicate Albums'), 'is_true');
695    } // artisttypes
697    /**
698     * albumtypes
699     *
700     * this is where all the searchtypes for albums are defined
701     */
702    private function album_types()
703    {
704        $this->type_text('title', T_('Title'));
705        $this->type_text('artist', T_('Album Artist'));
707        $this->type_numeric('year', T_('Year'));
708        $this->type_numeric('original_year', T_('Original Year'));
709        $this->type_text('release_type', T_('Release Type'));
710        $this->type_text('release_status', T_('Release Status'));
712        if (AmpConfig::get('ratings')) {
713            $this->type_select('myrating', T_('My Rating'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
714            $this->type_select('rating', T_('Rating (Average)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
715            $this->type_select('artistrating', T_('My Rating (Artist)'), 'numeric', $this->stars);
716        }
717        if (AmpConfig::get('userflags')) {
718            $this->type_text('favorite', T_('Favorites'));
719        }
721        /* HINT: Number of times object has been played */
722        $this->type_numeric('played_times', T_('# Played'));
723        $this->type_numeric('last_play', T_('My Last Play'), 'days');
724        $this->type_numeric('last_skip', T_('My Last Skip'), 'days');
725        $this->type_numeric('last_play_or_skip', T_('My Last Play or Skip'), 'days');
726        $this->type_boolean('played', T_('Played'));
727        $this->type_boolean('myplayed', T_('Played by Me'));
728        $this->type_numeric('time', T_('Length (in minutes)'));
730        $this->type_text('tag', T_('Genre'));
732        $users = $this->getUserRepository()->getValidArray();
733        $this->type_select('other_user', T_('Another User'), 'user_numeric', $users);
735        $this->type_numeric('recent_played', T_('Recently played'), 'recent_played');
737        $catalogs = array();
738        foreach (Catalog::get_catalogs('music', $this->search_user->id) as $catid) {
739            $catalog = Catalog::create_from_id($catid);
740            $catalog->format();
741            $catalogs[$catid] = $catalog->f_name;
742        }
743        if (!empty($catalogs)) {
744            $this->type_select('catalog', T_('Catalog'), 'boolean_numeric', $catalogs);
745        }
747        $this->type_text('mbid', T_('MusicBrainz ID'));
749        $this->type_boolean('has_image', T_('Local Image'));
750        $this->type_numeric('image_width', T_('Image Width'));
751        $this->type_numeric('image_height', T_('Image Height'));
752        $this->type_boolean('possible_duplicate', T_('Possible Duplicate'), 'is_true');
753    } // albumtypes
755    /**
756     * videotypes
757     *
758     * this is where all the searchtypes for videos are defined
759     */
760    private function video_types()
761    {
762        $this->type_text('file', T_('Filename'));
763    }
765    /**
766     * playlisttypes
767     *
768     * this is where all the searchtypes for playlists are defined
769     */
770    private function playlist_types()
771    {
772        $this->type_text('title', T_('Name'));
773    }
775    /**
776     * labeltypes
777     *
778     * this is where all the searchtypes for labels are defined
779     */
780    private function label_types()
781    {
782        $this->type_text('title', T_('Name'));
783        $this->type_text('category', T_('Category'));
784    }
786    /**
787     * usertypes
788     *
789     * this is where all the searchtypes for users are defined
790     */
791    private function user_types()
792    {
793        $this->type_text('username', T_('Username'));
794    }
796    /**
797     * tagtypes
798     *
799     * this is where all the searchtypes for Genres are defined
800     */
801    private function tag_types()
802    {
803        $this->type_text('name', T_('Genre'));
804    }
806    /**
807     * clean_request
808     *
809     * Sanitizes raw search data
810     * @param array $data
811     * @return array
812     */
813    public static function clean_request($data)
814    {
815        $request = array();
816        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
817            $prefix = substr($key, 0, 4);
818            $value  = trim((string)$value);
820            if ($prefix == 'rule' && strlen((string)$value)) {
821                $request[$key] = Dba::escape(filter_var($value, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES));
822            }
823        }
825        // Figure out if they want an AND based search or an OR based search
826        switch ($data['operator']) {
827            case 'or':
828                $request['operator'] = 'OR';
829                break;
830            default:
831                $request['operator'] = 'AND';
832                break;
833        }
835        // Verify the type
836        switch ($data['type']) {
837            case 'album':
838            case 'artist':
839            case 'video':
840            case 'song':
841            case 'tag':  // for Genres
842            case 'playlist':
843            case 'label':
844            case 'user':
845                $request['type'] = $data['type'];
846                break;
847            default:
848                $request['type'] = 'song';
849                break;
850        }
852        return $request;
853    } // end clean_request
855    /**
856     * get_name_byid
857     *
858     * Returns the name of the saved search corresponding to the given ID
859     * @param string $search_id
860     * @return string
861     */
862    public static function get_name_byid($search_id)
863    {
864        $sql        = "SELECT `name` FROM `search` WHERE `id` = '$search_id'";
865        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
866        $row        = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results);
868        return $row['name'];
869    }
871    /**
872     * get_searches
873     *
874     * Return the IDs of all saved searches accessible by the current user.
875     * @param integer $user_id
876     * @return array
877     */
878    public static function get_searches($user_id = null)
879    {
880        $user_id = Core::get_global('user')->id;
881        $key     = 'searches';
882        if (parent::is_cached($key, $user_id)) {
883            return parent::get_from_cache($key, $user_id);
884        }
885        $is_admin = (Access::check('interface', 100, $user_id) || $user_id == -1);
886        $sql      = "SELECT `id` FROM `search` ";
887        $params   = array();
889        if (!$is_admin) {
890            $sql .= "WHERE (`user` = ? OR `type` = 'public') ";
891            $params[] = $user_id;
892        }
893        $sql .= "ORDER BY `name`";
895        $db_results = Dba::read($sql, $params);
896        $results    = array();
897        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
898            $results[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
899        }
901        parent::add_to_cache($key, $user_id, $results);
903        return $results;
904    }
906    /**
907     * get_search_array
908     * Returns a list of searches accessible by the user with formatted name.
909     * @param integer $user_id
910     * @return array
911     */
912    public static function get_search_array($user_id = null)
913    {
914        if (!$user_id) {
915            $user_id = Core::get_global('user')->id;
916        }
917        $key = 'searcharray';
918        if (parent::is_cached($key, $user_id)) {
919            return parent::get_from_cache($key, $user_id);
920        }
921        $is_admin = (Access::check('interface', 100, $user_id) || $user_id == -1);
922        $sql      = "SELECT `id`, IF(`user` = ?, `name`, CONCAT(`name`, ' (', `username`, ')')) AS `name` FROM `search` ";
923        $params   = array($user_id);
925        if (!$is_admin) {
926            $sql .= "WHERE (`user` = ? OR `type` = 'public') ";
927            $params[] = $user_id;
928        }
929        $sql .= "ORDER BY `name`";
930        //debug_event(self::class, 'get_searches query: ' . $sql, 5);
932        $db_results = Dba::read($sql, $params);
933        $results    = array();
934        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
935            $results[$row['id']] = $row['name'];
936        }
938        parent::add_to_cache($key, $user_id, $results);
940        return $results;
941    } // get_smartlist_array
943    /**
944     * run
945     *
946     * This function actually runs the search and returns an array of the
947     * results.
948     * @param array $data
949     * @param User $user
950     * @return integer[]
951     */
952    public static function run($data, $user = null)
953    {
954        $limit  = (int)($data['limit']);
955        $offset = (int)($data['offset']);
956        $random = ((int)$data['random'] > 0) ? 1 : 0;
957        $data   = self::clean_request($data);
958        $search = new Search(null, $data['type'], $user);
959        $search->parse_rules($data);
961        // Generate BASE SQL
962        $limit_sql = "";
963        if ($limit > 0) {
964            $limit_sql = ' LIMIT ';
965            if ($offset) {
966                $limit_sql .= $offset . ",";
967            }
968            $limit_sql .= $limit;
969        }
971        $search_info = $search->to_sql();
972        $sql         = $search_info['base'] . ' ' . $search_info['table_sql'];
973        if (!empty($search_info['where_sql'])) {
974            $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $search_info['where_sql'];
975        }
976        if (!empty($search_info['group_sql'])) {
977            $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $search_info['group_sql'];
978            if (!empty($search_info['having_sql'])) {
979                $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $search_info['having_sql'];
980            }
981        }
982        $sql .= ($random > 0) ? " ORDER BY RAND()" : " ORDER BY " . $search->order_by;
983        $sql .= ' ' . $limit_sql;
984        $sql = trim((string)$sql);
986        //debug_event(self::class, 'SQL get_items: ' . $sql, 5);
987        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
988        $results    = array();
989        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
990            $results[] = (int)$row['id'];
991        }
993        return $results;
994    }
996    /**
997     * delete
998     *
999     * Does what it says on the tin.
