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Name Date Size #Lines LOC


AUTHORSH A D26-Jul-199879 42

COPYINGH A D29-Jul-200217.6 KiB341281

ChangeLogH A D11-Jun-200410.6 KiB314215

INSTALLH A D17-Nov-20029.5 KiB246186

Makefile.amH A D14-Nov-2000704 2311

Makefile.inH A D03-May-200417 KiB519425

NEWSH A D11-Jun-200410.2 KiB272189

READMEH A D14-Mar-20041.4 KiB2722

THANKSH A D18-May-20044.2 KiB8871

TODOH A D14-Nov-2000295 96

aclocal.m4H A D03-May-2004144.9 KiB4,4003,906

config.guessH A D29-Jul-200238.8 KiB1,3551,168

config.subH A D29-Jul-200228.8 KiB1,4611,320

configureH A D03-May-2004290.5 KiB9,7837,834

configure.inH A D03-May-20041.7 KiB8161

depcompH A D29-Jul-200211.8 KiB424278

envelope.ccH A D03-May-20048 KiB22894

envelope.hH A D03-May-20048.8 KiB306169

extfilt.ccH A D03-May-20042.7 KiB8029

extfilt.hH A D03-May-20045.1 KiB16567

filter.ccH A D03-May-20048.9 KiB306159

filter.hH A D03-May-200413.8 KiB532287

install-shH A D29-Jul-20025.4 KiB252153

ltconfigH A D13-Jul-200095.4 KiB3,1152,405

ltmain.shH A D05-Jul-2001135.2 KiB4,9473,961

missingH A D29-Jul-200210 KiB337263

mkinstalldirsH A D29-Jul-20021.8 KiB10072

pot.ccH A D03-May-20041.1 KiB275

pot.hH A D03-May-20041.1 KiB329

samp2src.plH A D03-May-20042.5 KiB6635

sid.ccH A D11-Jun-200429.6 KiB1,008620

sid.hH A D11-Jun-20044.1 KiB14786

siddefs.hH A D11-Jun-20042.2 KiB6830

siddefs.h.inH A D18-May-20042.2 KiB6856

spline.hH A D03-May-20048.5 KiB273108

version.ccH A D03-May-20041 KiB222

voice.ccH A D03-May-20044.7 KiB13332

voice.hH A D03-May-20042.3 KiB7829

wave.ccH A D03-May-20044.1 KiB14574

wave.hH A D03-May-200415.1 KiB504254

wave6581_PST.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave6581_PS_.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave6581_P_T.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave6581__ST.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave8580_PST.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave8580_PS_.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave8580_P_T.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516

wave8580__ST.ccH A D03-May-200432 KiB537516


1This is reSID, a reverse engineered software emulation of the MOS6581 SID
2(Sound Interface Device). This chip was used in the Commodore 64 computer.
4reSID is free software. See the file COPYING for copying permission.
6reSID is a C++ library containing a complete emulation of the SID chip.
7This library can be linked into programs emulating the MOS6510 MPU to
8play music made for the Commodore 64 computer. reSID has been successfully
9linked into VICE, a full-fledged Commodore 64 emulator, and SIDPLAY, a
10popular SID tune player. The VICE home page is:
12A patch for SIDPLAY can be found on the SIDPLAY home page:
15Various SID emulators exist, however reSID should still be of great
16interest to Commodore 64 nostalgics. The emulator engine is cycle-based,
17emulating the internal operations of the SID chip. SID's audio filter is
18modeled as an actual two-integrator-loop biquadratic filter circuit.
19The engine has been developed based on available information on SID, sampling
20of the OSC3 and ENV3 registers, filter theory, and meticulous testing.
21In short, a scientific approach has been taken to model the SID chip as
22accurately as possible.
24To our knowledge reSID is by far the most accurate SID emulator ever created.
25This comes at a price; what is considered a fairly fast CPU at the time of
26this writing is needed to run the emulator.