1 /* formant.c */
2 /*
3  * This software has been licensed to the Centre of Speech Technology, KTH
4  * by AT&T Corp. and Microsoft Corp. with the terms in the accompanying
5  * file BSD.txt, which is a BSD style license.
6  *
7  *    "Copyright (c) 1987-1990  AT&T, Inc.
8  *    "Copyright (c) 1986-1990  Entropic Speech, Inc.
9  *    "Copyright (c) 1990-1994  Entropic Research Laboratory, Inc.
10  *                   All rights reserved"
11  *
12  * Written by:  David Talkin
13  * Revised by: John Shore
14  *
15  */
17 #include "snack.h"
18 #include <stdio.h>
19 #include <math.h>
20 #include <stdlib.h>
21 #include <string.h>
22 #include "jkFormant.h"
25 int debug = 0;
26 int w_verbose = 0;
28 /*	dpform.c       */
30 /* a formant tracker based on LPC polynomial roots and dynamic programming */
31 				/***/
32 /* At each frame, the LPC poles are ordered by increasing frequency.  All
33    "reasonable" mappings of the poles to F1, F2, ... are performed.
34    The cost of "connecting" each of these mappings with each of the mappings
35    in the previous frame is computed.  The lowest cost connection is then
36    chosen as the optimum one.  At each frame, each mapping has associated
37    with it a cost based on the formant bandwidths and frequencies.  This
38    "local" cost is finally added to the cost of the best "connection."  At
39    end of utterance (or after a reasonable delay like .5sec) the best
40    mappings for the entire utterance may be found by retracing back through
41    best candidate mappings, starting at end of utterance (or current frame).
42 */
44 /* Here are the major fudge factors for tweaking the formant tracker. */
45 #define MAXCAN	300  /* maximum number of candidate mappings allowed */
46 static double MISSING = 1, /* equivalent delta-Hz cost for missing formant */
47 	NOBAND = 1000, /* equivalent bandwidth cost of a missing formant */
48 	DF_FACT =  20.0, /* cost for proportional frequency changes */
49 	/* with good "stationarity" function:*/
50   /*        DF_FACT =  80.0, *//*  cost for proportional frequency changes */
51 	DFN_FACT = 0.3, /* cost for proportional dev. from nominal freqs. */
52 	BAND_FACT = .002, /* cost per Hz of bandwidth in the poles */
53 /*	F_BIAS	  = 0.0004,   bias toward selecting low-freq. poles */
54 	F_BIAS	  = 0.000, /*  bias toward selecting low-freq. poles */
55 	F_MERGE = 2000.0; /* cost of mapping f1 and f2 to same frequency */
56 static double	*fre,
57 		fnom[]  = {  500, 1500, 2500, 3500, 4500, 5500, 6500},/*  "nominal" freqs.*/
58 		fmins[] = {   50,  400, 1000, 2000, 2000, 3000, 3000}, /* frequency bounds */
59 		fmaxs[] = { 1500, 3500, 4500, 5000, 6000, 6000, 8000}; /* for 1st 5 formants */
61 static int	maxp,	/* number of poles to consider */
62 		maxf,	/* number of formants to find */
63 		ncan,  domerge = TRUE;
65 static short **pc;
67 static int canbe(pnumb, fnumb) /* can this pole be this freq.? */
68 int	pnumb, fnumb;
69 {
70 return((fre[pnumb] >= fmins[fnumb])&&(fre[pnumb] <= fmaxs[fnumb]));
71 }
73 /* This does the real work of mapping frequencies to formants. */
74 static void candy(cand,pnumb,fnumb)
75      int	cand, /* candidate number being considered */
76        pnumb, /* pole number under consideration */
77        fnumb;	/* formant number under consideration */
78 {
79   int i,j;
81   if(fnumb < maxf) pc[cand][fnumb] = -1;
82   if((pnumb < maxp)&&(fnumb < maxf)){
83     /*   printf("\ncan:%3d  pnumb:%3d  fnumb:%3d",cand,pnumb,fnumb); */
84     if(canbe(pnumb,fnumb)){
85       pc[cand][fnumb] = pnumb;
86       if(domerge&&(fnumb==0)&&(canbe(pnumb,fnumb+1))){ /* allow for f1,f2 merger */
87 	ncan++;
88 	pc[ncan][0] = pc[cand][0];
89 	candy(ncan,pnumb,fnumb+1); /* same pole, next formant */
90       }
91       candy(cand,pnumb+1,fnumb+1); /* next formant; next pole */
92       if(((pnumb+1) < maxp) && canbe(pnumb+1,fnumb)){
93 	/* try other frequencies for this formant */
94 	ncan++;			/* add one to the candidate index/tally */
95 	/*		printf("\n%4d  %4d  %4d",ncan,pnumb+1,fnumb); */
96 	for(i=0; i<fnumb; i++)	/* clone the lower formants */
97 	  pc[ncan][i] = pc[cand][i];
98 	candy(ncan,pnumb+1,fnumb);
99       }
100     } else {
101       candy(cand,pnumb+1,fnumb);
102     }
103   }
104   /* If all pole frequencies have been examined without finding one which
105      will map onto the current formant, go on to the next formant leaving the
106      current formant null. */
107   if((pnumb >= maxp) && (fnumb < maxf-1) && (pc[cand][fnumb] < 0)){
108     if(fnumb){
109       j=fnumb-1;
110       while((j>0) && pc[cand][j] < 0) j--;
111       i = ((j=pc[cand][j]) >= 0)? j : 0;
112     } else i = 0;
113     candy(cand,i,fnumb+1);
114   }
115 }
117 /* Given a set of pole frequencies and allowable formant frequencies
118    for nform formants, calculate all possible mappings of pole frequencies
119    to formants, including, possibly, mappings with missing formants. */
120 void get_fcand(npole,freq,band,nform,pcan)
121      int	npole, nform;
122      short **pcan;
123      double	*freq, *band; /* poles ordered by increasing FREQUENCY */
124 {
126   ncan = 0;
127   pc = pcan;
128   fre = freq;
129   maxp = npole;
130   maxf = nform;
131   candy(ncan, 0, 0);
132   ncan++;	/* (converts ncan as an index to ncan as a candidate count) */
133 }
135 void set_nominal_freqs(f1)
136      double f1;
137 {
138   int i;
139   for(i=0; i < MAXFORMANTS; i++) {
140     fnom[i] = ((i * 2) + 1) * f1;
141     fmins[i] = fnom[i] - ((i+1) * f1) + 50.0;
142     fmaxs[i] = fnom[i] + (i * f1) + 1000.0;
143   }
144 }
146 /*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
147 /* find the maximum in the "stationarity" function (stored in rms) */
148 double get_stat_max(pole, nframes)
149      register POLE **pole;
150      register int nframes;
151 {
152   register int i;