1000     * @return boolean
1001     */
1002    public function delete()
1003    {
1004        $search_id = Dba::escape($this->id);
1005        $sql       = "DELETE FROM `search` WHERE `id` = ?";
1006        Dba::write($sql, array($search_id));
1008        return true;
1009    }
1011    /**
1012     * format
1013     * Gussy up the data
1014     * @param boolean $details
1015     */
1016    public function format($details = true)
1017    {
1018        parent::format();
1020        $this->link   = AmpConfig::get('web_path') . '/smartplaylist.php?action=show_playlist&playlist_id=' . $this->id;
1021        $this->f_link = '<a href="' . $this->link . '">' . scrub_out($this->f_name) . '</a>';
1022    }
1024    /**
1025     * get_items
1026     *
1027     * Return an array of the items output by our search (part of the
1028     * playlist interface).
1029     * @return array
1030     */
1031    public function get_items()
1032    {
1033        $results = array();
1035        $sqltbl = $this->to_sql();
1036        $sql    = $sqltbl['base'] . ' ' . $sqltbl['table_sql'];
1037        if (!empty($sqltbl['where_sql'])) {
1038            $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $sqltbl['where_sql'];
1039        }
1040        if (!empty($sqltbl['group_sql'])) {
1041            $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $sqltbl['group_sql'];
1042        }
1043        if (!empty($sqltbl['having_sql'])) {
1044            $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $sqltbl['having_sql'];
1045        }
1047        $sql .= ($this->random > 0) ? " ORDER BY RAND()" : " ORDER BY " . $this->order_by;
1048        if ($this->limit > 0) {
1049            $sql .= " LIMIT " . (string)($this->limit);
1050        }
1051        //debug_event(self::class, 'SQL get_items: ' . $sql, 5);
1053        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
1054        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
1055            $results[] = array(
1056                'object_id' => $row['id'],
1057                'object_type' => $this->searchtype
1058            );
1059        }
1060        $this->date = time();
1061        $this->set_last(count($results), 'last_count');
1062        $this->set_last(self::get_total_duration($results), 'last_duration');
1064        return $results;
1065    }
1067    /**
1068     * set_last
1069     *
1070     * @param integer $count
1071     * @param string $column
1072     */
1073    private function set_last($count, $column)
1074    {
1075        if (in_array($column, array('last_count', 'last_duration'))) {
1076            $search_id = Dba::escape($this->id);
1077            $sql       = "UPDATE `search` SET `" . Dba::escape($column) . "` = " . $count . " WHERE `id` = ?";
1078            Dba::write($sql, array($search_id));
1079        }
1080    }
1082    /**
1083     * get_random_items
1084     *
1085     * Returns a randomly sorted array (with an optional limit) of the items
1086     * output by our search (part of the playlist interface)
1087     * @param integer $limit
1088     * @return array
1089     */
1090    public function get_random_items($limit = null)
1091    {
1092        $results = array();
1094        $sqltbl = $this->to_sql();
1095        $sql    = $sqltbl['base'] . ' ' . $sqltbl['table_sql'];
1096        if (!empty($sqltbl['where_sql'])) {
1097            $sql .= ' WHERE ' . $sqltbl['where_sql'];
1098        }
1099        $rating_filter = AmpConfig::get_rating_filter();
1100        if ($rating_filter > 0 && $rating_filter <= 5 && Core::get_global('user')) {
1101            $user_id = Core::get_global('user')->id;
1102            if (empty($sqltbl['where_sql'])) {
1103                $sql .= " WHERE ";
1104            } else {
1105                $sql .= " AND ";
1106            }
1107            $sql .= "`" . $this->searchtype . "`.`id` NOT IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `rating` WHERE `rating`.`object_type` = '" . $this->searchtype . "' AND `rating`.`rating` <=$rating_filter AND `rating`.`user` = $user_id)";
1108        }
1109        if (!empty($sqltbl['group_sql'])) {
1110            $sql .= ' GROUP BY ' . $sqltbl['group_sql'];
1111        }
1112        if (!empty($sqltbl['having_sql'])) {
1113            $sql .= ' HAVING ' . $sqltbl['having_sql'];
1114        }
1116        $sql .= " ORDER BY RAND()";
1117        $sql .= ($limit)
1118            ? " LIMIT " . (string) ($limit)
1119            : "";
1120        //debug_event(self::class, 'SQL get_random_items: ' . $sql, 5);
1122        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
1124        while ($row = Dba::fetch_assoc($db_results)) {
1125            $results[] = array(
1126                'object_id' => $row['id'],
1127                'object_type' => $this->searchtype
1128            );
1129        }
1131        return $results;
1132    }
1134    /**
1135     * get_total_duration
1136     * Get the total duration of all songs.
1137     * @param array $songs
1138     * @return integer
1139     */
1140    public static function get_total_duration($songs)
1141    {
1142        $song_ids = array();
1143        foreach ($songs as $objects) {
1144            $song_ids[] = (string)$objects['object_id'];
1145        }
1146        $idlist = '(' . implode(',', $song_ids) . ')';
1147        if ($idlist == '()') {
1148            return 0;
1149        }
1150        $sql = "SELECT SUM(`time`) FROM `song` WHERE `id` IN $idlist";
1152        $db_results = Dba::read($sql);
1153        $results    = Dba::fetch_row($db_results);
1155        return (int)$results['0'];
1156    } // get_total_duration
1158    /**
1159     * name_to_basetype
1160     *
1161     * Iterates over our array of types to find out the basetype for
1162     * the passed string.
1163     * @param string $name
1164     * @return string|false
1165     */
1166    public function name_to_basetype($name)
1167    {
1168        foreach ($this->types as $type) {
1169            if ($type['name'] == $name) {
1170                return $type['type'];
1171            }
1172        }
1174        return false;
1175    }
1177    /**
1178     * parse_rules
1179     *
1180     * Takes an array of sanitized search data from the form and generates our real array from it.
1181     * @param array $data
1182     */
1183    public function parse_rules($data)
1184    {
1185        // check that a limit or random flag have been sent
1186        $this->random = (isset($data['random'])) ? (int) $data['random'] : $this->random;
1187        $this->limit  = (isset($data['limit'])) ? (int) $data['limit'] : $this->limit;
1188        // parse the remaining rule* keys
1189        $this->rules  = array();
1190        foreach ($data as $rule => $value) {
1191            if ((($this->searchtype == 'artist' && $value == 'artist') || $value == 'name') && preg_match('/^rule_[0123456789]*$/', $rule)) {
1192                $value = 'title';
1193            }
1194            if (preg_match('/^rule_(\d+)$/', $rule, $ruleID)) {
1195                $ruleID     = (string)$ruleID[1];
1196                $input_rule = (string)$data['rule_' . $ruleID . '_input'];
1197                $operator   = $this->basetypes[$this->name_to_basetype($value)][$data['rule_' . $ruleID . '_operator']]['name'];
1198                //keep vertical bar in regular expression
1199                if (in_array($operator, ['regexp', 'notregexp'])) {
1200                    $input_rule = str_replace("|", "\0", $input_rule);
1201                }
1202                foreach (explode('|', $input_rule) as $input) {
1203                    $this->rules[] = array(
1204                        $value,
1205                        $operator,
1206                        in_array($operator, ['regexp', 'notregexp']) ? str_replace("\0", "|", $input) : $input,
1207                        $data['rule_' . $ruleID . '_subtype']
1208                    );
1209                }
1210            }
1211        }
1212        $this->logic_operator = $data['operator'];
1213    }
1215    /**
1216     * save
1217     *
1218     * Save this search to the database for use as a smart playlist
1219     * @return string
1220     */
1221    public function save()
1222    {
1223        $user = Core::get_global('user');
1224        // Make sure we have a unique name
1225        if (!$this->name) {
1226            $this->name = $user->username . ' - ' . get_datetime(time());
1227        }
1228        $sql        = "SELECT `id` FROM `search`  WHERE `name` = ? AND `user` = ? AND `type` = ?;";
1229        $db_results = Dba::read($sql, array($this->name, $user->id, $this->type));
1230        if (Dba::num_rows($db_results)) {
1231            $this->name .= uniqid('', true);
1232        }
1234        $sql = "INSERT INTO `search` (`name`, `type`, `user`, `username`, `rules`, `logic_operator`, `random`, `limit`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
1235        Dba::write($sql, array(
1236            $this->name,
1237            $this->type,
1238            $user->id,
1239            $user->username,
1240            json_encode($this->rules),
1241            $this->logic_operator,
1242            ($this->random > 0) ? 1 : 0,
1243            $this->limit
1244        ));
1245        $insert_id = Dba::insert_id();
1246        $this->id  = (int)$insert_id;
1248        return $insert_id;
1249    }
1251    /**
1252     * to_js
1253     *
1254     * Outputs the javascript necessary to re-show the current set of rules.
