1 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
2 //
3 // (C) Copyright Ion Gaztanaga 2005-2012. Distributed under the Boost
4 // Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file
5 // LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
6 //
7 // See http://www.boost.org/libs/interprocess for documentation.
8 //
9 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15 #  include <boost/config.hpp>
16 #endif
17 #
18 #if defined(BOOST_HAS_PRAGMA_ONCE)
19 #  pragma once
20 #endif
22 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_begin.hpp>
23 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/workaround.hpp>
25 // interprocess
26 #include <boost/interprocess/interprocess_fwd.hpp>
27 #include <boost/interprocess/containers/allocation_type.hpp>
28 // interprocess/detail
29 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/math_functions.hpp>
30 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/min_max.hpp>
31 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/type_traits.hpp>
32 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/utilities.hpp>
33 // container/detail
34 #include <boost/container/detail/multiallocation_chain.hpp>
35 #include <boost/container/detail/placement_new.hpp>
36 // move
37 #include <boost/move/utility_core.hpp>
38 // other boost
39 #include <boost/static_assert.hpp>
40 #include <boost/assert.hpp>
42 //!\file
43 //!Implements common operations for memory algorithms.
45 namespace boost {
46 namespace interprocess {
47 namespace ipcdetail {
49 template<class VoidPointer>
50 class basic_multiallocation_chain
51    : public boost::container::container_detail::
52       basic_multiallocation_chain<VoidPointer>
53 {
54    BOOST_MOVABLE_BUT_NOT_COPYABLE(basic_multiallocation_chain)
55    typedef boost::container::container_detail::
56       basic_multiallocation_chain<VoidPointer> base_t;
57    public:
59    basic_multiallocation_chain()
60       :  base_t()
61    {}
63    basic_multiallocation_chain(BOOST_RV_REF(basic_multiallocation_chain) other)
64       :  base_t(::boost::move(static_cast<base_t&>(other)))
65    {}
67    basic_multiallocation_chain& operator=(BOOST_RV_REF(basic_multiallocation_chain) other)
68    {
69       this->base_t::operator=(::boost::move(static_cast<base_t&>(other)));
70       return *this;
71    }
73    void *pop_front()
74    {
75       return boost::interprocess::ipcdetail::to_raw_pointer(this->base_t::pop_front());
76    }
77 };
80 //!This class implements several allocation functions shared by different algorithms
81 //!(aligned allocation, multiple allocation...).
82 template<class MemoryAlgorithm>
83 class memory_algorithm_common
84 {
85    public:
86    typedef typename MemoryAlgorithm::void_pointer              void_pointer;
87    typedef typename MemoryAlgorithm::block_ctrl                block_ctrl;
88    typedef typename MemoryAlgorithm::multiallocation_chain     multiallocation_chain;
89    typedef memory_algorithm_common<MemoryAlgorithm>            this_type;
90    typedef typename MemoryAlgorithm::size_type                 size_type;
92    static const size_type Alignment              = MemoryAlgorithm::Alignment;
93    static const size_type MinBlockUnits          = MemoryAlgorithm::MinBlockUnits;
94    static const size_type AllocatedCtrlBytes     = MemoryAlgorithm::AllocatedCtrlBytes;
95    static const size_type AllocatedCtrlUnits     = MemoryAlgorithm::AllocatedCtrlUnits;
96    static const size_type BlockCtrlBytes         = MemoryAlgorithm::BlockCtrlBytes;
97    static const size_type BlockCtrlUnits         = MemoryAlgorithm::BlockCtrlUnits;
98    static const size_type UsableByPreviousChunk  = MemoryAlgorithm::UsableByPreviousChunk;
100    static void assert_alignment(const void *ptr)
101    {  assert_alignment((std::size_t)ptr); }
103    static void assert_alignment(size_type uint_ptr)
104    {
105       (void)uint_ptr;
106       BOOST_ASSERT(uint_ptr % Alignment == 0);
107    }
109    static bool check_alignment(const void *ptr)
110    {  return (((std::size_t)ptr) % Alignment == 0);   }
112    static size_type ceil_units(size_type size)
113    {  return get_rounded_size(size, Alignment)/Alignment; }
115    static size_type floor_units(size_type size)
116    {  return size/Alignment;  }
118    static size_type multiple_of_units(size_type size)
119    {  return get_rounded_size(size, Alignment);  }