153   register double amax, t;
155   for(i=1, amax = (*pole++)->rms; i++ < nframes; )
156     if((t = (*pole++)->rms) > amax) amax = t;
158   return(amax);
159 }
161 Sound *dpform(ps, nform, nom_f1)
162      Sound *ps;
163      int nform;
164      double nom_f1;
165 {
166   double pferr, conerr, minerr, dffact, ftemp, berr, ferr, bfact, ffact,
167          rmsmax, fbias, **fr, **ba, rmsdffact, merger=0.0, merge_cost,
168          FBIAS;
169   register int	i, j, k, l, ic, ip, mincan=0;
170   short	**pcan;
171   FORM	**fl;
172   POLE	**pole; /* raw LPC pole data structure array */
173   Sound *fbs;
174   int dmaxc,dminc,dcountc,dcountf;
176   if(ps) {
177     if(nom_f1 > 0.0)
178       set_nominal_freqs(nom_f1);
179     pole = (POLE**)ps->extHead;
180     rmsmax = get_stat_max(pole, ps->length);
181     FBIAS = F_BIAS /(.01 * ps->samprate);
182     /* Setup working values of the cost weights. */
183     dffact = (DF_FACT * .01) * ps->samprate; /* keep dffact scaled to frame rate */
184     bfact = BAND_FACT /(.01 * ps->samprate);
185     ffact = DFN_FACT /(.01 * ps->samprate);
186     merge_cost = F_MERGE;
187     if(merge_cost > 1000.0) domerge = FALSE;
189     /* Allocate space for the formant and bandwidth arrays to be passed back. */
190     if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
191       printf("Allocating formant and bandwidth arrays in dpform()\n");
192     }
193     fr = (double**)ckalloc(sizeof(double*) * nform * 2);
194     ba = fr + nform;
195     for(i=0;i < nform*2; i++){
196       fr[i] = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double) * ps->length);
197     }
198     /*    cp = new_ext(ps->name,"fb");*/
199     /*    if((fbs=new_signal(cp,SIG_UNKNOWN,dup_header(ps->header),fr,ps->length,		       ps->samprate, nform * 2))) {*/
200     if (1) {
201       /* Allocate space for the raw candidate array. */
202       if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
203 	printf("Allocating raw candidate array in dpform()\n");
204       }
205       pcan = (short**)ckalloc(sizeof(short*) * MAXCAN);
206       for(i=0;i<MAXCAN;i++) pcan[i] = (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short) * nform);
208       /* Allocate space for the dp lattice */
209       if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
210 	printf("Allocating DP lattice structure in dpform()\n");
211       }
212       fl = (FORM**)ckalloc(sizeof(FORM*) * ps->length);
213       for(i=0;i < ps->length; i++)
214 	fl[i] = (FORM*)ckalloc(sizeof(FORM));
216       /*******************************************************************/
217       /* main formant tracking loop */
218       /*******************************************************************/
219       if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
220 	printf("Entering main computation loop in dpform()\n");
221       }
222       for(i=0; i < ps->length; i++){	/* for all analysis frames... */
224 	ncan = 0;		/* initialize candidate mapping count to 0 */
226 	/* moderate the cost of frequency jumps by the relative amplitude */
227 	rmsdffact = pole[i]->rms;
228 	rmsdffact = rmsdffact/rmsmax;
229 	rmsdffact = rmsdffact * dffact;
231 	/* Get all likely mappings of the poles onto formants for this frame. */
232 	if(pole[i]->npoles){	/* if there ARE pole frequencies available... */
233 	  get_fcand(pole[i]->npoles,pole[i]->freq,pole[i]->band,nform,pcan);
235 	  /* Allocate space for this frame's candidates in the dp lattice. */
236 	  fl[i]->prept =  (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short) * ncan);
237 	  fl[i]->cumerr = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double) * ncan);
238 	  fl[i]->cand =   (short**)ckalloc(sizeof(short*) * ncan);
239 	  for(j=0;j<ncan;j++){	/* allocate cand. slots and install candidates */
240 	    fl[i]->cand[j] = (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short) * nform);
241 	    for(k=0; k<nform; k++)
242 	      fl[i]->cand[j][k] = pcan[j][k];
243 	  }
244 	}
245 	fl[i]->ncand = ncan;
246 	/* compute the distance between the current and previous mappings */
247 	for(j=0;j<ncan;j++){	/* for each CURRENT mapping... */
248 	  if( i ){		/* past the first frame? */
249 	    minerr = 0;
250 	    if(fl[i-1]->ncand) minerr = 2.0e30;
251 	    mincan = -1;
252 	    for(k=0; k < fl[i-1]->ncand; k++){ /* for each PREVIOUS map... */
253 	      for(pferr=0.0, l=0; l<nform; l++){
254 		ic = fl[i]->cand[j][l];
255 		ip = fl[i-1]->cand[k][l];
256 		if((ic >= 0)	&& (ip >= 0)){
257 		  ftemp = 2.0 * fabs(pole[i]->freq[ic] - pole[i-1]->freq[ip])/
258 		           (pole[i]->freq[ic] + pole[i-1]->freq[ip]);
259     /*		  ftemp = pole[i]->freq[ic] - pole[i-1]->freq[ip];
260 		  if(ftemp >= 0.0)
261 		    ftemp = ftemp/pole[i-1]->freq[ip];
262 		  else
263 		    ftemp = ftemp/pole[i]->freq[ic]; */
264 		  /* cost prop. to SQUARE of deviation to discourage large jumps */
265 		  pferr += ftemp * ftemp;
266 		}
267 		else pferr += MISSING;
268 	      }
269 	      /* scale delta-frequency cost and add in prev. cum. cost */
270 	      conerr = (rmsdffact * pferr) + fl[i-1]->cumerr[k];
271 	      if(conerr < minerr){
272 		minerr = conerr;
273 		mincan = k;
274 	      }
275 	    }			/* end for each PREVIOUS mapping... */
276 	  }	else {		/* (i.e. if this is the first frame... ) */
277 	    minerr = 0;
278 	  }
280 	  fl[i]->prept[j] = mincan; /* point to best previous mapping */
281 	  /* (Note that mincan=-1 if there were no candidates in prev. fr.) */
282 	  /* Compute the local costs for this current mapping. */
283 	  for(k=0, berr=0, ferr=0, fbias=0; k<nform; k++){
284 	    ic = fl[i]->cand[j][k];
285 	    if(ic >= 0){
286 	      if( !k ){		/* F1 candidate? */
287 		ftemp = pole[i]->freq[ic];
288 		merger = (domerge &&
289 			  (ftemp == pole[i]->freq[fl[i]->cand[j][1]]))?
