1#!/usr/bin/env python
2# encoding: utf-8
3# Thomas Nagy, 2005-2018 (ita)
6Utilities and platform-specific fixes
8The portability fixes try to provide a consistent behavior of the Waf API
9through Python versions 2.5 to 3.X and across different platforms (win32, linux, etc)
12from __future__ import with_statement
14import atexit, os, sys, errno, inspect, re, datetime, platform, base64, signal, functools, time
17	import cPickle
18except ImportError:
19	import pickle as cPickle
21# leave this
22if os.name == 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3:
23	try:
24		import subprocess32 as subprocess
25	except ImportError:
26		import subprocess
28	import subprocess
31	TimeoutExpired = subprocess.TimeoutExpired
32except AttributeError:
33	class TimeoutExpired(Exception):
34		pass
36from collections import deque, defaultdict
39	import _winreg as winreg
40except ImportError:
41	try:
42		import winreg
43	except ImportError:
44		winreg = None
46from waflib import Errors
49	from hashlib import md5
50except ImportError:
51	try:
52		from md5 import md5
53	except ImportError:
54		# never fail to enable fixes from another module
55		pass
58	import threading
59except ImportError:
60	if not 'JOBS' in os.environ:
61		# no threading :-(
62		os.environ['JOBS'] = '1'
64	class threading(object):
65		"""
66		A fake threading class for platforms lacking the threading module.
67		Use ``waf -j1`` on those platforms
68		"""
69		pass
70	class Lock(object):
71		"""Fake Lock class"""
72		def acquire(self):
73			pass
74		def release(self):
75			pass
76	threading.Lock = threading.Thread = Lock
78SIG_NIL = 'SIG_NIL_SIG_NIL_'.encode()
79"""Arbitrary null value for hashes. Modify this value according to the hash function in use"""
81O644 = 420
82"""Constant representing the permissions for regular files (0644 raises a syntax error on python 3)"""
84O755 = 493
85"""Constant representing the permissions for executable files (0755 raises a syntax error on python 3)"""
87rot_chr = ['\\', '|', '/', '-']
88"List of characters to use when displaying the throbber (progress bar)"
90rot_idx = 0
91"Index of the current throbber character (progress bar)"
93class ordered_iter_dict(dict):
94	"""Ordered dictionary that provides iteration from the most recently inserted keys first"""
95	def __init__(self, *k, **kw):
96		self.lst = deque()
97		dict.__init__(self, *k, **kw)
98	def clear(self):
99		dict.clear(self)
100		self.lst = deque()
101	def __setitem__(self, key, value):
102		if key in dict.keys(self):
103			self.lst.remove(key)
104		dict.__setitem__(self, key, value)
105		self.lst.append(key)
106	def __delitem__(self, key):
107		dict.__delitem__(self, key)
108		try:
109			self.lst.remove(key)
110		except ValueError:
111			pass
112	def __iter__(self):
113		return reversed(self.lst)
114	def keys(self):
115		return reversed(self.lst)
117class lru_node(object):
118	"""
119	Used by :py:class:`waflib.Utils.lru_cache`
120	"""
121	__slots__ = ('next', 'prev', 'key', 'val')
122	def __init__(self):
123		self.next = self
124		self.prev = self
125		self.key = None
126		self.val = None
128class lru_cache(object):
129	"""
130	A simple least-recently used cache with lazy allocation
131	"""
132	__slots__ = ('maxlen', 'table', 'head')
133	def __init__(self, maxlen=100):
134		self.maxlen = maxlen
135		"""
136		Maximum amount of elements in the cache
137		"""
138		self.table = {}
139		"""
140		Mapping key-value
141		"""
142		self.head = lru_node()
143		self.head.next = self.head
144		self.head.prev = self.head
146	def __getitem__(self, key):
147		node = self.table[key]
148		# assert(key==node.key)
