1 /*
2 ********************************************************************************
3 File: process.c
5 Tab size:           4
6 Max line length:    80
7 Programmer:         Volker Kuhlmann
10 wav2cdr 2.3.4 Copyright (C) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2006 Volker Kuhlmann
11 This program is free software under the terms of the GNU General Public License
12 version 2 (or later, at your option).
13 See the file COPYING for details about license terms and warranty.
14 <VolkerKuhlmann@gmx.de>
19 This module handles all number crunching.
20 Operations are performed on blocks of data.
21 Functions in here are stand-alone and do not depend on anything else in wav2cdr
22 (except for perhaps wav2cdr.h).
24 As the amount of data returned from processing does not have to be the same as
25 the amount which goes in, process_t has a variable for the number of bytes
26 which go out. This is not necessarily set by all functions, but it is by those
27 which return a differing amount, and by process_sector(). Functions may write to
28 the buffer area provided, but not return any data.
30 These functions all take a buffer pointer and a pointer to an initialised
31 processing info struct (process_t) as arguments. Not all values in the info
32 struct will be used by all functions.
34 Functions process_swap_... will take care of the byte order in the input data,
35 and produce the requested byte ordering in the output data.
36 Functions process_... assume the byte ordering of the input data is that of the
37 local machine; the byte ordering is unchanged on return.
41 	see wav2cdr.c
45 	see wav2cdr.c
47 ********************************************************************************
48 */
52 #include <stddef.h>
53 #include <limits.h>
54 #include <stdlib.h>
55 #include <math.h>
56 #include <assert.h>
57 #include <string.h>
58 #ifdef DEBUG
59 #include <stdio.h>
60 #endif
62 #include "wav2cdr.h"
63 #include "chelp.h"
64 #ifdef VKCLIB
65   #include "vkclib.h"
66 #endif
70 /* local function prototypes */
71 static BOOL is_silent_sector (void * buf, const process_t *pinfo);
75 /*
76 	Saturation of numbers.
77 	Take a long and see whether it fits in a short, if not set to
78 	short min/max.
79 	Expression, implemented as macro because it's mission critical :-)
80 	(Although we could play around with inlining.)
81 	In: long signed int
82 	Out: ---
83 	Return: short signed int
84 */
85 #define SATURATE_SSHORT(argshort) (\
86 	((argshort) > (signed long) SHRT_MAX) ? \
87 		SHRT_MAX \
88 	  :	((argshort) < (signed long) SHRT_MIN) ?\
89 			SHRT_MIN \
90 		  : (signed short) (argshort) \
91 	)
95 /*
96 	Swap consecutive bytes with each other.
97 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
98 	even (unless assert is used).
99 	This will work with any byte order (in and out)... (of course)
100 	In: buffer, buffer size
101 	Out: correct byte order
102 	Return: ---
103 */
process_swap_bytes(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)104 void process_swap_bytes (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
105 {
106 size_t i;
108 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
109 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
110 	#endif
112 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
113 		SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
115 } /* process_swap_bytes() */
119 /*
120 	Swap consecutive 16-bit values.
121 	The last up to 3 bytes will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer
122 	is not even (unless assert is used).
123 	This will work with any byte order (in and out).
124 	In: buffer, buffer size
125 	Out: correct byte order
126 	Return: ---
127 */
process_swap_words(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)128 void process_swap_words (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
129 {
130 size_t i;
132 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
133 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x3) == 0);
134 	#endif
136 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 4); i++)
137 		SWAP2WORDS (AS_S32(buf)[i]);
139 } /* process_swap_words() */
143 /*
144 	Ensure byte order is that of local machine. Swap if necessary.
145 	Assuming 16-bit values.
146 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
147 	even (unless assert is used).
148 	In: buffer, relevant fields in *pinfo
149 	Out: correct byte order
150 	Return: ---
151 */
process_swap_tolocal(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)152 void process_swap_tolocal (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
153 {
154 size_t i;
156 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
157 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
158 	#endif
160 	if (pinfo->from_little != pinfo->little_host)
161 		for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
162 			SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
164 } /* process_swap_tolocal() */
168 /*
169 	Ensure byte order is that of the target. Swap if necessary.
170 	Assuming 16-bit values.
171 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
172 	even (unless assert is used).
173 	In: buffer, relevant fields in *pinfo
174 	Out: correct byte order
175 	Return: ---
176 */
process_swap_totarget(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)177 void process_swap_totarget (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
178 {
179 size_t i;
181 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
182 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
183 	#endif
185 	if (pinfo->to_little != pinfo->little_host)
186 		for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
187 			SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
189 } /* process_swap_totarget() */
193 /*
194 	Convert stereo samples to mono. Result is the average of left and right
195 	channel.
