1 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
2 // Project     : VST SDK
3 //
4 // Category    : Interfaces
5 // Filename    : pluginterfaces/vst/ivstunits.h
6 // Created by  : Steinberg, 2005
7 // Description : VST Units Interfaces
8 //
9 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 // This file is part of a Steinberg SDK. It is subject to the license terms
11 // in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution
12 // and at www.steinberg.net/sdklicenses.
13 // No part of the SDK, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated,
14 // or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file.
15 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
17 #pragma once
19 #include "pluginterfaces/base/funknown.h"
20 #include "vsttypes.h"
22 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
23 #include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpush.h"
24 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
26 namespace Steinberg {
27 class IBStream;
29 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 namespace Vst {
31 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 /** Special UnitIDs for UnitInfo */
33 static const UnitID kRootUnitId	= 0;        ///< identifier for the top level unit (root)
34 static const UnitID kNoParentUnitId = -1;	///< used for the root unit which doesn't have a parent.
36 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 /** Special ProgramListIDs for UnitInfo */
38 static const ProgramListID kNoProgramListId = -1;	///< no programs are used in the unit.
40 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 /** Basic Unit Description.
42 \see IUnitInfo */
43 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
44 struct UnitInfo
45 {
46 	UnitID id;						///< unit identifier
47 	UnitID parentUnitId;			///< identifier of parent unit (kNoParentUnitId: does not apply, this unit is the root)
48 	String128 name;					///< name, optional for the root component, required otherwise
49 	ProgramListID programListId;	///< id of program list used in unit (kNoProgramListId = no programs used in this unit)
50 };
52 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
53 /** Basic Program List Description.
54 \see IUnitInfo */
55 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 struct ProgramListInfo
57 {
58 	ProgramListID id;				///< program list identifier
59 	String128 name;					///< name of program list
60 	int32 programCount;				///< number of programs in this list
61 };
63 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 /** Special programIndex value for IUnitHandler::notifyProgramListChange */
65 static const int32 kAllProgramInvalid =	-1;		///< all program information is invalid
67 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
68 /** Host callback for unit support.
69 \ingroup vstIHost vst300
70 - [host imp]
71 - [extends IComponentHandler]
72 - [released: 3.0.0]
73 - [optional]
75 Host callback interface, used with IUnitInfo.
76 Retrieve via queryInterface from IComponentHandler.
78 \see \ref vst3Units, IUnitInfo */
79 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
80 class IUnitHandler: public FUnknown
81 {
82 public:
83 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
84 	/** Notify host when a module is selected in Plug-in GUI. */
85 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API notifyUnitSelection (UnitID unitId) = 0;
87 	/** Tell host that the Plug-in controller changed a program list (rename, load, PitchName changes).
88 	    \param listId is the specified program list ID to inform.
89 		\param programIndex : when kAllProgramInvalid, all program information is invalid, otherwise only the program of given index. */
90 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API notifyProgramListChange (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex) = 0;
92 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 	static const FUID iid;
94 };
96 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IUnitHandler, 0x4B5147F8, 0x4654486B, 0x8DAB30BA, 0x163A3C56)
99 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
100 /** Host callback for extended unit support.
101 \ingroup vstIHost vst365
102 - [host imp]
103 - [extends IUnitHandler]
104 - [released: 3.6.5]
105 - [optional]
107 Host callback interface, used with IUnitInfo.
108 Retrieve via queryInterface from IComponentHandler.
110 \see \ref vst3Units, IUnitHandler */
111 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
112 class IUnitHandler2 : public FUnknown
113 {
114 public:
115 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
116 	/** Tell host that assignment Unit-Bus defined by IUnitInfo::getUnitByBus has changed. */
117 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API notifyUnitByBusChange () = 0;
119 	//------------------------------------------------------------------------
120 	static const FUID iid;
121 };
123 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IUnitHandler2, 0xF89F8CDF, 0x699E4BA5, 0x96AAC9A4, 0x81452B01)
126 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
127 /** Edit controller extension to describe the Plug-in structure.
128 \ingroup vstIPlug vst300
129 - [plug imp]
130 - [extends IEditController]
131 - [released: 3.0.0]
132 - [optional]
134 IUnitInfo describes the internal structure of the Plug-in.
135 - The root unit is the component itself, so getUnitCount must return 1 at least.
136 - The root unit id has to be 0 (kRootUnitId).
137 - Each unit can reference one program list - this reference must not change.
138 - Each unit using a program list, references one program of the list.
