1Bug reporting
3If you find a bug or flaw in the program that's not mentioned in the BUGS file, report the bug in the bug tracker (see contact info) or mail a bug report describing the bug to: magnus.hjorth@home.se
5In case of a crash, please do not send me any core dumps. They are huge and completely useless to me. Instead, create a backtrace. Backtraces tell you exactly where the program crashed.
7How to create a backtrace:
81. Enable core dumps: ulimit -c unlimited
92. Run the program:   mhwaveedit
103. Make the program crash. You should now get a file named core or core.1234 in the directory you're in.
114. Run gdb with the program and core file:
12   gdb /usr/local/bin/mhwaveedit core | tee backtrace.txt
135. After gdb has loaded, use the command: bt
146. Quit gdb with the command: quit
157. Now you should have a back trace in the file backtrace.txt