1 //
2 // Copyright (C) 2017 Alexey Khokholov (Nuke.YKT)
3 //
4 // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
5 // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
6 // as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
7 // of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
8 //
9 // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10 // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12 // GNU General Public License for more details.
13 //
14 // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15 // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16 // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
17 //
18 //
19 //  Nuked OPN2(Yamaha YM3438) emulator.
20 //  Thanks:
21 //      Silicon Pr0n:
22 //          Yamaha YM3438 decap and die shot(digshadow).
23 //      OPLx decapsulated(Matthew Gambrell, Olli Niemitalo):
24 //          OPL2 ROMs.
25 //
26 // version: 1.0.7
27 //
29 #ifndef YM3438_H
30 #define YM3438_H
32 #define RSM_FRAC 10
33 #define OPN_WRITEBUF_SIZE 2048
34 #define OPN_WRITEBUF_DELAY 15
36 enum {
37     ym3438_type_discrete = 0,   /* Discrete YM3438 (Teradrive)          */
38     ym3438_type_asic = 1,       /* ASIC YM3438 (MD1 VA7, MD2, MD3, etc) */
39     ym3438_type_ym2612 = 2,     /* YM2612 (MD1, MD2 VA2)                */
40     ym3438_type_ym2612_u = 3	/* YM2612 without lowpass filter 		*/
41 };
43 #include "mamedef.h"
45 typedef UINT64          Bit64u;
46 typedef INT64           Bit64s;
47 typedef UINT32          Bit32u;
48 typedef INT32           Bit32s;
49 typedef UINT16          Bit16u;
50 typedef INT16           Bit16s;
51 typedef UINT8           Bit8u;
52 typedef INT8            Bit8s;
54 typedef struct _opn2_writebuf {
55     Bit64u time;
56     Bit8u port;
57     Bit8u data;
58 } opn2_writebuf;
60 typedef struct
61 {
62     Bit32u cycles;
63     Bit32u slot;
64     Bit32u channel;
65     Bit16s mol, mor;
66     /* IO */
67     Bit16u write_data;
68     Bit8u write_a;
69     Bit8u write_d;
70     Bit8u write_a_en;
71     Bit8u write_d_en;
72     Bit8u write_busy;
73     Bit8u write_busy_cnt;
74     Bit8u write_fm_address;
75     Bit8u write_fm_data;
76     Bit8u write_fm_mode_a;
77     Bit16u address;
78     Bit8u data;
79     Bit8u pin_test_in;
80     Bit8u pin_irq;
81     Bit8u busy;
82     /* LFO */
83     Bit8u lfo_en;
84     Bit8u lfo_freq;
85     Bit8u lfo_pm;
86     Bit8u lfo_am;
87     Bit8u lfo_cnt;
88     Bit8u lfo_inc;
89     Bit8u lfo_quotient;
90     /* Phase generator */
91     Bit16u pg_fnum;
92     Bit8u pg_block;
93     Bit8u pg_kcode;
94     Bit32u pg_inc[24];
95     Bit32u pg_phase[24];
96     Bit8u pg_reset[24];
97     Bit32u pg_read;
98     /* Envelope generator */
99     Bit8u eg_cycle;
100     Bit8u eg_cycle_stop;
101     Bit8u eg_shift;
102     Bit8u eg_shift_lock;
103     Bit8u eg_timer_low_lock;
104     Bit16u eg_timer;
105     Bit8u eg_timer_inc;
106     Bit16u eg_quotient;
107     Bit8u eg_custom_timer;
108     Bit8u eg_rate;
109     Bit8u eg_ksv;
110     Bit8u eg_inc;
111     Bit8u eg_ratemax;
112     Bit8u eg_sl[2];
113     Bit8u eg_lfo_am;
114     Bit8u eg_tl[2];
115     Bit8u eg_state[24];
116     Bit16u eg_level[24];
117     Bit16u eg_out[24];
118     Bit8u eg_kon[24];
119     Bit8u eg_kon_csm[24];
120     Bit8u eg_kon_latch[24];
