1 #![cfg_attr(rustfmt, rustfmt_skip)] // https://github.com/rust-lang-nursery/rustfmt/issues/2755
3 #[macro_export]
4 #[doc(hidden)]
5 macro_rules! __diesel_column {
6     (
7         table = $table:ident,
8         name = $column_name:ident,
9         sql_name = $sql_name:expr,
10         ty = ($($Type:tt)*),
11         meta = [$($meta:tt)*],
12     ) => {
13         $($meta)*
14         #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
15         #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, QueryId, Default)]
16         pub struct $column_name;
18         impl $crate::expression::Expression for $column_name {
19             type SqlType = $($Type)*;
20         }
22         impl<DB> $crate::query_builder::QueryFragment<DB> for $column_name where
23             DB: $crate::backend::Backend,
24             <$table as QuerySource>::FromClause: QueryFragment<DB>,
25         {
26             fn walk_ast(&self, mut out: $crate::query_builder::AstPass<DB>) -> $crate::result::QueryResult<()> {
27                 $table.from_clause().walk_ast(out.reborrow())?;
28                 out.push_sql(".");
29                 out.push_identifier($sql_name)
30             }
31         }
33         impl SelectableExpression<$table> for $column_name {
34         }
36         impl<QS> AppearsOnTable<QS> for $column_name where
37             QS: AppearsInFromClause<$table, Count=Once>,
38         {
39         }
41         impl<Left, Right> SelectableExpression<
42             Join<Left, Right, LeftOuter>,
43         > for $column_name where
44             $column_name: AppearsOnTable<Join<Left, Right, LeftOuter>>,
45             Left: AppearsInFromClause<$table, Count=Once>,
46             Right: AppearsInFromClause<$table, Count=Never>,
47         {
48         }
50         impl<Left, Right> SelectableExpression<
51             Join<Left, Right, Inner>,
52         > for $column_name where
53             $column_name: AppearsOnTable<Join<Left, Right, Inner>>,
54             Join<Left, Right, Inner>: AppearsInFromClause<$table, Count=Once>,
55         {
56         }
58         // FIXME: Remove this when overlapping marker traits are stable
59         impl<Join, On> SelectableExpression<JoinOn<Join, On>> for $column_name where
60             $column_name: SelectableExpression<Join> + AppearsOnTable<JoinOn<Join, On>>,
61         {
62         }
64         // FIXME: Remove this when overlapping marker traits are stable
65         impl<From> SelectableExpression<SelectStatement<From>> for $column_name where
66             $column_name: SelectableExpression<From> + AppearsOnTable<SelectStatement<From>>,
67         {
68         }
70         impl $crate::expression::NonAggregate for $column_name {}
72         impl $crate::query_source::Column for $column_name {
73             type Table = $table;
75             const NAME: &'static str = $sql_name;
76         }
78         impl<T> $crate::EqAll<T> for $column_name where
79             T: $crate::expression::AsExpression<$($Type)*>,
80             $crate::dsl::Eq<$column_name, T>: $crate::Expression<SqlType=$crate::sql_types::Bool>,
81         {
82             type Output = $crate::dsl::Eq<Self, T>;
84             fn eq_all(self, rhs: T) -> Self::Output {
85                 $crate::expression::operators::Eq::new(self, rhs.as_expression())
86             }
87         }
89         __diesel_generate_ops_impls_if_numeric!($column_name, $($Type)*);
90         __diesel_generate_ops_impls_if_date_time!($column_name, $($Type)*);
91     }
92 }
94 /// Specifies that a table exists, and what columns it has. This will create a
95 /// new public module, with the same name, as the name of the table. In this
96 /// module, you'll find a unit struct named `table`, and a unit struct with the
97 /// names of each of the columns.
98 ///
99 /// By default this allows a maximum of 32 columns per table.
100 /// You can increase this limit to 64 by enabling the `64-column-tables` feature.
101 /// You can increase it to 128 by enabling the `128-column-tables` feature.
102 /// You can decrease it to 16 columns,
103 /// which improves compilation time,
104 /// by disabling the default features of Diesel.
105 /// Note that enabling 64 column tables or larger will substantially increase
106 /// the compile time of Diesel.
107 ///
108 /// Example usage
109 /// -------------
110 ///
111 /// ```rust
112 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
113 /// table! {
114 ///     users {
115 ///         id -> Integer,
116 ///         name -> VarChar,
117 ///         favorite_color -> Nullable<VarChar>,
118 ///     }
119 /// }
120 /// # fn main() {}
121 /// ```
122 ///
123 /// You may also specify a primary key if it's called something other than `id`.
124 /// Tables with no primary key are not supported.
125 ///
126 /// ```rust
127 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
128 /// table! {
129 ///     users (non_standard_primary_key) {
130 ///         non_standard_primary_key -> Integer,
131 ///         name -> VarChar,
132 ///         favorite_color -> Nullable<VarChar>,
133 ///     }
134 /// }
135 /// # fn main() {}
136 /// ```
137 ///
138 /// For tables with composite primary keys, list all of the columns in the
139 /// primary key.
