1<?xml version="1.0" ?><!DOCTYPE TS><TS language="it" version="2.1">
3    <name>ACLEditor</name>
4    <message>
5        <location filename="ACLEditor.cpp" line="+103"/>
6        <source>Deny</source>
7        <translation>Nega</translation>
8    </message>
9    <message>
10        <location line="+2"/>
11        <source>Allow</source>
12        <translation>Consenti</translation>
13    </message>
14    <message>
15        <location line="+21"/>
16        <source>Allow %1</source>
17        <translation>Consenti %1</translation>
18    </message>
19    <message>
20        <location line="-8"/>
21        <source>Deny %1</source>
22        <translation>Nega %1</translation>
23    </message>
24    <message>
25        <location line="-84"/>
26        <source>Mumble - Add channel</source>
27        <translation>Mumble - Aggiungi canale</translation>
28    </message>
29    <message>
30        <location line="+11"/>
31        <location line="+50"/>
32        <source>Default server value</source>
33        <translation>Valore predefinito server</translation>
34    </message>
35    <message>
36        <location line="-28"/>
37        <location line="+176"/>
38        <source>Failed: Invalid channel</source>
39        <translation>Errore: Canale non valido</translation>
40    </message>
41    <message>
42        <location line="-164"/>
43        <source>Mumble - Edit %1</source>
44        <translation>Mumble - Modifica %1</translation>
45    </message>
46    <message>
47        <location line="+2"/>
48        <source>ID: %1</source>
49        <translation>ID: %1</translation>
50    </message>
51    <message>
52        <location line="+46"/>
53        <source>This grants the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.&lt;br /&gt;%2</source>
54        <translation>Concede il privilegio %1. Se un privilegio è contemporaneamente permesso e negato, sarà negato.&lt;br /&gt;%2</translation>
55    </message>
56    <message>
57        <location line="+123"/>
58        <source>Channel must have a name</source>
59        <translation>Il canale deve avere un nome</translation>
60    </message>
61    <message>
62        <location line="-131"/>
63        <source>This revokes the %1 privilege. If a privilege is both allowed and denied, it is denied.&lt;br /&gt;%2</source>
64        <translation>Revoca il privilegio %1. Se un privilegio è contemporaneamente permesso e negato, sarà negato.&lt;br /&gt;%2</translation>
65    </message>
66    <message>
67        <location filename="ACLEditor.ui"/>
68        <source>Dialog</source>
69        <translation>Dialogo</translation>
70    </message>
71    <message>
72        <location/>
73        <source>Name</source>
74        <translation>Nome</translation>
75    </message>
76    <message>
77        <location/>
78        <source>Enter the channel name here.</source>
79        <translation>Inserisci qui il nome del canale.</translation>
80    </message>
81    <message>
82        <location/>
83        <source>Description</source>
84        <translation>Descrizione</translation>
85    </message>
86    <message>
87        <location/>
88        <source>Password</source>
89        <translation>Password</translation>
90    </message>
91    <message>
92        <location/>
93        <source>Enter the channel password here.</source>
94        <translation>Inserisci qui la password del canale.</translation>
95    </message>
96    <message>
97        <location/>
98        <source>Check to create a temporary channel.</source>
99        <translation>Seleziona per creare un canale temporaneo.</translation>
100    </message>
101    <message>
102        <location/>
103        <source>Temporary</source>
104        <translation>Temporaneo</translation>
105    </message>
106    <message>
107        <location/>
108        <source>&lt;b&gt;Position&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
109This value enables you to change the way Mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name.</source>
110        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;Position&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
111This value enables you to change the way mumble arranges the channels in the tree. A channel with a higher &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value will always be placed below one with a lower value and the other way around. If the &lt;i&gt;Position&lt;/i&gt; value of two channels is equal they will get sorted alphabetically by their name.</oldsource>
112        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Posizione&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
113Questo valore ti  la possibilità di modificare l&apos;ordine in cui Mumble posiziona i canali. Un canale con un valore di &lt;i&gt;Posizione&lt;/i&gt; più alto sarà sempre posto sotto uno con un valore più basso e così via. Se il valore della &lt;i&gt;Posizione&lt;/i&gt; di due canali è uguale allora questi saranno ordinati in ordine alfabetico secondo il loro nome.</translation>
114    </message>
115    <message>
116        <location/>
117        <source>Position</source>
118        <translation>Posizione</translation>
119    </message>
120    <message>
121        <location/>
122        <source>&amp;Groups</source>
123        <translation>&amp;Gruppi</translation>
124    </message>
125    <message>
126        <location/>
127        <source>Group</source>
128        <translation>Gruppo</translation>
129    </message>
130    <message>
131        <location/>
132        <source>List of groups</source>
133        <translation>Lista dei gruppi</translation>
134    </message>
135    <message>
136        <location/>
137        <source>Remove selected group</source>
138        <translation>Rimuove il gruppo selezionato</translation>
139    </message>
140    <message>
141        <location/>
142        <source>Remove</source>
143        <translation>Rimuovi</translation>
144    </message>
145    <message>
146        <location/>
147        <source>Inherit group members from parent</source>
148        <translation>Eredita i membri del gruppo dal canale superiore</translation>
149    </message>
150    <message>
151        <location/>
152        <source>Inherit</source>
153        <translation>Eredita</translation>
154    </message>
155    <message>
156        <location/>
157        <source>Make group inheritable to sub-channels</source>
158        <translation>Rende un gruppo ereditabile ai sottocanali</translation>
159    </message>
160    <message>
161        <location/>
162        <source>Inheritable</source>
163        <translation>Ereditabile</translation>
164    </message>
165    <message>
166        <location/>
167        <source>Group was inherited from parent channel</source>
168        <translation>Gruppo ereditato dal canale superiore</translation>
169    </message>
170    <message>
171        <location/>
172        <source>Inherited</source>
173        <translation>Ereditato</translation>
174    </message>
175    <message>
176        <location/>
177        <source>Members</source>
178        <translation>Membri</translation>
179    </message>
180    <message>
181        <location/>
182        <source>Add</source>
183        <translation>Aggiungi</translation>
184    </message>
185    <message>
186        <location/>
187        <source>Add member to group</source>
188        <translation>Aggiungi membro al gruppo</translation>
189    </message>
190    <message>
191        <location/>
192        <source>Remove member from group</source>
193        <translation>Rimuove un membro dal gruppo</translation>
194    </message>
195    <message>
196        <location/>
197        <source>&amp;ACL</source>
198        <translation>&amp;ACL</translation>
199    </message>
200    <message>
201        <location/>
202        <source>Active ACLs</source>
203        <translation>ACL attive</translation>
204    </message>
205    <message>
206        <location/>
207        <source>List of entries</source>
208        <translation>Elenco di voci</translation>
209    </message>
210    <message>
211        <location/>
212        <source>Inherit ACL of parent?</source>
213        <translation>Ereditare le ACL dal canale superiore?</translation>
214    </message>
215    <message>
216        <location/>
217        <source>This sets whether or not the ACL up the chain of parent channels are applied to this object. Only those entries that are marked in the parent as &quot;Apply to sub-channels&quot; will be inherited.</source>
218        <translation>Permette di applicare a questo canale le ACL dei canali superiori nella catena parentale. Solo le voci che sono contrassegnate nel canale superiore come &quot;Applica ai sottocanali&quot; verranno ereditate.</translation>
219    </message>
220    <message>
221        <location/>
222        <source>Inherit ACLs</source>
223        <translation>Eredita ACL</translation>
224    </message>
225    <message>
226        <location/>
227        <source>Move entry up</source>
228        <translation>Sposta voce in alto</translation>
229    </message>
230    <message>
231        <location/>
232        <source>This moves the entry up in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users. You cannot move an entry above an inherited entry, if you really need that you&apos;ll have to duplicate the inherited entry.</source>
233        <translation>Sposta la voce selezionata di un posto in alto nella lista. Dato che le voci vengono valutate in ordine, questo potrebbe cambiare le autorizzazioni attive per gli utenti. Non è possibile spostare una voce al di sopra di una ereditata, se proprio hai bisogno di farlo puoi duplicare la voce ereditata.</translation>
234    </message>
235    <message>
236        <location/>
237        <source>&amp;Up</source>
238        <translation>&amp;Su</translation>
239    </message>
240    <message>
241        <location/>
242        <source>Move entry down</source>
243        <translation>Sposta la voce in basso</translation>
244    </message>
245    <message>
246        <location/>
247        <source>This moves the entry down in the list. As entries are evaluated in order, this may change the effective permissions of users.</source>
248        <translation>Sposta la voce selezionata di un posto in basso nella lista. Dato che le voci vengono valutate in ordine, questo potrebbe cambiare le autorizzazioni attive per gli utenti.</translation>
249    </message>
250    <message>
251        <location/>
252        <source>&amp;Down</source>
253        <translation>&amp;Giú</translation>
254    </message>
255    <message>
256        <location/>
257        <source>Add new entry</source>
258        <translation>Aggiungi una nuova voce</translation>
259    </message>
260    <message>
261        <location/>
262        <source>This adds a new entry, initially set with no permissions and applying to all.</source>
263        <translation>Aggiunge una nuova voce, inizialmente impostata senza permessi e applicata a tutti.</translation>
264    </message>
265    <message>
266        <location/>
267        <source>&amp;Add</source>
268        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi</translation>
269    </message>
270    <message>
271        <location/>
272        <source>Remove entry</source>
273        <translation>Rimuove la voce selezionata</translation>
274    </message>
275    <message>
276        <location/>
277        <source>This removes the currently selected entry.</source>
278        <translation>Rimuove la voce selezionata.</translation>
279    </message>
280    <message>
281        <location/>
282        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
283        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi</translation>
284    </message>
285    <message>
286        <location/>
287        <source>Context</source>
288        <translation>Contesto</translation>
289    </message>
290    <message>
291        <location/>
292        <source>Entry should apply to this channel.</source>
293        <oldsource>Entry should apply to this channel</oldsource>
294        <translation>Applica la voce a questo canale.</translation>
295    </message>
296    <message>
297        <location/>
298        <source>This makes the entry apply to this channel.</source>
299        <translation>Applica la voce a questo canale.</translation>
300    </message>
301    <message>
302        <location/>
303        <source>Applies to this channel</source>
304        <translation>Applica a questo canale</translation>
305    </message>
306    <message>
307        <location/>
308        <source>Entry should apply to sub-channels.</source>
309        <translation>La voce verrà applicata ai sottocanali che sono impostati per ereditare le ACL.</translation>
310    </message>
311    <message>
312        <location/>
313        <source>Add new group</source>
314        <translation>Aggiungi un nuovo gruppo</translation>
315    </message>
316    <message>
317        <location/>
318        <source>&lt;b&gt;Add&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
319Add a new group.</source>
320        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Aggiungi&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
321Aggiunge un nuovo gruppo.</translation>
322    </message>
323    <message>
324        <location/>
325        <source>Inherited members</source>
326        <translation>Membri ereditati</translation>
327    </message>
328    <message>
329        <location/>
330        <source>Contains the list of members added to the group by this channel.</source>
331        <translation>Contiene la lista dei membri aggiunti al gruppo da questo canale.</translation>
332    </message>
333    <message>
334        <location/>
335        <source>Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel.</source>
336        <translation>Contiene una lista dei membri che non saranno ereditati ai canali inferiori.</translation>
337    </message>
338    <message>
339        <location/>
340        <source>Contains the list of members inherited by other channels.</source>
341        <translation>Contiene la lista degli utenti ereditati da altri canali.</translation>
342    </message>
343    <message>
344        <location/>
345        <source>Type in the name of a user you wish to add to the group and click Add.</source>
346        <translation>Inserisci il nome dell&apos;utente che vuoi aggiungere al gruppo e premi Aggiungi.</translation>
347    </message>
348    <message>
349        <location/>
350        <source>Type in the name of a user you wish to remove from the group and click Add.</source>
351        <translation>Inserisci il nome dell&apos;utente che vuoi rimuovere dal gruppo e premi Aggiungi.</translation>
352    </message>
353    <message>
354        <location/>
355        <source>Exclude</source>
356        <translation>Escludi</translation>
357    </message>
358    <message>
359        <location/>
360        <source>Excluded members</source>
361        <translation>Membri esclusi</translation>
362    </message>
363    <message>
364        <location/>
365        <source>This makes the entry apply to sub-channels of this channel.</source>
366        <translation>Applica la voce ai sottocanali di questo canale.</translation>
367    </message>
368    <message>
369        <location/>
370        <source>Applies to sub-channels</source>
371        <translation>Applica ai sottocanali</translation>
372    </message>
373    <message>
374        <location/>
375        <source>Permissions</source>
376        <translation>Permessi</translation>
377    </message>
378    <message>
379        <location/>
380        <source>User/Group</source>
381        <translation>Utente/Gruppo</translation>
382    </message>
383    <message>
384        <location/>
385        <source>Group this entry applies to</source>
386        <translation>Gruppo a cui si applica questa voce</translation>
387    </message>
388    <message>
389        <location/>
390        <source>User ID</source>
391        <translation>ID Utente</translation>
392    </message>
393    <message>
394        <location/>
395        <source>User this entry applies to</source>
396        <translation>Utente a cui applicare questa voce</translation>
397    </message>
398    <message>
399        <location/>
400        <source>This controls which user this entry applies to. Just type in the user name and hit enter to query the server for a match.</source>
401        <translation>Controlla a quale utente si applica questa voce. Basta digitare il nome utente e premere invio per chiedere al server una corrispondenza.</translation>
402    </message>
403    <message>
404        <location/>
405        <source>&amp;Properties</source>
406        <translation>&amp;Proprietà</translation>
407    </message>
408    <message>
409        <location/>
410        <source>&lt;b&gt;Name&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Enter the channel name in this field. The name has to comply with the restriction imposed by the server you are connected to.</source>
411        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nome&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Inserisci il nome del canale in questo campo. Il nome deve attenersi alle restrizioni imposte dal server a cui sei connesso.</translation>
412    </message>
413    <message>
414        <location/>
415        <source>&lt;b&gt;Temporary&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
416When checked the channel created will be marked as temporary. This means when the last player leaves it the channel will be automatically deleted by the server.</source>
417        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Temporaneo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
418Quando selezionato il canale creato sarà segnato come temporaneo. Questo vuol dire che quando l&apos;ultimo utente uscirà dal canale, questo verrà automaticamente cancellato dal server.</translation>
419    </message>
420    <message>
421        <location/>
422        <source>&lt;b&gt;Group&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
423These are all the groups currently defined for the channel. To create a new group, just type in the name and press enter.</source>
424        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Gruppo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
425Questi sono tutti i gruppi attualmente definiti per il canale. Per creare un nuovo gruppo basta inserire il nome e premere invio.</translation>
426    </message>
427    <message>
428        <location/>
429        <source>&lt;b&gt;Remove&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This removes the currently selected group. If the group was inherited, it will not be removed from the list, but all local information about the group will be cleared.</source>
430        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Rimuovi&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Rimuove il gruppo selezionato. Se il gruppo è stato ereditato, questo non sarà rimosso dalla lista, ma tutte le informazioni locali saranno rimosse.</translation>
431    </message>
432    <message>
433        <location/>
434        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherit&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This inherits all the members in the group from the parent, if the group is marked as &lt;i&gt;Inheritable&lt;/i&gt; in the parent channel.</source>
435        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Eredita&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Eredita tutti i membri nel gruppo dal canale superiore, se il gruppo è segnato come &lt;i&gt;Ereditabile&lt;/i&gt; nel canale superiore.</translation>
436    </message>
437    <message>
438        <location/>
439        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inheritable&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This makes this group inheritable to sub-channels. If the group is non-inheritable, sub-channels are still free to create a new group with the same name.</source>
440        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Ereditabile&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Permette al gruppo di essere ereditato ai sottocanali. Se il gruppo non è ereditabile, i sottocanali possono comunque creare un gruppo con lo stesso nome.</translation>
441    </message>
442    <message>
443        <location/>
444        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherited&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This indicates that the group was inherited from the parent channel. You cannot edit this flag, it&apos;s just for information.</source>
445        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Ereditato&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Indica che il gruppo è stato ereditato dal canale superiore. Non puoi cambiare questa selezione, è solamente un&apos;informazione.</translation>
446    </message>
447    <message>
448        <location/>
449        <source>&lt;b&gt;Members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
450This list contains all members that were added to the group by the current channel. Be aware that this does not include members inherited by higher levels of the channel tree. These can be found in the &lt;i&gt;Inherited members&lt;/i&gt; list. To prevent this list to be inherited by lower level channels uncheck &lt;i&gt;Inheritable&lt;/i&gt; or manually add the members to the &lt;i&gt;Excluded members&lt;/i&gt; list.</source>
451        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Membri&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
452Questa lista contiene tutti i membri che sono stati aggiunti al gruppo dal canale attuale. Attenzione, non include i membri ereditati da livelli superiori dell&apos;albero dei canali. Questi possono essere trovati nella lista dei &lt;i&gt;Membri ereditati&lt;/i&gt;. Per prevenire che questa lista sia ereditata dai canali inferiori deseleziona &lt;i&gt;Ereditabile&lt;/i&gt; o aggiungi manualmente i membri alla lista dei &lt;i&gt;Membri esclusi dall&apos;eredità&lt;/i&gt;.</translation>
453    </message>
454    <message>
455        <location/>
456        <source>&lt;b&gt;Excluded members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
457Contains a list of members whose group membership will not be inherited from the parent channel.</source>
458        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Membri esclusi&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
459Contiene una lista dei membri la cui appartenenza ad un gruppo non sarà ereditata dal canale superiore.</translation>
460    </message>
461    <message>
462        <location/>
463        <source>&lt;b&gt;Inherited members&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
464Contains the list of members inherited by the current channel. Uncheck &lt;i&gt;Inherit&lt;/i&gt; to prevent inheritance from higher level channels.</source>
465        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Membri ereditati&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
466Contiene la lista dei membri ereditati dal canale attuale. Deseleziona &lt;i&gt;Eredita&lt;/i&gt; per prevenire l&apos;ereditazione dai canali superiori.</translation>
467    </message>
468    <message>
469        <location/>
470        <source>This controls which group of users this entry applies to.&lt;br /&gt;Note that the group is evaluated in the context of the channel the entry is used in. For example, the default ACL on the Root channel gives &lt;i&gt;Write&lt;/i&gt; permission to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group. This entry, if inherited by a channel, will give a user write privileges if he belongs to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group in that channel, even if he doesn&apos;t belong to the &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; group in the channel where the ACL originated.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;!&apos;, its membership is negated, and if it starts with &apos;~&apos;, it is evaluated in the channel the ACL was defined in, rather than the channel the ACL is active in.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;#&apos;, it is interpreted as an access token. Users must have entered whatever follows the &apos;#&apos; in their list of access tokens to match. This can be used for very simple password access to channels for non-authenticated users.&lt;br /&gt;If a group name starts with &apos;$&apos;, it will only match users whose certificate hash matches what follows the &apos;$&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;A few special predefined groups are:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;all&lt;/b&gt; - Everyone will match.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;auth&lt;/b&gt; - All authenticated users will match.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;sub,a,b,c&lt;/b&gt; - User currently in a sub-channel minimum &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt; common parents, and between &lt;i&gt;b&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;c&lt;/i&gt; channels down the chain. See the website for more extensive documentation on this one.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;in&lt;/b&gt; - Users currently in the channel will match (convenience for &apos;&lt;i&gt;sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;out&lt;/b&gt; - Users outside the channel will match (convenience for &apos;&lt;i&gt;!sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;Note that an entry applies to either a user or a group, not both.</source>
471        <translation>Controlla a quale gruppo di utenti si applica questa voce.&lt;br /&gt;Si noti che il gruppo è valutato nel contesto del canale in cui la voce è inserita. Ad esempio, il valore predefinito ACL sul canale Radice  il permesso &lt;i&gt;Scrivi&lt;/i&gt; al gruppo &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt;. Questa voce, se ereditata da un canale, darà ad un utente i privilegi di scrittura se egli appartiene al gruppo &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; in quel canale, anche se non apparteneva al gruppo &lt;i&gt;admin&lt;/i&gt; nel canale in cui è originato l&apos;ACL.&lt;br /&gt;Se il nome di un gruppo inizia con un &apos;!&apos;, è negata ai suoi membri, e se inizia con un &apos;~&apos;, è valutata nel canale in cui l&apos;ACL è stata definita, al posto che nel canale in cui è stata attivata l&apos;ACL.&lt;br /&gt;Se il nome di un gruppo inizia con &apos;#&apos; viene interpretato come un token di accesso. Gli utenti devono avere inserito nella loro lista dei token tutto quello che segue &apos;#&apos; per appartenere a quel gruppo. Questo può essere utilizzato per un semplice accesso ai canali con password da parte di utenti non registrati. Se il nome di un gruppo inizia con &apos;$&apos;, gli utenti che ne faranno parte saranno solo quelli il cui hash del certificato sarà quello che è scritto dopo &apos;$&apos;. Alcuni particolari gruppi predefiniti sono i seguenti:&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;all&lt;/b&gt; - Tutti ne fanno parte.&lt;b&gt;auth&lt;/b&gt; - Tutti gli utenti autenticati ne fanno parte.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;sub,a,b,c&lt;/b&gt; - Utenti attualmente in un canale con almeno &lt;i&gt;a&lt;/i&gt; canali superiori comuni, e tra &lt;i&gt;b&lt;/i&gt; e &lt;i&gt;c&lt;/i&gt; canali verso il basso nella catena. Visitare il sito web per una documentazione piú estesa su questo punto.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;in&lt;/b&gt; - Utenti attualmente nel canale (scorciatoia per &apos;&lt;i&gt;sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;out&lt;/b&gt; - Gli utenti al di fuori del canale (scorciatoia per &apos;&lt;i&gt;!sub,0,0,0&lt;/i&gt;&apos;).&lt;br /&gt;Nota: una voce si applica ad un utente o ad un gruppo, non a entrambi.</translation>
472    </message>
473    <message>
474        <location/>
475        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field allows you to easily set and change the password of a channel. It uses Mumble&apos;s access tokens feature in the background. Use ACLs and groups if you need more fine grained and powerful access control.</source>
476        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Questo campo ti permette di impostare e cambiare facilmente la password di un canale. Utilizza la funzione di Mumble accesso con token. Se hai bisogno di un controllo maggiore sull&apos;accesso a questo canale utilizza le ACL e i gruppi.</translation>
477    </message>
478    <message>
479        <location/>
480        <source>This shows all the entries active on this channel. Entries inherited from parent channels will be shown in italics.&lt;br /&gt;ACLs are evaluated top to bottom, meaning priority increases as you move down the list.</source>
481        <translation>Mostra tutte le voci attive su questo canale. Le voci ereditate dal canale superiore verranno visualizzate in corsivo.&lt;br /&gt;Le ACL sono valutate dall&apos;alto verso il basso, quindi le voci piú in basso hanno maggiore priorità e quindi vengono applicate in caso di conflitto.</translation>
482    </message>
483    <message>
484        <location/>
485        <source>ID of the channel.</source>
486        <translation>ID del canale.</translation>
487    </message>
488    <message>
489        <location/>
490        <source>Maximum Users</source>
491        <translation>Utenti Massimi</translation>
492    </message>
493    <message>
494        <location/>
495        <source>Maximum number of users allowed in the channel</source>
496        <translation>Numero massimo di utenti permessi nel canale</translation>
497    </message>
498    <message>
499        <location/>
500        <source>&lt;b&gt;Maximum Users&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
501This value allows you to set the maximum number of users allowed in the channel. If the value is above zero, only that number of users will be allowed to enter the channel. If the value is zero, the maximum number of users in the channel is given by the server&apos;s default limit.</source>
502        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Utenti Massimi&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
503Questo valore ti permette di impostare il numero massimo di utenti consentiti nel canale. Se il valore è superiore a zero, solo quel numero di utenti potranno entrare nel canale. Se il valore è zero, il numero massimo di utenti è dato dal limite predefinito del server.</translation>
504    </message>
505    <message>
506        <location/>
507        <source>This is the sort order for the channel.</source>
508        <translation>Questo è l&apos;ordine di posizionamento del canale.</translation>
509    </message>
512    <name>ALSAAudioInput</name>
513    <message>
514        <location filename="ALSAAudio.cpp" line="+149"/>
515        <source>Default ALSA Card</source>
516        <translation>Scheda ALSA predefinita</translation>
517    </message>
518    <message>
519        <location line="+191"/>
520        <source>Opening chosen ALSA Input failed: %1</source>
521        <translation>Errore nell&apos;apertura dell&apos;ingresso ALSA selezionato: %1</translation>
522    </message>
525    <name>ALSAAudioOutput</name>
526    <message>
527        <location line="-190"/>
528        <source>Default ALSA Card</source>
529        <translation>Scheda ALSA predefinita</translation>
530    </message>
531    <message>
532        <location line="+328"/>
533        <source>Opening chosen ALSA Output failed: %1</source>
534        <translation>Errore nell&apos;apertura dell&apos;uscita ALSA selezionata: %1</translation>
535    </message>
538    <name>ASIOConfig</name>
539    <message>
540        <location filename="ASIOInput.cpp" line="+208"/>
541        <source>%1 (version %2)</source>
542        <translation>%1 (versione %2)</translation>
543    </message>
544    <message>
545        <location line="+3"/>
546        <source>%1 -&gt; %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5 Hz</source>
547        <oldsource>%1 -&gt; %2 samples buffer, with %3 sample resolution (%4 preferred) at %5Hz</oldsource>
548        <translation>%1 -&gt; %2 campioni del buffer, con risoluzione campioni %3 (%4 preferito) a %5Hz</translation>
549    </message>
550    <message>
551        <location line="+43"/>
552        <location line="+25"/>
553        <source>ASIO Initialization failed: %1</source>
554        <translation>Errore nell&apos;inizializzazione di ASIO: %1</translation>
555    </message>
556    <message>
557        <location line="-21"/>
558        <location line="+25"/>
559        <source>Failed to instantiate ASIO driver</source>
560        <translation>Errore nell&apos;instanziazione del driver ASIO</translation>
561    </message>
562    <message>
563        <location filename="ASIOInput.ui"/>
564        <location filename="ASIOInput.cpp" line="+37"/>
565        <source>ASIO</source>
566        <translation>ASIO</translation>
567    </message>
568    <message>
569        <location/>
570        <source>Device selection</source>
571        <translation>Selezione del dispositivo</translation>
572    </message>
573    <message>
574        <location/>
575        <source>Device</source>
576        <translation>Dispositivo</translation>
577    </message>
578    <message>
579        <location/>
580        <source>Device to use for microphone</source>
581        <translation>Dispositivo da usare per il microfono</translation>
582    </message>
583    <message>
584        <location/>
585        <source>This chooses what device to query. You still need to actually query the device and select which channels to use.</source>
586        <translation>Sceglie quale dispositivo interrogare. Devi comunque interrogare il dispositivo e selezionare quale canale usare.</translation>
587    </message>
588    <message>
589        <location/>
590        <source>Query selected device</source>
591        <translation>Interroga il dispositivo selezionato</translation>
592    </message>
593    <message>
594        <location/>
595        <source>This queries the selected device for channels. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system.</source>
596        <translation>Interroga il dispositivo selezionato per i canali. Molti driver ASIO sono estremamente difettati, e utilizzandoli potrebbero causare un crash dell&apos;applicazione o del sistema.</translation>
597    </message>
598    <message>
599        <location/>
600        <source>&amp;Query</source>
601        <translation>&amp;Interroga</translation>
602    </message>
603    <message>
604        <location/>
605        <source>Configure selected device</source>
606        <translation>Configura il dispositivo selezionato</translation>
607    </message>
608    <message>
609        <location/>
610        <source>This configures the selected device. Be aware that many ASIO drivers are buggy to the extreme, and querying them might cause a crash of either the application or the system.</source>
611        <translation>Configura il dispositivo selezionato. Molti driver ASIO sono estremamente difettati, e utilizzandoli potrebbero causare un crash dell&apos;applicazione o del sistema.</translation>
612    </message>
613    <message>
614        <location/>
615        <source>&amp;Configure</source>
616        <translation>&amp;Configura</translation>
617    </message>
618    <message>
619        <location/>
620        <source>Capabilities</source>
621        <translation>Funzionalità</translation>
622    </message>
623    <message>
624        <location/>
625        <source>Driver name</source>
626        <translation>Nome del driver</translation>
627    </message>
628    <message>
629        <location/>
630        <source>Buffer size</source>
631        <translation>Grandezza del buffer</translation>
632    </message>
633    <message>
634        <location/>
635        <source>This will configure the input channels for ASIO. Make sure you select at least one channel as microphone and speaker. &lt;i&gt;Microphone&lt;/i&gt; should be where your microphone is attached, and &lt;i&gt;Speaker&lt;/i&gt; should be a channel that samples &apos;&lt;i&gt;What you hear&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;For example, on the Audigy 2 ZS, a good selection for Microphone would be &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mic L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; while Speaker should be &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; and &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix R&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.</source>
636        <translation>Questo configurerà i canali d&apos;ingresso per ASIO. Assicurati di aver selezionato almeno un canale per il microfono e le cuffie/casse. &lt;i&gt;Microfono&lt;/i&gt; dovrebbe essere dove il tuo microfono è attaccato, e &lt;i&gt;Casse&lt;/i&gt; dovrebbe essere dove sono i canali di &apos;&lt;i&gt;Quello che senti&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.&lt;br /&gt; Per esempio, sull&apos;Audigy 2 ZS, una buona selezione per Microfono potrebbe essere &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mic L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; mentre Casse &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix L&lt;/i&gt;&apos; e &apos;&lt;i&gt;Mix R&lt;/i&gt;&apos;.</translation>
637    </message>
638    <message>
639        <location/>
640        <source>Configure input channels</source>
641        <translation>Configura i canali di ingresso</translation>
642    </message>
643    <message>
644        <location/>
645        <source>Channels</source>
646        <translation>Canali</translation>
647    </message>
648    <message>
649        <location/>
650        <source>Microphone</source>
651        <translation>Microfono</translation>
652    </message>
653    <message>
654        <location/>
655        <source>&lt;-</source>
656        <translation>&lt;-</translation>
657    </message>
658    <message>
659        <location/>
660        <source>-&gt;</source>
661        <translation>-&gt;</translation>
662    </message>
663    <message>
664        <location/>
665        <source>Unused</source>
666        <translation>Non usato</translation>
667    </message>
668    <message>
669        <location/>
670        <source>Speakers</source>
671        <translation>Casse/cuffie</translation>
672    </message>
675    <name>ASIOInput</name>
676    <message>
677        <location filename="ASIOInput.cpp" line="+74"/>
678        <source>You need to select at least one microphone and one speaker source to use ASIO. If you just need microphone sampling, use DirectSound.</source>
679        <translation>Devi selezionare almeno un microfono e un altoparlante per usare ASIO. Se hai bisogno solo il campionamento microfonico, usa DirectSound.</translation>
680    </message>
681    <message>
682        <location line="+104"/>
683        <source>Opening selected ASIO device failed. No input will be done.</source>
684        <translation>Apertura del dispositivo ASIO fallita. Non ci sarà nessun ingresso.</translation>
685    </message>
688    <name>AboutDialog</name>
689    <message>
690        <location filename="About.cpp" line="+17"/>
691        <source>About Mumble</source>
692        <translation>Informazioni su Mumble</translation>
693    </message>
694    <message>
695        <location line="+35"/>
696        <source>&lt;h3&gt;Mumble (%1)&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;A voice-chat utility for gamers&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;%2&quot;&gt;%2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/p&gt;</source>
697        <translation>&lt;h3&gt;Mumble (%1)&lt;/h3&gt;&lt;p&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Utility di chat vocale per videogiocatori&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;tt&gt;&lt;a href=&quot;%2&quot;&gt;%2&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/tt&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Traduzione italiana a cura di Spaccaossi&lt;br /&gt;spaccaossi@users.sourceforge.net&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
698    </message>
699    <message>
700        <location line="+12"/>
701        <source>&amp;About Mumble</source>
702        <translation>&amp;Informazioni su Mumble</translation>
703    </message>
704    <message>
705        <location line="+1"/>
706        <source>&amp;License</source>
707        <translation>&amp;Licenza</translation>
708    </message>
709    <message>
710        <location line="+1"/>
711        <source>A&amp;uthors</source>
712        <translation>&amp;Autori</translation>
713    </message>
714    <message>
715        <location line="+1"/>
716        <source>&amp;Third-Party Licenses</source>
717        <translation>Licenze di 3e &amp;parti</translation>
718    </message>
719    <message>
720        <location line="+2"/>
721        <source>OK</source>
722        <translation>OK</translation>
723    </message>
726    <name>AudioInput</name>
727    <message>
728        <location filename="AudioInput.ui"/>
729        <source>Interface</source>
730        <translation>Interfaccia</translation>
731    </message>
732    <message>
733        <location/>
734        <source>System</source>
735        <translation>Sistema</translation>
736    </message>
737    <message>
738        <location/>
739        <source>Input method for audio</source>
740        <translation>Metodo di acquisizione audio</translation>
741    </message>
742    <message>
743        <location/>
744        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
745        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Metodo di acquisizione audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Molto probabilmente vorrai usare DirectSound.</translation>
746    </message>
747    <message>
748        <location/>
749        <source>Device</source>
750        <translation>Dispositivo</translation>
751    </message>
752    <message>
753        <location/>
754        <source>Input device for audio</source>
755        <translation>Dispositivo di ingresso audio</translation>
756    </message>
757    <message>
758        <location/>
759        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input device to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
760        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo è il dispositivo d&apos;ingresso da usare per il suono.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
761    </message>
762    <message>
763        <location/>
764        <source>Transmission</source>
765        <translation>Trasmissione</translation>
766    </message>
767    <message>
768        <location/>
769        <source>&amp;Transmit</source>
770        <translation>&amp;Metodo di trasmissione</translation>
771    </message>
772    <message>
773        <location/>
774        <source>When to transmit your speech</source>
775        <translation>Quando trasmettere la tua voce</translation>
776    </message>
777    <message>
778        <location/>
779        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets when speech should be transmitted.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Continuous&lt;/i&gt; - All the time&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Voice Activity&lt;/i&gt; - When you are speaking clearly.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Push To Talk&lt;/i&gt; - When you hold down the hotkey set under &lt;i&gt;Shortcuts&lt;/i&gt;.</source>
780        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta quando la voce dovrebbe essere trasmessa.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Sempre attivo&lt;/i&gt; - Trasmette sempre&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Attivazione vocale&lt;/i&gt; - Trasmette solo quando Mumble rileva che stai parlando.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Push-To-Talk&lt;/i&gt; - Trasmette solamente quando tieni premuto il pulsante impostato.</translation>
781    </message>
782    <message>
783        <location/>
784        <source>DoublePush Time</source>
785        <translation>Doppia pressione</translation>
786    </message>
787    <message>
788        <location/>
789        <source>If you press the PTT key twice in this time it will get locked.</source>
790        <translation>Se premi il pulsante PTT due volte entro questo tempo la trasmissione si blocca.</translation>
791    </message>
792    <message>
793        <location/>
794        <source>&lt;b&gt;DoublePush Time&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If you press the push-to-talk key twice during the configured interval of time it will be locked. Mumble will keep transmitting until you hit the key once more to unlock PTT again.</source>
795        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Tempo di doppia pressione&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Se premi il pulsante Push-To-Talk due volte durante l&apos;intervallo di tempo configurato, la trasmissione non finirà fino a che non premerai di nuovo il pulsante PTT.</translation>
796    </message>
797    <message>
798        <location/>
799        <source>Reset audio cue to default</source>
800        <translation>Reimposta segnale sonoro su quello predefinito</translation>
801    </message>
802    <message>
803        <location/>
804        <source>&lt;b&gt;Reset&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Reset the paths for the files to their default.</source>
805        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Reimposta&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Reimposta il percorso dei file al loro valore predefinito.</translation>
806    </message>
807    <message>
808        <location/>
809        <source>Browse for on audio file</source>
810        <translation>Seleziona un file sonoro per l&apos;attivazione della trasmissione</translation>
811    </message>
812    <message>
813        <location/>
814        <source>Browse for off audio file</source>
815        <translation>Seleziona un file sonoro per la disattivazione della trasmissione</translation>
816    </message>
817    <message>
818        <location/>
819        <source>Off</source>
820        <translation>Disattivazione</translation>
821    </message>
822    <message>
823        <location/>
824        <source>On</source>
825        <translation>Attivazione</translation>
826    </message>
827    <message>
828        <location/>
829        <source>Preview the audio cues</source>
830        <translation>Anteprima del segnale sonoro</translation>
831    </message>
832    <message>
833        <location/>
834        <source>Use SNR based speech detection</source>
835        <translation>Usa il riconoscimento della voce basato sul rapporto segnale/rumore</translation>
836    </message>
837    <message>
838        <location/>
839        <source>Signal to Noise</source>
840        <translation>Rapporto segnale/rumore</translation>
841    </message>
842    <message>
843        <location/>
844        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets speech detection to use Amplitude.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In this mode, the raw strength of the input signal is used to detect speech.</source>
845        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Seleziona l&apos;uso dell&apos;ampiezza per il rilevamento della voce.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In questa modalità, il livello grezzo del segnale d&apos;ingresso viene utilizzato per rilevare la voce.</translation>
846    </message>
847    <message>
848        <location/>
849        <source>Amplitude</source>
850        <translation>Ampiezza del segnale</translation>
851    </message>
852    <message>
853        <location/>
854        <source>Voice &amp;Hold</source>
855        <translation>&amp;Continua trasmissione per</translation>
856    </message>
857    <message>
858        <location/>
859        <source>How long to keep transmitting after silence</source>
860        <translation>Per quanto tempo continuare a trasmettere dopo l&apos;inizio del silenzio</translation>
861    </message>
862    <message>
863        <location/>
864        <source>Silence Below</source>
865        <translation>Soglia di disattivazione</translation>
866    </message>
867    <message>
868        <location/>
869        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the trigger values for voice detection.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Use this together with the Audio Statistics window to manually tune the trigger values for detecting speech. Input values below &quot;Silence Below&quot; always count as silence. Values above &quot;Speech Above&quot; always count as voice. Values in between will count as voice if you&apos;re already talking, but will not trigger a new detection.</source>
870        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo cursore imposta il valore di soglia per il rilevamento del discorso.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Usa questo insieme alla finestra delle statistiche audio per impostare manualmente i cursori per l&apos;individuazione del discorso. Un segnale al di sotto del cursore &quot;Soglia di disattivazione&quot; viene sempre considerato come silenzio. Un segnale al di sopra del cursore &quot;Soglia di attivazione&quot; viene considerato come discorso. Un segnale compreso tra i due cursori conterà come discorso solo se la trasmissione è già iniziata, ma non ne farà iniziare una nuova.</translation>
871    </message>
872    <message>
873        <location/>
874        <source>Speech Above</source>
875        <translation>Soglia di attivazione</translation>
876    </message>
877    <message>
878        <location/>
879        <source>Signal values above this count as voice</source>
880        <translation>Valore del segnale sopra il quale l&apos;ingresso conta come discorso e la trasmissione ha inizio</translation>
881    </message>
882    <message>
883        <location/>
884        <source>Compression</source>
885        <translation>Compressione</translation>
886    </message>
887    <message>
888        <location/>
889        <source>&amp;Quality</source>
890        <translation>&amp;Qualità</translation>
891    </message>
892    <message>
893        <location/>
894        <source>Quality of compression (peak bandwidth)</source>
895        <translation>Qualità di compressione (picco di banda)</translation>
896    </message>
897    <message>
898        <location/>
899        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the quality of compression.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This determines how much bandwidth Mumble is allowed to use for outgoing audio.</source>
900        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta la qualità della compressione.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Determina quanta banda Mumble sarà autorizzato ad usare per l&apos;audio in uscita.</translation>
901    </message>
902    <message>
903        <location/>
904        <source>Audio per packet</source>
905        <translation>Audio per pacchetto</translation>
906    </message>
907    <message>
908        <location/>
909        <source>How many audio frames to send per packet</source>
910        <translation>Quante parti dell&apos;audio inserire in un pacchetto</translation>
911    </message>
912    <message>
913        <location/>
914        <source>&lt;b&gt;This selects how many audio frames should be put in one packet.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Increasing this will increase the latency of your voice, but will also reduce bandwidth requirements.</source>
915        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo imposta quante parti dell&apos;audio saranno inserite in un pacchetto&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Incrementare questo parametro incrementerà la latenza della tua voce, ma verrà ridotta la banda richiesta.</translation>
916    </message>
917    <message>
918        <location/>
919        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows peak outgoing bandwidth used.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This shows the peak amount of bandwidth sent out from your machine. Audio bitrate is the maximum bitrate (as we use VBR) for the audio data alone. Position is the bitrate used for positional information. Overhead is our framing and the IP packet headers (IP and UDP is 75% of this overhead).</source>
920        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo mostra il picco della larghezza di banda utilizzata in uscita.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; Questo mostra il picco della larghezza di banda inviata dal tuo computer. Bitrate audio è il massimo bitrate (visto che usiamo VBR) per i dati audio da soli. Posizione è il bitrate utilizzato per le informazioni sulla posizione. Overhead è l&apos;insieme di header ed intestrazione dei pacchetti IP (IP e UDP sono il 75% dell&apos;overhead).</translation>
921    </message>
922    <message>
923        <location/>
924        <source>Audio Processing</source>
925        <translation>Elaborazione Audio</translation>
926    </message>
927    <message>
928        <location/>
929        <source>Noise Suppression</source>
930        <translation>Riduzione Rumore</translation>
931    </message>
932    <message>
933        <location/>
934        <source>Noise suppression</source>
935        <translation>Riduzione rumore</translation>
936    </message>
937    <message>
938        <location/>
939        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the amount of noise suppression to apply.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;The higher this value, the more aggressively stationary noise will be suppressed.</source>
940        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta la quantità di rumore da eliminare.&lt;b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Più alto sarà questo valore e più rumore di sottofondo verrà eliminato.</translation>
941    </message>
942    <message>
943        <location/>
944        <source>Maximum amplification of input sound</source>
945        <translation>Massima amplificazione del segnale di ingresso</translation>
946    </message>
947    <message>
948        <location/>
949        <source>&lt;b&gt;Maximum amplification of input.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble normalizes the input volume before compressing, and this sets how much it&apos;s allowed to amplify.&lt;br /&gt;The actual level is continually updated based on your current speech pattern, but it will never go above the level specified here.&lt;br /&gt;If the &lt;i&gt;Microphone loudness&lt;/i&gt; level of the audio statistics hover around 100%, you probably want to set this to 2.0 or so, but if, like most people, you are unable to reach 100%, set this to something much higher.&lt;br /&gt;Ideally, set it so &lt;i&gt;Microphone Loudness * Amplification Factor &gt;= 100&lt;/i&gt;, even when you&apos;re speaking really soft.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Note that there is no harm in setting this to maximum, but Mumble will start picking up other conversations if you leave it to auto-tune to that level.</source>
950        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Massima amplificazione dell&apos;ingresso.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; Mumble normalizza il volume in ingresso prima della compressione, e questo imposta quanto gli è consentito amplificarlo.&lt;br /&gt;Il livello effettivo è continuamente aggiornato in base ai suoni ricevuti, ma non potrà mai andare al di sopra del livello indicato qui.&lt;br /&gt;Se il livello del &lt;i&gt;Volume del microfono&lt;/i&gt; nelle statistiche audio si aggira intorno al 100%, probabilmente vorrai impostare questo parametro a 2.0 o più, ma se , come la maggior parte delle persone, non riesci a raggiungere il 100%, imposta un livello anche molto più alto.&lt;br /&gt;Idealmente, dovresti impostarlo in modo che &lt;i&gt;Volume del microfono x Fattore di amplificazione&gt;= 100&lt;/i&gt;, anche quando stai parlando piano.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Si noti che non vi è nulla di male nel mettere questa impostazione al massimo, ma Mumble inizierà raccogliendo le altre conversazioni se lasciato per l&apos;auto-tune a quel livello.</translation>
951    </message>
952    <message>
953        <location/>
954        <source>Current speech detection chance</source>
955        <translation>Probabilità attuale di riconoscimento della voce</translation>
956    </message>
957    <message>
958        <location/>
959        <source>Cancel echo from speakers</source>
960        <translation>Elimina l&apos;eco dalle casse</translation>
961    </message>
962    <message>
963        <location/>
964        <source>Enabling this will cancel the echo from your speakers. Mixed has low CPU impact, but only works well if your speakers are equally loud and equidistant from the microphone. Multichannel echo cancellation provides much better echo cancellation, but at a higher CPU cost.</source>
965        <translation>Abilitando questo si cancellerà l&apos;eco dalle casse. La modalità &apos;Misto&apos; ha un impatto minore sulla CPU, ma funziona meglio se le tue casse/cuffie hanno un livello sonoro uguale e se sono equidistanti dal microfono. L&apos;eliminazione eco multicanale fornisce invece una cancellazione eco migliore, ma con un maggior utilizzo della CPU.</translation>
966    </message>
967    <message>
968        <location/>
969        <source>Disabled</source>
970        <translation>Disabilitato</translation>
971    </message>
972    <message>
973        <location/>
974        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets speech detection to use Signal to Noise ratio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In this mode, the input is analyzed for something resembling a clear signal, and the clarity of that signal is used to trigger speech detection.</source>
975        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta l&apos;individuazione del discorso con il rapporto segnale/rumore.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;In questa modalità, l&apos;ingresso è analizzato per trovare qualcosa di simile a un chiaro segnale, e la chiarezza del segnale viene utilizzata per attivare il rilevamento del discorso.</translation>
