3 pub type c_long = i64;
4 pub type c_ulong = u64;
5 pub type c_char = i8;
6 pub type ucontext_t = sigcontext;
8 s! {
9     pub struct sigcontext {
10         pub sc_rdi: ::c_long,
11         pub sc_rsi: ::c_long,
12         pub sc_rdx: ::c_long,
13         pub sc_rcx: ::c_long,
14         pub sc_r8: ::c_long,
15         pub sc_r9: ::c_long,
16         pub sc_r10: ::c_long,
17         pub sc_r11: ::c_long,
18         pub sc_r12: ::c_long,
19         pub sc_r13: ::c_long,
20         pub sc_r14: ::c_long,
21         pub sc_r15: ::c_long,
22         pub sc_rbp: ::c_long,
23         pub sc_rbx: ::c_long,
24         pub sc_rax: ::c_long,
25         pub sc_gs: ::c_long,
26         pub sc_fs: ::c_long,
27         pub sc_es: ::c_long,
28         pub sc_ds: ::c_long,
29         pub sc_trapno: ::c_long,
30         pub sc_err: ::c_long,
31         pub sc_rip: ::c_long,
32         pub sc_cs: ::c_long,
33         pub sc_rflags: ::c_long,
34         pub sc_rsp: ::c_long,
35         pub sc_ss: ::c_long,
36         pub sc_fpstate: *mut fxsave64,
37         __sc_unused: ::c_int,
38         pub sc_mask: ::c_int,
39         pub sc_cookie: ::c_long,
40     }
41 }
43 s_no_extra_traits! {
44     #[repr(packed)]
45     pub struct fxsave64 {
46         pub fx_fcw: u16,
47         pub fx_fsw: u16,
48         pub fx_ftw: u8,
49         __fx_unused1: u8,
50         pub fx_fop: u16,
51         pub fx_rip: u64,
52         pub fx_rdp: u64,
53         pub fx_mxcsr: u32,
54         pub fx_mxcsr_mask: u32,
55         pub fx_st: [[u64; 2]; 8],
56         pub fx_xmm: [[u64; 2]; 16],
57         __fx_unused3: [u8; 96],
58     }
59 }
61 cfg_if! {
62     if #[cfg(feature = "extra_traits")] {
63         // `fxsave64` is packed, so field access is unaligned.
64         // use {x} to create temporary storage, copy field to it, and do aligned access.
65         impl PartialEq for fxsave64 {
66             fn eq(&self, other: &fxsave64) -> bool {
67                 return {self.fx_fcw} == {other.fx_fcw} &&
68                     {self.fx_fsw} == {other.fx_fsw} &&
69                     {self.fx_ftw} == {other.fx_ftw} &&
70                     {self.fx_fop} == {other.fx_fop} &&
71                     {self.fx_rip} == {other.fx_rip} &&
72                     {self.fx_rdp} == {other.fx_rdp} &&
73                     {self.fx_mxcsr} == {other.fx_mxcsr} &&
74                     {self.fx_mxcsr_mask} == {other.fx_mxcsr_mask} &&
75                     {self.fx_st}.iter().zip({other.fx_st}.iter()).all(|(a,b)| a == b) &&
76                     {self.fx_xmm}.iter().zip({other.fx_xmm}.iter()).all(|(a,b)| a == b)
77             }
78         }
79         impl Eq for fxsave64 {}
80         impl ::fmt::Debug for fxsave64 {
81             fn fmt(&self, f: &mut ::fmt::Formatter) -> ::fmt::Result {
82                 f.debug_struct("fxsave64")
83                     .field("fx_fcw", &{self.fx_fcw})
84                     .field("fx_fsw", &{self.fx_fsw})
85                     .field("fx_ftw", &{self.fx_ftw})
86                     .field("fx_fop", &{self.fx_fop})
87                     .field("fx_rip", &{self.fx_rip})
88                     .field("fx_rdp", &{self.fx_rdp})
89                     .field("fx_mxcsr", &{self.fx_mxcsr})
90                     .field("fx_mxcsr_mask", &{self.fx_mxcsr_mask})
91                     // FIXME: .field("fx_st", &{self.fx_st})
92                     // FIXME: .field("fx_xmm", &{self.fx_xmm})
93                     .finish()
94             }
95         }
96         impl ::hash::Hash for fxsave64 {
97             fn hash<H: ::hash::Hasher>(&self, state: &mut H) {
98                 {self.fx_fcw}.hash(state);
99                 {self.fx_fsw}.hash(state);
100                 {self.fx_ftw}.hash(state);
101                 {self.fx_fop}.hash(state);
102                 {self.fx_rip}.hash(state);
103                 {self.fx_rdp}.hash(state);
104                 {self.fx_mxcsr}.hash(state);
105                 {self.fx_mxcsr_mask}.hash(state);
106                 {self.fx_st}.hash(state);
107                 {self.fx_xmm}.hash(state);
108             }
109         }
110     }
111 }
113 // should be pub(crate), but that requires Rust 1.18.0
114 cfg_if! {
115     if #[cfg(libc_const_size_of)] {
116         #[doc(hidden)]
117         pub const _ALIGNBYTES: usize = ::mem::size_of::<::c_long>() - 1;
118     } else {
119         #[doc(hidden)]
120         pub const _ALIGNBYTES: usize = 8 - 1;
121     }
122 }
124 pub const _MAX_PAGE_SHIFT: u32 = 12;
126 pub const PT_STEP: ::c_int = PT_FIRSTMACH + 0;
127 pub const PT_GETREGS: ::c_int = PT_FIRSTMACH + 1;
128 pub const PT_SETREGS: ::c_int = PT_FIRSTMACH + 2;
129 pub const PT_GETFPREGS: ::c_int = PT_FIRSTMACH + 3;
130 pub const PT_SETFPREGS: ::c_int = PT_FIRSTMACH + 4;