149		if node is self.head:
150			return node.val
152		# detach the node found
153		node.prev.next = node.next
154		node.next.prev = node.prev
156		# replace the head
157		node.next = self.head.next
158		node.prev = self.head
159		self.head = node.next.prev = node.prev.next = node
161		return node.val
163	def __setitem__(self, key, val):
164		if key in self.table:
165			# update the value for an existing key
166			node = self.table[key]
167			node.val = val
168			self.__getitem__(key)
169		else:
170			if len(self.table) < self.maxlen:
171				# the very first item is unused until the maximum is reached
172				node = lru_node()
173				node.prev = self.head
174				node.next = self.head.next
175				node.prev.next = node.next.prev = node
176			else:
177				node = self.head = self.head.next
178				try:
179					# that's another key
180					del self.table[node.key]
181				except KeyError:
182					pass
184			node.key = key
185			node.val = val
186			self.table[key] = node
188class lazy_generator(object):
189	def __init__(self, fun, params):
190		self.fun = fun
191		self.params = params
193	def __iter__(self):
194		return self
196	def __next__(self):
197		try:
198			it = self.it
199		except AttributeError:
200			it = self.it = self.fun(*self.params)
201		return next(it)
203	next = __next__
205is_win32 = os.sep == '\\' or sys.platform == 'win32' # msys2
207Whether this system is a Windows series
210def readf(fname, m='r', encoding='latin-1'):
211	"""
212	Reads an entire file into a string. See also :py:meth:`waflib.Node.Node.readf`::
214		def build(ctx):
215			from waflib import Utils
216			txt = Utils.readf(self.path.find_node('wscript').abspath())
217			txt = ctx.path.find_node('wscript').read()
219	:type  fname: string
220	:param fname: Path to file
221	:type  m: string
222	:param m: Open mode
223	:type encoding: string
224	:param encoding: encoding value, only used for python 3
225	:rtype: string
226	:return: Content of the file
227	"""
229	if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
230		m += 'b'
231		with open(fname, m) as f:
232			txt = f.read()
233		if encoding:
234			txt = txt.decode(encoding)
235		else:
236			txt = txt.decode()
237	else:
238		with open(fname, m) as f:
239			txt = f.read()
240	return txt
242def writef(fname, data, m='w', encoding='latin-1'):
243	"""
244	Writes an entire file from a string.
245	See also :py:meth:`waflib.Node.Node.writef`::
247		def build(ctx):
248			from waflib import Utils
249			txt = Utils.writef(self.path.make_node('i_like_kittens').abspath(), 'some data')
250			self.path.make_node('i_like_kittens').write('some data')
252	:type  fname: string
253	:param fname: Path to file
254	:type   data: string
255	:param  data: The contents to write to the file
256	:type  m: string
257	:param m: Open mode
258	:type encoding: string
259	:param encoding: encoding value, only used for python 3
260	"""
261	if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
262		data = data.encode(encoding)
263		m += 'b'
264	with open(fname, m) as f:
265		f.write(data)
267def h_file(fname):
268	"""
269	Computes a hash value for a file by using md5. Use the md5_tstamp
270	extension to get faster build hashes if necessary.
272	:type fname: string
273	:param fname: path to the file to hash
274	:return: hash of the file contents
275	:rtype: string or bytes
276	"""
277	m = md5()
278	with open(fname, 'rb') as f:
279		while fname:
280			fname = f.read(200000)
281			m.update(fname)
282	return m.digest()
284def readf_win32(f, m='r', encoding='latin-1'):
285	flags = os.O_NOINHERIT | os.O_RDONLY
286	if 'b' in m:
287		flags |= os.O_BINARY
288	if '+' in m:
