1# dsp.rb -- dsp.scm --> dsp.rb
3# Translator: Michael Scholz <mi-scholz@users.sourceforge.net>
4# Created: 2005/03/07 13:50:44
5# Changed: 2018/04/15 22:52:00
7# comments are taken mostly from dsp.scm
9# module Dsp
10#  src_duration(e)
11#  dolph(n, gamma)
12#  dolph_1(n, gamma)
13#  down_oct(n, snd, chn)
14#  edot_product(freq, data)
15#  stretch_sound_via_dft(factor, snd, chn)
16#  compute_uniform_circular_string(size, x0, x1, x2, mass, xspring, damp)
17#  testunif(mass, xspring, damp)
18#  test_scanned_synthesis(amp, dur, mass, xspring, damp)
19#  compute_string(size, x0, x1, x2, masses, xsprings, esprings, damps, haptics)
20#  freqdiv(n, snd, chn)
21#  adsat(size, beg, dur, snd, chn)
22#  spike(snd, chn)
23#  spot_freq(samp, snd, chn)
25#  class Flanger < Musgen
26#   initialize(time, amount, speed)
27#   inspect
28#   to_s
29#   run_func(val1, val2)
30#   flanger(inval)
32#  make_flanger(time, amount, speed)
33#  flanger?(obj)
34#  flanger(gen, inval)
36#  chorus(size)
37#  chordalize(amount, base, chord)
39#  zero_phase(snd, chn)
40#  rotate_phase(func, snd, chn)
42#  class Asyfm < Musgen
43#   initialize(*args)
44#   inspect
45#   to_s
46#   run_func(val1, val2)
47#   asyfm_J(input)
48#   asyfm_I(input)
50#  make_asyfm(*args)
51#  asyfm?(obj)
52#  asyfm_J(gen, input)
53#  asyfm_I(gen, input)
55#  cosine_summation(gen, r)
56#  kosine_summation(gen, r, k)
57#  fejer_sum(angle, n)
58#  legendre_sum(angle, n)
60#  sum_of_n_sines(angle, n)
61#  sum_of_n_odd_sines(angle, n)
62#  sum_of_n_odd_cosines(angle, n)
64#  band_limited_sawtooth(x, a, n, fi)
65#  brighten_slightly(amount, snd, chn)
66#  brighten_slightly_1(coeffs, snd, chn)
67#  spectrum2coeffs(order, spectr)
68#  fltit_1(order, spectr)
70#  make_hilbert_transform(len)
71#  make_highpass(fc, len)
72#  make_lowpass(fc, len)
73#  make_bandpass(flo, fhi, len)
74#  make_bandstop(flo, fhi, len)
75#  make_differentiator(len)
77#  make_butter_high_pass(freq)
78#  make_butter_low_pass(freq)
79#  make_butter_band_pass(freq, band)
80#  make_butter_band_reject(freq, band)
82#  make_biquad(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2)
83#  make_iir_low_pass_2(fc, din)
84#  make_iir_high_pass_2(fc, din)
85#  make_iir_band_pass_2(f1, f2)
86#  make_iir_band_stop_2(f1, f2)
88#  make_eliminate_hum(hum_freq, hum_harmonics, bandwidth)
89#  eliminate_hum(gens, x0)
90#  make_peaking_2(f1, f2, m)
91#  cascade2canonical(a)
93#  make_butter_lp(m, fc)
94#  make_butter_hp(m, fc)
95#  make_butter_bp(m, f1, f2)
96#  make_butter_bs(m, f1, f2)
98#  make_notch_frequency_response(cur_srate, freqs, notch_width)
99#  notch_channel(freqs, filter_order, beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos, trc, n_width)
100#  notch_sound(freqs, filter_order, snd, chn, notch_width)
101#  notch_selection(freqs, filter_order, snd, chn, notch_width)
102#  fractional_fourier_transform(fr, fi, n, v)
103#  z_transform(f, n, z)
104#  dht(data)
105#  find_sine(freq, beg, dur, snd)
106#  goertzel(freq, beg, dur, snd)
107#  make_spencer_filter
109#  any_random(amount, e)
110#  gaussian_distribution(s)
111#  pareto_distribution(a)
112#  inverse_integrate(dist, data_size, e_size)
113#  gaussian_envelope(s)
115#  channel_mean(snd, chn)
116#  channel_total_energy(snd, chn)
117#  channel_average_power(snd, chn)
118#  channel_rms(snd, chn)
119#  channel_variance(snd, chn)
120#  channel_norm(snd, chn)
121#  channel_lp(p, snd, chn)
122#  channel_lp_inf(snd, chn)
123#  channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2)
124#  channel2_angle(s1, c1, s2, c2)
125#  channel2_orthogonal?(s1, c1, s2, c2)
126#  channel2_coefficient_of_projection(s1, c1, s2, c2)
127#  channel_distance(s1, c1, s2, c2)
129#  periodogram(n)
130#  shift_channel_pitch(freq, order, beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos)
131#  hz_to_2pi(freq)
132#  ssb_bank(old_freq, new_freq, pairs, order, bw, beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos)
133#  ssb_bank_env(old_freq, new_freq, fq_env, pairs, ord, bw, beg, dur, s, c, ep)
135#  vct_polynomial(v, coeffs)
136#  channel_polynomial(coeffs, snd, chn)
137#  spectral_polynomial(coeffs, snd, chn)
138#  scentroid(file, beg, dur, db_floor, rfreq, fftsize)
139#  invert_filter(fcoeffs)
141#  class Volterra_filter < Musgen
142#   initialize(acoeffs, bcoeffs)
143#   inspect
144#   to_s
145#   run_func(val1, val2)
146#   volterra_filter(x)
148#  make_volterra_filter(acoeffs, bcoeffs)
149#  volterra_filter(flt, x)
150#  make_moving_sum(size)
151#  moving_sum(gen, y)
152#  make_moving_rms(size)
153#  moving_rms(gen, y)
154#  make_moving_length(size)
155#  moving_length(gen, y)
156#  harmonicizer(freq, coeffs, pairs, order, bw, beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos)
157#  linear_src_channel(srinc, snd, chn)
159#  class Mfilter < Musgen
160#   initialize(decay, freq)
161#   inspect
162#   to_s
163#   mfilter(x_input, y_input)
165#  make_mfilter(*args)
166#  mfilter(m, x_input, y_input)
168#  class Display_bark_fft
169#   display_bark_fft(snd, chn)
170#   mark_bark_labels(snd, chn)
171#   choose_bark_ticks(snd, chn, button, state, x, y, axis)
173#  display_bark_fft(off)
174#  undisplay_bark_fft
176require "ws"
177require "env"
179module Dsp
180  # src_duration (see src-channel in extsnd.html)
181  add_help(:src_duration,
182           "src_duration(envelope)  \
183Returns the new duration of a sound after using ENVELOPE for \
184time-varying sampling-rate conversion.")
185  def src_duration(e)
186    e.map! do |x|
187      x.to_f
188    end
189    ex0 = e.first
190    ex1 = e[-2]
191    all_x = ex1 - ex0
192    dur = 0.0
193    0.step(e.length - 3, 2) do |i|
194      x0, xy0, x1, xy1 = e[i, 4]
195      y0 = xy0.zero? ? 1.0 : (1.0 / xy0)
196      y1 = xy1.zero? ? 1.0 : (1.0 / xy1)
197      area = if (xy0 - xy1).abs < 0.0001
198               y0 * ((x1 - x0) / all_x)
199             else
200               ((log(y1) - log(y0)) / (xy0 - xy1)) * ((x1 - x0) / all_x)
201             end
202      dur += area.abs
203    end
204    dur
205  end
207  # Dolph-Chebyshev window
208  #
209  # formula taken from Richard Lyons, "Understanding DSP"
210  # see clm.c for C version (using either GSL's or GCC's complex trig functions)
211  add_help(:dolph,
212           "dolph(n, gamma)  \
213Produces a Dolph-Chebyshev FFT data window of N points \
214using GAMMA as the window parameter.")
215  def dolph(n, gamma)
216    alpha = cosh(acosh(10.0 ** gamma) / n)
217    den = 1.0 / cosh(n * acosh(alpha))
218    freq = PI / n
219    rl = make_vct(n)
220    im = make_vct(n)
221    phase = 0.0
222    n.times do |i|
223      val = den * cos(n * acos(alpha * cos(phase)))
224      rl[i] = val.real
225      im[i] = val.imag
226      phase += freq
227    end
228    fft(rl, im, -1)
229    vct_scale!(rl, 1.0 / vct_peak(rl))
230    j = n / 2
231    n.times do |i|
232      im[i] = rl[j]
233      j += 1
234      if j == n
235        j = 0
236      end
237    end
238    im
239  end if defined? acosh
241  # this version taken from Julius Smith's "Spectral Audio..." with
242  # three changes it does the DFT by hand, and is independent of
243  # anything from Snd (fft, vcts etc)
244  add_help(:dolph_1,
245           "dolph_1(n, gamma)  \
246Produces a Dolph-Chebyshev FFT data window of N points \
247using GAMMA as the window parameter.")
248  def dolph_1(n, gamma)
249    alpha = cosh(acosh(10.0 ** gamma) / n)
250    den = 1.0 / cosh(n * acosh(alpha))
251    freq = PI / n
252    vals = make_array(n)
253    w = make_array(n)
254    pk = 0.0
255    mult = -1.0
256    phase = -HALF_PI
257    n.times do |i|
258      vals[i] = mult * den * cos(n * acos(alpha * cos(phase)))
259      mult *= -1.0
260      phase += freq
261    end
262    n.times do |i|
263      sum = 0.0
264      n.times do |j|
265        sum = sum + vals[j] * exp((2.0 * Complex(0.0, 1.0) * PI * j * i) / n)
266      end
267      w[i] = sum.abs
268      if w[i] > pk
269        pk = w[i]
270      end
271    end
272    w.map! do |val|
273      val / pk
274    end
275  end if defined? acosh
277  # move sound down by n (a power of 2)
278  # I think this is "stretch" in DSP jargon -- to interpolate in the
279  # time domain we're squeezing the frequency domain the power-of-2
280  # limitation is based on the underlying fft function's insistence on
281  # power-of-2 data sizes see stretch-sound-via-dft below for a
282  # general version
283  add_help(:down_oct,
284           "down_oct(n, snd=false, chn=false)  \
285Moves a sound down by power of 2 N.")
286  def down_oct(n, snd = false, chn = false)
287    len = framples(snd, chn)
288    pow2 = (log(len) / log(2)).ceil
289    fftlen = (2 ** pow2).round
290    fftscale = 1.0 / fftlen
291    rl1 = channel2vct(0, fftlen, snd, chn)
292    im1 = make_vct(fftlen)
293    fft(rl1, im1, 1)
294    vct_scale!(rl1, fftscale)
295    vct_scale!(im1, fftscale)
296    rl2 = make_vct(2 * fftlen)
297    im2 = make_vct(2 * fftlen)
298    k = fftlen - 1
299    j = fftlen * n - 1
300    (0...(fftlen / 2)).each do |i|
301      vct_set!(rl2, i, rl1[i])
302      vct_set!(rl2, j, rl1[k])
303      vct_set!(im2, i, im1[i])
304      vct_set!(im2, j, im1[k])
305      k -= 1
306      j -= 1
307    end
308    fft(rl2, im2, -1)
309    vct2channel(rl2, 0, n * len, snd, chn, false,
310                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, n))
311  end
313  add_help(:edot_product,
314           "edot_product(freq, data)  \
315Sum of (e^freq*i) * data[i]")
316  def edot_product(freq, data)
317    sum = 0.0
318    data.each_with_index do |val, i|
319      sum = sum + exp(i.to_f * freq) * val
320    end
321    sum
322  end unless defined? edot_product
324  add_help(:stretch_sound_via_dft,
325           "stretch_sound_via_dft(factor, snd=false, chn=false)  \
326Makes the given channel longer (FACTOR should be > 1.0) by \
327squeezing in the frequency domain, \
328then using the inverse DFT to get the time domain result.")
329  def stretch_sound_via_dft(factor, snd = false, chn = false)
330    factor = factor.to_f
331    n = framples(snd, chn)
332    n2 = (n / 2.0).floor
333    out_n = (n * factor).round
334    in_data = channel2vct(0, n, snd, chn)
335    out_data = make_vct(out_n)
336    fr = make_array(out_n, 0.0)
337    freq = (PI * 2) / n
338    n.times do |i|
339      d = edot_product(freq * Complex(0.0, 1.0) * i, in_data)
340      if i < n2
341        fr[i] = d
342      else
343        fr[i + (out_n - n - 1)] = d
344      end
345    end
346    freq = (PI * 2) / out_n
347    out_n.times do |i|
348      out_data[i] = (edot_product(freq * Complex(0.0, 1.0) * i, fr) / n).real
349    end
350    vct2channel(out_data, 0, out_n, snd, chn, false,
351                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, factor))
352  end
354  # compute-uniform-circular-string
355  #
356  # this is a simplification of the underlying table-filling routine
357  # for "scanned synthesis".  To watch the wave, open some sound (so
358  # Snd has some place to put the graph), turn off the time domain
359  # display (to give our graph all the window -- to do this in a much
360  # more elegant manner, see snd-motif.scm under scanned-synthesis).