140 ///
141 /// ```rust
142 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
143 /// table! {
144 ///     followings (user_id, post_id) {
145 ///         user_id -> Integer,
146 ///         post_id -> Integer,
147 ///         favorited -> Bool,
148 ///     }
149 /// }
150 /// # fn main() {
151 /// #     use diesel::prelude::*;
152 /// #     use self::followings::dsl::*;
153 /// #     // Poor man's assert_eq! -- since this is type level this would fail
154 /// #     // to compile if the wrong primary key were generated
155 /// #     let (user_id {}, post_id {}) = followings.primary_key();
156 /// # }
157 /// ```
158 ///
159 /// If you are using types that aren't from Diesel's core types, you can specify
160 /// which types to import.
161 ///
162 /// ```
163 /// #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
164 /// # /*
165 /// extern crate diesel_full_text_search;
166 /// # */
167 /// # mod diesel_full_text_search {
168 /// #     pub struct TsVector;
169 /// # }
170 ///
171 /// table! {
172 ///     use diesel::sql_types::*;
173 ///     use diesel_full_text_search::*;
174 ///
175 ///     posts {
176 ///         id -> Integer,
177 ///         title -> Text,
178 ///         keywords -> TsVector,
179 ///     }
180 /// }
181 /// # fn main() {}
182 /// ```
183 ///
184 /// If you want to add documentation to the generated code you can use the
185 /// following syntax:
186 ///
187 /// ```
188 /// #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
189 ///
190 /// table! {
191 ///
192 ///     /// The table containing all blog posts
193 ///     posts {
194 ///         /// The post's unique id
195 ///         id -> Integer,
196 ///         /// The post's title
197 ///         title -> Text,
198 ///     }
199 /// }
200 /// # fn main() {}
201 /// ```
202 ///
203 /// If you have a column with the same name as a Rust reserved keyword, you can use
204 /// the `sql_name` attribute like this:
205 ///
206 /// ```
207 /// #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
208 ///
209 /// table! {
210 ///     posts {
211 ///         id -> Integer,
212 ///         /// This column is named `mytype` but references the table `type` column.
213 ///         #[sql_name = "type"]
214 ///         mytype -> Text,
215 ///     }
216 /// }
217 /// # fn main() {}
218 /// ```
219 ///
220 /// This module will also contain several helper types:
221 ///
222 /// dsl
223 /// ---
224 ///
225 /// This simply re-exports the table, renamed to the same name as the module,
226 /// and each of the columns. This is useful to glob import when you're dealing
227 /// primarily with one table, to allow writing `users.filter(name.eq("Sean"))`
228 /// instead of `users::table.filter(users::name.eq("Sean"))`.
229 ///
230 /// `all_columns`
231 /// -----------
232 ///
233 /// A constant will be assigned called `all_columns`. This is what will be
234 /// selected if you don't otherwise specify a select clause. It's type will be
235 /// `table::AllColumns`. You can also get this value from the
236 /// `Table::all_columns` function.
237 ///
238 /// star
239 /// ----
240 ///
241 /// This will be the qualified "star" expression for this table (e.g.
242 /// `users.*`). Internally, we read columns by index, not by name, so this
243 /// column is not safe to read data out of, and it has had it's SQL type set to
244 /// `()` to prevent accidentally using it as such. It is sometimes useful for
245 /// count statements however. It can also be accessed through the `Table.star()`
246 /// method.
247 ///
248 /// `SqlType`
249 /// -------
250 ///
251 /// A type alias called `SqlType` will be created. It will be the SQL type of
252 /// `all_columns`. The SQL type is needed for things like [returning boxed
253 /// queries][boxed_queries].
254 ///
255 /// [boxed_queries]: query_dsl/trait.QueryDsl.html#method.into_boxed
256 ///
257 /// `BoxedQuery`
258 /// ----------
259 ///
260 /// ```ignore
261 /// pub type BoxedQuery<'a, DB, ST = SqlType> = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, table, DB>;
262 /// ```
263 #[macro_export]
264 macro_rules! table {
265     ($($tokens:tt)*) => {
266         __diesel_parse_table! {
267             tokens = [$($tokens)*],
268             imports = [],
269             meta = [],
270             sql_name = unknown,
271             name = unknown,
272             schema = public,
273             primary_key = (id),
274         }
275     }
276 }
278 #[macro_export]
279 #[doc(hidden)]
280 macro_rules! __diesel_invalid_table_syntax {
281     () => {
282         compile_error!(
283             "Invalid `table!` syntax. Please see the `table!` macro docs for more info."
