1 /* LPC_and_Formant.cpp
2  *
3  * Copyright (C) 1994-2020 David Weenink
4  *
5  * This code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
6  * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
7  * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
8  * your option) any later version.
9  *
10  * This code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
11  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
13  * General Public License for more details.
14  *
15  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
16  * along with this work. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
17  */
19 /*
20  djmw 20030616 Formant_Frame_into_LPC_Frame: remove formant with f >= Nyquist +
21  		change lpc indexing from -1..m
22  djmw 20080122 float -> double
23 */
25 #include "LPC_and_Formant.h"
26 #include "LPC_and_Polynomial.h"
27 #include "NUM2.h"
28 #include <thread>
29 #include <atomic>
30 #include <vector>
Formant_Frame_init(Formant_Frame me,integer numberOfFormants)32 void Formant_Frame_init (Formant_Frame me, integer numberOfFormants) {
33 	if (numberOfFormants > 0)
34 		my formant = newvectorzero <structFormant_Formant> (numberOfFormants);
35 	my numberOfFormants = my formant.size; // maintain invariant
36 }
Formant_Frame_scale(Formant_Frame me,double scale)38 void Formant_Frame_scale (Formant_Frame me, double scale) {
39 	for (integer iformant = 1; iformant <= my numberOfFormants; iformant ++) {
40 		my formant [iformant]. frequency *= scale;
41 		my formant [iformant]. bandwidth *= scale;
42 	}
43 }
Roots_into_Formant_Frame(Roots me,Formant_Frame thee,double samplingFrequency,double margin)45 void Roots_into_Formant_Frame (Roots me, Formant_Frame thee, double samplingFrequency, double margin) {
46 	/*
47 		Determine the formants and bandwidths
48 	*/
49 	Melder_assert (my numberOfRoots == my roots.size); // check invariant
50 	thy formant.resize (0);
51 	const double nyquistFrequency = 0.5 * samplingFrequency;
52 	const double fLow = margin, fHigh = nyquistFrequency - margin;
53 	for (integer iroot = 1; iroot <= my numberOfRoots; iroot ++) {
54 		if (my roots [iroot].imag() < 0.0)
55 			continue;
56 		const double frequency = fabs (atan2 (my roots [iroot].imag(), my roots [iroot].real())) * nyquistFrequency / NUMpi;
57 		if (frequency >= fLow && frequency <= fHigh) {
58 			const double bandwidth = - log (norm (my roots [iroot])) * nyquistFrequency / NUMpi;
59 			Formant_Formant newff = thy formant . append ();
60 			newff -> frequency = frequency;
61 			newff -> bandwidth = bandwidth;
62 		}
63 	}
64 	thy numberOfFormants = thy formant.size; // maintain invariant
65 }
LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame(LPC_Frame me,Formant_Frame thee,double samplingPeriod,double margin)67 void LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame (LPC_Frame me, Formant_Frame thee, double samplingPeriod, double margin) {
68 	Melder_assert (my nCoefficients == my a.size); // check invariant
69 	thy intensity = my gain;
70 	if (my nCoefficients == 0) {
71 		thy formant.resize (0);
72 		thy numberOfFormants = thy formant.size; // maintain invariant
73 		return;
74 	}
75 	autoPolynomial p = LPC_Frame_to_Polynomial (me);
76 	autoRoots r = Polynomial_to_Roots (p.get());
77 	Roots_fixIntoUnitCircle (r.get());
78 	Roots_into_Formant_Frame (r.get(), thee, 1.0 / samplingPeriod, margin);
79 }
LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame_mt(LPC_Frame me,Formant_Frame thee,double samplingPeriod,double margin,Polynomial p,Roots r,VEC const & workspace)81 void LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame_mt (LPC_Frame me, Formant_Frame thee, double samplingPeriod, double margin, Polynomial p, Roots r, VEC const& workspace) {
82 	Melder_assert (my nCoefficients == my a.size); // check invariant
83 	thy intensity = my gain;
84 	if (my nCoefficients == 0) {
85 		thy formant.resize (0);
86 		thy numberOfFormants = thy formant.size; // maintain invariant
87 		return;
88 	}
89 	LPC_Frame_into_Polynomial (me, p);
90 	Polynomial_into_Roots (p, r, workspace);
91 	Roots_fixIntoUnitCircle (r);
92 	Roots_into_Formant_Frame (r, thee, 1.0 / samplingPeriod, margin);
93 }
LPC_to_Formant_noThreads(LPC me,double margin)95 autoFormant LPC_to_Formant_noThreads (LPC me, double margin) {
96 	try {
97 		const double samplingFrequency = 1.0 / my samplingPeriod;
98 		/*
99 			In very extreme case all roots of the lpc polynomial might be real.
100 			A real root gives either a frequency at 0 Hz or at the Nyquist frequency.
101 			If margin > 0 these frequencies are filtered out and the number of formants can never exceed
102 			my maxnCoefficients / 2.