289		flags |= os.O_RDWR
290	try:
291		fd = os.open(f, flags)
292	except OSError:
293		raise IOError('Cannot read from %r' % f)
295	if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
296		m += 'b'
297		with os.fdopen(fd, m) as f:
298			txt = f.read()
299		if encoding:
300			txt = txt.decode(encoding)
301		else:
302			txt = txt.decode()
303	else:
304		with os.fdopen(fd, m) as f:
305			txt = f.read()
306	return txt
308def writef_win32(f, data, m='w', encoding='latin-1'):
309	if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000 and not 'b' in m:
310		data = data.encode(encoding)
311		m += 'b'
312	flags = os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC | os.O_WRONLY | os.O_NOINHERIT
313	if 'b' in m:
314		flags |= os.O_BINARY
315	if '+' in m:
316		flags |= os.O_RDWR
317	try:
318		fd = os.open(f, flags)
319	except OSError:
320		raise OSError('Cannot write to %r' % f)
321	with os.fdopen(fd, m) as f:
322		f.write(data)
324def h_file_win32(fname):
325	try:
326		fd = os.open(fname, os.O_BINARY | os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NOINHERIT)
327	except OSError:
328		raise OSError('Cannot read from %r' % fname)
329	m = md5()
330	with os.fdopen(fd, 'rb') as f:
331		while fname:
332			fname = f.read(200000)
333			m.update(fname)
334	return m.digest()
336# always save these
337readf_unix = readf
338writef_unix = writef
339h_file_unix = h_file
340if hasattr(os, 'O_NOINHERIT') and sys.hexversion < 0x3040000:
341	# replace the default functions
342	readf = readf_win32
343	writef = writef_win32
344	h_file = h_file_win32
347	x = ''.encode('hex')
348except LookupError:
349	import binascii
350	def to_hex(s):
351		ret = binascii.hexlify(s)
352		if not isinstance(ret, str):
353			ret = ret.decode('utf-8')
354		return ret
356	def to_hex(s):
357		return s.encode('hex')
359to_hex.__doc__ = """
360Return the hexadecimal representation of a string
362:param s: string to convert
363:type s: string
366def listdir_win32(s):
367	"""
368	Lists the contents of a folder in a portable manner.
369	On Win32, returns the list of drive letters: ['C:', 'X:', 'Z:'] when an empty string is given.
371	:type s: string
372	:param s: a string, which can be empty on Windows
373	"""
374	if not s:
375		try:
376			import ctypes
377		except ImportError:
378			# there is nothing much we can do
379			return [x + ':\\' for x in 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ']
380		else:
381			dlen = 4 # length of "?:\\x00"
382			maxdrives = 26
383			buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(maxdrives * dlen)
384			ndrives = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDriveStringsA(maxdrives*dlen, ctypes.byref(buf))
385			return [ str(buf.raw[4*i:4*i+2].decode('ascii')) for i in range(int(ndrives/dlen)) ]
387	if len(s) == 2 and s[1] == ":":
388		s += os.sep
390	if not os.path.isdir(s):
391		e = OSError('%s is not a directory' % s)
392		e.errno = errno.ENOENT
393		raise e
394	return os.listdir(s)
396listdir = os.listdir
397if is_win32:
398	listdir = listdir_win32
400def num2ver(ver):
401	"""
402	Converts a string, tuple or version number into an integer. The number is supposed to have at most 4 digits::
404		from waflib.Utils import num2ver
405		num2ver('1.3.2') == num2ver((1,3,2)) == num2ver((1,3,2,0))
407	:type ver: string or tuple of numbers
408	:param ver: a version number
409	"""
410	if isinstance(ver, str):
411		ver = tuple(ver.split('.'))
412	if isinstance(ver, tuple):
413		ret = 0
414		for i in range(4):
415			if i < len(ver):
416				ret += 256**(3 - i) * int(ver[i])
417		return ret
418	return ver
420def to_list(val):
421	"""