284         );
285     };
286 }
288 #[macro_export]
289 #[doc(hidden)]
290 macro_rules! __diesel_parse_table {
291     // Found an import
292     (
293         tokens = [use $($import:tt)::+; $($rest:tt)*],
294         imports = [$($imports:tt)*],
295         $($args:tt)*
296     ) => {
297         __diesel_parse_table! {
298             tokens = [$($rest)*],
299             imports = [$($imports)* use $($import)::+;],
300             $($args)*
301         }
302     };
304     // Found sql_name attribute, override whatever we had before
305     (
306         tokens = [#[sql_name = $sql_name:expr] $($rest:tt)*],
307         imports = $imports:tt,
308         meta = $meta:tt,
309         sql_name = $ignore:tt,
310         $($args:tt)*
311     ) => {
312         __diesel_parse_table! {
313             tokens = [$($rest)*],
314             imports = $imports,
315             meta = $meta,
316             sql_name = $sql_name,
317             $($args)*
318         }
319     };
321     // Meta item other than sql_name, attach it to the table struct
322     (
323         tokens = [#$new_meta:tt $($rest:tt)*],
324         imports = $imports:tt,
325         meta = [$($meta:tt)*],
326         $($args:tt)*
327     ) => {
328         __diesel_parse_table! {
329             tokens = [$($rest)*],
330             imports = $imports,
331             meta = [$($meta)* #$new_meta],
332             $($args)*
333         }
334     };
336     // Found a schema name, override whatever we had before
337     (
338         tokens = [$schema:ident . $($rest:tt)*],
339         imports = $imports:tt,
340         meta = $meta:tt,
341         sql_name = $sql_name:tt,
342         name = $name:tt,
343         schema = $ignore:tt,
344         $($args:tt)*
345     ) => {
346         __diesel_parse_table! {
347             tokens = [$($rest)*],
348             imports = $imports,
349             meta = $meta,
350             sql_name = $sql_name,
351             name = $name,
352             schema = $schema,
353             $($args)*
354         }
355     };
357     // Found a table name, override whatever we had before
358     (
359         tokens = [$name:ident $($rest:tt)*],
360         imports = $imports:tt,
361         meta = $meta:tt,
362         sql_name = $sql_name:tt,
363         name = $ignore:tt,
364         $($args:tt)*
365     ) => {
366         __diesel_parse_table! {
367             tokens = [$($rest)*],
368             imports = $imports,
369             meta = $meta,
370             sql_name = $sql_name,
371             name = $name,
372             $($args)*
373         }
374     };
376     // Found a primary key, override whatever we had before
377     (
378         tokens = [($($pk:ident),+ $(,)*) $($rest:tt)*],
379         imports = $imports:tt,
380         meta = $meta:tt,
381         sql_name = $sql_name:tt,
382         name = $name:tt,
383         schema = $schema:tt,
384         primary_key = $ignore:tt,
385         $($args:tt)*
386     ) => {
387         __diesel_parse_table! {
388             tokens = [$($rest)*],
389             imports = $imports,
390             meta = $meta,
391             sql_name = $sql_name,
392             name = $name,
393             schema = $schema,
394             primary_key = ($($pk),+),
395             $($args)*
396         }
397     };
399     // Reached columns with no imports, set a default
400     (
401         tokens = [{$($columns:tt)*}],
402         imports = [],
403         $($args:tt)*
404     ) => {
405         __diesel_parse_table! {
406             tokens = [{$($columns)*}],
407             imports = [use $crate::sql_types::*;],
408             $($args)*
409         }
410     };
412     // Reached columns with no sql_name, set a default
413     (
414         tokens = [{$($columns:tt)*}],
415         imports = $imports:tt,
416         meta = $meta:tt,
417         sql_name = unknown,
418         name = $name:tt,
419         $($args:tt)*
420     ) => {
421         __diesel_parse_table! {
422             tokens = [{$($columns)*}],
423             imports = $imports,
424             meta = $meta,
425             sql_name = stringify!($name),
426             name = $name,
427             $($args)*
428         }
429     };
431     // Parse the columns
432     (
433         tokens = [{$($columns:tt)*}],
434         $($args:tt)*
435     ) => {
436         __diesel_parse_columns! {
437             tokens = [$($columns)*],
438             table = { $($args)* },
439             columns = [],
440         }
441     };
443     // Invalid syntax
444     ($($tokens:tt)*) => {
445         __diesel_invalid_table_syntax!();
446     }
447 }
449 #[macro_export]
450 #[doc(hidden)]
451 macro_rules! __diesel_parse_columns {
452     // No column being parsed, start a new one.
453     // Attempt to capture the type as separate tokens if at all possible.
454     (
455         tokens = [
456             $(#$meta:tt)*
457             $name:ident -> $($ty:tt)::* $(<$($ty_params:tt)::*>)*,
458             $($rest:tt)*
459         ],
460         $($args:tt)*
461     ) => {
462         __diesel_parse_columns! {
463             current_column = {
464                 unchecked_meta = [$(#$meta)*],
465                 name = $name,
466                 sql_name = stringify!($name),
467                 ty = ($($ty)::* $(<$($ty_params)::*>)*),
468                 meta = [],
469             },
470             tokens = [$($rest)*],
471             $($args)*
472         }
473     };
475     // No column being parsed, start a new one. Couldn't keep the `ty` separate.