140 \see \ref vst3Units, IUnitHandler */
141 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
142 class IUnitInfo: public FUnknown
143 {
144 public:
145 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
146 	/** Returns the flat count of units. */
147 	virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getUnitCount () = 0;
149 	/** Gets UnitInfo for a given index in the flat list of unit. */
150 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitInfo (int32 unitIndex, UnitInfo& info /*out*/) = 0;
152 	/** Component intern program structure. */
153 	/** Gets the count of Program List. */
154 	virtual int32 PLUGIN_API getProgramListCount () = 0;
156 	/** Gets for a given index the Program List Info. */
157 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramListInfo (int32 listIndex, ProgramListInfo& info /*out*/) = 0;
159 	/** Gets for a given program list ID and program index its program name. */
160 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramName (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, String128 name /*out*/) = 0;
162 	/** Gets for a given program list ID, program index and attributeId the associated attribute value. */
163 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramInfo (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex,
164 		CString attributeId /*in*/, String128 attributeValue /*out*/) = 0;
166 	/** Returns kResultTrue if the given program index of a given program list ID supports PitchNames. */
167 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API hasProgramPitchNames (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex) = 0;
169 	/** Gets the PitchName for a given program list ID, program index and pitch.
170 		If PitchNames are changed the Plug-in should inform the host with IUnitHandler::notifyProgramListChange. */
171 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramPitchName (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex,
172 		int16 midiPitch, String128 name /*out*/) = 0;
174 	// units selection --------------------
175 	/** Gets the current selected unit. */
176 	virtual UnitID PLUGIN_API getSelectedUnit () = 0;
178 	/** Sets a new selected unit. */
179 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API selectUnit (UnitID unitId) = 0;
181 	/** Gets the according unit if there is an unambiguous relation between a channel or a bus and a unit.
182 	    This method mainly is intended to find out which unit is related to a given MIDI input channel. */
183 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitByBus (MediaType type, BusDirection dir, int32 busIndex,
184 		int32 channel, UnitID& unitId /*out*/) = 0;
186 	/** Receives a preset data stream.
187 	    - If the component supports program list data (IProgramListData), the destination of the data
188 		  stream is the program specified by list-Id and program index (first and second parameter)
189 		- If the component supports unit data (IUnitData), the destination is the unit specified by the first
190 		  parameter - in this case parameter programIndex is < 0). */
191 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setUnitProgramData (int32 listOrUnitId, int32 programIndex, IBStream* data) = 0;
193 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
194 	static const FUID iid;
195 };
197 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IUnitInfo, 0x3D4BD6B5, 0x913A4FD2, 0xA886E768, 0xA5EB92C1)
199 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
200 /** Component extension to access program list data.
201 \ingroup vstIPlug vst300
202 - [plug imp]
203 - [extends IComponent]
204 - [released: 3.0.0]
205 - [optional]
207 A component can either support program list data via this interface or
208 unit preset data (IUnitData), but not both!
210 \see \ref vst3UnitPrograms */
211 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
212 class IProgramListData: public FUnknown
213 {
214 public:
215 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
216 	/** Returns kResultTrue if the given Program List ID supports Program Data. */
217 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API programDataSupported (ProgramListID listId) = 0;
219 	/** Gets for a given program list ID and program index the program Data. */
220 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getProgramData (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, IBStream* data) = 0;
222 	/** Sets for a given program list ID and program index a program Data. */
223 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setProgramData (ProgramListID listId, int32 programIndex, IBStream* data) = 0;
225 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
226 	static const FUID iid;
227 };
229 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IProgramListData, 0x8683B01F, 0x7B354F70, 0xA2651DEC, 0x353AF4FF)
231 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
232 /** Component extension to access unit data.
233 \ingroup vstIPlug vst300
234 - [plug imp]
235 - [extends IComponent]
236 - [released: 3.0.0]
237 - [optional]
239 A component can either support unit preset data via this interface or
240 program list data (IProgramListData), but not both!
242 \see \ref vst3UnitPrograms */
243 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
244 class IUnitData: public FUnknown
245 {
246 public:
247 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 	/** Returns kResultTrue if the specified unit supports export and import of preset data. */
249 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API unitDataSupported (UnitID unitID) = 0;
251 	/** Gets the preset data for the specified unit. */
252 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API getUnitData (UnitID unitId, IBStream* data) = 0;
254 	/** Sets the preset data for the specified unit. */
255 	virtual tresult PLUGIN_API setUnitData (UnitID unitId, IBStream* data) = 0;
257 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
258 	static const FUID iid;
259 };
261 DECLARE_CLASS_IID (IUnitData, 0x6C389611, 0xD391455D, 0xB870B833, 0x94A0EFDD)
263 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
264 } // namespace Vst
265 } // namespace Steinberg
267 //------------------------------------------------------------------------
268 #include "pluginterfaces/base/falignpop.h"
269 //------------------------------------------------------------------------