121    static void allocate_many
122       (MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, size_type elem_bytes, size_type n_elements, multiallocation_chain &chain)
123    {
124       return this_type::priv_allocate_many(memory_algo, &elem_bytes, n_elements, 0, chain);
125    }
127    static void deallocate_many(MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, multiallocation_chain &chain)
128    {
129       return this_type::priv_deallocate_many(memory_algo, chain);
130    }
132    static bool calculate_lcm_and_needs_backwards_lcmed
133       (size_type backwards_multiple, size_type received_size, size_type size_to_achieve,
134       size_type &lcm_out, size_type &needs_backwards_lcmed_out)
135    {
136       // Now calculate lcm_val
137       size_type max = backwards_multiple;
138       size_type min = Alignment;
139       size_type needs_backwards;
140       size_type needs_backwards_lcmed;
141       size_type lcm_val;
142       size_type current_forward;
143       //Swap if necessary
144       if(max < min){
145          size_type tmp = min;
146          min = max;
147          max = tmp;
148       }
149       //Check if it's power of two
150       if((backwards_multiple & (backwards_multiple-1)) == 0){
151          if(0 != (size_to_achieve & ((backwards_multiple-1)))){
152             return false;
153          }
155          lcm_val = max;
156          //If we want to use minbytes data to get a buffer between maxbytes
157          //and minbytes if maxbytes can't be achieved, calculate the
158          //biggest of all possibilities
159          current_forward = get_truncated_size_po2(received_size, backwards_multiple);
160          needs_backwards = size_to_achieve - current_forward;
161          BOOST_ASSERT((needs_backwards % backwards_multiple) == 0);
162          needs_backwards_lcmed = get_rounded_size_po2(needs_backwards, lcm_val);
163          lcm_out = lcm_val;
164          needs_backwards_lcmed_out = needs_backwards_lcmed;
165          return true;
166       }
167       //Check if it's multiple of alignment
168       else if((backwards_multiple & (Alignment - 1u)) == 0){
169          lcm_val = backwards_multiple;
170          current_forward = get_truncated_size(received_size, backwards_multiple);
171          //No need to round needs_backwards because backwards_multiple == lcm_val
172          needs_backwards_lcmed = needs_backwards = size_to_achieve - current_forward;
173          BOOST_ASSERT((needs_backwards_lcmed & (Alignment - 1u)) == 0);
174          lcm_out = lcm_val;
175          needs_backwards_lcmed_out = needs_backwards_lcmed;
176          return true;
177       }
178       //Check if it's multiple of the half of the alignmment
179       else if((backwards_multiple & ((Alignment/2u) - 1u)) == 0){
180          lcm_val = backwards_multiple*2u;
181          current_forward = get_truncated_size(received_size, backwards_multiple);
182          needs_backwards_lcmed = needs_backwards = size_to_achieve - current_forward;
183          if(0 != (needs_backwards_lcmed & (Alignment-1)))
184          //while(0 != (needs_backwards_lcmed & (Alignment-1)))
185             needs_backwards_lcmed += backwards_multiple;
186          BOOST_ASSERT((needs_backwards_lcmed % lcm_val) == 0);
187          lcm_out = lcm_val;
188          needs_backwards_lcmed_out = needs_backwards_lcmed;
189          return true;
190       }
191       //Check if it's multiple of the quarter of the alignmment
192       else if((backwards_multiple & ((Alignment/4u) - 1u)) == 0){
193          size_type remainder;
194          lcm_val = backwards_multiple*4u;
195          current_forward = get_truncated_size(received_size, backwards_multiple);
196          needs_backwards_lcmed = needs_backwards = size_to_achieve - current_forward;
197          //while(0 != (needs_backwards_lcmed & (Alignment-1)))
198             //needs_backwards_lcmed += backwards_multiple;
199          if(0 != (remainder = ((needs_backwards_lcmed & (Alignment-1))>>(Alignment/8u)))){
200             if(backwards_multiple & Alignment/2u){
201                needs_backwards_lcmed += (remainder)*backwards_multiple;
202             }
203             else{
204                needs_backwards_lcmed += (4-remainder)*backwards_multiple;
205             }
206          }
207          BOOST_ASSERT((needs_backwards_lcmed % lcm_val) == 0);
208          lcm_out = lcm_val;
