1max_bandwidth = 48000;
2welcometext = "Welcome to uMurmur!";
3certificate = "/usr/local/etc/umurmur/cert.crt";
4private_key = "/usr/local/etc/umurmur/key.key";
5password = "";
6# admin_password = "test";   # Set to enable admin functionality.
7# ban_length = 0;            # Length in seconds for a ban. Default is 0. 0 = forever.
8# enable_ban = false;        # Default is false
9# banfile = "banfile.txt";   # File to save bans to. Default is to not save bans to file.
10# sync_banfile = false;      # Keep banfile synced. Default is false, which means it is saved to at shutdown only.
11# allow_textmessage = true;  # Default is true
12# opus_threshold = 100;      # Percentage of users supporting Opus codec for it to be chosen. Default is 100.
13# show_addresses = true;     # Whether to show client's IP addresses under user information
14max_users = 10;
16# bindport = 64738;
17# bindaddr = "";
19# username and groupname for privilege dropping.
20# Will attempt to switch user if set.
21# username = "";
22# If groupname not set the user's default login group will be used
23# groupname = "";
25# Log to file option. Default is logging to syslog.
26# umurmurd will close and reopen the logfile if SIGHUP is received.
27# logfile = "/var/log/umurmurd.log";
29# CA location for CA-signed certificates
30# ca_path = "/path/to/ca/certificates/";
32# Channel tree definition:
33# Root channel must always be defined first.
34# If a channel has a parent, the parent must be defined before the child channel(s).
35channels = ( {
36	 name = "Root";
37	 parent = "";
38	 description = "Root channel. No entry.";
39	 noenter = true;
40	 },
41	 {
42	 name = "Lobby";
43	 parent = "Root";
44	 description = "Lobby channel";
45	 },
46	 {
47	 name = "Silent";
48	 parent = "Root";
49	 description = "Silent channel";
50	 silent = true; # Optional. Default is false
51	 },
52	 {
53	 name = "Red team";
54	 parent = "Lobby";
55	 description = "The Red team channel";
56     position = 0;   # Optional. Default is 0 and the channels will be shown in alphabetic order.
57     # password = "redpw";
58	 },
59	 {
60	 name = "Blue team";
61	 parent = "Lobby";
62	 description = "The Blue team channel";
63     position = 1;   # Optional. Default is 0 and the channels will be shown in alphabetic order.
64     # password = "bluepw";
65	 }
67# Channel links configuration.
68channel_links = ( {
69	 source = "Lobby";
70	 destination = "Red team";
71	 },
72	 {
73	 source = "Lobby";
74	 destination = "Blue team";
75	 }
78# The channel in which users will appear in when connecting.
79# Note that default channel can't have 'noenter = true' or password set
80default_channel = "Lobby";