290 			  merge_cost: 0.0;
291 	      }
292 	      berr += pole[i]->band[ic];
293 	      ferr += (fabs(pole[i]->freq[ic]-fnom[k])/fnom[k]);
294 	      fbias += pole[i]->freq[ic];
295 	    } else {		/* if there was no freq. for this formant */
296 	      fbias += fnom[k];
297 	      berr += NOBAND;
298 	      ferr += MISSING;
299 	    }
300 	  }
302 	  /* Compute the total cost of this mapping and best previous. */
303 	  fl[i]->cumerr[j] = (FBIAS * fbias) + (bfact * berr) + merger +
304 	                     (ffact * ferr) + minerr;
305 	}			/* end for each CURRENT mapping... */
307 	if(debug & DEB_LPC_PARS){
308 	  printf("\nFrame %4d  # candidates:%3d stat:%f prms:%f",i,ncan,rmsdffact,pole[i]->rms);
309 	  for (j=0; j<ncan; j++){
310 	    printf("\n	");
311 	    for(k=0; k<nform; k++)
312 	      if(pcan[j][k] >= 0)
313 		printf("%6.0f ",pole[i]->freq[fl[i]->cand[j][k]]);
314 	      else
315 		printf("  NA   ");
316 	    printf("  cum:%7.2f pp:%d",fl[i]->cumerr[j], fl[i]->prept[j]);
317 	  }
318 	}
319       }				/* end for all analysis frames... */
320       /**************************************************************************/
322       /* Pick the candidate in the final frame with the lowest cost. */
323       /* Starting with that min.-cost cand., work back thru the lattice. */
324       if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
325 	printf("Entering backtrack loop in dpform()\n");
326       }
327       dmaxc = 0;
328       dminc = 100;
329       dcountc = dcountf = 0;
330       for(mincan = -1, i=ps->length - 1; i>=0; i--){
331 	if(debug & DEB_LPC_PARS){
332 	  printf("\nFrame:%4d mincan:%2d ncand:%2d ",i,mincan,fl[i]->ncand);
333 	}
334 	if(mincan < 0)		/* need to find best starting candidate? */
335 	  if(fl[i]->ncand){	/* have candidates at this frame? */
336 	    minerr = fl[i]->cumerr[0];
337 	    mincan = 0;
338 	    for(j=1; j<fl[i]->ncand; j++)
339 	      if( fl[i]->cumerr[j] < minerr ){
340 		minerr = fl[i]->cumerr[j];
341 		mincan = j;
342 	      }
343 	  }
344 	if(mincan >= 0){	/* if there is a "best" candidate at this frame */
345 	  if((j = fl[i]->ncand) > dmaxc) dmaxc = j;
346 	  else
347 	    if( j < dminc) dminc = j;
348 	  dcountc += j;
349 	  dcountf++;
350 	  for(j=0; j<nform; j++){
351 	    k = fl[i]->cand[mincan][j];
352 	    if(k >= 0){
353 	      fr[j][i] = pole[i]->freq[k];
354 	      if(debug & DEB_LPC_PARS){
355 		printf("%6.0f",fr[j][i]);
356 	      }
357 	      ba[j][i] = pole[i]->band[k];
358 	    } else {		/* IF FORMANT IS MISSING... */
359 	      if(i < ps->length - 1){
360 		fr[j][i] = fr[j][i+1]; /* replicate backwards */
361 		ba[j][i] = ba[j][i+1];
362 	      } else {
363 		fr[j][i] = fnom[j]; /* or insert neutral values */
364 		ba[j][i] = NOBAND;
365 	      }
366 	      if(debug & DEB_LPC_PARS){
367 		printf("%6.0f",fr[j][i]);
368 	      }
369 	    }
370 	  }
371 	  mincan = fl[i]->prept[mincan];
372 	} else {		/* if no candidates, fake with "nominal" frequencies. */
373 	  for(j=0; j < nform; j++){
374 	    fr[j][i] = fnom[j];
375 	    ba[j][i] = NOBAND;
376 	    if(debug & DEB_LPC_PARS){
377 	      printf("%6.0f",fr[j][i]);
378 	    }
379 	  }
380 	}			/* note that mincan will remain =-1 if no candidates */
381       }				/* end unpacking formant tracks from the dp lattice */
382       /* Deallocate all the DP lattice work space. */
383       /*if(debug & DEB_ENTRY){
384 	printf("%s complete; max. cands:%d  min. cands.:%d average cands.:%f\n",
385 	     fbs->name,dmaxc,dminc,((double)dcountc)/dcountf);
386 	printf("Entering memory deallocation in dpform()\n");
387       }*/
388       for(i=ps->length - 1; i>=0; i--){
389 	if(fl[i]->ncand){
390 	  if(fl[i]->cand) {
391 	    for(j=0; j<fl[i]->ncand; j++) ckfree((void *)fl[i]->cand[j]);
392 	    ckfree((void *)fl[i]->cand);
393 	    ckfree((void *)fl[i]->cumerr);
394 	    ckfree((void *)fl[i]->prept);
395 	  }
396 	}
397       }
398       for(i=0; i<ps->length; i++)	ckfree((void *)fl[i]);
399       ckfree((void *)fl);
400       fl = 0;
402       for(i=0; i<ps->length; i++) {
403 	ckfree((void *)pole[i]->freq);
404 	ckfree((void *)pole[i]->band);
405 	ckfree((void *)pole[i]);
406       }
407       ckfree((void *)pole);
