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COPYINGH A D26-Mar-201027 KiB531438

ChangeLogH A D26-Mar-20100

INSTALLH A D26-Mar-2010332 1411

MakefileH A D03-May-2022701 3121

READMEH A D26-Mar-20102.8 KiB8056

build-stampH A D26-Mar-20100

convert.cppH A D26-Mar-20106.7 KiB194162

create_map.cppH A D26-Mar-20101.3 KiB4423

frametable.hH A D26-Mar-20105.9 KiB11588

genre.cppH A D26-Mar-20102.7 KiB9462

genre.hH A D26-Mar-20101,010 296

id3v2.1H A D26-Mar-20101.4 KiB7573

id3v2.cppH A D26-Mar-201027.1 KiB752662

id3v2.specH A D26-Mar-20101.2 KiB5242

list.cppH A D26-Mar-201012.1 KiB417370


1id3v2 - A command line id3v2 tag editor.
4In case you didn't know id3 tags can be found on mp3 files, they can store
5infomation about what band recorded the song, the song name, etc.
7I wrote this because id3v1 are seriously deficient in what kind of info can
8be in them and the length of info that can be in them.  id3v2 tags are much
9better but there isn't a tool to edit them in Linux.  This is a tool to fill
10that space.
12See INSTALL for directions on building id3v2.
14As of version 0.1.10 this code is under the LGPL.  A lot of it is based off
15the examples in id3lib, but there is some code from me :).
17		- myers <myers_carpenter at users.sourceforge.net>
19thanks goes out to:
21Antti Andreimann - patch to write only one version of tag
23Vladimir Pastukhov - patch to handle General object frames w/o segfaulting
25Errica Crome - patch to fix genre display.
27Branko Radovanovic <branko-r at users.sf.net> -
28  patch 1:
29    - No more seg faults for: --IPLS, --UFID, --PCNT, --
30    POPM. Note that these still merely print the info (i.e. the
31    file is *not* changed).
33    - No more seg faults for --comment. And the new code
34    actually *sets* the comment.
36    - No more seg faults for --TXXX desc:text.
38    - "TSIZ results in unrecognized option" now fixed.
40    Also rearranged some redundant code and made several
41    minor changes (a bit more consistent coding style,
42    spelling, etc.)
44  patch 2:
46    In PrintID3v1Tag() fread() in fact returns size_t (number
47    of items read), which is unsigned, and the error
48    reporting code is thus never executed. Fixed now.
50    BTW, it would probably be a good idea to compile with "-
51    W -Wall pedantic". This is how I caught it.
52  (I've changed the make file as he suggested)
54Jim Ursetto <ursetto at users.sf.net> -
55    Attached patch deletes id3v2 tags when passed an empty
56    string, rather than just setting them to a null string.
57    I.e. -a "" will delete the artist tag. Works for
58    comments too: -c "ID3v1 Comment::XXX" will delete the
59    default comment derived from the v1 tag.
61Martin Soto <soto at informatik.uni-kl.de>
62	When a file has an unknown genre (number 255) the program dies with a
63	segmentation fault.  When applied to list.cpp the patch should correct
64	that by printing "Unknown" as the genre.
66Aubin Paul <aubin at punknews.org>
67	patch to build under gcc 3.2
69Jens Rehsack <rehsack at liwing.de>
70    I attach a few patches for the id3v2 tool you're responsible for. Maybe
71    it's useful to apply them, 'cause at the moment the implementation
72    doesn't conforms the ANSI C++ standard. (I didn't check the whole source
73    but those lines which causes the error).
75Warren Stevens <warren at catzooks.com>
76	Whole bunch of stuff
78Roberto Costa <roberto.costa at ensta.org>
79	Patch to fix id3 genres