361  def compute_uniform_circular_string(size, x0, x1, x2, mass, xspring, damp)
362    circle_vct_ref = lambda do |v, i|
363      if i < 0
364        v[i + size]
365      elsif i >= size
366        v[i - size]
367      else
368        v[i]
369      end
370    end
371    dm = damp / mass.to_f
372    km = xspring / mass.to_f
373    denom = 1.0 + dm
374    p1 = (2.0 + (dm - 2.0 * km)) / denom
375    p2 = km / denom
376    p3 = -1.0 / denom
377    size.times do |i|
378      x0[i] = p1 * x1[i] +
379              p2 * (circle_vct_ref.call(x1, i - 1) +
380                    circle_vct_ref.call(x1, i + 1)) +
381              p3 * x2[i]
382    end
383    vct_fill!(x2, 0.0)
384    vct_add!(x2, x1)
385    vct_fill!(x1, 0.0)
386    vct_add!(x1, x0)
387  end
389  def testunif(mass, xspring, damp)
390    size = 128
391    x0 = make_vct(size)
392    x1 = make_vct(size)
393    x2 = make_vct(size)
394    12.times do |i|
395      x1[i + size / 4 - 6] = sin((TWO_PI * i) / 12.0)
396    end
397    1024.times do |i|
398      compute_uniform_circular_string(size, x0, x1, x2, mass, xspring, damp)
399      graph(x0, "string", 0, 1.0, -10.0, 10.0)
400    end
401  end
403  def test_scanned_synthesis(amp, dur, mass, xspring, damp)
404    size = 256
405    x0 = make_vct(size)
406    gx1 = make_vct(size)
407    gx2 = make_vct(size)
408    12.times do |i|
409      gx1[i + size / 4 - 6] = sin((TWO_PI * i) / 12.0)
410    end
411    gen1 = make_table_lookup(440.0, :wave, gx1)
412    gen2 = make_table_lookup(440.0, :wave, gx2)
413    x1 = gen1.data
414    x2 = gen2.data
415    recompute_samps = 30.0
416    k = 0.0
417    kincr = 1.0 / recompute_samps
418    data = make_vct!(dur) do |i|
419      if k >= 1.0
420        k = 0.0
421        compute_uniform_circular_string(size, x0, x1, x2, mass, xspring, damp)
422      else
423        k += kincr
424      end
425      g1 = table_lookup(gen1)
426      g2 = table_lookup(gen2)
427      g2 + k * (g1 - g2)
428    end
429    vct_scale!(data, amp / vct_peak(data))
430    vct2channel(data, 0, dur)
431  end
433  # this is the more general form
434  def compute_string(size, x0, x1, x2,
435                     masses, xsprings, esprings, damps, haptics)
436    circle_vct_ref = lambda do |v, i|
437      if i < 0
438        v[i + size]
439      elsif i >= size
440        v[i - size]
441      else
442        v[i]
443      end
444    end
445    size.times do |i|
446      dm = damps[i] / masses[i]
447      km = xsprings[i] / masses[i]
448      cm = esprings[i] / masses[i]
449      denom = 1.0 + dm + cm
450      p1 = (2.0 + (dm - 2.0 * km)) / denom
451      p2 = km / denom
452      p3 = -1.0 / denom
453      p4 = haptics / (masses[i] * denom)
454      x0[i] = p1 * x1[i] +
455              p2 * (circle_vct_ref.call(x1, i - 1) +
456                    circle_vct_ref.call(x1, i + 1)) +
457              p3 * x2[i] +
458              p4
459    end
460    size.times do |i|
461      x2[i], x1[i] = x1[i], x0[i]
462    end
463  end
465  # "frequency division" -- an effect from sed_sed@my-dejanews.com
466  add_help(:freqdiv,
467           "freqdiv(n, snd=false, chn=false)  \
468Repeats each nth sample N times (clobbering the intermediate samples): \
470  def freqdiv(n, snd = false, chn = false)
471    div = 0
472    curval = 0.0
473    map_channel(lambda do |val|
474                  curval = val if div.zero?
475                  div += 1
476                  div = 0 if div == n
477                  curval
478                end, 0, false, snd, chn, false,
479                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, n))
480  end
482  # "adaptive saturation" -- an effect from sed_sed@my-dejanews.com
483  #
484  # a more extreme effect is "saturation":
485  # (map-channel (lambda (val)
486  #                (if (< (abs val) .1) val (if (>= val 0.0) 0.25 -0.25))))
487  add_help(:adsat,
488           "adsat(size, beg=false, dur=false, snd=false, chn=false)  \
489Is an 'adaptive saturation' sound effect.")
490  def adsat(size, beg = false, dur = false, snd = false, chn = false)
491    mn = 0.0
492    mx = 0.0
493    n = 0
494    vals = make_vct(size)
495    map_channel(lambda do |val|
496                  if n == size
497                    size.times do |i|
498                      if vals[i] >= 0.0
499                        vals[i] = mx
500                      else
501                        vals[i] = mn
502                      end
503                    end
504                    n = 0
505                    mx = 0.0
506                    mn = 0.0
507                    vals
508                  else
509                    vals[n] = val
510                    mx = val if val > mx
511                    mn = val if val < mn
512                    n += 1
513                    false
514                  end
515                end, beg, dur, snd, chn, false,
516                format("%s(%s, %s, %s", get_func_name, size, beg, dur))
517  end
519  # spike
520  #
521  # makes sound more spikey -- sometimes a nice effect
522  add_help(:spike,
523           "spike(snd=false, chn=false)  \
524Multiplies successive samples together to make a sound more spikey.")
525  def spike(snd = false, chn = false)
526    x1 = x2 = 0.0
527    amp = maxamp(snd, chn)
528    map_channel(lambda do |x0|
529                  res = (x0 / (amp * amp)) * x2.abs * x1.abs
530                  x2, x1 = x1, x0
531                  res
532                end, 0, false, snd, chn, false, "spike(")
533  end
535  # easily-fooled autocorrelation-based pitch tracker
536  add_help(:spot_freq,
537           "spot_freq(samp=0, snd=false, chn=false)  \
538Tries to determine the current pitch: spot_freq(left_sample)")
539  def spot_freq(samp = 0, snd = false, chn = false)
540    pow2 = (log(srate(snd) / 20.0) / log(2)).ceil
541    fftlen = (2 ** pow2).round
542    data = autocorrelate(channel2vct(samp, fftlen, snd, chn))
543    cor_peak = vct_peak(data)
544    cor_peak2 = 2.0 * cor_peak
545    ret = 0.0
546    (1...fftlen - 2).each do |i|
547      if data[i] < data[i + 1] and data[i + 2] < data[i + 1]
548        logla = log10((cor_peak + data[i])     / cor_peak2)
549        logca = log10((cor_peak + data[i + 1]) / cor_peak2)
550        logra = log10((cor_peak + data[i + 2]) / cor_peak2)
551        offset = (0.5 * (logla - logra)) / (logla + logra + -2.0 * logca)
552        ret = srate(snd) / (2.0 * (i + 1 + offset))
553        break
554      end
555    end
556    ret
557  end
558  # $graph_hook.add_hook!("examp-left-sample-hook") do |snd, chn, y0, y1|
559  #   msg = format("(freq: %.3f)", spot_freq(left_sample(snd, chn)))
560  #   status_report(msg, snd)
561  # end
562  #
563  # or
564  #
565  # $mouse_click_hook.add_hook!("examp-cursor-hook") do |snd, chn,
566  #                                                      button, state,
567  #                                                      x, y, axis|
568  #   if axis == Time_graph
569  #     status_report(format("(freq: %.3f)", spot_freq(cursor(snd, chn))), snd)
570  #   end
571  # end
573  # chorus (doesn't always work and needs speedup)
574  class Flanger < Musgen
575    def initialize(time = 0.05, amount = 20.0, speed = 10.0)
576      super()
577      @time = time
578      @amount = amount
579      @speed = speed
580      @randind = make_rand_interp(:frequency, speed, :amplitude, amount)
581      @data = @randind.data
582      @length = @randind.length
583      len = random(3.0 * time * mus_srate()).floor
584      @flanger = make_delay(:size, len, :max_size, (len + amount + 1).to_i)
585    end
587    def inspect
588      format("%s.new(%s, %s, %s)", self.class, @time, @amount, @speed)
589    end
591    def to_s
592      format("#<%s time: %1.3f, amount: %1.3f, speed: %1.3f>",
593             self.class, @time, @amount, @speed)
594    end
596    def run_func(val1 = 0.0, val2 = 0.0)
597      flanger(val1)
598    end
600    def flanger(inval)
601      inval + delay(@flanger, inval, rand_interp(@randind))
602    end
603  end
605  def make_flanger(time = 0.05, amount = 20.0, speed = 10.0)
606    Flanger.new(time, amount, speed)
607  end
609  def flanger?(obj)
610    obj.kind_of?(Flanger)
611  end
613  def flanger(gen, inval)
614    gen.flanger(inval)
615  end
617  add_help(:chorus,
618           "chorus(size=5)  \
619Tries to produce the chorus sound effect.")
620  def chorus(size = 5)
621    dlys = make_array(size) do
622      make_flanger
623    end
624    sum = 0.0
625    lambda do |inval|
626      dlys.each do |dly|
627        sum += dly.flanger(inval)
628      end
629      sum * 0.25
630    end
631  end
633  # chordalize (comb filters to make a chord using chordalize-amount
634  # and chordalize-base)
635  add_help(:chordalize,
636           "chordalize(amount=0.95, base=100, chord=[1.00, 0.75, 1.25])  \
637Uses harmonically-related comb-filters to bring out a chord in a sound.")
638  def chordalize(amount = 0.95, base = 100, chord = [1.00, 0.75, 1.25])
639    combs = chord.map do |interval|
640      make_comb(:scaler, amount, :size, (base * interval).round)
641    end
642    scaler = 0.5 / chord.length
643    lambda do |x|
644      val = 0.0
645      combs.each do |c|
646        val += comb(c, x)
647      end
648      scaler * val
649    end
650  end
652  # zero-phase, rotate-phase
653  # fft games (from the "phazor" package of Scott McNab)
654  add_help(:zero_phase,
655           "zero_phase(snd=false, chn=false)  \
656Calls fft, sets all phases to 0, and un-ffts.")
657  def zero_phase(snd = false, chn = false)
658    len = framples(snd, chn)
659    pow2 = (log(len) / log(2)).ceil
660    fftlen = (2 ** pow2).round
661    fftscale = 1.0 / fftlen
662    rl = channel2vct(0, fftlen, snd, chn)
663    old_pk = vct_peak(rl)
664    im = make_vct(fftlen)
665    fft(rl, im, 1)
666    rectangular2polar(rl, im)
667    vct_scale!(rl, fftscale)
668    vct_scale!(im, 0.0)
669    fft(rl, im, -1)
670    pk = vct_peak(rl)
671    vct2channel(rl.scale(old_pk / pk), 0, len, snd, chn, false, "zero_phase(")
672  end
674  # (set_)edit_list_proc_counter is defined in clm.rb
675  # It's necessary to produce a uniq method name.
676  add_help(:rotate_phase,
677           "rotate_phase(func, snd=false, chn=false)  \
678Calls fft, applies func to each phase, then un-ffts.")
