1  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
2  /* 																								*/
3  /* 	This file is part of MAGE / pHTS( the performative HMM-based speech synthesis system )		*/
4  /* 																								*/
5  /* 	MAGE / pHTS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms		*/
6  /* 	of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either		*/
7  /* 	version 3 of the license, or any later version.												*/
8  /* 																								*/
9  /* 	MAGE / pHTS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;	*/
10  /* 	without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.	*/
11  /* 	See the GNU General Public License for more details.										*/
12  /* 																								*/
13  /* 	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MAGE / pHTS.	*/
14  /* 	If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/													*/
15  /* 																								*/
16  /* 																								*/
17  /* 	Copyright 2011 University of Mons :															*/
18  /* 																								*/
19  /* 			Numediart Institute for New Media Art( www.numediart.org )							*/
20  /* 			Acapela Group ( www.acapela-group.com )												*/
21  /* 																								*/
22  /* 																								*/
23  /* 	 Developed by :																				*/
24  /* 																								*/
25  /* 		Maria Astrinaki, Alexis Moinet, Geoffrey Wilfart, Nicolas d'Alessandro, Thierry Dutoit	*/
26  /* 																								*/
27  /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
29 #pragma once
31 #include "Constants.h"
32 #include "State.h"
33 #include "Label.h"
34 #include "hts.h"
36 #include <vector>
37 #include <cstring>
39 namespace MAGE
40 {
41 	/**
42 	 *  \brief		The memory used for every Model.
43 	 *  \details	This class is used to define the memory structures that are needed for a single Model.
44 	 *
45 	 *  \authors    Maria Astrinaki, Alexis Moinet, Geoffrey Wilfart, Nicolas d'Alessandro, Thierry Dutoit
46 	 *
47 	 *  \version	2.00
48 	 *  \date		2011 - 2012
49 	 *  \copyright
50 	 *				Numediart Institute for New Media Art ( www.numediart.org )	\n
51 	 *				Acapela Group ( www.acapela-group.com )						\n
52 	 *				GNU Public License (see the licence in the file).
53 	 */
54 	class ModelMemory
55 	{
56 		public :
58 			/**
59 			 *	Constructor that allocates the required memory for a single Model.
60 			 */
61 			ModelMemory();
63 			/**
64 			 *	Destructor that disallocates all the memory used from a single Model.
65 			 */
66 			~ModelMemory();
68 			/**
69 			 *	\var double * duration_mean.
70 			 *	\brief It contains the mean value of the duration for every State of a given HMM.
71 			 */
72 			double * duration_mean;
74 			/**
75 			 *	\var double * duration_vari.
76 			 *	\brief It contains the variance value of the duration for every State of a given HMM.
77 			 */
78 			double * duration_vari;
80 			/**
81 			 *	\var double * duration_array.
82 			 *	\brief It contains the duration for every State of a given HMM.
83 			 */
84 			int * duration_array;
86 // # of MGC coefficients for the MLSA filter & # of derivations: ∆( 0 ), ∆( 1 ), ∆( 3 )
87 // fundamental frequency & # of derivations: ∆( 0 ), ∆( 1 ), ∆( 3 )
88 // # of low-pass filter coefficients & # of derivations: ∆( 0 ), ∆( 1 ), ∆( 3 )
90 			/**
91 			 *	\var double * stream_mean.
92 			 *	\brief It contains the mean value of the spectral coefficients stream,
93 			 *			the fundamental frequency coefficient stream and the low-pass
94 			 *			filter coefficients stream (including static and dynamic features)
95 			 *			for every State of a given HMM.
96 			 */
97 			double ** stream_mean; // [nOfStreams][maxStreamLen]
99 			/**
100 			 *	\var double * stream_vari.
101 			 *	\brief It contains the variance value of the spectral coefficients stream,
102 			 *			the fundamental frequency coefficient stream and the low-pass
103 			 *			filter coefficients stream (including static and dynamic features)
104 			 *			for every State of a given HMM.
105 			 */
106 			double ** stream_vari; // [nOfStreams][maxStreamLen]
108 			/**
109 			 *	\var char strQuery.
110 			 *	\brief It contains the string query to retrieve the coefficients for every stream (mean & variance) for every
111 			 *			State of the Model.
112 			 */
113 			char strQuery[maxStrLen];
114 	};
116 	/**
117 	 *  \brief     The HMM Model used.
118 	 *  \details   This class is used to define the Model structures that are needed for an HMM Model.