1255     * @return string
1256     */
1257    public function to_js()
1258    {
1259        $javascript = "";
1260        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
1261            $javascript .= '<script>' . 'SearchRow.add("' . $rule[0] . '","' . $rule[1] . '","' . $rule[2] . '", "' . $rule[3] . '"); </script>';
1262        }
1264        return $javascript;
1265    }
1267    /**
1268     * to_sql
1269     *
1270     * Call the appropriate real function.
1271     * @return array
1272     */
1273    public function to_sql()
1274    {
1275        return call_user_func(array($this, $this->searchtype . "_to_sql"));
1276    }
1278    /**
1279     * update
1280     *
1281     * This function updates the saved version with the current settings.
1282     * @param array|null $data
1283     * @return integer
1284     */
1285    public function update(array $data = null)
1286    {
1287        if ($data && is_array($data)) {
1288            $this->name   = $data['name'];
1289            $this->type   = $data['pl_type'];
1290            $this->user   = $data['pl_user'];
1291            $this->random = ((int)$data['random'] > 0 || $this->random) ? 1 : 0;
1292            $this->limit  = $data['limit'];
1293        }
1294        $this->username = User::get_username($this->user);
1296        if (!$this->id) {
1297            return 0;
1298        }
1300        $sql = "UPDATE `search` SET `name` = ?, `type` = ?, `username` = ?, `rules` = ?, `logic_operator` = ?, `random` = ?, `limit` = ? WHERE `id` = ?";
1301        Dba::write($sql, array(
1302            $this->name,
1303            $this->type,
1304            $this->username,
1305            json_encode($this->rules),
1306            $this->logic_operator,
1307            $this->random,
1308            $this->limit,
1309            $this->id
1310        ));
1311        // reformat after an update
1312        $this->format();
1314        return $this->id;
1315    }
1317    /**
1318     * _mangle_data
1319     *
1320     * Private convenience function.  Mangles the input according to a set
1321     * of predefined rules so that we don't have to include this logic in
1322     * foo_to_sql.
1323     * @param array|string $data
1324     * @param string|false $type
1325     * @param array $operator
1326     * @return array|boolean|integer|string|string[]|null
1327     */
1328    private function _mangle_data($data, $type, $operator)
1329    {
1330        if ($operator['preg_match']) {
1331            $data = preg_replace($operator['preg_match'], $operator['preg_replace'], $data);
1332        }
1334        if ($type == 'numeric' || $type == 'days') {
1335            return (int)($data);
1336        }
1338        if ($type == 'boolean') {
1339            return make_bool($data);
1340        }
1342        return $data;
1343    }
1345    /**
1346     * album_to_sql
1347     *
1348     * Handles the generation of the SQL for album searches.
1349     * @return array
1350     */
1351    private function album_to_sql()
1352    {
1353        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
1354        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
1355        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
1356        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
1358        $where       = array();
1359        $table       = array();
1360        $join        = array();
1361        $group       = array();
1362        $having      = array();
1363        $join['tag'] = array();
1364        $groupdisks  = AmpConfig::get('album_group');
1366        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
1367            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
1368            $operator = array();
1369            if (!$type) {
1370                return array();
1371            }
1372            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
1373                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
1374                    $operator = $op;
1375                    break;
1376                }
1377            }
1378            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
1379            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
1380            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
1381            if ($groupdisks) {
1382                /* 'album_group' DEFAULT:
1383                 * `album`.`prefix`, `album`.`name`, `album`.`album_artist`, `album`.`release_type`, `album`.`release_status`, `album`.`mbid`, `album`.`year`, `album`.`original_year`
1384                 */
1385                $group[] = "`album`.`prefix`";
1386                $group[] = "`album`.`name`";
1387                $group[] = "`album`.`album_artist`";
1388                $group[] = "`album`.`release_type`";
1389                $group[] = "`album`.`release_status`";
1390                $group[] = "`album`.`mbid`";
1391                $group[] = "`album`.`year`";
1392                $group[] = "`album`.`original_year`";
1393            } else {
1394                $group[] = "`album`.`id`";
1395                $group[] = "`album`.`disk`";
1396            }
1398            switch ($rule[0]) {
1399                case 'title':
1400                    $where[] = "(`album`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1401                    break;
1402                case 'year':
1403                    $where[] = "`album`.`" . $rule[0] . "` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1404                    break;
1405                case 'original_year':
1406                    $where[] = "(`album`.`original_year` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR " .
1407                        "(`album`.`original_year` IS NULL AND `album`.`year` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1408                    break;
1409                case 'time':
1410                    $input   = $input * 60;
1411                    $where[] = "`album`.`time` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1412                    break;
1413                case 'rating':
1414                    // average ratings only
1415                    $where[]          = "`average_rating`.`avg` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1416                    $table['average'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, ROUND(AVG(IFNULL(`rating`.`rating`,0))) AS `avg` FROM `rating` WHERE `rating`.`object_type`='album' GROUP BY `object_id`) AS `average_rating` on `average_rating`.`object_id` = `album`.`id` ";
1417                    break;
1418                case 'favorite':
1419                    $where[] = "(`album`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`user` = $user_id AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'album'";
1420                    // flag once per user
1421                    $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_album_$user_id"))
1422                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $user_id) AS `favorite_album_$user_id` ON `album`.`id`=`favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_id` AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'album'"
1423                        : "";
1424                    break;
1425                case 'myrating':
1426                case 'artistrating':
1427                    // combine these as they all do the same thing just different tables
1428                    $looking = str_replace('rating', '', $rule[0]);
1429                    $column  = ($looking == 'my') ? 'id' : 'album_artist';
1430                    $my_type = ($looking == 'my') ? 'album' : $looking;
1431                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '>=') {
1432                        break;
1433                    }
1435                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<') {
1436                        $input              = -1;
1437                        $sql_match_operator = '<=>';
1438                    }
1439                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<>') {
1440                        $input              = 1;
1441                        $sql_match_operator = '>=';
1442                    }
1443                    if (($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator != '>') || ($input == 1 && $sql_match_operator == '<')) {
1444                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL";
1445                    } elseif ($sql_match_operator == '<>' || $sql_match_operator == '<' || $sql_match_operator == '<=' || $sql_match_operator == '!=') {
1446                        $where[] = "(`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input OR `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL)";
1447                    } else {
1448                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input";
1449                    }
1450                    // rating once per user
1451                    $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1452                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `rating` FROM `rating` WHERE `user` = $user_id AND `object_type`='$my_type') AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id`=`album`.`$column`"
1453                        : "";
1454                    break;
1455                case 'myplayed':
1456                    $column       = 'id';
1457                    $my_type      = 'album';
1458                    $operator_sql = ((int)$sql_match_operator == 0) ? 'IS NULL' : 'IS NOT NULL';
1459                    // played once per user
1460                    $table['myplayed'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['myplayed'], "myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1461                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `album`.`$column`=`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1462                        : "";
1463                    $where[] = "`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` $operator_sql";
1464                    break;
1465                case 'last_play':
1466                    $my_type = 'album';
1467                    $table['last_play'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_play'], "last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1468                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `album`.`id`=`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1469                        : "";
1470                    $where[] = "`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1471                    break;
1472                case 'last_skip':
1473                    $my_type = 'album';
1474                    $table['last_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_skip'], "last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1475                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'skip' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = 'song'"
1476                        : "";
1477                    $where[]      = "`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1478                    $join['song'] = true;
1479                    break;
1480                case 'last_play_or_skip':
1481                    $my_type = 'album';
1482                    $table['last_play_or_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_play_or_skip'], "last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1483                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` IN ('stream', 'skip') AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = 'song'"
1484                        : "";
1485                    $where[]      = "`last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1486                    $join['song'] = true;
1487                    break;
1488                case 'played_times':
1489                    $where[] = "`album`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'album' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id` HAVING COUNT(*) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1490                    break;
1491                case 'release_type':
1492                    $where[] = "`album`.`release_type` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1493                    break;
1494                case 'release_status':
1495                    $where[] = "`album`.`release_status` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1496                    break;
1497                case 'other_user':
1498                    $other_userid = $input;
1499                    if ($sql_match_operator == 'userflag') {
1500                        $where[] = "`favorite_album_$other_userid`.`user` = $other_userid AND `favorite_album_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'album'";
1501                        // flag once per user
1502                        $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_album_$other_userid"))
1503                            ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $other_userid) AS `favorite_album_$other_userid` ON `song`.`album`=`favorite_album_$other_userid`.`object_id` AND `favorite_album_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'album'"
1504                            : "";
1505                    } else {
1506                        $column  = 'id';
1507                        $my_type = 'album';
1508                        $where[] = "`rating_album_" . $other_userid . '`.' . $sql_match_operator . " AND `rating_album_$other_userid`.`user` = $other_userid AND `rating_album_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'album'";
1509                        // rating once per user
1510                        $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1511                            ? "LEFT JOIN `rating` AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type`='$my_type' AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id`=`$my_type`.`$column` AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`user` = $user_id "
1512                            : "";
1513                    }
1514                    break;
1515                case 'recent_played':
1516                    $key                     = md5($input . $sql_match_operator);
1517                    $where[]                 = "`played_$key`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL";
1518                    $table['played_' . $key] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_type` = 'album' ORDER BY $sql_match_operator DESC LIMIT $input) as `played_$key` ON `album`.`id` = `played_$key`.`object_id`";
1519                    break;
1520                case 'catalog':
1521                    $where[] = "`album`.`catalog` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1522                    break;
1523                case 'tag':
1524                    $where[] = "`album`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='album' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1525                    break;
1526                case 'has_image':