976    </message>
977    <message>
978        <location/>
979        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows the current speech detection settings.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.</source>
980        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo visualizza le impostazioni correnti per il riconoscimento del parlato.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Puoi cambiare le impostazioni dalla finestra delle impostazioni o dalla Procedura Guidata Audio.</translation>
981    </message>
982    <message>
983        <location/>
984        <source>Signal values below this count as silence</source>
985        <translation>Valore del segnale sotto il quale l&apos;ingresso conta come silenzio</translation>
986    </message>
987    <message>
988        <location/>
989        <source>Maximum bandwidth used for sending audio</source>
990        <translation>Banda massima utilizzata per inviare l&apos;audio</translation>
991    </message>
992    <message>
993        <location/>
994        <source>Use Amplitude based speech detection</source>
995        <translation>Usa riconoscimento della voce basato sull&apos;Ampiezza</translation>
996    </message>
997    <message>
998        <location/>
999        <source>&lt;b&gt;This selects how long after a perceived stop in speech transmission should continue.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Set this higher if your voice breaks up when you speak (seen by a rapidly blinking voice icon next to your name).</source>
1000        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta per quanto tempo dopo la fine del discorso la trasmissione deve continuare.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Aumentalo se la tua voce viene tagliata mentre stai parlando (si vedi un lampeggiamento rapido dell&apos;icona voce accanto al tuo nome).</translation>
1001    </message>
1002    <message>
1003        <location/>
1004        <source>Exclusive mode</source>
1005        <translation>Modalità esclusiva</translation>
1006    </message>
1007    <message>
1008        <location/>
1009        <source>&lt;b&gt;This opens the device in exclusive mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No other application will be able to use the device.</source>
1010        <translation>&lt;b&gt; Utilizza il dispositivo in modalità esclusiva.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Le altre applicazioni non potranno utilizzare questo dispositivo.</translation>
1011    </message>
1012    <message>
1013        <location/>
1014        <source>Exclusive</source>
1015        <translation>Esclusivo</translation>
1016    </message>
1017    <message>
1018        <location/>
1019        <source>R&amp;eset</source>
1020        <translation>&amp;Reset</translation>
1021    </message>
1022    <message>
1023        <location/>
1024        <source>&amp;Browse...</source>
1025        <translation>&amp;Sfoglia...</translation>
1026    </message>
1027    <message>
1028        <location/>
1029        <source>B&amp;rowse...</source>
1030        <translation>S&amp;foglia...</translation>
1031    </message>
1032    <message>
1033        <location/>
1034        <source>&amp;Preview</source>
1035        <translation>&amp;Anteprima</translation>
1036    </message>
1037    <message>
1038        <location/>
1039        <source>&lt;b&gt;Preview&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Plays the current &lt;i&gt;on&lt;/i&gt; sound followed by the current &lt;i&gt;off&lt;/i&gt; sound.</source>
1040        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Anteprima&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;Riproduce un&apos;anteprima dei file attualmente selezionati per &lt;i&gt;Attivazione&lt;/i&gt; e di seguito&lt;i&gt;Disattivazione&lt;/i&gt;.</translation>
1041    </message>
1042    <message>
1043        <location/>
1044        <source>Displays an always on top window with a push to talk button in it</source>
1045        <translation>Visualizza una finestra che rimane sempre in primo piano con un pulsante Push-To-Talk</translation>
1046    </message>
1047    <message>
1048        <location/>
1049        <source>Display push to talk window</source>
1050        <translation>Visualizza finestra Push-To-Talk</translation>
1051    </message>
1052    <message>
1053        <location/>
1054        <source>Misc</source>
1055        <translation>Varie</translation>
1056    </message>
1057    <message>
1058        <location/>
1059        <source>Audible audio cue when starting or stopping to transmit</source>
1060        <translation>Riproduce un segnale sonoro all&apos;inizio e alla fine della trasmissione</translation>
1061    </message>
1062    <message>
1063        <location/>
1064        <source>&lt;b&gt;This enables transmission audio cues.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Setting this will give you a short audio beep when you start and stop transmitting.</source>
1065        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita dei suoni per segnalare la trasmissione audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Selezionando questo sentirai un segnale sonoro all&apos;inizio ed alla fine della trasmissione.</translation>
1066    </message>
1067    <message>
1068        <location/>
1069        <source>Audio cue</source>
1070        <translation>Segnale sonoro</translation>
1071    </message>
1072    <message>
1073        <location/>
1074        <source>Gets played when starting to transmit</source>
1075        <translation>Segnale che viene riprodotto all&apos;inizio della trasmissione</translation>
1076    </message>
1077    <message>
1078        <location/>
1079        <source>Gets played when stopping to transmit</source>
1080        <translation>Segnale che viene riprodotto alla fine della trasmissione</translation>
1081    </message>
1082    <message>
1083        <location/>
1084        <source>Hold Time</source>
1085        <translation>Attesa</translation>
1086    </message>
1087    <message>
1088        <location/>
1089        <source>Time the microphone stays open after the PTT key is released</source>
1090        <translation>Tempo che deve passare tra il rilascio del pulsante PTT e la disattivazione del microfono</translation>
1091    </message>
1092    <message>
1093        <location filename="AudioInput.cpp" line="+599"/>
1094        <source>Server maximum network bandwidth is only %1 kbit/s. Audio quality auto-adjusted to %2 kbit/s (%3 ms)</source>
1095        <translation>La banda massima del server è %1 kbit/s. Qualità audio impostata su %2 kbit/s (%3 ms)</translation>
1096    </message>
1097    <message>
1098        <location filename="AudioInput.ui"/>
1099        <source>Max. Amplification</source>
1100        <translation>Amplificazione Massima</translation>
1101    </message>
1102    <message>
1103        <location/>
1104        <source>Idle action</source>
1105        <translation>Inattività</translation>
1106    </message>
1107    <message>
1108        <location/>
1109        <source>minutes do</source>
1110        <translation>minuti</translation>
1111    </message>
1112    <message>
1113        <location/>
1114        <source>nothing</source>
1115        <translation>nulla</translation>
1116    </message>
1117    <message>
1118        <location/>
1119        <source>deafen</source>
1120        <translation>escluditi</translation>
1121    </message>
1122    <message>
1123        <location/>
1124        <source>mute</source>
1125        <translation>mutati</translation>
1126    </message>
1127    <message>
1128        <location/>
1129        <source>after</source>
1130        <translation>dopo</translation>
1131    </message>
1132    <message>
1133        <location/>
1134        <source>Echo Cancellation</source>
1135        <translation>Cancellazione Eco</translation>
1136    </message>
1137    <message>
1138        <location/>
1139        <source>Mixed echo cancellation</source>
1140        <translation>Cancellazione eco mista</translation>
1141    </message>
1142    <message>
1143        <location/>
1144        <source>Multichannel echo cancellation</source>
1145        <translation>Cancellazione eco multicanale</translation>
1146    </message>
1147    <message>
1148        <location/>
1149        <source>The idle action will be reversed upon any key or mouse button input</source>
1150        <translation>Questa azione di inattività verrà annullata in seguito a qualsiasi input</translation>
1151    </message>
1152    <message>
1153        <location/>
1154        <source>Undo Idle action upon activity</source>
1155        <translation>Annulla azione di inattività in caso di input</translation>
1156    </message>
1157    <message>
1158        <location/>
1159        <source>Apply RNNoise&apos;s noise suppression filter.</source>
1160        <translation>Applica il filtro di RNNoise per la cancellazione del rumore.</translation>
1161    </message>
1162    <message>
1163        <location/>
1164        <source>&lt;b&gt;This applies RNNoise&apos;s noise suppression filter.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;RNNoise is based on machine learning and used in WebRTC.</source>
1165        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo applica il filtro di RNNoise per la cancellazione del rumore.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;RNNoise è basato sul machine learning ed è utilizzato in WebRTC.</translation>
1166    </message>
1167    <message>
1168        <location/>
1169        <source>RNNoise</source>
1170        <translation>RNNoise</translation>
1171    </message>
1172    <message>
1173        <location/>
1174        <source>Audio input</source>
1175        <translation>Input audio</translation>
1176    </message>
1179    <name>AudioInputDialog</name>
1180    <message>
1181        <location filename="AudioConfigDialog.cpp" line="+80"/>
1182        <source>Continuous</source>
1183        <translation>Sempre attivo</translation>
1184    </message>
1185    <message>
1186        <location line="+1"/>
1187        <source>Voice Activity</source>
1188        <translation>Attività vocale</translation>
1189    </message>
1190    <message>
1191        <location line="+1"/>
1192        <source>Push To Talk</source>
1193        <translation>Push To Talk</translation>
1194    </message>
1195    <message>
1196        <location line="+14"/>
1197        <source>Audio Input</source>
1198        <translation>Ingresso audio</translation>
1199    </message>
1200    <message>
1201        <location line="+106"/>
1202        <location line="+8"/>
1203        <location line="+7"/>
1204        <source>%1 ms</source>
1205        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
1206    </message>
1207    <message>
1208        <location line="-9"/>
1209        <location line="+7"/>
1210        <location line="+20"/>
1211        <source>Off</source>
1212        <translation>Disattivato</translation>
1213    </message>
1214    <message>
1215        <location line="-12"/>
1216        <source>%1 s</source>
1217        <translation>%1 s</translation>
1218    </message>
1219    <message>
1220        <location line="+4"/>
1221        <source>%1 kb/s</source>
1222        <translation>%1 kb/s</translation>
1223    </message>
1224    <message>
1225        <location line="+11"/>
1226        <source>-%1 dB</source>
1227        <translation>-%1 dB</translation>
1228    </message>
1229    <message>
1230        <location line="+48"/>
1231        <source>%1 kbit/s (Audio %2, Position %4, Overhead %3)</source>
1232        <translation>%1 kbit/s (Audio %2, Posizione %4, Overhead %3)</translation>
1233    </message>
1236    <name>AudioOutput</name>
1237    <message>
1238        <location filename="AudioOutput.ui"/>
1239        <source>Interface</source>
1240        <translation>Interfaccia</translation>
1241    </message>
1242    <message>
1243        <location/>
1244        <source>System</source>
1245        <translation>Sistema</translation>
1246    </message>
1247    <message>
1248        <location/>
1249        <source>Output method for audio</source>
1250        <translation>Metodo d&apos;uscita per l&apos;audio</translation>
1251    </message>
1252    <message>
1253        <location/>
1254        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the output method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1255        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</oldsource>
1256        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo è il sistema d&apos;uscita da utilizzare per l&apos;audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Molto probabilmente vorrai utilizzare DirectSound.</translation>
1257    </message>
1258    <message>
1259        <location/>
1260        <source>Device</source>
1261        <translation>Dispositivo</translation>
1262    </message>
1263    <message>
1264        <location/>
1265        <source>Output device for audio</source>
1266        <translation>Dispositivo sonoro di uscita</translation>
1267    </message>
1268    <message>
1269        <location/>
1270        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the output device to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1271        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo è il dispositivo di uscita da usare per il suono.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1272    </message>
1273    <message>
1274        <location/>
1275        <source>Positional Audio</source>
1276        <translation>Audio posizionale</translation>
1277    </message>
1278    <message>
1279        <location/>
1280        <source>Audio Output</source>
1281        <translation>Uscita audio</translation>
1282    </message>
1283    <message>
1284        <location/>
1285        <source>Default &amp;Jitter Buffer</source>
1286        <translation>Spazio &amp;buffer predefinito</translation>
1287    </message>
1288    <message>
1289        <location/>
1290        <source>Safety margin for jitter buffer</source>
1291        <translation>Margine di sicurezza per lo spazio del buffer</translation>
1292    </message>
1293    <message>
1294        <location/>
1295        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the minimum safety margin for the jitter buffer.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;All incoming audio is buffered, and the jitter buffer continually tries to push the buffer to the minimum sustainable by your network, so latency can be as low as possible. This sets the minimum buffer size to use. If the start of sentences you hear is very jittery, increase this value.</source>
1296        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta il margine  minimo di sicurezza per il jitter del buffer.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Tutto l&apos;audio in ingresso è messo nel buffer, ed il jitter del buffer cerca continuamente di tenere il buffer al minimo sostenibile dalla tua rete, in modo da avere una latenza quanto più bassa possibile. Imposta la dimensione minima del buffer da utilizzare. Se all&apos;inizio delle frasi c&apos;è un rumore distorto, aumenta questo valore.</translation>
1297    </message>
1298    <message>
1299        <location/>
1300        <source>Minimum distance to user before sound volume decreases</source>
1301        <translation>Distanza minima dall&apos;utente prima che il volume del suono inizi a diminuire</translation>
1302    </message>
1303    <message>
1304        <location/>
1305        <source>This sets the minimum distance for sound calculations. The volume of other users&apos; speech will not decrease until they are at least this far away from you.</source>
1306        <translation>Imposta la distanza minima per i calcoli sonori. Il volume della voce degli altri utenti non diminuirà fino a che non saranno almeno a questa distanza da voi.</translation>
1307    </message>
1308    <message>
1309        <location/>
1310        <source>This sets the maximum distance for sound calculations. When farther away than this, other users&apos; speech volume will not decrease any further.</source>
1311        <translation>Imposta la massima distanza per il calcolo del suono. Quando saranno più distanti il volume dei discorsi degli altri utenti non diminuirà più.</translation>
1312    </message>
1313    <message>
1314        <location/>
1315        <source>&lt;b&gt;This enables one of the loopback test modes.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;None&lt;/i&gt; - Loopback disabled&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Local&lt;/i&gt; - Emulate a local server.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Server&lt;/i&gt; - Request loopback from server.&lt;br /&gt;Please note than when loopback is enabled, no other users will hear your voice. This setting is not saved on application exit.</source>
1316        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita una delle modalità di test di loopback.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Nessuno&lt;/i&gt; - Loopback disattivato&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Locale&lt;/i&gt; - Emula un server locale.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;i&gt;Server&lt;/i&gt; - Richiesta di loopback dal server.&lt;br /&gt;Si prega di notare che quando il loopback è abilitato, gli altri utenti non sentiranno la tua voce. Questa impostazione non viene salvata all&apos;uscita dall&apos;applicazione.</translation>
1317    </message>
1318    <message>
1319        <location/>
1320        <source>Volume</source>
1321        <translation>Volume</translation>
1322    </message>
1323    <message>
1324        <location/>
1325        <source>Volume of incoming speech</source>
1326        <translation>Volume della voce in arrivo</translation>
1327    </message>
1328    <message>
1329        <location/>
1330        <source>&lt;b&gt;This adjusts the volume of incoming speech.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Note that if you increase this beyond 100%, audio will be distorted.</source>
1331        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Regola il volume della voce in arrivo.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Si noti che se si imposta oltre il 100%, l&apos;audio verrà distorto.</translation>
1332    </message>
1333    <message>
1334        <location/>
1335        <source>Output Delay</source>
1336        <translation>Ritardo uscita</translation>
1337    </message>
1338    <message>
1339        <location/>
1340        <source>Amount of data to buffer</source>
1341        <translation>Quantità di dati da mettere nel buffer</translation>
1342    </message>
1343    <message>
1344        <location/>
1345        <source>The connected &quot;speakers&quot; are actually headphones</source>
1346        <oldsource>The connected &quot;speakers&quot; are actually headphones.</oldsource>
1347        <translation>Gli altoparlanti attualmente connessi sono delle cuffie</translation>
1348    </message>
1349    <message>
1350        <location/>
1351        <source>Factor for sound volume decrease</source>
1352        <translation>Fattore di decremento del volume</translation>
1353    </message>
1354    <message>
1355        <location/>
1356        <source>Bloom</source>
1357        <translation>Volume massimo</translation>
1358    </message>
1359    <message>
1360        <location/>
1361        <source>Factor for sound volume increase</source>
1362        <translation>Fattore di incremento del volume</translation>
1363    </message>
1364    <message>
1365        <location/>
1366        <source>How much should sound volume increase for sources that are really close?</source>
1367        <translation>Quanto dovrebbe aumentare il volume del suono per le sorgenti molto vicine?</translation>
1368    </message>
1369    <message>
1370        <location/>
1371        <source>Checking this indicates that you don&apos;t have speakers connected, just headphones. This is important, as speakers are usually in front of you, while headphones are directly to your left/right.</source>
1372        <translation>Se impostato indica che non sono collegati degli altoparlanti, ma delle cuffie. Questo è importante, in quanto gli altoparlanti solitamente sono di fronte a voi, mentre le cuffie sono direttamente a sinistra/destra.</translation>
1373    </message>
1374    <message>
1375        <location/>
1376        <source>This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn&apos;t cause rapid jitter in the sound.</source>
1377        <translation>Imposta la quantità di dati da tenere nel pre-buffer per il buffer d&apos;uscita. Sperimentare diversi valori e tenere al valore minimo che non causa una distorsione del suono.</translation>
1378    </message>
1379    <message>
1380        <location/>
1381        <source>Headphones</source>
1382        <translation>Cuffie</translation>
1383    </message>
1384    <message>
1385        <location/>
1386        <source>Minimum Distance</source>
1387        <translation>Distanza minima</translation>
1388    </message>
1389    <message>
1390        <location/>
1391        <source>Maximum Distance</source>
1392        <translation>Distanza massima</translation>
1393    </message>
1394    <message>
1395        <location/>
1396        <source>Maximum distance, beyond which speech volume won&apos;t decrease</source>
1397        <translation>Distanza massima, dopo la quale il volume del discorso non diminuirà piú</translation>
1398    </message>
1399    <message>
1400        <location/>
1401        <source>Minimum Volume</source>
1402        <translation>Volume minimo</translation>
1403    </message>
1404    <message>
1405        <location/>
1406        <source>What should the volume be at the maximum distance?</source>
1407        <translation>Quale dovrebbe essere il volume alla distanza massima?</translation>
1408    </message>
1409    <message>
1410        <location/>
1411        <source>Loopback Test</source>
1412        <translation>Test di Loopback</translation>
1413    </message>
1414    <message>
1415        <location/>
1416        <source>Delay Variance</source>
1417        <translation>Variazione ritardo</translation>
1418    </message>
1419    <message>
1420        <location/>
1421        <source>Variance in packet latency</source>
1422        <translation>Variazione nel ritardo dei pacchetti</translation>
1423    </message>
1424    <message>
1425        <location/>
1426        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you to set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms.</source>
1427        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet latency variance for loopback testing.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most audio paths contain some variable latency. This allows you set that variance for loopback mode testing. For example, if you set this to 15ms, this will emulate a network with 20-35ms ping latency or one with 80-95ms latency. Most domestic net connections have a variance of about 5ms.</oldsource>
1428        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta la variazione nella latenza del pacchetto per il test di loopback locale. &lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt; La maggior parte dei percorsi dell&apos;audio contengono della latenza variabile. Questo permette di impostare questa variazione per la modalità di test di loopback. Ad esempio, se si imposta questo a 15ms, verrà emulata una rete con 20-35ms di latenza oppure con 80-95ms di latenza. La maggior parte delle connessioni di rete domestiche ha una variazione di circa 5ms.</translation>
1429    </message>
1430    <message>
1431        <location/>
1432        <source>Packet Loss</source>
1433        <translation>Perdita pacchetti</translation>
1434    </message>
1435    <message>
1436        <location/>
1437        <source>Packet loss for loopback mode</source>
1438        <translation>Perdita dei pacchetti in modalità loopback</translation>
1439    </message>
1440    <message>
1441        <location/>
1442        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets the packet loss for loopback mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This will be the ratio of packets lost. Unless your outgoing bandwidth is peaked or there&apos;s something wrong with your network connection, this will be 0%</source>
1443        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta la perdita dei pacchetti per la modalità di loopback.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Questo sarà il rapporto dei pacchetti persi. A meno che non ci sono dei picchi di banda in uscita o se c&apos;è qualcosa che non va con la connessione di rete, questo sarà 0%</translation>
1444    </message>
1445    <message>
1446        <location/>
1447        <source>&amp;Loopback</source>
1448        <translation>&amp;Loopback</translation>
1449    </message>
1450    <message>
1451        <location/>
1452        <source>Desired loopback mode</source>
1453        <translation>Modalità loopback desiderata</translation>
1454    </message>
1455    <message>
1456        <location/>
1457        <source>Attenuate applications by...</source>
1458        <translation>Attenua applicazioni del...</translation>
1459    </message>
1460    <message>
1461        <location/>
1462        <source>Attenuation of other applications during speech</source>
1463        <translation>Attenuazione del volume delle altre applicazioni durante il discorso</translation>
1464    </message>
1465    <message>
1466        <location/>
1467        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate volume of other applications during speech&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This sets the attenuation of other applications if the feature is enabled.</source>
1468        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua il volume delle altre applicazioni durante il discorso&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supporta l&apos;attenuazione del volume delle altre applicazioni durante il discorso in ingresso e/o in uscita. Questo seleziona di quanto le altre applicazioni verranno attenuate se l&apos;impostazione è abilitata.</translation>
1469    </message>
1470    <message>
1471        <location/>
1472        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while other users talk</source>
1473        <translation>Se selezionato Mumble attenuerà il volume delle altre applicazioni mentre gli altri utenti parlano</translation>
1474    </message>
1475    <message>
1476        <location/>
1477        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate applications while other users talk&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while other users talk to you.</source>
1478        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua applicazioni mentre gli altri utenti parlano&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supporta l&apos;attenuazione del volume delle altre applicazioni durante il discorso in ingresso e/o in uscita. Questo imposta l&apos;attenuazione delle altre applicazioni mentre gli altri utenti stanno parlando.</translation>
1479    </message>
1480    <message>
1481        <location/>
1482        <source>while other users talk</source>
1483        <translation>mentre gli altri parlano</translation>
1484    </message>
1485    <message>
1486        <location/>
1487        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other applications while you talk</source>
1488        <translation>Se selezionato Mumble diminuisce il volume delle altre applicazioni mentre tu stai parlando</translation>
1489    </message>
1490    <message>
1491        <location/>
1492        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate applications while you talk&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other applications during incoming and/or outgoing speech. This makes mumble activate the feature while you talk.</source>
1493        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua applicazioni mentre stai parlando&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supporta l&apos;attenuazione del volume delle altre applicazioni durante il discorso in ingresso e/o in uscita. Questo imposta l&apos;attenuazione delle altre applicazioni mentre tu stai parlando.</translation>
1494    </message>
1495    <message>
1496        <location/>
1497        <source>while you talk</source>
1498        <translation>mentre stai parlando</translation>
1499    </message>
1500    <message>
1501        <location/>
1502        <source>Exclusive mode, not recommended.</source>
1503        <translation>Modalità esclusiva, non raccomandata.</translation>
1504    </message>
1505    <message>
1506        <location/>
1507        <source>&lt;b&gt;This opens the device in exclusive mode.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;No other application will be able to use the device.</source>
1508        <translation>&lt;b&gt; Utilizza il dispositivo in modalità esclusiva.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Le altre applicazioni non potranno utilizzare questo dispositivo.</translation>
1509    </message>
1510    <message>
1511        <location/>
1512        <source>Exclusive</source>
1513        <translation>Esclusivo</translation>
1514    </message>
1515    <message>
1516        <location/>
1517        <source>Priority Speaker</source>
1518        <translation>Priorità</translation>
1519    </message>
1520    <message>
1521        <location/>
1522        <source>If checked Mumble lowers the volume of other users while you talk if you have the &quot;Priority Speaker&quot; status.</source>
1523        <translation>Se selezionato Mumble abbasserà il volume degli altri utenti mentre stai parlando, ma solo quando hai lo stato di &quot;Priorità&quot;.</translation>
1524    </message>
1525    <message>
1526        <location/>
1527        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports decreasing the volume of other users while you talk as the &lt;i&gt;Priority Speaker&lt;/i&gt; to avoid getting disturbed. Checking this checkbox will enable this feature.</source>
1528        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua gli altri utenti quando hai lo stato di &quot;Priorità&quot;.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble può abbassare il volume degli altri utenti quando tu stai parlando ed hai lo stato di &lt;i&gt;Priorità&lt;/i&gt; per evitare di essere disturbato. Qui puoi abilitare questa funzione.</translation>
1529    </message>
1530    <message>
1531        <location/>
1532        <source>Attenuate other users while talking as Priority Speaker.</source>
1533        <translation>Attenua gli altri utenti quando hai Priorità.</translation>
1534    </message>
1535    <message>
1536        <location/>
1537        <source>Advanced Attenuation Options</source>
1538        <translation>Opzioni Avanzate Attenuazione</translation>
1539    </message>
1540    <message>
1541        <location/>
1542        <source>If checked, Mumble will only attenuate applications that are using the same output source as Mumble</source>
1543        <translation>Se selezionato, Mumble attenuerà solo le applicazioni che utilizzano lo stesso dispositivo di uscita di Mumble</translation>
1544    </message>
1545    <message>
1546        <location/>
1547        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate only applications using the same output as Mumble&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If checked, applications that use a different output than Mumble will not be attenuated.</source>
1548        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua solo le applicazioni che utilizzano lo stesso dispositivo di uscita di Mumble&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Se selezionato, le applicazioni che utilizzano un dispositivo di uscita differente da quello che utilizza Mumble, non verranno attenuate.</translation>
1549    </message>
1550    <message>
1551        <location/>
1552        <source>Only attenuate applications using the same output device</source>
1553        <translation>Attenua solo le applicazioni che utilizzano lo stesso dispositivo di uscita</translation>
1554    </message>
1555    <message>
1556        <location/>
1557        <source>If checked, PulseAudio loopback modules will be attenuated</source>
1558        <translation>Se selezionato, i moduli di loopback di PulseAudio verranno attenuati</translation>
1559    </message>
1560    <message>
1561        <location/>
1562        <source>&lt;b&gt;Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;If loopback modules are linked to Mumble&apos;s output device/sink, they will also be attenuated.</source>
1563        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Attenua i moduli di loopback di PulseAudio&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Se i moduli di loopback sono collegati al dispositivo di uscita utilizzato da Mumble, verranno a loro volta attenuati.</translation>
1564    </message>
1565    <message>
1566        <location/>
1567        <source>Attenuate PulseAudio loopback modules</source>
1568        <translation>Attenua i moduli di loopback di PulseAudio</translation>
1569    </message>
1570    <message>
1571        <location/>
1572        <source>Audio output</source>
1573        <translation>Output audio</translation>
1574    </message>
1577    <name>AudioOutputDialog</name>
1578    <message>
1579        <location filename="AudioConfigDialog.cpp" line="+138"/>
1580        <source>None</source>
1581        <translation>Disattivato</translation>
1582    </message>
1583    <message>
1584        <location line="+1"/>
1585        <source>Local</source>
1586        <translation>Locale</translation>
1587    </message>
1588    <message>
1589        <location line="+1"/>
1590        <source>Server</source>
1591        <translation>Server</translation>
1592    </message>
1593    <message>
1594        <location line="+6"/>
1595        <source>Audio Output</source>
1596        <translation>Uscita Audio</translation>
1597    </message>
1598    <message>
1599        <location line="+119"/>
1600        <location line="+19"/>
1601        <location line="+8"/>
1602        <source>%1 ms</source>
1603        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
1604    </message>
1605    <message>
1606        <location line="-16"/>
1607        <location line="+4"/>
1608        <location line="+8"/>
1609        <location line="+31"/>
1610        <location line="+4"/>
1611        <source>%1 %</source>
1612        <translation>%1 %</translation>
1613    </message>
1614    <message>
1615        <location line="-16"/>
1616        <location line="+6"/>
1617        <source>%1 m</source>
1618        <translation>%1 m</translation>
1619    </message>
1622    <name>AudioOutputSample</name>
1623    <message>
1624        <location filename="AudioOutputSample.cpp" line="+186"/>
1625        <source>Choose sound file</source>
1626        <translation>Scegli il file sonoro</translation>
1627    </message>
1628    <message>
1629        <location line="+5"/>
1630        <source>Invalid sound file</source>
1631        <translation>File sonoro non valido</translation>
1632    </message>
1633    <message>
1634        <location line="+1"/>
1635        <source>The file &apos;%1&apos; cannot be used by Mumble. Please select a file with a compatible format and encoding.</source>
1636        <translation>Il file &apos;%1&apos; non può essere usato da Mumble. Per favore seleziona un file con un formato e una codifica compatibile.</translation>
1637    </message>
1640    <name>AudioStats</name>
1641    <message>
1642        <location filename="AudioStats.cpp" line="+363"/>
1643        <source>&gt;1000 ms</source>
1644        <oldsource>&gt;1000ms</oldsource>
1645        <translation>&gt;1000 ms</translation>
1646    </message>
1647    <message>
1648        <location filename="AudioStats.ui"/>
1649        <source>Audio Statistics</source>
1650        <translation>Statistiche Audio</translation>
1651    </message>
1652    <message>
1653        <location/>
1654        <source>Input Levels</source>
1655        <translation>Livelli in ingresso</translation>
1656    </message>
1657    <message>
1658        <location/>
1659        <source>Peak microphone level</source>
1660        <translation>Livello di picco del microfono</translation>
1661    </message>
1662    <message>
1663        <location/>
1664        <source>Peak power in last frame</source>
1665        <translation>Picco di potenza nell&apos;ultimo frame</translation>
1666    </message>
1667    <message>
1668        <location/>
1669        <source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms), and is the same measurement as you would usually find displayed as &quot;input power&quot;. Please disregard this and look at &lt;b&gt;Microphone power&lt;/b&gt; instead, which is much more steady and disregards outliers.</source>
1670        <translation>Mostra la potenza di picco nell&apos;ultimo frame (20 ms), ed è la stessa misurazione che si trova solitamente visualizzata come &quot;potenza in ingresso&quot;. Si prega di ignorare questo aspetto e invece guardare &lt;b&gt;Volume del microfono&lt;/b&gt;, che è molto più costante e non tiene conto delle anomalie.</translation>
1671    </message>
1672    <message>
1673        <location/>
1674        <source>Peak speaker level</source>
1675        <translation>Livello di picco dell&apos;uscita</translation>
1676    </message>
1677    <message>
1678        <location/>
1679        <source>This shows the peak power of the speakers in the last frame (20 ms). Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you&apos;re playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working.</source>
1680        <oldsource>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) of the speakers. Unless you are using a multi-channel sampling method (such as ASIO) with speaker channels configured, this will be 0. If you have such a setup configured, and this still shows 0 while you're playing audio from other programs, your setup is not working.</oldsource>
1681        <translation>Questo mostra la potenza di picco dell&apos;uscita nell&apos;ultimo frame (20 ms). A meno che non si sta utilizzando un metodo di campionamento multi-canale (come ASIO), questo sarà 0. Se avete configurato una tale impostazione, e questo mostra ancora 0 mentre si sta riproducendo l&apos;audio da altri programmi, la configurazione non funziona.</translation>
1682    </message>
1683    <message>
1684        <location/>
1685        <source>Peak clean level</source>
1686        <translation>Livello di picco pulito</translation>
1687    </message>
1688    <message>
1689        <location/>
1690        <source>This shows the peak power in the last frame (20 ms) after all processing. Ideally, this should be -96 dB when you&apos;re not talking. In reality, a sound studio should see -60 dB, and you should hopefully see somewhere around -20 dB. When you are talking, this should rise to somewhere between -5 and -10 dB.&lt;br /&gt;If you are using echo cancellation, and this rises to more than -15 dB when you&apos;re not talking, your setup is not working, and you&apos;ll annoy other users with echoes.</source>
1691        <translation>Mostra la potenza di picco nell&apos;ultimo frame (20 ms) dopo tutti i processi. Idealmente, questa dovrebbe essere -96 dB quando non stai parlando. In realtà, uno studio audio dovrebbe vedere -60 dB, e si spera che tu veda qualcosa intorno a -20 dB. Mentre stai parlando, questo dovrebbe salire tra -5 e -10 dB.&lt;br /&gt;Se stai usando la cancellazione dell&apos;eco, ed è piú alta di -15 dB quando non stai parlando, l&apos;impostazione non funziona, e infastidirai gli altri giocatori con l&apos;eco.</translation>
1692    </message>
1693    <message>
1694        <location/>
1695        <source>Signal Analysis</source>
1696        <translation>Analisi del segnale</translation>
1697    </message>
1698    <message>
1699        <location/>
1700        <source>Microphone power</source>
1701        <translation>Volume del microfono</translation>
1702    </message>
1703    <message>
1704        <location/>
1705        <source>How close the current input level is to ideal</source>
1706        <translation>Quanto il livello dell&apos;ingresso attuale è vicino a quello ideale</translation>
1707    </message>
1708    <message>
1709        <location/>
1710        <source>This shows how close your current input volume is to the ideal. To adjust your microphone level, open whatever program you use to adjust the recording volume, and look at the value here while talking.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;Talk loud, as you would when you&apos;re upset over getting fragged by a noob.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Adjust the volume until this value is close to 100%, but make sure it doesn&apos;t go above. If it does go above, you are likely to get clipping in parts of your speech, which will degrade sound quality.</source>
1711        <translation>Mostra quanto il livello dell&apos;ingresso attuale è vicino a quello ideale. Per regolare il livello del microfono, apri il programma che usi per regolare il volume di registrazione, e guarda il valore mentre stai parlando.&lt;br /&gt;&lt;b&gt;Parla forte, come faresti quando sei spaventato.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Regola il volume fino a quando questo valore è vicino al 100%, ma assicurarsi che non vada al di sopra. Se va al di sopra, potresti avere dei tagli in parti del tuo discorso, che degraderà la qualità del suono.</translation>
1712    </message>
1713    <message>
1714        <location/>
1715        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio</source>
1716        <translation>Rapporto Segnale/Rumore</translation>
1717    </message>
1718    <message>
1719        <location/>
1720        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio from the microphone</source>
1721        <translation>Rapporto Segnale/Rumore dal microfono</translation>
1722    </message>
1723    <message>
1724        <location/>
1725        <source>This is the Signal-To-Noise Ratio (SNR) of the microphone in the last frame (20 ms). It shows how much clearer the voice is compared to the noise.&lt;br /&gt;If this value is below 1.0, there&apos;s more noise than voice in the signal, and so quality is reduced.&lt;br /&gt;There is no upper limit to this value, but don&apos;t expect to see much above 40-50 without a sound studio.</source>
1726        <translation>E&apos; il rapporto segnale/rumore (SNR) del microfono nell&apos;ultimo frame (20 ms). Mostra quanto è piú forte la voce rispetto al rumore.&lt;br /&gt;Se questo valore è inferiore a 1.0, nel segnale c&apos;è piú rumore che voce, e quindi la qualità sarà bassa.&lt;br /&gt;Non vi è alcun limite a questo valore, ma non aspettatevi di vederlo molto al di sopra di 40-50 senza essere in uno studio audio.</translation>
1727    </message>
1728    <message>
1729        <location/>
1730        <source>Speech Probability</source>
1731        <translation>Probabilità di voce</translation>
1732    </message>
1733    <message>
1734        <location/>
1735        <source>Probability of speech</source>
1736        <translation>Probabilità che il segnale sia voce</translation>
1737    </message>
1738    <message>
1739        <location/>
1740        <source>This is the probability that the last frame (20 ms) was speech and not environment noise.&lt;br /&gt;Voice activity transmission depends on this being right. The trick with this is that the middle of a sentence is always detected as speech; the problem is the pauses between words and the start of speech. It&apos;s hard to distinguish a sigh from a word starting with &apos;h&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;If this is in bold font, it means Mumble is currently transmitting (if you&apos;re connected).</source>
1741        <translation>E&apos; la probabilità che l&apos;ultimo frame (20 ms) sia della voce e non rumore ambientale.&lt;br /&gt;L&apos;attivazione vocale dipende da quanto è corretto questo valore. Il trucco sta nel fare in modo che la parte centrale di una frase sia sempre individuata come voce, il problema è nelle pause tra le parole e l&apos;inizio del discorso. E&apos; difficile distinguere un sospiro da una parola che comincia con la &apos;h&apos;.&lt;br /&gt;Se è in grassetto, significa che Mumble è attualmente in trasmissione (se connesso).</translation>
1742    </message>
1743    <message>
1744        <location/>
1745        <source>Configuration feedback</source>
1746        <translation>Feedback della configurazione</translation>
1747    </message>
1748    <message>
1749        <location/>
1750        <source>Current audio bitrate</source>
1751        <translation>Bitrate audio attuale</translation>
1752    </message>
1753    <message>
1754        <location/>
1755        <source>Bitrate of last frame</source>
1756        <translation>Banda dell&apos;ultimo frame</translation>
1757    </message>
1758    <message>
1759        <location/>
1760        <source>DoublePush interval</source>
1761        <translation>Intervallo di doppia pressione</translation>
1762    </message>
1763    <message>
1764        <location/>
1765        <source>Time between last two Push-To-Talk presses</source>
1766        <translation>Tempo tra le ultime due pressioni del tasto Push-To-Talk</translation>
1767    </message>
1768    <message>
1769        <location/>
1770        <source>Speech Detection</source>
1771        <translation>Riconoscimento della voce</translation>
1772    </message>
1773    <message>
1774        <location/>
1775        <source>Current speech detection chance</source>
1776        <translation>Probabilità attuale di riconoscimento della voce</translation>
1777    </message>
1778    <message>
1779        <location/>
1780        <source>&lt;b&gt;This shows the current speech detection settings.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You can change the settings from the Settings dialog or from the Audio Wizard.</source>
1781        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Mostra l&apos;attuale intervento di rilevamento della voce.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Puoi cambiare le impostazioni dalla finestra di dialogo Impostazioni o dalla Procedura Guidata Audio.</translation>
1782    </message>
1783    <message>
1784        <location/>
1785        <source>Signal and noise power spectrum</source>
1786        <translation>Spettro della potenza del segnale e del rumore</translation>
1787    </message>
1788    <message>
1789        <location/>
1790        <source>Power spectrum of input signal and noise estimate</source>
1791        <translation>Potenza spettrale del segnale e del rumore di ingresso stimata</translation>
1792    </message>
1793    <message>
1794        <location/>
1795        <source>This shows the power spectrum of the current input signal (red line) and the current noise estimate (filled blue).&lt;br /&gt;All amplitudes are multiplied by 30 to show the interesting parts (how much more signal than noise is present in each waveband).&lt;br /&gt;This is probably only of interest if you&apos;re trying to fine-tune noise conditions on your microphone. Under good conditions, there should be just a tiny flutter of blue at the bottom. If the blue is more than halfway up on the graph, you have a seriously noisy environment.</source>
1796        <translation>Mostra lo spettro della potenza del segnale di ingresso attuale (linea rossa) e l&apos;attuale stima del rumore (area di colore blu).&lt;br /&gt;Tutte le ampiezze sono moltiplicate per 30 per mostrare le parti interessanti (quanto piú il segnale rispetto al rumore è presente in ogni banda di frequenza).&lt;br /&gt;Probabilmente è di interesse solo se si sta cercando di mettere a punto il rumore del microfono. In buone condizioni, ci dovrebbe essere solo una piccola vibrazione di colore blu nella parte inferiore. Se il blu è piú di metà sul grafico, ci si trova in un ambiente molto rumoroso.</translation>
1797    </message>
1798    <message>
1799        <location/>
1800        <source>Echo Analysis</source>
1801        <translation>Analisi dell&apos;eco</translation>
1802    </message>
1803    <message>
1804        <location/>
1805        <source>Weights of the echo canceller</source>
1806        <translation>Potenza della cancellazione dell&apos;eco</translation>
1807    </message>
1808    <message>
1809        <location/>
1810        <source>This shows the weights of the echo canceller, with time increasing downwards and frequency increasing to the right.&lt;br /&gt;Ideally, this should be black, indicating no echo exists at all. More commonly, you&apos;ll have one or more horizontal stripes of bluish color representing time delayed echo. You should be able to see the weights updated in real time.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that as long as you have nothing to echo off, you won&apos;t see much useful data here. Play some music and things should stabilize. &lt;br /&gt;You can choose to view the real or imaginary parts of the frequency-domain weights, or alternately the computed modulus and phase. The most useful of these will likely be modulus, which is the amplitude of the echo, and shows you how much of the outgoing signal is being removed at that time step. The other viewing modes are mostly useful to people who want to tune the echo cancellation algorithms.&lt;br /&gt;Please note: If the entire image fluctuates massively while in modulus mode, the echo canceller fails to find any correlation whatsoever between the two input sources (speakers and microphone). Either you have a very long delay on the echo, or one of the input sources is configured wrong.</source>
1811        <translation>Mostra la potenza della cancellazione dell&apos;eco, con il tempo crescente verso il basso e la frequenza crescente a destra.&lt;br /&gt;In teoria, dovrebbe essere nero, cioè che non esiste eco. Più comunemente, otterrai una o piú strisce orizzontali di colore bluastro che rappresentano l&apos;eco  in ritardo. Si dovrebbe poter vedere i pesi aggiornati in tempo reale.&lt;br /&gt;Notare che finché l&apos;eco è nullo, qui non sarà possibile visualizzare dati molto utili. Riproduci un po&apos; di musica e le cose dovrebbero stabilizzarsi.&lt;br /&gt;Puoi scegliere di visualizzare la parte reale o immaginaria dei pesi nel dominio della frequenza, o alternativamente il modulo e la fase calcolati. Il piú utile di questi sarà probabilmente il modulo, che è l&apos;ampiezza dell&apos;eco, e mostra quanta parte del segnale in uscita è stata rimossa in quel momento. Le altre modalità di visualizzazione sono per lo piú utili per le persone che vogliono affinare gli algoritmi per la cancellazione dell&apos;eco.&lt;br /&gt;Notare: Se l&apos;intera immagine oscilla molto mentre si è in modalità modulo, il cancellatore di echo non sta fallendo nel trovare una correlazione tra le due sorgenti di ingresso (altoparlanti e microfono). O hai un ritardo di eco veramente lungo, o una delle sorgenti di ingresso è configurata male.</translation>
1812    </message>
1813    <message>
1814        <location/>
1815        <source>This is the audio bitrate of the last compressed frame (20 ms), and as such will jump up and down as the VBR adjusts the quality. The peak bitrate can be adjusted in the Settings dialog.</source>
1816        <translation>Questo indica il bitrate audio dell&apos;ultimo frame compresso (20 ms), e come tale, si muove su e giú mentre il VBR regola la qualità. Puoi regolare il bitrate di picco attraverso la finestra delle Impostazioni.</translation>
1817    </message>
1820    <name>AudioWizard</name>
1821    <message>
1822        <location filename="AudioWizard.ui"/>
1823        <source>Audio Tuning Wizard</source>
1824        <translation>Procedura guidata di impostazione dell&apos;audio</translation>
1825    </message>
1826    <message>
1827        <location/>
1828        <source>Introduction</source>
1829        <translation>Introduzione</translation>
1830    </message>
1831    <message>
1832        <location/>
1833        <source>Welcome to the Mumble Audio Wizard</source>
1834        <translation>Benvenuto nella Procedura Guidata Audio di Mumble</translation>
1835    </message>
1836    <message>
1837        <location/>
1838        <source>Finished</source>
1839        <translation>Finito</translation>
1840    </message>
1841    <message>
1842        <location/>
1843        <source>Enjoy using Mumble</source>
1844        <translation>Divertiti ad usare Mumble</translation>
1845    </message>
1846    <message>
1847        <location/>
1848        <source>Device selection</source>
1849        <translation>Selezione dispositivo</translation>
1850    </message>
1851    <message>
1852        <location/>
1853        <source>Selecting the input and output device to use with Mumble.</source>
1854        <translation>Seleziona i dispositivi di ingresso ed uscita da usare con Mumble.</translation>
1855    </message>
1856    <message>
1857        <location/>
1858        <source>This is the device your microphone is connected to.</source>
1859        <translation>Questo è il dispositivo a cui è connesso il microfono.</translation>
1860    </message>
1861    <message>
1862        <location/>
1863        <source>System</source>
1864        <translation>Sistema</translation>
1865    </message>
1866    <message>
1867        <location/>
1868        <source>Input method for audio</source>
1869        <translation>Metodo di ingresso per l&apos;audio</translation>
1870    </message>
1871    <message>
1872        <location/>
1873        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the input method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1874        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo è il metodo dell&apos;ingresso da usare per l&apos;audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;è probabile che si desideri utilizzare DirectSound.</translation>
1875    </message>
1876    <message>
1877        <location/>
1878        <source>Device</source>
1879        <translation>Dispositivo</translation>
1880    </message>
1881    <message>
1882        <location/>
1883        <source>Input device to use</source>
1884        <translation>Dispositivo di ingresso da utilizzare</translation>
1885    </message>
1886    <message>
1887        <location/>
1888        <source>&lt;b&gt;Selects which sound card to use for audio input.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1889        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Seleziona la scheda audio da usare come ingresso sonoro.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1890    </message>
1891    <message>
1892        <location/>
1893        <source>Cancel echo from headset or speakers</source>
1894        <translation>Cancella l&apos;eco dalle cuffie o dalle casse</translation>
1895    </message>
1896    <message>
1897        <location/>
1898        <source>Use echo cancellation</source>
1899        <translation>Utilizza cancellazione eco</translation>
1900    </message>
1901    <message>
1902        <location/>
1903        <source>This enables echo cancellation of outgoing audio, which helps both on speakers and on headsets.</source>
1904        <translation>Abilita l&apos;eliminazione del riverbero per il suono in uscita, che aiuta sia con gli altoparlanti che con le cuffie.</translation>
1905    </message>
1906    <message>
1907        <location/>
1908        <source>This is the device your speakers or headphones are connected to.</source>
1909        <translation>Questo è il dispositivo a cui sono connessi gli altoparlanti o le cuffie.</translation>
1910    </message>
1911    <message>
1912        <location/>
1913        <source>Output method for audio</source>
1914        <translation>Metodo di uscita per l&apos;audio</translation>
1915    </message>
1916    <message>
1917        <location/>
1918        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the Output method to use for audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Most likely you want to use DirectSound.</source>
1919        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo è il metodo dell&apos;uscita da usare per l&apos;audio.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;è probabile che si desideri utilizzare DirectSound.</translation>
1920    </message>
1921    <message>
1922        <location/>
1923        <source>Output device to use</source>
1924        <translation>Dispositivo di uscita da utilizzare</translation>
1925    </message>
1926    <message>
1927        <location/>
1928        <source>&lt;b&gt;Selects which sound card to use for audio Output.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
1929        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Seleziona la scheda audio da usare come uscita sonora.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
1930    </message>
1931    <message>
1932        <location/>
1933        <source>Enable positional audio</source>
1934        <translation>Abilita audio posizionale</translation>
1935    </message>
1936    <message>
1937        <location/>
1938        <source>Allows positioning of sound</source>
1939        <oldsource>Allows positioning of sound.</oldsource>
1940        <translation>Consente il posizionamento del suono</translation>
1941    </message>
1942    <message>
1943        <location/>
1944        <source>&lt;p&gt;
1945This is the audio tuning wizard for Mumble. This will help you correctly set the input levels of your sound card, and also set the correct parameters for sound processing in Mumble.
1948Please be aware that as long as this wizard is active, audio will be looped locally to allow you to listen to it, and no audio will be sent to the server.
1950        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
1951Questa è la procedura guidata per le impostazioni audio di Mumble. Verrai aiutato ad impostare correttamente i livelli di ingresso della tua scheda audio, e anche ad impostare i parametri corretti per l&apos;elaborazione del suono da parte di Mumble.
1954Ricordati che fino a quando la procedura guidata sarà attiva, il suono sarà riprodotto localmente per darti la possibilità di sentirlo e niente sarà inviato al server.
