1;Written by Iain McCurdy, 2006
3;Modified for QuteCsound by René, March 2011
4;Tested on Ubuntu 10.04 with csound-float 5.13.0 and QuteCsound svn rev 817
6;Notes on modifications from original csd:
7;	Add tables for exp slider
8;	INIT instrument added
11;my flags on Ubuntu: -odac -b1024 -B2048 -+rtaudio=alsa -+rtmidi=null -m0
17sr		= 44100	;SAMPLE RATE
19nchnls	= 2		;NUMBER OF CHANNELS (2=STEREO)
24giExp1		ftgen	0, 0, 129, -25, 0, 0.001, 128, 1.0
25giExp2		ftgen	0, 0, 129, -25, 0, 200.0, 128, 8000.0
28instr	10	;GUI
29	ktrig	metro	10
30	if (ktrig == 1)	then
31		gkamp		invalue	"Amplitude"
32		kdettack		invalue	"dettack"
33		gkdettack		tablei	kdettack, giExp1, 1
34					outvalue	"dettack_Value", gkdettack
35		gknum		invalue	"Num"
36		gkdamp		invalue	"Damp"
37		gkmaxshake	invalue	"EnergyFB"
38		kfreq		invalue	"Freq"
39		gkfreq		tablei	kfreq, giExp2, 1
40					outvalue	"Freq_Value", gkfreq
41		kfreq1		invalue	"Freq1"
42		gkfreq1		tablei	kfreq1, giExp2, 1
43					outvalue	"Freq1_Value", gkfreq1
44		kfreq2		invalue	"Freq2"
45		gkfreq2		tablei	kfreq2, giExp2, 1
46					outvalue	"Freq2_Value", gkfreq2
47		gktimedelta	invalue	"DripSpeed"
48	endif
52	;	 			ktrigger, kmintim,    kmaxnum, kinsnum, kwhen, kdur
53		schedkwhen 	    1,   gktimedelta,    0,       2,      0,    -1
57	adripwater 	dripwater 	gkamp, i(gkdettack) , i(gknum), i(gkdamp) , i(gkmaxshake), i(gkfreq) , i(gkfreq1), i(gkfreq2)
58				outs 		adripwater, adripwater
61instr	3	;INIT
62		outvalue	"Amplitude"	,0.2
63		outvalue	"dettack"		,0.34
64		outvalue	"Num"		,10
65		outvalue	"Damp"		,0
66		outvalue	"EnergyFB"	,0
67		outvalue	"Freq"		,0.22
68		outvalue	"Freq1"		,0.298
69		outvalue	"Freq2"		,0.359
70		outvalue	"DripSpeed"	,.5
75i 10		0	   3600	;GUI
76i 3		0		0.1	;INIT
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558  <midichan>0</midichan>
559  <midicc>0</midicc>
560  <label>-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
561dripwater is a semi-physical model of dripping water. It is one of the PhISEM percussion opcodes. PhISEM (Physically Informed Stochastic Event Modeling) is an algorithmic approach for simulating collisions of multiple independent sound producing objects. Sustained textures are possible if internal damping is set at maximum (i.e. internal damping is insufficient to eventually stop the movement of the beads). In this example two methods of triggering the opcode are offered. The first is triggered using the button labelled 'single drip' and triggers a single cluster of drips. The second is triggered with the on/off switch labelled 'Turn the Tap On/Off' and triggers (through the use of the schedkwhen opcode) a continuous sequence of rhythmically spaced clusters of drips. The time gap between drip clusters is controlled using the 'Drip Speed' slider. This opcode produces quite erratic amplitude levels so it is advisable to set the amplitude slider quite low to allow some headroom.</label>
562  <alignment>left</alignment>
563  <font>Liberation Sans</font>
564  <fontsize>14</fontsize>
565  <precision>3</precision>
566  <color>
567   <r>0</r>
568   <g>0</g>
569   <b>0</b>
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571  <bgcolor mode="nobackground">
572   <r>255</r>
573   <g>255</g>
574   <b>255</b>
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576  <bordermode>noborder</bordermode>
577  <borderradius>1</borderradius>
578  <borderwidth>1</borderwidth>
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580 <bsbObject version="2" type="BSBButton">
581  <objectName/>
582  <x>8</x>
583  <y>16</y>
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585  <height>30</height>
586  <uuid>{04d44ebe-12eb-4bb0-a3f5-9e4fd3e7830e}</uuid>
587  <visible>true</visible>
588  <midichan>0</midichan>
589  <midicc>0</midicc>
590  <type>event</type>
591  <pressedValue>1.00000000</pressedValue>
592  <stringvalue/>
593  <text>Single Drip</text>
594  <image>/</image>
595  <eventLine>i 2 0 -1</eventLine>
596  <latch>false</latch>
597  <latched>false</latched>
598 </bsbObject>
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604  <height>30</height>
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606  <visible>true</visible>
607  <midichan>0</midichan>
608  <midicc>0</midicc>
609  <label>Main Resonant Frequency (i-rate)</label>
610  <alignment>left</alignment>
611  <font>Liberation Sans</font>
612  <fontsize>10</fontsize>
613  <precision>3</precision>
614  <color>
615   <r>0</r>
616   <g>0</g>
617   <b>0</b>
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620   <r>255</r>
621   <g>255</g>
622   <b>255</b>
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625  <borderradius>1</borderradius>
626  <borderwidth>1</borderwidth>
627 </bsbObject>
628 <bsbObject version="2" type="BSBHSlider">
629  <objectName>Freq</objectName>
630  <x>8</x>
631  <y>232</y>
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