1<section name="Running CDPlayer">
2	CDPlayer is started as every other GNUstep application, too.
3	It will try to find a playable audio CD in any of the configured
4	CD drives of your PC. If it has found one, the track list will
5	show the tracks and the main panel will look like in the picture
6	in section <ref id="The main control panel">"The main control panel"</ref>.
7	If all drives are empty, the main panel looks like this:<br><br>
8	<img src="MainEmpty.tiff"><br><br>
9	On startup you can supply the argument 'Device' containing the
10	path to your preferred CD drive, e.g. 'Device=/dev/cdrom'. This
11	drive will then be checked first for an audio CD.<br><br>
12	CDPlayer.app (or rather AudioCD.bundle) will then continually
13	check the configured (see <ref id="Configuration">"Configuration" for details</ref>)
14	for a change, i.e. it will detect itself if you remove the CD or
15	insert a new one.
18<section name="The main control panel">
19	CDPlayer.app's main control panel resembles the front panel of your
20	home stereo's CD player. Only, it is much simpler. Thus, it should be
21	easy to understand.
22	<br><br>
23	<legendfig src="Main.tiff">
24		<legend x="35" y="50" >The index of the current track.</legend>
25		<legend x="100" y="50">The already played time of the current track.</legend>
26		<legend x="20" y="80">Got to the beginning of the last track or one track backward.</legend>
27		<legend x="50" y="80">Play the current track.</legend>
28		<legend x="80" y="80">Pause the currently playing track.</legend>
29		<legend x="110" y="80">Jump forward to the next track.</legend>
30		<legend x="140" y="80">Stop the currently playing track.</legend>
31	</legendfig>
34<section name="The track list">
35	The track list is a list displaying the CD's tracks and their respective
36	length. The currently played track is printed in bold. The track list has
37	no further functionality. In particular it is <b>not</b> meant to be any kind
38	of a smart play list. It is just a dumb list.
39	<br>
40	Actually, there is one function you may find useful. You can select tracks
41	you wish to copy onto a CD, and drag them to Burn.app's CD description
42	window.
43	<br>
44	If you do have a connection to the internet, you may also do a query on a
45	FreeDB server to have the track titles displayed properly. This will work
46	only, if you have chosen a FreeDB server in CDPlayer.app's settings.
47	<br><br>
48	<legendfig src="TrackList.tiff">
49		<legend x="55" y="45" >The Cddb ID of the current CD or 'No CD' if tray is empty.</legend>
50		<legend x="145" y="190">The list of tracks with generic title and Duration.</legend>
51		<legend x="120" y="95">The currently played track is displayed with a bold font.</legend>
52	</legendfig>