103 		*/
104 		const integer maximumNumberOfFormants = ( margin == 0.0 ? my maxnCoefficients : (my maxnCoefficients + 1) / 2 );
105 		const integer maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients = my maxnCoefficients + 1;
106 		integer numberOfSuspectFrames = 0;
107 		const integer interval = ( my maxnCoefficients > 20 ? 1 : 10 );
108 		Melder_require (my maxnCoefficients < 100,
109 			U"We cannot find the roots of a polynomial of order > 99.");
110 		Melder_require (margin < samplingFrequency / 4.0,
111 			U"Margin should be smaller than ", samplingFrequency / 4.0, U".");
112 		autoFormant thee = Formant_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, maximumNumberOfFormants);
113 		autoPolynomial polynomial = Polynomial_create (-1.0, 1.0, my maxnCoefficients);
114 		autoRoots roots = Roots_create (my maxnCoefficients);
115 		autoVEC workspace = raw_VEC (maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients * (maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients + 9));
116 		autoMelderProgress progress (U"LPC to Formant");
117 		for (integer iframe = 1; iframe <= my nx; iframe ++) {
118 			const LPC_Frame lpcFrame = & my d_frames [iframe];
119 			const Formant_Frame formantFrame = & thy frames [iframe];
120 			Formant_Frame_init (formantFrame, maximumNumberOfFormants);
121 			try {
122 				LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame_mt (lpcFrame, formantFrame, my samplingPeriod, margin, polynomial.get(), roots.get(), workspace.get());
123 				//LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame (lpcFrame, formant, my samplingPeriod, margin);
124 			} catch (MelderError) {
125 				Melder_clearError();
126 				numberOfSuspectFrames ++;
127 			}
128 			if (interval == 1 || iframe % interval == 1)
129 				Melder_progress ((double) iframe / my nx, U"LPC to Formant: frame ", iframe, U" out of ", my nx, U".");
130 		}
131 		Formant_sort (thee.get());
132 		if (numberOfSuspectFrames > 0)
133 			Melder_warning (numberOfSuspectFrames, U" formant frames out of ", my nx, U" are suspect.");
134 		return thee;
135 	} catch (MelderError) {
136 		Melder_throw (me, U": no Formant created.");
137 	}
138 }
LPC_to_Formant(LPC me,double margin)140 autoFormant LPC_to_Formant (LPC me, double margin) {
141 	try {
142 		const integer numberOfProcessors = std::thread::hardware_concurrency ();
143 		if (numberOfProcessors  <= 1) {
144 			/*
145 				We cannot use multithreading.
146 			*/
147 			return LPC_to_Formant_noThreads (me, margin);
148 		}
149 		const double samplingFrequency = 1.0 / my samplingPeriod;
150 		Melder_require (my maxnCoefficients < 100,
151 			U"We cannot find the roots of a polynomial of order > 99.");
152 		Melder_require (margin < samplingFrequency / 4.0,
153 			U"Margin should be smaller than ", samplingFrequency / 4.0, U".");
154 		/*
155 			In a very extreme case all roots of the lpc polynomial might be real.
156 			A real root gives either a frequency at 0 Hz or at the Nyquist frequency.
157 			To play it safely, the maximum number of formants is than equal to the number of coefficients.
158 			However, to get the acoustically "real" formant frequencies we always neglect frequencies at 0 Hz
159 			and at the Nyquist.
160 			If margin > 0 these frequencies are filtered out and the number of formants can never exceed
161 			int ( my maxnCoefficients / 2 ) because if maxnCoefficients is uneven than at least one of the roots is real.