679  def rotate_phase(func, snd = false, chn = false)
680    func_name = format("%s_%d",
681                       get_func_name,
682                       set_edit_list_proc_counter).intern
683    # Proc converted to Method (ie. normal function) for edit_list2function
684    func.to_method(func_name)
685    len = framples(snd, chn)
686    pow2 = (log(len) / log(2)).ceil
687    fftlen = (2 ** pow2).round
688    fftlen2 = (fftlen / 2).floor
689    fftscale = 1.0 / fftlen
690    rl = channel2vct(0, fftlen, snd, chn)
691    im = make_vct(fftlen)
692    old_pk = rl.peak
693    fft(rl, im, 1)
694    rectangular2polar(rl, im)
695    rl.scale!(fftscale)
696    im[0] = 0.0
697    j = fftlen - 1
698    (1...fftlen2).each do |i|
699      im[i] = snd_func(func_name, im[i])
700      im[j] = -im[i]
701      j -= 1
702    end
703    polar2rectangular(rl, im)
704    fft(rl, im, -1)
705    pk = rl.peak
706    vct2channel(rl.scale(old_pk / pk), 0, len, snd, chn, false,
707                format("%s(Proc.new {|val_r| %s(val_r) }",
708                       get_func_name, func_name))
709  end
710  # rotate_phase(lambda {|x| 0.0 })  # is the same as (zero-phase)
711  # rotate_phase(lambda {|x| random(PI) }) # randomizes phases
712  # rotate_phase(lambda {|x| x })    # returns original
713  # rotate_phase(lambda {|x| -x })   # reverses original
714  #                                  # (might want to write fftlen samps here)
716  # asymmetric FM (bes-i0 case)
717  class Asyfm < Musgen
718    def initialize(*args)
719      super()
720      frequency, ratio, r, index, phase = nil
721      optkey(args, binding,
722             [:frequency, $clm_default_frequency],
723             [:ratio, 1.0],
724             [:r, 1.0],
725             [:index, 1.0],
726             [:phase, 0.0])
727      @frequency = frequency.to_f
728      @ratio = ratio.to_f
729      @r = r.to_f
730      @index = index.to_f
731      @freq = hz2radians(@frequency)
732      @phase = phase.to_f
733    end
734    attr_accessor :ratio, :r, :index
736    def inspect
737      format("%s.new(:frequency, %s, :ratio, %s, :r, %s, \
738:index, %s, :freq, %s, :phase, %s)",
739             self.class, @frequency, @ratio, @r, @index, @freq, @phase)
740    end
742    def to_s
743      format("#<%s freq: %1.3f, ratio: %1.3f, r: %1.3f, \
744index: %1.3f, freq: %1.3f, phase: %1.3f>",
745             self.class, @frequency, @ratio, @r, @index, @freq, @phase)
746    end
748    def run_func(val1 = 0.0, val2 = 0.0)
749      asyfm_J(val1)
750    end
752    def asyfm_J(input)
753      # It follows now asyfm-J in generators.scm, not dsp-asyfm-J in clm23.scm.
754      r1 = 1.0 / @r
755      one = ((@r > 1.0) or (@r < 0.0 and @r > -1.0)) ? -1.0 : 1.0
756      modphase = @ratio * @phase
757      result = exp(0.5 * @index * (@r - r1) * (one + cos(modphase))) *
758               cos(@phase + 0.5 * @index * (@r + r1) * sin(modphase))
759      @phase = @phase + input + @freq
760      result
761    end
763    def asyfm_I(input)
764      r1 = 1.0 / @r
765      modphase = @ratio * @phase
766      result = exp(0.5 * @index * (@r + r1) * (cos(modphase) - 1.0)) -
767               cos(@phase + 0.5 * @index * (@r - r1) * sin(modphase))
768      @phase = @phase + input + @freq
769      result
770    end
771  end
773  def make_asyfm(*args)
774    Asyfm.new(*args)
775  end
777  def asyfm?(obj)
778    obj.kind_of?(Asyfm)
779  end
781  def asyfm_J(gen, input)
782    gen.asyfm_J(input)
783  end
785  def asyfm_I(gen, input)
786    gen.asyfm_I(input)
787  end
789  # cosine-summation (a simpler version of sine-summation)
790  #
791  # from Andrews, Askey, Roy "Special Functions" 5.1.16
792  add_help(:cosine_summation,
793           "cosine_summation(gen, r)  \
794Is a variant of the CLM sine-summation generator; \
795R controls successive sinusoid amplitudes.")
796  def cosine_summation(gen, r)
797    rr = r * r
798    rrp1 = 1.0 + rr
799    rrm1 = 1.0 - rr
800    r2 = 2.0 * r
801    ((rrm1 / (rrp1 - r2 * oscil(gen))) - 1.0) * ((1.0 - r) / r2)
802  end
803  alias make_cosine_summation make_oscil
805  # kosine-summation
806  #
807  # from Askey "Ramanujan and Hypergeometric Series" in Berndt and
808  # Rankin "Ramanujan: Essays and Surveys"
809  #
810  # this gives a sum of cosines of decreasing amp where the "k"
811  # parameter determines the "index" (in FM nomenclature) -- higher k
812  # = more cosines; the actual amount of the nth cos involves
813  # hypergeometric series (looks like r^n/n! (~=e^n?) with a million
814  # other terms).
815  add_help(:kosine_summation,
816           "kosine_summation(gen, r, k)  \
817Is a variant of sum-of-cosines; \
818R controls successive sinusoid amplitude; \
819K controls how many sinusoids are produced.")
820  def kosine_summation(gen, r, k)
821    r2 = r * r
822    ((1.0 + r2) - 2 * r * oscil(gen)) ** -k * ((1.0 + r2) - 2 * r) ** k
823  end
824  alias make_kosine_summation make_oscil
826  # legendre, fejer
827  def fejer_sum(angle, n)
828    if angle.zero?
829      1.0
830    else
831      val = sin(0.5 * (n + 1) * angle) / (2.0 * sin(0.5 * angle))
832      2.0 * ((val * val) / (n + 1))
833    end
834  end
836  def legendre_sum(angle, n)
837    val = sin(angle * (n + 0.5)) / sin(0.5 * angle)
838    val * val
839  end
841  # variations on sum-of-cosines
842  # from "Trigonometric Delights" by Eli Maor
843  def sum_of_n_sines(angle, n)
844    a2 = angle * 0.5
845    den = sin(a2)
846    if den.zero?
847      0.0
848    else
849      (sin(n * a2) * sin((n + 1) * a2)) / den
850    end
851  end
853  def sum_of_n_odd_sines(angle, n)
854    angle = angle.to_f
855    n = n.to_f
856    den = sin(angle)
857    na = sin(n * angle)
858    if den.zero?
859      0.0
860    else
861      (na * na) / den
862    end
863  end
865  def sum_of_n_odd_cosines(angle, n)
866    angle = angle.to_f
867    n = n.to_f
868    den = 2.0 * sin(angle)
869    if den.zero?
870      n
871    else
872      sin(2.0 * n * angle) / den
873    end
874  end
876  # x = current phase, a = amp (more or less), N = 1..10 or
877  # thereabouts, fi = phase increment Alexander Kritov suggests
878  # time-varying "a" is good (this is a translation of his code) from
879  # Stilson/Smith apparently -- was named "Discrete Summation Formula"
880  # which doesn't convey anything to me
881  def band_limited_sawtooth(x, a, n, fi)
882    s4 = 1.0 + -2.0 * a * cos(x) + a * a
883    if s4.zero?
884      0.0
885    else
886      s1 = a ** (n - 1.0) * sin((n - 1.0) * x + fi)
887      s2 = a ** n * sin(n * x + fi)
888      s3 = a * sin(x + fi)
889      (sin(fi) + -s3 + -s2 + s1) / s4
890    end
891  end
893  # brighten-slightly
894  add_help(:brighten_slightly,
895           "brighten_slightly(amount, snd=false, chn=false)  \
896Is a form of contrast-enhancement (AMOUNT between ca 0.1 and 1.0).")
897  def brighten_slightly(amount, snd = false, chn = false)
898    mx = maxamp
899    brt = (TWO_PI * amount) / mx
900    map_channel(lambda do |y|
901                  mx * sin(y * brt)
902                end, 0, false, snd, chn, false,
903                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, amount))
904  end
906  add_help(:brighten_slightly_1,
907           "brighten_slightly_1(coeffs, snd=false, chn=false)  \
908Is a form of contrast-enhancement: brighten_slightly-1([1, 0.5, 3, 1])")
909  def brighten_slightly_1(coeffs, snd = false, chn = false)
910    pcoeffs = partials2polynomial(coeffs)
911    mx = maxamp(snd, chn)
912    map_channel(lambda do |y|
913                  mx * polynomial(pcoeffs, y / mx)
914                end, 0, false, snd, chn, false,
915                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, coeffs))
916  end
918  # FIR filters
920  # Snd's (very simple) spectrum->coefficients procedure is:
921  add_help(:spectrum2coeffs,
922           "spectrum2coeffs(order, spectr)  \
923Returns FIR filter coefficients given the filter ORDER \
924and desired spectral envelope (a vct).")
925  def spectrum2coeffs(order, spectr)
926    coeffs = make_vct(order)
927    n = order
928    m = ((n + 1) / 2.0).floor
929    am = 0.5 * (n + 1)
930    q = (PI * 2.0) / n
931    jj = n - 1
932    m.times do |j|
933      xt = 0.5 * spectr[0]
934      (1...m).each do |i|
935        xt = xt + spectr[i] * cos(q * i * (am - j - 1))
936      end
937      coeff = 2.0 * (xt / n)
938      coeffs[j] = coeff
939      coeffs[jj] = coeff
940      jj -= 1
941    end
942    coeffs
943  end
945  add_help(:fltit_1,
946           "fltit_1(order, spectrum)  \
947Creates an FIR filter from SPECTRUM and ORDER and \
948returns a closure that calls it: \
949map_channel(fltit_1(10, vct(0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0)))")
950  def fltit_1(order, spectr)
951    flt = make_fir_filter(order, spectrum2coeffs(order, spectr))
952    lambda do |x|
953      fir_filter(flt, x)
954    end
955  end
957  # Hilbert transform
958  add_help(:make_hilbert_transform,
959           "make_hilbert_transform(len=30)  \
960Makes a Hilbert transform filter.")
961  def make_hilbert_transform(len = 30)
962    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
963    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
964    (-len...len).each do |i|
965      k = i + len
966      denom = PI * i
967      num = 1.0 - cos(denom)
968      if num.zero? or i.zero?
969        arr[k] = 0.0
970      else
971        arr[k] = (num / denom) * (0.54 + 0.46 * cos(denom / len))
972      end
973    end
974    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
975  end
977  add_help(:hilbert_transform,
978           "hilbert_transform(f, in)  \
979Is the generator corresponding to make_hilbert_transform.")
980  alias hilbert_transform fir_filter
982  # highpass filter
983  add_help(:make_highpass,
984           "make_highpass(fc, len=30)  \
985Makes an FIR highpass filter.")
986  def make_highpass(fc, len = 30)
987    fc = fc.to_f
988    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
989    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
990    (-len...len).each do |i|
991      k = i + len
992      denom = PI * i
993      num = -sin(fc * i)
994      if i.zero?
995        arr[k] = 1.0 - fc / PI
996      else
997        arr[k] = (num / denom) * (0.54 + 0.46 * cos((PI * i) / len))
998      end
999    end
1000    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
1001  end
1003  add_help(:highpass,
1004           "highpass(f, in)  \
1005Is the generator corresponding to make_highpass.")
1006  alias highpass fir_filter
1008  # lowpass filter
1009  add_help(:make_lowpass,
1010           "make_lowpass(fc, len=30)  \
1011Makes an FIR lowpass filter.")
1012  def make_lowpass(fc, len = 30)
1013    fc = fc.to_f
1014    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
1015    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
1016    (-len...len).each do |i|
1017      k = i + len
1018      denom = PI * i
1019      num = sin(fc * i)
1020      if i.zero?
1021        arr[k] = fc / PI
1022      else
1023        arr[k] = (num / denom) * (0.54 + 0.46 * cos((PI * i) / len))
1024      end
1025    end
1026    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
1027  end
1029  add_help(:lowpass,
1030           "lowpass(f, in)  \
1031Is the generator corresponding to make_lowpass.")
1032  alias lowpass fir_filter
1034  # bandpass filter
1035  add_help(:make_bandpass,
1036           "make_bandpass(flo, fhi, len=30)  \
1037Makes an FIR bandpass filter.")
1038  def make_bandpass(flo, fhi, len = 30)
1039    flo = flo.to_f
1040    fhi = fhi.to_f
1041    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
1042    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
1043    (-len...len).each do |i|
1044      k = i + len
1045      denom = PI * i
1046      num = sin(fhi * i) - sin(flo * i)
1047      if i.zero?
1048        arr[k] = (fhi - flo) / PI
1049      else
1050        arr[k] = (num / denom) * (0.54 + 0.46 * cos((PI * i) / len))
1051      end
1052    end
1053    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
1054  end
1056  add_help(:bandpass,
1057           "bandpass(f, in)  \
1058Is the generator corresponding to make_bandpass.")
1059  alias bandpass fir_filter
1061  # bandstop filter
1062  add_help(:make_bandstop,
1063           "make_bandstop(flo, fhi, len=30)  \
1064Makes an FIR bandstop (notch) filter.")
1065  def make_bandstop(flo, fhi, len = 30)
1066    flo = flo.to_f
1067    fhi = fhi.to_f
1068    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
1069    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
1070    (-len...len).each do |i|
1071      k = i + len
1072      denom = PI * i
1073      num = sin(flo * i) - sin(fhi * i)
1074      if i.zero?
1075        arr[k] = 1.0 - (fhi - flo) / PI
1076      else
1077        arr[k] = (num / denom) * (0.54 + 0.46 * cos((PI * i) / len))
1078      end
1079    end
1080    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
1081  end
1083  add_help(:bandstop,
1084           "bandstop(f, in)  \
1085Is the generator corresponding to make_bandstop.")
