1$Id: THANKS,v 1.20 2003/03/02 16:38:17 t1mpy Exp $
3id3lib THANKS file
5See the AUTHORS file for a list of past and current project maintainers.
7Since version 3.05a, several individuals have helped further the development of
8id3lib.  They are listed below, in no particular order.  Please inform the
9current project maintainer if anyone has been missed.
11* Paul-Henri (paul-henri.ferme@noos.fr) and Christopher John Shaker <(cjshaker@shaker-net.com)
12  for pointing out where the code could have been more robust in tag_find.cpp.
13* Bradley J. Marker for pointing out that checking for NULL in Set() can
14  prevent crashes.
15* Todd Wilson for making a better field.cpp.
16* Baz (thebaz@pluizig.com) for creating a patch to get vbr info.
17* Tobias Hoppe (choppe@cs.uni-magdeburg.de) for providing a better way to
18  get the framesize.
19* Philipp Thomas (pthomas@suse.de) for help with compiling id3lib for gcc 3.2,
20  and make it better compliant with libstdc++
21* John George (johngeorge_k@asianetindia.com) for donating a number of routines
22  in misc_support.cpp.
23* Frog Prince (thefrogprince@hotmail.com) for helping with compatibility issues
24  for VB and Delphi
25* Simon Ferrett (simon@musicmatch.com) made the id3lib.org domain point to our
26  project page. He also kindly created an email alias.
27* Kamran (kamran@musicmatch.com) fixed several bugs in MusicMatch's internal
28  version of ID3Lib which were merged into the current public version of
29  id3lib.
30* Alexander Voronin (av@oskarsb.ru) has submitted several patches to fix a
31  variety of bugs.
32* John Adcock (johnadcock@hotmail.com) provided the COM wrapper and lib
33  projects for id3lib, the VB test app for id3com.dll, as well as several
34  bugfixes and improvements.
35* Myers W. Carpenter (myers@fil.org) has submitted a patch for improving the
36  interface and functionality of the library.
37* Justin Rogers (justin@mlstoday.com) has provided much valuable conversation
38  as to the design and implementation of id3lib.
39* Mark B. Elrod (elrod@liquidmetal.com) has provided several patches for better
40  win32 functionality.
41* Scott Moser (smoser@brickies.net) provided the php translation of the
42  original ID3Lib manual
43* Robert Moon (rob@emusic.com) provided tremendous help getting the C interface
44  up to speed, as well as providing bugfixes for the Windows projects.
45* Lothar Egger (lothar.egger@chello.at) also assisted in fixing the Windows
46  projects, as well as providing assistance for testing the dlls under Windows
47* Severino Delaurenti (id3lib@castlems.com) added functionality for parsing
48  Lyrics3 v1.0 and v2.0 tags, as well as improving synchronized lyric frame
49  (SYLT) dramatically.
50* Michael Little (mike@netlinear.com) provided the delphi code for use with
51  id3com.
52* Peter Luijer (videoripper@hotmail.com) provided much useful documentation
53  on the MusicMatch tagging format.
54* Steven Frank (stevenf@users.sourceforge.net) provided invaluable help in
55  tracking down runtime bugs for the Macintosh port.
56* The following individuals have assisted by providing bug reports and (often)
57  suggestions for fixes:
58  - Ben Noblet (Ben.Noblet@xt3.com.au)
59  - Benedikt Roth (Benedikt.Roth@gmx.net)
60  - Christian Becker (chris@craze.de)
61  - Daryl Pawluk (dpawluk@home.com)
62  - John Firebaugh (jfirebaugh@mac.com)
63  - John Southerland (jbsouthe@home.com)
64  - Luca Leonardo Scorcia (scrlln@tin.it)
65  - Peter Thorstenson (swede@openlink.com.br)
66  - Sasa �olic (sasad@moderngroove.com)
67  - Steven Frank (stevenf@users.sourceforge.net)
68  - Tim Newsome (nuisance@cmu.edu)
70Dirk Mahoney included the following at the end of his documentation on ID3Lib
713.05a.  It is included in verbatim here.
73  Special Thanks and Credits
75  I would like to extend my many thanks to the people who have contributed to
76  the ID3Lib project.  The show of support has been tremendous.  I consider
77  ID3Lib to be a very 'international' product, as contributions have come from
78  almost literally every corner of the globe.  If I have missed you, please
79  forgive my lapse of memory.
81  * Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler - for their great zlib compression library
82    and for making it free.
83  * Tord Jansson - for much help with teaching me how to make and use DLLs.
84  * Slava Karpenko for creating the MacOS static link libraries for the PowerPC
85    and CodeWarrior.
86  * Bob Kohn - for his advice, input, and generally creating the ID3Lib license
87    agreement.
88  * Eng-Keong Lee - for finding a few bugs and for extensively testing ID3Lib
89    2.xx.
90  * James Lin - for his 'ID3v2 Programming Guidelines', and many helpful
91    suggestions
92  * Michael Mutschler - for prompting me to write the Unicode support and for
93    his input on the ID3Lib calling convention.
94  * Martin Nilsson - for ID3v2, his support of the ID3Lib web page, for many,
95    many suggestions, debates, pointers, URLs, documents, and brightly coloured
96    fish.
97  * Chris Nunn - for the 3D animated ID3v2 logos which appear in the ID3Lib web
98    page and in the distribution.
99  * Lachlan Pitts - for general implementation ideas and his brief but helpful
100    work on the up-coming genre tree.
101  * Jukka Poikolainen - for prompting to implement error handling via the C++
102    exception handling mechanism instead of the old 2.xx-style of using an
103    error handling function.
104  * Carson Puchol - for his help with some minor Linux compilation hassles.
105  * Andreas Sigfridsson - for his initial code for the unsync/resync support
106    and for his very valuable input in long brainstorming sessions.
107  * Michael Robertson - for helping support ID3Lib by posting announcements on
108    MP3.com.
109  * Ilana Rudnik - for bug finding and suggestions.
110  * Chuck Zenkus - for his support of ID3v2 and ID3Lib by providing us with a
111    mirror in the United States and for his bug finding and suggestions.
112  * And last but by no means least, all the others who support ID3Lib by
113    subscribing to the mailing list and to the contributors to the discussions
114    and debates in the ID3v2 discussion group.
116  Without the help of all these people, ID3Lib would not be as good as it is,
117  and I dare say might not even exist if they all weren't around to provide
118  motivation to continue to write the thing!
120  - Dirk Mahoney
121  22 November 1998
122  Brisbane, Australia