1956    </message>
1957    <message>
1958        <location/>
1959        <source>Input Device</source>
1960        <translation>Dispositivo di ingresso</translation>
1961    </message>
1962    <message>
1963        <location/>
1964        <source>Output Device</source>
1965        <translation>Dispositivo di uscita</translation>
1966    </message>
1967    <message>
1968        <location/>
1969        <source>This allows Mumble to use positional audio to place voices.</source>
1970        <translation>Questo consente a Mumble di usare l&apos;audio posizionale per posizionare le voci degli altri utenti.</translation>
1971    </message>
1972    <message>
1973        <location/>
1974        <source>&lt;p&gt;
1975To keep latency to an absolute minimum, it's important to buffer as little audio as possible on the soundcard. However, many soundcards report that they require a much smaller buffer than what they can actually work with, so the only way to set this value is to try and fail.
1978You should hear a voice sample. Change the slider below to the lowest value which gives &lt;b&gt;no&lt;/b&gt; interruptions or jitter in the sound. Please note that local echo is disabled during this test.
1981        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
1982Per mantenere la latenza al minimo possibile è importante avere come buffer la minor quantità di audio possibile sulla scheda audio. Tuttavia, molte schede audio riportano che esse richiedono molto meno buffer di quello con cui possono effettivamente lavorare, quindi l&apos;unico modo per impostare al meglio questo valore è quello di trovarlo provando a diminurlo il più possibile.
1985Dovresti sentire un esempio di voce.Imposta il cursore sottostante al minor valore possibile con il quale &lt;b&gt;NON&lt;/b&gt; ci sono interruzioni o distorsioni nel suono. Ricorda che l&apos;eco locale è disabilitato durante questo test.
1988    </message>
1989    <message>
1990        <location/>
1991        <source>Amount of data to buffer</source>
1992        <translation>Quantità di dati da inserire nel buffer</translation>
1993    </message>
1994    <message>
1995        <location/>
1996        <source>This sets the amount of data to pre-buffer in the output buffer. Experiment with different values and set it to the lowest which doesn&apos;t cause rapid jitter in the sound.</source>
1997        <translation>Imposta la quantità di pre-buffer da mettere nel buffer in uscita. Prova con diversi valori e imposta quello  più basso che non causa distorsioni nel suono.</translation>
1998    </message>
1999    <message>
2000        <location/>
2001        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2002Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2005Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the blue and green but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the red zone while you speak.
2008        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2009Apri il pannello di controllo del suono e vai alle impostazioni di registrazione. Assicurati che il microfono sia selezionato come input attivo con il massimo volume di registrazione. Se c&apos;è un&apos;opzione da abilitare chiamata &quot;Preamplificazione microfono&quot; assicurati che sia selezionata.
2012Parla ad alta voce, come quando sei arrabbiato. In seguito diminuisci il volume del suono dal pannello di controllo fino a che la barra sotto rimane il piú alto possibile nella zona blu e verde quando stai parlando, ma &lt;b&gt;non&lt;/b&gt; in quella rossa.
2015    </message>
2016    <message>
2017        <location/>
2018        <source>Positional Audio</source>
2019        <translation>Audio posizionale</translation>
2020    </message>
2021    <message>
2022        <location/>
2023        <source>Adjusting attenuation of positional audio.</source>
2024        <translation>Aggiustamento dell&apos;attenuazione dell&apos;audio posizionale.</translation>
2025    </message>
2026    <message>
2027        <location/>
2028        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2029Mumble supports positional audio for some games, and will position the voice of other users relative to their position in game. Depending on their position, the volume of the voice will be changed between the speakers to simulate the direction and distance the other user is at. Such positioning depends on your speaker configuration being correct in your operating system, so a test is done here.
2032The graph below shows the position of &lt;font color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;you&lt;/font&gt;, the &lt;font color=&quot;yellow&quot;&gt;speakers&lt;/font&gt; and a &lt;font color=&quot;green&quot;&gt;moving sound source&lt;/font&gt; as if seen from above. You should hear the audio move between the channels.
2035        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2036Mumble supporta l&apos;audio posizionale per alcuni videogiochi, e posizionerà la voce degli altri giocatori relativamente alla sua posizione nel gioco. Il volume dipenderà dalla loro posizione e distanza e sarà aumentato o diminuito su un altoparlante o l&apos;altro per simulare la direzione e la distanza degli altri giocatori. L&apos;audio posizionale dipenderà dai tuoi altoparlanti e dalla loro configurazione nel sistema operativo, quindi qui sarà effettuato un test.
2039Il grafico sottostante visualizza la posizione di &lt;font color=&quot;red&quot;&gt;Tu&lt;/font&gt;, gli &lt;font color=&quot;yellow&quot;&gt;Altoparlanti&lt;/font&gt; e &lt;font color=&quot;green&quot;&gt;la fonte mobile dell&apos;audio&lt;/font&gt;come se fosse visto da sopra.Dovresti sentire l&apos;audio muoversi tra gli altoparlanti.
2042    </message>
2043    <message>
2044        <location/>
2045        <source>Use headphones instead of speakers</source>
2046        <translation>Utilizza cuffie invece delle casse</translation>
2047    </message>
2048    <message>
2049        <location/>
2050        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2051Congratulations. You should now be ready to enjoy a richer sound experience with Mumble.
2054Mumble is under continuous development, and the development team wants to focus on the features that benefit the most users. To this end, Mumble supports submitting anonymous statistics about your configuration to the developers. These statistics are essential for future development, and also make sure the features you use aren't deprecated.
2057        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2058Congratulazioni. Ora dovresti essere pronto a provare una ricca esperienza audio con Mumble.
2061Mumble è in continuo sviluppo, e gli sviluppatori cercano di concentrarsi sulle caratteristiche di cui beneficiano la maggior parte degli utenti. A tal fine Mumble supporta l&apos;invio agli sviluppatori di statistiche anonime sulle tue configurazioni. Queste statistiche sono essenziali per lo sviluppo futuro, e anche per essere sicuri che lo sviluppo delle caratteristiche che usi non sia tralasciato.
2064    </message>
2065    <message>
2066        <location/>
2067        <source>Use headphones</source>
2068        <translation>Utilizza cuffie</translation>
2069    </message>
2070    <message>
2071        <location/>
2072        <source>This ignores the OS speaker configuration and configures the positioning for headphones instead.</source>
2073        <translation>Questo ignora la configurazione degli altoparlanti impostata nel sistema operativo e invece configura il posizionamento per le cuffie.</translation>
2074    </message>
2075    <message>
2076        <location/>
2077        <source>Volume tuning</source>
2078        <translation>Impostazioni volume</translation>
2079    </message>
2080    <message>
2081        <location/>
2082        <source>Tuning microphone hardware volume to optimal settings.</source>
2083        <translation>Sintonizza il volume dell&apos;hardware del microfono sulle impostazioni ottimali.</translation>
2084    </message>
2085    <message>
2086        <location/>
2087        <source>Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don&apos;t want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into green when you talk, but stays blue while you&apos;re silent.</source>
2088        <translation>Ora parla a bassa voce, come se fosse tarda notte e non volessi disturbare nessuno. Regola il cursore sotto in modo che la barra si sposti nella zona verde quando stai parlando, ma rimanga nella zona blu mentre stai in silenzio.</translation>
2089    </message>
2090    <message>
2091        <location/>
2092        <source>Voice Activity Detection</source>
2093        <translation>Rilevamento dell&apos;attività vocale</translation>
2094    </message>
2095    <message>
2096        <location/>
2097        <source>Letting Mumble figure out when you&apos;re talking and when you&apos;re silent.</source>
2098        <translation>Lascia capire a Mumble quando stai parlando e quando stai in silenzio.</translation>
2099    </message>
2100    <message>
2101        <location/>
2102        <source>This will help Mumble figure out when you are talking. The first step is selecting which data value to use.</source>
2103        <translation>Ciò aiuterà Mumble a capire quando stai parlando. Il primo passo è la scelta dei valori da usare.</translation>
2104    </message>
2105    <message>
2106        <location/>
2107        <source>Raw amplitude from input</source>
2108        <translation>Ampiezza grezza dell&apos;input</translation>
2109    </message>
2110    <message>
2111        <location/>
2112        <source>Signal-To-Noise ratio</source>
2113        <translation>Rapporto Segnale/Rumore</translation>
2114    </message>
2115    <message>
2116        <location/>
2117        <source>Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you&apos;re not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech).</source>
2118        <oldsource>Next you need to adjust the following two sliders. The first few utterances you say should end up in the green area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the yellow (might be speech) and when you're not talking, everything should be in the red (definitively not speech).</oldsource>
2119        <translation>Ora devi aggiustare il seguente cursore. Le prime parole pronunciate dovrebbero rientrare nella zona verde (inizio del discorso). Mentre stai parlando dovrebbe rientrare nella zona gialla (discorso) e quando non stai parlando, tutto dovrebbe stare nella zona rossa (sottofondo).</translation>
2120    </message>
2121    <message>
2122        <location/>
2123        <source>Device tuning</source>
2124        <translation>Impostazioni dispositivo</translation>
2125    </message>
2126    <message>
2127        <location/>
2128        <source>Changing hardware output delays to their minimum value.</source>
2129        <translation>Modifica l&apos;uscita dell&apos;hardware al suo valore minimo.</translation>
2130    </message>
2131    <message>
2132        <location/>
2133        <source>Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project</source>
2134        <translation>Invia statistiche anonime al progetto Mumble per migliorare il programma</translation>
2135    </message>
2136    <message>
2137        <location/>
2138        <source>Push To Talk:</source>
2139        <translation>Push To Talk:</translation>
2140    </message>
2141    <message>
2142        <location/>
2143        <source>Quality &amp; Notifications</source>
2144        <translation>Qualità &amp; notifiche</translation>
2145    </message>
2146    <message>
2147        <location/>
2148        <source>Adjust quality and notification settings.</source>
2149        <translation>Regola impostazioni di qualità e notifiche.</translation>
2150    </message>
2151    <message>
2152        <location/>
2153        <source>Quality settings</source>
2154        <translation>Impostazioni qualità</translation>
2155    </message>
2156    <message>
2157        <location/>
2158        <source>Low</source>
2159        <translation>Basso</translation>
2160    </message>
2161    <message>
2162        <location/>
2163        <source>Balanced</source>
2164        <translation>Bilanciato</translation>
2165    </message>
2166    <message>
2167        <location/>
2168        <source>Notification settings</source>
2169        <translation>Impostazioni notifiche</translation>
2170    </message>
2171    <message>
2172        <location/>
2173        <source>Use Text-To-Speech to read notifications and messages to you.</source>
2174        <translation>Utilizza la sintesi vocale per leggere le notifiche ed i messaggi diretti a te.</translation>
2175    </message>
2176    <message>
2177        <location/>
2178        <source>Disable Text-To-Speech and use sounds instead.</source>
2179        <translation>Disabilita la sintesi vocale e utilizza invece i suoni.</translation>
2180    </message>
2181    <message>
2182        <location filename="AudioWizard.cpp" line="+293"/>
2183        <source>%1 ms</source>
2184        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
2185    </message>
2186    <message>
2187        <location filename="AudioWizard.ui"/>
2188        <source>Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you</source>
2189        <translation>Abilita l&apos;attenuazione delle altre applicazioni mentre gli utenti ti stanno parlando</translation>
2190    </message>
2191    <message>
2192        <location/>
2193        <source>Attenuate applications while other users talk</source>
2194        <translation>Attenua applicazioni mentre gli altri utenti stanno parlando</translation>
2195    </message>
2196    <message>
2197        <location/>
2198        <source>High</source>
2199        <translation>Alto</translation>
2200    </message>
2201    <message>
2202        <location/>
2203        <source>Custom</source>
2204        <translation>Personalizzato</translation>
2205    </message>
2206    <message>
2207        <location/>
2208        <source>You already set a customized quality configuration in Mumble. Select this setting to keep it.</source>
2209        <translation>Hai già impostato una configurazione di qualità personalizzata in Mumble. Seleziona questa impostazione per mantenerla.</translation>
2210    </message>
2211    <message>
2212        <location/>
2213        <source>Enables attenuation of other applications while users talk to you. This means that as soon someone starts to speak to you in Mumble, the sound of all other applications (like audio players) will get attenuated so you can hear them more clearly.</source>
2214        <translation>Abilita attenuazione delle altre applicazioni mentre gli utenti ti stanno parlando. Questo vuol dire che appena qualcuno inizia a parlarti su Mumble il suono di tutte le altre applicazioni, come lettori audio, sarà attenuato in modo da sentire meglio chi ti stà parlando.</translation>
2215    </message>
2216    <message>
2217        <location/>
2218        <source>Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users</source>
2219        <translation>Applica alcune ottimizzazioni per ottenere un contrasto elevato (utile per gli utenti con problemi visivi)</translation>
2220    </message>
2221    <message>
2222        <location/>
2223        <source>Use high contrast graphics</source>
2224        <translation>Utilizza grafica ad alto contrasto</translation>
2225    </message>
2226    <message>
2227        <location/>
2228        <source>Keep custom Text-To-Speech settings.</source>
2229        <translation>Mantieni le impostazioni già personalizzate in precedenza.</translation>
2230    </message>
2231    <message>
2232        <location/>
2233        <source>&lt;p&gt;
2234Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2237Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the crisscrossed zone while you speak.
2240        <oldsource>&lt;p&gt;
2241Open your sound control panel and go to the recording settings. Make sure the microphone is selected as active input with maximum recording volume. If there's an option to enable a &quot;Microphone boost&quot; make sure it's checked.
2244Speak loudly, as when you are annoyed or excited. Decrease the volume in the sound control panel until the bar below stays as high as possible in the striped and the empty but &lt;b&gt;not&lt;/b&gt; the criss-crossed zone while you speak.
2247        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2248        <translation>&lt;p&gt;
2249Apri il pannello di controllo del suono e vai alle impostazioni di registrazione. Assicurati che il microfono sia selezionato come input attivo con il massimo volume di registrazione. Se c&apos;è un&apos;opzione da abilitare chiamata &quot;Preamplificazione microfono&quot; assicurati che sia selezionata.
2252Parla ad alta voce, come quando sei infastidito o eccitato. Poi diminuisci il volume del suono dal pannello di controllo fino a che la barra sotto rimane il più alto possibile nella zona a strisce e vuota mentre stai parlando, ma &lt;b&gt;non&lt;/b&gt; in quella crocettata.
2255    </message>
2256    <message>
2257        <location/>
2258        <source>Now talk softly, as you would when talking late at night and you don&apos;t want to disturb anyone. Adjust the slider below so that the bar moves into empty zone when you talk, but stays in the striped one while you&apos;re silent.</source>
2259        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2260        <translation>Adesso parla a bassa voce, come se stessi parlando a tarda notte e non volessi disturbare nessuno. Regola il cursore sotto in modo che la barra si sposti nella zona vuota mentre stai parlando, ma rimanga nella zona a strisce mentre stai in silenzio.</translation>
2261    </message>
2262    <message>
2263        <location/>
2264        <source>Next you need to adjust the following slider. The first few utterances you say should end up in the empty area (definitive speech). While talking, you should stay inside the striped (might be speech) and when you&apos;re not talking, everything should be in the crisscrossed (definitively not speech).</source>
2265        <comment>For high contrast mode</comment>
2266        <translation>Ora devi aggiustare il seguente cursore. Le prime parole pronunciate dovrebbero rientrare nella zona vuota (inizio del discorso). Mentre stai parlando dovrebbe rimanere entro la zona a strisce (discorso) e quando non stai parlando, tutto dovrebbe stare nella zona crocettata (sottofondo).</translation>
2267    </message>
2268    <message>
2269        <location/>
2270        <source>In this configuration Mumble will use a &lt;b&gt;low amount of bandwidth&lt;/b&gt;. This will inevitably result in high latency and poor quality. Choose this only if your connection cannot handle the other settings. (16kbit/s, 60ms per packet)</source>
2271        <translation>In questa configurazione Mumble utilizzerà un &lt;b&gt;basso quantitativo di banda&lt;/b&gt;. Questo porterà ad un inevitabile aumento di latenza ed una peggior qualità. Seleziona questo solo se la tua connessione non può sostenere le altre impostazioni. (16kbit/s, 60ms per pacchetto)</translation>
2272    </message>
2273    <message>
2274        <location/>
2275        <source>This is the &lt;b&gt;recommended default&lt;/b&gt; configuration. It provides a good balance between quality, latency, and bandwidth usage. (40kbit/s, 20ms per packet)</source>
2276        <translation>Questa è la configurazione &lt;b&gt;raccomandata&lt;/b&gt;. Offre un buon compromesso tra qualità, latenza e utilizzo di banda. (40kbit/s, 20ms per pacchetto)</translation>
2277    </message>
2278    <message>
2279        <location/>
2280        <source>This configuration is only recommended for use in setups where bandwidth is not an issue, like a LAN. It provides the lowest latency supported by Mumble and &lt;b&gt;high quality&lt;/b&gt;. (72kbit/s, 10ms per packet)</source>
2281        <translation>Questa configurazione è raccomandata solo in casi in cui la banda non è un problema, come in una LAN. Offre la minor latenza supportata da Mumble ed un&apos;&lt;b&gt;alta qualità&lt;/b&gt;. (72kbit/s, 10ms per pacchetto)</translation>
2282    </message>
2285    <name>BanEditor</name>
2286    <message>
2287        <location filename="BanEditor.ui"/>
2288        <source>Mumble - Edit Bans</source>
2289        <translation>Mumble - Modifica della lista degli utenti banditi</translation>
2290    </message>
2291    <message>
2292        <location/>
2293        <source>&amp;Address</source>
2294        <translation>&amp;Indirizzo IP</translation>
2295    </message>
2296    <message>
2297        <location/>
2298        <source>&amp;Mask</source>
2299        <translation>&amp;Subnet mask</translation>
2300    </message>
2301    <message>
2302        <location/>
2303        <source>Reason</source>
2304        <translation>Motivo</translation>
2305    </message>
2306    <message>
2307        <location/>
2308        <source>Start</source>
2309        <translation>Inizio</translation>
2310    </message>
2311    <message>
2312        <location/>
2313        <source>End</source>
2314        <translation>Fine</translation>
2315    </message>
2316    <message>
2317        <location/>
2318        <source>User</source>
2319        <translation>Utente</translation>
2320    </message>
2321    <message>
2322        <location/>
2323        <source>Hash</source>
2324        <translation>Hash</translation>
2325    </message>
2326    <message>
2327        <location/>
2328        <source>&amp;Add</source>
2329        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi</translation>
2330    </message>
2331    <message>
2332        <location/>
2333        <source>&amp;Update</source>
2334        <translation>&amp;Aggiorna</translation>
2335    </message>
2336    <message>
2337        <location/>
2338        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
2339        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi</translation>
2340    </message>
2341    <message>
2342        <location/>
2343        <source>Ban List</source>
2344        <translation>Lista Ban</translation>
2345    </message>
2346    <message>
2347        <location/>
2348        <source>Search field</source>
2349        <translation>Campo di ricerca</translation>
2350    </message>
2351    <message>
2352        <location/>
2353        <source>This is the search field. Use it to find bans that have this username set in the username field.</source>
2354        <translation>Questo è il campo di ricerca. Usalo per trovare i ban tramite nome utente.</translation>
2355    </message>
2356    <message>
2357        <location/>
2358        <source>Who are you looking for?</source>
2359        <translation>Chi stai cercando?</translation>
2360    </message>
2361    <message>
2362        <location/>
2363        <source>No nickname</source>
2364        <translation>Nessun nome utente</translation>
2365    </message>
2366    <message>
2367        <location/>
2368        <source>IP address</source>
2369        <translation>Indirizzo IP</translation>
2370    </message>
2371    <message>
2372        <location/>
2373        <source>No IP address</source>
2374        <translation>Nessun indirizzo IP</translation>
2375    </message>
2376    <message>
2377        <location/>
2378        <source>Reason for the ban</source>
2379        <translation>Motivo del ban</translation>
2380    </message>
2381    <message>
2382        <location/>
2383        <source>No reason</source>
2384        <translation>Nessun motivo</translation>
2385    </message>
2386    <message>
2387        <location/>
2388        <source>Ban end date</source>
2389        <translation>Data di fine del ban</translation>
2390    </message>
2391    <message>
2392        <location/>
2393        <source>Ban end date. If you set the same date for start and end, the ban will be permanent (it will not expire).</source>
2394        <translation>Data di fine del ban. Se uguale a quella di inizio, il ban sarà permanente (non finirà).</translation>
2395    </message>
2396    <message>
2397        <location/>
2398        <source>Certificate hash</source>
2399        <translation>Hash del certificato</translation>
2400    </message>
2401    <message>
2402        <location/>
2403        <source>No certificate hash</source>
2404        <translation>Nessun hash del certificato</translation>
2405    </message>
2406    <message>
2407        <location/>
2408        <source>Banned users</source>
2409        <translation>Utenti Banditi</translation>
2410    </message>
2411    <message>
2412        <location/>
2413        <source>This is a list with banned users.</source>
2414        <translation>Questa è una lista degli utenti banditi.</translation>
2415    </message>
2416    <message>
2417        <location/>
2418        <source>Use this button if you want to add a new ban.</source>
2419        <translation>Utilizza questo pulsante se vuoi aggiungere un nuovo ban.</translation>
2420    </message>
2421    <message>
2422        <location/>
2423        <source>Use this button if you want to update ban information.</source>
2424        <translation>Utilizza questo pulsante se vuoi aggiornare le informazioni del ban.</translation>
2425    </message>
2426    <message>
2427        <location/>
2428        <source>Use this button if you want to remove user from the ban list.</source>
2429        <translation>Utilizza questo pulsante se vuoi rimuovere un utente dalla lista dei ban.</translation>
2430    </message>
2431    <message>
2432        <location/>
2433        <source>Clear all fields</source>
2434        <translation>Azzera tutti i campi</translation>
2435    </message>
2436    <message>
2437        <location/>
2438        <source>This button clears all fields. Use it if you want to add a new ban.</source>
2439        <translation>Questo pulsante azzera tutti i campi. Usalo se vuoi aggiungere un nuovo ban.</translation>
2440    </message>
2441    <message>
2442        <location/>
2443        <source>Clear</source>
2444        <translation>Azzera</translation>
2445    </message>
2446    <message numerus="yes">
2447        <location filename="BanEditor.cpp" line="+179"/>
2448        <source>Ban List - %n Ban(s)</source>
2449        <translation><numerusform>Lista Ban - %n Ban</numerusform><numerusform>Lista Ban - %n Ban</numerusform></translation>
2450    </message>
2453    <name>CertView</name>
2454    <message>
2455        <location filename="Cert.cpp" line="+27"/>
2456        <source>Name</source>
2457        <translation>Nome</translation>
2458    </message>
2459    <message>
2460        <location line="+8"/>
2461        <source>Email</source>
2462        <translation>Email</translation>
2463    </message>
2464    <message>
2465        <location line="+8"/>
2466        <source>Issuer</source>
2467        <translation>Emittente</translation>
2468    </message>
2469    <message>
2470        <location line="+8"/>
2471        <source>Expiry Date</source>
2472        <translation>Data di scadenza</translation>
2473    </message>
2474    <message>
2475        <location line="+43"/>
2476        <source>(none)</source>
2477        <translation>(nessuno)</translation>
2478    </message>
2479    <message>
2480        <location line="+19"/>
2481        <source>Self-signed</source>
2482        <translation>Autofirmato</translation>
2483    </message>
2486    <name>CertWizard</name>
2487    <message>
2488        <location line="+86"/>
2489        <source>Unable to validate email.&lt;br /&gt;Enter a valid (or blank) email to continue.</source>
2490        <translation>Impossibile validare l&apos;email.&lt;br /&gt;Inserisci un&apos;email valida (o lascia vuoto) per continuare.</translation>
2491    </message>
2492    <message>
2493        <location line="+7"/>
2494        <source>There was an error generating your certificate.&lt;br /&gt;Please try again.</source>
2495        <translation>C&apos;è stato un errore durante la generazione del tuo certificato.&lt;br /&gt;Riprova.</translation>
2496    </message>
2497    <message>
2498        <location line="+8"/>
2499        <source>Your certificate and key could not be exported to PKCS#12 format. There might be an error in your certificate.</source>
2500        <translation>La tua chiave e il tuo certificato non possono essere esportati nel formato PKCS#12. Ci potrebbe essere un errore nel tuo certificato.</translation>
2501    </message>
2502    <message>
2503        <location line="+5"/>
2504        <source>The file could not be opened for writing. Please use another file.</source>
2505        <translation>Il file non può essere aperto per la scrittura. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2506    </message>
2507    <message>
2508        <location line="+4"/>
2509        <source>The file&apos;s permissions could not be set. No certificate and key has been written. Please use another file.</source>
2510        <translation>Non è stato possibile impostare i permessi del file. Il certificato e la chiave non sono stati salvati. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2511    </message>
2512    <message>
2513        <location line="+6"/>
2514        <source>The file could not be written successfully. Please use another file.</source>
2515        <translation>Il file non può essere scritto. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2516    </message>
2517    <message>
2518        <location line="+7"/>
2519        <source>The file could not be opened for reading. Please use another file.</source>
2520        <translation>Il file non può essere aperto per la lettura. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2521    </message>
2522    <message>
2523        <location line="+6"/>
2524        <source>The file is empty or could not be read. Please use another file.</source>
2525        <translation>Il file è vuoto o non può essere letto. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2526    </message>
2527    <message>
2528        <location line="+5"/>
2529        <source>The file did not contain a valid certificate and key. Please use another file.</source>
2530        <translation>Il file non contiene un valido certificato e/o chiave. Per favore usa un&apos;altro file.</translation>
2531    </message>
2532    <message>
2533        <location line="+16"/>
2534        <source>Select file to export certificate to</source>
2535        <translation>Seleziona il file su cui esportare il certificato</translation>
2536    </message>
2537    <message>
2538        <location line="+37"/>
2539        <source>Select file to import certificate from</source>
2540        <translation>Seleziona il file da cui importare il certificato</translation>
2541    </message>
2542    <message>
2543        <location line="+34"/>
2544        <source>Unable to import. Missing password or incompatible file type.</source>
2545        <translation>Impossibile importare. Password mancante o tipo di file incompatibile.</translation>
2546    </message>
2547    <message>
2548        <location filename="main.cpp" line="+525"/>
2549        <source>&lt;b&gt;Certificate Expiry:&lt;/b&gt; Your certificate is about to expire. You need to renew it, or you will no longer be able to connect to servers you are registered on.</source>
2550        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Scadenza certificato:&lt;/b&gt; Il tuo certificato sta per scadere. Devi rinnovarlo, o non sarai più in grado di connetterti ai server a cui ti sei registrato.</translation>
2551    </message>
2554    <name>Certificates</name>
2555    <message>
2556        <location filename="Cert.ui"/>
2557        <source>Certificate Management</source>
2558        <translation>Gestione del certificato</translation>
2559    </message>
2560    <message>
2561        <location/>
2562        <source>Certificate Authentication</source>
2563        <translation>Autenticazione tramite certificato</translation>
2564    </message>
2565    <message>
2566        <location/>
2567        <source>Authenticating to servers without using passwords</source>
2568        <translation>Autenticazione con il server senza l&apos;utilizzo di password</translation>
2569    </message>
2570    <message>
2571        <location/>
2572        <source>Current certificate</source>
2573        <translation>Certificato attuale</translation>
2574    </message>
2575    <message>
2576        <location/>
2577        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses.</source>
2578        <translation>Questo è il certificato attualmente in uso da Mumble.</translation>
2579    </message>
2580    <message>
2581        <location/>
2582        <source>Current Certificate</source>
2583        <translation>Certificato attuale</translation>
2584    </message>
2585    <message>
2586        <location/>
2587        <source>Create a new certificate</source>
2588        <translation>Crea un nuovo certificato</translation>
2589    </message>
2590    <message>
2591        <location/>
2592        <source>This will create a new certificate.</source>
2593        <translation>Questo creerà un nuovo certificato.</translation>
2594    </message>
2595    <message>
2596        <location/>
2597        <source>Import certificate from file</source>
2598        <translation>Importa certificato da un file</translation>
2599    </message>
2600    <message>
2601        <location/>
2602        <source>This will import a certificate from file.</source>
2603        <translation>Questo importerà un certificato da un file.</translation>
2604    </message>
2605    <message>
2606        <location/>
2607        <source>Import a certificate</source>
2608        <translation>Importa certificato</translation>
2609    </message>
2610    <message>
2611        <location/>
2612        <source>Export Certificate</source>
2613        <translation>Esporta certificato</translation>
2614    </message>
2615    <message>
2616        <location/>
2617        <source>This will export a certificate to file.</source>
2618        <translation>Questo esporterà un certificato su un file.</translation>
2619    </message>
2620    <message>
2621        <location/>
2622        <source>Export current certificate</source>
2623        <translation>Esporta certificato attuale</translation>
2624    </message>
2625    <message>
2626        <location/>
2627        <source>Import Certificate</source>
2628        <translation>Importa certificato</translation>
2629    </message>
2630    <message>
2631        <location/>
2632        <source>PKCS #12 Certificate import</source>
2633        <translation>Importa certificato PKCS #12</translation>
2634    </message>
2635    <message>
2636        <location/>
2637        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2638        <oldsource>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can import certificates stored in PKCS #12 format. This is the format used when exporting a key from Mumble, and also when exporting keys from FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If the file is password protected, you will need the password to import the certificate.&lt;/p&gt;</oldsource>
2639        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble può importare certificati salvati in formato PKCS #12. Questo è il formato usato quando esporti una chiave per Mumble, e anche quando esporti chiavi da FireFox, Internet Explorer, Opera etc.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Se il file è protetto da password, avrai bisogno della password per importare il certificato.&lt;p&gt;</translation>
2640    </message>
2641    <message>
2642        <location/>
2643        <source>Import from</source>
2644        <translation>Importa da</translation>
2645    </message>
2646    <message>
2647        <location/>
2648        <source>Filename to import from</source>
2649        <translation>Nome del file da cui importare</translation>
2650    </message>
2651    <message>
2652        <location/>
2653        <source>This is the filename you wish to import a certificate from.</source>
2654        <translation>Questo è il nome del file da cui vuoi importare il certificato.</translation>
2655    </message>
2656    <message>
2657        <location/>
2658        <source>Select file to import from</source>
2659        <translation>Seleziona il file da cui importare</translation>
2660    </message>
2661    <message>
2662        <location/>
2663        <source>This opens a file selection dialog to choose a file to import a certificate from.</source>
2664        <translation>Apre una finestra di dialogo per scegliere il file da dove importare il certificato.</translation>
2665    </message>
2666    <message>
2667        <location/>
2668        <source>Open...</source>
2669        <translation>Apri...</translation>
2670    </message>
2671    <message>
2672        <location/>
2673        <source>Password</source>
2674        <translation>Password</translation>
2675    </message>
2676    <message>
2677        <location/>
2678        <source>Password for PKCS#12 file</source>
2679        <translation>Password del file PKCS#12</translation>
2680    </message>
2681    <message>
2682        <location/>
2683        <source>This is the password for the PKCS#12 file containing your certificate.</source>
2684        <translation>Questa è la password del file PKCS #12 contenente il tuo certificato.</translation>
2685    </message>
2686    <message>
2687        <location/>
2688        <source>Certificate to import</source>
2689        <translation>Certificato da importare</translation>
2690    </message>
2691    <message>
2692        <location/>
2693        <source>This is the certificate you are importing.</source>
2694        <translation>Questo è il certificato che stai importando.</translation>
2695    </message>
2696    <message>
2697        <location/>
2698        <source>Certificate Details</source>
2699        <translation>Dettagli certificato</translation>
2700    </message>
2701    <message>
2702        <location/>
2703        <source>Replace Certificate</source>
2704        <translation>Sostituisci certificato</translation>
2705    </message>
2706    <message>
2707        <location/>
2708        <source>Replace existing certificate with new certificate?</source>
2709        <translation>Sostituire il certificato esistente con quello nuovo?</translation>
2710    </message>
2711    <message>
2712        <location/>
2713        <source>&lt;p&gt;You already have a certificate stored in Mumble, and you are about to replace it.&lt;/p&gt;
2714&lt;p&gt;If you are upgrading to a certificate issued to you by a trusted CA and the email addresses match your current certificate, this is completely safe, and servers you connect to will automatically recognize the strong certificate for your email address.
2716&lt;p&gt;If this is not the case, you will no longer be recognized by any server you previously have authenticated with. If you haven't been registered on any server yet, this is nothing to worry about.
2719Are you sure you wish to replace your certificate?
2722        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Hai già un certificato conservato in Mumble, e stai per sostituirlo.&lt;/p&gt;
2723&lt;p&gt;Se stai aggiornando ad un certificato rilasciato a te da un CA attendibile e l&apos;indirizzo email corrisponde a quello del tuo attuale certificato, quest&apos;azione è completamente sicura ed i server a cui ti connetterai riconosceranno automaticamente il certificato.
2725&lt;p&gt;Se questo non è il caso, il tuo certificato non sarà più riconosciuto da nessun server in cui ti eri autenticato in precedenza. Se non ti sei registrato ancora su nessun server, non hai niente di cui preoccuparti.
2728Sei sicuro di voler sostituire il tuo certificato?