1086  alias bandstop fir_filter
1088  # differentiator
1089  add_help(:make_differentiator,
1090           "make_differentiator(len=30)  \
1091Makes an FIR differentiator (highpass) filter.")
1092  def make_differentiator(len = 30)
1093    arrlen = len * 2 + 1
1094    arr = make_vct(arrlen)
1095    (-len...len).each do |i|
1096      k = i + len
1097      if i.zero?
1098        arr[k] = 0.0
1099      else
1100        arr[k] = (cos(PI * i) / i - sin(PI * i) / (PI * i * i)) *
1101          (0.54 + 0.46 * cos((PI * i) / len))
1102      end
1103    end
1104    make_fir_filter(arrlen, arr)
1105  end
1107  add_help(:differentiator,
1108           "differentiator(f, in)  \
1109Is the generator corresponding to make_differentiator.")
1110  alias differentiator fir_filter
1112  # IIR filters
1113  #
1114  # Butterworth filters (see also further below -- make-butter-lp et al)
1115  #
1116  # translated from CLM butterworth.cl:
1117  #
1118  # Sam Heisz, January 1998
1119  # inspired by some unit generators written for Csound by Paris
1120  # Smaragdis who based his work on formulas from Charles Dodge,
1121  # Computer music: synthesis, composition, and performance.
1123  add_help(:butter,
1124           "butter(b, sig)  \
1125Is the generator side for the various make_butter procedure.")
1126  alias butter filter
1127  add_help(:make_butter_high_pass,
1128           "make_butter_high_pass(freq)  \
1129Makes a Butterworth filter with high pass cutoff at FREQ.")
1130  def make_butter_high_pass(freq)
1131    r = tan(PI * freq / srate())
1132    r2 = r * r
1133    c1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + r * sqrt(2.0) + r2)
1134    c2 = -2.0 * c1
1135    c3 = c1
1136    c4 = 2.0 * (r2 - 1.0) * c1
1137    c5 = ((1.0 - r * sqrt(2.0)) + r2) * c1
1138    make_filter(3, vct(c1, c2, c3), vct(0.0, c4, c5))
1139  end
1141  add_help(:make_butter_low_pass,
1142           "make_butter_low_pass(freq)  \
1143Makes a Butterworth filter with high pass cutoff at FREQ.  \
1144The result can be used directly: \
1145filter_sound(make_butter_low_pass(500.0)), or via the 'butter' generator.")
1146  def make_butter_low_pass(freq)
1147    r = 1.0 / tan(PI * freq / srate())
1148    r2 = r * r
1149    c1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + r * sqrt(2.0) + r2)
1150    c2 = 2.0 * c1
1151    c3 = c1
1152    c4 = 2.0 * (1.0 - r2) * c1
1153    c5 = ((1.0 - r * sqrt(2.0)) + r2) * c1
1154    make_filter(3, vct(c1, c2, c3), vct(0.0, c4, c5))
1155  end
1157  add_help(:make_butter_band_pass,
1158           "make_butter_band_pass(freq, band)  \
1159Makes a bandpass Butterworth filter with low edge at FREQ and width BAND.")
1160  def make_butter_band_pass(freq, band)
1161    d = 2.0 * cos(2.0 * PI * freq / srate())
1162    c = 1.0 / tan(PI * band / srate())
1163    c1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + c)
1164    c2 = 0.0
1165    c3 = -c1
1166    c4 = -c * d * c1
1167    c5 = (c - 1.0) * c1
1168    make_filter(3, vct(c1, c2, c3), vct(0.0, c4, c5))
1169  end
1171  add_help(:make_butter_band_reject,
1172           "make_butter_band_reject(freq, band)  \
1173Makes a band-reject Butterworth filter with low edge at FREQ and width BAND.")
1174  def make_butter_band_reject(freq, band)
1175    d = 2.0 * cos(2.0 * PI * freq / srate())
1176    c = tan(PI * band / srate())
1177    c1 = 1.0 / (1.0 + c)
1178    c2 = -d * c1
1179    c3 = c1
1180    c4 = c2
1181    c5 = (1.0 - c) * c1
1182    make_filter(3, vct(c1, c2, c3), vct(0.0, c4, c5))
1183  end
1185  # from "DSP Filter Cookbook" by Lane et al, Prompt Pubs, 2001
1186  #
1187  # use with the filter generator
1188  #   (define gen (make-iir-high-pass-2 1000))
1189  #   (filter gen 1.0)
1190  #   etc
1191  add_help(:make_biquad,
1192           "make_biquad(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2)  \
1193Returns a biquad filter (use with the CLM filter gen).")
1194  def make_biquad(a0, a1, a2, b1, b2)
1195    make_filter(3, vct(a0, a1, a2), vct(0.0, b1, b2))
1196  end
1198  # din=(sqrt 2.0) for example (suggested range 0.2...10)
1199  def make_iir_low_pass_2(fc, din = false)
1200    fc = fc.to_f
1201    theta = (TWO_PI * fc) / mus_srate()
1202    d = (din or sqrt(2.0))
1203    beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - (d / 2.0) * sin(theta)) /
1204                  (1.0 + (d / 2.0) * sin(theta)))
1205    gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta)
1206    alpha = 0.5 * (0.5 + beta + -gamma)
1207    make_filter(3,
1208                vct(alpha, 2.0 * alpha, alpha),
1209                vct(0.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta))
1210  end
1212  def make_iir_high_pass_2(fc, din = false)
1213    fc = fc.to_f
1214    theta = (TWO_PI * fc) / mus_srate()
1215    d = (din or sqrt(2.0))
1216    beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - (d / 2.0) * sin(theta)) /
1217                  (1.0 + (d / 2.0) * sin(theta)))
1218    gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta)
1219    alpha = 0.5 * (0.5 + beta + gamma)
1220    make_filter(3,
1221                vct(alpha, -2.0 * alpha, alpha),
1222                vct(0.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta))
1223  end
1225  def make_iir_band_pass_2(f1, f2)
1226    f1 = f1.to_f
1227    f2 = f2.to_f
1228    theta = (TWO_PI * sqrt(f1 * f2)) / mus_srate()
1229    q = sqrt(f1 * f2) / (f2 - f1)
1230    t2 = tan(theta / (2 * q))
1231    beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - t2) / (1.0 + t2))
1232    gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta)
1233    alpha = 0.5 - beta
1234    make_filter(3,
1235                vct(alpha, 0.0, -alpha),
1236                vct(0.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta))
1237  end
1239  def make_iir_band_stop_2(f1, f2)
1240    f1 = f1.to_f
1241    f2 = f2.to_f
1242    theta = (TWO_PI * sqrt(f1 * f2)) / mus_srate()
1243    q = sqrt(f1 * f2) / (f2 - f1)
1244    t2 = tan(theta / (2 * q))
1245    beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - t2) / (1.0 + t2))
1246    gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta)
1247    alpha = 0.5 + beta
1248    make_filter(3,
1249                vct(alpha, -2.0 * gamma, alpha),
1250                vct(0.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta))
1251  end
1253  def make_eliminate_hum(hum_freq = 60.0, hum_harmonics = 5, bandwidth = 10)
1254    b2 = 0.5 * bandwidth
1255    make_array(hum_harmonics) do |i|
1256      center = (i + 1.0) * hum_freq
1257      make_iir_band_stop_2(center - b2, center + b2)
1258    end
1259  end
1261  def eliminate_hum(gens, x0)
1262    val = x0
1263    gens.each do |gen|
1264      val = filter(gen, val)
1265    end
1266    val
1267  end
1269  # bandpass, m is gain at center of peak
1270  # use map-channel with this one (not clm-channel or filter)
1271  def make_peaking_2(f1, f2, m)
1272    f1 = f1.to_f
1273    f2 = f2.to_f
1274    theta = (TWO_PI * sqrt(f1 * f2)) / mus_srate()
1275    q = sqrt(f1 * f2) / (f2 - f1)
1276    t2 = (4.0 / (m + 1.0)) * tan(theta / (2 * q))
1277    beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - t2) / (1.0 + t2))
1278    gamma = (0.5 + beta) * cos(theta)
1279    alpha = 0.5 - beta
1280    flt = make_filter(3,
1281                      vct(alpha, 0.0, -alpha),
1282                      vct(0.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta))
1283    lambda do |x|
1284      x + (m - 1.0) * filter(flt, x)
1285    end
1286  end
1288  # convert cascade coeffs to canonical form
1289  # from Orfanidis "Introduction to Signal Processing
1290  def c2c_conv(m, h, l, x, y)
1291    (l + m).times do |i|
1292      y[i] = 0.0
1293      ([0, i - (1 + l)].max..[i, m].min).each do |j|
1294        y[i] = y[i] + h[j] * x[i - j]
1295      end
1296    end
1297  end
1299  add_help(:cascade2canonical,
1300           "cascade2canonical(a)  \
1301Converts a list of cascade coeffs (vcts with 3 entries) to canonical form.")
1302  def cascade2canonical(a)
1303    k = a.length
1304    d = make_vct(2 * k + 1)
1305    a1 = make_vct(2 * k + 1)
1306    a1[0] = 1.0
1307    k.times do |i|
1308      c2c_conv(2, a[i], 2 * i + 1, a1, d)
1309      (2 * i + 3).times do |j|
1310        a1[j] = d[j]
1311      end
1312    end
1313    a1
1314  end
1316  # order is M*2, fc is cutoff freq (Hz)
1317  add_help(:make_butter_lp,
1318           "make_butter_lp(m, fc)  \
1319Returns a butterworth low-pass filter; \
1320its order is M * 2, FC is the cutoff frequency in Hz.")
1321  def make_butter_lp(m, fc)
1322    fc = fc.to_f
1323    xcoeffs = make_array(m)
1324    ycoeffs = make_array(m)
1325    theta = (TWO_PI * fc) / mus_srate()
1326    st = sin(theta)
1327    ct = cos(theta)
1328    m.times do |k|
1329      d = 2.0 * sin((PI * (2.0 * (k + 1.0) - 1.0)) / (4.0 * m))
1330      beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - 0.5 * d * st) / (1.0 + 0.5 * d * st))
1331      gamma = ct * (0.5 + beta)
1332      alpha = 0.25 * (0.5 + beta + -gamma)
1333      xcoeffs[k] = vct(2.0 * alpha, 4.0 * alpha, 2.0 * alpha)
1334      ycoeffs[k] = vct(1.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta)
1335    end
1336    make_filter(2 * m + 1,
1337                cascade2canonical(xcoeffs), cascade2canonical(ycoeffs))
1338  end
1340  # order is M*2, fc is cutoff freq (Hz)
1341  add_help(:make_butter_hp,
1342           "make_butter_hp(m, fc)  \
1343Returns a butterworth high-pass filter; \
1344its order is M * 2, FC is the cutoff frequency in Hz.")
1345  def make_butter_hp(m, fc)
1346    fc = fc.to_f
1347    xcoeffs = make_array(m)
1348    ycoeffs = make_array(m)
1349    theta = (TWO_PI * fc) / mus_srate()
1350    st = sin(theta)
1351    ct = cos(theta)
1352    m.times do |k|
1353      d = 2.0 * sin((PI * (2.0 * (k + 1.0) - 1.0)) / (4.0 * m))
1354      beta = 0.5 * ((1.0 - 0.5 * d * st) / (1.0 + 0.5 * d * st))
1355      gamma = ct * (0.5 + beta)
1356      alpha = 0.25 * (0.5 + beta + gamma)
1357      xcoeffs[k] = vct(2.0 * alpha, -4 * alpha, 2.0 * alpha)
1358      ycoeffs[k] = vct(1.0, -2.0 * gamma, 2.0 * beta)
1359    end
1360    make_filter(2 * m + 1,
1361                cascade2canonical(xcoeffs), cascade2canonical(ycoeffs))
1362  end
1364  # order is M*2, f1 and f2 are band edge freqs (Hz)
1365  add_help(:make_butter_bp,
1366           "make_butter_bp(m, f1, f2)  \
1367Returns a butterworth band-pass filter; \
1368its order is M * 2, F1 and F2 are the band edge frequencies in Hz.")