209          needs_backwards_lcmed_out = needs_backwards_lcmed;
210          return true;
211       }
212       else{
213          lcm_val = lcm(max, min);
214       }
215       //If we want to use minbytes data to get a buffer between maxbytes
216       //and minbytes if maxbytes can't be achieved, calculate the
217       //biggest of all possibilities
218       current_forward = get_truncated_size(received_size, backwards_multiple);
219       needs_backwards = size_to_achieve - current_forward;
220       BOOST_ASSERT((needs_backwards % backwards_multiple) == 0);
221       needs_backwards_lcmed = get_rounded_size(needs_backwards, lcm_val);
222       lcm_out = lcm_val;
223       needs_backwards_lcmed_out = needs_backwards_lcmed;
224       return true;
225    }
227    static void allocate_many
228       ( MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo
229       , const size_type *elem_sizes
230       , size_type n_elements
231       , size_type sizeof_element
232       , multiallocation_chain &chain)
233    {
234       this_type::priv_allocate_many(memory_algo, elem_sizes, n_elements, sizeof_element, chain);
235    }
237    static void* allocate_aligned
238       (MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, size_type nbytes, size_type alignment)
239    {
241       //Ensure power of 2
242       if ((alignment & (alignment - size_type(1u))) != 0){
243          //Alignment is not power of two
244          BOOST_ASSERT((alignment & (alignment - size_type(1u))) == 0);
245          return 0;
246       }
248       size_type real_size = nbytes;
249       if(alignment <= Alignment){
250          void *ignore_reuse = 0;
251          return memory_algo->priv_allocate
252             (boost::interprocess::allocate_new, nbytes, real_size, ignore_reuse);
253       }
255       if(nbytes > UsableByPreviousChunk)
256          nbytes -= UsableByPreviousChunk;
258       //We can find a aligned portion if we allocate a block that has alignment
259       //nbytes + alignment bytes or more.
260       size_type minimum_allocation = max_value
261          (nbytes + alignment, size_type(MinBlockUnits*Alignment));
262       //Since we will split that block, we must request a bit more memory
263       //if the alignment is near the beginning of the buffer, because otherwise,
264       //there is no space for a new block before the alignment.
265       //
266       //            ____ Aligned here
267       //           |
268       //  -----------------------------------------------------
269       // | MBU |
270       //  -----------------------------------------------------
271       size_type request =
272          minimum_allocation + (2*MinBlockUnits*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes
273          //prevsize - UsableByPreviousChunk
274          );
276       //Now allocate the buffer
277       real_size = request;
278       void *ignore_reuse = 0;
279       void *buffer = memory_algo->priv_allocate(boost::interprocess::allocate_new, request, real_size, ignore_reuse);
280       if(!buffer){
281          return 0;
282       }
283       else if ((((std::size_t)(buffer)) % alignment) == 0){
284          //If we are lucky and the buffer is aligned, just split it and
285          //return the high part
286          block_ctrl *first  = memory_algo->priv_get_block(buffer);
287          size_type old_size = first->m_size;
288          const size_type first_min_units =
289             max_value(ceil_units(nbytes) + AllocatedCtrlUnits, size_type(MinBlockUnits));
290          //We can create a new block in the end of the segment
291          if(old_size >= (first_min_units + MinBlockUnits)){
292             block_ctrl *second =  reinterpret_cast<block_ctrl *>
293                (reinterpret_cast<char*>(first) + Alignment*first_min_units);
294             first->m_size  = first_min_units;
295             second->m_size = old_size - first->m_size;
296             BOOST_ASSERT(second->m_size >= MinBlockUnits);
297             memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(first);
298             memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(second);
299             memory_algo->priv_deallocate(memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(second));
300          }
301          return buffer;
302       }
304       //Buffer not aligned, find the aligned part.
