1 use serde::{
2     de::{self, DeserializeSeed, VariantAccess, Visitor},
3     Deserialize,
4 };
5 use static_assertions::assert_impl_all;
7 use std::{marker::PhantomData, os::unix::io::RawFd, str};
9 #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
10 use crate::gvariant::Deserializer as GVDeserializer;
11 use crate::{
12     dbus::Deserializer as DBusDeserializer, signature_parser::SignatureParser, utils::*, Basic,
13     DynamicDeserialize, DynamicType, EncodingContext, EncodingFormat, Error, Fd, ObjectPath,
14     Result, Signature, Type,
15 };
17 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes, containing file descriptor indices.
18 ///
19 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
20 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
21 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
22 ///
23 /// # Examples
24 ///
25 /// ```
26 /// use zvariant::{to_bytes_fds, from_slice_fds};
27 /// use zvariant::{EncodingContext, Fd};
28 ///
29 /// let ctxt = EncodingContext::<byteorder::LE>::new_dbus(0);
30 /// let (encoded, fds) = to_bytes_fds(ctxt, &Fd::from(42)).unwrap();
31 /// let decoded: Fd = from_slice_fds(&encoded, Some(&fds), ctxt).unwrap();
32 /// assert_eq!(decoded, Fd::from(42));
33 /// ```
34 ///
35 /// [`from_slice`]: fn.from_slice.html
from_slice_fds<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>( bytes: &'r [u8], fds: Option<&[RawFd]>, ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, ) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: Deserialize<'d> + Type,36 pub fn from_slice_fds<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>(
37     bytes: &'r [u8],
38     fds: Option<&[RawFd]>,
39     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
40 ) -> Result<T>
41 where
42     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
43     T: Deserialize<'d> + Type,
44 {
45     let signature = T::signature();
46     from_slice_fds_for_signature(bytes, fds, ctxt, &signature)
47 }
49 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes.
50 ///
51 /// If `T` is an, or (potentially) contains an [`Fd`], use [`from_slice_fds`] instead.
52 ///
53 /// # Examples
54 ///
55 /// ```
56 /// use zvariant::{to_bytes, from_slice};
57 /// use zvariant::EncodingContext;
58 ///
59 /// let ctxt = EncodingContext::<byteorder::LE>::new_dbus(0);
60 /// let encoded = to_bytes(ctxt, "hello world").unwrap();
61 /// let decoded: &str = from_slice(&encoded, ctxt).unwrap();
62 /// assert_eq!(decoded, "hello world");
63 /// ```
64 ///
65 /// [`Fd`]: struct.Fd.html
66 /// [`from_slice_fds`]: fn.from_slice_fds.html
from_slice<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>(bytes: &'r [u8], ctxt: EncodingContext<B>) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: Deserialize<'d> + Type,67 pub fn from_slice<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>(bytes: &'r [u8], ctxt: EncodingContext<B>) -> Result<T>
68 where
69     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
70     T: Deserialize<'d> + Type,
71 {
72     let signature = T::signature();
73     from_slice_for_signature(bytes, ctxt, &signature)
74 }
76 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes with the given signature.
77 ///
78 /// Use this function instead of [`from_slice`] if the value being deserialized does not implement
79 /// [`Type`]. Also, if `T` is an, or (potentially) contains an [`Fd`], use
80 /// [`from_slice_fds_for_signature`] instead.
81 ///
82 /// # Examples
83 ///
84 /// One known case where `Type` implementation isn't possible, is enum types (except simple ones
85 /// with unit variants only).