1527                    $where[]            = ($sql_match_operator == '1') ? "`has_image`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL" : "`has_image`.`object_id` IS NULL";
1528                    $table['has_image'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `image` WHERE `object_type` = 'album') as `has_image` ON `album`.`id` = `has_image`.`object_id`";
1529                    break;
1530                case 'image_height':
1531                case 'image_width':
1532                    $looking       = strpos($rule[0], "image_") ? str_replace('image_', '', $rule[0]) : str_replace('image ', '', $rule[0]);
1533                    $where[]       = "`image`.`$looking` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1534                    $join['image'] = true;
1535                    break;
1536                case 'artist':
1537                    $where[]         = "(`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1538                    $table['artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `album`.`album_artist`=`artist`.`id`";
1539                    break;
1540                case 'mbid':
1541                    $where[] = "`album`.`mbid` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1542                    break;
1543                case 'possible_duplicate':
1544                    $where[]               = "(`dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1` IS NOT NULL OR `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2` IS NOT NULL)";
1545                    $table['dupe_search1'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MIN(`id`) AS `dupe_id1`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `album` GROUP BY `album_artist`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `disk`, `year`, `release_type`, `release_status` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search1` ON `album`.`id` = `dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1`";
1546                    $table['dupe_search2'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `dupe_id2`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `album` GROUP BY `album_artist`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `disk`, `year`, `release_type`, `release_status` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search2` ON `album`.`id` = `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2`";
1547                    break;
1548                default:
1549                    break;
1550            } // switch on ruletype album
1551        } // foreach rule
1553        $join['song']        = $join['song'] || $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
1554        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
1555        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
1557        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
1559        if ($join['song']) {
1560            $table['0_song'] = "LEFT JOIN `song` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
1561        }
1562        if ($join['catalog']) {
1563            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`song`.`catalog`";
1564            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
1565                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
1566            } else {
1567                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
1568            }
1569        }
1570        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
1571            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_album` ON `catalog_map_album`.`object_id`=`album`.`id` AND `catalog_map_album`.`object_type` = 'album' AND `catalog_map_album`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
1572            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
1573                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
1574            } else {
1575                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
1576            }
1577        }
1578        if ($join['count']) {
1579            $table['object_count'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id`, MAX(`object_count`.`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'album' AND `object_count`.`user`='" . $user_id . "' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id`) AS `object_count` ON `object_count`.`object_id`=`album`.`id`";
1580        }
1581        if ($join['image']) {
1582            $table['0_song'] = "LEFT JOIN `song` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id` LEFT JOIN `image` ON `image`.`object_id`=`album`.`id`";
1583            $where_sql .= " AND `image`.`object_type`='album'";
1584            $where_sql .= " AND `image`.`size`='original'";
1585        }
1586        ksort($table);
1587        $table_sql  = implode(' ', $table);
1588        $group_sql  = implode(',', $group);
1589        $having_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $having);
1591        return array(
1592            'base' => ($groupdisks) ? 'SELECT MIN(`album`.`id`) AS `id` FROM `album`' : 'SELECT MIN(`album`.`id`) AS `id`, MAX(`album`.`disk`) AS `disk` FROM `album`',
1593            'join' => $join,
1594            'where' => $where,
1595            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
1596            'table' => $table,
1597            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
1598            'group_sql' => $group_sql,
1599            'having_sql' => $having_sql
1600        );
1601    }
1603    /**
1604     * artist_to_sql
1605     *
1606     * Handles the generation of the SQL for artist searches.
1607     * @return array
1608     */
1609    private function artist_to_sql()
1610    {
1611        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
1612        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
1613        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
1614        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
1616        $where       = array();
1617        $table       = array();
1618        $join        = array();
1619        $group       = array();
1620        $having      = array();
1622        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
1623            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
1624            $operator = array();
1625            if (!$type) {
1626                return array();
1627            }
1628            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
1629                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
1630                    $operator = $op;
1631                    break;
1632                }
1633            }
1634            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
1635            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
1636            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
1638            switch ($rule[0]) {
1639                case 'title':
1640                case 'name':
1641                    $where[] = "(`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1642                    break;
1643                case 'yearformed':
1644                    $where[] = "`artist`.`yearformed` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1645                    break;
1646                case 'placeformed':
1647                    $where[] = "`artist`.`placeformed` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1648                    break;
1649                case 'time':
1650                    $input   = $input * 60;
1651                    $where[] = "`artist`.`time` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1652                    break;
1653                case 'tag':
1654                    $where[] = "`artist`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='artist' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1655                    break;
1656                case 'rating':
1657                    // average ratings only
1658                    $where[]          = "`average_rating`.`avg` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1659                    $table['average'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, ROUND(AVG(IFNULL(`rating`.`rating`,0))) AS `avg` FROM `rating` WHERE `rating`.`object_type`='artist' GROUP BY `object_id`) AS `average_rating` on `average_rating`.`object_id` = `artist`.`id` ";
1660                    break;
1661                case 'favorite':
1662                    $where[] = "(`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`user` = $user_id AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'artist'";
1663                    // flag once per user
1664                    $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_artist_$user_id"))
1665                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $user_id) AS `favorite_artist_$user_id` ON `artist`.`id`=`favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_id` AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'artist'"
1666                        : "";
1667                    break;
1668                case 'has_image':
1669                    $where[]            = ($sql_match_operator == '1') ? "`has_image`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL" : "`has_image`.`object_id` IS NULL";
1670                    $table['has_image'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `image` WHERE `object_type` = 'artist') as `has_image` ON `artist`.`id` = `has_image`.`object_id`";
1671                    break;
1672                case 'image_height':
1673                case 'image_width':
1674                    $looking       = strpos($rule[0], "image_") ? str_replace('image_', '', $rule[0]) : str_replace('image ', '', $rule[0]);
1675                    $where[]       = "`image`.`$looking` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1676                    $join['image'] = true;
1677                    break;
1678                case 'myrating':
1679                    // combine these as they all do the same thing just different tables
1680                    $column  = 'id';
1681                    $my_type = 'artist';
1682                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '>=') {
1683                        break;
1684                    }
1685                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<') {
1686                        $input              = -1;
1687                        $sql_match_operator = '=';
1688                    }
1689                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<>') {
1690                        $input              = 1;
1691                        $sql_match_operator = '>=';
1692                    }
1693                    if (($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator != '>') || ($input == 1 && $sql_match_operator == '<')) {
1694                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL";
1695                    } elseif ($sql_match_operator == '<>' || $sql_match_operator == '<' || $sql_match_operator == '<=' || $sql_match_operator == '!=') {
1696                        $where[] = "(`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input OR `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL)";
1697                    } else {
1698                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input";
1699                    }
1700                    // rating once per user
1701                    $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1702                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `rating` FROM `rating` WHERE `user` = $user_id AND `object_type`='$my_type') AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id`=`artist`.`$column`"
1703                        : "";
1704                    break;
1705                case 'myplayed':
1706                    $column       = 'id';
1707                    $my_type      = 'artist';
1708                    $operator_sql = ((int)$sql_match_operator == 0) ? 'IS NULL' : 'IS NOT NULL';
1709                    // played once per user
1710                    $table['myplayed'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['myplayed'], "myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1711                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `artist`.`$column`=`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1712                        : "";
1713                    $where[] = "`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` $operator_sql";
1714                    break;
1715                case 'last_play':
1716                    $my_type = 'artist';
1717                    $table['last_play'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_play'], "last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1718                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `artist`.`id`=`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1719                        : "";
1720                    $where[] = "`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1721                    break;
1722                case 'last_skip':
1723                    $my_type = 'artist';
1724                    $table['last_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_skip'], "last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1725                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'skip' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = 'song'"
1726                        : "";
1727                    $where[]      = "`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1728                    $join['song'] = true;
1729                    break;
1730                case 'last_play_or_skip':
1731                    $my_type = 'artist';
1732                    $table['last_play_or_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_play_or_skip'], "last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1733                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` IN ('stream', 'skip') AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = 'song'"
1734                        : "";
1735                    $where[]      = "`last_play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1736                    $join['song'] = true;
1737                    break;
1738                case 'played_times':
1739                    $where[] = "`artist`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id` HAVING COUNT(*) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1740                    break;
1741                case 'other_user':
1742                    $other_userid = $input;
1743                    if ($sql_match_operator == 'userflag') {
1744                        $where[] = "`favorite_artist_$other_userid`.`user` = $other_userid AND `favorite_artist_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'artist'";
1745                        // flag once per user
1746                        $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_artist_$other_userid"))
1747                            ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $other_userid) AS `favorite_artist_$other_userid` ON `song`.`artist`=`favorite_artist_$other_userid`.`object_id` AND `favorite_artist_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'artist'"