409       /* Deallocate space for the raw candidate aray. */
410       for(i=0;i<MAXCAN;i++) ckfree((void *)pcan[i]);
411       ckfree((void *)pcan);
413       fbs = Snack_NewSound(ps->samprate, SNACK_FLOAT, nform * 2);
414       Snack_ResizeSoundStorage(fbs, ps->length);
415       for (i = 0; i < ps->length; i++) {
416 	for (j = 0; j < nform * 2; j++) {
417 	  Snack_SetSample(fbs, j, i, (float)fr[j][i]);
418 	}
419       }
420       fbs->length = ps->length;
422       for(i = 0; i < nform*2; i++) ckfree((void *)fr[i]);
423       ckfree((void *)fr);
425       return(fbs);
426     } else
427       printf("Can't create a new Signal in dpform()\n");
428   } else
429     printf("Bad data pointers passed into dpform()\n");
430   return(NULL);
431 }
433 /* lpc_poles.c */
435 /* computation and I/O routines for dealing with LPC poles */
437 #define MAXORDER 30
439 extern int formant(), lpc(), lpcbsa(), dlpcwtd(), w_covar();
441 /*************************************************************************/
442 double integerize(time, freq)
443      register double time, freq;
444 {
445   register int i;
447   i = (int) (.5 + (freq * time));
448   return(((double)i)/freq);
449 }
451 /*	Round the argument to the nearest integer.			*/
452 int eround(flnum)
453 register double	flnum;
454 {
455 	return((flnum >= 0.0) ? (int)(flnum + 0.5) : (int)(flnum - 0.5));
456 }
458 /*************************************************************************/
459 Sound *lpc_poles(sp,wdur,frame_int,lpc_ord,preemp,lpc_type,w_type)
460      Sound *sp;
461      int lpc_ord, lpc_type, w_type;
462      double wdur, frame_int, preemp;
463 {
464   int i, j, size, step, nform, init, nfrm;
465   POLE **pole;
466   double lpc_stabl = 70.0, energy, lpca[MAXORDER], normerr,
467          *bap=NULL, *frp=NULL, *rhp=NULL;
468   short *datap, *dporg;
469   Sound *lp;
471   if(lpc_type == 1) { /* force "standard" stabilized covariance (ala bsa) */
472     wdur = 0.025;
473     preemp = exp(-62.831853 * 90. / sp->samprate); /* exp(-1800*pi*T) */
474   }
475   if((lpc_ord > MAXORDER) || (lpc_ord < 2)/* || (! ((short**)sp->data)[0])*/)
476     return(NULL);
477   /*  np = (char*)new_ext(sp->name,"pole");*/
478   wdur = integerize(wdur,(double)sp->samprate);
479   frame_int = integerize(frame_int,(double)sp->samprate);
480   nfrm= 1 + (int) (((((double)sp->length)/sp->samprate) - wdur)/(frame_int));
481   if(nfrm >= 1/*lp->buff_size >= 1*/) {
482     size = (int) (.5 + (wdur * sp->samprate));
483     step = (int) (.5 + (frame_int * sp->samprate));
484     pole = (POLE**)ckalloc(nfrm/*lp->buff_size*/ * sizeof(POLE*));
485     datap = dporg = (short *) ckalloc(sizeof(short) * sp->length);
486     for (i = 0; i < Snack_GetLength(sp); i++) {
487       datap[i] = (short) Snack_GetSample(sp, 0, i);
488     }
489     for(j=0, init=TRUE/*, datap=((short**)sp->data)[0]*/; j < nfrm/*lp->buff_size*/;j++, datap += step){
490       pole[j] = (POLE*)ckalloc(sizeof(POLE));
491       pole[j]->freq = frp = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*lpc_ord);
492       pole[j]->band = bap = (double*)ckalloc(sizeof(double)*lpc_ord);
494       switch(lpc_type) {
495       case 0:
496 	if(! lpc(lpc_ord,lpc_stabl,size,datap,lpca,rhp,NULL,&normerr,
497 		 &energy, preemp, w_type)){
498 	  printf("Problems with lpc in lpc_poles()");
499 	  break;
500 	}
501 	break;
502       case 1:
503 	if(! lpcbsa(lpc_ord,lpc_stabl,size,datap,lpca,rhp,NULL,&normerr,
504 		    &energy, preemp)){
505           printf("Problems with lpc in lpc_poles()");
506 	  break;
507 	}
508 	break;
509       case 2:
510 	{
511 	  int Ord = lpc_ord;
512 	  double alpha, r0;
514 	  w_covar(datap, &Ord, size, 0, lpca, &alpha, &r0, preemp, 0);
515 	  if((Ord != lpc_ord) || (alpha <= 0.0))
516 	    printf("Problems with covar(); alpha:%f  Ord:%d\n",alpha,Ord);
517 	  energy = sqrt(r0/(size-Ord));
518 	}
519 	break;
520       }
521       pole[j]->change = 0.0;
522        /* don't waste time on low energy frames */
523        if((pole[j]->rms = energy) > 1.0){
524 	 formant(lpc_ord,(double)sp->samprate, lpca, &nform, frp, bap, init);
525 	 pole[j]->npoles = nform;
526 	 init=FALSE;		/* use old poles to start next search */
527        } else {			/* write out no pole frequencies */