2731    </message>
2732    <message>
2733        <location/>
2734        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be replaced.</source>
2735        <translation>Questo è il certificato che Mumble sta utilizzando adesso. Verrà sostituito.</translation>
2736    </message>
2737    <message>
2738        <location/>
2739        <source>New certificate</source>
2740        <translation>Nuovo certificato</translation>
2741    </message>
2742    <message>
2743        <location/>
2744        <source>This is the new certificate that will replace the old one.</source>
2745        <translation>Questo è il nuovo certificato che sostituirà quello vecchio.</translation>
2746    </message>
2747    <message>
2748        <location/>
2749        <source>New Certificate</source>
2750        <translation>Nuovo certificato</translation>
2751    </message>
2752    <message>
2753        <location/>
2754        <source>Make a backup of your certificate</source>
2755        <translation>Crea un backup del tuo certificato</translation>
2756    </message>
2757    <message>
2758        <location/>
2759        <source>Export to</source>
2760        <translation>Esporta in</translation>
2761    </message>
2762    <message>
2763        <location/>
2764        <source>Filename to export to</source>
2765        <translation>Nome del file su cui esportare</translation>
2766    </message>
2767    <message>
2768        <location/>
2769        <source>This is the filename you wish to export a certificate to.</source>
2770        <translation>Questo è il nome del file su cui vuoi esportare il certificato.</translation>
2771    </message>
2772    <message>
2773        <location/>
2774        <source>Save As...</source>
2775        <translation>Salva come...</translation>
2776    </message>
2777    <message>
2778        <location/>
2779        <source>This is the certificate Mumble currently uses. It will be exported.</source>
2780        <translation>Questo è il certificato che Mumble sta utilizzando adesso. Verrà esportato.</translation>
2781    </message>
2782    <message>
2783        <location/>
2784        <source>Generate a new certificate for strong authentication</source>
2785        <translation>Genera un nuovo certificato per un&apos;autenticazione sicura</translation>
2786    </message>
2787    <message>
2788        <location/>
2789        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble will now generate a strong certificate for authentication to servers.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you wish, you may provide some additional information to be stored in the certificate, which will be presented to servers when you connect. If you provide a valid email address, you can upgrade to a CA issued email certificate later on, which provides strong identification.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2790        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble ora genererà un certificato sicuro per l&apos;autenticazione ai server.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Se desideri, puoi fornire alcune informazioni aggiuntive da salvare nel certificato, che saranno presentate ai server quando ti connetterai. Se fornisci un indirizzo email valido, puoi aggiornare il tuo certificato ad uno migliore che fornisce una migliore identificazione.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2791    </message>
2792    <message>
2793        <location/>
2794        <source>Name</source>
2795        <translation>Nome</translation>
2796    </message>
2797    <message>
2798        <location/>
2799        <source>Email</source>
2800        <translation>Email</translation>
2801    </message>
2802    <message>
2803        <location/>
2804        <source>Your email address (e.g. johndoe@mumble.info)</source>
2805        <translation>Il tuo indirizzo email (es. johndoe@mumble.info)</translation>
2806    </message>
2807    <message>
2808        <location/>
2809        <source>This is your email address. It is strongly recommended to provide a valid email address, as this will allow you to upgrade to a strong certificate without authentication problems.</source>
2810        <translation>Questo è il tuo indirizzo email. Si raccomanda fortemente di fornire un indirizzo email valido, perchè questo ti permetterà di poterlo aggiornare ad uno più sicuro senza problemi di autenticazione.</translation>
2811    </message>
2812    <message>
2813        <location/>
2814        <source>Your name (e.g. John Doe)</source>
2815        <translation>Il tuo nome (es. John Doe)</translation>
2816    </message>
2817    <message>
2818        <location/>
2819        <source>This is your name, and will be filled out in the certificate. This field is entirely optional.</source>
2820        <translation>Questo è il tuo nome, e sarà inserito nel tuo certificato. Questo campo è completamente facoltativo.</translation>
2821    </message>
2822    <message>
2823        <location/>
2824        <source>Finish</source>
2825        <translation>Fine</translation>
2826    </message>
2827    <message>
2828        <location/>
2829        <source>Certificate-based authentication is ready for use</source>
2830        <translation>L&apos; autenticazione basata sul certificato è pronta per l&apos;uso</translation>
2831    </message>
2832    <message>
2833        <location/>
2834        <source>Enjoy using Mumble with strong authentication.</source>
2835        <translation>Divertiti utilizzando Mumble con un&apos;autenticazione sicura.</translation>
2836    </message>
2837    <message>
2838        <location/>
2839        <source>Automatic certificate creation</source>
2840        <translation>Crea un certificato automaticamente</translation>
2841    </message>
2842    <message>
2843        <location/>
2844        <source>&lt;p&gt;If you ever lose your current certificate, which will happen if your computer suffers a hardware failure or you reinstall your machine, you will no longer be able to authenticate to any server you are registered on. It is therefore &lt;b&gt;mandatory&lt;/b&gt; that you make a backup of your certificate. We strongly recommend you store this backup on removable storage, such as a USB flash drive.&lt;/p&gt;
2845&lt;p&gt;Note that this file will not be encrypted, and if anyone gains access to it, they will be able to impersonate you, so take good care of it.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
2846        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Se mai perdessi il tuo certificato attuale, che potrebbe accadere nel caso in cui l&apos;hardware del tuo PC si guasti o se reinstallerai il tuo SO, non sarai più in grado di autenticarti a nessuno dei server in cui ti eri registrato. Per questo è quindi &lt;b&gt;necessario&lt;/b&gt; fare una copia di backup del tuo certificato. Noi raccomandiamo fortemente di tenere questo backup in un dispositivo rimovibile, come una memoria esterna USB.&lt;/p&gt;
2847&lt;p&gt;Nota che questo file non sarà criptato, e se qualcuno ne otterà l&apos;accesso, sarà in grado di impersonare te, quindi abbine cura.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2848    </message>
2849    <message>
2850        <location/>
2851        <source>&lt;p&gt;Mumble can use certificates to authenticate with servers. Using certificates avoids passwords, meaning you don&apos;t need to disclose any password to the remote site. It also enables very easy user registration and a client side friends list independent of servers.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;While Mumble can work without certificates, the majority of servers will expect you to have one.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Creating a new certificate automatically is sufficient for most use cases. But Mumble also supports certificates representing trust in the users ownership of an email address. These certificates are issued by third parties. For more information see our &lt;a href=&quot;http://mumble.info/certificate.php&quot;&gt;user certificate documentation&lt;/a&gt;. &lt;/p&gt;</source>
2852        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Mumble può usare i certificati per autenticarsi con i server. Usare i certificati evita di dover usare password, vuol dire che non c&apos;è bisogno di inviare password al sito remoto. In questo modo è possibile registrarsi ai server molto più facilmente.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Anche se Mumble può funzionare senza certificati, molti server ne richiedono uno.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Creare un nuovo certificato automaticamente è sufficiente in molti casi. Mumble supporta inoltre i certificati rappresentanti la fiducia della proprietà di un indirizzo email dell&apos;utente. Questi certificati sono rilasciati da terze parti. Per maggiori informazioni visita la nostra&lt;a href=&quot;http://mumble.info/certificate.php&quot;&gt;documentazione sui certificati utente&lt;/a&gt;.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
2853    </message>
2856    <name>ChanACL</name>
2857    <message>
2858        <location filename="../ACL.cpp" line="+205"/>
2859        <source>None</source>
2860        <translation>Nessuno</translation>
2861    </message>
2862    <message>
2863        <location line="+4"/>
2864        <source>Traverse</source>
2865        <translation>Attraversare</translation>
2866    </message>
2867    <message>
2868        <location line="+2"/>
2869        <source>Enter</source>
2870        <translation>Entrare</translation>
2871    </message>
2872    <message>
2873        <location line="+2"/>
2874        <source>Speak</source>
2875        <translation>Parlare</translation>
2876    </message>
2877    <message>
2878        <location line="+4"/>
2879        <source>Mute/Deafen</source>
2880        <translation>Escludere/mutare utente</translation>
2881    </message>
2882    <message>
2883        <location line="+4"/>
2884        <source>Make channel</source>
2885        <translation>Creare canale</translation>
2886    </message>
2887    <message>
2888        <location line="+2"/>
2889        <source>Make temporary</source>
2890        <translation>Creare canale temporaneo</translation>
2891    </message>
2892    <message>
2893        <location line="+2"/>
2894        <source>Link channel</source>
2895        <translation>Collegare canale</translation>
2896    </message>
2897    <message>
2898        <location line="-87"/>
2899        <source>This represents no privileges.</source>
2900        <translation>Non rappresenta privilegi.</translation>
2901    </message>
2902    <message>
2903        <location line="+2"/>
2904        <source>This represents total access to the channel, including the ability to change group and ACL information. This privilege implies all other privileges.</source>
2905        <translation>Rappresenta il totale controllo sul canale, includendo la possibilità di cambiare gruppo ad ACL. Questo privilegio implica tutti gli altri privilegi.</translation>
2906    </message>
2907    <message>
2908        <location line="+3"/>
2909        <source>This represents the permission to traverse the channel. If a user is denied this privilege, he will be unable to access this channel and any sub-channels in any way, regardless of other permissions in the sub-channels.</source>
2910        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di attraversare il canale. Se ad un utente è negato questo privilegio, non potrà accedere al canale ed a tutti i suoi sottocanali, indipendentemente dai permessi dei sottocanali.</translation>
2911    </message>
2912    <message>
2913        <location line="+4"/>
2914        <source>This represents the permission to join the channel. If you have a hierarchical channel structure, you might want to give everyone Traverse, but restrict Enter in the root of your hierarchy.</source>
2915        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di entrare nel canale. In una struttura gerarchica di canali, potresti voler dare a tutti il permesso di Attraversare, ma impedire di Entrare nel canale principale.</translation>
2916    </message>
2917    <message>
2918        <location line="+3"/>
2919        <source>This represents the permission to speak in a channel. Users without this privilege will be suppressed by the server (seen as muted), and will be unable to speak until they are unmuted by someone with the appropriate privileges.</source>
2920        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di parlare in un canale. Un utente senza questo privilegio verrà mutato dal server (come se avesse il microfono disattivato), e non sarà in grado di parlare fino a che non sarà attivato da qualcuno con i diritti sufficienti.</translation>
2921    </message>
2922    <message>
2923        <location line="+4"/>
2924        <source>This represents the permission to whisper to this channel from the outside. This works exactly like the &lt;i&gt;speak&lt;/i&gt; privilege, but applies to packets spoken with the Whisper key held down. This may be used to broadcast to a hierarchy of channels without linking.</source>
2925        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di sussurrare in un canale da fuori. Funziona esattamente come il privilegio &lt;i&gt;parla&lt;/i&gt; , ma si applica ai pacchetti trasmessi mentre si stà tenendo premuto il pulsante Sussurra. Può essere usato per trasmettere ad una gerarchia di canali senza collegarli.</translation>
2926    </message>
2927    <message>
2928        <location line="+4"/>
2929        <source>This represents the permission to mute and deafen other users. Once muted, a user will stay muted until he is unmuted by another privileged user or reconnects to the server.</source>
2930        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di disattivare il microfono e l&apos;audio degli altri utenti. una volta disattivato il suo microfono , questo rimarrà tale fino a che un&apos;altro utente con gli stessi privilegi non lo riattiverà, oppure dopo una riconnessione al server.</translation>
2931    </message>
2932    <message>
2933        <location line="+3"/>
2934        <source>This represents the permission to move a user to another channel or kick him from the server. To actually move the user, either the moving user must have Move privileges in the destination channel, or the user must normally be allowed to enter the channel. Users with this privilege can move users into channels the target user normally wouldn&apos;t have permission to enter.</source>
2935        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di spostare un utente su un canale differente o di espellerlo dal server. Per spostare un utente, l&apos;utente che sposta deve avere il privilegio Sposta nel canale di destinazione, o l&apos;utente spostato deve essere autorizzato a entrare nel canale. Gli utenti con questo privilegio possono muovere altri utenti in canali dove normalmente non avrebbero permesso di entrare.</translation>
2936    </message>
2937    <message>
2938        <location line="+5"/>
2939        <source>This represents the permission to make sub-channels. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel.</source>
2940        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di creare sottocanali. L&apos;utente che creerà il canale sarà automaticamente aggiunto al gruppo degli admin di quel sottocanale.</translation>
2941    </message>
2942    <message>
2943        <location line="+3"/>
2944        <source>This represents the permission to make a temporary subchannel. The user making the sub-channel will be added to the admin group of the sub-channel. Temporary channels are not stored and disappear when the last user leaves.</source>
2945        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di creare sottocanali temporanei. L&apos;utente che creerà il canale sarà automaticamente aggiunto al gruppo degli admin di quel sottocanale. I canali temporanei non saranno salvati e spariranno quando l&apos;ultimo utente lascerà il canale.</translation>
2946    </message>
2947    <message>
2948        <location line="+3"/>
2949        <source>This represents the permission to link channels. Users in linked channels hear each other, as long as the speaking user has the &lt;i&gt;speak&lt;/i&gt; privilege in the channel of the listener. You need the link privilege in both channels to create a link, but just in either channel to remove it.</source>
2950        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di collegare i canali. Gli utenti in canali collegati si possono ascoltare a vicenda se l&apos;utente che parla ha il privilegio &lt;i&gt;Parlare&lt;/i&gt; nel canale dell&apos;ascoltatore. È necessario il privilegio di Collegare in entrambi i canali per poter creare un collegamento, ma in uno qualsiasi dei canali per rimuoverlo.</translation>
2951    </message>
2952    <message>
2953        <location line="+4"/>
2954        <source>This represents the permission to write text messages to other users in this channel.</source>
2955        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di scrivere messaggi di testo agli altri utenti di questo canale.</translation>
2956    </message>
2957    <message>
2958        <location line="+2"/>
2959        <source>This represents the permission to forcibly remove users from the server.</source>
2960        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di rimuovere gli utenti dal server.</translation>
2961    </message>
2962    <message>
2963        <location line="+2"/>
2964        <source>This represents the permission to permanently remove users from the server.</source>
2965        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di rimuovere permanentemente gli utenti dal server.</translation>
2966    </message>
2967    <message>
2968        <location line="+2"/>
2969        <source>This represents the permission to register and unregister users on the server.</source>
2970        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di registrare e cancellare gli utenti dal server.</translation>
2971    </message>
2972    <message>
2973        <location line="+2"/>
2974        <source>This represents the permission to register oneself on the server.</source>
2975        <translation>Rappresenta il permesso di registrarsi da soli sul server.</translation>
2976    </message>
2977    <message>
2978        <location line="+31"/>
2979        <source>Whisper</source>
2980        <translation>Sussurrare</translation>
2981    </message>
2982    <message>
2983        <location line="+4"/>
2984        <source>Move</source>
2985        <translation>Spostare</translation>
2986    </message>
2987    <message>
2988        <location line="+8"/>
2989        <source>Text message</source>
2990        <translation>Inviare messaggi</translation>
2991    </message>
2992    <message>
2993        <location line="+2"/>
2994        <source>Kick</source>
2995        <translation>Espellere</translation>
2996    </message>
2997    <message>
2998        <location line="+2"/>
2999        <source>Ban</source>
3000        <translation>Bandire</translation>
3001    </message>
3002    <message>
3003        <location line="+2"/>
3004        <source>Register User</source>
3005        <translation>Registrare utenti</translation>
3006    </message>
3007    <message>
3008        <location line="+2"/>
3009        <source>Register Self</source>
3010        <translation>Registrarsi da solo</translation>
3011    </message>
3012    <message>
3013        <location line="-28"/>
3014        <source>Write ACL</source>
3015        <translation>Scrivere le ACL</translation>
3016    </message>
3019    <name>ChatbarTextEdit</name>
3020    <message>
3021        <location filename="CustomElements.cpp" line="+83"/>
3022        <source>Paste and &amp;Send</source>
3023        <oldsource>Paste and send</oldsource>
3024        <translation>Incolla ed in&amp;via</translation>
3025    </message>
3026    <message>
3027        <location line="+25"/>
3028        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type chat message here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
3029        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Inserisci qui il messaggio&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
3030    </message>
3033    <name>ClientUser</name>
3034    <message>
3035        <location filename="ClientUser.cpp" line="+110"/>
3036        <source>Friend</source>
3037        <translation>Amico</translation>
3038    </message>
3039    <message>
3040        <location line="+2"/>
3041        <source>Authenticated</source>
3042        <translation>Autenticato</translation>
3043    </message>
3044    <message>
3045        <location line="+2"/>
3046        <source>Priority speaker</source>
3047        <translation>Priorità</translation>
3048    </message>
3049    <message>
3050        <location line="+2"/>
3051        <source>Recording</source>
3052        <translation>Registrazione in corso</translation>
3053    </message>
3054    <message>
3055        <location line="+2"/>
3056        <source>Muted (server)</source>
3057        <translation>Mutato (server)</translation>
3058    </message>
3059    <message>
3060        <location line="+2"/>
3061        <source>Deafened (server)</source>
3062        <translation>Escluso (server)</translation>
3063    </message>
3064    <message>
3065        <location line="+2"/>
3066        <source>Local Ignore (Text messages)</source>
3067        <translation>Ignora (Messaggi di testo)</translation>
3068    </message>
3069    <message>
3070        <location line="+2"/>
3071        <source>Local Mute</source>
3072        <translation>Mutato localmente</translation>
3073    </message>
3074    <message>
3075        <location line="+2"/>
3076        <source>Muted (self)</source>
3077        <translation>Mutato (auto)</translation>
3078    </message>
3079    <message>
3080        <location line="+2"/>
3081        <source>Deafened (self)</source>
3082        <translation>Escluso (auto)</translation>
3083    </message>
3086    <name>ConfigDialog</name>
3087    <message>
3088        <location filename="ConfigDialog.cpp" line="+29"/>
3089        <source>Accept changes</source>
3090        <translation>Accetta cambiamenti</translation>
3091    </message>
3092    <message>
3093        <location line="+1"/>
3094        <source>This button will accept current settings and return to the application.&lt;br /&gt;The settings will be stored to disk when you leave the application.</source>
3095        <translation>Il pulsante accetterà le impostazioni attuali e tornerà all&apos;applicazione.&lt;br /&gt;Le impostazioni verranno salvate su disco quando uscirai dall&apos;applicazione.</translation>
3096    </message>
3097    <message>
3098        <location line="+4"/>
3099        <source>Reject changes</source>
3100        <translation>Annulla cambiamenti</translation>
3101    </message>
3102    <message>
3103        <location line="+1"/>
3104        <source>This button will reject all changes and return to the application.&lt;br /&gt;The settings will be reset to the previous positions.</source>
3105        <translation>Il pulsante annullerà tutti i cambiamenti e tornerà all&apos;applicazione.&lt;br /&gt;Quello che hai modificato verrà riportato al valore precedente.</translation>
3106    </message>
3107    <message>
3108        <location line="+4"/>
3109        <source>Apply changes</source>
3110        <translation>Applica cambiamenti</translation>
3111    </message>
3112    <message>
3113        <location line="+1"/>
3114        <source>This button will immediately apply all changes.</source>
3115        <translation>Il pulsante applicherà immediatamente tutti i cambiamenti.</translation>
3116    </message>
3117    <message>
3118        <location line="+3"/>
3119        <source>Undo changes for current page</source>
3120        <translation>Annulla i cambiamenti apportati nella pagina attuale</translation>
3121    </message>
3122    <message>
3123        <location line="+1"/>
3124        <source>This button will revert any changes done on the current page to the most recent applied settings.</source>
3125        <translation>Il pulsante annullerà tutti i cambiamenti fatti sulla pagina corrente e ripristinerà le impostazioni precedente.</translation>
3126    </message>
3127    <message>
3128        <location line="+3"/>
3129        <source>Restore defaults for current page</source>
3130        <translation>Reimposta i valori predefiniti per la pagina attuale</translation>
3131    </message>
3132    <message>
3133        <location line="+1"/>
3134        <source>This button will restore the defaults for the settings on the current page. Other pages will not be changed.&lt;br /&gt;To restore all settings to their defaults, you will have to use this button on every page.</source>
3135        <oldsource>This button will restore the settings for the current page only to their defaults. Other pages will not be changed.&lt;br /&gt;To restore all settings to their defaults, you will have to use this button on every page.</oldsource>
3136        <translation>Questo pulsante reimposterà i valori della pagina attuale a quelli predefiniti. Le altre pagine non verranno modificate.&lt;br /&gt;Per reimpostare tutti i valori (compresi quelli delle altre pagine) devi usare questo pulsante su tutte le pagine.</translation>
3137    </message>
3138    <message>
3139        <location filename="ConfigDialog.ui"/>
3140        <source>Mumble Configuration</source>
3141        <translation>Configurazione di Mumble</translation>
3142    </message>
3145    <name>ConnectDialog</name>
3146    <message>
3147        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1144"/>
3148        <source>Connecting to %1</source>
3149        <translation>Connessione a %1</translation>
3150    </message>
3151    <message>
3152        <location line="-699"/>
3153        <location line="+699"/>
3154        <source>Enter username</source>
3155        <translation>Inserisci il nome utente</translation>
3156    </message>
3157    <message>
3158        <location line="-699"/>
3159        <source>Adding host %1</source>
3160        <translation>Aggiunta host %1</translation>
3161    </message>
3162    <message>
3163        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3164        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+71"/>
3165        <source>Servername</source>
3166        <translation>Nome server</translation>
3167    </message>
3168    <message>
3169        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1"/>
3170        <source>Hostname</source>
3171        <translation>Nome host</translation>
3172    </message>
3173    <message>
3174        <location line="+3"/>
3175        <source>Bonjour name</source>
3176        <translation>Nome Bonjour</translation>
3177    </message>
3178    <message>
3179        <location line="+3"/>
3180        <source>Port</source>
3181        <translation>Porta</translation>
3182    </message>
3183    <message>
3184        <location line="+1"/>
3185        <source>Addresses</source>
3186        <translation>Indirizzi</translation>
3187    </message>
3188    <message>
3189        <location line="+3"/>
3190        <source>Website</source>
3191        <translation>Sito web</translation>
3192    </message>
3193    <message>
3194        <location line="+3"/>
3195        <source>Packet loss</source>
3196        <translation>Perdita pacchetti</translation>
3197    </message>
3198    <message>
3199        <location line="+3"/>
3200        <source>Ping (80%)</source>
3201        <translation>Ping (80%)</translation>
3202    </message>
3203    <message>
3204        <location line="+0"/>
3205        <location line="+2"/>
3206        <source>%1 ms</source>
3207        <translation>%1 ms</translation>
3208    </message>
3209    <message>
3210        <location line="+0"/>
3211        <source>Ping (95%)</source>
3212        <translation>Ping (95%)</translation>
3213    </message>
3214    <message>
3215        <location line="+2"/>
3216        <source>Bandwidth</source>
3217        <translation>Banda</translation>
3218    </message>
3219    <message>
3220        <location line="+0"/>
3221        <source>%1 kbit/s</source>
3222        <translation>%1 kbit/s</translation>
3223    </message>
3224    <message>
3225        <location line="+430"/>
3226        <source>&amp;Connect</source>
3227        <translation>&amp;Connetti</translation>
3228    </message>
3229    <message>
3230        <location line="+76"/>
3231        <source>&amp;Filters</source>
3232        <translation>&amp;Filtri</translation>
3233    </message>
3234    <message>
3235        <location line="+740"/>
3236        <source>Unknown</source>
3237        <translation>Sconosciuto</translation>
3238    </message>
3239    <message>
3240        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3241        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-1245"/>
3242        <source>Users</source>
3243        <translation>Utenti</translation>
3244    </message>
3245    <message>
3246        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="+1"/>
3247        <source>Version</source>
3248        <translation>Versione</translation>
3249    </message>
3250    <message>
3251        <location line="+1221"/>
3252        <source>Failed to fetch server list</source>
3253        <translation>Errore nello scaricamento della lista dei server</translation>
3254    </message>
3255    <message>
3256        <location filename="ConnectDialog.ui"/>
3257        <source>Mumble Server Connect</source>
3258        <translation>Connessione ad un Server Mumble</translation>
3259    </message>
3260    <message>
3261        <location/>
3262        <source>Ping</source>
3263        <translation>Ping</translation>
3264    </message>
3265    <message>
3266        <location/>
3267        <source>Remove from Favorites</source>
3268        <translation>Rimuovi dai preferiti</translation>
3269    </message>
3270    <message>
3271        <location/>
3272        <source>Add custom server</source>
3273        <translation>Aggiungi server personalizzato</translation>
3274    </message>
3275    <message>
3276        <location/>
3277        <source>Show all servers that respond to ping</source>
3278        <translation>Visualizza tutti i server che rispondono al ping</translation>
3279    </message>
3280    <message>
3281        <location/>
3282        <source>Show all servers with users</source>
3283        <translation>Visualizza tutti i server con utenti</translation>
3284    </message>
3285    <message>
3286        <location/>
3287        <source>Show all servers</source>
3288        <translation>Visualizza tutti i server</translation>
3289    </message>
3290    <message>
3291        <location/>
3292        <source>&amp;Copy</source>
3293        <translation>&amp;Copia</translation>
3294    </message>
3295    <message>
3296        <location/>
3297        <source>Copy favorite link to clipboard</source>
3298        <translation>Copia collegamento al server preferito negli appunti</translation>
3299    </message>
3300    <message>
3301        <location/>
3302        <source>&amp;Paste</source>
3303        <translation>&amp;Incolla</translation>
3304    </message>
3305    <message>
3306        <location/>
3307        <source>Paste favorite from clipboard</source>
3308        <translation>Incolla preferito dagli appunti</translation>
3309    </message>
3310    <message>
3311        <location/>
3312        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-784"/>
3313        <source>&amp;Edit...</source>
3314        <translation>&amp;Modifica...</translation>
3315    </message>
3316    <message>
3317        <location/>
3318        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-7"/>
3319        <source>&amp;Add New...</source>
3320        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi...</translation>
3321    </message>
3322    <message>
3323        <location/>
3324        <source>Add to &amp;Favorites</source>
3325        <translation>Aggiungi ai &amp;Preferiti</translation>
3326    </message>
3327    <message>
3328        <location/>
3329        <source>Open &amp;Webpage</source>
3330        <translation>Apri Pagina &amp;Web</translation>
3331    </message>
3332    <message>
3333        <location/>
3334        <source>Show &amp;Reachable</source>
3335        <translation>Visualizza &amp;Raggiungibili</translation>
3336    </message>
3337    <message>
3338        <location/>
3339        <source>Show &amp;Populated</source>
3340        <translation>Visualizza &amp;Popolati</translation>
3341    </message>
3342    <message>
3343        <location/>
3344        <source>Show &amp;All</source>
3345        <translation>Visualizza &amp;Tutti</translation>
3346    </message>
3349    <name>ConnectDialogEdit</name>
3350    <message>
3351        <location filename="ConnectDialogEdit.ui"/>
3352        <source>Edit Server</source>
3353        <translation>Modifica server</translation>
3354    </message>
3355    <message>
3356        <location/>
3357        <source>Name of the server</source>
3358        <translation>Nome che apparirà sulla tua lista dei server preferiti</translation>
3359    </message>
3360    <message>
3361        <location/>
3362        <source>A&amp;ddress</source>
3363        <translation>&amp;Indirizzo</translation>
3364    </message>
3365    <message>
3366        <location/>
3367        <source>Internet address of the server.</source>
3368        <oldsource>Internet address of the server. </oldsource>
3369        <translation>Indirizzo internet del server.</translation>
3370    </message>
3371    <message>
3372        <location/>
3373        <source>&lt;b&gt;Address&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3374Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an IPv4/IPv6 address or a Bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a &apos;@&apos; to be recognized by Mumble.</source>
3375        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;Address&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/br&gt;
3376Internet address of the server. This can be a normal hostname, an ipv4/6 address or a bonjour service identifier. Bonjour service identifiers have to be prefixed with a '@' to be recognized by Mumble.</oldsource>
3377        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Indirizzo&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/br&gt;
3378Indirizzo internet del server. Può essere un normale nome di host, un indirizzo IPv4/IPv6, o un identificatore di servizio Bonjour. Gli identificatori di servizi Bonjour devono avere il prefisso &apos;@&apos; per essere riconosciuti da Mumble.</translation>
3379    </message>
3380    <message>
3381        <location/>
3382        <source>&amp;Port</source>
3383        <translation>&amp;Porta</translation>
3384    </message>
3385    <message>
3386        <location/>
3387        <source>Port on which the server is listening</source>
3388        <translation>Porta di ascolto del server</translation>
3389    </message>
3390    <message>
3391        <location/>
3392        <source>&lt;b&gt;Port&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3393Port on which the server is listening. If the server is identified by a Bonjour service identifier this field will be ignored.</source>
3394        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Porta&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3395Porta sulla quale il server è in ascolto. Se il server è identificato con un identificatore di servizio Bonjour questo campo sarà ignorato.</translation>
3396    </message>
3397    <message>
3398        <location/>
3399        <source>&amp;Username</source>
3400        <translation>&amp;Nome utente</translation>
3401    </message>
3402    <message>
3403        <location/>
3404        <source>Username to send to the server</source>
3405        <translation>Nome utente da inviare al server</translation>
3406    </message>
3407    <message>
3408        <location/>
3409        <source>&lt;b&gt;Username&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3410Username to send to the server. Be aware that the server can impose restrictions on how a username might look like. Also your username could already be taken by another user.</source>
3411        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nome utente&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3412Nome utente da inviare al server. ll server potrebbe avere delle restrizioni su come il nome utente deve essere. Un nome utente potrebbe essere già stato preso da un&apos;altro utente.</translation>
3413    </message>
3414    <message>
3415        <location/>
3416        <source>Label</source>
3417        <translation>Nome</translation>
3418    </message>
3419    <message>
3420        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-192"/>
3421        <source>Add Server</source>
3422        <translation>Aggiungi server</translation>
3423    </message>
3424    <message>
3425        <location line="+15"/>
3426        <source>You are currently connected to a server.
3427Do you want to fill the dialog with the connection data of this server?
3428Host: %1 Port: %2</source>
3429        <translation>Al momento sei connesso ad un server.
3430Vuoi riempire il modulo con le informazioni di connessione di questo server?
3431Host: %1 Port: %2</translation>
3432    </message>
3433    <message>
3434        <location line="+45"/>
3435        <source>You have an URL in your clipboard.
3436Do you want to fill the dialog with this data?
3437Host: %1 Port: %2</source>
3438        <translation>Hai un URL nei tuoi appunti.
3439Vuoi riempire il modulo con queste informazioni di connessione?
3440Host: %1 Port: %2</translation>
3441    </message>
3442    <message>
3443        <location filename="ConnectDialogEdit.ui"/>
3444        <source>Password</source>
3445        <translation>Password</translation>
3446    </message>
3447    <message>
3448        <location/>
3449        <source>Password to send to the server</source>
3450        <translation>Password del server</translation>
3451    </message>
3452    <message>
3453        <location/>
3454        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3455Password to be sent to the server on connect. This password is needed when connecting as &lt;i&gt;SuperUser&lt;/i&gt; or to a server using password authentication. If not entered here the password will be queried on connect.</source>
3456        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Password&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3457Password da inviare al server a cui devi connetterti. La password è richiesta solo se ti stai connettendo come &lt;i&gt;SuperUser&lt;/i&gt; o se il server ne richiede una per connettersi. Se non verrà inserita e sarà richiesta dal server, ti apparirà una finestra dove dovrai inserirla.</translation>
3458    </message>
3459    <message>
3460        <location/>
3461        <source>Show password</source>
3462        <translation>Visualizza password</translation>
3463    </message>
3464    <message>
3465        <location/>
3466        <source>&lt;b&gt;Label&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3467Label of the server. This is what the server will be named like in your server list and can be chosen freely.</source>
3468        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nome&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
3469Nome del server. Questo è il nome che apparirà sulla tua lista dei server preferiti, può essere scelto liberamente.</translation>
3470    </message>
3471    <message>
3472        <location/>
3473        <source>Local server label</source>
3474        <translation>Etichetta locale server</translation>
3475    </message>
3476    <message>
3477        <location/>
3478        <source></source>
3479        <translation></translation>
3480    </message>
3481    <message>
3482        <location/>
3483        <source>64738</source>
3484        <translation>64738</translation>
3485    </message>
3486    <message>
3487        <location/>
3488        <source>Your username</source>
3489        <translation>Il tuo nome utente</translation>
3490    </message>
3491    <message>
3492        <location/>
3493        <source>Your password</source>
3494        <translation>La tua password</translation>
3495    </message>
3496    <message>
3497        <location/>
3498        <source>&amp;Fill</source>
3499        <translation>&amp;Riempi</translation>
3500    </message>
3503    <name>CoreAudioSystem</name>
3504    <message>
3505        <location filename="CoreAudio.cpp" line="+64"/>
3506        <source>Default Device</source>
3507        <translation>Dispositivo predefinito</translation>
3508    </message>
3511    <name>CrashReporter</name>
3512    <message>
3513        <location filename="CrashReporter.cpp" line="+16"/>
3514        <source>Mumble Crash Report</source>
3515        <translation>Rapporto errori di Mumble</translation>
3516    </message>
3517    <message>
3518        <location line="+6"/>
3519        <source>&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;We&apos;re terribly sorry, but it seems Mumble has crashed. Do you want to send a crash report to the Mumble developers?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;The crash report contains a partial copy of Mumble&apos;s memory at the time it crashed, and will help the developers fix the problem.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
3520        <translation>&lt;p&gt;&lt;b&gt;Siamo terribilmente spiacenti, ma sembra che Mumble si sia chiuso per colpa di un errore. Vuoi inviare un rapporto sugli errori agli sviluppatori di Mumble?&lt;/b&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Il rapporto contiene una copia parziale della memoria di Mumble al momento dell&apos;errore, e questo aiuterà gli sviluppatori a correggere il problema.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
3521    </message>
3522    <message>
3523        <location line="+8"/>
3524        <source>Email address (optional)</source>
3525        <translation>Indirizzo email (facoltativo)</translation>
3526    </message>
3527    <message>
3528        <location line="+9"/>
3529        <source>Please describe briefly, in English, what you were doing at the time of the crash</source>
3530        <oldsource>Please briefly describe what you were doing at the time of the crash</oldsource>
3531        <translation>Per favore descrivi brevemente cosa stavi facendo al momento della chiusura (in inglese)</translation>
3532    </message>
3533    <message>
3534        <location line="+5"/>
3535        <source>Send Report</source>
3536        <translation>Invia rapporto</translation>
3537    </message>
3538    <message>
3539        <location line="+3"/>
3540        <source>Don&apos;t send report</source>
3541        <translation>Non inviare rapporto</translation>
3542    </message>
3543    <message>
3544        <location line="+24"/>
3545        <source>Crash upload successful</source>
3546        <translation>Invio rapporto completato con successo</translation>
3547    </message>
3548    <message>
3549        <location line="+0"/>
3550        <source>Thank you for helping make Mumble better!</source>
3551        <translation>Grazie per averci aiutato a rendere Mumble migliore!</translation>
3552    </message>
3553    <message>
3554        <location line="+2"/>
3555        <location line="+2"/>
3556        <source>Crash upload failed</source>
3557        <translation>Invio rapporto fallito</translation>
3558    </message>
3559    <message>
3560        <location line="-2"/>
3561        <source>We&apos;re really sorry, but it appears the crash upload has failed with error %1 %2. Please inform a developer.</source>
3562        <translation>Siamo veramente spiacenti, ma sembra che l&apos;invio del rapporto è fallito con l&apos;errore %1 %2. Per favore informa uno sviluppatore.</translation>
3563    </message>
3564    <message>
3565        <location line="+2"/>
3566        <source>This really isn&apos;t funny, but apparently there&apos;s a bug in the crash reporting code, and we&apos;ve failed to upload the report. You may inform a developer about error %1</source>
3567        <translation>Questo veramente non è divertente, ma apparentemente c&apos;è un bug nel codice del rapporto, e abbiamo fallito ad inviare il rapporto. Puoi informare uno sviluppatore sull&apos;errore %1</translation>
3568    </message>
3569    <message>
3570        <location line="+101"/>
3571        <source>Uploading crash report</source>
3572        <translation>Invio rapporto errore in corso</translation>
3573    </message>
3574    <message>
3575        <location line="+0"/>
3576        <source>Abort upload</source>
3577        <translation>Interrompi invio</translation>
3578    </message>
3581    <name>DXAudioInput</name>
3582    <message>
3583        <location filename="DirectSound.cpp" line="+158"/>
3584        <source>Default DirectSound Voice Input</source>
3585        <translation>Ingresso DirectSound predefinito</translation>
3586    </message>
3587    <message>
3588        <location line="+451"/>
3589        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Input device failed. No microphone capture will be done.</source>
3590        <translation>Apertura del dispositivo di ingresso DirectSound fallita. Non ci sarà nessun ingresso microfonico.</translation>
3591    </message>
3592    <message>
3593        <location line="-83"/>
3594        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Input failed. Default device will be used.</source>
3595        <translation>Apertura dell&apos;ingresso DirectSound fallita. Verrà usato il dispositivo predefinito.</translation>
3596    </message>
3597    <message>
3598        <location line="+78"/>
3599        <source>Lost DirectSound input device.</source>
3600        <translation>Dispositivo di ingresso DirectSound disconnesso.</translation>
3601    </message>
3604    <name>DXAudioOutput</name>
3605    <message>
3606        <location line="-486"/>
3607        <source>Default DirectSound Voice Output</source>
3608        <translation>Uscita DirectSound predefinita</translation>
3609    </message>
3610    <message>
3611        <location line="+243"/>
3612        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Output failed. Default device will be used.</source>
3613        <translation>Apertura dell&apos;uscita DirectSound scelta fallita. Verrà usato il dispositivo predefinito.</translation>
3614    </message>
3615    <message>
3616        <location line="+73"/>
3617        <source>Lost DirectSound output device.</source>
3618        <translation>Dispositivo di uscita DirectSound disconnesso.</translation>
3619    </message>
3620    <message>
3621        <location line="+4"/>
3622        <source>Opening chosen DirectSound Output failed. No audio will be heard.</source>
3623        <translation>Apertura dell&apos;uscita DirectSound fallita. Non si udirà nessun audio.</translation>
3624    </message>
3627    <name>Database</name>
3628    <message>
3629        <location filename="Database.cpp" line="+92"/>
3630        <source>Mumble failed to initialize a database in any
3631of the possible locations.</source>
3632        <translation>Mumble non è riuscito a inizializzare il database in nessuna
3633delle possibili posizioni.</translation>
3634    </message>
3635    <message>
3636        <location line="+7"/>
3637        <source>The database &apos;%1&apos; is read-only. Mumble cannot store server settings (i.e. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem.</source>
3638        <oldsource>The database '%1' is read-only. Mumble can not store server settings (ie. SSL certificates) until you fix this problem.</oldsource>
3639        <translation>Il database &apos;%1&apos; è in sola lettura. Mumble non può salvare le impostazioni del server (es. certificati SSl) fino a che non risolverai il problema.</translation>
3640    </message>
3643    <name>DeveloperConsole</name>
3644    <message>
3645        <location filename="DeveloperConsole.cpp" line="+31"/>
3646        <source>Developer Console</source>
3647        <translation>Console Sviluppatore</translation>
3648    </message>
3651    <name>DockTitleBar</name>
3652    <message>
3653        <location filename="CustomElements.cpp" line="+189"/>
3654        <source>Drag here</source>
3655        <translation>Trascina qui</translation>
3656    </message>
3659    <name>GlobalShortcut</name>
3660    <message>
3661        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.ui"/>
3662        <source>Shortcuts</source>
3663        <translation>Scorciatoie</translation>
3664    </message>
3665    <message>
3666        <location/>
3667        <source>List of configured shortcuts</source>
3668        <translation>lista delle scorciatoie configurate</translation>
3669    </message>
3670    <message>
3671        <location/>
3672        <source>Function</source>
3673        <translation>Funzione</translation>
3674    </message>
3675    <message>
3676        <location/>
3677        <source>Data</source>
3678        <translation>Dati</translation>
3679    </message>
3680    <message>
3681        <location/>
3682        <source>Shortcut</source>
3683        <translation>Scorciatoia</translation>
3684    </message>
3685    <message>
3686        <location/>
3687        <source>Suppress</source>
3688        <translation>Disabilita</translation>
3689    </message>
3690    <message>
3691        <location/>
3692        <source>Add new shortcut</source>
3693        <translation>Aggiungi una nuova scorciatoia</translation>
3694    </message>
3695    <message>
3696        <location/>
3697        <source>This will add a new global shortcut</source>
3698        <translation>Questo aggiugerà una scorciatoia globale</translation>
3699    </message>
3700    <message>
3701        <location/>
3702        <source>&amp;Add</source>
3703        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi</translation>
3704    </message>
3705    <message>
3706        <location/>
3707        <source>Remove selected shortcut</source>
3708        <translation>Rimuove la scorciatoia selezionata</translation>
3709    </message>
3710    <message>
3711        <location/>
3712        <source>This will permanently remove a selected shortcut.</source>
3713        <translation>Questo rimuoverà permanentemente la scorciatoia selezionata.</translation>
3714    </message>
3715    <message>
3716        <location/>
3717        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
3718        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi</translation>
3719    </message>
3720    <message>
3721        <location/>
3722        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you want more flexibility, you can enable &lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Access for assistive devices&lt;/span&gt; in the system&apos;s Accessibility preferences. However, please note that this change also potentially allows malicious programs to read what is typed on your keyboard.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
3723        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble può attualmente utilizzare solo pulsanti del mouse e tasti modificatori della tastiera (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) per le scorciatoie globali.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Se vuoi più flessibilità, puoi abilitare &lt;span style=&quot; font-style:italic;&quot;&gt;Accesso per dispositivi di assistenza&lt;/span&gt; nelle impostazioni di Accessibilità del sistema. Comunque, nota che questo può potenzialmente permettere a software maligni di leggere quello che stai scrivendo con la tastiera.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
3724    </message>
3725    <message>
3726        <location/>
3727        <source>Open Accessibility Preferences</source>
3728        <translation>Apri Preferenze Accessibilità</translation>
3729    </message>
3730    <message>
3731        <location/>
3732        <source>Skip</source>
3733        <translation>Salta</translation>
3734    </message>
3735    <message>
3736        <location/>
3737        <source>Enable Global Shortcuts</source>
3738        <translation>Abilita Scorciatoie Globali</translation>
3739    </message>
3740    <message>
3741        <location/>
3742        <source>&lt;b&gt;Additional Shortcut Engines&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This section allows you to configure the use of additional GlobalShortcut engines.</source>
3743        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Motori di Scorciatoie Aggiuntivi&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Questa sezione ti permette di configurare l&apos;uso di motori di Scorciatoie Globali aggiuntivi.</translation>
3744    </message>
3745    <message>
3746        <location/>
3747        <source>Additional Shortcut Engines</source>
3748        <translation>Motori di Scorciatoie Aggiuntivi</translation>
3749    </message>
3750    <message>
3751        <location/>
3752        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable Windows hooks&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This enables the Windows hooks shortcut engine. Using this engine allows Mumble to suppress keypresses and mouse clicks.</source>
3753        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita Hook di Windows&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Abilita il motore di scorciatoie Windows hook. Utilizzare questo motore permette a Mumble di sopprimere gli input di mouse e tastiera.</translation>
3754    </message>
3755    <message>
3756        <location/>
3757        <source>Enable Windows hooks</source>
3758        <translation>Abilita Hook di Windows</translation>
3759    </message>
3760    <message>
3761        <location/>
3762        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable GKey&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This setting enables support for the GKey shortcut engine, for &quot;G&quot;-keys found on Logitech keyboards.</source>
3763        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita GKey&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Abilita il motore di scorciatoie Gkey, per i tasti &quot;G&quot; che si trovano nelle tastiere Logitech.</translation>
3764    </message>
3765    <message>
3766        <location/>
3767        <source>Enable GKey</source>
3768        <translation>Abilita GKey</translation>
3769    </message>
3770    <message>
3771        <location/>
3772        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable XInput&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This setting enables support for the XInput shortcut engine, for Xbox compatible controllers.</source>
3773        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita XInput&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Abilita il motore di scorciatoie XInput, per i controller compatibili con Xbox.</translation>
3774    </message>
3775    <message>
3776        <location/>
3777        <source>Enable XInput</source>
3778        <translation>Abilita XInput</translation>
3779    </message>
3780    <message>
3781        <location/>
3782        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable shortcuts in privileged applications&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Also known as &quot;UIAccess&quot;. This allows Mumble to receive global shortcut events from programs running at high privilege levels, such as an Admin Command Prompt or older games that run with admin privileges.
3783&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
3784Without this option enabled, using Mumble&apos;s global shortcuts in privileged applications will not work. This can seem inconsistent: for example, if the Push-to-Talk button is pressed in a non-privileged program, but released in a privileged application, Mumble will not observe that it has been released and you will continue to talk until you press the Push-to-Talk button again.</source>
3785        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita scorciatoie in applicazioni con privilegi&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Conosciuto anche come &quot;UIAccess&quot;. Permette a Mumble di ricevere input per le scorciatoie globali anche da applicazioni con alti livelli di privilegi, come il Prompt di Comandi Amministratore o alcuni vecchi giochi che vengono eseguito con privilegi di amministratore.
3786&lt;br /&gt;&lt;br /&gt;
3787Senza questa opzione abilitata, le scorciatoie globali di Mumble non funzioneranno nella applicazioni con privilegi. Questo potrebbe apparire incoerente: per esempio, se il pulsante Push-to-Talk viene premuto in un&apos;applicazione senza privilegi, ma rilasciato in una con privilegi, Mumble non osserverà il rilascio e continuerai a trasmettere fino alla prossima pressione del pulsante Push-to-Talk.</translation>
3788    </message>
3789    <message>
3790        <location/>
3791        <source>Enable shortcuts in privileged applications</source>
3792        <translation>Abilita scorciatoie in applicazioni con privilegi</translation>
3793    </message>
3796    <name>GlobalShortcutConfig</name>
3797    <message>
3798        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.cpp" line="+535"/>
3799        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble can currently only use mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) for global shortcuts.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;If you want more flexibility, you can add Mumble as a trusted accessibility program in the Security &amp; Privacy section of your Mac&apos;s System Preferences.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;In the Security &amp; Privacy preference pane, change to the Privacy tab. Then choose Accessibility (near the bottom) in the list to the left. Finally, add Mumble to the list of trusted accessibility programs.&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
3800        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Mumble può attualmente utilizzare solo pulsanti del mouse e tasti modificatori della tastiera (Alt, Ctrl, Cmd, etc.) per le scorciatoie globali.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Se vuoi più flessibilità, puoi aggiungere Mumble ai programmi di accessibilità fidati nella sezione Sicurezza e Privacy delle Impostazioni di Sistema Mac.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Nel pannello delle impostazioni di Sicurezza e Privacy, seleziona la scheda Privacy. Dopo scegli Accessibilità (nella parte bassa) nella lista sulla sinistra. Infine, aggiungi Mumble alla lista dei programmi di accessibilità fidati.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
3801    </message>
3802    <message>
3803        <location line="+115"/>
3804        <source>Shortcuts</source>
3805        <translation>Scorciatoie</translation>
3806    </message>
3807    <message>
3808        <location line="+72"/>
3809        <source>Shortcut button combination.</source>
3810        <translation>Combinazione di pulsanti della scorciatoia.</translation>
3811    </message>
3812    <message>
3813        <location line="+1"/>
3814        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the global shortcut key combination.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Click this field and then press the desired key/button combo to rebind. Double-click to clear.</source>
3815        <oldsource>&lt;b&gt;This is the global shortcut key combination.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Double-click this field and then the desired key/button combo to rebind.</oldsource>
3816        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questa è la combinazione della scorciatoia globale.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Fai doppio click in questo campo e poi premi la combinazione di tasti per riassegnarla.</translation>
3817    </message>
3818    <message>
3819        <location line="+4"/>
3820        <source>Suppress keys from other applications</source>
3821        <translation>Elimina tasti da altre applicazioni</translation>
3822    </message>
3823    <message>
3824        <location line="+1"/>
3825        <source>&lt;b&gt;This hides the button presses from other applications.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Enabling this will hide the button (or the last button of a multi-button combo) from other applications. Note that not all buttons can be suppressed.</source>
3826        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nasconde le pressioni dei tasti nelle altre applicazioni.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Abilitando verranno nascosti i pulsanti (o l&apos;ultimo pulsante di una sequenza multi pulsante) dalle altre applicazioni. Nota che non tutti i pulsanti possono essere disattivati.</translation>
3827    </message>
3830    <name>GlobalShortcutTarget</name>
3831    <message>
3832        <location filename="GlobalShortcutTarget.ui"/>
3833        <source>Whisper Target</source>
3834        <translation>Destinatario del sussurro</translation>
3835    </message>
3836    <message>
3837        <location/>
3838        <source>Whisper to list of Users</source>
3839        <translation>&quot;Sussurra&quot; a lista di utenti</translation>
3840    </message>
3841    <message>
3842        <location/>
3843        <source>Channel Target</source>
3844        <translation>Canale destinatario</translation>
3845    </message>
3846    <message>
3847        <location/>
3848        <source>Restrict to Group</source>
3849        <translation>Limita al gruppo</translation>
3850    </message>
3851    <message>
3852        <location/>
3853        <source>If specified, only members of this group will receive the whisper.</source>
3854        <translation>Se specificato, solo i membri di questo gruppo riceveranno il sussurro.</translation>
3855    </message>
3856    <message>
3857        <location/>
3858        <source>List of users</source>
3859        <translation>Lista degli utenti</translation>
3860    </message>
3861    <message>
3862        <location/>
3863        <source>Add</source>
3864        <translation>Aggiungi</translation>
3865    </message>
3866    <message>
3867        <location/>
3868        <source>Remove</source>
3869        <translation>Rimuovi</translation>
3870    </message>
3871    <message>
3872        <location/>
3873        <source>Modifiers</source>
3874        <translation>Modificatori</translation>
3875    </message>
3876    <message>
3877        <location/>
3878        <source>Do not send positional audio information when using this whisper shortcut.</source>
3879        <translation>Non spedisce audio posizionale quando si stà usando questo collegamento per il sussurro.</translation>
3880    </message>
3881    <message>
3882        <location/>
3883        <source>Ignore positional audio</source>
3884        <translation>Ignora audio posizionale</translation>
3885    </message>
3886    <message>
3887        <location/>
3888        <source>Shout to Linked channels</source>
3889        <translation>&quot;Urla&quot; ai canali Collegati</translation>
3890    </message>
3891    <message>
3892        <location/>
3893        <source>Shout to subchannels</source>
3894        <translation>&quot;Urla&quot; ai sottocanali</translation>
3895    </message>
3896    <message>
3897        <location/>
3898        <source>Shout to Channel</source>
3899        <translation>&quot;Urla&quot; al canale</translation>
3900    </message>
3901    <message>
3902        <location/>
3903        <source>The whisper will also be transmitted to linked channels.</source>
3904        <translation>Il sussurro sarà inviato anche ai canali collegati a quello selezionato.</translation>
3905    </message>
3906    <message>
3907        <location/>
3908        <source>The whisper will also be sent to the subchannels of the channel target.</source>
3909        <translation>Il sussurro sarà inviato anche ai sottocanali del canale selezionato.</translation>
3910    </message>
3913    <name>GlobalShortcutX</name>
3914    <message>
3915        <location filename="GlobalShortcut_unix.cpp" line="+354"/>
3916        <source>Mouse %1</source>
3917        <translation>Mouse %1</translation>
3918    </message>
3921    <name>JackAudioSystem</name>
3922    <message>
3923        <location filename="JackAudio.cpp" line="+121"/>
3924        <source>Hardware Ports</source>
3925        <translation>Porte hardware</translation>
3926    </message>
3927    <message>
3928        <location line="+1"/>
3929        <source>Mono</source>
3930        <translation>Mono</translation>
3931    </message>
3932    <message>
3933        <location line="+1"/>
3934        <source>Stereo</source>
3935        <translation>Stereo</translation>
3936    </message>
3939    <name>LCD</name>
3940    <message>
3941        <location filename="LCD.cpp" line="+269"/>
3942        <source>Not connected</source>
3943        <translation>Non connesso</translation>
3944    </message>
3947    <name>LCDConfig</name>
3948    <message>
3949        <location line="-171"/>
3950        <source>Enable this device</source>
3951        <translation>Abilita questo dispositivo</translation>
3952    </message>
3953    <message>
3954        <location filename="LCD.ui"/>
3955        <location filename="LCD.cpp" line="+5"/>
3956        <source>LCD</source>
3957        <translation>LCD</translation>
3958    </message>
3959    <message>
3960        <location/>
3961        <source>Devices</source>
3962        <translation>Dispositivo</translation>
3963    </message>
3964    <message>
3965        <location/>
3966        <source>Name</source>
3967        <translation>Nome</translation>
3968    </message>
3969    <message>
3970        <location/>
3971        <source>&lt;p&gt;This is the list of available LCD devices on your system.  It lists devices by name, but also includes the size of the display. Mumble supports outputting to several LCD devices at a time.&lt;/p&gt;
3974This field describes the size of an LCD device. The size is given either in pixels (for Graphic LCDs) or in characters (for Character LCDs).&lt;/p&gt;
3976&lt;p&gt;This decides whether Mumble should draw to a particular LCD device.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
3977        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Questa è la lista dei dispositivi LCD nel tuo sistema. Nella lista ci sono i nomi, ma include anche la dimensione del display e il tipo.Mumble supporta l&apos;invio a molti dispositivi LCD allo stesso tempo.&lt;/p&gt;
3980Questo campo descrive la dimensione di un dispositivo LCD. La dimensione è espressa in pixel o in caratteri.&lt;/p&gt;
3982&lt;p&gt;Questo decide se Mumble deve attingere ad un particolare dispositivo LCD.&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
3983    </message>
3984    <message>
3985        <location/>
3986        <source>Size</source>
3987        <translation>Dimensione</translation>
3988    </message>
3989    <message>
3990        <location/>
3991        <source>Enabled</source>
3992        <translation>Abilitato</translation>
3993    </message>
3994    <message>
3995        <location/>
3996        <source>Views</source>
3997        <translation>Visualizzazioni</translation>
3998    </message>
3999    <message>
4000        <location/>
4001        <source>Minimum Column Width</source>
4002        <translation>Larghezza minima colonna</translation>
4003    </message>
4004    <message>
4005        <location/>
4006        <source>&lt;p&gt;This option decides the minimum width a column in the User View.&lt;/p&gt;
4007&lt;p&gt;If too many people are speaking at once, the User View will split itself into columns. You can use this option to pick a compromise between number of users shown on the LCD, and width of user names.&lt;/p&gt;
4009        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Questa opzione imposta la minima larghezza della colonna nella visuale dell&apos;utente&lt;/p&gt;
4010&lt;p&gt;Se troppe persone stanno parlando insieme, la Vista Giocatore verrà divisa in colonne. Puoi usare questa opzione per scegliere un compromesso tra il numero di giocatori mostrati sull&apos;LCD, e la larghezza dei nomi dei giocatori.&lt;/p&gt;
4012    </message>
4013    <message>
4014        <location/>
4015        <source>This setting decides the width of column splitter.</source>
4016        <translation>Questa impostazione decide la larghezza della divisione tra le colonne.</translation>
4017    </message>
4018    <message>
4019        <location/>
4020        <source>Splitter Width</source>
4021        <translation>Larghezza divisione</translation>
4022    </message>
4025    <name>Log</name>
4026    <message>
4027        <location filename="Log.cpp" line="+224"/>
4028        <source>Debug</source>
4029        <translation>Debug</translation>
4030    </message>
4031    <message>
4032        <location line="+1"/>
4033        <source>Critical</source>
4034        <translation>Critico</translation>
4035    </message>
4036    <message>
4037        <location line="+1"/>
4038        <source>Warning</source>
4039        <translation>Avviso</translation>
4040    </message>
4041    <message>
4042        <location line="+1"/>
4043        <source>Information</source>
4044        <translation>Informazione</translation>
4045    </message>
4046    <message>
4047        <location line="+1"/>
4048        <source>Server Connected</source>
4049        <translation>Connessione al server</translation>
4050    </message>