1748                            : "";
1749                    } else {
1750                        $column  = 'id';
1751                        $my_type = 'artist';
1752                        $where[] = "`rating_artist_" . $other_userid . '`.' . $sql_match_operator . " AND `rating_artist_$other_userid`.`user` = $other_userid AND `rating_artist_$other_userid`.`object_type` = 'artist'";
1753                        // rating once per user
1754                        $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1755                            ? "LEFT JOIN `rating` AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type`='$my_type' AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id`=`$my_type`.`$column` AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`user` = $user_id "
1756                            : "";
1757                    }
1758                    break;
1759                case 'recent_played':
1760                    $key                     = md5($input . $sql_match_operator);
1761                    $where[]                 = "`played_$key`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL";
1762                    $table['played_' . $key] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_type` = 'artist' ORDER BY $sql_match_operator DESC LIMIT $input) as `played_$key` ON `artist`.`id` = `played_$key`.`object_id`";
1763                    break;
1764                case 'catalog':
1765                    $where[]                = "`artist_catalog`.`catalog_id` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1766                    $join['artist_catalog'] = true;
1767                    break;
1768                case 'mbid':
1769                    $where[] = "`artist`.`mbid` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1770                    break;
1771                case 'possible_duplicate':
1772                    $where[]               = "(`dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1` IS NOT NULL OR `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2` IS NOT NULL)";
1773                    $table['dupe_search1'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MIN(`id`) AS `dupe_id1`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `artist` GROUP BY `fullname` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search1` ON `artist`.`id` = `dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1`";
1774                    $table['dupe_search2'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `dupe_id2`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `artist` GROUP BY `fullname` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search2` ON `artist`.`id` = `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2`";
1775                    break;
1776                case 'possible_duplicate_album':
1777                    $where[]                     = "(`dupe_album_search1`.`dupe_album_id1` IS NOT NULL OR `dupe_album_search2`.`dupe_album_id2` IS NOT NULL)";
1778                    $table['dupe_album_search1'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT album_artist, MIN(`id`) AS `dupe_album_id1`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `album` GROUP BY `album_artist`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `disk`, `year`, `release_type`, `release_status` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_album_search1` ON `artist`.`id` = `dupe_album_search1`.`album_artist`";
1779                    $table['dupe_album_search2'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT album_artist, MAX(`id`) AS `dupe_album_id2`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) AS `fullname`, COUNT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`))) AS `Counting` FROM `album` GROUP BY `album_artist`, LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `disk`, `year`, `release_type`, `release_status` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_album_search2` ON `artist`.`id` = `dupe_album_search2`.`album_artist`";
1780                    break;
1781                default:
1782                    break;
1783            } // switch on ruletype artist
1784        } // foreach rule
1786        $join['song']        = $join['song'] || $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
1787        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
1788        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
1790        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
1792        if ($join['song']) {
1793            $table['0_song'] = "LEFT JOIN `song` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
1794        }
1795        if ($join['catalog']) {
1796            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`song`.`catalog`";
1797            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
1798                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
1799            } else {
1800                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
1801            }
1802        }
1803        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
1804            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_artist` ON `catalog_map_artist`.`object_id`=`artist`.`id` AND `catalog_map_artist`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `catalog_map_artist`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
1805            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
1806                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
1807            } else {
1808                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
1809            }
1810        }
1811        if ($join['count']) {
1812            $table['object_count'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id`, MAX(`object_count`.`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `object_count`.`user`='" . $user_id . "' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id`) AS `object_count` ON `object_count`.`object_id`=`artist`.`id`";
1813        }
1814        if ($join['image']) {
1815            $table['0_song'] = "LEFT JOIN `song` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id` LEFT JOIN `image` ON `image`.`object_id`=`artist`.`id`";
1816            $where_sql .= " AND `image`.`object_type`='artist'";
1817            $where_sql .= " AND `image`.`size`='original'";
1818        }
1819        if ($join['artist_catalog']) {
1820            $table['catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `artist_catalog` ON `artist_catalog`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `artist_catalog`.`object_id`=`artist`.`id`";
1821        }
1822        ksort($table);
1823        $table_sql  = implode(' ', $table);
1824        $group_sql  = implode(',', $group);
1825        $having_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $having);
1827        return array(
1828            'base' => "SELECT DISTINCT(`artist`.`id`), `artist`.`name` FROM `artist`",
1829            'join' => $join,
1830            'where' => $where,
1831            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
1832            'table' => $table,
1833            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
1834            'group_sql' => $group_sql,
1835            'having_sql' => $having_sql
1836        );
1837    }
1839    /**
1840     * song_to_sql
1841     * Handles the generation of the SQL for song searches.
1842     * @return array
1843     */
1844    private function song_to_sql()
1845    {
1846        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
1847        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
1848        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
1849        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
1851        $where       = array();
1852        $table       = array();
1853        $join        = array();
1854        $group       = array();
1855        $having      = array();
1856        $metadata    = array();
1858        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
1859            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
1860            $operator = array();
1861            if (!$type) {
1862                return array();
1863            }
1864            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
1865                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
1866                    $operator = $op;
1867                    break;
1868                }
1869            }
1870            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
1871            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
1872            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
1874            switch ($rule[0]) {
1875                case 'anywhere':
1876                    $tag_string = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='song' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1877                    // we want AND NOT and like for this query to really exclude them
1878                    if ($sql_match_operator == 'NOT LIKE' || $sql_match_operator == 'NOT' || $sql_match_operator == '!=') {
1879                        $where[] = "NOT ((`artist`.`name` LIKE '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) LIKE '$input') OR (`album`.`name` LIKE '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) LIKE '$input') OR `song_data`.`comment` LIKE '$input' OR `song_data`.`label` LIKE '$input' OR `song`.`file` LIKE '$input' OR `song`.`title` LIKE '$input' OR NOT " . $tag_string . ')';
1880                    } else {
1881                        $where[] = "((`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') OR (`album`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') OR `song_data`.`comment` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR `song_data`.`label` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR `song`.`file` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR `song`.`title` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR " . $tag_string . ')';
1882                    }
1883                    // join it all up
1884                    $table['album']    = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
1885                    $table['artist']   = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
1886                    $join['song_data'] = true;
1887                    break;
1888                case 'tag':
1889                    $where[] = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='song' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1890                    break;
1891                case 'album_tag':
1892                    $table['album'] = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
1893                    $where[]        = "`album`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='album' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1894                    break;
1895                case 'artist_tag':
1896                    $table['artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
1897                    $where[]         = "`artist`.`id` IN (SELECT `tag_map`.`object_id` FROM `tag_map` WHERE `tag_map`.`object_type`='artist' AND `tag_map`.`tag_id` IN (SELECT `tag`.`id` FROM `tag` WHERE `tag`.`is_hidden` = 0 AND `tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'))";
1898                    break;
1899                case 'title':
1900                    $where[] = "`song`.`title` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1901                    break;
1902                case 'album':
1903                    $where[]        = "(`album`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1904                    $table['album'] = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
1905                    break;
1906                case 'artist':
1907                    $where[]         = "(`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1908                    $table['artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
1909                    break;
1910                case 'album_artist':
1911                    $where[]         = "(`album_artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' " .
1912                        " OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album_artist`.`prefix`, ''), " .
1913                        "' ', `album_artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1914                    $table['album']        = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
1915                    $table['album_artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` AS `album_artist` ON `album`.`album_artist`=`album_artist`.`id`";
1916                    break;
1917                case 'composer':
1918                    $where[] = "`song`.`composer` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1919                    break;
1920                case 'time':
1921                    $input   = $input * 60;
1922                    $where[] = "`song`.`time` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1923                    break;
1924                case 'file':
1925                    $where[] = "`song`.`file` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1926                    break;
1927                case 'year':
1928                    $where[] = "`song`.`year` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1929                    break;
1930                case 'comment':
1931                    $where[]           = "`song_data`.`comment` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1932                    $join['song_data'] = true;
1933                    break;
1934                case 'label':
1935                    $where[]           = "`song_data`.`label` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1936                    $join['song_data'] = true;
1937                    break;
1938                case 'lyrics':
1939                    $where[]           = "`song_data`.`lyrics` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
1940                    $join['song_data'] = true;
1941                    break;
1942                case 'played':
1943                    $where[] = "`song`.`played` = '$sql_match_operator'";
1944                    break;
1945                case 'last_play':
1946                    $my_type = 'song';
1947                    $table['last_play'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_play'], "last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1948                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1949                        : "";
1950                    $where[] = "`last_play_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1951                    break;
1952                case 'last_skip':
1953                    $my_type = 'song';
1954                    $table['last_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['last_skip'], "last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1955                        ?
