1%fsk_llr_sam  Test MFSK using David's sample-based mod/demod with CML LLR routines
2%             using 2k rate 3/4 RA LDPC code.     Bill, July 2020
4%LLR conversion options:   (Ltype)
5%    1   David's original  M=2 SD to LLR routine
6%    2   Bill's pdf-based  M=2 or 4 SD to LLR
7%    3   Some simple HD conversions
8%    4   CML approach using symbol likelihoods, then converted to bit LLRs
10% Results from this sim are stored in "res" -- use fsk_llr_plot to see BER figs
11% Use "plt" to see some useful plots (for selected Ltypes) :
12%    eg 1 is SD pdf histograms; 2 is Rx PSD;  3 is bit LLR histograms
14% Adjust Evec and Nbits as required before running.
17  Example 1 2FSK:
18    octave:4> fsk_cml_sam
19    octave:5> fsk_llr_plot
21  Example 2 4FSK:
22    octave:4> M=4; fsk_cml_sam
23    octave:4> fsk_llr_plot
28% define Rician pdf
29% note that Valenti uses an approximation that avoids Bessel evaluation
30function y = rice(x,v,s)
31  s2 = s*s;
32  y = (x / s2) .* exp(-0.5 * (x.^2 + v.^2)/s2) .* besseli(0, x*v/s2);
35function plot_pdf(v,s)
36  x=(0:0.1:2*v);
37  y= rice(x, v, s);
38  figure(201);   hold on
39  plot(x,y,'g');
40  %title('Rician pdf: signal carrier')
41  y= rice(x, 0, s);
42  plot(x,y,'b');
43  title('Rician pdf: signal and noise-only carriers')
44  pause(0.01);
47% single Eb/No point simulation ---------------
48function [raw_ber rx_filt rx_bits tx_symbols demapper sig_est SNRest v_est] = ...
49	 	  run_single(tx_bits, M, EcNodB,  plt)
50  % Ec/N0 is per channel bit
51  bps = log2(M);  % bits per symbol
52  Ts = 16;        % length of each symbol in samples
54  if length(tx_bits)==1
55    Nbits = tx_bits;
56    tx_bits = randi(2,1,Nbits)-1;    % make random bits
57  end
59  Nbits = length(tx_bits);
60  Nsymbols = Nbits/log2(M);
61  tx_symbols = zeros(1,Nsymbols);
63  mapper = bps:-1:1;
64  % look up table demapper from symbols to bits (hard decision)
65  demapper=zeros(M,bps);
66  for m=1:M
67    for b=1:bps
68        if  bitand(m-1,b) demapper(m,bps-b+1) = 1; end
69    end
70  end
72  % continuous phase mFSK modulator
74  w(1:M) = 2*pi*(1:M)/Ts;
75  tx_phase = 0;
76  tx = zeros(1,Ts*Nsymbols);
78  for s=1:Nsymbols
79    bits_for_this_symbol = tx_bits(bps*(s-1)+1:bps*s);
80    symbol_index = bits_for_this_symbol * mapper' + 1;
81    tx_symbols(s) = symbol_index;
82    assert(demapper(symbol_index,:) == bits_for_this_symbol);
83    for k=1:Ts
84        tx_phase = tx_phase + w(symbol_index);
85        tx((s-1)*Ts+k) = exp(j*tx_phase);
86    end
87  end
89  % AWGN channel noise
91  EsNodB = EcNodB + 10*log10(bps);
92  EsNo = 10^(EsNodB/10);
93  variance = Ts/EsNo;
94  noise = sqrt(variance/2)*(randn(1,Nsymbols*Ts) + j*randn(1,Nsymbols*Ts));
95  rx = tx + noise;
97  if plt==2,    % check the Spectrum
98    [psd,Fpsd] =pwelch(rx,128,0.5,128,Ts);
99    figure(110); plot(Fpsd,10*log10(psd));
100    title('Rx Signal:  PSD ');
101    xlabel('Freq/Rs');
102    %figure(111);plot(unwrap(arg(tx)));
103    pause(0.01);
104  end
107  % integrate and dump demodulator
109  rx_bits = zeros(1,Nbits);
110  rx_filt = zeros(Nsymbols,M);
111  rx_pows = zeros(1,M);
112  rx_nse_pow  = 0.0; rx_sig_pow =0.0;
113  for s=1:Nsymbols
114    arx_symb = rx((s-1)*Ts + (1:Ts));
115    for m=1:M
116        r= sum(exp(-j*w(m)*(1:Ts)) .* arx_symb);
117        rx_pows(m)= r * conj(r);
118        rx_filt(s,m) = abs(r);
119    end
120    [tmp symbol_index] = max(rx_filt(s,:));
121    rx_sig_pow = rx_sig_pow + rx_pows(symbol_index);