422	Converts a string argument to a list by splitting it by spaces.
423	Returns the object if not a string::
425		from waflib.Utils import to_list
426		lst = to_list('a b c d')
428	:param val: list of string or space-separated string
429	:rtype: list
430	:return: Argument converted to list
431	"""
432	if isinstance(val, str):
433		return val.split()
434	else:
435		return val
437def console_encoding():
438	try:
439		import ctypes
440	except ImportError:
441		pass
442	else:
443		try:
444			codepage = ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetConsoleCP()
445		except AttributeError:
446			pass
447		else:
448			if codepage:
449				return 'cp%d' % codepage
450	return sys.stdout.encoding or ('cp1252' if is_win32 else 'latin-1')
452def split_path_unix(path):
453	return path.split('/')
455def split_path_cygwin(path):
456	if path.startswith('//'):
457		ret = path.split('/')[2:]
458		ret[0] = '/' + ret[0]
459		return ret
460	return path.split('/')
462re_sp = re.compile('[/\\\\]+')
463def split_path_win32(path):
464	if path.startswith('\\\\'):
465		ret = re_sp.split(path)[1:]
466		ret[0] = '\\\\' + ret[0]
467		if ret[0] == '\\\\?':
468			return ret[1:]
469		return ret
470	return re_sp.split(path)
472msysroot = None
473def split_path_msys(path):
474	if path.startswith(('/', '\\')) and not path.startswith(('//', '\\\\')):
475		# msys paths can be in the form /usr/bin
476		global msysroot
477		if not msysroot:
478			# msys has python 2.7 or 3, so we can use this
479			msysroot = subprocess.check_output(['cygpath', '-w', '/']).decode(sys.stdout.encoding or 'latin-1')
480			msysroot = msysroot.strip()
481		path = os.path.normpath(msysroot + os.sep + path)
482	return split_path_win32(path)
484if sys.platform == 'cygwin':
485	split_path = split_path_cygwin
486elif is_win32:
487	if os.environ.get('MSYSTEM'):
488		split_path = split_path_msys
489	else:
490		split_path = split_path_win32
492	split_path = split_path_unix
494split_path.__doc__ = """
495Splits a path by / or \\; do not confuse this function with with ``os.path.split``
497:type  path: string
498:param path: path to split
499:return:     list of string
502def check_dir(path):
503	"""
504	Ensures that a directory exists (similar to ``mkdir -p``).
506	:type  path: string
507	:param path: Path to directory
508	:raises: :py:class:`waflib.Errors.WafError` if the folder cannot be added.
509	"""
510	if not os.path.isdir(path):
511		try:
512			os.makedirs(path)
513		except OSError as e:
514			if not os.path.isdir(path):
515				raise Errors.WafError('Cannot create the folder %r' % path, ex=e)
517def check_exe(name, env=None):
518	"""
519	Ensures that a program exists
521	:type name: string
522	:param name: path to the program
523	:param env: configuration object
524	:type env: :py:class:`waflib.ConfigSet.ConfigSet`
525	:return: path of the program or None
526	:raises: :py:class:`waflib.Errors.WafError` if the folder cannot be added.
527	"""
528	if not name:
529		raise ValueError('Cannot execute an empty string!')
530	def is_exe(fpath):
531		return os.path.isfile(fpath) and os.access(fpath, os.X_OK)
533	fpath, fname = os.path.split(name)
534	if fpath and is_exe(name):
535		return os.path.abspath(name)
536	else:
537		env = env or os.environ
538		for path in env['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
539			path = path.strip('"')
540			exe_file = os.path.join(path, name)
541			if is_exe(exe_file):
542				return os.path.abspath(exe_file)
543	return None
545def def_attrs(cls, **kw):
546	"""
547	Sets default attributes on a class instance
549	:type cls: class
550	:param cls: the class to update the given attributes in.
551	:type kw: dict
552	:param kw: dictionary of attributes names and values.
553	"""
554	for k, v in kw.items():
555		if not hasattr(cls, k):
556			setattr(cls, k, v)
558def quote_define_name(s):
559	"""
560	Converts a string into an identifier suitable for C defines.
562	:type  s: string
563	:param s: String to convert
564	:rtype: string
565	:return: Identifier suitable for C defines
566	"""
567	fu = re.sub('[^a-zA-Z0-9]', '_', s)
568	fu = re.sub('_+', '_', fu)
569	fu = fu.upper()
570	return fu
572re_sh = re.compile('\\s|\'|"')
574Regexp used for shell_escape below
577def shell_escape(cmd):
578	"""
579	Escapes a command:
580	['ls', '-l', 'arg space'] -> ls -l 'arg space'
581	"""
582	if isinstance(cmd, str):
583		return cmd
584	return ' '.join(repr(x) if re_sh.search(x) else x for x in cmd)
586def h_list(lst):
587	"""