305       //
306       //                    ____ Aligned here
307       //                   |
308       //  -----------------------------------------------------
309       // | MBU +more | ACB |
310       //  -----------------------------------------------------
311       char *pos = reinterpret_cast<char*>
312          (reinterpret_cast<std::size_t>(static_cast<char*>(buffer) +
313             //This is the minimum size of (2)
314             (MinBlockUnits*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes) +
315             //This is the next MBU for the aligned memory
316             AllocatedCtrlBytes +
317             //This is the alignment trick
318             alignment - 1) & -alignment);
320       //Now obtain the address of the blocks
321       block_ctrl *first  = memory_algo->priv_get_block(buffer);
322       block_ctrl *second = memory_algo->priv_get_block(pos);
323       BOOST_ASSERT(pos <= (reinterpret_cast<char*>(first) + first->m_size*Alignment));
324       BOOST_ASSERT(first->m_size >= 2*MinBlockUnits);
325       BOOST_ASSERT((pos + MinBlockUnits*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes + nbytes*Alignment/Alignment) <=
326              (reinterpret_cast<char*>(first) + first->m_size*Alignment));
327       //Set the new size of the first block
328       size_type old_size = first->m_size;
329       first->m_size  = (size_type)(reinterpret_cast<char*>(second) - reinterpret_cast<char*>(first))/Alignment;
330       memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(first);
332       //Now check if we can create a new buffer in the end
333       //
334       //              __"second" block
335       //             |      __Aligned here
336       //             |     |      __"third" block
337       //  -----------|-----|-----|------------------------------
338       // | MBU +more | ACB | (3) | BCU |
339       //  -----------------------------------------------------
340       //This size will be the minimum size to be able to create a
341       //new block in the end.
342       const size_type second_min_units = max_value(size_type(MinBlockUnits),
343                         ceil_units(nbytes) + AllocatedCtrlUnits );
345       //Check if we can create a new block (of size MinBlockUnits) in the end of the segment
346       if((old_size - first->m_size) >= (second_min_units + MinBlockUnits)){
347          //Now obtain the address of the end block
348          block_ctrl *third = new (reinterpret_cast<char*>(second) + Alignment*second_min_units)block_ctrl;
349          second->m_size = second_min_units;
350          third->m_size  = old_size - first->m_size - second->m_size;
351          BOOST_ASSERT(third->m_size >= MinBlockUnits);
352          memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(second);
353          memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(third);
354          memory_algo->priv_deallocate(memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(third));
355       }
356       else{
357          second->m_size = old_size - first->m_size;
358          BOOST_ASSERT(second->m_size >= MinBlockUnits);
359          memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(second);
360       }
362       memory_algo->priv_deallocate(memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(first));
363       return memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(second);
364    }
366    static bool try_shrink
367       (MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, void *ptr
368       ,const size_type max_size, size_type &received_size)
369    {
370       size_type const preferred_size = received_size;
371       (void)memory_algo;
372       //Obtain the real block
373       block_ctrl *block = memory_algo->priv_get_block(ptr);
374       size_type old_block_units = (size_type)block->m_size;
376       //The block must be marked as allocated
377       BOOST_ASSERT(memory_algo->priv_is_allocated_block(block));
379       //Check if alignment and block size are right
380       assert_alignment(ptr);
382       //Put this to a safe value
383       received_size = (old_block_units - AllocatedCtrlUnits)*Alignment + UsableByPreviousChunk;
385       //Now translate it to Alignment units
386       const size_type max_user_units       = floor_units(max_size - UsableByPreviousChunk);
387       const size_type preferred_user_units = ceil_units(preferred_size - UsableByPreviousChunk);
389       //Check if rounded max and preferred are possible correct
390       if(max_user_units < preferred_user_units)
391          return false;
393       //Check if the block is smaller than the requested minimum
394       size_type old_user_units = old_block_units - AllocatedCtrlUnits;
396       if(old_user_units < preferred_user_units)