196 	The result has only half as many values! Stored at the start of the buffer.
197 	The input byte order must be that of the local machine.
198 	In: buffer, relevant fields in *pinfo
199 	Out: correct byte order
200 	Return: ---
201 */
process_tomono(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)202 void process_tomono (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
203 {
204 size_t i;
206 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
207 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x3) == 0);
208 	#endif
210 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 4); i++)
211 		AS_S16(buf)[i] = ((SINT32) AS_S16(buf)[2*i]
212 							+ (SINT32) AS_S16(buf)[2*i + 1]) / 2;
214 	pinfo->n_returned = pinfo->n_in / 2;
216 } /* process_tomono() */
220 /*
221 	Convert mono samples to stereo. The value for the second channel is that of
222 	the first.
223 	The given buffer size is filled up by repeating the values in the first half
224 	of the buffer! (The first value is repeated once, then the second, ...)
225 	This will work with any byte order (in and out).
226 	In: buffer, relevant fields in *pinfo
227 	Out: correct byte order
228 	Return: ---
229 */
process_tostereo(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)230 void process_tostereo (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
231 {
232 size_t i;
234 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
235 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x3) == 0);
236 	#endif
238 	i = pinfo->n_in / 4;	/* this time we need to go downwards!!! */
239 	pinfo->n_returned = 0;
240 	if (i == 0) return;
243 		--i;
244 		AS_S16(buf)[2*i + 1] = AS_S16(buf)[i];
245 		AS_S16(buf)[2*i] = AS_S16(buf)[i];
246 	UNTIL (i == 0);
248 	pinfo->n_returned = pinfo->n_in * 2;
250 } /* process_tostereo() */
254 /*
255 	Convert stereo samples to mono, and back to stereo.
256 	Result is the average of left and right channel, and both channels have the
257 	same value.
258 	The input byte order must be that of the local machine.
259 	In: buffer, relevant fields in *pinfo
260 	Out: the same (average) value for both channels
261 	Return: ---
262 */
process_tomonostereo(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)263 void process_tomonostereo (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
264 {
265 size_t i;
267 	/* must assert this! */
268 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x3) == 0);
270 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i+=2)
271 		AS_S16(buf)[i]
272 			= AS_S16(buf)[i + 1]
273 			= ((SINT32) AS_S16(buf)[i]
274 				+ (SINT32) AS_S16(buf)[i + 1]) / 2;
276 } /* process_tomonostereo() */
280 /*
281 	Take a number of 16-bit ints, and scale them with integer arithmetic.
282 	The results will not overflow but SATURATE_SSHORT.
283 	The numbers can be in either byte order before and after processing, and the
284 	algorithm will work on both big and little endian machines.
285 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
286 	even (unless assert is used).
287 	In: buffer, scale factor, byte order of host / before / after
288 	Out: process numbers
289 	Return: ---
290 */
process_swap_iscale(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)291 void process_swap_iscale (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
292 {
293 signed long si32;
294 size_t i;
296 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
297 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
298 	#endif
300 	if ((pinfo->from_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
301 		/* input != host: swap first */
302 		if ((pinfo->to_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
303 			/* Swap -> Process -> Swap */
304 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
305 				si32 = (signed long) pinfo->iscale
306 						* (signed short) BYTES2SWAPPED (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
307 				si32 /= 100L;
308 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
309 				SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
310 			}
311 		else
312 			/* Swap -> Process */
313 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
314 				si32 = (signed long) pinfo->iscale
315 						* (signed short) BYTES2SWAPPED (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
316 				si32 /= 100L;
317 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
318 			}
319 	else
320 		if ((pinfo->to_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
321 			/* Process -> Swap */
322 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
323 				si32 = (signed long) pinfo->iscale
324 						* AS_S16(buf)[i];
325 				si32 /= 100L;
326 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
327 				SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
328 			}
329 		else
330 			/* Process */
331 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
332 				si32 = (signed long) pinfo->iscale
333 						* AS_S16(buf)[i];
334 				si32 /= 100L;
335 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
336 			}
337 } /* process_swap_iscale() */
341 /*
342 	Take a number of 16-bit ints, and scale them with floating point arithmetic.
343 	The results will not overflow but saturate (16 bits).
344 	The numbers can be in either byte order before and after processing.
345 	The algorithm will work on both big and little endian machines.
346 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
347 	even (unless assert is used).