588	Hashes lists of ordered data.
590	Using hash(tup) for tuples would be much more efficient,
591	but Python now enforces hash randomization
593	:param lst: list to hash
594	:type lst: list of strings
595	:return: hash of the list
596	"""
597	return md5(repr(lst).encode()).digest()
599def h_fun(fun):
600	"""
601	Hash functions
603	:param fun: function to hash
604	:type  fun: function
605	:return: hash of the function
606	:rtype: string or bytes
607	"""
608	try:
609		return fun.code
610	except AttributeError:
611		if isinstance(fun, functools.partial):
612			code = list(fun.args)
613			# The method items() provides a sequence of tuples where the first element
614			# represents an optional argument of the partial function application
615			#
616			# The sorting result outcome will be consistent because:
617			# 1. tuples are compared in order of their elements
618			# 2. optional argument namess are unique
619			code.extend(sorted(fun.keywords.items()))
620			code.append(h_fun(fun.func))
621			fun.code = h_list(code)
622			return fun.code
623		try:
624			h = inspect.getsource(fun)
625		except EnvironmentError:
626			h = 'nocode'
627		try:
628			fun.code = h
629		except AttributeError:
630			pass
631		return h
633def h_cmd(ins):
634	"""
635	Hashes objects recursively
637	:param ins: input object
638	:type ins: string or list or tuple or function
639	:rtype: string or bytes
640	"""
641	# this function is not meant to be particularly fast
642	if isinstance(ins, str):
643		# a command is either a string
644		ret = ins
645	elif isinstance(ins, list) or isinstance(ins, tuple):
646		# or a list of functions/strings
647		ret = str([h_cmd(x) for x in ins])
648	else:
649		# or just a python function
650		ret = str(h_fun(ins))
651	if sys.hexversion > 0x3000000:
652		ret = ret.encode('latin-1', 'xmlcharrefreplace')
653	return ret
655reg_subst = re.compile(r"(\\\\)|(\$\$)|\$\{([^}]+)\}")
656def subst_vars(expr, params):
657	"""
658	Replaces ${VAR} with the value of VAR taken from a dict or a config set::
660		from waflib import Utils
661		s = Utils.subst_vars('${PREFIX}/bin', env)
663	:type  expr: string
664	:param expr: String to perform substitution on
665	:param params: Dictionary or config set to look up variable values.
666	"""
667	def repl_var(m):
668		if m.group(1):
669			return '\\'
670		if m.group(2):
671			return '$'
672		try:
673			# ConfigSet instances may contain lists
674			return params.get_flat(m.group(3))
675		except AttributeError:
676			return params[m.group(3)]
677		# if you get a TypeError, it means that 'expr' is not a string...
678		# Utils.subst_vars(None, env)  will not work
679	return reg_subst.sub(repl_var, expr)
681def destos_to_binfmt(key):
682	"""
683	Returns the binary format based on the unversioned platform name,
684	and defaults to ``elf`` if nothing is found.
686	:param key: platform name
687	:type  key: string
688	:return: string representing the binary format
689	"""
690	if key == 'darwin':
691		return 'mac-o'
692	elif key in ('win32', 'cygwin', 'uwin', 'msys'):
693		return 'pe'
694	return 'elf'
696def unversioned_sys_platform():
697	"""
698	Returns the unversioned platform name.
699	Some Python platform names contain versions, that depend on
700	the build environment, e.g. linux2, freebsd6, etc.
701	This returns the name without the version number. Exceptions are
702	os2 and win32, which are returned verbatim.
704	:rtype: string
705	:return: Unversioned platform name
706	"""
707	s = sys.platform
708	if s.startswith('java'):
709		# The real OS is hidden under the JVM.
710		from java.lang import System
711		s = System.getProperty('os.name')
712		# see http://lopica.sourceforge.net/os.html for a list of possible values
713		if s == 'Mac OS X':
714			return 'darwin'
715		elif s.startswith('Windows '):
716			return 'win32'
717		elif s == 'OS/2':
718			return 'os2'
719		elif s == 'HP-UX':
720			return 'hp-ux'
721		elif s in ('SunOS', 'Solaris'):
722			return 'sunos'
723		else: s = s.lower()
725	# powerpc == darwin for our purposes
726	if s == 'powerpc':
727		return 'darwin'
728	if s == 'win32' or s == 'os2':
729		return s
730	if s == 'cli' and os.name == 'nt':
731		# ironpython is only on windows as far as we know
732		return 'win32'
733	return re.split('\d+$', s)[0]
735def nada(*k, **kw):
736	"""
737	Does nothing
739	:return: None
740	"""
741	pass
743class Timer(object):
744	"""