476     (
477         tokens = [
478             $(#$meta:tt)*
479             $name:ident -> $ty:ty,
480             $($rest:tt)*
481         ],
482         $($args:tt)*
483     ) => {
484         __diesel_parse_columns! {
485             current_column = {
486                 unchecked_meta = [$(#$meta)*],
487                 name = $name,
488                 sql_name = stringify!($name),
489                 ty = ($ty),
490                 meta = [],
491             },
492             tokens = [$($rest)*],
493             $($args)*
494         }
495     };
498     // Found #[sql_name]
499     (
500         current_column = {
501             unchecked_meta = [#[sql_name = $sql_name:expr] $($meta:tt)*],
502             name = $name:tt,
503             sql_name = $ignore:expr,
504             $($current_column:tt)*
505         },
506         $($args:tt)*
507     ) => {
508         __diesel_parse_columns! {
509             current_column = {
510                 unchecked_meta = [$($meta)*],
511                 name = $name,
512                 sql_name = $sql_name,
513                 $($current_column)*
514             },
515             $($args)*
516         }
517     };
519     // Meta item other than #[sql_name]
520     (
521         current_column = {
522             unchecked_meta = [#$new_meta:tt $($unchecked_meta:tt)*],
523             name = $name:tt,
524             sql_name = $sql_name:expr,
525             ty = $ty:tt,
526             meta = [$($meta:tt)*],
527             $($current_column:tt)*
528         },
529         $($args:tt)*
530     ) => {
531         __diesel_parse_columns! {
532             current_column = {
533                 unchecked_meta = [$($unchecked_meta)*],
534                 name = $name,
535                 sql_name = $sql_name,
536                 ty = $ty,
537                 meta = [$($meta)* #$new_meta],
538                 $($current_column)*
539             },
540             $($args)*
541         }
542     };
544     // Done parsing this column
545     (
546         current_column = {
547             unchecked_meta = [],
548             $($current_column:tt)*
549         },
550         tokens = $tokens:tt,
551         table = $table:tt,
552         columns = [$($columns:tt,)*],
553         $($args:tt)*
554     ) => {
555         __diesel_parse_columns! {
556             tokens = $tokens,
557             table = $table,
558             columns = [$($columns,)* { $($current_column)* },],
559             $($args)*
560         }
561     };
563     // Done parsing all columns
564     (
565         tokens = [],
566         $($args:tt)*
567     ) => {
568         __diesel_table_impl!($($args)*);
569     };
571     // Invalid syntax
572     ($($tokens:tt)*) => {
573         __diesel_invalid_table_syntax!();
574     }
575 }
577 #[macro_export]
578 #[doc(hidden)]
579 macro_rules! __diesel_table_impl {
580     (
581         table = {
582             imports = [$($imports:tt)*],
583             meta = [$($meta:tt)*],
584             sql_name = $sql_name:expr,
585             name = $table_name:ident,
586             schema = $schema:ident,
587             primary_key = $primary_key:tt,
588         },
589         columns = [$({
590             name = $column_name:ident,
591             sql_name = $column_sql_name:expr,
592             ty = ($($column_ty:tt)*),
593             $($column:tt)*
594         },)+],
595     ) => {
596         $($meta)*
597         pub mod $table_name {
598             #![allow(dead_code)]
599             use $crate::{
600                 QuerySource,
601                 Table,
602                 JoinTo,
603             };
604             use $crate::associations::HasTable;
605             use $crate::insertable::Insertable;
606             use $crate::query_builder::*;
607             use $crate::query_builder::nodes::Identifier;
608             use $crate::query_source::{AppearsInFromClause, Once, Never};
609             use $crate::query_source::joins::{Join, JoinOn};
610             $($imports)*
611             pub use self::columns::*;
613             /// Re-exports all of the columns of this table, as well as the
614             /// table struct renamed to the module name. This is meant to be
615             /// glob imported for functions which only deal with one table.
616             pub mod dsl {
617                 $(static_cond! {
618                     if $table_name == $column_name {
619                         compile_error!(concat!(
620                             "Column `",
621                             stringify!($column_name),
622                             "` cannot be named the same as its table.\n \
623                             You may use `#[sql_name = \"",
624                             stringify!($column_name),
625                             "\"]` to reference the table's `",
626                             stringify!($column_name),
627                             "` column. \n \
628                             See the documentation of the `table!` macro for details`\n"
629                         ));
630                     } else {
631                         pub use super::columns::{$column_name};
632                     }
633                 })+
634                 pub use super::table as $table_name;
635             }
637             #[allow(non_upper_case_globals, dead_code)]
638             /// A tuple of all of the columns on this table
639             pub const all_columns: ($($column_name,)+) = ($($column_name,)+);
641             #[allow(non_camel_case_types)]
642             #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, QueryId)]
643             /// The actual table struct
644             ///
645             /// This is the type which provides the base methods of the query
646             /// builder, such as `.select` and `.filter`.