86 ///
87 /// ```
88 /// use std::convert::TryInto;
89 /// use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
90 ///
91 /// use zvariant::{to_bytes_for_signature, from_slice_for_signature};
92 /// use zvariant::EncodingContext;
93 ///
94 /// #[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
95 /// enum Test {
96 ///     Unit,
97 ///     NewType(u8),
98 ///     Tuple(u8, u64),
99 ///     Struct { y: u8, t: u64 },
100 /// }
101 ///
102 /// let ctxt = EncodingContext::<byteorder::LE>::new_dbus(0);
103 /// let signature = "u".try_into().unwrap();
104 /// let encoded = to_bytes_for_signature(ctxt, &signature, &Test::Unit).unwrap();
105 /// let decoded: Test = from_slice_for_signature(&encoded, ctxt, &signature).unwrap();
106 /// assert_eq!(decoded, Test::Unit);
107 ///
108 /// let signature = "y".try_into().unwrap();
109 /// let encoded = to_bytes_for_signature(ctxt, &signature, &Test::NewType(42)).unwrap();
110 /// let decoded: Test = from_slice_for_signature(&encoded, ctxt, &signature).unwrap();
111 /// assert_eq!(decoded, Test::NewType(42));
112 ///
113 /// let signature = "(yt)".try_into().unwrap();
114 /// let encoded = to_bytes_for_signature(ctxt, &signature, &Test::Tuple(42, 42)).unwrap();
115 /// let decoded: Test = from_slice_for_signature(&encoded, ctxt, &signature).unwrap();
116 /// assert_eq!(decoded, Test::Tuple(42, 42));
117 ///
118 /// let s = Test::Struct { y: 42, t: 42 };
119 /// let encoded = to_bytes_for_signature(ctxt, &signature, &s).unwrap();
120 /// let decoded: Test = from_slice_for_signature(&encoded, ctxt, &signature).unwrap();
121 /// assert_eq!(decoded, Test::Struct { y: 42, t: 42 });
122 /// ```
123 ///
124 /// [`Type`]: trait.Type.html
125 /// [`Fd`]: struct.Fd.html
126 /// [`from_slice_fds_for_signature`]: fn.from_slice_fds_for_signature.html
127 // TODO: Return number of bytes parsed?
from_slice_for_signature<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>( bytes: &'r [u8], ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, signature: &Signature<'_>, ) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: Deserialize<'d>,128 pub fn from_slice_for_signature<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>(
129     bytes: &'r [u8],
130     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
131     signature: &Signature<'_>,
132 ) -> Result<T>
133 where
134     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
135     T: Deserialize<'d>,
136 {
137     from_slice_fds_for_signature(bytes, None, ctxt, signature)
138 }
140 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes containing file descriptor indices, with the given signature.
141 ///
142 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
143 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
144 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
145 ///
146 /// [`from_slice`]: fn.from_slice.html
147 /// [`from_slice_for_signature`]: fn.from_slice_for_signature.html
148 // TODO: Return number of bytes parsed?
from_slice_fds_for_signature<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>( bytes: &'r [u8], fds: Option<&[RawFd]>, ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, signature: &Signature<'_>, ) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: Deserialize<'d>,149 pub fn from_slice_fds_for_signature<'d, 'r: 'd, B, T: ?Sized>(
150     bytes: &'r [u8],
151     fds: Option<&[RawFd]>,
152     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
153     signature: &Signature<'_>,
154 ) -> Result<T>
155 where
156     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
157     T: Deserialize<'d>,
158 {
159     let mut de = match ctxt.format() {
160         #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
161         EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
162             Deserializer::GVariant(GVDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, signature, ctxt))
163         }
164         EncodingFormat::DBus => {
165             Deserializer::DBus(DBusDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, signature, ctxt))
166         }
167     };
169     T::deserialize(&mut de)
170 }
172 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes containing file descriptor indices, with the given
173 /// signature.
174 ///
175 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
176 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
177 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
from_slice_for_dynamic_signature<'d, B, T>( bytes: &'d [u8], ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, signature: &Signature<'d>, ) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: DynamicDeserialize<'d>,178 pub fn from_slice_for_dynamic_signature<'d, B, T>(
179     bytes: &'d [u8],
180     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
181     signature: &Signature<'d>,
182 ) -> Result<T>
183 where
184     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
185     T: DynamicDeserialize<'d>,
186 {
187     from_slice_fds_for_dynamic_signature(bytes, None, ctxt, signature)
188 }
190 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes containing file descriptor indices, with the given
191 /// signature.
192 ///
193 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
194 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
195 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
from_slice_fds_for_dynamic_signature<'d, B, T>( bytes: &'d [u8], fds: Option<&[RawFd]>, ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, signature: &Signature<'d>, ) -> Result<T> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, T: DynamicDeserialize<'d>,196 pub fn from_slice_fds_for_dynamic_signature<'d, B, T>(
197     bytes: &'d [u8],
198     fds: Option<&[RawFd]>,
199     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
200     signature: &Signature<'d>,
201 ) -> Result<T>
202 where
203     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
204     T: DynamicDeserialize<'d>,
205 {
206     let seed = T::deserializer_for_signature(signature)?;
208     from_slice_fds_with_seed(bytes, fds, ctxt, seed)
209 }
211 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes containing file descriptor indices, using the given
212 /// seed.