122    rx_pows(symbol_index)=[];
123    rx_nse_pow = rx_nse_pow + sum(rx_pows)/(M-1);
124    rx_bits(bps*(s-1)+1:bps*s) = demapper(symbol_index,:);
125  end
127  % using Rxpower = v^2 + sigmal^2
128  rx_sig_pow = rx_sig_pow/Nsymbols;
129  rx_nse_pow = rx_nse_pow/Nsymbols;
130  v_est = sqrt(rx_sig_pow-rx_nse_pow);
131  SNRest = rx_sig_pow/rx_nse_pow;
132  sig_est = sqrt(rx_nse_pow/2);    % for Rayleigh: 2nd raw moment = 2 .sigma^2
133  Kest = rx_sig_pow/(2.0*sig_est^2) -1.0;
135  Nerrors = sum(xor(tx_bits, rx_bits));
136  raw_ber = Nerrors/Nbits;
137  printf('Ec (dB): %4.1f  M: %2d Total bits: %5d      HD Errs: %6d (Raw) BER: %1.3f\n', ...
138      EcNodB, M, Nbits, Nerrors, raw_ber);
139  if plt==1, plot_hist(rx_filt,tx_symbols, M); end
143% simulate one codeword of 2 or 4 FSK --------------------------
144function [Nerrors raw_ber EcNodB] = run_single_ldpc(M, Ltype, Nbits,EbNodB, plt, HRA)
146  disp([num2str(M) 'FSK coded test ...  '])
147  if M==2
148    bps = 1; modulation = 'FSK'; mod_order=2; mapping = 'gray';
149  elseif M==4
150    bps = 2; modulation = 'FSK'; mod_order=4; mapping = 'gray';
151  else
152    error('sorry - bad value of M!');
153  end
154  decoder_type = 0; max_iterations = 100;
156  Hsize=size(HRA);
157  Krate = (Hsize(2)-Hsize(1))/Hsize(2); %
158  EcNodB = EbNodB + 10*log10(Krate);
159  code_param = ldpc_init_user(HRA, modulation, mod_order, mapping);
160  Nframes = floor(Nbits/code_param.data_bits_per_frame);
161  Nbits = Nframes*code_param.data_bits_per_frame;
163  % Encoder
164  data_bits = round(rand(1,code_param.data_bits_per_frame));
165  tx_bits = [];
166  for f=1:Nframes;
167    codeword_bits = LdpcEncode(data_bits, code_param.H_rows, code_param.P_matrix);
168    tx_bits = [tx_bits codeword_bits];
169  end
171  % modem/channel simulation
172  [raw_ber rx_filt rx_bits tx_symbols demapper sig_est SNRlin v_est] = ...
173           run_single(tx_bits,M,EcNodB, plt );
175  % Decoder
176  Nerrors = 0;
177  for f=1:Nframes
178    st = (f-1)*code_param.coded_bits_per_frame/bps + 1;
179    en = st + code_param.coded_bits_per_frame/bps - 1;
180    if or(Ltype==1, Ltype==3)
181        if bps==1,
182            sd = rx_filt(st:en,1) - rx_filt(st:en,2);
183            %  OR ind = rx_filt(st:en,1) > rx_filt(st:en,2);
184            %     llr = ind'*2 -1;   % this works but use SNR scaling
185            if Ltype==3, HD=1; else, HD = 0;  end
186            llr = sd_to_llr(sd, HD)';    % David's orig 2FSK routine
187        end
188        if bps==2,
189            if Ltype==3,
190                llr = mfsk_hd_to_llrs(rx_filt(st:en,:), demapper);
191            else
192                error('Ltype =1 not provided for coded 4FSK');
193            end
194        end
195    end
196    if Ltype==2,     % SDs are converted to LLRs
197        % use the SD amp estimates, try Bill's new LLR routine
198        if plt==1, plot_pdf(v_est, sig_est);  end
199        llr = mfsk_sd_to_llrs(rx_filt(st:en,:), demapper, v_est, sig_est);
200    end
201    if Ltype==4,
202        % use CML demod:   non-coherent; still seems to need amplitude estimate
203        symL = DemodFSK(1/v_est*rx_filt(st:en,:)', SNRlin, 1);
204        llr = -Somap(symL);  % now convert to bit LLRs
205    end
206    if plt==3, figure(204); hist(llr);
207       title('Histogram LLR for decoder inputs'); pause(0.01); end
209    [x_hat, PCcnt] = MpDecode(llr, code_param.H_rows, code_param.H_cols, ...