4051    <message>
4052        <location line="+1"/>
4053        <source>Server Disconnected</source>
4054        <translation>Disconnessione dal server</translation>
4055    </message>
4056    <message>
4057        <location line="+7"/>
4058        <source>Other self-muted/deafened</source>
4059        <translation>Mutato/escluso (altro utente)</translation>
4060    </message>
4061    <message>
4062        <location line="+6"/>
4063        <source>Permission Denied</source>
4064        <translation>Permesso Negato</translation>
4065    </message>
4066    <message>
4067        <location line="+1"/>
4068        <source>Text Message</source>
4069        <translation>Messaggio di Testo</translation>
4070    </message>
4071    <message>
4072        <location line="-13"/>
4073        <source>User Joined Server</source>
4074        <translation>Utente entrato nel server</translation>
4075    </message>
4076    <message>
4077        <location line="+1"/>
4078        <source>User Left Server</source>
4079        <translation>Utente uscito dal server</translation>
4080    </message>
4081    <message>
4082        <location line="+1"/>
4083        <source>User recording state changed</source>
4084        <translation>Un utente sta registrando</translation>
4085    </message>
4086    <message>
4087        <location line="+1"/>
4088        <source>User kicked (you or by you)</source>
4089        <translation>Utente espulso (tu o da te)</translation>
4090    </message>
4091    <message>
4092        <location line="+1"/>
4093        <source>User kicked</source>
4094        <translation>Utente espulso</translation>
4095    </message>
4096    <message>
4097        <location line="+1"/>
4098        <source>You self-muted</source>
4099        <translation>Ti sei mutato</translation>
4100    </message>
4101    <message>
4102        <location line="+2"/>
4103        <source>User muted (you)</source>
4104        <translation>Utente mutato (tu)</translation>
4105    </message>
4106    <message>
4107        <location line="+1"/>
4108        <source>User muted (by you)</source>
4109        <translation>Utente mutato (da te)</translation>
4110    </message>
4111    <message>
4112        <location line="+1"/>
4113        <source>User muted (other)</source>
4114        <translation>Utente mutato (altro utente)</translation>
4115    </message>
4116    <message>
4117        <location line="+1"/>
4118        <source>User Joined Channel</source>
4119        <translation>Utente entrato nel canale</translation>
4120    </message>
4121    <message>
4122        <location line="+1"/>
4123        <source>User Left Channel</source>
4124        <translation>Utente uscito dal canale</translation>
4125    </message>
4126    <message>
4127        <location line="+3"/>
4128        <source>You self-unmuted</source>
4129        <translation>Microfono riattivato</translation>
4130    </message>
4131    <message>
4132        <location line="+1"/>
4133        <source>You self-deafened</source>
4134        <translation>Ti sei escluso</translation>
4135    </message>
4136    <message>
4137        <location line="+1"/>
4138        <source>You self-undeafened</source>
4139        <translation>Ti sei riattivato</translation>
4140    </message>
4141    <message>
4142        <location line="+1"/>
4143        <source>User renamed</source>
4144        <translation>Utente rinominato</translation>
4145    </message>
4146    <message>
4147        <location line="+1"/>
4148        <source>You Joined Channel</source>
4149        <translation>Sei Entrato nel Canale</translation>
4150    </message>
4151    <message>
4152        <location line="+1"/>
4153        <source>You Joined Channel (moved)</source>
4154        <translation>Sei Stato Spostato nel Canale</translation>
4155    </message>
4156    <message>
4157        <location line="+1"/>
4158        <source>User connected and entered channel</source>
4159        <translation>Utente entrato nel server e nel canale</translation>
4160    </message>
4161    <message>
4162        <location line="+1"/>
4163        <source>User left channel and disconnected</source>
4164        <translation>Utente uscito dal canale e dal server</translation>
4165    </message>
4166    <message>
4167        <location line="+1"/>
4168        <source>Private text message</source>
4169        <translation>Messaggio di testo privato</translation>
4170    </message>
4171    <message>
4172        <location line="+59"/>
4173        <source>the server</source>
4174        <translation>il server</translation>
4175    </message>
4176    <message>
4177        <location line="+111"/>
4178        <source>[[ Invalid size ]]</source>
4179        <translation>[[ Dimensione non valida ]]</translation>
4180    </message>
4181    <message>
4182        <location line="+13"/>
4183        <source>[[ Text object too large to display ]]</source>
4184        <translation>[[ Oggetto di testo troppo grande per essere visualizzato ]]</translation>
4185    </message>
4186    <message>
4187        <location line="+46"/>
4188        <source>[Date changed to %1]
4190        <translation>[Cambio data a %1]
4192    </message>
4193    <message>
4194        <location line="+77"/>
4195        <source>link to %1</source>
4196        <translation>collegamento a %1</translation>
4197    </message>
4198    <message>
4199        <location line="+2"/>
4200        <source>FTP link to %1</source>
4201        <translation>Collegamento FTP a %1</translation>
4202    </message>
4203    <message>
4204        <location line="+2"/>
4205        <source>player link</source>
4206        <translation>collegamento utente</translation>
4207    </message>
4208    <message>
4209        <location line="+2"/>
4210        <source>channel link</source>
4211        <translation>collegamento canale</translation>
4212    </message>
4213    <message>
4214        <location line="+2"/>
4215        <source>%1 link</source>
4216        <translation>%1 collegamento</translation>
4217    </message>
4220    <name>LogConfig</name>
4221    <message>
4222        <location line="-502"/>
4223        <source>Toggle console for %1 events</source>
4224        <translation>Imposta console per gli eventi %1</translation>
4225    </message>
4226    <message>
4227        <location line="+1"/>
4228        <source>Toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events</source>
4229        <translation>Imposta notifica pop-up per gli eventi %1</translation>
4230    </message>
4231    <message>
4232        <location line="+12"/>
4233        <source>Toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events</source>
4234        <translation>Imposta Sintesi vocale per gli eventi %1</translation>
4235    </message>
4236    <message>
4237        <location line="-10"/>
4238        <source>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events</source>
4239        <translation>Premi qui per impostare la notifica audio per gli eventi %1</translation>
4240    </message>
4241    <message>
4242        <location line="-1"/>
4243        <source>Toggle window highlight (if not active) for %1 events</source>
4244        <translation>Porta in primo piano la finestra (se non lo è già) in seguito agli eventi %1</translation>
4245    </message>
4246    <message>
4247        <location line="+2"/>
4248        <source>Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Double-click to change</source>
4249        <translation>Percorso del file sonoro da usare come notifica nel caso degli eventi %1&lt;br /&gt;Click singolo per ascoltare&lt;br /&gt;Doppio-click per modificare</translation>
4250    </message>
4251    <message>
4252        <location line="+2"/>
4253        <source>Click here to toggle console output for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, this option makes Mumble output all %1 events in its message log.</source>
4254        <translation>Premi qui per attivare i messaggi della console per gli eventi %1.&lt;br /&gt; Se selezionata, questa opzione fa scrivere a Mumble tutti gli eventi %1 nel log.</translation>
4255    </message>
4256    <message>
4257        <location line="+1"/>
4258        <source>Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by Mumble for every %1 event.</source>
4259        <oldsource>Click here to toggle pop-up notifications for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, a notification pop-up will be created by mumble for every %1 event.</oldsource>
4260        <translation>Premi qui per impostare le notifiche pop-up per gli eventi %1.&lt;br /&gt;Se selezionato, un pop-up di notifica verrà creato da Mumble per gli eventi %1.</translation>
4261    </message>
4262    <message>
4263        <location line="+1"/>
4264        <source>Click here to toggle window highlight for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble&apos;s window will be highlighted for every %1 event, if not active.</source>
4265        <translation>Premi qui per impostare il primo piano per gli eventi %1.&lt;br /&gt;Se selezionato, la finestra di Mumble verrà portata in primo piano (se non lo è già) in seguito ad ogni evento %1.</translation>
4266    </message>
4267    <message>
4268        <location line="+2"/>
4269        <source>Path to sound file used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Double-click to change&lt;br /&gt;Ensure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect.</source>
4270        <translation>Percorso del file sonoro da usare come notifica nel caso degli eventi %1&lt;br /&gt;Click singolo per ascoltare&lt;br /&gt;Doppio-click per modificare&lt;br /&gt;Assicurati che le notifiche sonore siano abilitate per questi eventi o questo campo non avrà effetto.</translation>
4271    </message>
4272    <message>
4273        <location line="+4"/>
4274        <source>Click here to toggle Text-To-Speech for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses Text-To-Speech to read %1 events out loud to you. Text-To-Speech is also able to read the contents of the event which is not true for sound files. Text-To-Speech and sound files cannot be used at the same time.</source>
4275        <oldsource>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses a soundfile predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Soundfiles and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time.</oldsource>
4276        <translation>Premi qui per impostare la sintesi vocale per gli eventi %1.&lt;br /&gt;Se selezionato, Mumble utilizzarà la sintesi vocale per leggere gli eventi %1. La sintesi vocale è anche in grado di leggere il contenuto degli eventi, cosa che non è possibile fare con i file sonori. File sonori e Sintesi Vocale non possono essere usati allo stesso tempo.</translation>
4277    </message>
4278    <message>
4279        <location line="-5"/>
4280        <source>Click here to toggle sound notification for %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;If checked, Mumble uses a sound file predefined by you to indicate %1 events. Sound files and Text-To-Speech cannot be used at the same time.</source>
4281        <oldsource>Path to soundfile used for sound notifications in the case of %1 events.&lt;br /&gt;Single click to play&lt;br /&gt;Doubleclick to change&lt;br /&gt;Be sure that sound notifications for these events are enabled or this field will not have any effect.</oldsource>
4282        <translation>Premi qui per impostare le notifiche sonore per gli eventi %1.&lt;br /&gt;Se selezionato, Mumble userà un file definito dall&apos;utente per indicare gli eventi %1. File sonori e sintesi vocale non possono essere usati allo stesso tempo.</translation>
4283    </message>
4284    <message>
4285        <location filename="Log.ui"/>
4286        <source>Messages</source>
4287        <translation>Notifiche</translation>
4288    </message>
4289    <message>
4290        <location/>
4291        <source>Message</source>
4292        <translation>Notifica</translation>
4293    </message>
4294    <message>
4295        <location/>
4296        <source>Console</source>
4297        <translation>Console</translation>
4298    </message>
4299    <message>
4300        <location/>
4301        <source>Notification</source>
4302        <translation>Pop-up</translation>
4303    </message>
4304    <message>
4305        <location/>
4306        <source>Text-To-Speech</source>
4307        <translation>Sintesi vocale</translation>
4308    </message>
4309    <message>
4310        <location/>
4311        <source>Soundfile</source>
4312        <translation>File sonoro</translation>
4313    </message>
4314    <message>
4315        <location/>
4316        <source>Path</source>
4317        <translation>Percorso</translation>
4318    </message>
4319    <message>
4320        <location/>
4321        <source>Text To Speech</source>
4322        <translation>Sintesi vocale</translation>
4323    </message>
4324    <message>
4325        <location/>
4326        <source>Volume</source>
4327        <translation>Volume</translation>
4328    </message>
4329    <message>
4330        <location/>
4331        <source>Volume of Text-To-Speech Engine</source>
4332        <translation>Volume del motore di Sintesi Vocale</translation>
4333    </message>
4334    <message>
4335        <location/>
4336        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the volume used for the speech synthesis.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4337        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Volume usato per la sintesi vocale.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4338    </message>
4339    <message>
4340        <location/>
4341        <source>Length threshold</source>
4342        <translation>Lettura massima</translation>
4343    </message>
4344    <message>
4345        <location/>
4346        <source>Message length threshold for Text-To-Speech Engine</source>
4347        <translation>Soglia massima di lunghezza del messaggio per il Motore di Sintesi Vocale</translation>
4348    </message>
4349    <message>
4350        <location/>
4351        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is the length threshold used for the Text-To-Speech Engine.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Messages longer than this limit will not be read aloud in their full length.</source>
4352        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Soglia di lunghezza usata per il Motore di Sintesi Vocale.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br&gt;I messaggi più lunghi di questo limite non verranno letti.</translation>
4353    </message>
4354    <message>
4355        <location/>
4356        <source> Characters</source>
4357        <translation> Caratteri</translation>
4358    </message>
4359    <message>
4360        <location/>
4361        <source>Whisper</source>
4362        <translation>Sussurri</translation>
4363    </message>
4364    <message>
4365        <location/>
4366        <source>If checked you will only hear whispers from users you added to your friend list.</source>
4367        <translation>Se selezionato sentirai sussurri solo dagli utenti aggiunti alla tua lista amici.</translation>
4368    </message>
4369    <message>
4370        <location/>
4371        <source>Only accept whispers from friends</source>
4372        <translation>Accetta &quot;sussurri&quot; solo dagli amici</translation>
4373    </message>
4374    <message>
4375        <location/>
4376        <source>If enabled text messages you send will be read back to you with TTS</source>
4377        <translation>Se abilitato i messaggi che invierai verranno riprodotti dalla sintesi vocale</translation>
4378    </message>
4379    <message>
4380        <location/>
4381        <source>Read back own messages</source>
4382        <translation>Leggi messaggi inviati</translation>
4383    </message>
4384    <message>
4385        <location/>
4386        <source>Chat Log</source>
4387        <translation>Log della Chat</translation>
4388    </message>
4389    <message>
4390        <location/>
4391        <source>Maximum chat length</source>
4392        <translation>Lunghezza massima chat</translation>
4393    </message>
4394    <message>
4395        <location/>
4396        <source>Unlimited</source>
4397        <translation>Illimitata</translation>
4398    </message>
4399    <message>
4400        <location/>
4401        <source> Lines</source>
4402        <translation> Linee</translation>
4403    </message>
4404    <message>
4405        <location/>
4406        <source>Highlight</source>
4407        <translation>Primo piano</translation>
4408    </message>
4411    <name>LookConfig</name>
4412    <message>
4413        <location filename="LookConfig.cpp" line="+32"/>
4414        <source>System default</source>
4415        <translation>Predefinito del sistema</translation>
4416    </message>
4417    <message>
4418        <location line="+21"/>
4419        <location line="+51"/>
4420        <source>None</source>
4421        <translation>Nessuno</translation>
4422    </message>
4423    <message>
4424        <location line="-50"/>
4425        <source>Only with users</source>
4426        <translation>Solo con utenti</translation>
4427    </message>
4428    <message>
4429        <location line="+1"/>
4430        <source>All</source>
4431        <translation>Tutti</translation>
4432    </message>
4433    <message>
4434        <location line="+2"/>
4435        <location line="+4"/>
4436        <source>Ask</source>
4437        <translation>Chiedi</translation>
4438    </message>
4439    <message>
4440        <location line="-3"/>
4441        <location line="+4"/>
4442        <source>Do Nothing</source>
4443        <translation>Non fare nulla</translation>
4444    </message>
4445    <message>
4446        <location line="-3"/>
4447        <location line="+4"/>
4448        <source>Move</source>
4449        <translation>Sposta</translation>
4450    </message>
4451    <message>
4452        <location line="+21"/>
4453        <source>&lt;a href=&quot;%1&quot;&gt;Browse&lt;/a&gt;</source>
4454        <extracomment>This link is located next to the theme heading in the ui config and opens the user theme directory</extracomment>
4455        <translation>&lt;a href=&quot;%1&quot;&gt;Sfoglia&lt;/a&gt;</translation>
4456    </message>
4457    <message>
4458        <location line="+7"/>
4459        <source>User Interface</source>
4460        <translation>Interfaccia Utente</translation>
4461    </message>
4462    <message>
4463        <location filename="LookConfig.ui"/>
4464        <source>This sets which channels to automatically expand. &lt;i&gt;None&lt;/i&gt; and &lt;i&gt;All&lt;/i&gt; will expand no or all channels, while &lt;i&gt;Only with users&lt;/i&gt; will expand and collapse channels as users join and leave them.</source>
4465        <translation>Imposta quali canali verranno espansi automaticamente. &lt;i&gt;Nessuno&lt;/i&gt; e &lt;i&gt;Tutti&lt;/i&gt; espanderanno o no tutti i canali, mentre &lt;i&gt;Solo con utenti&lt;/i&gt; espanderà e comprimerà i canali solo quando gli utenti entreranno o usciranno dai canali.</translation>
4466    </message>
4467    <message>
4468        <location/>
4469        <source>List users above subchannels (requires restart).</source>
4470        <translation>Elenca gli utenti sopra i sottocanali (richiede riavvio di Mumble).</translation>
4471    </message>
4472    <message>
4473        <location/>
4474        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, users will be shown above subchannels in the channel view.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;A restart of Mumble is required to see the change.</source>
4475        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Se selezionato, gli utenti saranno mostrati sopra i sottocanali.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Un riavvio di Mumble è richiesto per vedere i cambiamenti.</translation>
4476    </message>
4477    <message>
4478        <location/>
4479        <source>Users above Channels</source>
4480        <translation>Visualizza utenti sopra i canali</translation>
4481    </message>
4482    <message>
4483        <location/>
4484        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, will verify you want to quit if connected.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4485        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Se selezionato chiederà conferma alla chiusura di Mumble, se connesso ad un server&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4486    </message>
4487    <message>
4488        <location/>
4489        <source>Show number of users in each channel</source>
4490        <translation>Visualizza il numero degli utenti in ogni canale</translation>
4491    </message>
4492    <message>
4493        <location/>
4494        <source>Show channel user count</source>
4495        <translation>Visualizza numero utenti nel canale</translation>
4496    </message>
4497    <message>
4498        <location/>
4499        <source>Language</source>
4500        <translation>Lingua</translation>
4501    </message>
4502    <message>
4503        <location/>
4504        <source>Language to use (requires restart)</source>
4505        <translation>Lingua da utilizzare (richiede riavvio)</translation>
4506    </message>
4507    <message>
4508        <location/>
4509        <source>&lt;b&gt;This sets which language Mumble should use.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;You have to restart Mumble to use the new language.</source>
4510        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Imposta quale linguaggio deve utilizzare Mumble.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Devi riavviare Mumble per utilizzare il nuovo linguaggio.</translation>
4511    </message>
4512    <message>
4513        <location/>
4514        <source>Look and Feel</source>
4515        <translation>Aspetto</translation>
4516    </message>
4517    <message>
4518        <location/>
4519        <source>Layout</source>
4520        <translation>Disposizione</translation>
4521    </message>
4522    <message>
4523        <location/>
4524        <source>Classic</source>
4525        <translation>Classica</translation>
4526    </message>
4527    <message>
4528        <location/>
4529        <source>Stacked</source>
4530        <translation>Impilata</translation>
4531    </message>
4532    <message>
4533        <location/>
4534        <source>Hybrid</source>
4535        <translation>Ibrida</translation>
4536    </message>
4537    <message>
4538        <location/>
4539        <source>Custom</source>
4540        <translation>Personalizzata</translation>
4541    </message>
4542    <message>
4543        <location/>
4544        <source>This changes the behavior when moving channels.</source>
4545        <translation>Questo cambia il comportamento quando sposterai dei canali.</translation>
4546    </message>
4547    <message>
4548        <location/>
4549        <source>This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move&lt;/i&gt; moves the channel without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel.</source>
4550        <oldsource>This sets the behavior of channel drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move Channel&lt;/i&gt; moves the channel without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the channel.</oldsource>
4551        <translation>Imposta il comportamento dei trascinamenti di canale, può essere utilizzato per evitare il trascinamento accidentale. &lt;i&gt;Sposta&lt;/i&gt; il canale viene spostato senza chiedere conferma. &lt;i&gt;Non fare nulla&lt;/i&gt; non sposta e visualizza un messaggio di errore. &lt;i&gt;Chiedi&lt;/i&gt; mostra una finestra di dialogo per chiedere conferma.</translation>
4552    </message>
4553    <message>
4554        <location/>
4555        <source>Expand</source>
4556        <translation>Espandi canali</translation>
4557    </message>
4558    <message>
4559        <location/>
4560        <source>When to automatically expand channels</source>
4561        <translation>Quando espandere automaticamente i canali</translation>
4562    </message>
4563    <message>
4564        <location/>
4565        <source>Channel Dragging</source>
4566        <translation>Trascinamento Canale</translation>
4567    </message>
4568    <message>
4569        <location/>
4570        <source>Ask whether to close or minimize when quitting Mumble.</source>
4571        <translation>Chiede se chiudere o minimizzare la finestra all&apos;uscita da Mumble.</translation>
4572    </message>
4573    <message>
4574        <location/>
4575        <source>Ask on quit while connected</source>
4576        <translation>Quando connesso, chiedi conferma all&apos;uscita</translation>
4577    </message>
4578    <message>
4579        <location/>
4580        <source>Always On Top</source>
4581        <translation>Sempre in primo piano</translation>
4582    </message>
4583    <message>
4584        <location/>
4585        <source>&lt;b&gt;If set, minimizing the Mumble main window will cause it to be hidden and accessible only from the tray. Otherwise, it will be minimized as a window normally would.&lt;/b&gt;</source>
4586        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Se impostato, minimizzare la finestra principale di Mumble la nascoderà e la renderà accessibile solamente dall&apos;icona in tray. Altrimenti sarà minimizzata come una normale finestra.&lt;/b&gt;</translation>
4587    </message>
4588    <message>
4589        <location/>
4590        <source>Hide in tray when minimized</source>
4591        <translation>Nascondi in tray quando minimizzato</translation>
4592    </message>
4593    <message>
4594        <location/>
4595        <source>Hide the main Mumble window in the tray when it is minimized.</source>
4596        <translation>Nascondi la finestra principale di Mumble in tray quando viene minimizzata.</translation>
4597    </message>
4598    <message>
4599        <location/>
4600        <source>This setting controls when the application will be always on top.</source>
4601        <translation>Questa impostazione controlla quando l&apos;applicazione deve rimanere sempre in primo piano.</translation>
4602    </message>
4603    <message>
4604        <location/>
4605        <source>Never</source>
4606        <translation>Mai</translation>
4607    </message>
4608    <message>
4609        <location/>
4610        <source>Always</source>
4611        <translation>Sempre</translation>
4612    </message>
4613    <message>
4614        <location/>
4615        <source>In minimal view</source>
4616        <translation>In interfaccia minima</translation>
4617    </message>
4618    <message>
4619        <location/>
4620        <source>In normal view</source>
4621        <translation>In visuale normale</translation>
4622    </message>
4623    <message>
4624        <location/>
4625        <source>Displays talking status in system tray</source>
4626        <translation>Visualizza stato nella tray di sistema</translation>
4627    </message>
4628    <message>
4629        <location/>
4630        <source>Show talking status in tray icon</source>
4631        <translation>Visualizza stato nell&apos;icona in tray</translation>
4632    </message>
4633    <message>
4634        <location/>
4635        <source>This setting controls in which situations the application will stay always on top. If you select &lt;i&gt;Never&lt;/i&gt; the application will not stay on top. &lt;i&gt;Always&lt;/i&gt; will always keep the application on top. &lt;i&gt;In minimal view&lt;/i&gt; / &lt;i&gt;In normal view&lt;/i&gt; will only keep the application always on top when minimal view is activated / deactivated.</source>
4636        <translation>Questa impostazione controlla in quali situazioni l&apos;applicazione deve rimanere sempre in primo piano. Se selezioni &lt;i&gt;Mai&lt;/i&gt; l&apos;applicazione non starà sopra le altre. &lt;i&gt;Sempre&lt;/i&gt; manterrà l&apos;applicazione sempre sopra le altre. &lt;i&gt;In interfaccia minima&lt;/i&gt; / &lt;i&gt;In interfaccia normale&lt;/i&gt; manterrà l&apos;applicazione sopra le altre quando l&apos;interfaccia minima è attivata/disattivata.</translation>
4637    </message>
4638    <message>
4639        <location/>
4640        <source>Show context menu in menu bar</source>
4641        <translation>Visualizza menu contestuale nella barra dei menu</translation>
4642    </message>
4643    <message>
4644        <location/>
4645        <source>Apply some high contrast optimizations for visually impaired users</source>
4646        <translation>Applica alcune ottimizzazioni di contrasto elevato per gli utenti con problemi visivi</translation>
4647    </message>
4648    <message>
4649        <location/>
4650        <source>Optimize for high contrast</source>
4651        <translation>Utilizza interfaccia a contrasto elevato</translation>
4652    </message>
4653    <message>
4654        <location/>
4655        <source>Application</source>
4656        <translation>Applicazione</translation>
4657    </message>
4658    <message>
4659        <location/>
4660        <source>Adds user and channel context menus into the menu bar</source>
4661        <translation>Aggiunge menu contestuale per l&apos;utente e il canale nella barra del menu</translation>
4662    </message>
4663    <message>
4664        <location/>
4665        <source>Tray Icon</source>
4666        <translation>Icona in tray</translation>
4667    </message>
4668    <message>
4669        <location/>
4670        <source>Channel Tree</source>
4671        <translation>Canali</translation>
4672    </message>
4673    <message>
4674        <location/>
4675        <source>Use selected item as the chat bar target</source>
4676        <translation>Seleziona manualmente il destinatario per i messaggi inviati dalla barra della chat</translation>
4677    </message>
4678    <message>
4679        <location/>
4680        <source>Filter automatically hides empty channels</source>
4681        <translation>Nascondi canali vuoti quando usi il filtro</translation>
4682    </message>
4683    <message>
4684        <location/>
4685        <source>Show transmit mode dropdown in toolbar</source>
4686        <translation>Mostra selettore della modalità di trasmissione nella toolbar</translation>
4687    </message>
4688    <message>
4689        <location/>
4690        <source>Theme</source>
4691        <translation>Tema</translation>
4692    </message>
4693    <message>
4694        <location/>
4695        <source>Theme to use to style the user interface</source>
4696        <translation>Tema da utilizzare per lo stile dell&apos;interfaccia utente</translation>
4697    </message>
4698    <message>
4699        <location/>
4700        <source>&lt;b&gt;Configures which theme the Mumble user interface should be styled with&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble will pick up themes from certain directories and display them in this list. The one you select will be used to customize the visual appearance of Mumble. This includes colors, icons and more.</source>
4701        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Seleziona quale tema usare per l&apos;interfaccia utente di Mumble&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble individuerà i temi da certe cartelle e li visualizzerà in questa lista. Quello che selezionerai verrà utilizzato per personalizzare l&apos;aspetto di Mumble, inclusi colori, icone ed altro.</translation>
4702    </message>
4703    <message>
4704        <location/>
4705        <source>User Dragging</source>
4706        <translation>Trascinamento Utente</translation>
4707    </message>
4708    <message>
4709        <location/>
4710        <source>This changes the behavior when moving users.</source>
4711        <translation>Imposta l&apos;azione da compiere al trascinamento di utenti.</translation>
4712    </message>
4713    <message>
4714        <location/>
4715        <source>This sets the behavior of user drags; it can be used to prevent accidental dragging. &lt;i&gt;Move&lt;/i&gt; moves the user without prompting. &lt;i&gt;Do Nothing&lt;/i&gt; does nothing and prints an error message. &lt;i&gt;Ask&lt;/i&gt; uses a message box to confirm if you really wanted to move the user.</source>
4716        <translation>Imposta il comportamento del trascinamento utenti, può essere utilizzato per evitare il trascinamento accidentale. &lt;i&gt;Sposta&lt;/i&gt; l&apos;utente viene spostato senza chiedere conferma. &lt;i&gt;Non fare nulla&lt;/i&gt; non sposta e visualizza un messaggio di errore. &lt;i&gt;Chiedi&lt;/i&gt; mostra una finestra di dialogo per chiedere conferma.</translation>
4717    </message>
4718    <message>
4719        <location/>
4720        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable Developer menu&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This enables the &quot;Developer&quot;-menu in Mumble. This menu is used for developer-specific features, such as the Developer Console.</source>
4721        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita menu Sviluppatore&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Abilita il menu &quot;Sviluppatore&quot; su Mumble. Questo menu viene usato per caratteristiche specifiche per gli sviluppatori, come la Console Sviluppatore.</translation>
4722    </message>
4723    <message>
4724        <location/>
4725        <source>Enable Developer menu</source>
4726        <translation>Abilita menu Sviluppatore</translation>
4727    </message>
4728    <message>
4729        <location/>
4730        <source>When in custom layout mode, checking this disables rearranging.</source>
4731        <translation>Quando in modalità personalizzata, spuntare questo disabilita il riposizionamento.</translation>
4732    </message>
4733    <message>
4734        <location/>
4735        <source>Lock layout</source>
4736        <translation>Disposizione aspetto</translation>
4737    </message>
4740    <name>MainWindow</name>
4741    <message>
4742        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="+109"/>
4743        <location line="+2744"/>
4744        <source>Root</source>
4745        <translation>Canale principale</translation>
4746    </message>
4747    <message>
4748        <location line="-2684"/>
4749        <source>Push-to-Talk</source>
4750        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4751        <translation>Push-To-Talk</translation>
4752    </message>
4753    <message>
4754        <location line="+2"/>
4755        <source>Push and hold this button to send voice.</source>
4756        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4757        <translation>Tieni premuto questo pulsante per inviare la voce.</translation>
4758    </message>
4759    <message>
4760        <location line="+1"/>
4761        <source>This configures the push-to-talk button, and as long as you hold this button down, you will transmit voice.</source>
4762        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4763        <translation>Questo configura il pulsante Push-To-Talk, fino a quando manterrai premuto questo pulsante, trasmetterai la voce.</translation>
4764    </message>
4765    <message>
4766        <location line="+3"/>
4767        <source>Reset Audio Processor</source>
4768        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4769        <translation>Reset processore audio</translation>
4770    </message>
4771    <message>
4772        <location line="+13"/>
4773        <source>Unlink Plugin</source>
4774        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4775        <translation>Scollega Plugin</translation>
4776    </message>
4777    <message>
4778        <location line="+3"/>
4779        <source>Push-to-Mute</source>
4780        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4781        <translation>Push-to-Mute</translation>
4782    </message>
4783    <message>
4784        <location line="+3"/>
4785        <source>Join Channel</source>
4786        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4787        <translation>Entra nel canale</translation>
4788    </message>
4789    <message>
4790        <location line="+4"/>
4791        <source>Toggle Overlay</source>
4792        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4793        <translation>Sovrapposizione</translation>
4794    </message>
4795    <message>
4796        <location line="+2"/>
4797        <source>Toggle state of in-game overlay.</source>
4798        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4799        <translation>Attiva/Disattiva la sovrapposizione nei giochi.</translation>
4800    </message>
4801    <message>
4802        <location line="+4"/>
4803        <source>Toggle Minimal</source>
4804        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4805        <translation>Interfaccia minima</translation>
4806    </message>
4807    <message>
4808        <location line="+3"/>
4809        <source>Volume Up (+10%)</source>
4810        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4811        <translation>Aumenta volume (+10%)</translation>
4812    </message>
4813    <message>
4814        <location line="+3"/>
4815        <source>Volume Down (-10%)</source>
4816        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4817        <translation>Diminuisci volume (-10%)</translation>
4818    </message>
4819    <message>
4820        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
4821        <source>Mumble</source>
4822        <translation>Mumble</translation>
4823    </message>
4824    <message>
4825        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="+4"/>
4826        <location line="+168"/>
4827        <location line="+2669"/>
4828        <source>Mumble -- %1</source>
4829        <translation>Mumble -- %1</translation>
4830    </message>
4831    <message>
4832        <location line="-2797"/>
4833        <source>&amp;Window</source>
4834        <translation>&amp;Finestra</translation>
4835    </message>
4836    <message>
4837        <location line="+2"/>
4838        <location line="+185"/>
4839        <source>Minimize</source>
4840        <translation>Minimizza</translation>
4841    </message>
4842    <message>
4843        <location line="-185"/>
4844        <source>Ctrl+M</source>
4845        <translation>Ctrl+M</translation>
4846    </message>
4847    <message>
4848        <location line="+184"/>
4849        <source>Close</source>
4850        <translation>Chiudi</translation>
4851    </message>
4852    <message>
4853        <location line="-1"/>
4854        <source>Mumble is currently connected to a server. Do you want to Close or Minimize it?</source>
4855        <translation>Mumble è attualmente connesso ad un server. Vuoi Chiuderlo o Minimizzarlo?</translation>
4856    </message>
4857    <message>
4858        <location line="-261"/>
4859        <source>Mute Self</source>
4860        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4861        <translation>Mutati</translation>
4862    </message>
4863    <message>
4864        <location line="+2"/>
4865        <source>Set self-mute status.</source>
4866        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4867        <translation>Alterna il tuo stato tra attivo e mutato.</translation>
4868    </message>
4869    <message>
4870        <location line="+1"/>
4871        <source>This will set or toggle your muted status. If you turn this off, you will also disable self-deafen.</source>
4872        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4873        <translation>Questo imposta o cambia il tuo stato tra mutato ed attivo. Se lo imposti su off, disabiliterai anche l&apos;esclusione automatica.</translation>
4874    </message>
4875    <message>
4876        <location line="+2"/>
4877        <source>Deafen Self</source>
4878        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4879        <translation>Disattivati</translation>
4880    </message>
4881    <message>
4882        <location line="+2"/>
4883        <source>Set self-deafen status.</source>
4884        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4885        <translation>Imposta stato di escluso (tuo).</translation>
4886    </message>
4887    <message>
4888        <location line="+1"/>
4889        <source>This will set or toggle your deafened status. If you turn this on, you will also enable self-mute.</source>
4890        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
4891        <translation>Questo imposta o cambia lo stato di escluso. Se lo imposti su ON, abiliterai anche l&apos;auto-mutati.</translation>
4892    </message>
4893    <message>
4894        <location line="+31"/>
4895        <source>Whisper/Shout</source>
4896        <oldsource>Whisper</oldsource>
4897        <translation>Sussurra/Urla</translation>
4898    </message>
4899    <message>
4900        <location line="+88"/>
4901        <location line="+2829"/>
4902        <source>&lt;center&gt;Not connected&lt;/center&gt;</source>
4903        <oldsource>Not connected</oldsource>
4904        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Disconnesso&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
4905    </message>
4906    <message>
4907        <location line="-2381"/>
4908        <source>Clear</source>
4909        <translation>Cancella</translation>
4910    </message>
4911    <message>
4912        <location line="+73"/>
4913        <source>Opening URL %1</source>
4914        <translation>Apertura URL %1</translation>
4915    </message>
4916    <message>
4917        <location line="+4"/>
4918        <source>File does not exist</source>
4919        <translation>Il file non esiste</translation>
4920    </message>
4921    <message>
4922        <location line="+8"/>
4923        <source>File is not a configuration file.</source>
4924        <translation>Il file non è un file di configurazione.</translation>
4925    </message>
4926    <message>
4927        <location line="+6"/>
4928        <source>Settings merged from file.</source>
4929        <translation>Impostazioni importate dal file.</translation>
4930    </message>
4931    <message>
4932        <location line="+6"/>
4933        <source>URL scheme is not &apos;mumble&apos;</source>
4934        <translation>Lo schema dell&apos;URL non è &apos;mumble&apos;</translation>
4935    </message>
4936    <message>
4937        <location line="+26"/>
4938        <source>This version of Mumble can&apos;t handle URLs for Mumble version %1.%2.%3</source>
4939        <translation>Questa versione di Mumble non può utilizzare gli URL di Mumble versione %1.%2.%3</translation>
4940    </message>
4941    <message>
4942        <location line="+36"/>
4943        <source>Connecting to %1</source>
4944        <translation>Connessione a %1</translation>
4945    </message>
4946    <message>
4947        <location line="+0"/>
4948        <source>Enter username</source>
4949        <translation>Inserisci nome utente</translation>
4950    </message>
4951    <message>
4952        <location line="+15"/>
4953        <location line="+221"/>
4954        <source>Connecting to server %1.</source>
4955        <translation>Connessione al server %1.</translation>
4956    </message>
4957    <message>
4958        <location line="+10"/>
4959        <source>Reconnecting.</source>
4960        <translation>Riconnessione.</translation>
4961    </message>
4962    <message>
4963        <location line="+76"/>
4964        <location line="+1498"/>
4965        <location line="+22"/>
4966        <source>Transmit Mode set to Continuous</source>
4967        <translation>Modalità di Trasmissione impostata su Continua</translation>
4968    </message>
4969    <message>
4970        <location line="-1419"/>
4971        <source>&lt;p&gt;%1 (%2)&lt;br /&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4972        <translation>&lt;p&gt;%1 (%2)&lt;br /&gt;%3&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4973    </message>
4974    <message>
4975        <location line="+69"/>
4976        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Voice channel&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Encrypted with 128 bit OCB-AES128&lt;br /&gt;%1 ms average latency (%4 deviation)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4977        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Canale di voce&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Crittografato con 128 bit OCB-AES128&lt;br/&gt;%1 ms latenza media (%4 deviazione)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4978    </message>
4979    <message>
4980        <location line="-180"/>
4981        <location line="+449"/>
4982        <source>Register yourself as %1</source>
4983        <translation>Registrati come %1</translation>
4984    </message>
4985    <message>
4986        <location line="-449"/>
4987        <location line="+449"/>
4988        <source>&lt;p&gt;You are about to register yourself on this server. This action cannot be undone, and your username cannot be changed once this is done. You will forever be known as &apos;%1&apos; on this server.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Are you sure you want to register yourself?&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4989        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Stai per registrarti sul server. Quest&apos;azione non può essere annullata, il tuo nome utente non potrà essere cambiato. Sarai per sempre conosciuto come &apos;%1&apos; su questo server.&lt;p&gt;Se sicuro di volerti registrare?&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4990    </message>
4991    <message>
4992        <location line="-343"/>
4993        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Version&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Protocol %1&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4994        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Versione&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Protocollo %1&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
4995    </message>
4996    <message>
4997        <location line="+3"/>
4998        <source>&lt;p&gt;No build information or OS version available&lt;/p&gt;</source>
4999        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Nessuna informazione disponibile su protocollo o SO&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5000    </message>
5001    <message>
5002        <location line="+18"/>
5003        <source>The connection is encrypted and authenticated using %1 and uses %2 as the key exchange mechanism (%3)</source>
5004        <translation>La connessione è criptata ed autenticata utilizzando %1 e %2 come meccanismo di scambio chiavi (%3)</translation>
5005    </message>
5006    <message>
5007        <location line="+7"/>
5008        <source>The connection is encrypted using %1, with %2 for message authentication and %3 as the key exchange mechanism (%4)</source>
5009        <translation>La connessione è criptata utilizzando %1, con %2 come autenticazione messaggi e %3 come meccanismo di scambio chiavi (%4)</translation>
5010    </message>
5011    <message>
5012        <location line="+11"/>
5013        <source>The connection is secured by the cipher suite that OpenSSL identifies as %1</source>
5014        <translation>La connessione è resa sicura dalla suite crittografica che OpenSSL indentifica come %1</translation>
5015    </message>
5016    <message>
5017        <location line="+6"/>
5018        <source>&lt;p&gt;The connection provides perfect forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5019        <translation>&lt;p&gt;La connessione fornisce una perfetta forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5020    </message>
5021    <message>
5022        <location line="+2"/>
5023        <source>&lt;p&gt;The connection does not provide perfect forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5024        <translation>&lt;p&gt;La connessione non fornisce una perfetta forward secrecy&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5025    </message>
5026    <message>
5027        <location line="+4"/>
5028        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Control channel&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;The connection uses %1&lt;/p&gt;%2%3&lt;p&gt;%4 ms average latency (%5 deviation)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Remote host %6 (port %7)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5029        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Canale di controllo&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;La connessione utilizza %1&lt;/p&gt;%2%3&lt;p&gt;%4 ms latenza media (%5 deviazione)&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Host remoto %6 (porta %7)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5030    </message>
5031    <message>
5032        <location line="+21"/>
5033        <source>Voice channel is sent over control channel</source>
5034        <translation>Il canale voce viene inviato sul canale di controllo</translation>
5035    </message>
5036    <message>
5037        <location line="+273"/>
5038        <source>Register user %1</source>
5039        <translation>Registra utente %1</translation>
5040    </message>
5041    <message>
5042        <location line="+0"/>
5043        <source>&lt;p&gt;You are about to register %1 on the server. This action cannot be undone, the username cannot be changed, and as a registered user, %1 will have access to the server even if you change the server password.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;From this point on, %1 will be authenticated with the certificate currently in use.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Are you sure you want to register %1?&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5044        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Stai per registrare %1 sul server. Quest&apos;azione non può essere annullata, il nome utente non può essere cambiato, ed essendo un utente registrato, %1 avrà accesso al server anche se il server cambierà password.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Da questo punto in poi, %1 sarà autenticato con il certificato attualmente in uso.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Se sicuro di voler registrare %1?&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5045    </message>
5046    <message>
5047        <location line="+40"/>
5048        <source>Kicking user %1</source>
5049        <translation>Espulsione utente %1</translation>
5050    </message>
5051    <message>
5052        <location line="+19"/>
5053        <source>Banning user %1</source>
5054        <translation>Bandimento utente %1</translation>
5055    </message>
5056    <message>
5057        <location line="+61"/>
5058        <source>View comment on user %1</source>
5059        <translation>Visualizza commento dell&apos;utente %1</translation>
5060    </message>
5061    <message>
5062        <location line="+76"/>
5063        <location line="+270"/>
5064        <location line="+641"/>
5065        <source>Message to channel %1</source>
5066        <translation>Messaggio per il canale %1</translation>
5067    </message>
5068    <message>
5069        <location line="+65"/>
5070        <source>Connected.</source>
5071        <translation>Connesso.</translation>
5072    </message>
5073    <message>
5074        <location line="+112"/>
5075        <source>&lt;li&gt;Expected certificate digest (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</source>
5076        <translation>&lt;li&gt;Digest certificato previsto (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</translation>
5077    </message>
5078    <message>
5079        <location line="+2"/>
5080        <source>Server presented a certificate which failed verification.</source>
5081        <translation>Il server ha presentato un certificato che ha fallito la verifica.</translation>
5082    </message>
5083    <message>
5084        <location line="+7"/>
5085        <source>&lt;p&gt;%1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;%2&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p&gt;The specific errors with this certificate are:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol&gt;%3&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;p&gt;Do you wish to accept this certificate anyway?&lt;br /&gt;(It will also be stored so you won&apos;t be asked this again.)&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5086        <translation>&lt;p&gt;%1&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ul&gt;%2&lt;/ul&gt;&lt;p&gt;Gli errori specifici con questo certificato sono:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;ol&gt;%3&lt;/ol&gt;&lt;p&gt;Vuoi comunque accettare questo certificato?&lt;br /&gt;(Verrà anche salvato, così non ti verrà più chiesto.)&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5087    </message>
5088    <message>
5089        <location line="+24"/>
5090        <source>SSL Version mismatch</source>
5091        <translation>Versione SSL diversa</translation>
5092    </message>
5093    <message>
5094        <location line="+67"/>
5095        <source>Server connection failed.</source>
5096        <translation>Connessione al server fallita.</translation>
5097    </message>
5098    <message>
5099        <location line="+81"/>
5100        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type message to channel &apos;%1&apos; here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
5101        <oldsource>Type message to channel '%1' here</oldsource>
5102        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Inserisci qui il messaggio per il canale &apos;%1&apos;&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
5103    </message>
5104    <message>
5105        <location line="+3"/>
5106        <source>&lt;center&gt;Type message to user &apos;%1&apos; here&lt;/center&gt;</source>
5107        <oldsource>Type message to user '%1' here</oldsource>
5108        <translation>&lt;center&gt;Inserisci qui il messaggio per l&apos;utente &apos;%1&apos;&lt;/center&gt;</translation>
5109    </message>
5110    <message>
5111        <location line="+101"/>
5112        <source>Choose image file</source>
5113        <translation>Scegli file immagine</translation>
5114    </message>
5115    <message>
5116        <location line="+7"/>
5117        <location line="+17"/>
5118        <location line="+9"/>
5119        <source>Failed to load image</source>
5120        <translation>Caricamento immagine fallito</translation>
5121    </message>
5122    <message>
5123        <location line="-26"/>
5124        <source>Could not open file for reading.</source>
5125        <translation>Impossibile aprire il file per la lettura.</translation>
5126    </message>
5127    <message>
5128        <location line="+17"/>
5129        <location line="+9"/>
5130        <source>Image format not recognized.</source>
5131        <translation>Formato dell&apos;immagine non riconosciuto.</translation>
5132    </message>
5133    <message>
5134        <location line="-3147"/>
5135        <source>&amp;User</source>
5136        <translation>&amp;Utente</translation>
5137    </message>
5138    <message>
5139        <location line="+1"/>
5140        <source>&amp;Channel</source>
5141        <translation>&amp;Canale</translation>
5142    </message>
5143    <message>
5144        <location line="+65"/>
5145        <location line="+26"/>
5146        <source>Use in conjunction with Whisper to.</source>
5147        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5148        <translation>Usa in congiunzione con Sussurra a.</translation>
5149    </message>
5150    <message>
5151        <location line="-21"/>
5152        <source>This will switch the states of the in-game overlay.</source>
5153        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5154        <translation>Attiva/disattiva la sovrapposizione nei giochi.</translation>
5155    </message>
5156    <message>
5157        <location line="+19"/>
5158        <source>Link Channel</source>
5159        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5160        <translation>Collega Canale</translation>
5161    </message>
5162    <message>
5163        <location line="+4"/>
5164        <source>Cycle Transmit Mode</source>
5165        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5166        <translation>Cambia modalità di trasmissione</translation>
5167    </message>
5168    <message>
5169        <location line="+3"/>
5170        <source>Set Transmit Mode to Push-To-Talk</source>
5171        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5172        <translation>Imposta modalità trasmissione su Push-To-Talk</translation>
5173    </message>
5174    <message>
5175        <location line="+3"/>
5176        <source>Set Transmit Mode to Continuous</source>
5177        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5178        <translation>Imposta modalità trasmissione su Continua</translation>
5179    </message>
5180    <message>
5181        <location line="+3"/>
5182        <source>Set Transmit Mode to VAD</source>
5183        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5184        <translation>Imposta modalità trasmissione su VAD</translation>
5185    </message>
5186    <message>
5187        <location line="+3"/>
5188        <source>Send Text Message</source>
5189        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5190        <translation>Invia Messaggio di Testo</translation>
5191    </message>
5192    <message>
5193        <location line="+3"/>
5194        <source>Send Clipboard Text Message</source>
5195        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5196        <translation>Invia Appunti come Messaggio di Testo</translation>
5197    </message>
5198    <message>
5199        <location line="+2"/>
5200        <source>This will send your Clipboard content to the channel you are currently in.</source>
5201        <comment>Global Shortcut</comment>
5202        <translation>Invierà il contenuto dei tuoi Appunti come messaggio di testo al canale in cui sei al momento.</translation>
5203    </message>
5204    <message>
5205        <location line="+88"/>
5206        <source>Continuous</source>
5207        <translation>Sempre Attivo</translation>
5208    </message>
5209    <message>
5210        <location line="+1"/>
5211        <source>Voice Activity</source>
5212        <translation>Attività Vocale</translation>
5213    </message>
5214    <message>
5215        <location line="+1"/>
5216        <source>Push-to-Talk</source>
5217        <translation>Push-To-Talk</translation>
5218    </message>
5219    <message>
5220        <location line="+49"/>
5221        <source>Mumble - Minimal View -- %1</source>
5222        <translation>Mumble - Visuale Minima -- %1</translation>
5223    </message>
5224    <message>
5225        <location line="+62"/>
5226        <source>Cancel</source>
5227        <translation>Annulla</translation>
5228    </message>
5229    <message>
5230        <location line="+305"/>
5231        <source>Save Image As...</source>
5232        <translation>Salva Immagine Con Nome...</translation>
5233    </message>
5234    <message>
5235        <location line="+15"/>
5236        <source>Save Image File</source>
5237        <translation>Salva File Immagine</translation>
5238    </message>
5239    <message>
5240        <location line="+18"/>
5241        <source>Could not save image: %1</source>
5242        <translation>Impossibile salvare l&apos;immagine: %1</translation>
5243    </message>
5244    <message>
5245        <location line="+418"/>
5246        <source>Change your comment</source>
5247        <translation>Modifica il tuo commento</translation>
5248    </message>
5249    <message>
5250        <location line="+41"/>
5251        <location line="+1485"/>
5252        <location line="+40"/>
5253        <source>Transmit Mode set to Voice Activity</source>
5254        <translation>Modalità trasmissione impostata su Attività Vocale</translation>
5255    </message>
5256    <message>
5257        <location line="-1520"/>
5258        <location line="+1484"/>
5259        <location line="+16"/>
5260        <source>Transmit Mode set to Push-to-Talk</source>
5261        <translation>Modalità trasmissione impostata su Push-to-Talk</translation>
5262    </message>
5263    <message>
5264        <location line="-1348"/>
5265        <source>&lt;p&gt;Connected users: %1/%2&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5266        <translation>&lt;p&gt;Utenti connessi: %1/%2&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5267    </message>
5268    <message>
5269        <location line="+15"/>
5270        <source>UDP Statistics</source>
5271        <translation>Statistiche UDP</translation>
5272    </message>
5273    <message>
5274        <location line="+0"/>
5275        <source>To Server</source>
5276        <translation>Al server</translation>
5277    </message>
5278    <message>
5279        <location line="+0"/>
5280        <source>From Server</source>
5281        <translation>Dal server</translation>
5282    </message>
5283    <message>
5284        <location line="+0"/>
5285        <source>Good</source>
5286        <translation>Buoni</translation>
5287    </message>
5288    <message>
5289        <location line="+0"/>
5290        <source>Late</source>
5291        <translation>In ritardo</translation>
5292    </message>
5293    <message>
5294        <location line="+0"/>
5295        <source>Lost</source>
5296        <translation>Persi</translation>
5297    </message>
5298    <message>
5299        <location line="+0"/>
5300        <source>Resync</source>
5301        <translation>Risincronizzazione</translation>
5302    </message>
5303    <message>
5304        <location line="+4"/>
5305        <source>&lt;h2&gt;Audio bandwidth&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Maximum %1 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Current %2 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Codec: %3&lt;/p&gt;</source>
5306        <translation>&lt;h2&gt;Banda audio&lt;/h2&gt;&lt;p&gt;Massima %1 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Attuale %2 kbit/s&lt;br /&gt;Codec: %3&lt;/p&gt;</translation>
5307    </message>
5308    <message>
5309        <location line="+2"/>
5310        <source>Mumble Server Information</source>
5311        <translation>Informazioni sul server Mumble</translation>
5312    </message>
5313    <message>
5314        <location line="+4"/>
5315        <location line="+1554"/>
5316        <source>&amp;View Certificate</source>
5317        <translation>&amp;Visualizza certificato</translation>
5318    </message>
5319    <message>
5320        <location line="-1260"/>
5321        <location line="+19"/>
5322        <source>Enter reason</source>
5323        <translation>Inserisci motivazione</translation>
5324    </message>
5325    <message>
5326        <location line="+22"/>
5327        <source>Sending message to %1</source>
5328        <translation>Invio messaggio a %1</translation>
5329    </message>
5330    <message>
5331        <location line="+12"/>
5332        <location line="+103"/>
5333        <location line="+4"/>
5334        <location line="+266"/>
5335        <location line="+641"/>
5336        <source>To %1: %2</source>
5337        <translation>Per %1: %2</translation>
5338    </message>
5339    <message>
5340        <location line="-1014"/>
5341        <location line="+107"/>
5342        <source>Message to %1</source>
5343        <translation>Messaggio per %1</translation>
5344    </message>
5345    <message>
5346        <location line="-64"/>
5347        <source>Are you sure you want to reset the comment of user %1?</source>
5348        <translation>Sei sicuro di voler cancellare il commento dell&apos;utente%1?</translation>
5349    </message>
5350    <message>
5351        <location line="+16"/>
5352        <source>Are you sure you want to reset the avatar of user %1?</source>
5353        <translation>Sei sicuro di voler rimuovere l&apos;avatar dell&apos;utente %1?</translation>
5354    </message>
5355    <message>
5356        <location line="+232"/>
5357        <source>Are you sure you want to delete %1 and all its sub-channels?</source>
5358        <translation>Sei sicuro di voler cancellare %1 e tutti i suoi sottocanali?</translation>
5359    </message>
5360    <message>
5361        <location line="+71"/>
5362        <source>Sending message to channel %1</source>
5363        <translation>Invio messaggio al canale %1</translation>
5364    </message>
5365    <message>
5366        <location line="+9"/>
5367        <source>Message to tree %1</source>
5368        <translation>Messaggio al canale %1 e sottocanali</translation>
5369    </message>
5370    <message>
5371        <location line="+0"/>
5372        <source>To %1 (Tree): %2</source>
5373        <oldsource>(Tree) %1: %2</oldsource>
5374        <translation>Per il canale %1 e sottocanali:%2</translation>
5375    </message>
5376    <message>
5377        <location line="+173"/>
5378        <source>Unmuted and undeafened.</source>
5379        <translation>Ti sei riattivato.</translation>
5380    </message>
5381    <message>
5382        <location line="+2"/>
5383        <source>Unmuted.</source>
5384        <translation>Hai riattivato il tuo microfono.</translation>
5385    </message>
5386    <message>
5387        <location line="+2"/>
5388        <source>Muted.</source>
5389        <translation>Ti sei mutato.</translation>
5390    </message>
5391    <message>
5392        <location line="+31"/>
5393        <source>Muted and deafened.</source>
5394        <translation>Ti sei escluso.</translation>
5395    </message>
5396    <message>
5397        <location line="+2"/>
5398        <source>Deafened.</source>
5399        <translation>Ti sei escluso.</translation>
5400    </message>
5401    <message>
5402        <location line="+3"/>
5403        <source>Undeafened.</source>
5404        <translation>Ti sei riattivato.</translation>
5405    </message>
5406    <message>
5407        <location line="+47"/>
5408        <source>Restart Mumble?</source>
5409        <translation>Riavviare Mumble</translation>
5410    </message>
5411    <message>
5412        <location line="+1"/>
5413        <source>Some settings will only apply after a restart of Mumble. Restart Mumble now?</source>
5414        <translation>Alcune impostazioni verranno applicate solo dopo un riavvio di Mumble. Riavviare Mumble adesso?</translation>
5415    </message>
5416    <message>
5417        <location line="+51"/>
5418        <source>About Qt</source>
5419        <translation>Informazioni su Qt</translation>
5420    </message>
5421    <message>
5422        <location line="+499"/>
5423        <source>SSL Verification failed: %1</source>
5424        <translation>Verifica SSL fallita: %1</translation>
5425    </message>
5426    <message>
5427        <location line="+5"/>
5428        <source>&lt;li&gt;Server certificate digest (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</source>
5429        <translation>&lt;li&gt;Digest certificato server (SHA-1):	%1&lt;/li&gt;</translation>
5430    </message>
5431    <message>
5432        <location line="+3"/>
5433        <source>&lt;b&gt;WARNING:&lt;/b&gt; The server presented a certificate that was different from the stored one.</source>
5434        <translation>&lt;b&gt;ATTENZIONE:&lt;/b&gt; Il server ha presentato un certificato che è differente da quello posseduto.</translation>
5435    </message>
5436    <message>
5437        <location line="+34"/>
5438        <source>This server is using an older encryption standard, and is no longer supported by modern versions of Mumble.</source>
5439        <translation>Questo server utilizza un vecchio standard di criptazione che non è più supportato dalle nuove versioni di Mumble.</translation>
5440    </message>
5441    <message>
5442        <location line="+6"/>
5443        <location line="+59"/>
5444        <source>Server connection failed: %1.</source>
5445        <translation>Connessione al server fallita: %1.</translation>
5446    </message>
5447    <message>
5448        <location line="-57"/>
5449        <source>Disconnected from server.</source>
5450        <translation>Disconnesso dal server.</translation>
5451    </message>
5452    <message>
5453        <location line="+11"/>
5454        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+72"/>
5455        <source>Invalid username</source>
5456        <translation>Nome utente non valido</translation>
5457    </message>
5458    <message>
5459        <location line="+1"/>
5460        <source>You connected with an invalid username, please try another one.</source>
5461        <translation>Ti sei connesso con un nome utente non valido, provane un&apos;altro.</translation>
5462    </message>
5463    <message>
5464        <location line="+4"/>
5465        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5466        <source>Username in use</source>
5467        <translation>Nome utente in uso</translation>
5468    </message>
5469    <message>
5470        <location line="+1"/>
5471        <source>That username is already in use, please try another username.</source>
5472        <translation>Questo nome utente è già in uso, prova con un&apos;altro nome.</translation>
5473    </message>
5474    <message>
5475        <location line="+5"/>
5476        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5477        <source>Wrong certificate or password</source>
5478        <translation>Certificato o password errati</translation>
5479    </message>
5480    <message>
5481        <location line="+1"/>
5482        <source>Wrong certificate or password for registered user. If you are
5483certain this user is protected by a password please retry.