121     Bit8u eg_csm_mode[24];
122     Bit8u eg_ssg_enable[24];
123     Bit8u eg_ssg_pgrst_latch[24];
124     Bit8u eg_ssg_repeat_latch[24];
125     Bit8u eg_ssg_hold_up_latch[24];
126     Bit8u eg_ssg_dir[24];
127     Bit8u eg_ssg_inv[24];
128     Bit32u eg_read[2];
129     Bit8u eg_read_inc;
130     /* FM */
131     Bit16s fm_op1[6][2];
132     Bit16s fm_op2[6];
133     Bit16s fm_out[24];
134     Bit16u fm_mod[24];
135     /* Channel */
136     Bit16s ch_acc[6];
137     Bit16s ch_out[6];
138     Bit16s ch_lock;
139     Bit8u ch_lock_l;
140     Bit8u ch_lock_r;
141     Bit16s ch_read;
142     /* Timer */
143     Bit16u timer_a_cnt;
144     Bit16u timer_a_reg;
145     Bit8u timer_a_load_lock;
146     Bit8u timer_a_load;
147     Bit8u timer_a_enable;
148     Bit8u timer_a_reset;
149     Bit8u timer_a_load_latch;
150     Bit8u timer_a_overflow_flag;
151     Bit8u timer_a_overflow;
153     Bit16u timer_b_cnt;
154     Bit8u timer_b_subcnt;
155     Bit16u timer_b_reg;
156     Bit8u timer_b_load_lock;
157     Bit8u timer_b_load;
158     Bit8u timer_b_enable;
159     Bit8u timer_b_reset;
160     Bit8u timer_b_load_latch;
161     Bit8u timer_b_overflow_flag;
162     Bit8u timer_b_overflow;
164     /* Register set */
165     Bit8u mode_test_21[8];
166     Bit8u mode_test_2c[8];
167     Bit8u mode_ch3;
168     Bit8u mode_kon_channel;
169     Bit8u mode_kon_operator[4];
170     Bit8u mode_kon[24];
171     Bit8u mode_csm;
172     Bit8u mode_kon_csm;
173     Bit8u dacen;
174     Bit16s dacdata;
176     Bit8u ks[24];
177     Bit8u ar[24];
178     Bit8u sr[24];
179     Bit8u dt[24];
180     Bit8u multi[24];
181     Bit8u sl[24];
182     Bit8u rr[24];
183     Bit8u dr[24];
184     Bit8u am[24];
185     Bit8u tl[24];
186     Bit8u ssg_eg[24];
188     Bit16u fnum[6];
189     Bit8u block[6];
190     Bit8u kcode[6];
191     Bit16u fnum_3ch[6];
192     Bit8u block_3ch[6];
193     Bit8u kcode_3ch[6];
194     Bit8u reg_a4;
195     Bit8u reg_ac;
196     Bit8u connect[6];
197     Bit8u fb[6];
198     Bit8u pan_l[6], pan_r[6];
199     Bit8u ams[6];
200     Bit8u pms[6];
202 	Bit32u mute[7];
203 	Bit32s rateratio;
204 	Bit32s samplecnt;
205 	Bit32s oldsamples[2];
206 	Bit32s samples[2];
208     Bit64u writebuf_samplecnt;
209     Bit32u writebuf_cur;
210     Bit32u writebuf_last;
211     Bit64u writebuf_lasttime;
212     opn2_writebuf writebuf[OPN_WRITEBUF_SIZE];
213 } ym3438_t;
215 void OPN2_Reset(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u rate, Bit32u clock);
216 void OPN2_SetChipType(Bit32u type);
217 void OPN2_Clock(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32s *buffer);
218 void OPN2_Write(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u port, Bit8u data);
219 void OPN2_SetTestPin(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u value);
220 Bit32u OPN2_ReadTestPin(ym3438_t *chip);
221 Bit32u OPN2_ReadIRQPin(ym3438_t *chip);
222 Bit8u OPN2_Read(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u port);
223 void OPN2_WriteBuffered(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u port, Bit8u data);
224 void OPN2_GenerateStream(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32s **sndptr, Bit32u numsamples);
225 void OPN2_SetOptions(Bit8u flags);
226 void OPN2_SetMute(ym3438_t *chip, Bit32u mute);
227 #endif