1369  def make_butter_bp(m, f1, f2)
1370    f1 = f1.to_f
1371    f2 = f2.to_f
1372    xcoeffs = make_array(m)
1373    ycoeffs = make_array(m)
1374    f0 = sqrt(f1 * f2)
1375    q = f0 / (f2 - f1)
1376    theta0 = (TWO_PI * f0) / mus_srate()
1377    de = (2.0 * tan(theta0 / (2.0 * q))) / sin(theta0)
1378    de2 = de / 2.0
1379    tn0 = tan(theta0 * 0.5)
1380    k = j = 1
1381    m.times do |i|
1382      dk = 2.0 * sin((PI * (2.0 * k - 1.0)) / (2.0 * m))
1383      ak = (1.0 + de2 * de2) / (dk * de2)
1384      dk1 = sqrt((de * dk) / (ak + sqrt(ak * ak - 1.0)))
1385      bk = de2 * (dk / dk1)
1386      wk = (bk + sqrt(bk * bk - 1.0)).real
1387      thetajk = ((j == 1) ? (2.0 * atan(tn0 / wk)) : (2.0 * atan(tn0 * wk)))
1388      betajk = 0.5 * ((1.0 - 0.5 * dk1 * sin(thetajk)) /
1389                      (1.0 + 0.5 * dk1 * sin(thetajk)))
1390      gammajk = (0.5 + betajk) * cos(thetajk)
1391      wk2 = (wk - 1.0 / wk) / dk1
1392      alphajk = 0.5 * (0.5 - betajk) * sqrt(1.0 + wk2 * wk2)
1393      xcoeffs[i] = vct(2.0 * alphajk, 0.0, -2.0 * alphajk)
1394      ycoeffs[i] = vct(1.0, -2.0 * gammajk, 2.0 * betajk)
1395      if j == 1
1396        j = 2
1397      else
1398        k += 1
1399        j = 1
1400      end
1401    end
1402    make_filter(2 * m + 1,
1403                cascade2canonical(xcoeffs), cascade2canonical(ycoeffs))
1404  end
1406  # order is M*2, f1 and f2 are band edge freqs (Hz)
1407  add_help(:make_butter_bs,
1408           "make_butter_bs(m, f1, f2)  \
1409Returns a butterworth band-stop filter; \
1410its order is M * 2, F1 and F2 are the band edge frequencies in Hz.")
1411  def make_butter_bs(m, f1, f2)
1412    f1 = f1.to_f
1413    f2 = f2.to_f
1414    xcoeffs = make_array(m)
1415    ycoeffs = make_array(m)
1416    f0 = sqrt(f1 * f2)
1417    q = f0 / (f2 - f1)
1418    theta0 = (TWO_PI * f0) / mus_srate()
1419    de = (2.0 * tan(theta0 / (2.0 * q))) / sin(theta0)
1420    de2 = de / 2.0
1421    ct = cos(theta0)
1422    tn0 = tan(theta0 * 0.5)
1423    k = j = 1
1424    m.times do |i|
1425      dk = 2.0 * sin((PI * (2.0 * k - 1.0)) / (2.0 * m))
1426      ak = (1.0 + de2 * de2) / (dk * de2)
1427      dk1 = sqrt((de * dk) / (ak + sqrt(ak * ak - 1.0)))
1428      bk = de2 * (dk / dk1)
1429      wk = (bk + sqrt(bk * bk - 1.0)).real
1430      thetajk = ((j == 1) ? (2.0 * atan(tn0 / wk)) : (2.0 * atan(tn0 * wk)))
1431      betajk = 0.5 * ((1.0 - 0.5 * dk1 * sin(thetajk)) /
1432                      (1.0 + 0.5 * dk1 * sin(thetajk)))
1433      gammajk = (0.5 + betajk) * cos(thetajk)
1434      alphajk = 0.5 * (0.5 + betajk) * ((1.0 - cos(thetajk)) / (1.0 - ct))
1435      xcoeffs[i] = vct(2.0 * alphajk, -4.0 * ct * alphajk, 2.0 * alphajk)
1436      ycoeffs[i] = vct(1.0, -2.0 * gammajk, 2.0 * betajk)
1437      if j == 1
1438        j = 2
1439      else
1440        k += 1
1441        j = 1
1442      end
1443    end
1444    make_filter(2 * m + 1,
1445                cascade2canonical(xcoeffs), cascade2canonical(ycoeffs))
1446  end
1448  # notch filters
1449  def make_notch_frequency_response(cur_srate, freqs, notch_width = 2)
1450    cur_srate = cur_srate.to_f
1451    notch_width = notch_width.to_f
1452    freq_response = [0.0, 1.0]
1453    freqs.each do |f|
1454      # left upper y hz
1455      freq_response.push((2.0 * (f - notch_width)) / cur_srate)
1456      # left upper y resp
1457      freq_response.push(1.0)
1458      # left bottom y hz
1459      freq_response.push((2.0 * (f - notch_width / 2.0)) / cur_srate)
1460      # left bottom y resp
1461      freq_response.push(0.0)
1462      # right bottom y hz
1463      freq_response.push((2.0 * (f + notch_width / 2.0)) / cur_srate)
1464      # right bottom y resp
1465      freq_response.push(0.0)
1466      # right upper y hz
1467      freq_response.push((2.0 * (f + notch_width)) / cur_srate)
1468      # right upper y resp
1469      freq_response.push(1.0)
1470    end
1471    freq_response.push(1.0, 1.0)
1472  end
1474  add_help(:notch_channel,
1475           "notch_channel(freqs, order=false, beg=false, dur=false, \
1476snd=false, chn=false, edpos=false, trunc=true, notch_width=2)  \
1477Returns notch filter removing freqs.")
1478  def notch_channel(freqs,
1479                    filter_order = false,
1480                    beg = false,
1481                    dur = false,
1482                    snd = false,
1483                    chn = false,
1484                    edpos = false,
1485                    truncate = true,
1486                    notch_width = 2)
1487    sr = srate(snd).to_f
1488    lm = [framples(snd, chn), 2 ** (log(sr / notch_width) / log(2.0)).floor].min
1489    filter_channel(make_notch_frequency_response(sr, freqs, notch_width),
1490                   (filter_order or lm),
1491                   beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos, truncate,
1492                   format("%s(%p, %s, %s, %s",
1493                          get_func_name, freqs, filter_order, beg, dur))
1494  end
1496  add_help(:notch_sound,
1497           "notch_sound(freqs, order=false, \
1498snd=false, chn=false, notch_width=2)  \
1499Returns notch filter removing freqs.")
1500  def notch_sound(freqs, filter_order = false,
1501                  snd = false, chn = false, notch_width = 2)
1502    sr = srate(snd).to_f
1503    lm = [framples(snd, chn), 2 ** (log(sr / notch_width) / log(2.0)).floor].min
1504    filter_sound(make_notch_frequency_response(sr, freqs, notch_width),
1505                 (filter_order or lm),
1506                 snd, chn, false,
1507                 format("%s(%p, %s, 0, false",
1508                        get_func_name, freqs, filter_order))
1509  end
1511  add_help(:notch_selection,
1512           "notch_selection(freqs, order=false, notch_width=2)  \
1513Returns notch filter removing freqs.")
1514  def notch_selection(freqs, filter_order = false,
1515                      snd = false, chn = false, notch_width = 2)
1516    if selection?
1517      sr = selection_srate.to_f
1518      fr = selection_framples()
1519      lm = [fr, 2 ** (log(sr / notch_width) / log(2.0)).floor].min
1520      filter_selection(make_notch_frequency_response(sr, freqs, notch_width),
1521                       (filter_order or lm))
1522    end
1523  end
1525  # fractional Fourier Transform, z transform
1526  #
1527  # translated from the fxt package of Joerg Arndt
1528  add_help(:fractional_fourier_transform,
1529           "fractional_fourier_transform(real, imaginary, n, angle)  \
1530Performs a fractional Fourier transform on data; \
1531if angle=1.0, you get a normal Fourier transform.")
1532  def fractional_fourier_transform(fr, fi, n, v)
1533    hr = make_vct(n)
1534    hi = make_vct(n)
1535    ph0 = (v * TWO_PI) / n
1536    n.times do |w|
1537      sr = 0.0
1538      si = 0.0
1539      n.times do |k|
1540        phase = ph0 * k * w
1541        c = cos(phase)
1542        s = sin(phase)
1543        x = fr[k]
1544        y = fi[k]
1545        r = x * c - y * s
1546        i = y * c + x * s
1547        sr += r
1548        si += i
1549        hr[w] = sr
1550        hi[w] = si
1551      end
1552    end
1553    [hr, hi]
1554  end
1556  # using vector to allow complex sums (z=e^2*pi*i/n -> fourier transform)
1557  # z_transform(data, n, exp(Complex(0.0, (2.0 / n) * PI)))
1558  add_help(:z_transform,
1559           "z_transform(data, n, z)  \
1560Performs a Z transform on data; \
1561if z=e^2*pi*j/n you get a Fourier transform; \
1562complex results in returned vector.")
1563  def z_transform(f, n, z)
1564    make_array(n) do |w|
1565      sum = 0.0
1566      t = 1.0
1567      m = z ** w
1568      n.times do |k|
1569        sum = sum + f[k] * t
1570        t *= m
1571      end
1572      sum
1573    end
1574  end
1576  # slow Hartley transform
1577  #
1578  # taken from Perry Cook's SignalProcessor.m (the slow version of the
1579  # Hartley transform)
1580  add_help(:dht,
1581           "dht(data)  \
1582Returns the Hartley transform of DATA.")
1583  def dht(data)
1584    len = data.length
1585    arr = make_vct(len)
1586    w = TWO_PI / len
1587    len.times do |i|
1588      data.each_with_index do |val, j|
1589        arr[i] = arr[i] + val * (cos(i * j * w) + sin(i * j * w))
1590      end
1591    end
1592    arr
1593  end
1595  add_help(:find_sine,
1596           "find_sine(freq, beg, dur, snd=false)  \
1597Returns the amplitude and initial-phase (for sin) at FREQ between BEG and DUR.")
1598  def find_sine(freq, beg, dur, snd = false)
1599    incr = (TWO_PI * freq) / srate(snd)
1600    sw = 0.0
1601    cw = 0.0
1602    reader = make_sampler(beg, snd)
1603    dur.times do |i|
1604      samp = next_sample(reader)
1605      inc = i * incr
1606      sw = sw + samp * sin(inc)
1607      cw = cw + samp * cos(inc)
1608    end
1609    [2.0 * (sqrt(sw * sw + cw * cw) / dur), atan2(cw, sw)]
1610  end
1612# this is a faster version of find-sine using the "Goertzel algorithm"
1613# taken from R Lyons "Understanding DSP" p 529
1614# it returns the same result as find_sine above if you take (* 2 (/
1615# (goertzel...) dur)) -- see snd-test.rb examples
1617  add_help(:goertzel,
1618           "goertzel(freq, beg=0, dur=false, snd=false)  \
1619Returns the amplitude of the FREQ spectral component.")
1620  def goertzel(freq, beg = 0, dur = false, snd = false)
1621    y0 = 0.0
1622    y1 = 0.0
1623    y2 = 0.0
1624    rfreq = (TWO_PI * freq) / srate(snd)
1625    cs = 2.0 * cos(rfreq)
1626    scan_channel(lambda do |y|
1627                   y2, y1 = y1, y0
1628                   y0 = (y1 * cs - y2) + y
1629                   false
1630                 end, beg, (dur or framples(snd)), snd)
1631    (y0 - y1 * exp(Complex(0.0, -rfreq))).abs
1632  end
1634  add_help(:make_spencer_filter,
1635           "make_spencer_filter()  \
1636Is a version of make_fir_filter; \
1637it returns one of the standard smoothing filters from \
1638the era when computers were human beings.")
1639  def make_spencer_filter
1640    data = vct(-3, -6, -5, 3, 21, 46, 67, 74, 67, 46, 21, 3, -5, -6, -3)
1641    data.map! do |n|
1642      n / 320.0
1643    end
1644    make_fir_filter(data.length, data)
1645  end
1647  # any-random
1648  #
1649  # arbitrary random number distributions via the "rejection method"
1650  def any_random(amount, e = false)
1651    if amount.zero?