210        max_iterations, decoder_type, 1, 1);
211    Niters = sum(PCcnt~=0);
212    detected_data = x_hat(Niters,:);
213    Nerrors = Nerrors + sum(xor(data_bits, detected_data(1:code_param.data_bits_per_frame)));
214  end
216  ber = Nerrors/Nbits;
217  printf('Eb (dB): %4.1f Data Bits: %4d Num CWs: %5d Tot Errs: %5d (Cod) BER: %1.3f\n', ...
218        EbNodB,Nbits , Nframes, Nerrors, ber);
221function plot_hist(rx_filt,tx_symbols, M)
222  % more general version of previous fn; - plots histograms for any Tx patterns
223  Smax = 36;
224  X = 0:Smax-1;
225  H = zeros(1,Smax);  H2 = zeros(1,Smax); s2=0.0;
226  for m = 1:M
227      ind = tx_symbols==m;
228      ind2 =  tx_symbols~=m;
229      H= H+ hist(rx_filt(ind,m),X);
230      H2= H2+ hist(rx_filt(ind2,m),X);
231      x=rx_filt(ind2,m);
232      s2 =s2 + sum(x(:).^2)/length(x);
233  end
234  disp('noise RMS is ');  sqrt(s2/4)
235  figure(207);  clf,  plot(X,H);
236  title([num2str(M) 'FSK pdf for rx=tx symbol'])
237  hold on,   plot(X,H2,'g');
238  title([num2str(M) 'FSK pdf for rx!=tx symbol'])
239  pause(0.1);
243% 2FSK SD -> LLR mapping that we used for Wenet SSTV system
244function llr = sd_to_llr(sd, HD=0)     %    original 2FSK  + HD option
245    sd = sd / mean(abs(sd));
246    x = sd - sign(sd);
247    sumsq = sum(x.^2);
248    summ = sum(x);
249    mn = summ/length(sd);
250    estvar = sumsq/length(sd) - mn*mn;
251    estEsN0 = 1/(2* estvar + 1E-3);
252    if HD==0,
253      llr = 4 * estEsN0 * sd;
254    else
255       llr = 8 * estEsN0 * sign(sd);    %%%%    *4  >> *8
256    endif
261function llrs = mfsk_sd_to_llrs(SD, map, v, sig)
262  % Array of MFSK SD is converted to bit LLR vector according to mapping 'map'
263  % SD is M elements wide;  map is M by log2(M); v and sig are params of Rician pdf
264  % Bill (VK5DSP) for Codec2, version 24/6/20
266  Llim = 1e-7;
267  XX =1.0; %    check LLR scaling?
268  Smap = size(map);
269  Ssd = size(SD);
270  if Smap(1) == 2
271    llrs = zeros(1, Ssd(1));
272    bps = 1;
273    assert(2^bps == Ssd(2), 'wrong SD length?')
