1 // Copyright 2005-2019 The Mumble Developers. All rights reserved.
2 // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
3 // that can be found in the LICENSE file at the root of the
4 // Mumble source tree or at <https://www.mumble.info/LICENSE>.
6 #ifdef USE_DBUS
10 #include <QtDBus/QDBusAbstractAdaptor>
11 #include <QtDBus/QDBusConnection>
13 #include "ACL.h"
14 #include "Channel.h"
15 #include "Group.h"
16 #include "Meta.h"
17 #include "Server.h"
18 #include "ServerDB.h"
19 #include "User.h"
21 struct Ban;
22 class QDBusObjectPath;
23 class QDBusMessage;
25 struct PlayerInfo {
26 	unsigned int session;
27 	bool mute, deaf, suppressed;
28 	bool selfMute, selfDeaf;
29 	int channel;
PlayerInfoPlayerInfo30 	PlayerInfo() : session(0), mute(false), deaf(false), suppressed(false), selfMute(false), selfDeaf(false), channel(-1) { };
31 	PlayerInfo(const User *);
32 };
35 struct PlayerInfoExtended : public PlayerInfo {
36 	int id;
37 	QString name;
38 	int onlinesecs;
39 	int bytespersec;
PlayerInfoExtendedPlayerInfoExtended40 	PlayerInfoExtended() : id(-1), onlinesecs(-1), bytespersec(-1) {};
41 	PlayerInfoExtended(const User *);
42 };
43 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(PlayerInfoExtended);
44 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<PlayerInfoExtended>);
46 struct ChannelInfo {
47 	int id;
48 	QString name;
49 	int parent;
50 	QList<int> links;
ChannelInfoChannelInfo51 	ChannelInfo() : id(-1), parent(-1) { };
52 	ChannelInfo(const Channel *c);
53 };
55 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<ChannelInfo>);
57 struct GroupInfo {
58 	QString name;
59 	bool inherited, inherit, inheritable;
60 	QList<int> add, remove, members;
GroupInfoGroupInfo61 	GroupInfo() : inherited(false), inherit(false), inheritable(false) { };
62 	GroupInfo(const Group *g);
63 };
65 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<GroupInfo>);
67 struct ACLInfo {
68 	bool applyHere, applySubs, inherited;
69 	int playerid;
70 	QString group;
71 	unsigned int allow, deny;
ACLInfoACLInfo72 	ACLInfo() : applyHere(false), applySubs(false), inherited(false), playerid(-1), allow(0), deny(0) { };
73 	ACLInfo(const ChanACL *acl);
74 };
78 struct BanInfo {
79 	unsigned int address;
80 	int bits;
BanInfoBanInfo81 	BanInfo() : address(0), bits(0) { };
82 	BanInfo(const Ban &);
83 };
87 struct RegisteredPlayer {
88 	int id;
89 	QString name;
90 	QString email;
91 	QString pw;
92 	RegisteredPlayer();
93 };
94 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(RegisteredPlayer);
95 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<RegisteredPlayer>);
97 struct LogEntry {
98 	unsigned int timestamp;
99 	QString txt;
100 	LogEntry();
101 	LogEntry(const ServerDB::LogRecord &);
102 };
104 Q_DECLARE_METATYPE(QList<LogEntry>);
106 class MurmurDBus : public QDBusAbstractAdaptor {
107 	private:
108 		Q_OBJECT
109 		Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "net.sourceforge.mumble.Murmur")
110 		Q_DISABLE_COPY(MurmurDBus)
111 	protected:
112 		Server *server;
113 		bool bReentrant;
114 		QString qsAuthService;
115 		QString qsAuthPath;
116 		void removeAuthenticator();
117 	public:
118 		static QDBusConnection *qdbc;
120 		MurmurDBus(Server *srv);
121 		static void registerTypes();
122 	public slots:
123 		// These have the result ref as the first parameter, so won't be converted to DBus
124 		void authenticateSlot(int &res, QString &uname, int sessionId, const QList<QSslCertificate> &certs, const QString &certhash, bool strong, const QString &pw);
125 		void registerUserSlot(int &res, const QMap<int, QString> &);
126 		void unregisterUserSlot(int &res, int id);
127 		void getRegisteredUsersSlot(const QString &filter, QMap<int, QString> &res);
128 		void getRegistrationSlot(int &, int, QMap<int, QString> &);
129 		void setInfoSlot(int &, int, const QMap<int, QString> &);
130 		void setTextureSlot(int &res, int id, const QByteArray &texture);
131 		void nameToIdSlot(int &res, const QString &name);
132 		void idToNameSlot(QString &res, int id);
133 		void idToTextureSlot(QByteArray &res, int id);
135 		// These use private types, so won't be converted to DBus
136 		void userStateChanged(const User *p);
137 		void userTextMessage(const User *, const TextMessage &);
138 		void userConnected(const User *p);
139 		void userDisconnected(const User *p);
141 		void channelStateChanged(const Channel *c);
142 		void channelCreated(const Channel *c);
143 		void channelRemoved(const Channel *c);
145 	public slots:
146 		// Order of paremeters is IMPORTANT, or Qt will barf.