647             pub struct table;
649             impl table {
650                 #[allow(dead_code)]
651                 /// Represents `table_name.*`, which is sometimes necessary
652                 /// for efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of
653                 /// `all_columns`
654                 pub fn star(&self) -> star {
655                     star
656                 }
657             }
659             /// The SQL type of all of the columns on this table
660             pub type SqlType = ($($($column_ty)*,)+);
662             /// Helper type for representing a boxed query from this table
663             pub type BoxedQuery<'a, DB, ST = SqlType> = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, ST, table, DB>;
665             __diesel_table_query_source_impl!(table, $schema, $sql_name);
667             impl AsQuery for table {
668                 type SqlType = SqlType;
669                 type Query = SelectStatement<Self>;
671                 fn as_query(self) -> Self::Query {
672                     SelectStatement::simple(self)
673                 }
674             }
676             impl Table for table {
677                 type PrimaryKey = $primary_key;
678                 type AllColumns = ($($column_name,)+);
680                 fn primary_key(&self) -> Self::PrimaryKey {
681                     $primary_key
682                 }
684                 fn all_columns() -> Self::AllColumns {
685                     ($($column_name,)+)
686                 }
687             }
689             impl HasTable for table {
690                 type Table = Self;
692                 fn table() -> Self::Table {
693                     table
694                 }
695             }
697             impl IntoUpdateTarget for table {
698                 type WhereClause = <<Self as AsQuery>::Query as IntoUpdateTarget>::WhereClause;
700                 fn into_update_target(self) -> UpdateTarget<Self::Table, Self::WhereClause> {
701                     self.as_query().into_update_target()
702                 }
703             }
705             impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for table {
706                 type Count = Once;
707             }
709             impl AppearsInFromClause<table> for () {
710                 type Count = Never;
711             }
713             impl<Left, Right, Kind> JoinTo<Join<Left, Right, Kind>> for table where
714                 Join<Left, Right, Kind>: JoinTo<table>,
715             {
716                 type FromClause = Join<Left, Right, Kind>;
717                 type OnClause = <Join<Left, Right, Kind> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause;
719                 fn join_target(rhs: Join<Left, Right, Kind>) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
720                     let (_, on_clause) = Join::join_target(table);
721                     (rhs, on_clause)
722                 }
723             }
725             impl<Join, On> JoinTo<JoinOn<Join, On>> for table where
726                 JoinOn<Join, On>: JoinTo<table>,
727             {
728                 type FromClause = JoinOn<Join, On>;
729                 type OnClause = <JoinOn<Join, On> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause;
731                 fn join_target(rhs: JoinOn<Join, On>) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
732                     let (_, on_clause) = JoinOn::join_target(table);
733                     (rhs, on_clause)
734                 }
735             }
737             impl<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G> JoinTo<SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>> for table where
738                 SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>: JoinTo<table>,
739             {
740                 type FromClause = SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>;
741                 type OnClause = <SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause;
743                 fn join_target(rhs: SelectStatement<F, S, D, W, O, L, Of, G>) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
744                     let (_, on_clause) = SelectStatement::join_target(table);
745                     (rhs, on_clause)
746                 }
747             }
749             impl<'a, QS, ST, DB> JoinTo<BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>> for table where
750                 BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>: JoinTo<table>,
751             {
752                 type FromClause = BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>;
753                 type OnClause = <BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB> as JoinTo<table>>::OnClause;
754                 fn join_target(rhs: BoxedSelectStatement<'a, QS, ST, DB>) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
755                     let (_, on_clause) = BoxedSelectStatement::join_target(table);
756                     (rhs, on_clause)
757                 }
758             }
760             // This impl should be able to live in Diesel,
761             // but Rust tries to recurse for no reason
762             impl<T> Insertable<T> for table
763             where
764                 <table as AsQuery>::Query: Insertable<T>,
765             {
766                 type Values = <<table as AsQuery>::Query as Insertable<T>>::Values;
768                 fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
769                     self.as_query().values()
770                 }
771             }
773             impl<'a, T> Insertable<T> for &'a table
774             where
775                 table: Insertable<T>,
776             {
777                 type Values = <table as Insertable<T>>::Values;
779                 fn values(self) -> Self::Values {
780                     (*self).values()