528 	 pole[j]->npoles = 0;
529 	 init = TRUE;		/* restart root search in a neutral zone */
530        }
531 /*     if(debug & 4) {
532 	 printf("\nfr:%4d np:%4d rms:%7.0f  ",j,pole[j]->npoles,pole[j]->rms);
533 	 for(k=0; k<pole[j]->npoles; k++)
534 	   printf(" %7.1f",pole[j]->freq[k]);
535 	 printf("\n                   ");
536 	 for(k=0; k<pole[j]->npoles; k++)
537 	   printf(" %7.1f",pole[j]->band[k]);
538 	 printf("\n");
539 	 }*/
540      } /* end LPC pole computation for all lp->buff_size frames */
541     /*     lp->data = (caddr_t)pole;*/
542     ckfree((void *)dporg);
543     lp = Snack_NewSound((int)(1.0/frame_int), LIN16, lpc_ord);
544     Snack_ResizeSoundStorage(lp, nfrm);
545     for (i = 0; i < nfrm; i++) {
546       for (j = 0; j < lpc_ord; j++) {
547       Snack_SetSample(lp, j, i, (float)pole[i]->freq[j]);
548       }
549     }
550     lp->length = nfrm;
551     lp->extHead = (char *)pole;
552     return(lp);
553   } else {
554     printf("Bad buffer size in lpc_poles()\n");
555   }
556   return(NULL);
557 }
559 /**********************************************************************/
560 double frand()
561 {
562   return (((double)rand())/(double)RAND_MAX);
563 }
565 /**********************************************************************/
566 /* a quick and dirty interface to bsa's stabilized covariance LPC */
567 #define NPM	30	/* max lpc order		*/
569 int lpcbsa(np, lpc_stabl, wind, data, lpc, rho, nul1, nul2, energy, preemp)
570      int np, wind;
571      short *data;
572      double *lpc, *rho, *nul1, *nul2, *energy, lpc_stabl, preemp;
573 {
574   static int i, mm, owind=0, wind1;
575   static double w[1000];
576   double rc[NPM],phi[NPM*NPM],shi[NPM],sig[1000];
577   double xl = .09, fham, amax;
578   register double *psp1, *psp3, *pspl;
580   if(owind != wind) {		/* need to compute a new window? */
581     fham = 6.28318506 / wind;
582     for(psp1=w,i=0;i<wind;i++,psp1++)
583       *psp1 = .54 - .46 * cos(i * fham);
584     owind = wind;
585   }
586   wind += np + 1;
587   wind1 = wind-1;
589   for(psp3=sig,pspl=sig+wind; psp3 < pspl; )
590     *psp3++ = (double)(*data++) + .016 * frand() - .008;
591   for(psp3=sig+1,pspl=sig+wind;psp3<pspl;psp3++)
592     *(psp3-1) = *psp3 - preemp * *(psp3-1);
593   for(amax = 0.,psp3=sig+np,pspl=sig+wind1;psp3<pspl;psp3++)
594     amax += *psp3 * *psp3;
595   *energy = sqrt(amax / (double)owind);
596   amax = 1.0/(*energy);
598   for(psp3=sig,pspl=sig+wind1;psp3<pspl;psp3++)
599     *psp3 *= amax;
600   if((mm=dlpcwtd(sig,&wind1,lpc,&np,rc,phi,shi,&xl,w))!=np) {
601     printf("LPCWTD error mm<np %d %d\n",mm,np);
602     return(FALSE);
603   }
604   return(TRUE);
605 }
607 /*	Copyright (c) 1987, 1988, 1989 AT&T	*/
608 /*	  All Rights Reserved	*/
611 /*	The copyright notice above does not evidence any	*/
612 /*	actual or intended publication of such source code.	*/
614 /* downsample.c */
615 /* a quick and dirty downsampler */
617 #ifndef TRUE
618 # define TRUE 1
619 # define FALSE 0
620 #endif
622 #define PI 3.1415927
624 /*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
625 int lc_lin_fir(fc,nf,coef)
626 /* create the coefficients for a symmetric FIR lowpass filter using the
627    window technique with a Hanning window. */
628 register double	fc;
629 double	coef[];
630 int	*nf;
631 {
632     register int	i, n;
633     register double	twopi, fn, c;
635     if(((*nf % 2) != 1) || (*nf > 127)) {
636 	if(*nf <= 126) *nf = *nf + 1;
637 	else *nf = 127;
638     }
639     n = (*nf + 1)/2;
641     /*  compute part of the ideal impulse response */
642     twopi = PI * 2.0;
643     coef[0] = 2.0 * fc;
644     c = PI;
645     fn = twopi * fc;
646     for(i=1;i < n; i++) coef[i] = sin(i * fn)/(c * i);
648     /* Now apply a Hanning window to the (infinite) impulse response. */
649     fn = twopi/((double)(*nf - 1));
650     for(i=0;i<n;i++)
651 	coef[i] *= (.5 + (.5 * cos(fn * ((double)i))));
653     return(TRUE);
654 }
656 /*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
658 void do_fir(buf,in_samps,bufo,ncoef,ic,invert)
659 /* ic contains 1/2 the coefficients of a symmetric FIR filter with unity
660     passband gain.  This filter is convolved with the signal in buf.
