1* Matteo Trotta <mtrotta@users.sourceforge.net>: Author and main maintainer of Mp3Splt Project
2* Alexandru Ionut Munteanu <m@ioalex.net> : Maintainer of Mp3Splt Project
4People who contributed to mp3splt-project development :
6  - Marco Papa Manzillo <mpapamanz@users.sourceforge.net>: rpm and deb packager.
7  - François Revol <revol@free.fr>: added list option and worked on BeOS porting.
8  - Remo Laubacher <laubi@users.sourceforge.net>: ported mp3splt v. 0.4 for Windows.
9  - Davide Magatti <gilgamesh@notme.com>: "official" mp3splt beta tester
10  - Markus Elfring: code checking for return codes, some bad coding techniques and suggestions
11  - Roberto Neri : patch from BMP to audacious support
12  - Mario Blättermann <mariobl@gnome.org>: german translation and suggestions
13  - Erez Volk <erez_v@users.sourceforge.net>: alphabetic track number output variables patch
14  - Federico Grau <donfede@casagrau.org>: audacity labels support
15  - David Belohrad <david.belohrad@cern.ch>: set tags from filename regular expression
16  - Gunter Königsmann <ubuntu@peterpall.de>: gui improvement and debian packaging
18  and others ...
20Thanks to Sebastian Gesemann for writing pcutmp3.
21Bit reservoir handling in mp3splt is heavily inspired from pcutmp3.
23Homepage :
24	http://mp3splt.sourceforge.net/