5484Otherwise abort and check your certificate and username.</source>
5485        <translation>Certificato o password errati per un utente registrato.
5486Se sei certo che questo utente è protetto con una
5487password, riprova.Altrimenti annulla e controlla il tuo
5488certificato ed il nome utente.</translation>
5489    </message>
5490    <message>
5491        <location line="+7"/>
5492        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+3"/>
5493        <source>Wrong password</source>
5494        <translation>Password errata</translation>
5495    </message>
5496    <message>
5497        <location line="+1"/>
5498        <source>Wrong server password for unregistered user account, please try again.</source>
5499        <translation>Password errata per un account non registrato, prova di nuovo.</translation>
5500    </message>
5501    <message>
5502        <location line="-2269"/>
5503        <location line="+2482"/>
5504        <source>Images (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)</source>
5505        <translation>Immagini (*.png *.jpg *.jpeg)</translation>
5506    </message>
5507    <message>
5508        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
5509        <source>C&amp;onfigure</source>
5510        <translation>&amp;Impostazioni</translation>
5511    </message>
5512    <message>
5513        <location/>
5514        <source>&amp;Help</source>
5515        <translation>A&amp;iuto</translation>
5516    </message>
5517    <message>
5518        <location/>
5519        <source>Log</source>
5520        <translation>Log</translation>
5521    </message>
5522    <message>
5523        <location/>
5524        <source>This shows all recent activity. Connecting to servers, errors and information messages all show up here.&lt;br /&gt;To configure exactly which messages show up here, use the &lt;b&gt;Settings&lt;/b&gt; command from the menu.</source>
5525        <translation>Questo visualizza tutte le attività recenti. Connessioni ai server, errori e messaggi informativi vengono visualizzati qui.&lt;br /&gt;Per configurare quali messaggi visualizzare qui, usa il comando &lt;b&gt;Impostazioni&lt;/b&gt; dal menu.</translation>
5526    </message>
5527    <message>
5528        <location/>
5529        <source>&amp;Quit Mumble</source>
5530        <translation>&amp;Esci da Mumble</translation>
5531    </message>
5532    <message>
5533        <location/>
5534        <source>Closes the program</source>
5535        <translation>Chiude il programma</translation>
5536    </message>
5537    <message>
5538        <location/>
5539        <source>Exits the application.</source>
5540        <translation>Esce dall&apos;applicazione.</translation>
5541    </message>
5542    <message>
5543        <location/>
5544        <source>Ctrl+Q</source>
5545        <translation>Ctrl+Q</translation>
5546    </message>
5547    <message>
5548        <location/>
5549        <source>Open the server connection dialog</source>
5550        <translation>Apre la finestra per la connessione al server</translation>
5551    </message>
5552    <message>
5553        <location/>
5554        <source>&amp;Disconnect</source>
5555        <translation>&amp;Disconnetti</translation>
5556    </message>
5557    <message>
5558        <location/>
5559        <source>Disconnect from server</source>
5560        <translation>Disconnettiti dal server</translation>
5561    </message>
5562    <message>
5563        <location/>
5564        <source>Disconnects you from the server.</source>
5565        <translation>Ti disconnette dal server.</translation>
5566    </message>
5567    <message>
5568        <location/>
5569        <source>Show information about the server connection</source>
5570        <translation>Visualizza le informazioni della connessione al server</translation>
5571    </message>
5572    <message>
5573        <location/>
5574        <source>This will show extended information about the connection to the server.</source>
5575        <translation>Questo visualizza informazioni estese sulla connessione al server.</translation>
5576    </message>
5577    <message>
5578        <location/>
5579        <source>&amp;Mute</source>
5580        <translation>&amp;Muta</translation>
5581    </message>
5582    <message>
5583        <location/>
5584        <source>&amp;Deafen</source>
5585        <translation>&amp;Escludi</translation>
5586    </message>
5587    <message>
5588        <location/>
5589        <source>&amp;Local Mute</source>
5590        <translation>Muta &amp;localmente</translation>
5591    </message>
5592    <message>
5593        <location/>
5594        <source>Send a Text Message</source>
5595        <translation>Invia un messaggio di testo</translation>
5596    </message>
5597    <message>
5598        <location/>
5599        <source>Sends a text message to another user.</source>
5600        <translation>Invia un messaggio di testo ad un&apos;altro utente.</translation>
5601    </message>
5602    <message>
5603        <location/>
5604        <source>Add new channel</source>
5605        <translation>Aggiungi un nuovo canale</translation>
5606    </message>
5607    <message>
5608        <location/>
5609        <source>This adds a new sub-channel to the currently selected channel.</source>
5610        <translation>Questo aggiungerà un nuovo sottocanale al canale selezionato.</translation>
5611    </message>
5612    <message>
5613        <location/>
5614        <source>Remove channel</source>
5615        <translation>Rimuove il canale</translation>
5616    </message>
5617    <message>
5618        <location/>
5619        <source>This removes a channel and all sub-channels.</source>
5620        <translation>Questo rimuoverà il canale e tutti i suoi sottocanali.</translation>
5621    </message>
5622    <message>
5623        <location/>
5624        <source>Edit Groups and ACL for channel</source>
5625        <translation>Modifica Gruppi e ACL del canale</translation>
5626    </message>
5627    <message>
5628        <location/>
5629        <source>This opens the Group and ACL dialog for the channel, to control permissions.</source>
5630        <translation>Questo apre la finestra Gruppi e ACL del canale, per controllarne i permessi.</translation>
5631    </message>
5632    <message>
5633        <location/>
5634        <source>&amp;Link</source>
5635        <translation>&amp;Collega</translation>
5636    </message>
5637    <message>
5638        <location/>
5639        <source>Link your channel to another channel</source>
5640        <translation>Collega il canale ad un&apos;altro canale</translation>
5641    </message>
5642    <message>
5643        <location/>
5644        <source>This is the chatbar&lt;br /&gt;If you enter text here and then press enter the text is sent to the user or channel that was selected. If nothing is selected the message is sent to your current channel.</source>
5645        <translation>Questa è la barra di chat&lt;br /&gt;Se inserisci qui del testo e dopo premi invio, il testo sarà inviato all&apos;utente o al canale selezionato. Se non hai selezionato niente il messaggio sarà inviato al canale attuale.</translation>
5646    </message>
5647    <message>
5648        <location/>
5649        <source>Chatbar</source>
5650        <translation>Barra della chat</translation>
5651    </message>
5652    <message>
5653        <location/>
5654        <source>Shows a dialog of registered servers, and also allows quick-connect.</source>
5655        <translation>Visualizza una finestra dei server registrati, e permette anche la connessione rapida.</translation>
5656    </message>
5657    <message>
5658        <location/>
5659        <source>Kick user (with reason)</source>
5660        <translation>Espelli utente (con motivazione)</translation>
5661    </message>
5662    <message>
5663        <location/>
5664        <source>Kick selected user off server. You&apos;ll be asked to specify a reason.</source>
5665        <translation>Espelle l&apos;utente dal server. Ti verrà chiesto di specificarne la motivazione.</translation>
5666    </message>
5667    <message>
5668        <location/>
5669        <source>Mute user</source>
5670        <translation>Muta l&apos;utente</translation>
5671    </message>
5672    <message>
5673        <location/>
5674        <source>Mute or unmute user on server. Unmuting a deafened user will also undeafen them.</source>
5675        <translation>Muta o riattiva un utente sul server.</translation>
5676    </message>
5677    <message>
5678        <location/>
5679        <source>Kick and ban user (with reason)</source>
5680        <translation>Espelli e bandisci l&apos;utente (con motivazione)</translation>
5681    </message>
5682    <message>
5683        <location/>
5684        <source>Kick and ban selected user from server. You&apos;ll be asked to specify a reason.</source>
5685        <translation>Espelli e bandisci l&apos;utente selezionato dal server. Ti sarà chiesto di specificare una ragione.</translation>
5686    </message>
5687    <message>
5688        <location/>
5689        <source>Deafen user</source>
5690        <translation>Esclude l&apos;utente dalle conversazioni</translation>
5691    </message>
5692    <message>
5693        <location/>
5694        <source>Deafen or undeafen user on server. Deafening a user will also mute them.</source>
5695        <translation>Esclude o riattiva l&apos;utente sul server. Escudendo un utente lo muterai automaticamente.</translation>
5696    </message>
5697    <message>
5698        <location/>
5699        <source>Mute user locally</source>
5700        <translation>Muta localmente l&apos; utente</translation>
5701    </message>
5702    <message>
5703        <location/>
5704        <source>Mute or unmute user locally. Use this on other users in the same room.</source>
5705        <translation>Muta o riattiva il microfono di un utente localmente. Usa questo su altri giocatore nello stesso canale.</translation>
5706    </message>
5707    <message>
5708        <location/>
5709        <source>This links your current channel to the selected channel. If users in a channel have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link.</source>
5710        <oldsource>This links your current channel to the selected channel. If they have permission to speak in the other channel, users can now hear each other. This is a permanent link, and will last until manually unlinked or the server is restarted. Please see the shortcuts for push-to-link.</oldsource>
5711        <translation>Questo collega il canale corrente con il canale selezionato. Se gli utenti hanno il permesso di parlare nell&apos;altro canale, potranno comunicare con gli altri. Questo è un collegamento permanente, e non terminerà fino a che i canali non saranno scollegati manualmente o il server verrà riavviato. Per favore guarda la scorciatoia per il Premi-per-collegare.</translation>
5712    </message>
5713    <message>
5714        <location/>
5715        <source>&amp;Unlink</source>
5716        <comment>Channel</comment>
5717        <translation>&amp;Scollega</translation>
5718    </message>
5719    <message>
5720        <location/>
5721        <source>Unlink your channel from another channel</source>
5722        <translation>Scollega il tuo canale da un&apos;altro canale</translation>
5723    </message>
5724    <message>
5725        <location/>
5726        <source>This unlinks your current channel from the selected channel.</source>
5727        <translation>Questo scollegherà il tuo canale dal canale selezionato.</translation>
5728    </message>
5729    <message>
5730        <location/>
5731        <source>Unlinks your channel from all linked channels.</source>
5732        <translation>Scollega il tuo canale da tutti gli altri canali collegati precedentemente.</translation>
5733    </message>
5734    <message>
5735        <location/>
5736        <source>This unlinks your current channel (not the selected one) from all linked channels.</source>
5737        <translation>Questo scollegerà il canale corrente(non quello selezionato) da tutti i canali collegati.</translation>
5738    </message>
5739    <message>
5740        <location/>
5741        <source>&amp;Reset</source>
5742        <translation>&amp;Reset</translation>
5743    </message>
5744    <message>
5745        <location/>
5746        <source>Reset audio preprocessor</source>
5747        <translation>Reset preprocesore audio</translation>
5748    </message>
5749    <message>
5750        <location/>
5751        <source>This will reset the audio preprocessor, including noise cancellation, automatic gain and voice activity detection. If something suddenly worsens the audio environment (like dropping the microphone) and it was temporary, use this to avoid having to wait for the preprocessor to readjust.</source>
5752        <translation>Questo resetta il preprocessore audio, inclusa la cancellazione del rumore, il guadagno automatico e la rilevazione dell&apos;attività della voce. Se qualcosa peggiorasse improvvisamente e temporaneamente l&apos;audio (come far cadere il microfono), puoi usare questo per evitare di aspettare che il preprocessore audio si riaggiusti automaticamente.</translation>
5753    </message>
5754    <message>
5755        <location/>
5756        <source>&amp;Mute Self</source>
5757        <translation>&amp;Mutati</translation>
5758    </message>
5759    <message>
5760        <location/>
5761        <source>Mute yourself</source>
5762        <translation>Disattiva il tuo microfono</translation>
5763    </message>
5764    <message>
5765        <location/>
5766        <source>Mute or unmute yourself. When muted, you will not send any data to the server. Unmuting while deafened will also undeafen.</source>
5767        <translation>Muta o riattiva il tuo microfono. Quando il tuo microfono è disattivato tu non invii nessun dato al server. Riattivarsi il microfono quando si è escusi implica anche riattivarsi.</translation>
5768    </message>
5769    <message>
5770        <location/>
5771        <source>&amp;Deafen Self</source>
5772        <translation>&amp;Escluditi</translation>
5773    </message>
5774    <message>
5775        <location/>
5776        <source>Deafen yourself</source>
5777        <translation>Escude te stesso dalle comunicazioni</translation>
5778    </message>
5779    <message>
5780        <location/>
5781        <source>Deafen or undeafen yourself. When deafened, you will not hear anything. Deafening yourself will also mute.</source>
5782        <translation>Escude o riattiva te stesso. Quando sei escuso non sentirai niente e non potrai comunicare vocalmente con gli altri perchè escudersi implica mutarsi.</translation>
5783    </message>
5784    <message>
5785        <location/>
5786        <source>&amp;Text-To-Speech</source>
5787        <translation>&amp;Sintesi vocale</translation>
5788    </message>
5789    <message>
5790        <location/>
5791        <source>Toggle Text-To-Speech</source>
5792        <translation>Sintesi vocale</translation>
5793    </message>
5794    <message>
5795        <location/>
5796        <source>Enable or disable the text-to-speech engine. Only messages enabled for TTS in the Configuration dialog will actually be spoken.</source>
5797        <translation>Abilita o disabilita il motore di sintesi vocale. Solamente i messaggi abilitati per la sintesi vocale nella finestra di configurazione saranno trasmessi.</translation>
5798    </message>
5799    <message>
5800        <location/>
5801        <source>Display audio statistics</source>
5802        <translation>Visualizza le statistiche audio</translation>
5803    </message>
5804    <message>
5805        <location/>
5806        <source>Pops up a small dialog with information about your current audio input.</source>
5807        <translation>Visualizza una piccola finestra di dialogo con le informazioni sull&apos;input audio corrente.</translation>
5808    </message>
5809    <message>
5810        <location/>
5811        <source>Forcibly unlink plugin</source>
5812        <translation>Forza scollegamento plugin</translation>
5813    </message>
5814    <message>
5815        <location/>
5816        <source>This forces the current plugin to unlink, which is handy if it is reading completely wrong data.</source>
5817        <translation>Questo forza il plugin corrente a scollegarsi, che è utile se questo stà leggendo delle informazioni completamente sbagliate.</translation>
5818    </message>
5819    <message>
5820        <location/>
5821        <source>Configure Mumble</source>
5822        <translation>Configura Mumble</translation>
5823    </message>
5824    <message>
5825        <location/>
5826        <source>Allows you to change most settings for Mumble.</source>
5827        <translation>Permette di cambiare molte delle impostazioni di Mumble.</translation>
5828    </message>
5829    <message>
5830        <location/>
5831        <source>Start the audio configuration wizard</source>
5832        <translation>Inizia la procedura guidata per la configurazione dell&apos;audio</translation>
5833    </message>
5834    <message>
5835        <location/>
5836        <source>This will guide you through the process of configuring your audio hardware.</source>
5837        <translation>Questo ti guiderà attraverso il processo di configurazione dell&apos;hardware audio.</translation>
5838    </message>
5839    <message>
5840        <location/>
5841        <source>&amp;What&apos;s This?</source>
5842        <translation>&amp;Cos&apos;è questo?</translation>
5843    </message>
5844    <message>
5845        <location/>
5846        <source>Enter What&apos;s This? mode</source>
5847        <translation>Entra nella modalità Cos&apos;è questo</translation>
5848    </message>
5849    <message>
5850        <location/>
5851        <source>Click this to enter &quot;What&apos;s This?&quot; mode. Your cursor will turn into a question mark. Click on any button, menu choice or area to show a description of what it is.</source>
5852        <translation>Premi qui per entrare nella modalità &quot;Cos&apos;è questo?&quot;. Il cursore diventerà un punto interrogativo. Premendo su qualsiasi pulsante, scelta del menu o area, verrà visualizzata una descrizione di cosa è quello.</translation>
5853    </message>
5854    <message>
5855        <location/>
5856        <source>Information about Mumble</source>
5857        <translation>Informazioni su Mumble</translation>
5858    </message>
5859    <message>
5860        <location/>
5861        <source>Shows a small dialog with information and license for Mumble.</source>
5862        <translation>Visualizza una piccola finestra con le informazioni e la licenza di Mumble.</translation>
5863    </message>
5864    <message>
5865        <location/>
5866        <source>Information about Speex</source>
5867        <translation>Informazioni su Speex</translation>
5868    </message>
5869    <message>
5870        <location/>
5871        <source>Shows a small dialog with information about Speex.</source>
5872        <translation>Visualizza una piccola finestra con le informazioni su Speex.</translation>
5873    </message>
5874    <message>
5875        <location/>
5876        <source>Information about Qt</source>
5877        <translation>Informazioni su Qt</translation>
5878    </message>
5879    <message>
5880        <location/>
5881        <source>Shows a small dialog with information about Qt.</source>
5882        <translation>Visualizza un dialogo con le informazioni su Qt.</translation>
5883    </message>
5884    <message>
5885        <location/>
5886        <source>Check for &amp;Updates</source>
5887        <translation>Cerca &amp;Aggiornamenti</translation>
5888    </message>
5889    <message>
5890        <location/>
5891        <source>Check for new version of Mumble</source>
5892        <translation>Cerca una nuova versione di Mumble</translation>
5893    </message>
5894    <message>
5895        <location/>
5896        <source>Connects to the Mumble webpage to check if a new version is available, and notifies you with an appropriate download URL if this is the case.</source>
5897        <translation>Controlla sul sito di Mumble se è disponibile una nuova versione del programma, nel caso in cui lo fosse, fornisce un undirizzo per scaricarla.</translation>
5898    </message>
5899    <message>
5900        <location/>
5901        <source>Sends a text message to all users in a channel.</source>
5902        <translation>Invia un messaggio di testo a tutti gli utenti in questo canale.</translation>
5903    </message>
5904    <message>
5905        <location/>
5906        <source>Configure certificates for strong authentication</source>
5907        <translation>Configurazione del certificato per un&apos;autenticazione sicura</translation>
5908    </message>
5909    <message>
5910        <location/>
5911        <source>This starts the wizard for creating, importing and exporting certificates for authentication against servers.</source>
5912        <translation>Questo avvia la procedura guidata per creare, importare o esportare i certificati per autenticarsi ai server.</translation>
5913    </message>
5914    <message>
5915        <location/>
5916        <source>Register user on server</source>
5917        <translation>Registra utente sul server</translation>
5918    </message>
5919    <message>
5920        <location/>
5921        <source>This will permanently register the user on the server.</source>
5922        <translation>Questo registrerà permanentemente l&apos;utente nel server.</translation>
5923    </message>
5924    <message>
5925        <location/>
5926        <source>Add &amp;Friend</source>
5927        <translation>Aggiungi &amp;amico</translation>
5928    </message>
5929    <message>
5930        <location/>
5931        <source>Adds a user as your friend.</source>
5932        <translation>Aggiunge utente come tuo amico.</translation>
5933    </message>
5934    <message>
5935        <location/>
5936        <source>This will add the user as a friend, so you can recognize him on this and other servers.</source>
5937        <translation>Questo aggiunge l&apos;utente alla lista degli amici, così potrai trovarlo in questo ed altri server.</translation>
5938    </message>
5939    <message>
5940        <location/>
5941        <source>&amp;Remove Friend</source>
5942        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi amico</translation>
5943    </message>
5944    <message>
5945        <location/>
5946        <source>Removes a user from your friends.</source>
5947        <translation>Rimuove un utente dai tuoi amici.</translation>
5948    </message>
5949    <message>
5950        <location/>
5951        <source>This will remove a user from your friends list.</source>
5952        <translation>Questo rimuove l&apos;utente dalla lista degli amici.</translation>
5953    </message>
5954    <message>
5955        <location/>
5956        <source>&amp;Update Friend</source>
5957        <translation>&amp;Aggiorna amico</translation>
5958    </message>
5959    <message>
5960        <location/>
5961        <source>Update name of your friend.</source>
5962        <translation>Aggiorna il nome del tuo amico.</translation>
5963    </message>
5964    <message>
5965        <location/>
5966        <source>Your friend uses a different name than what is in your database. This will update the name.</source>
5967        <translation>Il tuo amico usa un nome differente da quello che è nel tuo database. Questo aggiornerà il nome.</translation>
5968    </message>
5969    <message>
5970        <location/>
5971        <source>Edit registered users list</source>
5972        <translation>Modifica la lista degli utenti registrati</translation>
5973    </message>
5974    <message>
5975        <location/>
5976        <source>This opens the editor for registered users, which allow you to change their name or unregister them.</source>
5977        <translation>Questo apre l&apos;editor degli utenti registrati, che ti permette di cambiare il loro nome o di eliminare la loro registrazione.</translation>
5978    </message>
5979    <message>
5980        <location/>
5981        <source>Add or remove text-based access tokens</source>
5982        <translation>Aggiungi o rimuovi Token di accesso testuali</translation>
5983    </message>
5984    <message>
5985        <location/>
5986        <source>&amp;Minimal View</source>
5987        <translation>Interfaccia &amp;Minima</translation>
5988    </message>
5989    <message>
5990        <location/>
5991        <source>Toggle minimal window modes</source>
5992        <translation>Imposta la modalità interfaccia minima</translation>
5993    </message>
5994    <message>
5995        <location/>
5996        <source>This will toggle minimal mode, where the log window and menu is hidden.</source>
5997        <translation>Attiva/disattiva l&apos;interfaccia minima, dove la finestra del log e il menu sono nascosti.</translation>
5998    </message>
5999    <message>
6000        <location filename="Messages.cpp" line="+416"/>
6001        <source>You muted and deafened %1.</source>
6002        <translation>Hai escluso %1.</translation>
6003    </message>
6004    <message>
6005        <location line="+2"/>
6006        <source>You unmuted and undeafened %1.</source>
6007        <translation>Hai riattivato %1.</translation>
6008    </message>
6009    <message>
6010        <location line="+11"/>
6011        <source>You undeafened %1.</source>
6012        <translation>Hai riattivato %1.</translation>
6013    </message>
6014    <message>
6015        <location line="+7"/>
6016        <source>You suppressed %1.</source>
6017        <translation>Hai mutato %1.</translation>
6018    </message>
6019    <message>
6020        <location line="+7"/>
6021        <source>%1 muted and deafened by %2.</source>
6022        <translation>%2 ha escluso %1.</translation>
6023    </message>
6024    <message>
6025        <location line="+2"/>
6026        <source>%1 unmuted and undeafened by %2.</source>
6027        <translation>%2 ha riattivato %1.</translation>
6028    </message>
6029    <message>
6030        <location line="+11"/>
6031        <source>%1 undeafened by %2.</source>
6032        <translation>%2 ha riattivato%1.</translation>
6033    </message>
6034    <message>
6035        <location line="+7"/>
6036        <source>%1 suppressed by %2.</source>
6037        <translation>%2 ha mutato %1.</translation>
6038    </message>
6039    <message>
6040        <location line="-214"/>
6041        <source>%1 moved to %2.</source>
6042        <translation>%1 si è spostato su %2.</translation>
6043    </message>
6044    <message>
6045        <location line="+12"/>
6046        <source>%1 moved to %2 by %3.</source>
6047        <translation>%3 ha spostato %1 su %2.</translation>
6048    </message>
6049    <message>
6050        <location line="-2"/>
6051        <source>%1 moved in from %2 by %3.</source>
6052        <translation>%3 ha spostato %1 qui dal canale %2.</translation>
6053    </message>
6054    <message>
6055        <location line="+48"/>
6056        <source>%1 is now muted and deafened.</source>
6057        <translation>%1 si è escluso.</translation>
6058    </message>
6059    <message>
6060        <location line="-304"/>
6061        <source>Your account information can not be verified currently. Please try again later</source>
6062        <translation>Le tue informazioni d&apos;accesso non possono essere verificate attualmente. Sei pregato di riprovare più tardi</translation>
6063    </message>
6064    <message>
6065        <location line="+20"/>
6066        <location line="+55"/>
6067        <source>Welcome message: %1</source>
6068        <translation>Messaggio di benvenuto: %1</translation>
6069    </message>
6070    <message>
6071        <location line="-17"/>
6072        <source>Mumble: %1</source>
6073        <translation>Mumble: %1</translation>
6074    </message>
6075    <message>
6076        <location line="+42"/>
6077        <source>You were denied %1 privileges in %2.</source>
6078        <translation>Ti è stato negato il privilegio %1 su %2.</translation>
6079    </message>
6080    <message>
6081        <location line="+2"/>
6082        <source>%3 was denied %1 privileges in %2.</source>
6083        <translation>A %3 è stato negato il privilegio %1 su %2.</translation>
6084    </message>
6085    <message>
6086        <location line="+4"/>
6087        <source>Denied: Cannot modify SuperUser.</source>
6088        <translation>Negato: Impossibile modificare SuperUser.</translation>
6089    </message>
6090    <message>
6091        <location line="+4"/>
6092        <source>Denied: Invalid channel name.</source>
6093        <translation>Negato: Nome del canale non valido.</translation>
6094    </message>
6095    <message>
6096        <location line="+4"/>
6097        <source>Denied: Text message too long.</source>
6098        <translation>Negato: Messaggio di testo troppo lungo.</translation>
6099    </message>
6100    <message>
6101        <location line="+22"/>
6102        <source>Denied: Operation not permitted in temporary channel.</source>
6103        <translation>Negato: Operazione non permessa in un canale temporaneo.</translation>
6104    </message>
6105    <message>
6106        <location line="+7"/>
6107        <source>You need a certificate to perform this operation.</source>
6108        <translation>Hai bisogno di un certificato per eseguire questa operazione.</translation>
6109    </message>
6110    <message>
6111        <location line="+2"/>
6112        <source>%1 does not have a certificate.</source>
6113        <translation>%1 non ha un certificato.</translation>
6114    </message>
6115    <message>
6116        <location line="+5"/>
6117        <source>Invalid username: %1.</source>
6118        <translation>Nome utente non valido: %1.</translation>
6119    </message>
6120    <message>
6121        <location line="+2"/>
6122        <source>Invalid username.</source>
6123        <translation>Nome utente non valido.</translation>
6124    </message>
6125    <message>
6126        <location line="+4"/>
6127        <source>Channel is full.</source>
6128        <translation>Il canale è pieno.</translation>
6129    </message>
6130    <message>
6131        <location line="+4"/>
6132        <source>Channel nesting limit reached.</source>
6133        <translation>Limite annidamento canali raggiunto.</translation>
6134    </message>
6135    <message>
6136        <location line="+4"/>
6137        <source>Channel count limit reached. Need to delete channels before creating new ones.</source>
6138        <translation>Limite di canali raggiunto. Bisogna eliminarne prima di crearne di nuovi.</translation>
6139    </message>
6140    <message>
6141        <location line="+7"/>
6142        <source>Permission denied.</source>
6143        <translation>Permesso negato.</translation>
6144    </message>
6145    <message>
6146        <location line="+42"/>
6147        <source>%1 connected and entered channel.</source>
6148        <translation>%1 si è connesso ed è entrato nel canale.</translation>
6149    </message>
6150    <message>
6151        <location line="+2"/>
6152        <source>%1 connected.</source>
6153        <translation>Si è connesso %1.</translation>
6154    </message>
6155    <message>
6156        <location line="+91"/>
6157        <source>%1 is now muted.</source>
6158        <translation>%1 si è mutato.</translation>
6159    </message>
6160    <message>
6161        <location line="+2"/>
6162        <source>%1 is now unmuted.</source>
6163        <translation>%1 ha riattivato il suo microfono.</translation>
6164    </message>
6165    <message>
6166        <location line="+11"/>
6167        <source>Recording started</source>
6168        <translation>Registrazione avviata</translation>
6169    </message>
6170    <message>
6171        <location line="+2"/>
6172        <source>Recording stopped</source>
6173        <translation>Registrazione interrotta</translation>
6174    </message>
6175    <message>
6176        <location line="+4"/>
6177        <source>%1 started recording.</source>
6178        <translation>%1 ha iniziato a registrare.</translation>
6179    </message>
6180    <message>
6181        <location line="+2"/>
6182        <source>%1 stopped recording.</source>
6183        <translation>%1 ha smesso di registrare.</translation>
6184    </message>
6185    <message>
6186        <location line="+10"/>
6187        <source>You revoked your priority speaker status.</source>
6188        <translation>Hai revocato la tua priorità.</translation>
6189    </message>
6190    <message>
6191        <location line="+2"/>
6192        <source>You assumed priority speaker status.</source>
6193        <translation>Hai assunto la priorità.</translation>
6194    </message>
6195    <message>
6196        <location line="+4"/>
6197        <source>%1 revoked your priority speaker status.</source>
6198        <translation>%1 ti ha tolto la priorità.</translation>
6199    </message>
6200    <message>
6201        <location line="+2"/>
6202        <source>%1 gave you priority speaker status.</source>
6203        <translation>%1 ti ha dato la priorità.</translation>
6204    </message>
6205    <message>
6206        <location line="+4"/>
6207        <source>You revoked priority speaker status for %1.</source>
6208        <translation>Hai tolto la priorità a %1.</translation>
6209    </message>
6210    <message>
6211        <location line="+2"/>
6212        <source>You gave priority speaker status to %1.</source>
6213        <translation>Hai dato la priorità a %1.</translation>
6214    </message>
6215    <message>
6216        <location line="+4"/>
6217        <source>%1 revoked own priority speaker status.</source>
6218        <translation>%1 si è tolto la priorità.</translation>
6219    </message>
6220    <message>
6221        <location line="+2"/>
6222        <source>%1 assumed priority speaker status.</source>
6223        <translation>%1 ha assunto la priorità.</translation>
6224    </message>
6225    <message>
6226        <location line="+4"/>
6227        <source>%1 revoked priority speaker status for %2.</source>
6228        <translation>%1 ha tolto la priorità a %2.</translation>
6229    </message>
6230    <message>
6231        <location line="+2"/>
6232        <source>%1 gave priority speaker status to %2.</source>
6233        <translation>%1 ha dato la priorità a %2.</translation>
6234    </message>
6235    <message>
6236        <location line="+21"/>
6237        <source>You were unmuted and undeafened by %1.</source>
6238        <translation>%1 ti ha riattivato.</translation>
6239    </message>
6240    <message>
6241        <location line="+4"/>
6242        <source>You were muted by %1.</source>
6243        <translation>Sei stato mutato da %1.</translation>
6244    </message>
6245    <message>
6246        <location line="+7"/>
6247        <source>You were undeafened by %1.</source>
6248        <translation>%1 ti ha riattivato.</translation>
6249    </message>
6250    <message>
6251        <location line="+6"/>
6252        <source>You were suppressed.</source>
6253        <oldsource>You were suppressed by %1.</oldsource>
6254        <translation>Sei stato mutato dal server.</translation>
6255    </message>
6256    <message>
6257        <location line="+3"/>
6258        <source>You were unsuppressed.</source>
6259        <translation>Sei stato riattivato dal server.</translation>
6260    </message>
6261    <message>
6262        <location line="+2"/>
6263        <source>You were unsuppressed by %1.</source>
6264        <translation>Sei stato riattivato da %1.</translation>
6265    </message>
6266    <message>
6267        <location line="-169"/>
6268        <source>You joined %1.</source>
6269        <translation>Sei entrato in %1</translation>
6270    </message>
6271    <message>
6272        <location line="+13"/>
6273        <location line="+2"/>
6274        <source>You moved %1 to %2.</source>
6275        <translation>Hai spostato %1 su %2.</translation>
6276    </message>
6277    <message>
6278        <location line="+12"/>
6279        <source>%1 is recording</source>
6280        <translation>%1 stà registrando</translation>
6281    </message>
6282    <message>
6283        <location line="+12"/>
6284        <source>%1 renamed to %2 by %3.</source>
6285        <translation>%3 ha rinominato %1 in %2</translation>
6286    </message>
6287    <message>
6288        <location line="+236"/>
6289        <source>%1 disconnected.</source>
6290        <translation>%1 si è disconnesso.</translation>
6291    </message>
6292    <message>
6293        <location line="+115"/>
6294        <location line="+1"/>
6295        <source>Server</source>
6296        <comment>message from</comment>
6297        <translation>Server</translation>
6298    </message>
6299    <message>
6300        <location line="+4"/>
6301        <source>(Tree) </source>
6302        <translation>(Canale e sottocanali) </translation>
6303    </message>
6304    <message>
6305        <location line="+2"/>
6306        <source>(Channel) </source>
6307        <translation>(Canale) </translation>
6308    </message>
6309    <message>
6310        <location line="+2"/>
6311        <source>(Private) </source>
6312        <translation>(Privato)</translation>
6313    </message>
6314    <message>
6315        <location line="+5"/>
6316        <source>%2%1: %3</source>
6317        <translation>%2%1: %3</translation>
6318    </message>
6319    <message>
6320        <location line="+149"/>
6321        <source>Failed to load Opus, it will not be available for audio encoding/decoding.</source>
6322        <translation>Caricamento Opus fallito, non sarà disponibile per la codifica/decodifica audio.</translation>
6323    </message>
6324    <message>
6325        <location line="+58"/>
6326        <source>The server requests minimum client version %1</source>
6327        <translation>Il server richiede una versione superiore o uguale alla %1</translation>
6328    </message>
6329    <message>
6330        <location line="+4"/>
6331        <source>The server requests positional audio be enabled.</source>
6332        <translation>Il server richiede l&apos;audio posizionale abilitato.</translation>
6333    </message>
6334    <message>
6335        <location line="+2"/>
6336        <source>The server requests positional audio be disabled.</source>
6337        <translation>Il server richiede l&apos;audio posizionale disabilitato.</translation>
6338    </message>
6339    <message>
6340        <location line="+4"/>
6341        <source>The server requests Push-to-Talk be enabled.</source>
6342        <translation>Il server richiede il Push-To-Talk abilitato.</translation>
6343    </message>
6344    <message>
6345        <location line="+2"/>
6346        <source>The server requests Push-to-Talk be disabled.</source>
6347        <translation>Il server richiede il Push-To-Talk disabilitato.</translation>
6348    </message>
6349    <message>
6350        <location line="-470"/>
6351        <source>You were unmuted by %1.</source>
6352        <translation>%1 ti ha riattivato il microfono.</translation>
6353    </message>
6354    <message>
6355        <location line="+29"/>
6356        <source>You muted %1.</source>
6357        <translation>Hai mutato %1.</translation>
6358    </message>
6359    <message>
6360        <location line="+16"/>
6361        <source>You unsuppressed %1.</source>
6362        <translation>Hai riattivato %1.</translation>
6363    </message>
6364    <message>
6365        <location line="-14"/>
6366        <source>You unmuted %1.</source>
6367        <translation>Hai riattivato il microfono di %1.</translation>
6368    </message>
6369    <message>
6370        <location line="+25"/>
6371        <source>%1 muted by %2.</source>
6372        <translation>%2 ha mutato %1.</translation>
6373    </message>
6374    <message>
6375        <location line="+16"/>
6376        <source>%1 unsuppressed by %2.</source>
6377        <translation>%2 ha riattivato %1.</translation>
6378    </message>
6379    <message>
6380        <location line="-14"/>
6381        <source>%1 unmuted by %2.</source>
6382        <translation>%2 ha riattivato il microfono di %1.</translation>
6383    </message>
6384    <message>
6385        <location line="+373"/>
6386        <source>Unable to find matching CELT codecs with other clients. You will not be able to talk to all users.</source>
6387        <translation>Impossibile trovare una versione del codec CELT uguale a quella degli altri utenti. Non sarai in grado di parlare con gli altri utenti.</translation>
6388    </message>
6389    <message>
6390        <location line="-439"/>
6391        <source>You were muted and deafened by %1.</source>
6392        <oldsource>You were deafened by %1.</oldsource>
6393        <translation>%1 ti ha mutato.</translation>
6394    </message>
6395    <message>
6396        <location line="+120"/>
6397        <source>You were kicked from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6398        <translation>%1 ti ha espulso dal server per la seguente motivazione: %2.</translation>
6399    </message>
6400    <message>
6401        <location line="+5"/>
6402        <source>%3 was kicked from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6403        <translation>%1 ha espulso %3 dal server per la seguente motivazione: %2.</translation>
6404    </message>
6405    <message>
6406        <location line="-7"/>
6407        <source>You were kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6408        <translation>%1 ti ha espulso e bandito dal server per la seguente motivazione: %2.</translation>
6409    </message>
6410    <message>
6411        <location line="+5"/>
6412        <source>%3 was kicked and banned from the server by %1: %2.</source>
6413        <translation>%1 ha espulso e bandito %3 dal server per la seguente motivazione: %2.</translation>
6414    </message>
6415    <message>
6416        <location line="-266"/>
6417        <source>You were moved to %1 by %2.</source>
6418        <translation>%2 ti ha spostato sul canale %1.</translation>
6419    </message>
6420    <message>
6421        <location line="+5"/>
6422        <source>%1 entered channel.</source>
6423        <translation>%1 è entrato nel canale.</translation>
6424    </message>
6425    <message>
6426        <location line="-237"/>
6427        <source>Server connection rejected: %1.</source>
6428        <translation>Connessione al server respinta: %1.</translation>
6429    </message>
6430    <message>
6431        <location line="+162"/>
6432        <source>Denied: %1.</source>
6433        <translation>Negato: %1.</translation>
6434    </message>
6435    <message>
6436        <location line="+110"/>
6437        <source>%1 renamed to %2.</source>
6438        <translation>%1 rinominato in %2</translation>
6439    </message>
6440    <message>
6441        <location line="+231"/>
6442        <source>%1 left channel and disconnected.</source>
6443        <translation>%1 è uscito dal canale e si è disconnesso.</translation>
6444    </message>
6445    <message>
6446        <location line="+132"/>
6447        <source>Message from %1</source>
6448        <translation>Messaggio da %1</translation>
6449    </message>
6450    <message>
6451        <location filename="UserModel.cpp" line="+1393"/>
6452        <source>You have User Dragging set to &quot;Do Nothing&quot; so the user wasn&apos;t moved.</source>
6453        <translation>Hai impostato &quot;Non Fare Nulla&quot; su Trascinamento Utente quindi l&apos;utente non è stato spostato.</translation>
6454    </message>
6455    <message>
6456        <location line="+21"/>
6457        <source>You have Channel Dragging set to &quot;Do Nothing&quot; so the channel wasn&apos;t moved.</source>
6458        <translation>Hai selezionato &quot;non fare niente&quot; sulle impostazioni del trascinamento del canale, quindi il canale non verrà spostato.</translation>
6459    </message>
6460    <message>
6461        <location line="+6"/>
6462        <source>Unknown Channel Drag mode in UserModel::dropMimeData.</source>
6463        <translation>Modalità trascinamento canale sconosciuta in UserModel::dropMimeData.</translation>
6464    </message>
6465    <message>
6466        <location filename="main.cpp" line="-354"/>
6467        <source>Remote controlling Mumble:
6470        <translation>Controllare Mumble da remoto:
6473    </message>
6474    <message>
6475        <location line="-26"/>
6476        <source>Usage: mumble [options] [&lt;url&gt;]
6478&lt;url&gt; specifies a URL to connect to after startup instead of showing
6479the connection window, and has the following form:
6482The version query parameter has to be set in order to invoke the
6483correct client version. It currently defaults to 1.2.0.
6485Valid options are:
6486  -h, --help    Show this help text and exit.
6487  -m, --multiple
6488                Allow multiple instances of the client to be started.
6489  -n, --noidentity
6490                Suppress loading of identity files (i.e., certificates.)
6491  -jn, --jackname
6492                Set custom Jack client name.
6493  --license
6494                Show the Mumble license.
6495  --authors
6496                Show the Mumble authors.
6497  --third-party-licenses
6498                Show licenses for third-party software used by Mumble.
6501        <translation>Utilizzo: mumble [opzioni] [&lt;url&gt;]
6503&lt;url&gt;Specifica un URL a cui connettersi dopo l&apos;avvio, invece
6504di visualizzare
6505la finestra di connessione, ed ha la seguente forma:
6508I parametri di versione devono essere messi nel giusto ordine per
6509richiamare la giusta versione del client.
6510Il valore attuale di default è 1.2.0.
6512Opzioni valide:
6513-h, --help    Visualizza questo messaggio di aiuto ed esce.
6514-m, --multiple
6515Permette di avviare più di un&apos;istanza del programma contemporaneamente.
6516-n, --noidentity
6517Impedisce il caricamento di file di identificazione (es. certificati)
6518-jn, --jackname
6519Imposta un nome personalizzato per il client Jack.
6521Mostra la licenza di Mumble.
6523Mostra gli autori di Mumble.