661     The output is placed in buf2.  If invert != 0, the filter magnitude
662     response will be inverted. */
663 short	*buf, *bufo, ic[];
664 int	in_samps, ncoef, invert;
665 {
666     register short  *buft, *bufp, *bufp2, stem;
667     short co[256], mem[256];
668     register int i, j, k, l, m, sum, integral;
670     for(i=ncoef-1, bufp=ic+ncoef-1, bufp2=co, buft = co+((ncoef-1)*2),
671 	integral = 0; i-- > 0; )
672       if(!invert) *buft-- = *bufp2++ = *bufp--;
673       else {
674 	integral += (stem = *bufp--);
675 	*buft-- = *bufp2++ = -stem;
676       }
677     if(!invert)  *buft-- = *bufp2++ = *bufp--; /* point of symmetry */
678     else {
679       integral *= 2;
680       integral += *bufp;
681       *buft-- = integral - *bufp;
682     }
683 /*         for(i=(ncoef*2)-2; i >= 0; i--) printf("\n%4d%7d",i,co[i]);  */
684     for(i=ncoef-1, buft=mem; i-- > 0; ) *buft++ = 0;
685     for(i=ncoef; i-- > 0; ) *buft++ = *buf++;
686     l = 16384;
687     m = 15;
688     k = (ncoef << 1) -1;
689     for(i=in_samps-ncoef; i-- > 0; ) {
690       for(j=k, buft=mem, bufp=co, bufp2=mem+1, sum = 0; j-- > 0;
691 	  *buft++ = *bufp2++ )
692 	sum += (((*bufp++ * *buft) + l) >> m);
694       *--buft = *buf++;		/* new data to memory */
695       *bufo++ = sum;
696     }
697     for(i=ncoef; i-- > 0; ) {	/* pad data end with zeros */
698       for(j=k, buft=mem, bufp=co, bufp2=mem+1, sum = 0; j-- > 0;
699 	  *buft++ = *bufp2++ )
700 	sum += (((*bufp++ * *buft) + l) >> m);
701       *--buft = 0;
702       *bufo++ = sum;
703     }
704 }
706 /* ******************************************************************** */
708 int get_abs_maximum(d,n)
709      register short *d;
710      register int n;
711 {
712   register int i;
713   register short amax, t;
715   if((t = *d++) >= 0) amax = t;
716   else amax = -t;
718   for(i = n-1; i-- > 0; ) {
719     if((t = *d++) > amax) amax = t;
720     else {
721       if(-t > amax) amax = -t;
722     }
723   }
724   return((int)amax);
725 }
727 /* ******************************************************************** */
729 int dwnsamp(buf,in_samps,buf2,out_samps,insert,decimate,ncoef,ic,smin,smax)
730      short	*buf, **buf2;
731      int	in_samps, *out_samps, insert, decimate, ncoef, *smin, *smax;
732      short ic[];
733 {
734   register short  *bufp, *bufp2;
735   short	*buft;
736   register int i, j, k, l, m;
737   int imax, imin;
739   if(!(*buf2 = buft = (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short)*insert*in_samps))) {
740     perror("ckalloc() in dwnsamp()");
741     return(FALSE);
742   }
744   k = imax = get_abs_maximum(buf,in_samps);
745   if (k == 0) k = 1;
746   if(insert > 1) k = (32767 * 32767)/k;	/*  prepare to scale data */
747   else k = (16384 * 32767)/k;
748   l = 16384;
749   m = 15;
752   /* Insert zero samples to boost the sampling frequency and scale the
753      signal to maintain maximum precision. */
754   for(i=0, bufp=buft, bufp2=buf; i < in_samps; i++) {
755     *bufp++ = ((k * (*bufp2++)) + l) >> m ;
756     for(j=1; j < insert; j++) *bufp++ = 0;
757   }
759   do_fir(buft,in_samps*insert,buft,ncoef,ic,0);
761   /*	Finally, decimate and return the downsampled signal. */
762   *out_samps = j = (in_samps * insert)/decimate;
763   k = decimate;
764   for(i=0, bufp=buft, imax = imin = *bufp; i < j; bufp += k,i++) {
765     *buft++ = *bufp;
766     if(imax < *bufp) imax = *bufp;
767     else
768       if(imin > *bufp) imin = *bufp;
769   }
770   *smin = imin;
771   *smax = imax;
772   *buf2 = (short*)ckrealloc((void *) *buf2,sizeof(short) * (*out_samps));
773   return(TRUE);
774 }
776 /*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
778 int ratprx(a,k,l,qlim)
779 double	a;
780 int	*l, *k, qlim;
781 {
782     double aa, af, q, em, qq = 0, pp = 0, ps, e;
783     int	ai, ip, i;
785     aa = fabs(a);
786     ai = (int) aa;
787 /*    af = fmod(aa,1.0); */
788     i = (int) aa;
789     af = aa - i;
790     q = 0;
791     em = 1.0;
792     while(++q <= qlim) {
793 	ps = q * af;
794 	ip = (int) (ps + 0.5);
795 	e = fabs((ps - (double)ip)/q);
796 	if(e < em) {
797 	    em = e;
798 	    pp = ip;
799 	    qq = q;
800 	}
801     };
802     *k = (int) ((ai * qq) + pp);
803     *k = (a > 0)? *k : -(*k);
804     *l = (int) qq;
805     return(TRUE);
806 }
808 /* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
810 Sound *Fdownsample(s,freq2,start,end)
811      double freq2;
812      Sound *s;
813      int start;
814      int end;
815 {
816   short	*bufin, **bufout;
817   static double	beta = 0.0, b[256];
818   double	ratio_t, maxi, ratio, beta_new, freq1;
819   static int	ncoeff = 127, ncoefft = 0, nbits = 15;
820   static short	ic[256];
821   int	insert, decimate, out_samps, smin, smax;
822   Sound *so;
824   register int i, j;
826   freq1 = s->samprate;
828   if((bufout = (short**)ckalloc(sizeof(short*)))) {
829     bufin = (short *) ckalloc(sizeof(short) * (end - start + 1));
830     for (i = start; i <= end; i++) {
831       bufin[i-start] = (short) Snack_GetSample(s, 0, i);
832     }
834     ratio = freq2/freq1;
835     ratprx(ratio,&insert,&decimate,10);
836     ratio_t = ((double)insert)/((double)decimate);
838     if(ratio_t > .99) return(s);
840     freq2 = ratio_t * freq1;