397          return false;
399       //If the block is smaller than the requested minimum
400       if(old_user_units == preferred_user_units)
401          return true;
403       size_type shrunk_user_units =
404          ((BlockCtrlUnits - AllocatedCtrlUnits) >= preferred_user_units)
405          ? (BlockCtrlUnits - AllocatedCtrlUnits)
406          : preferred_user_units;
408       //Some parameter checks
409       if(max_user_units < shrunk_user_units)
410          return false;
412       //We must be able to create at least a new empty block
413       if((old_user_units - shrunk_user_units) < BlockCtrlUnits ){
414          return false;
415       }
417       //Update new size
418       received_size = shrunk_user_units*Alignment + UsableByPreviousChunk;
419       return true;
420    }
422    static bool shrink
423       (MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, void *ptr
424       ,const size_type max_size, size_type &received_size)
425    {
426       size_type const preferred_size = received_size;
427       //Obtain the real block
428       block_ctrl *block = memory_algo->priv_get_block(ptr);
429       size_type old_block_units = (size_type)block->m_size;
431       if(!try_shrink(memory_algo, ptr, max_size, received_size)){
432          return false;
433       }
435       //Check if the old size was just the shrunk size (no splitting)
436       if((old_block_units - AllocatedCtrlUnits) == ceil_units(preferred_size - UsableByPreviousChunk))
437          return true;
439       //Now we can just rewrite the size of the old buffer
440       block->m_size = (received_size-UsableByPreviousChunk)/Alignment + AllocatedCtrlUnits;
441       BOOST_ASSERT(block->m_size >= BlockCtrlUnits);
443       //We create the new block
444       block_ctrl *new_block = reinterpret_cast<block_ctrl*>
445                   (reinterpret_cast<char*>(block) + block->m_size*Alignment);
446       //Write control data to simulate this new block was previously allocated
447       //and deallocate it
448       new_block->m_size = old_block_units - block->m_size;
449       BOOST_ASSERT(new_block->m_size >= BlockCtrlUnits);
450       memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(block);
451       memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(new_block);
452       memory_algo->priv_deallocate(memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(new_block));
453       return true;
454    }
456    private:
457    static void priv_allocate_many
458       ( MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo
459       , const size_type *elem_sizes
460       , size_type n_elements
461       , size_type sizeof_element
462       , multiallocation_chain &chain)
463    {
464       //Note: sizeof_element == 0 indicates that we want to
465       //allocate n_elements of the same size "*elem_sizes"
467       //Calculate the total size of all requests
468       size_type total_request_units = 0;
469       size_type elem_units = 0;
470       const size_type ptr_size_units = memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(sizeof(void_pointer));
471       if(!sizeof_element){
472          elem_units = memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(*elem_sizes);
473          elem_units = ptr_size_units > elem_units ? ptr_size_units : elem_units;
474          total_request_units = n_elements*elem_units;
475       }
476       else{
477          for(size_type i = 0; i < n_elements; ++i){
478             if(multiplication_overflows(elem_sizes[i], sizeof_element)){
479                total_request_units = 0;
480                break;
481             }
482             elem_units = memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(elem_sizes[i]*sizeof_element);
483             elem_units = ptr_size_units > elem_units ? ptr_size_units : elem_units;
484             if(sum_overflows(total_request_units, elem_units)){
485                total_request_units = 0;
486                break;
487             }
488             total_request_units += elem_units;
489          }
490       }
492       if(total_request_units && !multiplication_overflows(total_request_units, Alignment)){
493          size_type low_idx = 0;
494          while(low_idx < n_elements){
495             size_type total_bytes = total_request_units*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes + UsableByPreviousChunk;
496             size_type min_allocation = (!sizeof_element)
497                ?  elem_units
498                :  memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(elem_sizes[low_idx]*sizeof_element);
499             min_allocation = min_allocation*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes + UsableByPreviousChunk;
501             size_type received_size = total_bytes;
502             void *ignore_reuse = 0;