1956                        "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` " .
1957                        "WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'skip' " .
1958                        "AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` " .
1959                        "ON `song`.`id`=`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` " .
1960                        "AND `last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type' " : "";
1961                    $where[] = "`last_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1962                    break;
1963                case 'last_play_or_skip':
1964                    $my_type = 'song';
1965                    $table['last_play_or_skip'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['play_or_skip'], "play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1966                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`, MAX(`date`) AS `date` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` IN ('stream', 'skip') AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`id`=`play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1967                        : "";
1968                    $where[] = "`play_or_skip_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`date` $sql_match_operator (UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - ($input * 86400))";
1969                    break;
1970                case 'played_times':
1971                    $where[] = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id` HAVING COUNT(*) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1972                    break;
1973                case 'skipped_times':
1974                    $where[] = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'skip' GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id` HAVING COUNT(*) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1975                    break;
1976                case 'played_or_skipped_times':
1977                    $where[] = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `object_count`.`object_id` FROM `object_count` " .
1978                        "WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `object_count`.`count_type` IN ('stream', 'skip') " .
1979                        "GROUP BY `object_count`.`object_id` HAVING COUNT(*) $sql_match_operator '$input')";
1980                    break;
1981                case 'play_skip_ratio':
1982                    $where[] = "`song`.`id` IN (SELECT `song`.`id` FROM `song` LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(`object_id`) AS `counting`, `object_id`, `count_type` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_type` = 'song' AND `count_type` = 'stream' GROUP BY `object_id`, `count_type`) AS `stream_count` on `song`.`id` = `stream_count`.`object_id` LEFT JOIN (SELECT COUNT(`object_id`) AS `counting`, `object_id`, `count_type` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_type` = 'song' AND `count_type` = 'skip' GROUP BY `object_id`, `count_type`) AS `skip_count` on `song`.`id` = `skip_count`.`object_id` WHERE ((IFNULL(`stream_count`.`counting`, 0)/IFNULL(`skip_count`.`counting`, 0)) * 100) $sql_match_operator '$input' GROUP BY `song`.`id`)";
1983                    break;
1984                case 'myplayed':
1985                case 'myplayedalbum':
1986                case 'myplayedartist':
1987                // combine these as they all do the same thing just different tables
1988                $looking      = str_replace('myplayed', '', $rule[0]);
1989                $column       = ($looking == '') ? 'id' : $looking;
1990                $my_type      = ($looking == '') ? 'song' : $looking;
1991                $operator_sql = ((int) $sql_match_operator == 0) ? 'IS NULL' : 'IS NOT NULL';
1992                // played once per user
1993                $table['myplayed'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['myplayed'], "myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
1994                    ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_count`.`object_type` = '$my_type' AND `object_count`.`count_type` = 'stream' AND `object_count`.`user`=$user_id GROUP BY `object_id`, `object_type`, `user`) AS `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `song`.`$column`=`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` AND `myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
1995                    : "";
1996                $where[] = "`myplayed_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id` $operator_sql";
1997                    break;
1998                case 'bitrate':
1999                    $input   = $input * 1000;
2000                    $where[] = "`song`.`bitrate` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2001                    break;
2002                case 'rating':
2003                    // average ratings only
2004                    $where[]          = "`average_rating`.`avg` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2005                    $table['average'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, ROUND(AVG(IFNULL(`rating`.`rating`,0))) AS `avg` FROM `rating` WHERE `rating`.`object_type`='song' GROUP BY `object_id`) AS `average_rating` on `average_rating`.`object_id` = `song`.`id` ";
2006                    break;
2007                case 'favorite':
2008                    $where[] = "`song`.`title` $sql_match_operator '$input' AND `favorite_song_$user_id`.`user` = $user_id AND `favorite_song_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'song'";
2009                    // flag once per user
2010                    $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_song_$user_id"))
2011                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $user_id) AS `favorite_song_$user_id` ON `song`.`id`=`favorite_song_$user_id`.`object_id` AND `favorite_song_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'song'"
2012                        : "";
2013                    break;
2014                case 'favorite_album':
2015                    $where[] = "(`album`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`user` = $user_id AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'album'";
2016                    // flag once per user
2017                    $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_album_$user_id"))
2018                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $user_id) AS `favorite_album_$user_id` ON `album`.`id`=`favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_id` AND `favorite_album_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'album'"
2019                        : "";
2020                    $join['album'] = true;
2021                    break;
2022                case 'favorite_artist':
2023                    $where[] = "(`artist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input' OR LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)) $sql_match_operator '$input') AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`user` = $user_id AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'artist'";
2024                    // flag once per user
2025                    $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_artist_$user_id"))
2026                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $user_id) AS `favorite_artist_$user_id` ON `artist`.`id`=`favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_id` AND `favorite_artist_$user_id`.`object_type` = 'artist'"
2027                        : "";
2028                    $join['artist'] = true;
2029                    break;
2030                case 'myrating':
2031                case 'albumrating':
2032                case 'artistrating':
2033                    // combine these as they all do the same thing just different tables
2034                    $looking = str_replace('rating', '', $rule[0]);
2035                    $column  = ($looking == 'my') ? 'id' : $looking;
2036                    $my_type = ($looking == 'my') ? 'song' : $looking;
2037                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '>=') {
2038                        break;
2039                    }
2040                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<') {
2041                        $input              = -1;
2042                        $sql_match_operator = '=';
2043                    }
2044                    if ($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator == '<>') {
2045                        $input              = 1;
2046                        $sql_match_operator = '>=';
2047                    }
2048                    if (($input == 0 && $sql_match_operator != '>') || ($input == 1 && $sql_match_operator == '<')) {
2049                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL";
2050                    } elseif ($sql_match_operator == '<>' || $sql_match_operator == '<' || $sql_match_operator == '<=' || $sql_match_operator == '!=') {
2051                        $where[] = "(`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input OR `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` IS NULL)";
2052                    } else {
2053                        $where[] = "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`rating` $sql_match_operator $input";
2054                    }
2055                    // rating once per user
2056                    $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id))
2057                        ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `rating` FROM `rating` WHERE `user` = $user_id AND `object_type`='$my_type') AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $user_id . "`.`object_id`=`song`.`$column`"
2058                        : "";
2059                    break;
2060                case 'catalog':
2061                    $where[] = "`song`.`catalog` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2062                    break;
2063                case 'other_user':
2064                case 'other_user_album':
2065                case 'other_user_artist':
2066                    // combine these as they all do the same thing just different tables
2067                    $looking      = str_replace('other_user_', '', $rule[0]);
2068                    $column       = ($looking == 'other_user') ? 'id' : $looking;
2069                    $my_type      = ($looking == 'other_user') ? 'song' : $looking;
2070                    $other_userid = $input;
2071                    if ($sql_match_operator == 'userflag') {
2072                        $where[] = "`favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`user` = $other_userid AND `favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'";
2073                        // flag once per user
2074                        $table['favorite'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['favorite'], "favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . ""))
2075                            ? "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id`, `object_type`, `user` FROM `user_flag` WHERE `user` = $other_userid) AS `favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "` ON `song`.`$column`=`favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_id` AND `favorite_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'"
2076                            : "";
2077                    } else {
2078                        $unrated = ($sql_match_operator == 'unrated');
2079                        $where[] = ($unrated) ? "`song`.`$column` NOT IN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `rating` WHERE `object_type` = '$my_type' AND `user` = $other_userid)" : "`rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.$sql_match_operator AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`user` = $other_userid AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_type` = '$my_type'";
2080                        // rating once per user
2081                        $table['rating'] .= (!strpos((string) $table['rating'], "rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid))
2082                            ? "LEFT JOIN `rating` AS `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "` ON `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_type`='$my_type' AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`object_id`=`song`.`$column` AND `rating_" . $my_type . "_" . $other_userid . "`.`user` = $other_userid "
2083                            : "";
2084                    }
2085                    break;
2086                case 'playlist_name':
2087                    $join['playlist']      = true;
2088                    $join['playlist_data'] = true;
2089                    $where[]               = "`playlist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2090                    break;
2091                case 'playlist':
2092                    $join['playlist_data'] = true;
2093                    $where[]               = "`playlist_data`.`playlist` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2094                    break;