162 		*/
163 		const integer maximumNumberOfFormants = ( margin == 0.0 ? my maxnCoefficients : (my maxnCoefficients + 1) / 2 );
164 		const integer maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients = my maxnCoefficients + 1;
165 		const integer numberOfFrames = my nx;
166 		autoFormant thee = Formant_create (my xmin, my xmax, numberOfFrames, my dx, my x1, maximumNumberOfFormants);
167 		for (integer iframe = 1; iframe <= numberOfFrames; iframe ++) {
168 			const Formant_Frame formantFrame = & thy frames [iframe];
169 			Formant_Frame_init (formantFrame, maximumNumberOfFormants);
170 		}
172 		constexpr integer maximumNumberOfThreads = 16;
173 		integer numberOfThreads, numberOfFramesPerThread = 25;
174 		NUMgetThreadingInfo (numberOfFrames, std::min (numberOfProcessors, maximumNumberOfThreads), & numberOfFramesPerThread, & numberOfThreads);
175 		/*
176 			Reserve working memory for each thread
177 		*/
178 		autoPolynomial polynomials [maximumNumberOfThreads + 1];
179 		autoRoots roots [maximumNumberOfThreads + 1];
180 		for (integer ithread = 1; ithread <= numberOfThreads; ithread ++) {
181 			polynomials [ithread] = Polynomial_create (-1.0, 1.0, my maxnCoefficients);
182 			roots [ithread] = Roots_create (my maxnCoefficients);
183 		}
184 		autoMAT workspaces = raw_MAT (numberOfThreads, maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients * (maximumNumberOfPolynomialCoefficients + 9));
185 		std::vector <std::thread> thread (numberOfThreads);
186 		std::atomic<integer> numberOfSuspectFrames (0);
188 		try {
189 			for (integer ithread = 1; ithread <= numberOfThreads; ithread ++) {
190 				Polynomial p = polynomials [ithread].get();
191 				Roots r = roots [ithread].get();
192 				Formant formant = thee.get();
193 				LPC lpc = me;
194 				VEC workspace = workspaces.row (ithread);
195 				const integer firstFrame = 1 + (ithread - 1) * numberOfFramesPerThread;
196 				const integer lastFrame = ( ithread == numberOfThreads ? numberOfFrames : firstFrame + numberOfFramesPerThread - 1 );
198 				thread [ithread - 1] = std::thread ([=, & numberOfSuspectFrames] () {
199 					for (integer iframe = firstFrame; iframe <= lastFrame; iframe ++) {
200 						const LPC_Frame lpcFrame = & lpc -> d_frames [iframe];
201 						const Formant_Frame formantFrame = & formant -> frames [iframe];
202 						try {
203 							LPC_Frame_into_Formant_Frame_mt (lpcFrame, formantFrame, my samplingPeriod, margin, p, r, workspace);
204 						} catch (MelderError) {
205 							numberOfSuspectFrames ++;
206 						}
207 					}
208 				});
209 			}
210 		} catch (MelderError) {
211 			for (integer ithread = 1; ithread <= numberOfThreads; ithread ++) {
212 				if (thread [ithread - 1]. joinable ())
213 					thread [ithread - 1]. join ();
214 			}
215 			throw;
216 		}
217 		for (integer ithread = 1; ithread <= numberOfThreads; ithread ++)
218 			thread [ithread - 1]. join ();
221 		Formant_sort (thee.get());
222 		if (numberOfSuspectFrames > 0)
223 			Melder_warning ((integer) numberOfSuspectFrames, U" formant frames out of ", numberOfFrames, U" are suspect.");
224 		return thee;
225 	} catch (MelderError) {
226 		Melder_throw (me, U": no Formant created.");
227 	}
228 }
Formant_Frame_into_LPC_Frame(Formant_Frame me,LPC_Frame thee,double samplingPeriod)230 void Formant_Frame_into_LPC_Frame (Formant_Frame me, LPC_Frame thee, double samplingPeriod) {
231 	if (my numberOfFormants < 1)
232 		return;
233 	const double nyquistFrequency = 0.5 / samplingPeriod;
234 	integer numberOfPoles = 2 * my numberOfFormants;
235 	autoVEC lpc = zero_VEC (numberOfPoles + 2);   // all odd coefficients have to be initialized to zero
236 	lpc [2] = 1.0;
237 	integer m = 2;
238 	for (integer iformant = 1; iformant <= my numberOfFormants; iformant ++) {
239 		const double formantFrequency = my formant [iformant]. frequency;
240 		if (formantFrequency > nyquistFrequency)
241 			continue;
242 		/*
243 			D(z): 1 + p z^-1 + q z^-2
244 		*/
245 		const double r = exp (- NUMpi * my formant [iformant]. bandwidth * samplingPeriod);
246 		const double p = - 2.0 * r * cos (NUM2pi * formantFrequency * samplingPeriod);
247 		const double q = r * r;
248 		/*
249 			By setting the two extra elements (0, 1) in the lpc vector we can avoid boundary testing;
250 			lpc [3..n+2] come to contain the coefficients.
251 		*/
252 		for (integer j = m + 2; j > 2; j --)
253 			lpc [j] += p * lpc [j - 1] + q * lpc [j - 2];
254 		m += 2;
255 	}
256 	if (thy nCoefficients < numberOfPoles)
257 		numberOfPoles = thy nCoefficients;
258 	for (integer i = 1; i <= numberOfPoles; i ++)
259 		thy a [i] = lpc [i + 2];
260 	thy gain = my intensity;
261 }
Formant_to_LPC(Formant me,double samplingPeriod)263 autoLPC Formant_to_LPC (Formant me, double samplingPeriod) {
264 	try {
265 		autoLPC thee = LPC_create (my xmin, my xmax, my nx, my dx, my x1, 2 * my maxnFormants, samplingPeriod);
267 		for (integer i = 1; i <= my nx; i ++) {
268 			const Formant_Frame f = & my frames [i];
269 			const LPC_Frame lpc = & thy d_frames [i];
270 			const integer numberOfCoefficients = 2 * f -> numberOfFormants;
271 			LPC_Frame_init (lpc, numberOfCoefficients);
272 			Formant_Frame_into_LPC_Frame (f, lpc, samplingPeriod);
273 		}
274 		return thee;
275 	} catch (MelderError) {
276 		Melder_throw (me, U": no LPC created.");
277 	}
278 }
280 /* End of file LPC_and_Formant.cpp */