745	Simple object for timing the execution of commands.
746	Its string representation is the duration::
748		from waflib.Utils import Timer
749		timer = Timer()
750		a_few_operations()
751		s = str(timer)
752	"""
753	def __init__(self):
754		self.start_time = self.now()
756	def __str__(self):
757		delta = self.now() - self.start_time
758		if not isinstance(delta, datetime.timedelta):
759			delta = datetime.timedelta(seconds=delta)
760		days = delta.days
761		hours, rem = divmod(delta.seconds, 3600)
762		minutes, seconds = divmod(rem, 60)
763		seconds += delta.microseconds * 1e-6
764		result = ''
765		if days:
766			result += '%dd' % days
767		if days or hours:
768			result += '%dh' % hours
769		if days or hours or minutes:
770			result += '%dm' % minutes
771		return '%s%.3fs' % (result, seconds)
773	def now(self):
774		return datetime.datetime.utcnow()
776	if hasattr(time, 'perf_counter'):
777		def now(self):
778			return time.perf_counter()
780def read_la_file(path):
781	"""
782	Reads property files, used by msvc.py
784	:param path: file to read
785	:type path: string
786	"""
787	sp = re.compile(r'^([^=]+)=\'(.*)\'$')
788	dc = {}
789	for line in readf(path).splitlines():
790		try:
791			_, left, right, _ = sp.split(line.strip())
792			dc[left] = right
793		except ValueError:
794			pass
795	return dc
797def run_once(fun):
798	"""
799	Decorator: let a function cache its results, use like this::
801		@run_once
802		def foo(k):
803			return 345*2343
805	.. note:: in practice this can cause memory leaks, prefer a :py:class:`waflib.Utils.lru_cache`
807	:param fun: function to execute
808	:type fun: function
809	:return: the return value of the function executed
810	"""
811	cache = {}
812	def wrap(*k):
813		try:
814			return cache[k]
815		except KeyError:
816			ret = fun(*k)
817			cache[k] = ret
818			return ret
819	wrap.__cache__ = cache
820	wrap.__name__ = fun.__name__
821	return wrap
823def get_registry_app_path(key, filename):
824	"""
825	Returns the value of a registry key for an executable
827	:type key: string
828	:type filename: list of string
829	"""
830	if not winreg:
831		return None
832	try:
833		result = winreg.QueryValue(key, "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\%s.exe" % filename[0])
834	except OSError:
835		pass
836	else:
837		if os.path.isfile(result):
838			return result
840def lib64():
841	"""
842	Guess the default ``/usr/lib`` extension for 64-bit applications
844	:return: '64' or ''
845	:rtype: string
846	"""
847	# default settings for /usr/lib
848	if os.sep == '/':
849		if platform.architecture()[0] == '64bit':
850			if os.path.exists('/usr/lib64') and not os.path.exists('/usr/lib32'):
851				return '64'
852	return ''
854def sane_path(p):
855	# private function for the time being!
856	return os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(p))
858process_pool = []
860List of processes started to execute sub-process commands
863def get_process():
864	"""
865	Returns a process object that can execute commands as sub-processes
867	:rtype: subprocess.Popen
868	"""
869	try:
870		return process_pool.pop()
871	except IndexError:
872		filepath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + os.sep + 'processor.py'
873		cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', readf(filepath)]
874		return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, bufsize=0)
876def run_prefork_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs):
877	"""