213 ///
214 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
215 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
216 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
from_slice_with_seed<'d, B, S>( bytes: &'d [u8], ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, seed: S, ) -> Result<S::Value> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, S: DeserializeSeed<'d> + DynamicType,217 pub fn from_slice_with_seed<'d, B, S>(
218     bytes: &'d [u8],
219     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
220     seed: S,
221 ) -> Result<S::Value>
222 where
223     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
224     S: DeserializeSeed<'d> + DynamicType,
225 {
226     from_slice_fds_with_seed(bytes, None, ctxt, seed)
227 }
229 /// Deserialize `T` from a given slice of bytes containing file descriptor indices, using the given
230 /// seed.
231 ///
232 /// Please note that actual file descriptors are not part of the encoding and need to be transferred
233 /// via an out-of-band platform specific mechanism. The encoding only contain the indices of the
234 /// file descriptors and hence the reason, caller must pass a slice of file descriptors.
from_slice_fds_with_seed<'d, B, S>( bytes: &'d [u8], fds: Option<&[RawFd]>, ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, seed: S, ) -> Result<S::Value> where B: byteorder::ByteOrder, S: DeserializeSeed<'d> + DynamicType,235 pub fn from_slice_fds_with_seed<'d, B, S>(
236     bytes: &'d [u8],
237     fds: Option<&[RawFd]>,
238     ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
239     seed: S,
240 ) -> Result<S::Value>
241 where
242     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
243     S: DeserializeSeed<'d> + DynamicType,
244 {
245     let signature = S::dynamic_signature(&seed).to_owned();
247     let mut de = match ctxt.format() {
248         #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
249         EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
250             Deserializer::GVariant(GVDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, &signature, ctxt))
251         }
252         EncodingFormat::DBus => {
253             Deserializer::DBus(DBusDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, &signature, ctxt))
254         }
255     };
257     seed.deserialize(&mut de)
258 }
260 /// Our deserialization implementation.
261 #[derive(Debug)]
262 pub(crate) struct DeserializerCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B> {
263     pub(crate) ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
264     pub(crate) bytes: &'de [u8],
265     pub(crate) fds: Option<&'f [RawFd]>,
266     pub(crate) pos: usize,
268     pub(crate) sig_parser: SignatureParser<'sig>,
270     pub(crate) b: PhantomData<B>,
271 }
273 /// Our deserialization implementation.
274 ///
275 /// Using this deserializer involves an redirection to the actual deserializer. It's best
276 /// to use the serialization functions, e.g [`crate::to_bytes`] or specific serializers,
277 /// [`crate::dbus::Deserializer`] or [`crate::zvariant::Deserializer`].
278 pub enum Deserializer<'ser, 'sig, 'f, B> {
279     DBus(DBusDeserializer<'ser, 'sig, 'f, B>),
280     #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
281     GVariant(GVDeserializer<'ser, 'sig, 'f, B>),
282 }
284 assert_impl_all!(Deserializer<'_, '_, '_, u8>: Send, Sync, Unpin);
286 impl<'de, 'sig, 'f, B> Deserializer<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>
287 where
288     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
289 {
290     /// Create a Deserializer struct instance.