841     beta_new = (.5 * freq2)/(insert * freq1);
843     if(beta != beta_new){
844       beta = beta_new;
845       if( !lc_lin_fir(beta,&ncoeff,b)) {
846 	printf("\nProblems computing interpolation filter\n");
847 	return(FALSE);
848       }
849       maxi = (1 << nbits) - 1;
850       j = (ncoeff/2) + 1;
851       for(ncoefft = 0, i=0; i < j; i++){
852 	ic[i] = (int) (0.5 + (maxi * b[i]));
853 	if(ic[i]) ncoefft = i+1;
854       }
855     }				/*  endif new coefficients need to be computed */
857     if(dwnsamp(bufin,end-start+1,bufout,&out_samps,insert,decimate,ncoefft,ic,
858 	       &smin,&smax)){
859       /*      so->buff_size = so->file_size = out_samps;*/
860       so = Snack_NewSound(0, LIN16, s->nchannels);
861       Snack_ResizeSoundStorage(so, out_samps);
862       for (i = 0; i < out_samps; i++) {
863 	Snack_SetSample(so, 0, i, (float)(*bufout)[i]);
864       }
865       so->length = out_samps;
866       so->samprate = (int)freq2;
867       ckfree((void *)*bufout);
868       ckfree((void *)bufout);
869       ckfree((void *)bufin);
870       return(so);
871     } else
872       printf("Problems in dwnsamp() in downsample()\n");
873   } else
874        printf("Can't create a new Signal in downsample()\n");
876   return(NULL);
877 }
879 /*      ----------------------------------------------------------      */
881 Sound
882 *highpass(s)
883      Sound *s;
884 {
886   short *datain, *dataout;
887   static short *lcf;
888   static int len = 0;
889   double scale, fn;
890   register int i;
891   Sound *so;
893   /*  Header *h, *dup_header();*/
895 #define LCSIZ 101
896   /* This assumes the sampling frequency is 10kHz and that the FIR
897      is a Hanning function of (LCSIZ/10)ms duration. */
899   datain = (short *) ckalloc(sizeof(short) * s->length);
900   dataout = (short *) ckalloc(sizeof(short) * s->length);
901   for (i = 0; i < Snack_GetLength(s); i++) {
902     datain[i] = (short) Snack_GetSample(s, 0, i);
903   }
905   if(!len) {		/* need to create a Hanning FIR? */
906     lcf = (short*)ckalloc(sizeof(short) * LCSIZ);
907     len = 1 + (LCSIZ/2);
908     fn = PI * 2.0 / (LCSIZ - 1);
909     scale = 32767.0/(.5 * LCSIZ);
910     for(i=0; i < len; i++)
911       lcf[i] = (short) (scale * (.5 + (.4 * cos(fn * ((double)i)))));
912   }
913   do_fir(datain,s->length,dataout,len,lcf,1); /* in downsample.c */
914   so = Snack_NewSound(s->samprate, LIN16, s->nchannels);
915   if (so == NULL) return(NULL);
916   Snack_ResizeSoundStorage(so, s->length);
917   for (i = 0; i < s->length; i++) {
918     Snack_SetSample(so, 0, i, (float)dataout[i]);
919   }
920   so->length = s->length;
921   ckfree((void *)dataout);
922   ckfree((void *)datain);
923   return(so);
924 }
926 int
927 formantCmd(Sound *s, Tcl_Interp *interp, int objc,
928 	   Tcl_Obj *CONST objv[])
929 {
930   int nform, i,j, lpc_ord, lpc_type, w_type;
931   char *w_type_str = NULL;
932   double frame_int, wdur,
933   ds_freq, nom_f1 = -10.0, preemp;
934   double cor_wdur;
935   Sound *dssnd = NULL, *hpsnd = NULL, *polesnd = NULL;
936   Sound *formantsnd = NULL, *hpsrcsnd, *polesrcsnd;
937   Tcl_Obj *list;
938   int arg, startpos = 0, endpos = -1;
939   static CONST84 char *subOptionStrings[] = {
940     "-start", "-end", "-progress",
941     "-framelength", "-preemphasisfactor", "-numformants",
942     "-lpcorder", "-windowlength", "-windowtype", "-lpctype",
943     "-ds_freq", "-nom_f1_freq", NULL
944   };
945   enum subOptions {
948   };
950   lpc_ord = 12;
951   lpc_type = 0;			/* use bsa's stabilized covariance if != 0 */
952   w_type = 2;			/* window type: 0=rectangular; 1=Hamming; 2=cos**4 */
953   ds_freq = 10000.0;
954   wdur = .049;			/* for LPC analysis */
955   cor_wdur = .01;		/* for crosscorrelation F0 estimator */
956   frame_int = .01;
957   preemp = .7;
958   nform = 4;
960   for (arg = 2; arg < objc; arg += 2) {
961     int index;
963     if (Tcl_GetIndexFromObj(interp, objv[arg], subOptionStrings,
964 			    "option", 0, &index) != TCL_OK) {
965       return TCL_ERROR;
966     }
968     if (arg + 1 == objc) {
969       Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "No argument given for ",
970 		       subOptionStrings[index], " option", (char *) NULL);
971       return TCL_ERROR;
972     }
974     switch ((enum subOptions) index) {
975     case START:
976       {
977 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &startpos) != TCL_OK)
978 	  return TCL_ERROR;
979 	break;
980       }
981     case END:
982       {
983 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &endpos) != TCL_OK)
984 	  return TCL_ERROR;
985 	break;
986       }
987     case PROGRESS:
988       {
989 	char *str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[arg+1], NULL);
991 	if (strlen(str) > 0) {
992 	  Tcl_IncrRefCount(objv[arg+1]);
993 	  s->cmdPtr = objv[arg+1];
994 	}
995 	break;
996       }
997     case FRAME:
998       {
999 	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &frame_int)
1000 	    != TCL_OK)
1001 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1002 	break;
1003       }
1004     case PREEMP:
1005       {
1006 	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &preemp)
1007 	    != TCL_OK)