878	Delegates process execution to a pre-forked process instance.
879	"""
880	if not 'env' in kwargs:
881		kwargs['env'] = dict(os.environ)
882	try:
883		obj = base64.b64encode(cPickle.dumps([cmd, kwargs, cargs]))
884	except (TypeError, AttributeError):
885		return run_regular_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs)
887	proc = get_process()
888	if not proc:
889		return run_regular_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs)
891	proc.stdin.write(obj)
892	proc.stdin.write('\n'.encode())
893	proc.stdin.flush()
894	obj = proc.stdout.readline()
895	if not obj:
896		raise OSError('Preforked sub-process %r died' % proc.pid)
898	process_pool.append(proc)
899	lst = cPickle.loads(base64.b64decode(obj))
900	# Jython wrapper failures (bash/execvp)
901	assert len(lst) == 5
902	ret, out, err, ex, trace = lst
903	if ex:
904		if ex == 'OSError':
905			raise OSError(trace)
906		elif ex == 'ValueError':
907			raise ValueError(trace)
908		elif ex == 'TimeoutExpired':
909			exc = TimeoutExpired(cmd, timeout=cargs['timeout'], output=out)
910			exc.stderr = err
911			raise exc
912		else:
913			raise Exception(trace)
914	return ret, out, err
916def lchown(path, user=-1, group=-1):
917	"""
918	Change the owner/group of a path, raises an OSError if the
919	ownership change fails.
921	:param user: user to change
922	:type user: int or str
923	:param group: group to change
924	:type group: int or str
925	"""
926	if isinstance(user, str):
927		import pwd
928		entry = pwd.getpwnam(user)
929		if not entry:
930			raise OSError('Unknown user %r' % user)
931		user = entry[2]
932	if isinstance(group, str):
933		import grp
934		entry = grp.getgrnam(group)
935		if not entry:
936			raise OSError('Unknown group %r' % group)
937		group = entry[2]
938	return os.lchown(path, user, group)
940def run_regular_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs={}):
941	"""
942	Executes a subprocess command by using subprocess.Popen
943	"""
944	proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, **kwargs)
945	if kwargs.get('stdout') or kwargs.get('stderr'):
946		try:
947			out, err = proc.communicate(**cargs)
948		except TimeoutExpired:
949			if kwargs.get('start_new_session') and hasattr(os, 'killpg'):
950				os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
951			else:
952				proc.kill()
953			out, err = proc.communicate()
954			exc = TimeoutExpired(proc.args, timeout=cargs['timeout'], output=out)
955			exc.stderr = err
956			raise exc
957		status = proc.returncode
958	else:
959		out, err = (None, None)
960		try:
961			status = proc.wait(**cargs)
962		except TimeoutExpired as e:
963			if kwargs.get('start_new_session') and hasattr(os, 'killpg'):
964				os.killpg(proc.pid, signal.SIGKILL)
965			else:
966				proc.kill()
967			proc.wait()
968			raise e
969	return status, out, err
971def run_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs={}):
972	"""
973	Executes a subprocess by using a pre-forked process when possible
974	or falling back to subprocess.Popen. See :py:func:`waflib.Utils.run_prefork_process`
975	and :py:func:`waflib.Utils.run_regular_process`
976	"""
977	if kwargs.get('stdout') and kwargs.get('stderr'):
978		return run_prefork_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs)
979	else:
980		return run_regular_process(cmd, kwargs, cargs)
982def alloc_process_pool(n, force=False):
983	"""
984	Allocates an amount of processes to the default pool so its size is at least *n*.
985	It is useful to call this function early so that the pre-forked
986	processes use as little memory as possible.
988	:param n: pool size
989	:type n: integer
990	:param force: if True then *n* more processes are added to the existing pool
991	:type force: bool
992	"""
993	# mandatory on python2, unnecessary on python >= 3.2
994	global run_process, get_process, alloc_process_pool
995	if not force:
996		n = max(n - len(process_pool), 0)
997	try:
998		lst = [get_process() for x in range(n)]
999	except OSError:
1000		run_process = run_regular_process
1001		get_process = alloc_process_pool = nada
1002	else:
1003		for x in lst:
1004			process_pool.append(x)
1006def atexit_pool():
1007	for k in process_pool:
1008		try:
1009			os.kill(k.pid, 9)
1010		except OSError:
1011			pass
1012		else:
1013			k.wait()
1014# see #1889
1015if (sys.hexversion<0x207000f and not is_win32) or sys.hexversion>=0x306000f:
1016	atexit.register(atexit_pool)
1018if os.environ.get('WAF_NO_PREFORK') or sys.platform == 'cli' or not sys.executable:
1019	run_process = run_regular_process
1020	get_process = alloc_process_pool = nada