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MakefileH A D29-Oct-202115 KiB311224

Makefile.compileH A D29-Oct-2021295 169

README.mdH A D29-Oct-20212.5 KiB229

alsa-gtk-bench.cppH A D29-Oct-202145.1 KiB1,6821,081

bench-llvm.shH A D29-Oct-2021827 5139

bench.shH A D29-Oct-2021366 2218

console-bench-llvm.cppH A D29-Oct-20212.2 KiB6125

console-bench.cppH A D29-Oct-20212.2 KiB6728

copy1.dspH A D29-Oct-202113 21

copy2.dspH A D29-Oct-202115 21

coreaudio-gtk-bench.cppH A D29-Oct-20212.5 KiB8741

coreaudio-gtk-llvm-bench.cppH A D29-Oct-20212.6 KiB8642

crybaby1.dspH A D29-Oct-202157 42

crybaby8.dspH A D29-Oct-202157 42

fdelay8.dspH A D29-Oct-2021367 117

filterseq2x8.dspH A D29-Oct-2021120 53

freeverb.dspH A D29-Oct-20212.7 KiB11483

karplus32.dspH A D29-Oct-20211.2 KiB4735

math.dspH A D29-Oct-202124 11

matrix.dspH A D29-Oct-2021549 1813

mixer.dspH A D29-Oct-2021854 3021

rms.dspH A D29-Oct-2021577 2115

rms2.dspH A D29-Oct-202142 21

rms4.dspH A D29-Oct-202142 21

rms8.dspH A D29-Oct-202142 21

tapiir.dspH A D29-Oct-20211.3 KiB6541

zero1.dspH A D29-Oct-202113 21

zero2.dspH A D29-Oct-202115 21


2# How to benchmark FAUST generated code #
4This folder contains what is needed to benchmark the efficiency of programs generated by the Faust compiler on Intel processors. Several options are considered, scalar code, vector code and parallel code (OpenMP and Sch). The C++ compiler used and their options are also considered.
6The elements to produce the benchmarks are the following :
8- you can either use the .dsp files already in the folder or replace them with your own .dsp files.
10- `alsa-gtk-bench.cpp` is the architecture file used for the benchmarks on Linux. It corresponds to an alsa GTK application specially equipped to measure the time it takes to process the samples. The application will do 600 measurements before quitting automatically. The mean value of the 10 best measurements will be retained. Instead of being expressed in seconds this value will be converted in throughput in MB/s, that is the number of bytes of samples the application is able to process per seconds.
12- `coreaudio-gtk-bench` is the architecture file used for the benchmarks on OSX. It corresponds to an CoreAudio GTK application specially equipped to measure the time it takes to process the samples. The application will do 600 measurements before quitting automatically. The mean value of the 10 best measurements will be retained. Instead of being expressed in seconds this value will be converted in throughput in MB/s, that is the number of bytes of samples the application is able to process per seconds.
13Note: `alsa-gtk-bench.cpp` and `coreaudio-gtk-bench` uses rdtsc as a wall clock. It is therefore specific to x86 processors and must be adapted for other processors. In order to convert clocks to seconds the code measure the number of clocks per seconds unless the the environment variable CLOCKSPERSEC is set with the exact value to use for the conversion.
15- the file Makefile contains the various combinations of Faust options and gcc or icc options you may want to test. If you have gcc and icc installed you can just do a `make`. If you have only gcc installed do a `make gcc`. For icc do a `make icc`. This will produce several variants of audio applications in separate directories : {i,g}alsa{scal,vec,omp,sch,..}dir, or {i,g}coreaudio{scal,vec,omp,sch,..}dir. Check the Makefile for possible targets.
17- the script `bench.sh` will run all the binaries of all the directories and collect their results in a single `results-yymmdd.hhmmss` file. Run bench.sh several times to be sure of the stability of the results.