1652      0.0
1653    else
1654      unless e
1655        random(amount)
1656      else
1657        next_random = lambda do | |
1658          len = e.length
1659          x = random(e[len - 2].to_f)
1660          y = random(1.0)
1661          if y <= envelope_interp(x, e)
1662            x
1663          else
1664            next_random.call
1665          end
1666        end.call
1667      end
1668    end
1669  end
1671  def gaussian_distribution(s)
1672    e = []
1673    den = 2.0 * s * s
1674    x = 0.0
1675    y = -4.0
1676    21.times do |i|
1677      e.push(exp(-((y * y) / den)))
1678      e.push(x)
1679      x += 0.05
1680      y += 0.4
1681    end
1682    e
1683  end
1685  def pareto_distribution(a)
1686    e = []
1687    scl = 1.0 ** (a + 1.0) / a
1688    x = 0.0
1689    y = 1.0
1690    21.times do |i|
1691      e.push(scl * (a / y ** (a + 1.0)))
1692      e.push(x)
1693      x += 0.05
1694      y += 0.2
1695    end
1696    e
1697  end
1698  # uniform distribution
1699  # map_channel(lambda do |y| any_random(1.0, [0, 1, 1, 1]))
1700  # mostly toward 1.0
1701  # map_channel(lambda do |y| any_random(1.0, [0, 0, 0.95, 0.1, 1, 1]))
1702  # let(gaussian-distribution(1.0)) do |g|
1703  #   map_channel(lambda do |y| any_random(1.0, g))
1704  # end
1705  # let(pareto-distribution(1.0)) do |g|
1706  #   map_channel(lambda do |y| any_random(1.0, g))
1707  # end
1709  # this is the inverse integration function used by CLM to turn a
1710  # distribution function into a weighting function
1711  def inverse_integrate(dist, data_size = 512, e_size = 50)
1712    first_sum = sum = dist[1].to_f
1713    x0 = dist[0].to_f
1714    x1 = dist[-2].to_f
1715    xincr = (x1 - x0) / e_size.to_f
1716    x = x0
1717    e = make_array(e_size * 2)
1718    0.step(e_size * 2 - 1, 2) do |i|
1719      e[i + 1] = x
1720      e[i] = sum
1721      sum += envelope_interp(x, dist)
1722      x += xincr
1723    end
1724    incr = (e[-2] - first_sum) / (data_size - 1)
1725    x = first_sum - incr
1726    make_vct!(data_size) do
1727      x += incr
1728      envelope_interp(x, e)
1729    end
1730  end
1732  def gaussian_envelope(s)
1733    den = 2.0 * s * s
1734    x = -1.0
1735    y = -4.0
1736    e = make_array(42)
1737    0.step(41, 2) do |i|
1738      e[i] = x
1739      e[i + 1] = exp(-((y * y) / den))
1740      x += 0.1
1741      y += 0.4
1742    end
1743    e
1744  end
1745  # make_rand(:envelope, gaussian-envelope(1.0))
1747  # Julius Smith stuff
1748  #
1749  # these are from "Mathematics of the DFT", W3K Pubs
1750  add_help(:channel_mean,
1751           "channel_mean(snd, chn)  \
1752Returns the average of the samples in the given channel: <f,1>/n")
1753  def channel_mean(snd, chn)
1754    sum = 0.0
1755    n = framples(snd, chn)
1756    scan_channel(lambda do |y|
1757                   sum += y
1758                   false
1759                 end, 0, n, snd, chn)
1760    sum / n
1761  end
1763  add_help(:channel_total_energy,
1764           "channel_total_energy(snd, chn)  \
1765Returns the sum of the squares of all the samples in the given channel: <f,f>")
1766  def channel_total_energy(snd, chn)
1767    sum = 0.0
1768    scan_channel(lambda do |y|
1769                   sum = sum + y * y
1770                   false
1771                 end, 0, framples(snd, chn), snd, chn)
1772    sum
1773  end
1775  add_help(:channel_average_power,
1776           "channel_average_power(snd, chn)  \
1777Returns the average power in the given channel: <f,f>/n")
1778  def channel_average_power(snd, chn)
1779    channel_total_energy(snd, chn) / framples(snd, chn)
1780  end
1782  add_help(:channel_rms,
1783           "channel_rms(snd, chn)  \
1784Returns the RMS value of the samples in the given channel: sqrt(<f,f>/n)")
1785  def channel_rms(snd, chn)
1786    sqrt(channel_average_power(snd, chn))
1787  end
1789  add_help(:channel_variance,
1790           "channel_variance(snd, chn)  \
1791Returns the sample variance in the given channel: <f,f>-((<f,1>/ n)^2")
1792  def channel_variance(snd, chn)
1793    n = framples(snd, chn).to_f
1794    mu = (n / (n - 1.0)) * channel_mean(snd, chn)
1795    p = channel_total_energy(snd, chn)
1796    p - mu * mu
1797  end
1799  add_help(:channel_norm,
1800           "channel_norm(snd, chn)  \
1801Returns the norm of the samples in the given channel: sqrt(<f,f>)")
1802  def channel_norm(snd, chn)
1803    sqrt(channel_total_energy(snd, chn))
1804  end
1806  add_help(:channel_lp,
1807           "channel_lp(p, snd, chn)  \
1808Returns the Lp norm of the samples in the given channel.")
1809  def channel_lp(lp, snd, chn)
1810    sum = 0.0
1811    scan_channel(lambda do |y|
1812                   sum = sum + y.abs ** lp
1813                   false
1814                 end, 0, framples(snd, chn), snd, chn)
1815    sum ** (1.0 / lp)
1816  end
1818  add_help(:channel_lp_inf,
1819           "channel_lp_inf(snd, chn)  \
1820Returns the maxamp in the given channel (the name is \
1821just math jargon for maxamp).")
1822  def channel_lp_inf(snd, chn)
1823    mx = 0.0
1824    scan_channel(lambda do |y|
1825                   mx = [mx, y.abs].max
1826                   false
1827                 end, 0, framples(snd, chn), snd, chn)
1828    mx
1829  end
1831  add_help(:channel2_inner_product,
1832           "channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2)  \
1833Returns the inner-product of the two channels: <f,g>")
1834  def channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1835    sum = 0.0
1836    r1 = make_sampler(0, s1, c1)
1837    r2 = make_sampler(0, s2, c2)
1838    framples(s1, c1).times do |i|
1839      sum = sum + r1.call * r2.call
1840    end
1841    sum
1842  end
1844  add_help(:channel2_angle,
1845           "channel2_angle(s1, c1, s2, c2)  \
1846Treats the two channels as vectors, \
1847returning the ANGLE between them: acos(<f,g>/(sqrt(<f,f>)*sqrt(<g,g>)))")
1848  def channel2_angle(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1849    inprod = channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1850    norm1 = channel_norm(s1, c1)
1851    norm2 = channel_norm(s2, c2)
1852    acos(inprod / (norm1 * norm2))
1853  end if defined? acos
1855  add_help(:channel2_orthogonal?,
1856           "channel2_orthogonal?(s1, c1, s2, c2)  \
1857Returns true if the two channels' inner-product is 0: <f,g>==0")
1858  def channel2_orthogonal?(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1859    channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2).zero?
1860  end
1862  add_help(:channel2_coefficient_of_projection,
1863           "channel2_coefficient_of_projection(s1, c1, s2, c2) \
1864Returns <f,g>/<f,f>")
1865  def channel2_coefficient_of_projection(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1866    channel2_inner_product(s1, c1, s2, c2) / channel_total_energy(s1, c1)
1867  end
1869  # end of JOS stuff
1871  add_help(:channel_distance,
1872           "channel_distance(s1, c1, s2, c2)  \
1873Returns the euclidean distance between the two channels: sqrt(<f-g,f-g>)")
1874  def channel_distance(s1, c1, s2, c2)
1875    r1 = make_sampler(0, s1, c1)
1876    r2 = make_sampler(0, s2, c2)
1877    sum = 0.0
1878    [framples(s1, c1), framples(s2, c2)].min.times do
1879      diff = r1.call - r2.call
1880      sum = sum + diff * diff
1881    end
1882    sqrt(sum)
1883  end
1885  add_help(:periodogram,
1886           "periodogram(n)  \
1887Displays an N point Bartlett periodogram of the samples in the current channel")
1888  def periodogram(n)
1889    len = framples()
1890    average_data = make_vct(n)
1891    rd = make_sampler(0)
1892    n2 = n * 2
1893    rl = make_vct(n2)
1894    im = make_vct(n2)
1895    len.times do
1896      vct_scale!(rl, 0.0)
1897      vct_scale!(im, 0.0)
1898      n.times do |k|
1899        rl[k] = rd.call
1900      end
1901      mus_fft(rl, im)
1902      n.times do |k|
1903        average_data[k] = average_data[k] + rl[k] * rl[k] + im[k] * im[k]
1904      end
1905    end
1906    graph(vct_scale!(average_data, 1.0 / (len.to_f / n).ceil))
1907  end
1909  # ssb-am friends
1911  add_help(:shift_channel_pitch,
1912           "shift_channel_pitch(freq, order=40, beg=0, dur=false, \
1913snd=false, chn=false, edpos=false)  \
1914Uses the ssb-am CLM generator to shift the given channel \
1915in pitch without changing its length.  \
1916The higher ORDER, the better usually.")
1917  def shift_channel_pitch(freq, order = 40, beg = 0, dur = false,
1918                          snd = false, chn = false, edpos = false)
1919    gen = make_ssb_am(freq, order)
1920    map_channel(lambda do |y|
1921                  ssb_am(gen, y)
1922                end,
1923                beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos,
1924                format("%s(%s, %s, %s, %s",
1925                       get_func_name, freq, order, beg, dur))
1926  end
1928  add_help(:hz_to_2pi,
1929           "hz_to_2pi(freq)  \
1930Is like hz2radians but uses the current sound's srate, not mus_srate.")
1931  def hz_to_2pi(freq)
1932    (TWO_PI * freq) / srate()
1933  end
1935  def ssb_bank(old_freq, new_freq, pairs,
1936               order = 40, bw = 50.0, beg = 0, dur = false,
1937               snd = false, chn = false, edpos = false)
1938    factor = (new_freq - old_freq.to_f) / old_freq
1939    mx = maxamp
1940    ssbs = make_array(pairs)
1941    bands = make_array(pairs) do |i|
1942      aff = (i + 1.0) * old_freq
1943      bwf = bw * (1.0 + (i + 1.0) / (2.0 * pairs))
1944      ssbs[i] = make_ssb_am((i + 1.0) * factor * old_freq)
1945      make_bandpass(hz_to_2pi(aff - bwf), hz_to_2pi(aff + bwf), order)
1946    end
1947    as_one_edit_rb("%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s",
1948                   get_func_name, old_freq, new_freq,
1949                   pairs, order, bw, beg, dur) do | |
1950      nmx = 0.0
1951      map_channel_rb(beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos) do |y|
1952        sum = 0.0
1953        ssbs.zip(bands) do |sbs, bds|
1954          sum += ssb_am(sbs, bandpass(bds, y))
1955        end
1956        nmx = [nmx, sum.abs].max
1957        sum
1958      end
1959      scale_channel(mx / nmx, beg, dur, snd, chn)
1960    end
1961  end
1963  # this version adds a frequency envelope
1964  # ssb_bank_env(557, 880, [0, 0, 1, 100.0], 7)
1965  def ssb_bank_env(old_freq, new_freq, freq_env, pairs,
1966                   order = 40, bw = 50.0, beg = 0, dur = false,
1967                   snd = false, chn = false, edpos = false)
1968    factor = (new_freq - old_freq.to_f) / old_freq
1969    mx = maxamp
1970    ssbs = make_array(pairs)
1971    frenvs = make_array(pairs)
1972    bands = make_array(pairs) do |i|
1973      aff = (i + 1.0) * old_freq
1974      bwf = bw * (1.0 + (i + 1.0) / (2.0 * pairs))
1975      ssbs[i] = make_ssb_am((i + 1.0) * factor * old_freq)
1976      frenvs[i] = make_env(:envelope, freq_env,
1977                           :scaler, hz2radians(i.to_f),
1978                           :length, framples(snd, chn) - 1)
1979      make_bandpass(hz_to_2pi(aff - bwf), hz_to_2pi(aff + bwf), order)
1980    end
1981    as_one_edit_rb("%s(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s",
1982                   get_func_name, old_freq, new_freq, freq_env.inspect,
1983                   pairs, order, bw, beg, dur) do | |
1984      nmx = 0.0
1985      map_channel_rb(beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos) do |y|
1986        sum = 0.0
1987        ssbs.each_with_index do |sbs, i|
1988          sum += ssb_am(sbs, bandpass(bands[i], y), env(frenvs[i]))
1989        end
1990        nmx = [nmx, sum.abs].max
1991        sum
1992      end
1993      scale_channel(mx / nmx, beg, dur, snd, chn)
1994    end
1995  end
1997  #vct|channel|spectral-polynomial
1998  def vct_polynomial(v, coeffs)
1999    new_v = Vct.new(v.length, coeffs.last)
2000    (coeffs.length - 2).downto(0) do |i|
2001      new_v.multiply!(v).offset!(coeffs[i])
2002    end
2003    new_v
2004  end
2006  def channel_polynomial(coeffs, snd = false, chn = false)
2007    len = framples(snd, chn)
2008    v = channel2vct(0, len, snd, chn)
2009    vct2channel(vct_polynomial(v, coeffs), 0, len, snd, chn, false,
2010                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, coeffs.to_str))
2011  end
2013  # channel_polynomial(vct(0.0, 0.5)) = x*0.5
2014  # channel_polynomial(vct(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) = x*x*x + x*x + x
2015  #
2016  # convolution -> * in freq
2018  def spectral_polynomial(coeffs, snd = false, chn = false)
2019    len = framples(snd, chn)
2020    sound = channel2vct(0, len, snd, chn)
2021    num_coeffs = coeffs.length
2022    fft_len = if num_coeffs < 2
2023                len
2024              else
2025                (2.0 ** (log((num_coeffs - 1.0) * len) / log(2.0)).ceil).to_i
2026              end
2027    rl1 = make_vct(fft_len)
2028    rl2 = make_vct(fft_len)
2029    new_sound = make_vct(fft_len)
2030    if coeffs[0] > 0.0
2031      new_sound.map! do
2032        mus_random(coeffs[0])
2033      end
2034    end
2035    if num_coeffs > 1
2036      new_sound.add!(sound.scale(coeffs[1]))
2037      if num_coeffs > 2
2038        peak = maxamp(snd, chn)
2039        rl1.scale!(0.0).add!(sound)
2040        (2...num_coeffs).each do |i|
2041          convolution(rl1, rl2.scale!(0.0).add(sound), fft_len)
2042          new_sound.add!(rl1.scale((coeffs[i] * peak) / rl1.peak))
2043        end
2044        new_sound.scale!(peak / new_sound.peak)
2045      end
2046    end
2047    vct2channel(new_sound, 0, [len, len * (num_coeffs - 1)].max,
2048                snd, chn, false,
2049                format("%s(%s", get_func_name, coeffs.to_str))
2050  end
2053  #
2054  # by Bret Battey
2055  # Version 1.0 July 13, 2002
2056  # translated to Snd/Scheme Bill S 19-Jan-05
2057  #
2058  # Returns the continuous spectral centroid envelope of a sound.  The
2059  # spectral centroid is the "center of gravity" of the spectrum, and it
2060  # has a rough correlation to our sense of "brightness" of a sound.
