1 #define MYRECIPLN2	1.442695040888963407359924681001892137426	// 1.0/log(2)
3 /* some useful conversions between a number and its power of 2 */
4 #define LOG2(a)	(MYRECIPLN2*log(a))	// floating point logarithm base 2
5 #define POW2(m) ((unsigned long) 1 << (m))	// integer power of 2 for m<32
7 /*******************************************************************
8 lower level fft stuff called by routines in fftext.c and fft2d.c
9 *******************************************************************/
11 void fftCosInit(long M, float *Utbl);
12 /* Compute Utbl, the cosine table for ffts	*/
13 /* of size (pow(2,M)/4 +1)	*/
14 /* INPUTS */
15 /* M = log2 of fft size	*/
16 /* OUTPUTS */
17 /* *Utbl = cosine table	*/
19 void fftBRInit(long M, short *BRLow);
20 /* Compute BRLow, the bit reversed table for ffts	*/
21 /* of size pow(2,M/2 -1)	*/
22 /* INPUTS */
23 /* M = log2 of fft size	*/
24 /* OUTPUTS */
25 /* *BRLow = bit reversed counter table	*/
27 void ffts1(float *ioptr, long M, long Rows, float *Utbl, short *BRLow);
28 /* Compute in-place complex fft on the rows of the input array	*/
29 /* INPUTS */
30 /* *ioptr = input data array	*/
31 /* M = log2 of fft size	(ex M=10 for 1024 point fft) */
32 /* Rows = number of rows in ioptr array (use Rows of 1 if ioptr is a 1 dimensional array)	*/
33 /* *Utbl = cosine table	*/
34 /* *BRLow = bit reversed counter table	*/
35 /* OUTPUTS */
36 /* *ioptr = output data array	*/
38 void iffts1(float *ioptr, long M, long Rows, float *Utbl, short *BRLow);
39 /* Compute in-place inverse complex fft on the rows of the input array	*/
40 /* INPUTS */
41 /* *ioptr = input data array	*/
42 /* M = log2 of fft size	*/
43 /* Rows = number of rows in ioptr array (use Rows of 1 if ioptr is a 1 dimensional array)	*/
44 /* *Utbl = cosine table	*/
45 /* *BRLow = bit reversed counter table	*/
46 /* OUTPUTS */
47 /* *ioptr = output data array	*/
49 void rffts1(float *ioptr, long M, long Rows, float *Utbl, short *BRLow);
50 /* Compute in-place real fft on the rows of the input array	*/
51 /* The result is the complex spectra of the positive frequencies */
52 /* except the location for the first complex number contains the real */
53 /* values for DC and Nyquest */
54 /* INPUTS */
55 /* *ioptr = real input data array	*/
56 /* M = log2 of fft size	*/
57 /* Rows = number of rows in ioptr array (use Rows of 1 if ioptr is a 1 dimensional array)	*/
58 /* *Utbl = cosine table	*/
59 /* *BRLow = bit reversed counter table	*/
60 /* OUTPUTS */
61 /* *ioptr = output data array	in the following order */
62 /* Re(x[0]), Re(x[N/2]), Re(x[1]), Im(x[1]), Re(x[2]), Im(x[2]), ... Re(x[N/2-1]), Im(x[N/2-1]). */
65 void riffts1(float *ioptr, long M, long Rows, float *Utbl, short *BRLow);
66 /* Compute in-place real ifft on the rows of the input array	*/
67 /* data order as from rffts1 */
68 /* INPUTS */
69 /* *ioptr = input data array in the following order	*/
70 /* M = log2 of fft size	*/
71 /* Re(x[0]), Re(x[N/2]), Re(x[1]), Im(x[1]), Re(x[2]), Im(x[2]), ... Re(x[N/2-1]), Im(x[N/2-1]). */
72 /* Rows = number of rows in ioptr array (use Rows of 1 if ioptr is a 1 dimensional array)	*/
73 /* *Utbl = cosine table	*/
74 /* *BRLow = bit reversed counter table	*/
75 /* OUTPUTS */
76 /* *ioptr = real output data array	*/