119 	 *
120 	 *  \authors    Maria Astrinaki, Alexis Moinet, Geoffrey Wilfart, Nicolas d'Alessandro, Thierry Dutoit
121 	 *
122 	 *  \version   2.00
123 	 *  \date      2011 - 2012
124 	 *  \copyright
125 	 *				Numediart Institute for New Media Art ( www.numediart.org )	\n
126 	 *				Acapela Group ( www.acapela-group.com )						\n
127 	 *				GNU Public License (see the licence in the file).
128 	 */
129 	class Model
130 	{
131 		public :
133 			/**
134 			 *	Constructor that allocates the required memory for a Model and initializes the parameters used.
135 			 */
136 			Model();
138 			/**
139 			 *	Destructor that disallocates all the memory used from a Model.
140 			 */
141 			~Model();
143 // getters
145 			/**
146 			 *	This function gets a Model State.
147 			 *
148 			 *	@param index Number / index of the State to be returned.
149 			 *	@return A Model State given an index.
150 			 */
151 			const State& getState( int index ) const;
153 			/**
154 			 *	This function gets the total duration of the Model.
155 			 *
156 			 *	@return The total duration of the Model.
157 			 */
158 			int getDuration( void );
160 //setters
162 			/**
163 			 *	This function sets a Model State.
164 			 *
165 			 *	@param state The State to be set.
166 			 *	@param index Number / index of the State to be set.
167 			 */
168 			void setState( State state, int index );
170 			/**
171 			 *	This function sets the total duration of the Model.
172 			 *
173 			 *	@param duration The total duration to be set for the Model.
174 			 */
175 			void setDuration( int duration );
177 // methods
179 			/**
180 			 *	This function initializes the duration of every State of the Model to zero.
181 			 *
182 			 */
183 			void initDuration  ( void );
185 			/**
186 			 *	This function initializes the mean and variance of every coefficients stream to zero.
187 			 *
188 			 */
189 			void initParameters( void );
191 			/**
192 			 *	This function changes the duration of every State of the Model.
193 			 *
194 			 *	@param updateFunction The new durations to be passed.
195 			 *	@param action The action that will be taken between the existing and the passed durations ( overwritten, shifted or scaled ).
196 			 */
197 			void updateDuration( double * updateFunction, int action ); // to put a speed profile on State duration( put it inside compute duration ? )
199 			/**
200 			 *	This function computes the duration of every State of the Model.
201 			 *
202 			 *	@param engine The engine to be used.
203 			 *	@param label The string query for which the durations are going to be computed.
204 			 *	@param interpolationWeight The possible interpolation weights to be taken into account for the computation.
205 			 *			If this argument is set to NULL then by default the interpolation weights taken into account are set to 1.
206 			 */
207 			void computeDuration  ( MAGE::Engine * engine, MAGE::Label * label, double * interpolationWeight );
209 			/**
210 			 *	This function computes the parameters for every coefficients stream of every State of the Model.
211 			 *
212 			 *	@param engine The engine to be used.
213 			 *	@param label The string query for which the parameters are going to be computed.
214 			 *	@param interpolationWeight The possible interpolation weights to be taken into account for the computation.
215 			 *			If this argument is set to NULL then by default the interpolation weights taken into account are set
216 			 *			to one as default value.
217 			 */
218 			void computeParameters( MAGE::Engine * engine, MAGE::Label * label, double * interpolationWeight );
220 			/**
221 			 *	This function computes the global variances for every coefficients stream of every State of the Model.
222 			 *
223 			 *	@param engine The engine to be used.
224 			 *	@param label The string query for which the global variances are going to be computed.
225 			 */
226 			void computeGlobalVariances( MAGE::Engine * engine, MAGE::Label * label );
228 			/**
229 			 *	This function checks and normalizes the interpolation weights for every coefficients stream of every State of
230 			 *		the Model that are passed directly to the given engine from the configuration file.
231 			 *
232 			 *	@param engine The engine to be used.
233 			 *	@param forced The flag to recall this function several times.
234 			 */
235 			void checkInterpolationWeights( MAGE::Engine * engine, bool forced = false );
237 		protected :
239 			/**
240 			 *	\var int duration.
241 			 *	\brief It contains the total duration of the Model.
242 			 */
243 			int duration;
245 			/**
246 			 *	\var State state.
247 			 *	\brief It contains the total number of states discribing the Model.
248 			 */
249 			State state[nOfStates];
251 			/**
252 			 *	\var ModelMemory modelMemory.
253 			 *	\brief It contains the total amount used by the Model.
254 			 */
255 			ModelMemory modelMemory;
257 		private :
259 			// The string query for which all the coefficients are going to be computed.
260 			char strQuery[maxStrLen];
262 			// Flag checking if the weights have been already checked.
263 			bool weightsChecked;
264 	};
265 } // namespace