2095                case 'smartplaylist':
2096                    $subsearch  = new Search($input, 'song', $this->search_user);
2097                    $results    = $subsearch->get_items();
2098                    $itemstring = '';
2099                    if (count($results) > 0) {
2100                        foreach ($results as $item) {
2101                            $itemstring .= ' ' . $item['object_id'] . ',';
2102                        }
2103                        $where[]  = "`song`.`id` $sql_match_operator IN (" . substr($itemstring, 0, -1) . ")";
2104                    }
2105                    break;
2106                case 'license':
2107                    $where[] = "`song`.`license` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2108                    break;
2109                case 'added':
2110                    $input   = strtotime((string) $input);
2111                    $where[] = "`song`.`addition_time` $sql_match_operator $input";
2112                    break;
2113                case 'updated':
2114                    $input   = strtotime((string) $input);
2115                    $where[] = "`song`.`update_time` $sql_match_operator $input";
2116                    break;
2117                case 'recent_played':
2118                    $key                     = md5($input . $sql_match_operator);
2119                    $where[]                 = "`played_$key`.`object_id` IS NOT NULL";
2120                    $table['played_' . $key] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `object_id` FROM `object_count` WHERE `object_type` = 'song' ORDER BY $sql_match_operator DESC LIMIT $input) as `played_$key` ON `song`.`id` = `played_$key`.`object_id`";
2121                    break;
2122                case 'recent_added':
2123                    $key                       = md5($input . $sql_match_operator);
2124                    $where[]                   = "`addition_time_$key`.`id` IS NOT NULL";
2125                    $table['addition_' . $key] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `id` FROM `song` ORDER BY $sql_match_operator DESC LIMIT $input) as `addition_time_$key` ON `song`.`id` = `addition_time_$key`.`id`";
2126                    break;
2127                case 'recent_updated':
2128                    $key                     = md5($input . $sql_match_operator);
2129                    $where[]                 = "`update_time_$key`.`id` IS NOT NULL";
2130                    $table['update_' . $key] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT `id` FROM `song` ORDER BY $sql_match_operator DESC LIMIT $input) as `update_time_$key` ON `song`.`id` = `update_time_$key`.`id`";
2131                    break;
2132                case 'mbid':
2133                    $where[] = "`song`.`mbid` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2134                    break;
2135                case 'mbid_album':
2136                    $table['album'] = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
2137                    $where[]        = "`album`.`mbid` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2138                    break;
2139                case 'mbid_artist':
2140                    $table['artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
2141                    $where[]         = "`artist`.`mbid` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2142                    break;
2143                case 'possible_duplicate':
2144                    $where[]               = "(`dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1` IS NOT NULL OR `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2` IS NOT NULL)";
2145                    $table['dupe_search1'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MIN(`song`.`id`) AS `dupe_id1`, CONCAT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)), LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `album`.`disk`, `song`.`title`) AS `fullname`, COUNT(CONCAT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)), LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `album`.`disk`, `song`.`title`)) AS `counting` FROM `song` LEFT JOIN `album` on `song`.`album` = `album`.`id` LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist` = `artist`.`id` GROUP BY `fullname` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search1` ON `song`.`id` = `dupe_search1`.`dupe_id1`";
2146                    $table['dupe_search2'] = "LEFT JOIN (SELECT MAX(`song`.`id`) AS `dupe_id2`, CONCAT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)), LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `album`.`disk`, `song`.`title`) AS `fullname`, COUNT(CONCAT(LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`artist`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `artist`.`name`)), LTRIM(CONCAT(COALESCE(`album`.`prefix`, ''), ' ', `album`.`name`)), `album`.`disk`, `song`.`title`)) AS `counting` FROM `song` LEFT JOIN `album` on `song`.`album` = `album`.`id` LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist` = `artist`.`id` GROUP BY `fullname` HAVING `Counting` > 1) AS `dupe_search2` ON `song`.`id` = `dupe_search2`.`dupe_id2`";
2147                    break;
2148                case 'metadata':
2149                    $field = (int)$rule[3];
2150                    if ($sql_match_operator === '=' && strlen($input) == 0) {
2151                        $where[] = "NOT EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `metadata` WHERE `metadata`.`object_id` = `song`.`id` AND `metadata`.`field` = {$field})";
2152                    } else {
2153                        $parsedInput = is_numeric($input) ? $input : '"' . $input . '"';
2154                        if (!array_key_exists($field, $metadata)) {
2155                            $metadata[$field] = array();
2156                        }
2157                        $metadata[$field][] = "`metadata`.`data` $sql_match_operator $parsedInput";
2158                    }
2159                    break;
2160                default:
2161                    break;
2162            } // switch on ruletype song
2163        } // foreach over rules
2165        // translate metadata queries into sql for each field
2166        foreach ($metadata as $metadata_field => $metadata_queries) {
2167            $metadata_sql = "EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM `metadata` WHERE `metadata`.`object_id` = `song`.`id` AND `metadata`.`field` = {$metadata_field} AND (";
2168            $metadata_sql .= implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $metadata_queries);
2169            $where[] = $metadata_sql . '))';
2170        }
2172        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
2173        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2175        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2177        // now that we know which things we want to JOIN...
2178        if ($join['song_data']) {
2179            $table['song_data'] = "LEFT JOIN `song_data` ON `song`.`id`=`song_data`.`song_id`";
2180        }
2181        if ($join['playlist_data']) {
2182            $table['playlist_data'] = "LEFT JOIN `playlist_data` ON `song`.`id`=`playlist_data`.`object_id` AND `playlist_data`.`object_type`='song'";
2183            if ($join['playlist']) {
2184                $table['playlist'] = "LEFT JOIN `playlist` ON `playlist_data`.`playlist`=`playlist`.`id`";
2185            }
2186        }
2187        if ($join['catalog']) {
2188            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`song`.`catalog`";
2189            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2190                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2191            } else {
2192                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2193            }
2194        }
2195        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
2196            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_song` ON `catalog_map_song`.`object_id`=`song`.`id` AND `catalog_map_song`.`object_type` = 'song' AND `catalog_map_song`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
2197            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2198                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2199            } else {
2200                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2201            }
2202        }
2203        if ($join['album']) {
2204            $table['album'] = "LEFT JOIN `album` ON `song`.`album`=`album`.`id`";
2205        }
2206        if ($join['artist']) {
2207            $table['artist'] = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `song`.`artist`=`artist`.`id`";
2208        }
2209        ksort($table);
2210        $table_sql  = implode(' ', $table);
2211        $group_sql  = implode(',', $group);
2212        $having_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $having);
2214        return array(
2215            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`song`.`id`), `song`.`file` FROM `song`',
2216            'join' => $join,
2217            'where' => $where,
2218            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2219            'table' => $table,
2220            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
2221            'group_sql' => $group_sql,
2222            'having_sql' => $having_sql
2223        );
2224    }
2226    /**
2227     * video_to_sql
2228     *
2229     * Handles the generation of the SQL for video searches.
2230     * @return array
2231     */
2232    private function video_to_sql()
2233    {
2234        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
2235        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
2236        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
2237        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
2239        $where  = array();
2240        $table  = array();
2241        $join   = array();
2242        $group  = array();
2243        $having = array();
2245        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
2246            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
2247            $operator = array();
2248            if (!$type) {
2249                return array();
2250            }
2251            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
2252                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
2253                    $operator = $op;
2254                    break;
2255                }
2256            }
2257            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
2258            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
2259            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
2261            switch ($rule[0]) {
2262                case 'file':
2263                    $where[] = "`video`.`file` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2264                    break;
2265                default:
2266                    break;
2267            } // switch on ruletype
2268        } // foreach rule
2270        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
2271        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2273        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2275        if ($join['catalog']) {
2276            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`video`.`catalog`";
2277            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2278                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `video`.`enabled` = 1";
2279            } else {
2280                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `video`.`enabled` = 1";
2281            }
2282        }
2283        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
2284            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_video` ON `catalog_map_video`.`object_id`=`video`.`id` AND `catalog_map_video`.`object_type` = 'video' AND `catalog_map_video`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
2285            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2286                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2287            } else {
2288                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2289            }
2290        }
2291        ksort($table);
2292        $table_sql  = implode(' ', $table);
2293        $group_sql  = implode(',', $group);
2294        $having_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $having);
2296        return array(
2297            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`video`.`id`), `video`.`file` FROM `video`',
2298            'join' => $join,
2299            'where' => $where,
2300            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2301            'table' => $table,
2302            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
2303            'group_sql' => $group_sql,
2304            'having_sql' => $having_sql
2305        );
2306    }
2308    /**
2309     * playlist_to_sql
2310     *
2311     * Handles the generation of the SQL for playlist searches.