1008 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1009 	break;
1010       }
1011     case NUMFORM:
1012       {
1013 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &nform) != TCL_OK)
1014 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1015 	break;
1016       }
1017     case ORDER:
1018       {
1019 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &lpc_ord) != TCL_OK)
1020 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1021 	break;
1022       }
1023     case WINLEN:
1024       {
1025 	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &wdur)
1026 	    != TCL_OK)
1027 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1028 	break;
1029       }
1030     case WINTYPE:
1031       {
1032 	w_type_str = Tcl_GetStringFromObj(objv[arg+1], NULL);
1033 	break;
1034       }
1035     case LPCTYPE:
1036       {
1037 	if (Tcl_GetIntFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &lpc_type) != TCL_OK)
1038 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1039 	break;
1040       }
1041     case DSFREQ:
1042       {
1043 	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &ds_freq)
1044 	    != TCL_OK)
1045 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1046 	break;
1047       }
1048     case NOMFREQ:
1049       {
1050 	if (Tcl_GetDoubleFromObj(interp, objv[arg+1], &nom_f1)
1051 	    != TCL_OK)
1052 	  return TCL_ERROR;
1053 	break;
1054       }
1055     }
1056   }
1057   if (startpos < 0) startpos = 0;
1058   if (endpos >= (s->length - 1) || endpos == -1)
1059     endpos = s->length - 1;
1060   if (startpos > endpos) return TCL_OK;
1062   /*
1063    * Check for errors in specifying parameters
1064    */
1066   if(nform > (lpc_ord-4)/2){
1067     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Number of formants must be <= (lpc order - 4)/2", NULL);
1068     return TCL_ERROR;
1069   }
1071   if(nform > MAXFORMANTS){
1072     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "A maximum of 7 formants are supported at this time", NULL);
1073     return TCL_ERROR;
1074   }
1076   if (s->storeType != SOUND_IN_MEMORY ) {
1077     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "formant only works with in-memory sounds",
1078 		     (char *) NULL);
1079     return TCL_ERROR;
1080   }
1082   if (w_type_str != NULL) {
1083     int len = strlen(w_type_str);
1084     if (strncasecmp(w_type_str, "rectangular", len) == 0 ||
1085 	strncasecmp(w_type_str, "0", len) == 0) {
1086       w_type = 0;
1087     } else if (strncasecmp(w_type_str, "hamming", len) == 0 ||
1088 	       strncasecmp(w_type_str, "1", len) == 0) {
1089       w_type = 1;
1090     } else if (strncasecmp(w_type_str, "cos^4", len) == 0 ||
1091 	       strncasecmp(w_type_str, "2", len) == 0) {
1092       w_type = 2;
1093     } else if (strncasecmp(w_type_str, "hanning", len) == 0 ||
1094 	       strncasecmp(w_type_str, "3", len) == 0) {
1095       w_type = 3;
1096     } else {
1097       Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "unknown window type: ", w_type_str,
1098 		       (char *) NULL);
1099       return TCL_ERROR;
1100     }
1101   }
1103   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp,"Computing formants",0.05);
1105   if(ds_freq < s->samprate) {
1106     dssnd = Fdownsample(s,ds_freq, startpos, endpos);
1107   }
1109   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp, "Computing formants",
1110 			 0.5);
1112   hpsrcsnd = (dssnd ? dssnd : s);
1114   if (preemp < 1.0) { /* be sure DC and rumble are gone! */
1115     hpsnd = highpass(hpsrcsnd);
1116   }
1118   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp, "Computing formants",
1119 			 0.6);
1121   polesrcsnd = (hpsnd ? hpsnd : s);
1123   if(!(polesnd = lpc_poles(polesrcsnd, wdur, frame_int, lpc_ord,
1124 			   preemp, lpc_type, w_type))) {
1125     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Problems in lpc_poles()", NULL);
1126     return TCL_ERROR;
1127   }
1129   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp, "Computing formants",
1130 			 0.7);
1132   /* LPC poles are now available for the formant estimator. */
1133   if (!(formantsnd = dpform(polesnd, nform, nom_f1))) {
1134     Tcl_AppendResult(interp, "Problems in dpform()", NULL);
1135     return TCL_ERROR;
1136   }
1138   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp, "Computing formants",
1139 			 0.95);
1141   /*
1142     SaveSound(formantsnd, interp, "outt.wav", NULL,
1143     0, NULL, 0, formantsnd->length, WAV_STRING);
1144   */
1146   if (dssnd) Snack_DeleteSound(dssnd);
1147   if (hpsnd) Snack_DeleteSound(hpsnd);
1148   Snack_DeleteSound(polesnd);
1150   list = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
1152   for (i = 0; i < formantsnd->length; i++) {
1153     Tcl_Obj *frameList;
1154     frameList = Tcl_NewListObj(0, NULL);
1155     Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, list, frameList);
1156     for (j = 0; j < nform * 2; j++) {
1157       Tcl_ListObjAppendElement(interp, frameList,
1158 	  Tcl_NewDoubleObj((double) Snack_GetSample(formantsnd, j, i)));
1159     }
1160   }
1162   Snack_DeleteSound(formantsnd);
1164   Snack_ProgressCallback(s->cmdPtr, interp,"Computing formants",1.0);
1166   Tcl_SetObjResult(interp, list);
1168   return TCL_OK;
1169 }