new<'r: 'de>( bytes: &'r [u8], fds: Option<&'f [RawFd]>, signature: &Signature<'sig>, ctxt: EncodingContext<B>, ) -> Self291     pub fn new<'r: 'de>(
292         bytes: &'r [u8],
293         fds: Option<&'f [RawFd]>,
294         signature: &Signature<'sig>,
295         ctxt: EncodingContext<B>,
296     ) -> Self {
297         match ctxt.format() {
298             #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
299             EncodingFormat::GVariant => {
300                 Self::GVariant(GVDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, signature, ctxt))
301             }
302             EncodingFormat::DBus => Self::DBus(DBusDeserializer::new(bytes, fds, signature, ctxt)),
303         }
304     }
305 }
307 impl<'de, 'sig, 'f, B> DeserializerCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>
308 where
309     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
310 {
get_fd(&self, idx: u32) -> Result<i32>311     pub fn get_fd(&self, idx: u32) -> Result<i32> {
312         self.fds
313             .map(|fds| fds.get(idx as usize))
314             .flatten()
315             .copied()
316             .ok_or(Error::UnknownFd)
317     }
parse_padding(&mut self, alignment: usize) -> Result<usize>319     pub fn parse_padding(&mut self, alignment: usize) -> Result<usize> {
320         let padding = padding_for_n_bytes(self.abs_pos(), alignment);
321         if padding > 0 {
322             if self.pos + padding > self.bytes.len() {
323                 return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(
324                     self.bytes.len(),
325                     &format!(">= {}", self.pos + padding).as_str(),
326                 ));
327             }
329             for i in 0..padding {
330                 let byte = self.bytes[self.pos + i];
331                 if byte != 0 {
332                     return Err(Error::PaddingNot0(byte));
333                 }
334             }
335             self.pos += padding;
336         }
338         Ok(padding)
339     }
prep_deserialize_basic<T>(&mut self) -> Result<()> where T: Basic,341     pub fn prep_deserialize_basic<T>(&mut self) -> Result<()>
342     where
343         T: Basic,
344     {
345         self.sig_parser.skip_char()?;
346         self.parse_padding(T::alignment(self.ctxt.format()))?;
348         Ok(())
349     }
next_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<&'de [u8]>351     pub fn next_slice(&mut self, len: usize) -> Result<&'de [u8]> {
352         if self.pos + len > self.bytes.len() {
353             return Err(serde::de::Error::invalid_length(
354                 self.bytes.len(),
355                 &format!(">= {}", self.pos + len).as_str(),
356             ));
357         }
359         let slice = &self.bytes[self.pos..self.pos + len];
360         self.pos += len;
362         Ok(slice)
363     }
next_const_size_slice<T>(&mut self) -> Result<&[u8]> where T: Basic,365     pub fn next_const_size_slice<T>(&mut self) -> Result<&[u8]>
366     where
367         T: Basic,
368     {
369         self.prep_deserialize_basic::<T>()?;
371         self.next_slice(T::alignment(self.ctxt.format()))
372     }
abs_pos(&self) -> usize374     pub fn abs_pos(&self) -> usize {
375         self.ctxt.position() + self.pos
376     }
377 }
379 macro_rules! deserialize_method {
380     ($method:ident($($arg:ident: $type:ty),*)) => {
381         #[inline]
382         fn $method<V>(self, $($arg: $type,)* visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value>
383         where
384             V: Visitor<'de>,
385         {
386             match self {
387                 #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
388                 Deserializer::GVariant(de) => {
389                     de.$method($($arg,)* visitor)
390                 }
391                 Deserializer::DBus(de) => {
392                     de.$method($($arg,)* visitor)
393                 }
394             }
395         }
396     }
397 }
399 impl<'de, 'd, 'sig, 'f, B> de::Deserializer<'de> for &'d mut Deserializer<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>
400 where
401     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
402 {
403     type Error = Error;
405     deserialize_method!(deserialize_any());
406     deserialize_method!(deserialize_bool());
407     deserialize_method!(deserialize_i8());
408     deserialize_method!(deserialize_i16());
409     deserialize_method!(deserialize_i32());
410     deserialize_method!(deserialize_i64());
411     deserialize_method!(deserialize_u8());
412     deserialize_method!(deserialize_u16());
413     deserialize_method!(deserialize_u32());
414     deserialize_method!(deserialize_u64());
415     deserialize_method!(deserialize_f32());
416     deserialize_method!(deserialize_f64());
417     deserialize_method!(deserialize_char());
418     deserialize_method!(deserialize_str());
419     deserialize_method!(deserialize_string());
420     deserialize_method!(deserialize_bytes());
421     deserialize_method!(deserialize_byte_buf());