2061  #
2062  # [Beauchamp, J., "Synthesis by spectral amplitude and 'brightness' matching
2063  # analyzed musical sounds".
2064  # Journal of Audio Engineering Society 30(6), 396-406]
2065  #
2066  # The formula used is:
2067  #    C = [SUM<n=1toj>F(n)A(n)] / [SUM<n=1toj>A(n)]
2068  #    Where j is the number of bins in the analysis,
2069  #    F(n) is the frequency of a given bin,
2070  #    A(n) is the magnitude of the given bin.
2071  #
2072  # If a pitch envelope for the analyzed sound is available, the results
2073  # of SCENTROID can be used with the function NORMALIZE-CENTROID,
2074  # below, to provide a "normalized spectral centroid".
2075  #
2076  # DB-FLOOR -- Frames below this decibel level (0 dB = max) will be
2077  # discarded and returned with spectral centroid = 0
2078  #
2079  # RFREQ -- Rendering frequency. Number of measurements per second.
2080  #
2081  # FFTSIZE -- FFT window size. Must be a power of 2. 4096 is
2082  # recommended.
2084  add_help(:scentroid,
2085           "scentroid(file, beg=0, dur=false, db_floor=-40, \
2086rfreq=100, fftsize=4096)  \
2087Returns the spectral centroid envelope of a sound; \
2088RFREQ is the rendering frequency, the number of measurements per second; \
2089DB_FLOOR is the level below which data will be ignored.")
2090  def scentroid(file, beg = 0.0, dur = false, db_floor = -40,
2091                rfreq = 100.0, fftsize = 4096)
2092    assert_type(File.exist?(file), file, 0, "an existing file")
2093    fsr = srate(file)
2094    incrsamps = (fsr / rfreq).floor
2095    start = (beg * fsr).floor
2096    ende = (start + (dur ? (dur * fsr).floor : (framples(file) - beg))).floor
2097    fdr = make_vct(fftsize)
2098    fdi = make_vct(fftsize)
2099    windows = ((ende - start) / incrsamps).floor + 1
2100    results = make_vct(windows)
2101    fft2 = (fftsize / 2.0).floor
2102    binwidth = fsr / fftsize.to_f
2103    rd = make_readin(file)
2104    loc = 0
2105    start.step(ende, incrsamps) do |i|
2106      rd.location = i
2107      sum_of_squares = 0.0
2108      fdr.map! do
2109        val = readin(rd)
2110        sum_of_squares = sum_of_squares + val * val
2111        val
2112      end
2113      if linear2db(sqrt(sum_of_squares / fftsize.to_f)) >= db_floor
2114        numsum = 0.0
2115        densum = 0.0
2116        fdi.map! do |x|
2117          0.0
2118        end
2119        mus_fft(fdr, fdi, fftsize)
2120        rectangular2polar(fdr, fdi)
2121        fft2.times do |j|
2122          numsum = numsum + j * binwidth * fdr[j]
2123          densum += fdr[j]
2124        end
2125        results[loc] = numsum / densum
2126      end
2127      loc += 1
2128    end
2129    results
2130  end
2132  # invert_filter inverts an FIR filter
2133  #
2134  # say we previously filtered a sound via filter_channel(vct(0.5, 0.25, 0.125))
2135  #   and we want to undo it without using undo_edit:
2136  #   filter_channel(invert_filter(vct(0.5, 0.25, 0.125)))
2137  #
2138  # there are a million gotchas here.  The primary one is that the inverse
2139  # filtercan "explode" -- the coefficients can grow without bound.  For
2140  # example, any filter returned by spectrum2coeffs above will be a problem
2141  # (it always returns a "linear phase" filter).
2143  add_help(:invert_filter,
2144           "invert_filter(coeffs)  \
2145Tries to return an inverse filter to undo the effect of the FIR filter coeffs.")
2146  def invert_filter(fcoeffs)
2147    order = fcoeffs.length + 32
2148    coeffs = Vct.new(order)
2149    fcoeffs.each_with_index do |val, i|
2150      coeffs[i] = val
2151    end
2152    nfilt = Vct.new(order)
2153    nfilt[0] = 1.0 / coeffs.first
2154    (1...order).each do |i|
2155      sum = 0.0
2156      k = i
2157      i.times do |j|
2158        sum = sum + nfilt[j] * coeffs[k]
2159        k -= 1
2160        nfilt[i] = sum / -coeffs.first
2161      end
2162    end
2163    nfilt
2164  end
2166  # Volterra filter
2167  #
2168  # one of the standard non-linear filters
2169  # this version is taken from Monson Hayes "Statistical DSP and Modeling"
2170  # it is a slight specialization of the form mentioned by J O Smith and others
2172  class Volterra_filter < Musgen
2173    def initialize(acoeffs, bcoeffs)
2174      super()
2175      @as = acoeffs
2176      @bs = bcoeffs
2177      @xs = Vct.new([acoeffs.length, bcoeffs.length].max)
2178    end
2180    def inspect
2181      format("%s.new(%s, %s)", self.class, @as.to_str, @bs.to_str)
2182    end
2184    def to_s
2185      format("#<%s acoeffs: %s, bcoeffs: %s>", self.class, @as, @bs)
2186    end
2188    def run_func(val1 = 0.0, val2 = 0.0)
2189      volterra_filter(val1)
2190    end
2192    def volterra_filter(x)
2193      xlen = @xs.length
2194      @xs.move!(xlen - 1, xlen - 2, true)
2195      @xs.first = x
2196      sum = dot_product(@as, @xs, @as.length)
2197      @bs.length.times do |i|
2198        @bs.length.times do |j|
2199          sum = sum + @bs[j] * @xs[i] * @xs[j]
2200        end
2201      end
2202      sum
2203    end
2204  end
2206  add_help(:make_volterra_filter,
2207           "make_volterra_filter(acoeffs, bcoeffs)  \
2208Returns a list for use with volterra-filter, \
2209producing one of the standard non-linear filters.")
2210  def make_volterra_filter(acoeffs, bcoeffs)
2211    Volterra_filter.new(acoeffs, bcoeffs)
2212  end
2214  add_help(:volterra_filter,
2215           "volterra_filter(flt, x)  \
2216Takes FLT, a Volterra_filter object returned by make_volterra_filter, \
2217and an input X, and returns the (non-linear filtered) result.")
2218  def volterra_filter(flt, x)
2219    flt.volterra_filter(x)
2220  end
2221  # flt = make_volterra_filter(vct(0.5, 0.1), vct(0.3, 0.2, 0.1))
2222  # map_channel(lambda do |y| volterra_filter(flt, y) end)
2224  # moving-sum generator (the sum norm or 1-norm)
2226  add_help(:make_moving_sum,
2227           "make_moving_sum(size=128)  \
2228Returns a moving-sum generator.  \
2229The generator keeps a running window of the last SIZE inputs, \
2230returning the sum of the absolute values of the samples in that window.")
2231  def make_moving_sum(size = 128)
2232    gen = make_moving_average(size)
2233    gen.increment = 1.0
2234    gen
2235  end
2237  add_help(:moving_sum,
2238           "moving_sum(gen, y)  \
2239Returns the sum of the absolute values in a moving \
2240window over the last few inputs.")
2241  def moving_sum(gen, y)
2242    moving_average(gen, y.abs)
2243  end
2245  def make_unmoving_sum()
2246    make_one_pole(1.0, -1.0)
2247  end
2248  alias unmoving_sum one_pole
2250  # moving-rms generator
2252  add_help(:make_moving_rms,
2253           "make_moving_rms(size=128)  \
2254Returns a moving-rms generator.  \
2255The generator keeps a running window of the last SIZE inputs, \
2256returning the rms of the samples in that window.")
2257  def make_moving_rms(size = 128)
2258    make_moving_average(size)
2259  end
2261  add_help(:moving_rms,
2262           "moving_rms(gen, y)  \
2263Returns the rms of the values in a window over the last few inputs.")
2264  def moving_rms(gen, y)
2265    sqrt([0.0, moving_average(gen, y * y)].max)
2266  end
2268  # moving-length generator (euclidean norm or 2-norm)
2270  add_help(:make_moving_length,
2271           "make_moving_length(size=128)  \
2272Returns a moving-length generator.  \
2273The generator keeps a running window of the last SIZE inputs, \
2274returning the euclidean length of the vector in that window.")
2275  alias make_moving_length make_moving_sum
2277  add_help(:moving_length,
2278           "moving_length(gen, y)  \
2279Returns the length of the values in a window over the last few inputs.")
2280  alias moving_length moving_rms
2282  # harmonicizer
2283  # (each harmonic is split into a set of harmonics via Chebyshev polynomials)
2284  # obviously very similar to ssb_bank above, but splits harmonics
2285  # individually, rather than pitch-shifting them
2286  add_help(:harmonicizer,
2287           "harmonicizer(freq, coeffs, pairs, order=40, bw=50.0, \
2288beg=0, dur=false, snd=false, chn=false, edpos=false)  \
2289Splits out each harmonic and replaces it with the spectrum given in coeffs.")
2290  def harmonicizer(freq, coeffs, pairs,
2291                   order = 40,
2292                   bw = 50.0,
2293                   beg = 0,
2294                   dur = false,
2295                   snd = false,
2296                   chn = false,
2297                   edpos = false)
2298    bands = make_array(pairs)
2299    pcoeffs = partials2polynomial(coeffs)
2300    avgs = make_array(pairs)
2301    peaks = make_array(pairs)
2302    flt = make_filter(2, vct(1, -1), vct(0, -0.9))
2303    old_mx = maxamp
2304    new_mx = 0.0
2305    ctr = 40
2306    1.upto(pairs) do |i|
2307      aff = i * freq
2308      bwf = bw * (1.0 + i / (2 * pairs))
2309      peaks[i - 1] = make_moving_max(128)
2310      avgs[i - 1] = make_moving_average(128)
2311      bands[i - 1] = make_bandpass(hz_to_2pi(aff - bwf),
2312                                   hz_to_2pi(aff + bwf), order)
2313    end
2314    as_one_edit_rb do
2315      map_channel_rb(beg, dur, snd, chn, edpos) do |y|
2316        sum = 0.0
2317        bands.zip(peaks, avgs) do |bs, ps, as|
2318          sig = bandpass(bs, y)
2319          mx = moving_max(ps, sig)
2320          amp = moving_average(as, mx > 0.0 ? [100.0, 1.0 / mx].min : 0.0)
2321          if amp > 0.0
2322            sum = sum + mx * polynomial(pcoeffs, amp * sig)
2323          end
2324        end
2325        val = filter(flt, sum)
2326        new_mx = [new_mx, val.abs].max
2327        if ctr.zero?
2328          val
2329        else
2330          ctr -= 1
2331          0.0
2332        end
2333      end
2334      if new_mx > 0.0
2335        scale_channel(old_mx / new_mx, beg, dur, snd, chn)
2336      end
2337    end
2338  end
2340  # linear sampling rate conversion
2342  add_help(:linear_src_channel,
2343          "linear_src_channel(sr, snd=false, chn=false)  \
2344Performs sampling rate conversion using linear interpolation.")