503             void *ret = memory_algo->priv_allocate
504                (boost::interprocess::allocate_new, min_allocation, received_size, ignore_reuse);
505             if(!ret){
506                break;
507             }
509             block_ctrl *block = memory_algo->priv_get_block(ret);
510             size_type received_units = (size_type)block->m_size;
511             char *block_address = reinterpret_cast<char*>(block);
513             size_type total_used_units = 0;
514             while(total_used_units < received_units){
515                if(sizeof_element){
516                   elem_units = memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(elem_sizes[low_idx]*sizeof_element);
517                   elem_units = ptr_size_units > elem_units ? ptr_size_units : elem_units;
518                }
519                if(total_used_units + elem_units > received_units)
520                   break;
521                total_request_units -= elem_units;
522                //This is the position where the new block must be created
523                block_ctrl *new_block = reinterpret_cast<block_ctrl *>(block_address);
524                assert_alignment(new_block);
526                //The last block should take all the remaining space
527                if((low_idx + 1) == n_elements ||
528                   (total_used_units + elem_units +
529                   ((!sizeof_element)
530                      ? elem_units
531                : max_value(memory_algo->priv_get_total_units(elem_sizes[low_idx+1]*sizeof_element), ptr_size_units))
532                    > received_units)){
533                   //By default, the new block will use the rest of the buffer
534                   new_block->m_size = received_units - total_used_units;
535                   memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(new_block);
537                   //If the remaining units are bigger than needed and we can
538                   //split it obtaining a new free memory block do it.
539                   if((received_units - total_used_units) >= (elem_units + MemoryAlgorithm::BlockCtrlUnits)){
540                      size_type shrunk_request = elem_units*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlBytes + UsableByPreviousChunk;
541                      size_type shrunk_received = shrunk_request;
542                      bool shrink_ok = shrink
543                            (memory_algo
544                            ,memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(new_block)
545                            ,shrunk_request
546                            ,shrunk_received);
547                      (void)shrink_ok;
548                      //Shrink must always succeed with passed parameters
549                      BOOST_ASSERT(shrink_ok);
550                      //Some sanity checks
551                      BOOST_ASSERT(shrunk_request == shrunk_received);
552                      BOOST_ASSERT(elem_units == ((shrunk_request-UsableByPreviousChunk)/Alignment + AllocatedCtrlUnits));
553                      //"new_block->m_size" must have been reduced to elem_units by "shrink"
554                      BOOST_ASSERT(new_block->m_size == elem_units);
555                      //Now update the total received units with the reduction
556                      received_units = elem_units + total_used_units;
557                   }
558                }
559                else{
560                   new_block->m_size = elem_units;
561                   memory_algo->priv_mark_new_allocated_block(new_block);
562                }
564                block_address += new_block->m_size*Alignment;
565                total_used_units += (size_type)new_block->m_size;
566                //Check we have enough room to overwrite the intrusive pointer
567                BOOST_ASSERT((new_block->m_size*Alignment - AllocatedCtrlUnits) >= sizeof(void_pointer));
568                void_pointer p = ::new(memory_algo->priv_get_user_buffer(new_block), boost_container_new_t())void_pointer(0);
569                chain.push_back(p);
570                ++low_idx;
571             }
572             //Sanity check
573             BOOST_ASSERT(total_used_units == received_units);
574          }
576          if(low_idx != n_elements){
577             priv_deallocate_many(memory_algo, chain);
578          }
579       }
580    }
582    static void priv_deallocate_many(MemoryAlgorithm *memory_algo, multiallocation_chain &chain)
583    {
584       while(!chain.empty()){
585          memory_algo->priv_deallocate(to_raw_pointer(chain.pop_front()));
586       }
587    }
588 };
590 }  //namespace ipcdetail {
591 }  //namespace interprocess {
592 }  //namespace boost {
594 #include <boost/interprocess/detail/config_end.hpp>