422     deserialize_method!(deserialize_option());
423     deserialize_method!(deserialize_unit());
424     deserialize_method!(deserialize_unit_struct(n: &'static str));
425     deserialize_method!(deserialize_newtype_struct(n: &'static str));
426     deserialize_method!(deserialize_seq());
427     deserialize_method!(deserialize_map());
428     deserialize_method!(deserialize_tuple(n: usize));
429     deserialize_method!(deserialize_tuple_struct(n: &'static str, l: usize));
430     deserialize_method!(deserialize_struct(
431         n: &'static str,
432         f: &'static [&'static str]
433     ));
434     deserialize_method!(deserialize_enum(
435         n: &'static str,
436         f: &'static [&'static str]
437     ));
438     deserialize_method!(deserialize_identifier());
439     deserialize_method!(deserialize_ignored_any());
440 }
442 #[derive(Debug)]
443 pub(crate) enum ValueParseStage {
444     Signature,
445     Value,
446     Done,
447 }
deserialize_any<'de, 'sig, 'f, B, D, V>( de: D, next_char: char, visitor: V, ) -> Result<V::Value> where D: de::Deserializer<'de, Error = Error>, V: Visitor<'de>, B: byteorder::ByteOrder,449 pub(crate) fn deserialize_any<'de, 'sig, 'f, B, D, V>(
450     de: D,
451     next_char: char,
452     visitor: V,
453 ) -> Result<V::Value>
454 where
455     D: de::Deserializer<'de, Error = Error>,
456     V: Visitor<'de>,
457     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
458 {
459     match next_char {
460         u8::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_u8(visitor),
461         bool::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_bool(visitor),
462         i16::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_i16(visitor),
463         u16::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_u16(visitor),
464         i32::SIGNATURE_CHAR | Fd::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_i32(visitor),
465         u32::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_u32(visitor),
466         i64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_i64(visitor),
467         u64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_u64(visitor),
468         f64::SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_f64(visitor),
469         <&str>::SIGNATURE_CHAR | ObjectPath::SIGNATURE_CHAR | Signature::SIGNATURE_CHAR => {
470             de.deserialize_str(visitor)
471         }
472         VARIANT_SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_seq(visitor),
473         ARRAY_SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_seq(visitor),
474         STRUCT_SIG_START_CHAR => de.deserialize_seq(visitor),
475         #[cfg(feature = "gvariant")]
476         MAYBE_SIGNATURE_CHAR => de.deserialize_option(visitor),
477         c => Err(de::Error::invalid_value(
478             de::Unexpected::Char(c),
479             &"a valid signature character",
480         )),
481     }
482 }
484 pub(crate) trait GetDeserializeCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>
485 where
486     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
487 {
common_mut<'d>(self) -> &'d mut DeserializerCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B> where Self: 'd488     fn common_mut<'d>(self) -> &'d mut DeserializerCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>
489     where
490         Self: 'd;
491 }
493 // Enum handling is very generic so it can be here and specific deserializers can use this.
494 pub(crate) struct Enum<B, D> {
495     pub(crate) de: D,
496     pub(crate) name: &'static str,
497     pub(crate) phantom: PhantomData<B>,
498 }
500 impl<'de, 'sig, 'f, B, D> VariantAccess<'de> for Enum<B, D>
501 where
502     B: byteorder::ByteOrder,
503     D: de::Deserializer<'de, Error = Error> + GetDeserializeCommon<'de, 'sig, 'f, B>,
504 {
505     type Error = Error;
unit_variant(self) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error>507     fn unit_variant(self) -> std::result::Result<(), Self::Error> {
508         self.de.common_mut().sig_parser.skip_char()
509     }
newtype_variant_seed<T>(self, seed: T) -> Result<T::Value> where T: DeserializeSeed<'de>,511     fn newtype_variant_seed<T>(self, seed: T) -> Result<T::Value>
512     where
513         T: DeserializeSeed<'de>,
514     {
515         seed.deserialize(self.de)
516     }
tuple_variant<V>(self, _len: usize, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value> where V: Visitor<'de>,518     fn tuple_variant<V>(self, _len: usize, visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value>
519     where
520         V: Visitor<'de>,
521     {
522         de::Deserializer::deserialize_struct(self.de, self.name, &[], visitor)
523     }
struct_variant<V>(self, fields: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value> where V: Visitor<'de>,525     fn struct_variant<V>(self, fields: &'static [&'static str], visitor: V) -> Result<V::Value>
526     where
527         V: Visitor<'de>,
528     {
529         de::Deserializer::deserialize_struct(self.de, self.name, fields, visitor)
530     }
531 }