781                 }
782             }
784             /// Contains all of the columns of this table
785             pub mod columns {
786                 use super::table;
787                 use $crate::{Expression, SelectableExpression, AppearsOnTable, QuerySource};
788                 use $crate::backend::Backend;
789                 use $crate::query_builder::{QueryFragment, AstPass, SelectStatement};
790                 use $crate::query_source::joins::{Join, JoinOn, Inner, LeftOuter};
791                 use $crate::query_source::{AppearsInFromClause, Once, Never};
792                 use $crate::result::QueryResult;
793                 $($imports)*
795                 #[allow(non_camel_case_types, dead_code)]
796                 #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
797                 /// Represents `table_name.*`, which is sometimes needed for
798                 /// efficient count queries. It cannot be used in place of
799                 /// `all_columns`, and has a `SqlType` of `()` to prevent it
800                 /// being used that way
801                 pub struct star;
803                 impl Expression for star {
804                     type SqlType = ();
805                 }
807                 impl<DB: Backend> QueryFragment<DB> for star where
808                     <table as QuerySource>::FromClause: QueryFragment<DB>,
809                 {
810                     fn walk_ast(&self, mut out: AstPass<DB>) -> QueryResult<()> {
811                         table.from_clause().walk_ast(out.reborrow())?;
812                         out.push_sql(".*");
813                         Ok(())
814                     }
815                 }
817                 impl SelectableExpression<table> for star {
818                 }
820                 impl AppearsOnTable<table> for star {
821                 }
823                 $(__diesel_column! {
824                     table = table,
825                     name = $column_name,
826                     sql_name = $column_sql_name,
827                     ty = ($($column_ty)*),
828                     $($column)*
829                 })+
830             }
831         }
832     }
833 }
835 #[macro_export]
836 #[doc(hidden)]
837 macro_rules! __diesel_table_query_source_impl {
838     ($table_struct:ident, public, $table_name:expr) => {
839         impl QuerySource for $table_struct {
840             type FromClause = Identifier<'static>;
841             type DefaultSelection = <Self as Table>::AllColumns;
843             fn from_clause(&self) -> Self::FromClause {
844                 Identifier($table_name)
845             }
847             fn default_selection(&self) -> Self::DefaultSelection {
848                 Self::all_columns()
849             }
850         }
851     };
853     ($table_struct:ident, $schema_name:ident, $table_name:expr) => {
854         impl QuerySource for $table_struct {
855             type FromClause = $crate::query_builder::nodes::InfixNode<
856                 'static,
857                 Identifier<'static>,
858                 Identifier<'static>,
859             >;
860             type DefaultSelection = <Self as Table>::AllColumns;
862             fn from_clause(&self) -> Self::FromClause {
863                 $crate::query_builder::nodes::InfixNode::new(
864                     Identifier(stringify!($schema_name)),
865                     Identifier($table_name),
866                     ".",
867                 )
868             }
870             fn default_selection(&self) -> Self::DefaultSelection {
871                 Self::all_columns()
872             }
873         }
874     };
875 }
877 /// Allow two tables to be referenced in a join query without providing an
878 /// explicit `ON` clause.
879 ///
880 /// The generated `ON` clause will always join to the primary key of the parent
881 /// table. This macro removes the need to call [`.on`] explicitly, you will
882 /// still need to invoke [`allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!`] for these two tables to
883 /// be able to use the resulting query, unless you are using `infer_schema!` or
884 /// `diesel print-schema` which will generate it for you.
885 ///
886 /// If you are using `infer_schema!` or `diesel print-schema`, an invocation of
887 /// this macro will be generated for every foreign key in your database unless
888 /// one of the following is true:
889 ///
890 /// - The foreign key references something other than the primary key
891 /// - The foreign key is composite
892 /// - There is more than one foreign key connecting two tables
893 /// - The foreign key is self-referential
894 ///
895 /// # Example
896 ///
897 /// ```rust
898 /// # #[macro_use] extern crate diesel;
899 /// # include!("../doctest_setup.rs");
900 /// use schema::*;
901 ///
902 /// # /*
903 /// joinable!(posts -> users (user_id));
904 /// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(posts, users);
905 /// # */
906 ///
907 /// # fn main() {
908 /// let implicit_on_clause = users::table.inner_join(posts::table);
909 /// let implicit_on_clause_sql = diesel::debug_query::<DB, _>(&implicit_on_clause).to_string();
910 ///
911 /// let explicit_on_clause = users::table
912 ///     .inner_join(posts::table.on(posts::user_id.eq(users::id)));
913 /// let explicit_on_clause_sql = diesel::debug_query::<DB, _>(&explicit_on_clause).to_string();
914 ///
915 /// assert_eq!(implicit_on_clause_sql, explicit_on_clause_sql);
916 /// # }
917 ///
918 /// ```
919 ///
920 /// In the example above, the line `joinable!(posts -> users (user_id));`
921 ///
922 /// specifies the relation of the tables and the ON clause in the following way:
923 ///
924 /// `child_table -> parent_table (foreign_key)`
925 ///
926 /// * `parent_table` is the Table with the Primary key.
927 ///
928 /// * `child_table` is the Table with the Foreign key.