2312     * @return array
2313     */
2314    private function playlist_to_sql()
2315    {
2316        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
2317        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
2318        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
2319        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
2321        $where  = array();
2322        $table  = array();
2323        $join   = array();
2324        $group  = array();
2325        $having = array();
2327        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
2328            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
2329            $operator = array();
2330            if (!$type) {
2331                return array();
2332            }
2333            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
2334                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
2335                    $operator = $op;
2336                    break;
2337                }
2338            }
2339            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
2340            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
2341            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
2343            $where[] = "(`playlist`.`type` = 'public' OR `playlist`.`user`=" . $user_id . ")";
2345            switch ($rule[0]) {
2346                case 'title':
2347                case 'name':
2348                    $where[] = "`playlist`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2349                    break;
2350                default:
2351                    break;
2352            } // switch on ruletype
2353        } // foreach rule
2355        $join['playlist_data'] = true;
2356        $join['song']          = $join['song'] || $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2357        $join['catalog']       = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2358        $join['catalog_map']   = $catalog_filter;
2360        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2362        if ($join['playlist_data']) {
2363            $table['0_playlist_data'] = "LEFT JOIN `playlist_data` ON `playlist_data`.`playlist` = `playlist`.`id`";
2364        }
2365        if ($join['song']) {
2366            $table['0_song'] = "LEFT JOIN `song` ON `song`.`id`=`playlist_data`.`object_id`";
2367            $where_sql .= " AND `playlist_data`.`object_type` = 'song'";
2368        }
2369        if ($join['catalog']) {
2370            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`song`.`catalog`";
2371            if ($catalog_disable) {
2372                if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2373                    $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2374                } else {
2375                    $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2376                }
2377            }
2378        }
2379        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
2380            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2381                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2382            } else {
2383                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2384            }
2385        }
2386        ksort($table);
2387        $table_sql  = implode(' ', $table);
2388        $group_sql  = implode(',', $group);
2389        $having_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $having);
2391        return array(
2392            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`playlist`.`id`), `playlist`.`name` FROM `playlist`',
2393            'join' => $join,
2394            'where' => $where,
2395            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2396            'table' => $table,
2397            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
2398            'group_sql' => $group_sql,
2399            'having_sql' => $having_sql
2400        );
2401    }
2403    /**
2404     * label_to_sql
2405     *
2406     * Handles the generation of the SQL for label searches.
2407     * @return array
2408     */
2409    private function label_to_sql()
2410    {
2411        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
2412        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
2413        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
2414        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
2416        $where = array();
2417        $table = array();
2418        $join  = array();
2420        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
2421            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
2422            $operator = array();
2423            if (!$type) {
2424                return array();
2425            }
2426            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
2427                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
2428                    $operator = $op;
2429                    break;
2430                }
2431            }
2432            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
2433            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
2434            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
2436            switch ($rule[0]) {
2437                case 'title':
2438                case 'name':
2439                    $where[] = "`label`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2440                    break;
2441                case 'category':
2442                    $where[] = "`label`.`category` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2443                    break;
2444                default:
2445                    break;
2446            } // switch on ruletype
2447        } // foreach rule
2449        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
2450        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2452        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2454        if ($catalog_disable || $catalog_filter) {
2455            $table['0_label_asso']  = "LEFT JOIN `label_asso` ON `label_asso`.`label` = `label`.`id`";
2456            $table['1_artist']      = "LEFT JOIN `artist` ON `label_asso`.`artist` = `artist`.`id`";
2457            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_artist` ON `catalog_map_artist`.`object_id`=`artist`.`id` AND `catalog_map_artist`.`object_type` = 'artist'";
2458        }
2460        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
2461            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2462                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_map_artist`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2463            } else {
2464                $where_sql .= " `catalog_map_artist`.`object_type` = 'artist' AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2465            }
2466        }
2467        if ($join['catalog']) {
2468            $table['3_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog`AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_map_artist`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
2469            if ($catalog_disable) {
2470                if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2471                    $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1'";
2472                } else {
2473                    $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1'";
2474                }
2475            }
2476        }
2477        $table_sql = implode(' ', $table);
2479        return array(
2480            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`label`.`id`), `label`.`name` FROM `label`',
2481            'join' => $join,
2482            'where' => $where,
2483            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2484            'table' => $table,
2485            'table_sql' => $table_sql,
2486            'group_sql' => '',
2487            'having_sql' => ''
2488        );
2489    }
2491    /**
2492       * tag_to_sql
2493       *
2494       * Handles the generation of the SQL for tag (genre) searches.
2495       * @return array
2496       */
2498    private function tag_to_sql()
2499    {
2500        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
2501        $user_id            = $this->search_user->id;
2502        $catalog_disable    = AmpConfig::get('catalog_disable');
2503        $catalog_filter     = AmpConfig::get('catalog_filter');
2505        $where = array();
2506        $table = array();
2507        $join  = array();
2509        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
2510            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
2511            $operator = array();
2512            if (!$type) {
2513                return array();
2514            }
2515            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
2516                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
2517                    $operator = $op;
2518                    break;
2519                }
2520            }
2521            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
2522            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
2523            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
2525            switch ($rule[0]) {
2526                case 'title':
2527                case 'name':
2528                    $where[] = "`tag`.`name` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2529                    break;
2530                case 'category':
2531                    $where[] = "`tag`.`category` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2532                    break;
2533                default:
2534                    break;
2535            } // switch on ruletype
2536        } // foreach rule
2538        $join['catalog_map'] = $catalog_filter;
2539        $join['catalog']     = $catalog_disable || $catalog_filter;
2541        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2543        if ($join['catalog']) {
2544            $table['1_catalog'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog` AS `catalog_se` ON `catalog_se`.`id`=`song`.`catalog`";
2545            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2546                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2547            } else {
2548                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`enabled` = '1' AND `song`.`enabled` = 1";
2549            }
2550        }
2551        if ($join['catalog_map']) {
2552            $table['2_catalog_map'] = "LEFT JOIN `catalog_map` AS `catalog_map_album` ON `catalog_map_album`.`object_id`=`album`.`id` AND `catalog_map_album`.`object_type` = 'album' AND `catalog_map_album`.`catalog_id` = `catalog_se`.`id`";
2553            if (!empty($where_sql)) {
2554                $where_sql .= " AND `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2555            } else {
2556                $where_sql .= " `catalog_se`.`filter_user` IN (0, $user_id)";
2557            }
2558        }
2560        return array(
2561            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`tag`.`id`) FROM `tag`',
2562            'join' => $join,
2563            'where' => $where,
2564            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2565            'table' => $table,
2566            'table_sql' => '',
2567            'group_sql' => '',
2568            'having_sql' => ''
2569        );
2570    }
2572    /**
2573     * user_to_sql
2574     *
2575     * Handles the generation of the SQL for user searches.
2576     * @return array
2577     */
2578    private function user_to_sql()
2579    {
2580        $sql_logic_operator = $this->logic_operator;
2582        $where = array();
2583        $table = array();
2584        $join  = array();
2586        foreach ($this->rules as $rule) {
2587            $type     = $this->name_to_basetype($rule[0]);
2588            $operator = array();
2589            if (!$type) {
2590                return array();
2591            }
2592            foreach ($this->basetypes[$type] as $op) {
2593                if ($op['name'] == $rule[1]) {
2594                    $operator = $op;
2595                    break;
2596                }
2597            }
2598            $raw_input          = $this->_mangle_data($rule[2], $type, $operator);
2599            $input              = filter_var($raw_input, FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING, FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES);
2600            $sql_match_operator = $operator['sql'];
2602            switch ($rule[0]) {
2603                case 'username':
2604                    $where[] = "`user`.`username` $sql_match_operator '$input'";
2605                    break;
2606                default:
2607                    break;
2608            } // switch on ruletype
2609        } // foreach rule
2611        $where_sql = implode(" $sql_logic_operator ", $where);
2612        ksort($table);
2614        return array(
2615            'base' => 'SELECT DISTINCT(`user`.`id`), `user`.`username` FROM `user`',
2616            'join' => $join,
2617            'where' => $where,
2618            'where_sql' => $where_sql,
2619            'table' => $table,
2620            'table_sql' => '',
2621            'group_sql' => '',
2622            'having_sql' => ''
2623        );
2624    }
2626    /**
2627     * year_search
2628     *
2629     * Build search rules for year -> year searching.
2630     * @param $fromYear
2631     * @param $toYear
2632     * @param $size
2633     * @param $offset
2634     * @return array
2635     */
2636    public static function year_search($fromYear, $toYear, $size, $offset)
2637    {
2638        $search           = array();
2639        $search['limit']  = $size;
2640        $search['offset'] = $offset;
2641        $search['type']   = "album";
2642        $count            = 0;
2643        if ($fromYear) {
2644            $search['rule_' . $count . '_input']    = $fromYear;
2645            $search['rule_' . $count . '_operator'] = 0;
2646            $search['rule_' . $count . '']          = "original_year";
2647            ++$count;
2648        }
2649        if ($toYear) {
2650            $search['rule_' . $count . '_input']    = $toYear;
2651            $search['rule_' . $count . '_operator'] = 1;
2652            $search['rule_' . $count . '']          = "original_year";
2653            ++$count;
2654        }
2656        return $search;
2657    }
2659    /**
2660     * @deprecated
2661     */
2662    private function getLicenseRepository(): LicenseRepositoryInterface
2663    {
2664        global $dic;
2666        return $dic->get(LicenseRepositoryInterface::class);
2667    }
2669    /**
2670     * @deprecated inject dependency
2671     */
2672    private function getUserRepository(): UserRepositoryInterface
2673    {
2674        global $dic;
2676        return $dic->get(UserRepositoryInterface::class);
2677    }