2345  def linear_src_channel(srinc, snd = false, chn = false)
2346    rd = make_sampler(0, snd, chn)
2347    last = rd.call
2348    nxt = rd.call
2349    intrp = 0.0
2350    tempfile = with_sound(:clm, true,
2351                          :output, snd_tempnam,
2352                          :srate, srate(snd)) do
2353      samp = 0
2354      until sampler_at_end?(rd)
2355        if (pos = intrp) >= 1.0
2356          pos.floor.times do |i|
2357            last, nxt = nxt, rd.call
2358          end
2359          pos -= pos.floor
2360        end
2361        intrp = pos + pos.floor
2362        out_any(samp, last + pos * (nxt - last), 0, $output)
2363        samp += 1
2364      end
2365    end.output
2366    len = mus_sound_framples(tempfile)
2367    set_samples(0, len - 1, tempfile, snd, chn, true,
2368                "%s(%s", get_func_name, srinc, 0, false, true)
2369    # first true=truncate to new length, false=at current edpos,
2370    # true=auto delete temp file
2371  end
2373  # Mathews/Smith High-Q filter as described in
2374  #   http://ccrma.stanford.edu/~jos/smac03maxjos/
2376  class Mfilter < Musgen
2377    def initialize(decay, freq)
2378      super()
2379      @decay = decay.to_f
2380      @frequency = freq.to_f
2381      @eps = 2.0 * sin((PI * freq) / mus_srate())
2382      @xn = @yn = 0.0
2383    end
2384    attr_accessor :decay, :eps
2386    def inspect
2387      format("%s.new(%0.3f, %0.3f)", self.class, @decay, @frequency)
2388    end
2390    def to_s
2391      format("#<%s decay: %0.3f, frequency: %0.3f>",
2392             self.class, @decay, @frequency)
2393    end
2395    def mfilter(x_input = 0.0, y_input = 0.0)
2396      @xn = x_input + @decay * (@xn - @eps * @yn)
2397      @yn = y_input + @decay * (@eps * @xn + @yn)
2398    end
2399  end
2401  def make_mfilter(*args)
2402    Mfilter.new(get_args(args, :decay, 0.99),
2403                get_args(args, :frequency, 1000.0))
2404  end
2406  def mfilter(m, x_input = 0.0, y_input = 0.0)
2407    m.mfilter(x_input, y_input)
2408  end
2410  with_sound(:clm, true) do
2411    rd = make_sampler(0, "now.snd")
2412    m = make_mfilter
2413    10000.times do |i| outa(i, mfilter(m, 0.1 * rd.call), $output) end
2414  end
2416  #
2417  # sweep center freq:
2419  with_sound(:clm, true) do
2420    rd = make_sampler(0, "oboe.snd")
2421    m = make_mfilter(:decay, 0.99, :frequency, 1000)
2422    e = make_env([0, 100, 1, 2000], :length, 10000)
2423    10000.times do |i|
2424      outa(i, mfilter(m, 0.1 * rd.call), $output)
2425      m.eps = 2.0 * sind((PI * env(e)) / mus_srate())
2426    end
2427  end
2429  #
2430  # harmonics:
2432  with_sound(:clm, true, :statistics, true) do
2433    noi = make_rand(10000)
2434    filters = make_array(9) do
2435      make_mfilter(:decay, 0.999, :frequency, 400.0 * (i + 1))
2436    end
2437    10000.times do |i|
2438      sum = 0.0
2439      input = 0.01 * rand(noi)
2440      filters.each do |f| sum = sum + (1.0 / (j + 1)) * mfilter(f, input) end
2441      outa(i, sum $output)
2442    end
2443  end
2446  #
2447  # spectrum displayed in various frequency scales
2448  #
2449  class Display_bark_fft
2450    # click in lisp-graph to change the tick placement choice
2451    def initialize
2452      @bark_fft_size = 0
2453      @bark_tick_function = 0
2454    end
2455    attr_reader :bark_tick_function
2457    def display_bark_fft(snd, chn)
2458      ls = left_sample(snd, chn)
2459      rs = right_sample(snd, chn)
2460      fftlen = (2 ** (log((rs - ls) + 1.0) / log(2.0)).ceil.to_i).to_i
2461      if fftlen > 0
2462        data = channel2vct(ls, fftlen, snd, chn)
2463        normalized = (transform_normalization(snd, chn) != Dont_normalize)
2464        linear = true
2465        if vct?(data)
2466          fft = snd_spectrum(data,
2467                             fft_window(snd, chn), fftlen, linear,
2468                             fft_window_beta(snd, chn), false, normalized)
2469          if vct?(fft)
2470            sr = srate(snd)
2471            mx = fft.peak
2472            data_len = fft.length
2474            # bark settings
2475            bark_low    = bark(20.0).floor
2476            bark_high   = bark(0.5 * sr).ceil
2477            bark_frqscl = data_len / (bark_high - bark_low)
2478            bark_data   = Vct.new(data_len)
2480            # mel settings
2481            mel_low     = mel(20.0).floor
2482            mel_high    = mel(0.5 * sr).ceil
2483            mel_frqscl  = data_len / (mel_high - mel_low)
2484            mel_data    = Vct.new(data_len)
2486            # erb settings
2487            erb_low     = erb(20.0).floor
2488            erb_high    = erb(0.5 * sr).ceil
2489            erb_frqscl  = data_len / (erb_high - erb_low)
2490            erb_data    = Vct.new(data_len)
2492            @bark_fft_size = fftlen
2493            fftlenf = fftlen.to_f
2495            fft.each_with_index do |val, i|
2496              frq = sr * (i / fftlenf)
2497              bark_bin = (bark_frqscl * (bark(frq) - bark_low)).round
2498              mel_bin  = (mel_frqscl  * (mel(frq)  -  mel_low)).round
2499              erb_bin  = (erb_frqscl  * (erb(frq)  -  erb_low)).round
2500              if bark_bin.between?(0, data_len - 1)
2501                bark_data[bark_bin] += val
2502              end
2503              if mel_bin.between?(0, data_len - 1)
2504                mel_data[mel_bin] += val
2505              end
2506              if erb_bin.between?(0, data_len - 1)
2507                erb_data[erb_bin] += val
2508              end
2509            end
2511            if normalized
2512              bmx = bark_data.peak
2513              mmx = mel_data.peak
2514              emx = erb_data.peak
2515              if (mx - bmx).abs > 0.01
2516                bark_data.scale!(mx / bmx)
2517              end
2518              if (mx - mmx).abs > 0.01
2519                mel_data.scale!(mx / mmx)
2520              end
2521              if (mx - emx).abs > 0.01
2522                erb_data.scale!(mx / emx)
2523              end
2524            end
2525            graph([bark_data, mel_data, erb_data],
2526                  "ignored",
2527                  20.0, 0.5 * sr,
2528                  0.0, (normalized ? 1.0 : data_len * y_zoom_slider(snd, chn)),
2529                  snd, chn,
2530                  false, Show_bare_x_axis)
2531          end
2532        end
2533      end
2534      false
2535    end
2537    def mark_bark_labels(snd, chn)
2538      # at this point the x axis has no markings, but there is room
2539      # for labels and ticks
2540      old_foreground_color = foreground_color(snd, chn, Copy_context)
2541      # assume at start the foreground color is correct
2542      axinfo = axis_info(snd, chn, Lisp_graph)
2543      axis_x0 = axinfo[10]
2544      axis_x1 = axinfo[12]
2545      axis_y0 = axinfo[13]
2546      axis_y1 = axinfo[11]
2547      label_height = 15
2548      char_width = 8
2549      sr2 = 0.5 * srate(snd)
2550      minor_tick_len = 6
2551      major_tick_len = 12
2552      tick_y0 = axis_y1
2553      minor_y0 = axis_y1 + minor_tick_len
2554      major_y0 = axis_y1 + major_tick_len
2555      bark_label_font = snd_font(3)
2556      bark_numbers_font = snd_font(2)
2557      label_pos = (axis_x0 + 0.45 * (axis_x1 - axis_x0)).to_i
2558      cr = channel_widgets(snd, chn)[17]
2559      scale_position = lambda do |scale, f|
2560        b20 = scale.call(20.0)
2561        (axis_x0 +
2562         ((axis_x1 - axis_x0) * (scale.call(f) - b20)) /
2563         (scale.call(sr2) - b20)).round
2564      end
2565      bark_position = lambda do |f|
2566        scale_position.call(method(:bark).to_proc, f)
2567      end
2568      mel_position = lambda do |f|
2569        scale_position.call(method(:mel).to_proc, f)
2570      end
2571      erb_position = lambda do |f|
2572        scale_position.call(method(:erb).to_proc, f)
2573      end
2574      draw_bark_ticks = lambda do |bark_function|
2575        if bark_numbers_font
2576          set_current_font(bark_numbers_font, snd, chn, Copy_context)
2577        end
2578        draw_line(axis_x0, tick_y0, axis_x0, major_y0,
2579                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2580        i1000 = scale_position.call(bark_function, 1000.0)
2581        i10000 = scale_position.call(bark_function, 10000.0)
2582        draw_line(i1000, tick_y0, i1000, major_y0,
2583                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2584        draw_line(i10000, tick_y0, i10000, major_y0,
2585                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2586        draw_string("20", axis_x0, major_y0,
2587                    snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2588        draw_string("1000", i1000 - 3 * 4, major_y0,
2589                    snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2590        draw_string("10000", i10000 - 6 * 4, major_y0,
2591                    snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2592        draw_string("fft size: #{@bark_fft_size}", axis_x0 + 10, axis_y0,
2593                    snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2594        100.step(1000, 100) do |i|
2595          i100 = scale_position.call(bark_function, i)
2596          draw_line(i100, tick_y0, i100, minor_y0, snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2597        end
2598        2000.step(10000, 1000) do |i|
2599          i1000 = scale_position.call(bark_function, i)
2600          draw_line(i1000, tick_y0, i1000, minor_y0, snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2601        end
2602      end
2604      # bark label/ticks
2605      if self.bark_tick_function.zero?
2606        draw_bark_ticks.call(bark_position)
2607      end
2608      if bark_label_font
2609        set_current_font(bark_label_font, snd, chn, Copy_context)
2610      end
2611      draw_string("bark,", label_pos, axis_y1 + label_height,
2612                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2613      # mel label/ticks
2614      set_foreground_color(snd_color(2), snd, chn, Copy_context)
2615      if self.bark_tick_function == 1
2616        draw_bark_ticks.call(mel_position)
2617      end
2618      if bark_label_font
2619        set_current_font(bark_label_font, snd, chn, Copy_context)
2620      end
2621      draw_string("mel,", char_width * 6 + label_pos, axis_y1 + label_height,
2622                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2623      # erb label/ticks
2624      set_foreground_color(snd_color(4), snd, chn, Copy_context)
2625      if self.bark_tick_function == 2
2626        draw_bark_ticks.call(erb_position)
2627      end
2628      if bark_label_font
2629        set_current_font(bark_label_font, snd, chn, Copy_context)
2630      end
2631      draw_string("erb",
2632                  char_width * (6 + 5) + label_pos,
2633                  axis_y1 + label_height,
2634                  snd, chn, Copy_context, cr)
2635      set_foreground_color(old_foreground_color, snd, chn, Copy_context)
2636    end
2638    # mouse click = move to next scale's ticks
2639    def choose_bark_ticks(snd, chn, button, state, x, y, axis)
2640      if axis == Lisp_graph
2641        @bark_tick_function += 1
2642        if @bark_tick_function > 2
2643          @bark_tick_function = 0
2644        end
2645        update_lisp_graph(snd, chn)
2646      end
2647    end
2649    private
2650    def bark(f)
2651      f2 = f / 7500.0
2652      13.5 * atan(0.00076 * f) + (3.5 * atan(f2 * f2))
2653    end
2655    def mel(f)
2656      1127.0 * log(1.0 + f / 700.0)
2657    end
2659    def erb(f)
2660      43.0 + 11.17 * log((f + 312.0) / (f + 14675.0))
2661    end
2662  end
2664  # user's view of display-bark-fft function
2665  def display_bark_fft(off = false)
2666    if off.kind_of?(FalseClass)
2667      db = Display_bark_fft.new
2668      $lisp_graph_hook.add_hook!("display-bark-fft") do |snd, chn|
2669        db.display_bark_fft(snd, chn)
2670      end
2671      $after_lisp_graph_hook.add_hook!("make-bark-label") do |snd, chn|
2672        db.mark_bark_labels(snd, chn)
2673      end
2674      $mouse_click_hook.add_hook!("choose-bark-ticks") do |s, c, b, st, x, y, a|
2675        db.choose_bark_ticks(s, c, b, st, x, y, a)
2676      end
2677      Snd.sounds.each do |snd|
2678        channels(snd).times do |chn|
2679          update_lisp_graph(snd, chn)
2680        end
2681      end
2682    else
2683      $lisp_graph_hook.remove_hook!("display-bark-fft")
2684      $after_lisp_graph_hook.remove_hook!("make-bark-label")
2685      $mouse_click_hook.remove_hook!("choose-bark-ticks")
2686      Snd.sounds.each do |snd|
2687        channels(snd).times do |chn|
2688          set_lisp_graph?(false, snd, chn)
2689        end
2690      end
2691    end
2692    off
2693  end
2695  def undisplay_bark_fft
2696    display_bark_fft(true)
2697  end
2700include Dsp
2702# dsp.rb ends here