929 ///
930 /// So given the Table decaration from [Associations docs](/associations/index.html)
931 ///
932 /// * The parent table would be `User`
933 /// * The child table would be `Post`
934 /// * and the Foreign key would be `Post.user_id`
935 ///
936 /// For joins that do not explicitly use on clauses via [`JoinOnDsl`](/prelude/trait.JoinOnDsl.html)
937 /// the following on clause is generated implicitly:
938 /// ```sql
939 /// post JOIN users ON posts.user_id = users.id
940 /// ```
941 #[macro_export]
942 macro_rules! joinable {
943     ($($child:ident)::* -> $($parent:ident)::* ($source:ident)) => {
944         joinable_inner!($($child)::* ::table => $($parent)::* ::table : ($($child)::* ::$source = $($parent)::* ::table));
945         joinable_inner!($($parent)::* ::table => $($child)::* ::table : ($($child)::* ::$source = $($parent)::* ::table));
946     }
947 }
949 #[macro_export]
950 #[doc(hidden)]
951 macro_rules! joinable_inner {
952     ($left_table:path => $right_table:path : ($foreign_key:path = $parent_table:path)) => {
953         joinable_inner!(
954             left_table_ty = $left_table,
955             right_table_ty = $right_table,
956             right_table_expr = $right_table,
957             foreign_key = $foreign_key,
958             primary_key_ty = <$parent_table as $crate::query_source::Table>::PrimaryKey,
959             primary_key_expr =
960                 <$parent_table as $crate::query_source::Table>::primary_key(&$parent_table),
961         );
962     };
964     (
965         left_table_ty = $left_table_ty:ty,
966         right_table_ty = $right_table_ty:ty,
967         right_table_expr = $right_table_expr:expr,
968         foreign_key = $foreign_key:path,
969         primary_key_ty = $primary_key_ty:ty,
970         primary_key_expr = $primary_key_expr:expr,
971     ) => {
972         impl $crate::JoinTo<$right_table_ty> for $left_table_ty {
973             type FromClause = $right_table_ty;
974             type OnClause = $crate::dsl::Eq<
975                 $crate::expression::nullable::Nullable<$foreign_key>,
976                 $crate::expression::nullable::Nullable<$primary_key_ty>,
977             >;
979             fn join_target(rhs: $right_table_ty) -> (Self::FromClause, Self::OnClause) {
980                 use $crate::{ExpressionMethods, NullableExpressionMethods};
982                 (
983                     rhs,
984                     $foreign_key.nullable().eq($primary_key_expr.nullable()),
985                 )
986             }
987         }
988     };
989 }
991 /// Allow two or more tables which are otherwise unrelated to be used together
992 /// in a query.
993 ///
994 /// This macro must be invoked any time two tables need to appear in the same
995 /// query either because they are being joined together, or because one appears
996 /// in a subselect. When this macro is invoked with more than 2 tables, every
997 /// combination of those tables will be allowed to appear together.
998 ///
999 /// If you are using `infer_schema!` or `diesel print-schema`, an invocation of
1000 /// this macro will be generated for you for all tables in your schema.
1001 ///
1002 /// # Example
1003 ///
1004 /// ```ignore
1005 /// // This would be required to do `users.inner_join(posts.inner_join(comments))`
1006 /// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, posts, users);
1007 /// ```
1008 ///
1009 /// When more than two tables are passed, the relevant code is generated for
1010 /// every combination of those tables. This code would be equivalent to the
1011 /// previous example.
1012 ///
1013 /// ```ignore
1014 /// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, posts);
1015 /// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(comments, users);
1016 /// allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!(posts, users);
1017 /// ```
1018 #[macro_export]
1019 macro_rules! allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query {
1020     ($left_mod:ident, $($right_mod:ident),+ $(,)*) => {
1021         $(
1022             impl $crate::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<$left_mod::table>
1023                 for $right_mod::table
1024             {
1025                 type Count = $crate::query_source::Never;
1026             }
1028             impl $crate::query_source::AppearsInFromClause<$right_mod::table>
1029                 for $left_mod::table
1030             {
1031                 type Count = $crate::query_source::Never;
1032             }
1033         )+
1034         allow_tables_to_appear_in_same_query!($($right_mod,)+);
1035     };
1037     ($last_table:ident,) => {};
1039     () => {};
1040 }
1042 /// Gets the value out of an option, or returns an error.
1043 ///
1044 /// This is used by `FromSql` implementations.
1045 #[macro_export]
1046 macro_rules! not_none {
1047     ($bytes:expr) => {
1048         match $bytes {
1049             Some(bytes) => bytes,
1050             None => return Err(Box::new($crate::result::UnexpectedNullError)),
1051         }
1052     };
1053 }
1055 // The order of these modules is important (at least for those which have tests).
1056 // Utility macros which don't call any others need to come first.