6525Mostra le licenze dei software di terze parti utilizzati da Mumble.
6527    </message>
6528    <message>
6529        <location line="+30"/>
6530        <source>Usage: mumble rpc &lt;action&gt; [options]
6532It is possible to remote control a running instance of Mumble by using
6533the 'mumble rpc' command.
6535Valid actions are:
6536  mute
6537                Mute self
6538  unmute
6539                Unmute self
6540  togglemute
6541                Toggle self-mute status
6542  deaf
6543                Deafen self
6544  undeaf
6545                Undeafen self
6546  toggledeaf
6547                Toggle self-deafen status
6550        <translation>Utilizzo: mumble rpc &lt;action&gt; [opzioni]
6552È possibile controllare da remoto un&apos;istanza di Mumble già avviata utilizzando il comando &quot;mumble rpc&quot;.
6554Le azioni valide sono:
6555 mute
6556                 Muta te stesso
6557 unmute
6558                 Riattiva il tuo microfono
6560                 Mutati/Riattivati
6562                 Esclude te stesso
6564                 Riattiva te stesso
6566                 Escluditi/Riattivati
6569    </message>
6570    <message>
6571        <location line="+28"/>
6572        <source>Invocation</source>
6573        <translation>Invocazione</translation>
6574    </message>
6575    <message>
6576        <location line="+28"/>
6577        <source>Error: No RPC command specified</source>
6578        <translation>Errore: Nessun comando RPC specificato</translation>
6579    </message>
6580    <message>
6581        <location line="+2"/>
6582        <source>RPC</source>
6583        <translation>RPC</translation>
6584    </message>
6585    <message>
6586        <location line="+227"/>
6587        <source>Welcome to Mumble.</source>
6588        <translation>Benvenuto su Mumble.</translation>
6589    </message>
6590    <message>
6591        <location line="+76"/>
6592        <source>Skipping version check in debug mode.</source>
6593        <translation>Salta il controllo di versione in modalità debug.</translation>
6594    </message>
6595    <message>
6596        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
6597        <source>Hide Frame</source>
6598        <translation>Nascondi cornice</translation>
6599    </message>
6600    <message>
6601        <location/>
6602        <source>Toggle showing frame on minimal window</source>
6603        <translation>Imposta visualizzazione cornice nell&apos;interfaccia minina</translation>
6604    </message>
6605    <message>
6606        <location/>
6607        <source>This will toggle whether the minimal window should have a frame for moving and resizing.</source>
6608        <translation>Imposta se la finestra nella visualizzazione minima deve avere la cornice per muoverla e ridimensionarla.</translation>
6609    </message>
6610    <message>
6611        <location/>
6612        <source>&amp;Unlink All</source>
6613        <translation>&amp;Scollega tutti</translation>
6614    </message>
6615    <message>
6616        <location/>
6617        <source>Reset the comment of the selected user.</source>
6618        <translation>Cancella il commento dell&apos;utente selezionato.</translation>
6619    </message>
6620    <message>
6621        <location/>
6622        <source>&amp;Join Channel</source>
6623        <translation>&amp;Entra nel Canale</translation>
6624    </message>
6625    <message>
6626        <location/>
6627        <source>View comment in editor</source>
6628        <translation>Visualizza commento nell&apos;editor</translation>
6629    </message>
6630    <message>
6631        <location/>
6632        <source>Query server for connection information for user</source>
6633        <translation>Interroga il server sulle informazioni di connessione dell&apos;utente</translation>
6634    </message>
6635    <message>
6636        <location/>
6637        <source>S&amp;erver</source>
6638        <translation>&amp;Server</translation>
6639    </message>
6640    <message>
6641        <location/>
6642        <source>&amp;Self</source>
6643        <translation>&amp;Utente</translation>
6644    </message>
6645    <message>
6646        <location/>
6647        <source>&amp;Unlink Plugins</source>
6648        <translation>&amp;Scollega plugin</translation>
6649    </message>
6650    <message>
6651        <location/>
6652        <source>Register yourself on the server</source>
6653        <translation>Registrati sul server</translation>
6654    </message>
6655    <message>
6656        <location/>
6657        <source>Change your avatar image on this server</source>
6658        <translation>Cambia l&apos;immagine dell&apos;avatar in questo server</translation>
6659    </message>
6660    <message>
6661        <location/>
6662        <source>&amp;Remove Avatar</source>
6663        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi avatar</translation>
6664    </message>
6665    <message>
6666        <location/>
6667        <source>Remove currently defined avatar image.</source>
6668        <translation>Rimuove l&apos;immagine attualmente impostata come avatar.</translation>
6669    </message>
6670    <message>
6671        <location/>
6672        <source>Icon Toolbar</source>
6673        <translation>Toolbar delle icone</translation>
6674    </message>
6675    <message>
6676        <location/>
6677        <source>Change your own comment</source>
6678        <translation>Cambia il tuo commento</translation>
6679    </message>
6680    <message>
6681        <location/>
6682        <source>Recording</source>
6683        <translation>Registra audio</translation>
6684    </message>
6685    <message>
6686        <location/>
6687        <source>Priority Speaker</source>
6688        <translation>Priorità</translation>
6689    </message>
6690    <message>
6691        <location/>
6692        <source>&amp;Copy URL</source>
6693        <translation>&amp;Copia URL</translation>
6694    </message>
6695    <message>
6696        <location/>
6697        <source>Copies a link to this channel to the clipboard.</source>
6698        <translation>Copia negli appunti un link a questo canale.</translation>
6699    </message>
6700    <message>
6701        <location/>
6702        <source>Ignore Messages</source>
6703        <translation>Ignora Messaggi</translation>
6704    </message>
6705    <message>
6706        <location/>
6707        <source>Locally ignore user&apos;s text chat messages.</source>
6708        <translation>Ignora locamente i messaggi di testo dell&apos;utente.</translation>
6709    </message>
6710    <message>
6711        <location/>
6712        <source>Silently drops all text messages from the user.</source>
6713        <translation>Elimina silenziosamente tutti i messaggi di testo provenienti dall&apos;utente.</translation>
6714    </message>
6715    <message>
6716        <location/>
6717        <source>Edit ban list on server</source>
6718        <translation>Modifica la lista ban del server</translation>
6719    </message>
6720    <message>
6721        <location/>
6722        <source>This lets you edit the server-side IP ban list.</source>
6723        <translation>Questo ti permette di modificare la lista dei ban per IP dal server.</translation>
6724    </message>
6725    <message>
6726        <location/>
6727        <source>&amp;Filter on/off</source>
6728        <translation>&amp;Filtro on/off</translation>
6729    </message>
6730    <message>
6731        <location/>
6732        <source>Toggle the channel filter (Ctrl+F)</source>
6733        <translation>Filtro canali (Ctrl+F)</translation>
6734    </message>
6735    <message>
6736        <location/>
6737        <source>Enable or disable the filtering of select channels.
6738By default all empty channels will be filtered.
6739You can mark additional channels for filtering from
6740the channel&apos;s context menu.</source>
6741        <translation>Abilita p disabilita il filtraggio dei canali selezionati.
6742Normalmente tutti i canali vuoti vengono filtrati.
6743Puoi impostare altri canale per il filtraggio dal menu
6744contestuale del canale.</translation>
6745    </message>
6746    <message>
6747        <location/>
6748        <source>Ctrl+F</source>
6749        <translation>Ctrl+F</translation>
6750    </message>
6751    <message>
6752        <location/>
6753        <source>&amp;Hide Channel when Filtering</source>
6754        <translation>&amp;Nascondi canale durante il filtraggio</translation>
6755    </message>
6756    <message>
6757        <location/>
6758        <source>Reset the avatar of the selected user.</source>
6759        <translation>Rimuove l&apos;avatar dell&apos;utente selezionato, ripristinando quello predefinito.</translation>
6760    </message>
6761    <message>
6762        <location/>
6763        <source>Locally adjust the user&apos;s speech volume.</source>
6764        <translation>Regola localmente il volume dell&apos;utente.</translation>
6765    </message>
6766    <message>
6767        <location/>
6768        <source>Opens a dialog with a volume slider. Use this on other users in the same room.</source>
6769        <translation>Apre una finestra di dialogo con un cursore del volume. Usalo su utenti nello stesso canale.</translation>
6770    </message>
6771    <message>
6772        <location filename="MainWindow.cpp" line="-3111"/>
6773        <source>&amp;Developer</source>
6774        <translation>&amp;Sviluppatore</translation>
6775    </message>
6776    <message>
6777        <location filename="MainWindow.ui"/>
6778        <source>&amp;Hide Mumble</source>
6779        <translation>&amp;Nascondi Mumble</translation>
6780    </message>
6781    <message>
6782        <location/>
6783        <source>Hides the main Mumble window.</source>
6784        <translation>Nasconde la finestra principale di Mumble.</translation>
6785    </message>
6786    <message>
6787        <location/>
6788        <source>Hides the main Mumble window. Restore by clicking on the tray icon or starting Mumble again.</source>
6789        <translation>Nasconde la finestra principale di Mumble. Ripristinala premendo sull&apos;icona in Tray o aprendo Mumble nuovamente.</translation>
6790    </message>
6791    <message>
6792        <location/>
6793        <source>Show the Developer Console</source>
6794        <translation>Mostra la Console Sviluppatore</translation>
6795    </message>
6796    <message>
6797        <location/>
6798        <source>Shows the Mumble Developer Console, where Mumble&apos;s log output can be inspected.</source>
6799        <translation>Mostra la Console Sviluppatore di Mumble, dove l&apos;output del log di Mumble può venir ispezionato.</translation>
6800    </message>
6801    <message>
6802        <location/>
6803        <source>&amp;Connect...</source>
6804        <translation>&amp;Connetti...</translation>
6805    </message>
6806    <message>
6807        <location/>
6808        <source>&amp;Ban list...</source>
6809        <translation>Lista &amp;ban...</translation>
6810    </message>
6811    <message>
6812        <location/>
6813        <source>&amp;Information...</source>
6814        <translation>&amp;Informazioni...</translation>
6815    </message>
6816    <message>
6817        <location/>
6818        <source>&amp;Kick...</source>
6819        <translation>&amp;Espelli...</translation>
6820    </message>
6821    <message>
6822        <location/>
6823        <source>&amp;Ban...</source>
6824        <translation>&amp;Bandisci...</translation>
6825    </message>
6826    <message>
6827        <location/>
6828        <source>Local Volume Adjustment...</source>
6829        <translation>Regolazione Volume Locale...</translation>
6830    </message>
6831    <message>
6832        <location/>
6833        <source>Send &amp;Message...</source>
6834        <translation>Invia &amp;Messaggio...</translation>
6835    </message>
6836    <message>
6837        <location/>
6838        <source>&amp;Add...</source>
6839        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi...</translation>
6840    </message>
6841    <message>
6842        <location/>
6843        <source>&amp;Remove...</source>
6844        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi...</translation>
6845    </message>
6846    <message>
6847        <location/>
6848        <source>&amp;Edit...</source>
6849        <translation>&amp;Modifica...</translation>
6850    </message>
6851    <message>
6852        <location/>
6853        <source>Audio S&amp;tatistics...</source>
6854        <translation>&amp;Statistiche audio...</translation>
6855    </message>
6856    <message>
6857        <location/>
6858        <source>&amp;Settings...</source>
6859        <translation>&amp;Configurazione...</translation>
6860    </message>
6861    <message>
6862        <location/>
6863        <source>&amp;Audio Wizard...</source>
6864        <translation>Procedura Guidata &amp;Audio...</translation>
6865    </message>
6866    <message>
6867        <location/>
6868        <source>Developer &amp;Console...</source>
6869        <translation>&amp;Console Sviluppatore...</translation>
6870    </message>
6871    <message>
6872        <location/>
6873        <source>&amp;About...</source>
6874        <translation>&amp;Informazioni...</translation>
6875    </message>
6876    <message>
6877        <location/>
6878        <source>About &amp;Speex...</source>
6879        <translation>Info su &amp;Speex...</translation>
6880    </message>
6881    <message>
6882        <location/>
6883        <source>About &amp;Qt...</source>
6884        <translation>Info su &amp;Qt...</translation>
6885    </message>
6886    <message>
6887        <location/>
6888        <source>&amp;Certificate Wizard...</source>
6889        <translation>&amp;Procedura Guidata Certificato...</translation>
6890    </message>
6891    <message>
6892        <location/>
6893        <source>&amp;Register...</source>
6894        <translation>&amp;Registra...</translation>
6895    </message>
6896    <message>
6897        <location/>
6898        <source>Registered &amp;Users...</source>
6899        <translation>&amp;Utenti registrati...</translation>
6900    </message>
6901    <message>
6902        <location/>
6903        <source>Change &amp;Avatar...</source>
6904        <translation>Cambia &amp;avatar...</translation>
6905    </message>
6906    <message>
6907        <location/>
6908        <source>&amp;Access Tokens...</source>
6909        <translation>&amp;Token di accesso...</translation>
6910    </message>
6911    <message>
6912        <location/>
6913        <source>Reset &amp;Comment...</source>
6914        <translation>Cancella &amp;Commento...</translation>
6915    </message>
6916    <message>
6917        <location/>
6918        <source>Reset &amp;Avatar...</source>
6919        <translation>Rimuovi &amp;Avatar...</translation>
6920    </message>
6921    <message>
6922        <location/>
6923        <source>View Comment...</source>
6924        <translation>Visualizza Commento...</translation>
6925    </message>
6926    <message>
6927        <location/>
6928        <source>&amp;Change Comment...</source>
6929        <translation>&amp;Modifica commento...</translation>
6930    </message>
6931    <message>
6932        <location/>
6933        <source>R&amp;egister...</source>
6934        <translation>R&amp;egistrati...</translation>
6935    </message>
6936    <message>
6937        <location/>
6938        <source>Show</source>
6939        <translation>Mostra</translation>
6940    </message>
6941    <message>
6942        <location/>
6943        <source>Shows the main Mumble window.</source>
6944        <translation>Mostra la finestra principale di Mumble.</translation>
6945    </message>
6948    <name>Manual</name>
6949    <message>
6950        <location filename="ManualPlugin.ui"/>
6951        <source>Manual Mumble Positional Audio</source>
6952        <translation>Audio Posizionale Mumble Manuale</translation>
6953    </message>
6954    <message>
6955        <location/>
6956        <source>Position</source>
6957        <translation>Posizione</translation>
6958    </message>
6959    <message>
6960        <location/>
6961        <source>X</source>
6962        <translation>X</translation>
6963    </message>
6964    <message>
6965        <location/>
6966        <source>Y</source>
6967        <translation>Y</translation>
6968    </message>
6969    <message>
6970        <location/>
6971        <source>Z</source>
6972        <translation>Z</translation>
6973    </message>
6974    <message>
6975        <location/>
6976        <source>m</source>
6977        <translation>m</translation>
6978    </message>
6979    <message>
6980        <location/>
6981        <source>Heading</source>
6982        <translation>Direzione</translation>
6983    </message>
6984    <message>
6985        <location/>
6986        <source>Azimuth</source>
6987        <translation>Azimut</translation>
6988    </message>
6989    <message>
6990        <location/>
6991        <source>Elevation</source>
6992        <translation>Elevazione</translation>
6993    </message>
6994    <message>
6995        <location/>
6996        <source>°</source>
6997        <translation>°</translation>
6998    </message>
6999    <message>
7000        <location/>
7001        <source>Meta data</source>
7002        <translation>Meta data</translation>
7003    </message>
7004    <message>
7005        <location/>
7006        <source>Context</source>
7007        <translation>Contesto</translation>
7008    </message>
7009    <message>
7010        <location/>
7011        <source>Identity</source>
7012        <translation>Identità</translation>
7013    </message>
7014    <message>
7015        <location/>
7016        <source>Set</source>
7017        <translation>Imposta</translation>
7018    </message>
7019    <message>
7020        <location/>
7021        <source>State</source>
7022        <translation>Stato</translation>
7023    </message>
7024    <message>
7025        <location/>
7026        <source>Linked</source>
7027        <translation>Collegato</translation>
7028    </message>
7029    <message>
7030        <location/>
7031        <source>Activated</source>
7032        <translation>Attivato</translation>
7033    </message>
7034    <message>
7035        <location/>
7036        <source>Unhinge</source>
7037        <translation>Scollega</translation>
7038    </message>
7041    <name>NetworkConfig</name>
7042    <message>
7043        <location filename="NetworkConfig.cpp" line="+31"/>
7044        <source>Network</source>
7045        <translation>Rete</translation>
7046    </message>
7047    <message>
7048        <location line="+36"/>
7049        <source>Updates are mandatory when using snapshot releases.</source>
7050        <translation>Gli aggiornamenti sono obbligatori quando stai usando una versione &quot;Snapshot&quot;.</translation>
7051    </message>
7052    <message>
7053        <location filename="NetworkConfig.ui"/>
7054        <source>Connection</source>
7055        <translation>Connessione</translation>
7056    </message>
7057    <message>
7058        <location/>
7059        <source>Use TCP compatibility mode</source>
7060        <oldsource>Use TCP compatability mode</oldsource>
7061        <translation>Usa la modalità compatibilità TCP</translation>
7062    </message>
7063    <message>
7064        <location/>
7065        <source>&lt;b&gt;Enable TCP compatibility mode&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This will make Mumble use only TCP when communicating with the server. This will increase overhead and cause lost packets to produce noticeable pauses in communication, so this should only be used if you are unable to use the default (which uses UDP for voice and TCP for control).</source>
7066        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Abilita la modalità compatibilità TCP&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Farà in modo che Mumble utilizzi solo il protocollo TCP quando comunica con il server. Ciò aumenterà il sovraccarico di rete e causerà la perdita di pacchetti che creeranno vuoti nelle comunicazioni, quindi va usato solo se con il sistema standard (che usa UDP per la voce e il TCP per il controllo) non funziona.</translation>
7067    </message>
7068    <message>
7069        <location/>
7070        <source>Reconnect when disconnected</source>
7071        <translation>Ricollegati quando disconnesso</translation>
7072    </message>
7073    <message>
7074        <location/>
7075        <source>&lt;b&gt;Reconnect when disconnected&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;This will make Mumble try to automatically reconnect after 10 seconds if your server connection fails.</source>
7076        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Riconnetti quando disconnesso&lt;/b&gt;.&lt;br /&gt;Mumble proverà a ricollegarsi automaticamente dopo 10 secondi se cade la connessione al server.</translation>
7077    </message>
7078    <message>
7079        <location/>
7080        <source>Reconnect automatically</source>
7081        <translation>Ricollegati automaticamente</translation>
7082    </message>
7083    <message>
7084        <location/>
7085        <source>Proxy</source>
7086        <translation>Proxy</translation>
7087    </message>
7088    <message>
7089        <location/>
7090        <source>Type</source>
7091        <translation>Tipo</translation>
7092    </message>
7093    <message>
7094        <location/>
7095        <source>Type of proxy to connect through</source>
7096        <translation>Tipo di proxy da utilizzare per la connessione</translation>
7097    </message>
7098    <message>
7099        <location/>
7100        <source>Direct connection</source>
7101        <translation>Connessione diretta</translation>
7102    </message>
7103    <message>
7104        <location/>
7105        <source>HTTP(S) proxy</source>
7106        <translation>HTTP(S) proxy</translation>
7107    </message>
7108    <message>
7109        <location/>
7110        <source>SOCKS5 proxy</source>
7111        <translation>SOCKS5 proxy</translation>
7112    </message>
7113    <message>
7114        <location/>
7115        <source>Hostname</source>
7116        <translation>Hostname</translation>
7117    </message>
7118    <message>
7119        <location/>
7120        <source>Hostname of the proxy</source>
7121        <translation>Nome dell&apos;host del proxy</translation>
7122    </message>
7123    <message>
7124        <location/>
7125        <source>Force TCP mode</source>
7126        <translation>Forza modalità TCP</translation>
7127    </message>
7128    <message>
7129        <location/>
7130        <source>Enable QoS to prioritize packets</source>
7131        <translation>Abilita QoS per priorizzare i pacchetti</translation>
7132    </message>
7133    <message>
7134        <location/>
7135        <source>This will enable QoS, which will attempt to prioritize voice packets over other traffic.</source>
7136        <translation>Questo abilita QoS, che tenterà di priorizzare i pacchetti vocali rispetto all&apos;altro traffico.</translation>
7137    </message>
7138    <message>
7139        <location/>
7140        <source>Use Quality of Service</source>
7141        <translation>Utilizza Quality Of Service</translation>
7142    </message>
7143    <message>
7144        <location/>
7145        <source>Don&apos;t send certificate to server and don&apos;t save passwords. (Not saved).</source>
7146        <translation>Non inviare certificati al server e non salvare le password. (Non salvato).</translation>
7147    </message>
7148    <message>
7149        <location/>
7150        <source>&lt;b&gt;This will suppress identity information from the client.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt;The client will not identify itself with a certificate, even if defined, and will not cache passwords for connections. This is primarily a test-option and is not saved.&lt;/p&gt;</source>
7151        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questo evita l&apos;invio di informazioni di identità da parte del client. &lt;/b&gt;&lt;p&gt; Il client non si identificarà con un certificato, anche se definito, e non salverà le password per le connessioni. Ciò è principalmente un&apos;opzione di prova e non viene salvata.&lt;/P&gt;</translation>
7152    </message>
7153    <message>
7154        <location/>
7155        <source>Suppress certificate and password storage</source>
7156        <translation>Disabilita conservazione certificati e password</translation>
7157    </message>
7158    <message>
7159        <location/>
7160        <source>&lt;b&gt;Type of proxy to connect through.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This makes Mumble connect through a proxy for all outgoing connections. Note: Proxy tunneling forces Mumble into TCP compatibility mode, causing all voice data to be sent via the control channel.</source>
7161        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Tipo di proxy tramite cui connettersi.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Ciò fà connettere Mumble attraverso un proxy per tutte le connessioni in uscita. Nota: il proxy tunneling forza Mumble nella modalita di compatibilità TCP, causando l&apos;invio di tutti i dati vocali tramite il canale di controllo.</translation>
7162    </message>
7163    <message>
7164        <location/>
7165        <source>&lt;b&gt;Hostname of the proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field specifies the hostname of the proxy you wish to tunnel network traffic through.</source>
7166        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nome dell&apos;host del proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Specifica il nome dell&apos;host del proxy attraverso cui vuoi che passi il traffico di rete.</translation>
7167    </message>
7168    <message>
7169        <location/>
7170        <source>Port</source>
7171        <translation>Porta</translation>
7172    </message>
7173    <message>
7174        <location/>
7175        <source>Port number of the proxy</source>
7176        <translation>Numero della porta del proxy</translation>
7177    </message>
7178    <message>
7179        <location/>
7180        <source>&lt;b&gt;Port number of the proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This field specifies the port number that the proxy expects connections on.</source>
7181        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Numero della porta del proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Specifica il numero della porta su cui il proxy è in ascolto per le connessioni.</translation>
7182    </message>
7183    <message>
7184        <location/>
7185        <source>Username</source>
7186        <translation>Nome utente</translation>
7187    </message>
7188    <message>
7189        <location/>
7190        <source>Username for proxy authentication</source>
7191        <translation>Nome utente per l&apos;autenticazione al proxy</translation>
7192    </message>
7193    <message>
7194        <location/>
7195        <source>&lt;b&gt;Username for proxy authentication.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This specifies the username you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank.</source>
7196        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Nome utente per l&apos;autenticazione al proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Specifica il nome utente utilizzato per l&apos;autenticazione con il proxy. Nel caso in cui il proxy non utilizzi l&apos;autenticazione, o se si desidera effettuare la connessione anonima, è sufficiente lasciare vuoto questo campo.</translation>
7197    </message>
7198    <message>
7199        <location/>
7200        <source>Password</source>
7201        <translation>Password</translation>
7202    </message>
7203    <message>
7204        <location/>
7205        <source>Password for proxy authentication</source>
7206        <translation>Password per l&apos;autenticazione al proxy</translation>
7207    </message>
7208    <message>
7209        <location/>
7210        <source>&lt;b&gt;Password for proxy authentication.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;This specifies the password you use for authenticating yourself with the proxy. In case the proxy does not use authentication, or you want to connect anonymously, simply leave this field blank.</source>
7211        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Password per l&apos;autenticazione al proxy.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Specifica la password utilizzata per l&apos;autenticazione con il proxy. Nel caso in cui il proxy non utilizzi l&apos;autenticazione, o se si desidera effettuare la connessione anonima, è sufficiente lasciare vuoto questo campo.</translation>
7212    </message>
7213    <message>
7214        <location/>
7215        <source>Mumble services</source>
7216        <translation>Servizi di Mumble</translation>
7217    </message>
7218    <message>
7219        <location/>
7220        <source>Check for new releases of Mumble automatically.</source>
7221        <translation>Cerca nuove versioni di Mumble automaticamente.</translation>
7222    </message>
7223    <message>
7224        <location/>
7225        <source>This will check for new releases of Mumble every time you start the program, and notify you if one is available.</source>
7226        <translation>Cercherà nuove versioni di Mumble ogni volta che aprirai il programma, e ti avviserà se una di queste è disponibile.</translation>
7227    </message>
7228    <message>
7229        <location/>
7230        <source>Check for application updates on startup</source>
7231        <translation>Controlla aggiornamenti all&apos;avvio</translation>
7232    </message>
7233    <message>
7234        <location/>
7235        <source>Check for new releases of plugins automatically.</source>
7236        <translation>Cerca nuove versioni dei plugin automaticamente.</translation>
7237    </message>
7238    <message>
7239        <location/>
7240        <source>This will check for new releases of plugins every time you start the program, and download them automatically.</source>
7241        <translation>Cercherà nuove versioni dei plugin ogni volta che aprirai il programma, e li scaricherà automaticamente.</translation>
7242    </message>
7243    <message>
7244        <location/>
7245        <source>&lt;b&gt;Submit anonymous statistics.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble has a small development team, and as such needs to focus its development where it is needed most. By submitting a bit of statistics you help the project determine where to focus development.</source>
7246        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Invia statistiche anonime.&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble ha un piccolo team di sviluppo, e come tale ha bisogno di concentrare lo sviluppo dove è maggiormente necessario. Inviando un po&apos; di statistiche permetterai al progetto di stabilire dove concentrare lo sviluppo.</translation>
7247    </message>
7248    <message>
7249        <location/>
7250        <source>Submit anonymous statistics to the Mumble project</source>
7251        <translation>Invia statistiche anonime al progetto Mumble</translation>
7252    </message>
7253    <message>
7254        <location/>
7255        <source>Submit anonymous statistics</source>
7256        <translation>Invia statistiche anonime</translation>
7257    </message>
7258    <message>
7259        <location/>
7260        <source>Reconnect to last used server when starting Mumble</source>
7261        <translation>All&apos;avvio di Mumble riconnetti all&apos;ultimo server visitato</translation>
7262    </message>
7263    <message>
7264        <location/>
7265        <source>Reconnect to last server on startup</source>
7266        <translation>All&apos;avvio connettiti all&apos;ultimo server visitato</translation>
7267    </message>
7268    <message>
7269        <location/>
7270        <source>Download plugin and overlay updates on startup</source>
7271        <translation>Aggiorna plugin e sovrapposizione all&apos;avvio</translation>
7272    </message>
7273    <message>
7274        <location/>
7275        <source>Privacy</source>
7276        <translation>Privacy</translation>
7277    </message>
7278    <message>
7279        <location/>
7280        <source>Prevent OS information being sent to Mumble servers and web servers</source>
7281        <translation>Previene l&apos;invio di informazioni del SO ai server Mumble ed ai server web</translation>
7282    </message>
7283    <message>
7284        <location/>
7285        <source>&lt;b&gt;Don't send OS information to servers&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
7286Prevents the client from sending potentially identifying information about the operating system to the Mumble server and web servers.</source>
7287        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Non inviare informazioni SO ai server&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br/&gt;
7288Previene l&apos;invio da parte del client di informazioni potenzialmente identificanti del sistema operativo al  server Mumble e ai server web.</translation>
7289    </message>
7290    <message>
7291        <location/>
7292        <source>Do not send OS information to Mumble servers and web servers</source>
7293        <translation>Non inviare informazioni SO ai server Mumble ed ai server web</translation>
7294    </message>
7297    <name>Overlay</name>
7298    <message>
7299        <location filename="OverlayEditorScene.cpp" line="+99"/>
7300        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+131"/>
7301        <source>Silent</source>
7302        <translation>Silenzio</translation>
7303    </message>
7304    <message>
7305        <location line="+3"/>
7306        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7307        <source>Talking</source>
7308        <translation>Parlato</translation>
7309    </message>
7310    <message>
7311        <location line="+3"/>
7312        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7313        <source>Whisper</source>
7314        <translation>&quot;Sussurro&quot;</translation>
7315    </message>
7316    <message>
7317        <location line="+3"/>
7318        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="+3"/>
7319        <source>Shout</source>
7320        <translation>&quot;Urlo&quot;</translation>
7321    </message>
7322    <message>
7323        <location line="+17"/>
7324        <location filename="OverlayUser.cpp" line="-110"/>
7325        <source>Channel</source>
7326        <translation>Canale</translation>
7327    </message>
7328    <message>
7329        <location filename="Overlay.cpp" line="+207"/>
7330        <source>Failed to create communication with overlay at %2: %1. No overlay will be available.</source>
7331        <translation>Impossibile comunicare con la sovrapposizione su %2 :%1. La sovrapposizione non sarà disponibile.</translation>
7332    </message>
7335    <name>OverlayClient</name>
7336    <message>
7337        <location filename="OverlayUserGroup.cpp" line="+78"/>
7338        <source>Filter</source>
7339        <translation>Filtro</translation>
7340    </message>
7341    <message>
7342        <location line="+2"/>
7343        <source>Only talking</source>
7344        <translation>Solo attivi</translation>
7345    </message>
7346    <message>
7347        <location line="+5"/>
7348        <source>Talking and recently active</source>
7349        <translation>Attivi e recentemente attivi</translation>
7350    </message>
7351    <message>
7352        <location line="+5"/>
7353        <source>All in current channel</source>
7354        <translation>Tutti gli utenti nel canale</translation>
7355    </message>
7356    <message>
7357        <location line="+5"/>
7358        <source>All in linked channels</source>
7359        <translation>Tutti gli utenti nei canali collegati</translation>
7360    </message>
7361    <message>
7362        <location line="+7"/>
7363        <source>Always show yourself</source>
7364        <translation>Visualizza sempre te stesso</translation>
7365    </message>
7366    <message>
7367        <location line="+8"/>
7368        <source>Configure recently active time (%1 seconds)...</source>
7369        <translation>Configura tempo recentemente attivi (%1 secondi)...</translation>
7370    </message>
7371    <message>
7372        <location line="+3"/>
7373        <source>Columns</source>
7374        <translation>Colonne</translation>
7375    </message>
7376    <message>
7377        <location line="+8"/>
7378        <source>Sort</source>
7379        <translation>Ordine</translation>
7380    </message>
7381    <message>
7382        <location line="+2"/>
7383        <source>Alphabetically</source>
7384        <translation>Alfabetico</translation>
7385    </message>
7386    <message>
7387        <location line="+5"/>
7388        <source>Last state change</source>
7389        <translation>Ultimo a cambiare stato</translation>
7390    </message>
7391    <message>
7392        <location line="+5"/>
7393        <source>Edit...</source>
7394        <translation>Modifica...</translation>
7395    </message>
7396    <message>
7397        <location line="+1"/>
7398        <source>Reset Zoom</source>
7399        <translation>Reimposta zoom</translation>
7400    </message>
7401    <message>
7402        <location line="+41"/>
7403        <source>Configure recently active time</source>
7404        <translation>Configura tempo recentemente attivi</translation>
7405    </message>
7406    <message>
7407        <location line="+1"/>
7408        <source>Amount of seconds users remain active after talking:</source>
7409        <translation>Numero di secondi per i quali un utente rimane attivo dopo aver parlato:</translation>
7410    </message>
7413    <name>OverlayConfig</name>
7414    <message>
7415        <location filename="OverlayConfig.cpp" line="+82"/>
7416        <source>To move the users, drag the little red dot.</source>
7417        <translation>Per spostare gli utenti, muovere il piccolo punto rosso.</translation>
7418    </message>
7419    <message>
7420        <location line="+1"/>
7421        <source>To resize the users, mouse wheel over a user.</source>
7422        <oldsource>To resize the users, mousewheel over a user.</oldsource>
7423        <translation>Per ridimensionare gli utenti, usare la rotella del mouse.</translation>
7424    </message>
7425    <message>
7426        <location line="+1"/>
7427        <source>For more options, right click a user.</source>
7428        <oldsource>For more options, rightclick a user.</oldsource>
7429        <translation>Per altre impostazioni, premere con il pulsante destro del mouse su di un utente.</translation>
7430    </message>
7431    <message>
7432        <location line="+72"/>
7433        <source>Launcher Filter</source>
7434        <translation>Filtro Launcher</translation>
7435    </message>
7436    <message>
7437        <location line="+249"/>
7438        <source>Overlay</source>
7439        <translation>Sovrapposizione</translation>
7440    </message>
7441    <message>
7442        <location line="+190"/>
7443        <location line="+60"/>
7444        <location line="+76"/>
7445        <source>Choose executable</source>
7446        <translation>Seleziona eseguibile</translation>
7447    </message>
7448    <message>
7449        <location line="-134"/>
7450        <location line="+60"/>
7451        <location line="+76"/>
7452        <source>Choose application</source>
7453        <translation>Seleziona applicazione</translation>
7454    </message>
7455    <message>
7456        <location line="-41"/>
7457        <source>Choose path</source>
7458        <translation>Scegli percorso</translation>
7459    </message>
7460    <message>
7461        <location line="+132"/>
7462        <source>Load Overlay Presets</source>
7463        <translation>Carica configurazione per la sovrapposizione</translation>
7464    </message>
7465    <message>
7466        <location line="+2"/>
7467        <location line="+36"/>
7468        <source>Mumble overlay presets (*.mumblelay)</source>
7469        <translation>File di configurazione della sovrapposizione (*.mumblelay)</translation>
7470    </message>
7471    <message>
7472        <location line="-2"/>
7473        <source>Save Overlay Presets</source>
7474        <translation>Salva configurazione della sovrapposizione</translation>
7475    </message>
7476    <message>
7477        <location filename="Overlay.ui"/>
7478        <source>Options</source>
7479        <translation>Opzioni</translation>
7480    </message>
7481    <message>
7482        <location/>
7483        <source>Enable overlay.</source>
7484        <translation>Abilita la sovrapposizione.</translation>
7485    </message>
7486    <message>
7487        <location/>
7488        <source>Enable Overlay</source>
7489        <translation>Abilita la Sovrapposizione</translation>
7490    </message>
7491    <message>
7492        <location/>
7493        <source>This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that if you start Mumble after starting the application, or if you disable the overlay while the application is running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application.</source>
7494        <oldsource>This sets whether the overlay is enabled or not. This setting is only checked when applications are started, so make sure Mumble is running and this option is on before you start the application.&lt;br /&gt;Please note that if you start the application after starting Mumble, or if you disable the overlay while running, there is no safe way to restart the overlay without also restarting the application.</oldsource>
7495        <translation>Stabilisce se la sovrapposizione è attivata oppure no. Questa impostazione viene controllata solo all&apos;apertura delle applicazioni, quindi assicurati che Mumble sia in esecuzione e che questa opzione sia attiva prima di avviare l&apos;applicazione.&lt;br /&gt;Si noti che se si avvia Mumble prima dell&apos;applicazione, o se si disattiva la sovrapposizione durante l&apos;esecuzione, non vi è alcun modo sicuro per riavviare la sovrapposizione senza dover riavviare l&apos;applicazione.</translation>
7496    </message>
7497    <message>
7498        <location/>
7499        <source>Layout</source>
7500        <translation>Aspetto</translation>
7501    </message>
7502    <message>
7503        <location filename="OverlayConfig.cpp" line="-702"/>
7504        <source>Blacklist</source>
7505        <translation>Blacklist</translation>
7506    </message>
7507    <message>
7508        <location line="-1"/>
7509        <source>Whitelist</source>
7510        <translation>Whitelist</translation>
7511    </message>
7512    <message>
7513        <location filename="Overlay.ui"/>
7514        <source>Uninstall Overlay</source>
7515        <translation>Disinstalla la sovrapposizione</translation>
7516    </message>
7517    <message>
7518        <location/>
7519        <source>Overlay Installation</source>
7520        <translation>Installazione Sovrapposizione</translation>
7521    </message>
7522    <message>
7523        <location/>
7524        <source>Mumble has detected that you do not have the Mumble Overlay installed.
7526Click the button below to install the overlay.</source>
7527        <translation>Mumble ha rilevato che non hai la Sovrapposizione installata.
7529Premere il pulsante sottostante per installarla.</translation>
7530    </message>
7531    <message>
7532        <location/>
7533        <source>Install Mumble Overlay</source>
7534        <translation>Installa la sovrapposizione di Mumble</translation>
7535    </message>
7536    <message>
7537        <location/>
7538        <source>Overlay Upgrade</source>
7539        <translation>Aggiornamento Sovrapposizione</translation>
7540    </message>
7541    <message>
7542        <location/>
7543        <source>Mumble has detected an old version of the overlay support files installed on your computer.
7545To upgrade these files to their latest versions, click the button below.</source>
7546        <translation>Mumble ha rilevato una vecchia versione dei file di configurazione della sovrapposizione.