274    % note that when v=0, the pdf reverts to Rayleigh
275    for kk = 1: Ssd(1)
276      Prx_1 =  rice(SD(kk,2), v, sig) * rice(SD(kk,1),0,sig);
277      Prx_0 =  rice(SD(kk,2), 0, sig) * rice(SD(kk,1),v,sig);
279      if or(isnan(Prx_1),  Prx_1<Llim), Prx_1 = Llim; end
280      if or(isnan(Prx_0),  Prx_0<Llim), Prx_0 = Llim; end
281      llrs(kk) = -XX * log(Prx_1/Prx_0);
282      %% note inversion of LLRs
283   endfor
284  else
285    if map==[0 0; 0 1; 1 0; 1 1]   % a specific case for 4FSK
286       llrs = zeros(2, Ssd(1));
287       for kk = 1: Ssd(1)
288          % pn_m is prob of sub car n given bit m is transmitted
289          p1_0 = rice(SD(kk,1), 0, sig);  p1_1 = rice(SD(kk,1), v, sig);
290          p2_0 = rice(SD(kk,2), 0, sig);  p2_1 = rice(SD(kk,2), v, sig);
291          p3_0 = rice(SD(kk,3), 0, sig);  p3_1 = rice(SD(kk,3), v, sig);
292          p4_0 = rice(SD(kk,4), 0, sig);  p4_1 = rice(SD(kk,4), v, sig);
294          %   second bit
295          Prx_1 =  p1_0*p3_0*(p2_1*p4_0 + p2_0*p4_1);
296          Prx_0 =  p2_0*p4_0*(p1_1*p3_0 + p1_0*p3_1);
298          if or(isnan(Prx_1),  Prx_1<Llim), Prx_1 = Llim; end
299          if or(isnan(Prx_0),  Prx_0<Llim), Prx_0 = Llim; end
300          llrs(2,kk) = -XX*log(Prx_1/Prx_0);
302	  %  1st  bit   (LHS)
303          Prx_1 =  p1_0*p2_0*(p3_1*p4_0 + p3_0*p4_1);
304          Prx_0 =  p3_0*p4_0*(p1_1*p2_0 + p1_0*p2_1);
306          if or(isnan(Prx_1),  Prx_1<Llim), Prx_1 = Llim; end
307          if or(isnan(Prx_0),  Prx_0<Llim), Prx_0 = Llim; end
308          llrs(1,kk) = -XX* log(Prx_1/Prx_0);
309       endfor
310       llrs= llrs(:);   % convert to single vector of LLRs
311       llrs = llrs';
312    else
313      disp('the mapping is '); map
314      error('not sure how that mapping works!!')
315      endif
316  endif
319function llrs = mfsk_hd_to_llrs(sd, map, SNRlin=4)
320% for M=4, compare these results to SD method of mfsk_sd_to_llrs
321  [x, ind] = max(sd');     % find biggest SD
322  b2 = map(ind', :)';      % get bit pairs
323  b1 = b2(:)';             % covert to row vector
324  b1 = b1*2 -1;            % convert to -1/ +1
325  llrs = -4*SNRlin*b1;     % approx scaling;  default is ~6dB SNR
329% main ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
331format short
332more off
335if exist('Ctype')==0, Ctype=1, end
337if Ctype==1
338   load H_256_768_22.txt;   HRA = H_256_768_22; % rate 1/3
339elseif Ctype==2
340   load H_256_512_4.mat;   HRA=H;  % rate 1/2 code
341elseif Ctype==3
342   load HRAa_1536_512.mat; % rate 3/4 2k code
344   error('bad Ctype');
348printf('using LDPC code length: %5d: Code rate:  %5.2f\n',length(HRA), (Hsize(2)-Hsize(1))/Hsize(2))
350% store results in array "res" and plot afterwards
351% retain prev sims?
352if exist('keep_res')==0,  nrun = 0; clear res;  end
354if exist('Nbits')==0, Nbits = 20000,   end
355if exist('Evec')==0,  Evec = [5: 0.5: 9],  end
356if exist('plt')==0.   plt=0;               end
358if exist('M')==0,  M=2,  end
360for Ltype = [  2  4]    % << add other Ltype options here, if required
361    for Eb = Evec
362        if and(M==4, Ltype==1)
363	  disp('skip original SD >> LLRs in 4FSK')
364	else
365          [Nerr raw_ber Ec] = run_single_ldpc(M, Ltype, Nbits, Eb, plt, HRA);
366          nrun = nrun+1; res(nrun,:) =  [Eb Ec M Ltype Nbits Nerr raw_ber];
367	endif
368    end
370disp('results stored in array "res" - plot with fsk_cml_plot')
371disp('     Eb       Ec        M     Ltype    #Bits      #Errs     Raw-BER')
372for n = 1: nrun
373   printf('  %5.1f    %5.1f      %3d     %3d     %6d     %6d      %5.4f \n', res(n,:))