1057 #[macro_use]
1058 mod internal;
1059 #[macro_use]
1060 mod query_id;
1061 #[macro_use]
1062 mod static_cond;
1063 #[macro_use]
1064 mod ops;
1065 #[macro_use]
1066 mod tuples;
1068 #[cfg(test)]
1069 mod tests {
1070     use prelude::*;
1072     table! {
1073         foo.bars {
1074             id -> Integer,
1075             baz -> Text,
1076         }
1077     }
1079     mod my_types {
1080         #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)]
1081         pub struct MyCustomType;
1082     }
1084     table! {
1085         use sql_types::*;
1086         use macros::tests::my_types::*;
1088         table_with_custom_types {
1089             id -> Integer,
1090             my_type -> MyCustomType,
1091         }
1092     }
1094     table! {
1095         use sql_types::*;
1096         use macros::tests::my_types::*;
1098         /// Table documentation
1099         ///
1100         /// some in detail documentation
1101         table_with_custom_type_and_id (a) {
1102             /// Column documentation
1103             ///
1104             /// some more details
1105             a -> Integer,
1106             my_type -> MyCustomType,
1107         }
1108     }
1110     #[test]
1111     #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
table_with_custom_schema()1112     fn table_with_custom_schema() {
1113         use pg::Pg;
1114         let expected_sql = r#"SELECT "foo"."bars"."baz" FROM "foo"."bars" -- binds: []"#;
1115         assert_eq!(
1116             expected_sql,
1117             &::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&bars::table.select(bars::baz)).to_string()
1118         );
1119     }
1121     table! {
1122         use sql_types;
1123         use sql_types::*;
1125         table_with_arbitrarily_complex_types {
1126             id -> sql_types::Integer,
1127             qualified_nullable -> sql_types::Nullable<sql_types::Integer>,
1128             deeply_nested_type -> Option<Nullable<Integer>>,
1129             // This actually should work, but there appears to be a rustc bug
1130             // on the `AsExpression` bound for `EqAll` when the ty param is a projection
1131             // projected_type -> <Nullable<Integer> as sql_types::IntoNullable>::Nullable,
1132             random_tuple -> (Integer, Integer),
1133         }
1134     }
1136     table!(
1137         foo {
1138             /// Column doc
1139             id -> Integer,
1141             #[sql_name = "type"]
1142             /// Also important to document this column
1143             mytype -> Integer,
1145             /// And this one
1146             #[sql_name = "bleh"]
1147             hey -> Integer,
1148         }
1149     );
1151     #[test]
1152     #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
table_with_column_renaming_postgres()1153     fn table_with_column_renaming_postgres() {
1154         use pg::Pg;
1155         let expected_sql =
1156             r#"SELECT "foo"."id", "foo"."type", "foo"."bleh" FROM "foo" WHERE "foo"."type" = $1 -- binds: [1]"#;
1157         assert_eq!(
1158             expected_sql,
1159             ::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
1160         );
1161     }
1163     #[test]
1164     #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
table_with_column_renaming_mysql()1165     fn table_with_column_renaming_mysql() {
1166         use mysql::Mysql;
1167         let expected_sql =
1168             r#"SELECT `foo`.`id`, `foo`.`type`, `foo`.`bleh` FROM `foo` WHERE `foo`.`type` = ? -- binds: [1]"#;
1169         assert_eq!(
1170             expected_sql,
1171             ::debug_query::<Mysql, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
1172         );
1173     }
1175     #[test]
1176     #[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
table_with_column_renaming_sqlite()1177     fn table_with_column_renaming_sqlite() {
1178         use sqlite::Sqlite;
1179         let expected_sql =
1180             r#"SELECT `foo`.`id`, `foo`.`type`, `foo`.`bleh` FROM `foo` WHERE `foo`.`type` = ? -- binds: [1]"#;
1181         assert_eq!(
1182             expected_sql,
1183             ::debug_query::<Sqlite, _>(&foo::table.filter(foo::mytype.eq(1))).to_string()
1184         );
1185     }
1187     table!(
1188         use sql_types::*;
1190         /// Some documentation
1191         #[sql_name="mod"]
1192         /// Some more documentation
1193         bar {
1194             id -> Integer,
1195         }
1196     );
1198     #[test]
1199     #[cfg(feature = "postgres")]
table_renaming_postgres()1200     fn table_renaming_postgres() {
1201         use pg::Pg;
1202         let expected_sql = r#"SELECT "mod"."id" FROM "mod" -- binds: []"#;
1203         assert_eq!(
1204             expected_sql,
1205             ::debug_query::<Pg, _>(&bar::table.select(bar::id)).to_string()
1206         );
1207     }
1209     #[test]
1210     #[cfg(feature = "mysql")]
table_renaming_mysql()1211     fn table_renaming_mysql() {
1212         use mysql::Mysql;
1213         let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `mod`.`id` FROM `mod` -- binds: []"#;
1214         assert_eq!(
1215             expected_sql,
1216             ::debug_query::<Mysql, _>(&bar::table.select(bar::id)).to_string()
1217         );
1218     }
1220     #[test]
1221     #[cfg(feature = "sqlite")]
table_renaming_sqlite()1222     fn table_renaming_sqlite() {
1223         use sqlite::Sqlite;
1224         let expected_sql = r#"SELECT `mod`.`id` FROM `mod` -- binds: []"#;
1225         assert_eq!(
1226             expected_sql,
1227             ::debug_query::<Sqlite, _>(&bar::table.select(bar::id)).to_string()
1228         );
1229     }
1230 }