7548Per aggiornare questi file all&apos;ultima versione, premi il pulsante sottostante.</translation>
7549    </message>
7550    <message>
7551        <location/>
7552        <source>Upgrade Mumble Overlay</source>
7553        <translation>Aggiorna Sovrapposizione di Mumble</translation>
7554    </message>
7555    <message>
7556        <location/>
7557        <source>Display a frame counter in the overlay</source>
7558        <translation>Visualizza un contatore di frame nella sovrapposizione</translation>
7559    </message>
7560    <message>
7561        <location/>
7562        <source>Show FPS counter</source>
7563        <translation>Mostra contatore FPS</translation>
7564    </message>
7565    <message>
7566        <location/>
7567        <source>Load an overlay preset from file</source>
7568        <translation>Carica da file una configurazione per la sovrapposizione</translation>
7569    </message>
7570    <message>
7571        <location/>
7572        <source>Load…</source>
7573        <translation>Carica...</translation>
7574    </message>
7575    <message>
7576        <location/>
7577        <source>Save your overlay settings to file</source>
7578        <translation>Salva la configurazione della sovrapposizione su file</translation>
7579    </message>
7580    <message>
7581        <location/>
7582        <source>Save…</source>
7583        <translation>Salva...</translation>
7584    </message>
7585    <message>
7586        <location/>
7587        <source>Set the overlay font.</source>
7588        <translation>Imposta il carattere del testo della sovrapposizione.</translation>
7589    </message>
7590    <message>
7591        <location/>
7592        <source>Set the overlay text color.</source>
7593        <translation>Imposta il colore del testo della sovrapposizione.</translation>
7594    </message>
7595    <message>
7596        <location/>
7597        <source>Color</source>
7598        <translation>Colore</translation>
7599    </message>
7600    <message>
7601        <location/>
7602        <source>Remove</source>
7603        <translation>Rimuovi</translation>
7604    </message>
7605    <message>
7606        <location/>
7607        <source>Font</source>
7608        <translation>Carattere</translation>
7609    </message>
7610    <message>
7611        <location/>
7612        <source>FPS and Clock Display</source>
7613        <translation>FPS ed orologio</translation>
7614    </message>
7615    <message>
7616        <location/>
7617        <source>Display a clock in the overlay showing the current local time (system time).</source>
7618        <translation>Mostra un orologio con l&apos;ora locale nella sovrapposizione (ora del sistema).</translation>
7619    </message>
7620    <message>
7621        <location/>
7622        <source>Show Clock</source>
7623        <translation>Mostra orologio</translation>
7624    </message>
7625    <message>
7626        <location/>
7627        <source>Overlay Exceptions</source>
7628        <translation>Eccezioni Sovrapposizione</translation>
7629    </message>
7630    <message>
7631        <location/>
7632        <source>Overlay Exception Mode</source>
7633        <translation>Modalità Eccezione Sovrapposizione</translation>
7634    </message>
7635    <message>
7636        <location/>
7637        <source>Allowed launchers</source>
7638        <translation>Launcher consentiti</translation>
7639    </message>
7640    <message>
7641        <location/>
7642        <source>Add</source>
7643        <translation>Aggiungi</translation>
7644    </message>
7645    <message>
7646        <location/>
7647        <source>Allowed programs</source>
7648        <translation>Programmi consentiti</translation>
7649    </message>
7650    <message>
7651        <location/>
7652        <source>Allowed paths</source>
7653        <translation>Percorsi consentiti</translation>
7654    </message>
7655    <message>
7656        <location/>
7657        <source>Blacklisted programs</source>
7658        <translation>Programmi non consentiti</translation>
7659    </message>
7662    <name>OverlayEditor</name>
7663    <message>
7664        <location filename="OverlayEditor.ui"/>
7665        <source>State</source>
7666        <translation>Stato</translation>
7667    </message>
7668    <message>
7669        <location/>
7670        <source>User is not talking</source>
7671        <translation>L&apos;utente non sta parlando</translation>
7672    </message>
7673    <message>
7674        <location/>
7675        <source>Passive</source>
7676        <translation>Silenzio</translation>
7677    </message>
7678    <message>
7679        <location/>
7680        <source>User is talking in your channel or a linked channel</source>
7681        <translation>L&apos;utente sta parlando nel tuo canale od in uno collegato</translation>
7682    </message>
7683    <message>
7684        <location/>
7685        <source>Talking</source>
7686        <translation>Parlato</translation>
7687    </message>
7688    <message>
7689        <location/>
7690        <source>User is whispering to you privately</source>
7691        <translation>L&apos;utente ti sta &quot;sussurrando&quot; privatamente</translation>
7692    </message>
7693    <message>
7694        <location/>
7695        <source>Private Whisper</source>
7696        <translation>&quot;Sussurro&quot; privato</translation>
7697    </message>
7698    <message>
7699        <location/>
7700        <source>User is shouting to your channel</source>
7701        <translation>L&apos;utente sta &quot;urlando&quot; al tuo canale</translation>
7702    </message>
7703    <message>
7704        <location/>
7705        <source>Channel Whisper</source>
7706        <translation>&quot;Urlo&quot; al canale</translation>
7707    </message>
7708    <message>
7709        <location/>
7710        <source>Zoom</source>
7711        <translation>Zoom</translation>
7712    </message>
7713    <message>
7714        <location/>
7715        <source>Zoom Factor</source>
7716        <translation>Fattore di Zoom</translation>
7717    </message>
7718    <message>
7719        <location/>
7720        <source>Enabled Elements</source>
7721        <translation>Elementi abilitati</translation>
7722    </message>
7723    <message>
7724        <location/>
7725        <source>User avatar, chosen by each user</source>
7726        <translation>Avatar dell&apos;utente, scelto da ogni utente</translation>
7727    </message>
7728    <message>
7729        <location/>
7730        <source>Avatar</source>
7731        <translation>Avatar</translation>
7732    </message>
7733    <message>
7734        <location/>
7735        <source>User&apos;s name</source>
7736        <translation>Nome dell&apos;utente</translation>
7737    </message>
7738    <message>
7739        <location/>
7740        <source>Username</source>
7741        <translation>Nome utente</translation>
7742    </message>
7743    <message>
7744        <location/>
7745        <source>Name of user&apos;s channel, if outside your current channel</source>
7746        <translation>Nome del canale dell&apos;utente, se lui si trova fuori dal tuo stesso canale</translation>
7747    </message>
7748    <message>
7749        <location/>
7750        <source>Channel</source>
7751        <translation>Canale</translation>
7752    </message>
7753    <message>
7754        <location/>
7755        <source>Muted or deafened</source>
7756        <translation>Mutato o escluso</translation>
7757    </message>
7758    <message>
7759        <location/>
7760        <source>Mute state</source>
7761        <translation>Stato</translation>
7762    </message>
7763    <message>
7764        <location/>
7765        <source>Bounding box, automatically shrunk to minimum size to contain all visible elements</source>
7766        <translation>Riquadro, ridimensionato automaticamente per contenere tutti gli elementi visibili</translation>
7767    </message>
7768    <message>
7769        <location/>
7770        <source>Bounding box</source>
7771        <translation>Riquadro</translation>
7772    </message>
7773    <message>
7774        <location/>
7775        <source>Overlay Editor</source>
7776        <translation>Editor della sovrapposizione</translation>
7777    </message>
7780    <name>OverlayEditorScene</name>
7781    <message>
7782        <location filename="OverlayEditorScene.cpp" line="+397"/>
7783        <source>Layout preset</source>
7784        <translation>Preimpostazioni</translation>
7785    </message>
7786    <message>
7787        <location line="+1"/>
7788        <source>Large square avatar</source>
7789        <translation>Avatar larghi e quadrati</translation>
7790    </message>
7791    <message>
7792        <location line="+1"/>
7793        <source>Avatar and Name</source>
7794        <translation>Avatar e Nome</translation>
7795    </message>
7796    <message>
7797        <location line="+2"/>
7798        <source>User Opacity</source>
7799        <translation>Opacità utenti</translation>
7800    </message>
7801    <message>
7802        <location line="+6"/>
7803        <location line="+31"/>
7804        <source>%1%</source>
7805        <translation>%1%</translation>
7806    </message>
7807    <message>
7808        <location line="-5"/>
7809        <source>Object Opacity</source>
7810        <translation>Opacità oggetti</translation>
7811    </message>
7812    <message>
7813        <location line="+13"/>
7814        <source>Alignment</source>
7815        <translation>Allineamento</translation>
7816    </message>
7817    <message>
7818        <location line="+11"/>
7819        <source>Left</source>
7820        <translation>Sinistra</translation>
7821    </message>
7822    <message>
7823        <location line="+5"/>
7824        <location line="+18"/>
7825        <source>Center</source>
7826        <translation>Centrato</translation>
7827    </message>
7828    <message>
7829        <location line="-13"/>
7830        <source>Right</source>
7831        <translation>Destra</translation>
7832    </message>
7833    <message>
7834        <location line="+8"/>
7835        <source>Top</source>
7836        <translation>Alto</translation>
7837    </message>
7838    <message>
7839        <location line="+10"/>
7840        <source>Bottom</source>
7841        <translation>Basso</translation>
7842    </message>
7843    <message>
7844        <location line="+7"/>
7845        <source>Color...</source>
7846        <translation>Colore...</translation>
7847    </message>
7848    <message>
7849        <location line="+1"/>
7850        <source>Font...</source>
7851        <translation>Carattere...</translation>
7852    </message>
7853    <message>
7854        <location line="+6"/>
7855        <source>Bounding box</source>
7856        <translation>Riquadro</translation>
7857    </message>
7858    <message>
7859        <location line="+1"/>
7860        <source>Pen width</source>
7861        <translation>Larghezza penna</translation>
7862    </message>
7863    <message>
7864        <location line="+1"/>
7865        <source>Padding</source>
7866        <translation>Padding</translation>
7867    </message>
7868    <message>
7869        <location line="+1"/>
7870        <source>Pen color</source>
7871        <translation>Colore penna</translation>
7872    </message>
7873    <message>
7874        <location line="+1"/>
7875        <source>Fill color</source>
7876        <translation>Colore del riempimento</translation>
7877    </message>
7878    <message>
7879        <location line="+87"/>
7880        <source>Pick pen color</source>
7881        <translation>Seleziona il colore della penna</translation>
7882    </message>
7883    <message>
7884        <location line="+6"/>
7885        <source>Pick fill color</source>
7886        <translation>Seleziona il colore di riempimento</translation>
7887    </message>
7888    <message>
7889        <location line="+14"/>
7890        <source>Pick color</source>
7891        <translation>Seleziona colore</translation>
7892    </message>
7893    <message>
7894        <location line="+21"/>
7895        <source>Pick font</source>
7896        <translation>Seleziona il carattere</translation>
7897    </message>
7900    <name>PluginConfig</name>
7901    <message>
7902        <location filename="Plugins.ui"/>
7903        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+74"/>
7904        <source>Plugins</source>
7905        <translation>Plugin</translation>
7906    </message>
7907    <message>
7908        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+54"/>
7909        <source>Plugin has no configure function.</source>
7910        <translation>Il Plugins non ha la funzione di configurazione.</translation>
7911    </message>
7912    <message>
7913        <location line="+19"/>
7914        <source>Plugin has no about function.</source>
7915        <translation>Il Plugin non ha informazioni.</translation>
7916    </message>
7917    <message>
7918        <location filename="Plugins.ui"/>
7919        <source>Options</source>
7920        <translation>Opzioni</translation>
7921    </message>
7922    <message>
7923        <location/>
7924        <source>Enable plugins and transmit positional information</source>
7925        <translation>Abilita i plugins e trasmette le informazioni sulla posizione</translation>
7926    </message>
7927    <message>
7928        <location/>
7929        <source>This allows plugins for supported games to fetch your in-game position and transmit it with each voice packet. This enables other users to hear your voice in-game from the direction your character is in relation to their own.</source>
7930        <translation>Questo permette ai plugin dei giochi supportati di ottenere la tua posizione nel gioco e trasmettere l&apos;audio di conseguenza. Questo permette inoltre agli altri utenti di sentire la tua voce dalla direzione del tuo personaggio e in relazione alla loro posizione.</translation>
7931    </message>
7932    <message>
7933        <location/>
7934        <source>Link to Game and Transmit Position</source>
7935        <translation>Collegati ai giochi e trasmetti la posizione</translation>
7936    </message>
7937    <message>
7938        <location/>
7939        <source>Reloads all plugins</source>
7940        <translation>Ricarica tutti i plugin</translation>
7941    </message>
7942    <message>
7943        <location/>
7944        <source>This rescans and reloads plugins. Use this if you just added or changed a plugin to the plugins directory.</source>
7945        <translation>Cerca di nuovo e ricarica tutti i plugin. Usalo se hai appena aggiunto o modificato un plugin nella cartella dei plugin.</translation>
7946    </message>
7947    <message>
7948        <location/>
7949        <source>&amp;Reload plugins</source>
7950        <translation>&amp;Ricarica i plugin</translation>
7951    </message>
7952    <message>
7953        <location/>
7954        <source>Information about plugin</source>
7955        <translation>Informazioni sul plugin</translation>
7956    </message>
7957    <message>
7958        <location/>
7959        <source>This shows a small information message about the plugin.</source>
7960        <translation>Mostra qualche informazione riguardo al plugin.</translation>
7961    </message>
7962    <message>
7963        <location/>
7964        <source>&amp;About</source>
7965        <translation>&amp;Informazioni</translation>
7966    </message>
7967    <message>
7968        <location/>
7969        <source>Show configuration page of plugin</source>
7970        <translation>Visualizza la pagina di configurazione del plugin</translation>
7971    </message>
7972    <message>
7973        <location/>
7974        <source>This shows the configuration page of the plugin, if any.</source>
7975        <translation>Visualizza la pagina di configurazione del plugin, se presente.</translation>
7976    </message>
7977    <message>
7978        <location/>
7979        <source>&amp;Configure</source>
7980        <translation>&amp;Configura</translation>
7981    </message>
7982    <message>
7983        <location/>
7984        <source>Name</source>
7985        <translation>Nome</translation>
7986    </message>
7987    <message>
7988        <location/>
7989        <source>Enabled</source>
7990        <translation>Abilitato</translation>
7991    </message>
7994    <name>Plugins</name>
7995    <message>
7996        <location filename="Plugins.cpp" line="+440"/>
7997        <source>Skipping plugin update in debug mode.</source>
7998        <translation>I plugin non verranno aggiornati in modalità Debug.</translation>
7999    </message>
8000    <message>
8001        <location line="+168"/>
8002        <location line="+6"/>
8003        <source>Downloaded new or updated plugin to %1.</source>
8004        <translation>Aggiunto o aggiornato il seguente plugin: %1.</translation>
8005    </message>
8006    <message>
8007        <location line="+2"/>
8008        <source>Failed to install new plugin to %1.</source>
8009        <translation>Installazione del seguente plugin fallita: %1.</translation>
8010    </message>
8011    <message>
8012        <location line="-344"/>
8013        <source>%1 lost link.</source>
8014        <translation>Collegamento perso con %1.</translation>
8015    </message>
8016    <message>
8017        <location line="+123"/>
8018        <source>%1 linked.</source>
8019        <translation>collegato con %1.</translation>
8020    </message>
8023    <name>PortAudioSystem</name>
8024    <message>
8025        <location filename="PAAudio.cpp" line="+280"/>
8026        <source>Default Device</source>
8027        <translation>Dispositivo predefinito</translation>
8028    </message>
8031    <name>PulseAudioSystem</name>
8032    <message>
8033        <location filename="PulseAudio.cpp" line="+800"/>
8034        <source>Default Input</source>
8035        <translation>Ingresso predefinito</translation>
8036    </message>
8037    <message>
8038        <location line="+1"/>
8039        <source>Default Output</source>
8040        <translation>Uscita predefinita</translation>
8041    </message>
8044    <name>QApplication</name>
8045    <message>
8046        <location filename="main.cpp" line="+127"/>
8047        <source>Failed to restart mumble</source>
8048        <translation>Impossibile riavviare Mumble</translation>
8049    </message>
8050    <message>
8051        <location line="+1"/>
8052        <source>Mumble failed to restart itself. Please restart it manually.</source>
8053        <translation>Il riavvio automatico di Mumble è fallito. Per favore riavvialo manualmente.</translation>
8054    </message>
8057    <name>RichTextEditor</name>
8058    <message>
8059        <location filename="RichTextEditor.cpp" line="+236"/>
8060        <source>Failed to load image</source>
8061        <translation>Caricamento immagine fallito</translation>
8062    </message>
8063    <message>
8064        <location line="+0"/>
8065        <source>Image file too large to embed in document. Please use images smaller than %1 kB.</source>
8066        <translation>File immagine troppo grande. Per favore utilizza un&apos;immagine più piccola di %1 kB.</translation>
8067    </message>
8068    <message>
8069        <location line="+81"/>
8070        <source>Message is too long.</source>
8071        <translation>Il messaggio è troppo lungo.</translation>
8072    </message>
8073    <message>
8074        <location filename="RichTextEditor.ui"/>
8075        <source>Display</source>
8076        <translation>Visualizzato</translation>
8077    </message>
8078    <message>
8079        <location/>
8080        <source>Source Text</source>
8081        <translation>Testo sorgente</translation>
8082    </message>
8083    <message>
8084        <location/>
8085        <source>&amp;Bold</source>
8086        <translation>&amp;Grassetto</translation>
8087    </message>
8088    <message>
8089        <location/>
8090        <source>Ctrl+B</source>
8091        <translation>Ctrl+B</translation>
8092    </message>
8093    <message>
8094        <location/>
8095        <source>&amp;Italic</source>
8096        <translation>&amp;Corsivo</translation>
8097    </message>
8098    <message>
8099        <location/>
8100        <source>Italic</source>
8101        <translation>Corsivo</translation>
8102    </message>
8103    <message>
8104        <location/>
8105        <source>Ctrl+I</source>
8106        <translation>Ctrl+I</translation>
8107    </message>
8108    <message>
8109        <location/>
8110        <source>Underline</source>
8111        <translation>Sottolineato</translation>
8112    </message>
8113    <message>
8114        <location/>
8115        <source>Ctrl+U</source>
8116        <translation>Ctrl+U</translation>
8117    </message>
8118    <message>
8119        <location/>
8120        <source>Color</source>
8121        <translation>Colore</translation>
8122    </message>
8123    <message>
8124        <location/>
8125        <source>Insert Link</source>
8126        <translation>Inserisci link</translation>
8127    </message>
8128    <message>
8129        <location/>
8130        <source>Ctrl+L</source>
8131        <translation>Ctrl+L</translation>
8132    </message>
8133    <message>
8134        <location/>
8135        <source>Insert Image</source>
8136        <translation>Inserisci immagine</translation>
8137    </message>
8140    <name>RichTextEditorLink</name>
8141    <message>
8142        <location filename="RichTextEditorLink.ui"/>
8143        <source>Add Link</source>
8144        <translation>Aggiungi collegamento</translation>
8145    </message>
8146    <message>
8147        <location/>
8148        <source>URL</source>
8149        <translation>Indirizzo</translation>
8150    </message>
8151    <message>
8152        <location/>
8153        <source>Text</source>
8154        <translation>Testo</translation>
8155    </message>
8158    <name>ServerHandler</name>
8159    <message>
8160        <location filename="ServerHandler.cpp" line="+301"/>
8161        <source>Unable to resolve hostname</source>
8162        <translation>Impossibile risolvere nome host</translation>
8163    </message>
8164    <message>
8165        <location line="+173"/>
8166        <source>Server is not responding to TCP pings</source>
8167        <translation>Il server non risponde ai ping TCP</translation>
8168    </message>
8169    <message>
8170        <location line="+84"/>
8171        <source>UDP packets cannot be sent to or received from the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8172        <translation>Impossibile inviare o ricevere pacchetti UDP dal server. Passaggio alla modalità TCP.</translation>
8173    </message>
8174    <message>
8175        <location line="+2"/>
8176        <source>UDP packets cannot be sent to the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8177        <translation>Impossibile inviare pacchetti UDP al server. Passaggio alla modalità TCP.</translation>
8178    </message>
8179    <message>
8180        <location line="+2"/>
8181        <source>UDP packets cannot be received from the server. Switching to TCP mode.</source>
8182        <translation>Impossibile ricevere pacchetti UDP dal server. Passaggio alla modalità TCP.</translation>
8183    </message>
8184    <message>
8185        <location line="+7"/>
8186        <source>UDP packets can be sent to and received from the server. Switching back to UDP mode.</source>
8187        <translation>I pacchetti UDP possono di nuovo essere inviati e ricevuti dal server. Ritorno alla modalità UDP.</translation>
8188    </message>
8189    <message>
8190        <location line="+53"/>
8191        <source>Connection timed out</source>
8192        <translation>Connessione scaduta</translation>
8193    </message>
8196    <name>ServerView</name>
8197    <message>
8198        <location filename="ConnectDialog.cpp" line="-761"/>
8199        <source>Favorite</source>
8200        <translation>Preferiti</translation>
8201    </message>
8202    <message>
8203        <location line="+6"/>
8204        <source>LAN</source>
8205        <translation>LAN</translation>
8206    </message>
8207    <message>
8208        <location line="+9"/>
8209        <source>Public Internet</source>
8210        <translation>Internet</translation>
8211    </message>
8212    <message>
8213        <location line="+7"/>
8214        <source>Unknown</source>
8215        <translation>Sconosciuto</translation>
8216    </message>
8217    <message>
8218        <location line="+2"/>
8219        <source>Africa</source>
8220        <translation>Africa</translation>
8221    </message>
8222    <message>
8223        <location line="+1"/>
8224        <source>Asia</source>
8225        <translation>Asia</translation>
8226    </message>
8227    <message>
8228        <location line="+1"/>
8229        <source>North America</source>
8230        <translation>Nord America</translation>
8231    </message>
8232    <message>
8233        <location line="+1"/>
8234        <source>South America</source>
8235        <translation>Sud America</translation>
8236    </message>
8237    <message>
8238        <location line="+1"/>
8239        <source>Europe</source>
8240        <translation>Europa</translation>
8241    </message>
8242    <message>
8243        <location line="+1"/>
8244        <source>Oceania</source>
8245        <translation>Oceania</translation>
8246    </message>
8249    <name>ShortcutActionWidget</name>
8250    <message>
8251        <location filename="GlobalShortcut.cpp" line="-615"/>
8252        <source>Unassigned</source>
8253        <translation>Non assegnata</translation>
8254    </message>
8257    <name>ShortcutDelegate</name>
8258    <message>
8259        <location line="+363"/>
8260        <source>On</source>
8261        <translation>On</translation>
8262    </message>
8263    <message>
8264        <location line="+2"/>
8265        <source>Off</source>
8266        <translation>Off</translation>
8267    </message>
8268    <message>
8269        <location line="+2"/>
8270        <source>Toggle</source>
8271        <translation>Alterna</translation>
8272    </message>
8273    <message>
8274        <location line="+6"/>
8275        <source>Unassigned</source>
8276        <translation>Non assegnato</translation>
8277    </message>
8280    <name>ShortcutKeyWidget</name>
8281    <message>
8282        <location line="-437"/>
8283        <source>Press Shortcut</source>
8284        <translation>Premi scorciatoia</translation>
8285    </message>
8288    <name>ShortcutTargetDialog</name>
8289    <message>
8290        <location line="+193"/>
8291        <source>Root</source>
8292        <translation>Principale</translation>
8293    </message>
8294    <message>
8295        <location line="+5"/>
8296        <source>Parent</source>
8297        <translation>Superiore</translation>
8298    </message>
8299    <message>
8300        <location line="+5"/>
8301        <source>Current</source>
8302        <translation>Attuale</translation>
8303    </message>
8304    <message>
8305        <location line="+5"/>
8306        <location line="+6"/>
8307        <source>Subchannel #%1</source>
8308        <translation>Sottocanale #%1</translation>
8309    </message>
8312    <name>ShortcutTargetWidget</name>
8313    <message>
8314        <location line="+85"/>
8315        <source>...</source>
8316        <translation>...</translation>
8317    </message>
8318    <message>
8319        <location line="+41"/>
8320        <source>, </source>
8321        <translation>, </translation>
8322    </message>
8323    <message>
8324        <location line="+6"/>
8325        <source>Root</source>
8326        <translation>Principale</translation>
8327    </message>
8328    <message>
8329        <location line="+2"/>
8330        <source>Parent</source>
8331        <translation>Superiore</translation>
8332    </message>
8333    <message>
8334        <location line="+2"/>
8335        <source>Current</source>
8336        <translation>Attuale</translation>
8337    </message>
8338    <message>
8339        <location line="+3"/>
8340        <location line="+2"/>
8341        <source>Subchannel #%1</source>
8342        <translation>Sottocanale #%1</translation>
8343    </message>
8344    <message>
8345        <location line="+7"/>
8346        <source>Invalid</source>
8347        <translation>Non valido</translation>
8348    </message>
8349    <message>
8350        <location line="+3"/>
8351        <source>Empty</source>
8352        <oldsource>&lt;Empty&gt;</oldsource>
8353        <translation>Vuoto</translation>
8354    </message>
8357    <name>ShortcutToggleWidget</name>
8358    <message>
8359        <location line="-271"/>
8360        <source>Off</source>
8361        <translation>Off</translation>
8362    </message>
8363    <message>
8364        <location line="+4"/>
8365        <source>Toggle</source>
8366        <translation>Alterna</translation>
8367    </message>
8368    <message>
8369        <location line="+4"/>
8370        <source>On</source>
8371        <translation>On</translation>
8372    </message>
8375    <name>TextMessage</name>
8376    <message>
8377        <location filename="TextMessage.h" line="+20"/>
8378        <source>Enter text</source>
8379        <translation>Inserisci testo</translation>
8380    </message>
8381    <message>
8382        <location filename="TextMessage.ui"/>
8383        <source>If checked the message is recursively sent to all subchannels</source>
8384        <translation>Se selezionato il messaggio verrà inviato ricorsivamente a tutti i sottocanali</translation>
8385    </message>
8386    <message>
8387        <location/>
8388        <source>Send recursively to subchannels</source>
8389        <translation>Invia ricorsivamente ai sottocanali</translation>
8390    </message>
8393    <name>Tokens</name>
8394    <message>
8395        <location filename="Tokens.cpp" line="+44"/>
8396        <source>Empty Token</source>
8397        <translation>Token vuoto</translation>
8398    </message>
8399    <message>
8400        <location filename="Tokens.ui"/>
8401        <source>Mumble - Access Tokens</source>
8402        <translation>Mumble - Token di accesso</translation>
8403    </message>
8404    <message>
8405        <location/>
8406        <source>List of access tokens on current server</source>
8407        <translation>Lista di token di accesso sul server attuale</translation>
8408    </message>
8409    <message>
8410        <location/>
8411        <source>&lt;b&gt;This is an editable list of access tokens on the connected server.&lt;/b&gt;
8412&lt;br /&gt;
8413An access token is a text string, which can be used as a password for very simple access management on channels. Mumble will remember the tokens you've used and resend them to the server next time you reconnect, so you don't have to enter these every time.
8415        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Questa è una lista modificabile dei token di accesso sul server connesso.&lt;/b&gt;
8416&lt;br /&gt;
8417Un token di accesso è una stringa di testo, che può essere usata come password per una semplice gestione delle password dei canali. Mumble ricorderà i token usati e li invierà di nuovo al server la prossima volta che ti riconnetterai, così da non doverli inserire ogni volta.
8419    </message>
8420    <message>
8421        <location/>
8422        <source>Add a token</source>
8423        <translation>Aggiunge un token</translation>
8424    </message>
8425    <message>
8426        <location/>
8427        <source>&amp;Add</source>
8428        <translation>&amp;Aggiungi</translation>
8429    </message>
8430    <message>
8431        <location/>
8432        <source>Remove a token</source>
8433        <translation>Rimuove un token</translation>
8434    </message>
8435    <message>
8436        <location/>
8437        <source>&amp;Remove</source>
8438        <translation>&amp;Rimuovi</translation>
8439    </message>
8442    <name>UserEdit</name>
8443    <message>
8444        <location filename="UserEdit.ui"/>
8445        <source>Registered Users</source>
8446        <translation>Utenti registrati</translation>
8447    </message>
8448    <message>
8449        <location/>
8450        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="+103"/>
8451        <source>Remove</source>
8452        <translation>Rimuovi</translation>
8453    </message>
8454    <message>
8455        <location/>
8456        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="-7"/>
8457        <source>Rename</source>
8458        <translation>Rinomina</translation>
8459    </message>
8460    <message>
8461        <location/>
8462        <source>Who are you looking for?</source>
8463        <translation>Chi stai cercando?</translation>
8464    </message>
8465    <message>
8466        <location/>
8467        <source>Days</source>
8468        <translation>Giorni</translation>
8469    </message>
8470    <message>
8471        <location/>
8472        <source>Weeks</source>
8473        <translation>Settimane</translation>
8474    </message>
8475    <message>
8476        <location/>
8477        <source>Months</source>
8478        <translation>Mesi</translation>
8479    </message>
8480    <message>
8481        <location/>
8482        <source>Years</source>
8483        <translation>Anni</translation>
8484    </message>
8485    <message>
8486        <location/>
8487        <source>Inactive for</source>
8488        <translation>Inattivo da</translation>
8489    </message>
8490    <message numerus="yes">
8491        <location filename="UserEdit.cpp" line="-68"/>
8492        <source>Registered users: %n account(s)</source>
8493        <translation><numerusform>Utenti registrati: %n account</numerusform><numerusform>Utenti registrati: %n account</numerusform></translation>
8494    </message>
8497    <name>UserInformation</name>
8498    <message>
8499        <location filename="UserInformation.ui"/>
8500        <source>User Information</source>
8501        <translation>Informazioni utente</translation>
8502    </message>
8503    <message>
8504        <location/>
8505        <source>Connection Information</source>
8506        <translation>Informazioni connessione</translation>
8507    </message>
8508    <message>
8509        <location/>
8510        <source>Version</source>
8511        <translation>Versione</translation>
8512    </message>
8513    <message>
8514        <location/>
8515        <source>OS</source>
8516        <translation>Sistema Operativo</translation>
8517    </message>
8518    <message>
8519        <location/>
8520        <source>Certificate</source>
8521        <translation>Certificato</translation>
8522    </message>
8523    <message>
8524        <location/>
8525        <source>IP Address</source>
8526        <translation>Indirizzo IP</translation>
8527    </message>
8528    <message>
8529        <location/>
8530        <source>CELT Versions</source>
8531        <translation>Versioni CELT</translation>
8532    </message>
8533    <message>
8534        <location/>
8535        <source>Details...</source>
8536        <translation>Dettagli...</translation>
8537    </message>
8538    <message>
8539        <location/>
8540        <source>Ping Statistics</source>
8541        <translation>Statistiche ping</translation>
8542    </message>
8543    <message>
8544        <location/>
8545        <source>Pings received</source>
8546        <translation>Ping ricevuti</translation>
8547    </message>
8548    <message>
8549        <location/>
8550        <source>Average ping</source>
8551        <translation>Ping medio</translation>
8552    </message>
8553    <message>
8554        <location/>
8555        <source>TCP (Control)</source>
8556        <translation>TCP (Controllo)</translation>
8557    </message>
8558    <message>
8559        <location/>
8560        <source>UDP (Voice)</source>
8561        <translation>UDP (Voce)</translation>
8562    </message>
8563    <message>
8564        <location/>
8565        <source>UDP Network statistics</source>
8566        <translation>Statistiche pacchetti UDP</translation>
8567    </message>
8568    <message>
8569        <location/>
8570        <source>Good</source>
8571        <translation>Buoni</translation>
8572    </message>
8573    <message>
8574        <location/>
8575        <source>Late</source>
8576        <translation>In ritardo</translation>
8577    </message>
8578    <message>
8579        <location/>
8580        <source>Lost</source>
8581        <translation>Persi</translation>
8582    </message>
8583    <message>
8584        <location/>
8585        <source>Resync</source>
8586        <translation>Risincronizzazioni</translation>
8587    </message>
8588    <message>
8589        <location/>
8590        <source>From Client</source>
8591        <translation>In uscita</translation>
8592    </message>
8593    <message>
8594        <location/>
8595        <source>To Client</source>
8596        <translation>In ingresso</translation>
8597    </message>
8598    <message>
8599        <location/>
8600        <source>Connection time</source>
8601        <translation>Connessione</translation>
8602    </message>
8603    <message>
8604        <location filename="UserInformation.cpp" line="+85"/>
8605        <source>%1w</source>
8606        <translation>%1sett</translation>
8607    </message>
8608    <message>
8609        <location line="+2"/>
8610        <source>%1d</source>
8611        <translation>%1g</translation>
8612    </message>
8613    <message>
8614        <location line="+2"/>
8615        <source>%1h</source>
8616        <translation>%1o</translation>
8617    </message>
8618    <message>
8619        <location line="+2"/>
8620        <source>%1m</source>
8621        <translation>%1m</translation>
8622    </message>
8623    <message>
8624        <location line="+1"/>
8625        <source>%1s</source>
8626        <translation>%1s</translation>
8627    </message>
8628    <message>
8629        <location line="+33"/>
8630        <location line="+39"/>
8631        <source>, </source>
8632        <translation>, </translation>
8633    </message>
8634    <message>
8635        <location line="-13"/>
8636        <location line="+1"/>
8637        <source>%1 (%2)</source>
8638        <oldsource>%1.%2.%3 (%4)</oldsource>
8639        <translation>%1 (%2)</translation>
8640    </message>
8641    <message>
8642        <location line="+15"/>
8643        <source>Supported</source>
8644        <translation>Supportato</translation>
8645    </message>
8646    <message>
8647        <location line="+0"/>
8648        <source>Not Supported</source>
8649        <translation>Non supportato</translation>
8650    </message>
8651    <message>
8652        <location line="-123"/>
8653        <source>Not Reported</source>
8654        <translation>Non riportato</translation>
8655    </message>
8656    <message>
8657        <location line="+164"/>
8658        <source>%1 online (%2 idle)</source>
8659        <translation>Online da %1 (inattivo da %2)</translation>
8660    </message>
8661    <message>
8662        <location line="+2"/>
8663        <source>%1 online</source>
8664        <translation>Online da %1</translation>
8665    </message>
8666    <message>
8667        <location line="+5"/>
8668        <source>%1 kbit/s</source>
8669        <translation>%1 kbit/s</translation>
8670    </message>
8671    <message>
8672        <location filename="UserInformation.ui"/>
8673        <source>Bandwidth</source>
8674        <comment>GroupBox</comment>
8675        <translation>Banda</translation>
8676    </message>
8677    <message>
8678        <location/>
8679        <source>Bandwidth</source>
8680        <comment>Label</comment>
8681        <translation>Banda</translation>
8682    </message>
8683    <message>
8684        <location/>
8685        <source>Ping deviation</source>
8686        <translation>Deviazione ping</translation>
8687    </message>
8690    <name>UserListModel</name>
8691    <message>
8692        <location filename="UserListModel.cpp" line="+58"/>
8693        <source>Nick</source>
8694        <translation>Nome utente</translation>
8695    </message>
8696    <message>
8697        <location line="+1"/>
8698        <source>Inactive days</source>
8699        <translation>Giorni di inattività</translation>
8700    </message>
8701    <message>
8702        <location line="+1"/>
8703        <source>Last channel</source>
8704        <translation>Ultimo canale</translation>
8705    </message>
8706    <message>
8707        <location line="+29"/>
8708        <source>Last seen: %1</source>
8709        <translation>Ultima visita: %1</translation>
8710    </message>
8711    <message>
8712        <location line="+1"/>
8713        <source>Never</source>
8714        <translation>Mai</translation>
8715    </message>
8716    <message>
8717        <location line="+2"/>
8718        <source>Channel ID: %1</source>
8719        <translation>ID canale: %1</translation>
8720    </message>
8723    <name>UserLocalVolumeDialog</name>
8724    <message>
8725        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.ui"/>
8726        <source>Local volume for other users</source>
8727        <translation>Volume locale per altri utenti</translation>
8728    </message>
8729    <message>
8730        <location/>
8731        <source>&lt;b&gt;Adjust the volume of other users locally&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supports adjusting the volume of other users locally.</source>
8732        <translation>&lt;b&gt;Regola localmente il volume di altri utenti&lt;/b&gt;&lt;br /&gt;Mumble supporta la regolazione locale del volume degli altri utenti.</translation>
8733    </message>
8734    <message>
8735        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.cpp" line="+53"/>
8736        <source>Adjusting local volume for %1</source>
8737        <translation>Regolazione locale del volume di %1</translation>
8738    </message>
8739    <message>
8740        <location filename="UserLocalVolumeDialog.ui"/>
8741        <source> dB</source>
8742        <translation> dB</translation>
8743    </message>
8744    <message>
8745        <location/>
8746        <source>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Use the slider or the text box to change the volume of the user.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Attention!&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Increasing the volume of a user too much can permanently damage your hearing. It may also increase the background noise of the user.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</source>
8747        <translation>&lt;html&gt;&lt;head/&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;p&gt;Usa il cursore o la casella di testo per cambiare il volume di un utente.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style=&quot;font-weight:600;&quot;&gt;Attenzione!&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Aumentare troppo il volume di un utente può danneggiare permanentemente il tuo udito. Potrebbe anche aumentare il rumore di sottofondo prodotto dall&apos;utente.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;/body&gt;&lt;/html&gt;</translation>
8748    </message>
8751    <name>UserModel</name>
8752    <message>
8753        <location filename="UserModel.cpp" line="-836"/>
8754        <source>This is a user connected to the server. The icon to the left of the user indicates whether or not they are talking:</source>
8755        <translation>Questo è un utente connesso al server. L&apos;icona a sinistra dell&apos;utente indica se sta parlando o no:</translation>
8756    </message>
8757    <message>
8758        <location line="+1"/>
8759        <source>Talking to your channel.</source>
8760        <translation>Sta parlando al tuo canale.</translation>
8761    </message>
8762    <message>
8763        <location line="+1"/>
8764        <source>Shouting directly to your channel.</source>
8765        <oldsource>Whispering directly to your channel.</oldsource>
8766        <translation>Sta &quot;urlando&quot; direttamente al tuo canale.</translation>
8767    </message>
8768    <message>
8769        <location line="+1"/>
8770        <source>Whispering directly to you.</source>
8771        <translation>Sta &quot;sussurrando&quot; direttamente a te.</translation>
8772    </message>
8773    <message>
8774        <location line="+1"/>
8775        <source>Not talking.</source>
8776        <translation>Non sta parlando.</translation>
8777    </message>
8778    <message>
8779        <location line="+8"/>
8780        <source>This is a channel on the server. The icon indicates the state of the channel:</source>
8781        <translation>Questo è un canale nel server. L&apos;icona indica lo stato del canale:</translation>
8782    </message>
8783    <message>
8784        <location line="+1"/>
8785        <source>Your current channel.</source>
8786        <translation>Il tuo canale attuale.</translation>
8787    </message>
8788    <message>
8789        <location line="+1"/>
8790        <source>A channel that is linked with your channel. Linked channels can talk to each other.</source>
8791        <translation>Un canale che è collegato al tuo canale. Canali collegati possono comunicare tra di loro.</translation>
8792    </message>
8793    <message>
8794        <location line="+1"/>
8795        <source>A channel on the server that you are not linked to.</source>
8796        <translation>Un canale nel server al quale non sei collegato.</translation>
8797    </message>
8798    <message>
8799        <location line="+18"/>
8800        <source>This shows the flags the user has on the server, if any:</source>
8801        <translation>Mostra delle informazioni sull&apos;utente relative a questo server:</translation>
8802    </message>
8803    <message>
8804        <location line="+1"/>
8805        <source>On your friend list</source>
8806        <translation>Nella tua lista amici</translation>
8807    </message>
8808    <message>
8809        <location line="+1"/>
8810        <source>Authenticated user</source>
8811        <translation>Utente autenticato</translation>
8812    </message>
8813    <message>
8814        <location line="+1"/>
8815        <source>Muted (manually muted by self)</source>
8816        <translation>Mutato (manualmente da se stesso)</translation>
8817    </message>
8818    <message>
8819        <location line="+1"/>
8820        <source>Muted (manually muted by admin)</source>
8821        <translation>Mutato (manualmente da un&apos;amministratore)</translation>
8822    </message>
8823    <message>
8824        <location line="+1"/>
8825        <source>Muted (not allowed to speak in current channel)</source>
8826        <translation>Mutato (non ha il permesso di parlare nel canale attuale)</translation>
8827    </message>
8828    <message>
8829        <location line="+1"/>
8830        <source>Muted (muted by you, only on your machine)</source>
8831        <translation>Mutato localmente (solo tu non potrai sentirlo)</translation>
8832    </message>
8833    <message>
8834        <location line="+1"/>
8835        <source>Muted (push-to-mute)</source>
8836        <translation>Mutato (push-to-mute)</translation>
8837    </message>
8838    <message>
8839        <location line="+2"/>
8840        <source>Deafened (by self)</source>
8841        <translation>Escluso (da solo)</translation>
8842    </message>
8843    <message>
8844        <location line="+1"/>
8845        <source>Deafened (by admin)</source>
8846        <translation>Escluso (da un amministratore)</translation>
8847    </message>
8848    <message>
8849        <location line="+1"/>
8850        <source>User has a new comment set (click to show)</source>
8851        <translation>Utente con un nuovo commento (click per mostrarlo)</translation>
8852    </message>
8853    <message>
8854        <location line="+1"/>
8855        <source>User has a comment set, which you&apos;ve already seen. (click to show)</source>
8856        <translation>Utente con commento già visto (click per mostrare)</translation>
8857    </message>
8858    <message>
8859        <location line="+1"/>
8860        <source>Ignoring Text Messages</source>
8861        <translation>Stai ignorando i suoi messaggi di testo</translation>
8862    </message>
8863    <message>
8864        <location line="+8"/>
8865        <source>This shows the flags the channel has, if any:</source>
8866        <translation>Mostra alcune informazioni sul canale:</translation>
8867    </message>
8868    <message>
8869        <location line="+1"/>
8870        <source>Channel has a new comment set (click to show)</source>
8871        <translation>Il canale ha un nuovo commento (click per mostrare)</translation>
8872    </message>
8873    <message>
8874        <location line="+1"/>
8875        <source>Channel has a comment set, which you&apos;ve already seen. (click to show)</source>
8876        <translation>Il canale ha un commento già visto. (click per mostrare)</translation>
8877    </message>
8878    <message>
8879        <location line="+1"/>
8880        <source>Channel will be hidden when filtering is enabled</source>
8881        <translation>Il canale verrà nascosto quando il filtro è attivo</translation>
8882    </message>
8883    <message>
8884        <location line="+18"/>
8885        <source>Name</source>
8886        <translation>Nome</translation>
8887    </message>
8888    <message>
8889        <location line="+2"/>
8890        <source>Flags</source>
8891        <translation>Segnali</translation>
8892    </message>
8893    <message>
8894        <location line="+726"/>
8895        <source>Are you sure you want to drag this user?</source>
8896        <translation>Sei sicuro di voler trascinare questo utente?</translation>
8897    </message>
8898    <message>
8899        <location line="+21"/>
8900        <source>Are you sure you want to drag this channel?</source>
8901        <translation>Sei sicuro di voler spostare questo canale?</translation>
8902    </message>
8903    <message>
8904        <location line="+94"/>
8905        <location line="+20"/>
8906        <source>Cannot perform this movement automatically, please reset the numeric sorting indicators or adjust it manually.</source>
8907        <translation>Impossibile eseguire l&apos;azione automaticamente, per favore reimposta gli indicatori numerici della posizione dei canali o spostalo manualmente.</translation>
8908    </message>
8911    <name>VersionCheck</name>
8912    <message>
8913        <location filename="VersionCheck.cpp" line="+120"/>
8914        <source>Upgrade Mumble</source>
8915        <translation>Aggiorna Mumble</translation>
8916    </message>
8917    <message>
8918        <location line="+1"/>
8919        <source>A new version of Mumble has been detected and automatically downloaded. It is recommended that you either upgrade to this version, or downgrade to the latest stable release. Do you want to launch the installer now?</source>
8920        <translation>Una nuova versione di Mumble è stata individuata e scaricata automaticamente. Si raccomanda di aggiornare a questa versione, o di reinstallare l&apos;ultima versione stabile. Vuoi lanciare l&apos;installazione ora?</translation>
8921    </message>
8922    <message>
8923        <location line="+15"/>
8924        <source>Failed to launch snapshot installer.</source>
8925        <translation>Impossibile lanciare l&apos;installazione della Snapshot.</translation>
8926    </message>
8927    <message>
8928        <location line="+5"/>
8929        <source>Corrupt download of new version detected. Automatically removed.</source>
8930        <translation>La nuova versione scaricata si è rivelata corrotta ed è quindi stata automaticamente rimossa.</translation>
8931    </message>
8932    <message>
8933        <location line="+23"/>
8934        <source>Downloading new snapshot from %1 to %2</source>
8935        <translation>Download in corso della nuova Snapshot da %1 su %2</translation>
8936    </message>
8937    <message>
8938        <location line="+14"/>
8939        <source>Failed to write new version to disk.</source>
8940        <oldsource>Failed to write new version to disc.</oldsource>
8941        <translation>Impossibile scrivere la nuova versione su disco.</translation>
8942    </message>
8943    <message>
8944        <location line="+10"/>
8945        <source>Mumble failed to retrieve version information from the central server.</source>
8946        <translation>Mumble non è riuscito a recuperare le informazioni sull&apos;ultima versione dal server centrale.</translation>
8947    </message>
8950    <name>ViewCert</name>
8951    <message>
8952        <location filename="ViewCert.cpp" line="+57"/>
8953        <source>Certificate Chain Details</source>
8954        <translation>Dettagli sulla catena del certificato</translation>
8955    </message>
8956    <message>
8957        <location line="+6"/>
8958        <source>Certificate chain</source>
8959        <translation>Catena del certificato</translation>
8960    </message>
8961    <message>
8962        <location line="+19"/>
8963        <source>Certificate details</source>
8964        <translation>Dettagli del Certificato</translation>
8965    </message>
8966    <message>
8967        <location line="+36"/>
8968        <location line="+40"/>
8969        <source>Common Name</source>
8970        <translation>Nome Comune</translation>
8971    </message>
8972    <message>
8973        <location line="-39"/>
8974        <location line="+40"/>
8975        <source>Organization</source>
8976        <translation>Organizzazione</translation>
8977    </message>
8978    <message>
8979        <location line="-39"/>
8980        <source>Subunit</source>
8981        <translation>Sotto-unità</translation>
8982    </message>
8983    <message>
8984        <location line="+1"/>
8985        <location line="+40"/>
8986        <source>Country</source>
8987        <translation>Paese</translation>
8988    </message>
8989    <message>
8990        <location line="-39"/>
8991        <location line="+40"/>
8992        <source>Locality</source>
8993        <translation>Località</translation>
8994    </message>
8995    <message>
8996        <location line="-39"/>
8997        <location line="+40"/>
8998        <source>State</source>
8999        <translation>Stato</translation>
9000    </message>
9001    <message>
9002        <location line="-39"/>
9003        <source>Valid from: %1</source>
9004        <translation>Valido da: %1</translation>
9005    </message>
9006    <message>
9007        <location line="+1"/>
9008        <source>Valid to: %1</source>
9009        <translation>Valido fino a: %1</translation>
9010    </message>
9011    <message>
9012        <location line="+1"/>
9013        <source>Serial: %1</source>
9014        <translation>Seriale: %1</translation>
9015    </message>
9016    <message>
9017        <location line="+1"/>
9018        <source>Public Key: %1 bits %2</source>
9019        <translation>Chiave Pubblica: %1 bits %2</translation>
9020    </message>
9021    <message>
9022        <location line="+0"/>
9023        <source>RSA</source>
9024        <translation>RSA</translation>
9025    </message>
9026    <message>
9027        <location line="+0"/>
9028        <source>DSA</source>
9029        <translation>DSA</translation>
9030    </message>
9031    <message>
9032        <location line="+1"/>
9033        <source>Digest (SHA-1): %1</source>
9034        <translation>Firma (SHA-1): %1</translation>
9035    </message>
9036    <message>
9037        <location line="+2"/>
9038        <source>Digest (SHA-256): %1</source>
9039        <translation>Digest (SHA-256): %1</translation>
9040    </message>
9041    <message>
9042        <location line="+14"/>
9043        <source>Email: %1</source>
9044        <translation>Email: %1</translation>
9045    </message>
9046    <message>
9047        <location line="+4"/>
9048        <source>DNS: %1</source>
9049        <translation>DNS: %1</translation>
9050    </message>
9051    <message>
9052        <location line="+9"/>
9053        <source>Issued by:</source>
9054        <translation>Rilasciato da:</translation>
9055    </message>
9056    <message>
9057        <location line="+3"/>
9058        <source>Unit Name</source>
9059        <translation>Nome Unità</translation>
9060    </message>
9063    <name>VoiceRecorder</name>
9064    <message>
9065        <location filename="VoiceRecorder.cpp" line="+264"/>
9066        <source>Recorder failed to create directory &apos;%1&apos;</source>
9067        <translation>Il registratore non è riuscito a creare la cartella &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
9068    </message>
9069    <message>
9070        <location line="+14"/>
9071        <source>Recorder failed to open file &apos;%1&apos;</source>
9072        <translation>Il registratore non è riuscito ad aprire il file &apos;%1&apos;</translation>
9073    </message>
9074    <message>
9075        <location line="+166"/>
9076        <source>.wav - Uncompressed</source>
9077        <translation>.wav - non compresso</translation>
9078    </message>
9079    <message>
9080        <location line="+3"/>
9081        <source>.ogg (Vorbis) - Compressed</source>
9082        <translation>.ogg (Vorbis) - Compresso</translation>
9083    </message>
9084    <message>
9085        <location line="+3"/>
9086        <source>.au - Uncompressed</source>
9087        <translation>.au - Non compresso</translation>
9088    </message>
9089    <message>
9090        <location line="+2"/>
9091        <source>.flac - Lossless compressed</source>
9092        <translation>.flac - Compresso senza perdite</translation>
9093    </message>
9096    <name>VoiceRecorderDialog</name>
9097    <message>
9098        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.ui"/>
9099        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="+110"/>
9100        <location line="+8"/>
9101        <location line="+10"/>
9102        <location line="+9"/>
9103        <location line="+141"/>
9104        <source>Recorder</source>
9105        <translation>Registratore</translation>
9106    </message>
9107    <message>
9108        <location/>
9109        <source>Control</source>
9110        <translation>Controllo</translation>
9111    </message>
9112    <message>
9113        <location/>
9114        <source>00:00:00</source>
9115        <translation>00:00:00</translation>
9116    </message>
9117    <message>
9118        <location/>
9119        <source>&amp;Start</source>
9120        <translation>&amp;Avvia</translation>
9121    </message>
9122    <message>
9123        <location/>
9124        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="-21"/>
9125        <source>S&amp;top</source>
9126        <translation>&amp;Interrompi</translation>
9127    </message>
9128    <message>
9129        <location/>
9130        <source>Mode</source>
9131        <translation>Modalità</translation>
9132    </message>
9133    <message>
9134        <location/>
9135        <source>Multichannel</source>
9136        <translation>Multicanale</translation>
9137    </message>
9138    <message>
9139        <location/>
9140        <source>Output</source>
9141        <translation>Output</translation>
9142    </message>
9143    <message>
9144        <location/>
9145        <source>Output format</source>
9146        <translation>Formato dell&apos;output</translation>
9147    </message>
9148    <message>
9149        <location/>
9150        <source>Target directory</source>
9151        <translation>Cartella di destinazione</translation>
9152    </message>
9153    <message>
9154        <location/>
9155        <source>Filename</source>
9156        <translation>Nome del file</translation>
9157    </message>
9158    <message>
9159        <location/>
9160        <source>&amp;Browse...</source>
9161        <translation>&amp;Sfoglia...</translation>
9162    </message>
9163    <message>
9164        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.cpp" line="-210"/>
9165        <source>Valid variables are:</source>
9166        <translation>Variabili valide:</translation>
9167    </message>
9168    <message>
9169        <location line="+1"/>
9170        <source>Inserts the user&apos;s name</source>
9171        <translation>Inserisce il nome dell&apos;utente</translation>
9172    </message>
9173    <message>
9174        <location line="+1"/>
9175        <source>Inserts the current date</source>
9176        <translation>Inserisce la data attuale</translation>
9177    </message>
9178    <message>
9179        <location line="+1"/>
9180        <source>Inserts the current time</source>
9181        <translation>Inserisce l&apos;ora attuale</translation>
9182    </message>
9183    <message>
9184        <location line="+1"/>
9185        <source>Inserts the hostname</source>
9186        <translation>Inserisce il nome del server</translation>
9187    </message>
9188    <message>
9189        <location line="+26"/>
9190        <source>Recorder still running</source>
9191        <translation>Il registratore è ancora in funzione</translation>
9192    </message>
9193    <message>
9194        <location line="+1"/>
9195        <source>Closing the recorder without stopping it will discard unwritten audio. Do you really want to close the recorder?</source>
9196        <translation>Chiudere il registratore senza fermare la registrazione scarterà l&apos;audio non ancora salvato. Vuoi davvero chiudere il registratore?</translation>
9197    </message>
9198    <message>
9199        <location line="+33"/>
9200        <source>Unable to start recording. Not connected to a server.</source>
9201        <translation>Impossibile iniziare la registrazione. Non sei connesso ad un server.</translation>
9202    </message>
9203    <message>
9204        <location line="+8"/>
9205        <source>The server you are currently connected to is version 1.2.2 or older. For privacy reasons, recording on servers of versions older than 1.2.3 is not possible.
9206Please contact your server administrator for further information.</source>
9207        <translation>Il server a cui sei attualmente connesso è versione 1.2.2 o inferiore. Per ragioni di privacy non è possibile registrare nei server con versione inferiore a 1.2.3.
9208Per favore contatta l&apos;amministratore del server per maggiori informazioni.</translation>
9209    </message>
9210    <message>
9211        <location line="+10"/>
9212        <source>There is already a recorder active for this server.</source>
9213        <translation>C&apos;è già in corso una registrazione in questo server.</translation>
9214    </message>
9215    <message>
9216        <location line="+9"/>
9217        <source>Please select a recording format.</source>
9218        <translation>Seleziona un formato di registrazione.</translation>
9219    </message>
9220    <message>
9221        <location line="+73"/>
9222        <source>Stopping</source>
9223        <translation>Interruzione</translation>
9224    </message>
9225    <message>
9226        <location line="+26"/>
9227        <source>Select target directory</source>
9228        <translation>Seleziona la cartella di destinazione</translation>
9229    </message>
9230    <message>
9231        <location filename="VoiceRecorderDialog.ui"/>
9232        <source>Downmix</source>
9233        <translation>Downmix</translation>
9234    </message>
9237    <name>WASAPIInput</name>
9238    <message>
9239        <location filename="WASAPI.cpp" line="+463"/>
9240        <source>Access to the microphone was denied. Please check that your operating system&apos;s microphone settings allow Mumble to use the microphone.</source>
9241        <translation>L&apos;accesso al microfono è stato negato. Per favore controlla che le impostazioni del microfono sul tuo sistema operativo consentano a Mumble di utilizzare il microfono.</translation>
9242    </message>
9245    <name>WASAPISystem</name>
9246    <message>
9247        <location line="-219"/>
9248        <source>Default Device</source>
9249        <translation>Dispositivo predefinito</translation>
9250    </message>
9253    <name>qwPTTButtonWidget</name>
9254    <message>
9255        <location filename="PTTButtonWidget.ui"/>
9256        <source>Mumble PTT</source>
9257        <translation>Mumble PTT</translation>
9258    </message>
9259    <message>
9260        <location/>
9261        <source>Push to talk</source>
9262        <translation>Push To Talk</translation>
9263    </message>