147 		// Needs to be:
148 		// First all input parameters (non-ref or const-ref)
149 		// Then const QDbusMessage ref
150 		// Then output paremeters (ref)
151 		// Unfortunately, this makes things look chaotic, but luckily it looks sane again when introspected.
152 		// make SURE arguments have sane names, the argument-name will be exported in introspection xml.
154 		void getPlayers(QList<PlayerInfoExtended> &player_list);
155 		void getChannels(QList<ChannelInfo> &channel_list);
157 		void getACL(int channel, const QDBusMessage &, QList<ACLInfo> &acls,QList<GroupInfo> &groups, bool &inherit);
158 		void setACL(int channel, const QList<ACLInfo> &acls, const QList<GroupInfo> &groups, bool inherit, const QDBusMessage &);
160 		void getBans(QList<BanInfo> &bans);
161 		void setBans(const QList<BanInfo> &bans, const QDBusMessage &);
163 		void kickPlayer(unsigned int session, const QString &reason, const QDBusMessage &);
164 		void getPlayerState(unsigned int session, const QDBusMessage &, PlayerInfo &state);
165 		void setPlayerState(const PlayerInfo &state, const QDBusMessage &);
166 		void sendMessage(unsigned int session, const QString &text, const QDBusMessage &);
168 		void getChannelState(int id, const QDBusMessage &, ChannelInfo &state);
169 		void setChannelState(const ChannelInfo &state, const QDBusMessage &);
170 		void removeChannel(int id, const QDBusMessage &);
171 		void addChannel(const QString &name, int parent, const QDBusMessage &, int &newid);
172 		void sendMessageChannel(int id, bool tree, const QString &text, const QDBusMessage &);
174 		void getPlayerNames(const QList<int> &ids, const QDBusMessage &, QStringList &names);
175 		void getPlayerIds(const QStringList &names, const QDBusMessage &, QList<int> &ids);
177 		void setAuthenticator(const QDBusObjectPath &path, bool reentrant, const QDBusMessage &);
178 		void setTemporaryGroups(int channel, int playerid, const QStringList &groups, const QDBusMessage &);
180 		void registerPlayer(const QString &name, const QDBusMessage &, int &id);
181 		void unregisterPlayer(int id, const QDBusMessage &);
182 		void updateRegistration(const RegisteredPlayer &player, const QDBusMessage &);
183 		void setRegistration(int id, const QString &name, const QString &email, const QString &pw, const QDBusMessage &);
184 		void getRegistration(int id, const QDBusMessage &, RegisteredPlayer &player);
185 		void getRegisteredPlayers(const QString &filter, QList<RegisteredPlayer> &players);
186 		void verifyPassword(int id, const QString &pw, const QDBusMessage &, bool &ok);
187 		void getTexture(int id, const QDBusMessage &, QByteArray &texture);
188 		void setTexture(int id, const QByteArray &, const QDBusMessage &);
189 	signals:
190 		void playerStateChanged(const PlayerInfo &state);
191 		void playerConnected(const PlayerInfo &state);
192 		void playerDisconnected(const PlayerInfo &state);
194 		void channelStateChanged(const ChannelInfo &state);
195 		void channelCreated(const ChannelInfo &state);
196 		void channelRemoved(const ChannelInfo &state);
197 };
199 typedef QMap<QString, QString> ConfigMap;
202 class MetaDBus : public QDBusAbstractAdaptor {
203 	private:
204 		Q_OBJECT
205 		Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "net.sourceforge.mumble.Meta")
206 		Q_DISABLE_COPY(MetaDBus)
207 	protected:
208 		Meta *meta;
209 	public:
210 		MetaDBus(Meta *m);
212 	public slots:
213 		void started(Server *s);
214 		void stopped(Server *s);
215 	public slots:
216 		void start(int server_id, const QDBusMessage &);
217 		void stop(int server_id, const QDBusMessage &);
218 		void newServer(int &server_id);
219 		void deleteServer(int server_id, const QDBusMessage &);
220 		void getBootedServers(QList<int> &server_list);
221 		void getAllServers(QList<int> &server_list);
222 		void isBooted(int server_id, bool &booted);
223 		void getConf(int server_id, const QString &key, const QDBusMessage &, QString &value);
224 		void getAllConf(int server_id, const QDBusMessage &, ConfigMap &values);
225 		void getDefaultConf(ConfigMap &values);
226 		void setConf(int server_id, const QString &key, const QString &value, const QDBusMessage &);
227 		void setSuperUserPassword(int server_id, const QString &pw, const QDBusMessage &);
228 		void getLog(int server_id, int min_offset, int max_offset, const QDBusMessage &, QList<LogEntry> &entries);
229 		void getVersion(int &major, int &minor, int &patch, QString &string);
230 		void quit();
231 	signals:
232 		void started(int server_id);
233 		void stopped(int server_id);
234 };
236 #endif
237 #endif