348 	In: buffer, scale factor, byte order of host / before / after
349 	Out: process numbers
350 	Return: ---
351 */
process_swap_fscale(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)352 void process_swap_fscale (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
353 {
354 signed long int si32;
355 size_t i;
357 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
358 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
359 	#endif
361 	if ((pinfo->from_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
362 		/* input != host: swap first */
363 		if ((pinfo->to_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
364 			/* Swap -> Process -> Swap */
365 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
366 				si32 = pinfo->fscale
367 						* (signed short) BYTES2SWAPPED (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
368 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
369 				SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
370 			}
371 		else
372 			/* Swap -> Process */
373 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
374 				si32 = pinfo->fscale
375 						* (signed short) BYTES2SWAPPED (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
376 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
377 			}
378 	else
379 		if ((pinfo->to_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->little_host != 0))
380 			/* Process -> Swap */
381 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
382 				si32 = pinfo->fscale * AS_S16(buf)[i];
383 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
384 				SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
385 			}
386 		else
387 			/* Process */
388 			for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
389 				si32 = pinfo->fscale * AS_S16(buf)[i];
390 				AS_S16(buf)[i] = SATURATE_SSHORT (si32);
391 			}
392 } /* process_swap_fscale() */
396 /*
397 	Take a number of 16-bit ints and swap the bytes if input and output byte
398 	orders are different.
399 	The last byte will be ignored if the number of bytes in the buffer is not
400 	even (unless assert is used).
401 	In: buffer
402 	Out: swapped bytes
403 	Return: ---
404 */
process_swap_noscale(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)405 void process_swap_noscale (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
406 {
407 size_t i;
409 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
410 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
411 	#endif
413 	if ((pinfo->from_little != 0) BITXOR (pinfo->to_little != 0))
414 		for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
415 			SWAP2BYTES (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
417 } /* process_swap_noscale() */
421 /*
422 */
process_fading(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)423 void process_fading (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
424 {
425 float fade;
426 size_t i;
427 static cdseccount_t fi_len = 0, fo_len = 0;
429 	#ifndef NO_ASSERTMANY
430 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x1) == 0);
431 	#endif
433 	/* initialise when fading starts */
434 	if (fi_len == 0 AND pinfo->fadein != 0) {
435 		fi_len = pinfo->fadein + 1;
436 	}
437 	if (fo_len == 0 AND pinfo->fadeout != 0) {
438 		fo_len = pinfo->fadeout + 1;
439 	}
440 	DBGPRINTF2 ("fading in %li, out %li\n", fi_len, fo_len);
442 	/* fade-in and fade-out, possibly combined */
443 	if (fi_len > 0) {
444 		if (fo_len > 0) {
445 			fade = (((float) (fi_len - pinfo->fadein)) / ((float) fi_len))
446 					* (((float) pinfo->fadeout) / ((float) fo_len));
447 			if (--pinfo->fadein == 0) fi_len = 0;
448 			if (--pinfo->fadeout == 0) fo_len = 0;
449 		} else {
450 			fade = ((float) (fi_len - pinfo->fadein)) / ((float) fi_len);
451 			if (--pinfo->fadein == 0) fi_len = 0;
452 		}
453 	} else {
454 		if (fo_len > 0) {
455 			fade = ((float) pinfo->fadeout) / ((float) fo_len);
456 			if (--pinfo->fadeout == 0) fo_len = 0;
457 		} else {
458 			return; /* both fi_len and fo_len are 0, no fading */
459 		}
460 	}
461 	DBGPRINTF1 ("fading scale: %2.5f\n", fade);
463 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
464 		(AS_S16(buf)[i]) = (SINT16) (((float) (AS_S16(buf)[i])) * fade);
466 } /* process_fading() */
470 /*
471 	Decide whether this sector is silent
472 	In: buffer
473 	Out: buffer content '\0'-terminated
474 	Return: TRUE if sector is silent
475 */
is_silent_sector(void * buf,const process_t * pinfo)476 static BOOL is_silent_sector (void * buf, const process_t *pinfo)
477 {
478 #ifdef DEBUG
479 unsigned long sumabs = 0L;			/* sum of abs(x) */
480 UINT16 avgabs;
481 #endif
482 signed long sum = 0L;				/* sum of x */
483 SINT16 avg;
484 unsigned long sumdcpk = 0L; 		/* sum of abs(x - avg) */
485 UINT16 avgdcpk;
487 size_t i;
488 #ifdef DEBUG
489 static size_t secnum = 0;
490 #endif
491 BOOL is_silent;
493 #define ABS(arg) (((arg) < 0) ? (-(arg)) : (arg))
494 #define BUF(buf) ((char *) (buf) + strlen (buf))
496 	if ((pinfo->n_in / 2) == 0) {
497 		* (char *) buf = '\0';
498 		return TRUE;	/* nothing to do... */
499 	}
501 	/* fast case for threshold == 0: because the silence value of this sector
502 		can not be less than zero, we treat this as "this is a silent sector if
503 		all samples are 0" */
504 	if (pinfo->silence_thresh == 0) {
505 		for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++)
506 			if (AS_S16(buf)[i] != 0)
507 				return FALSE;
508 		return TRUE;
509 	}
511 	/* calculate averages: (sum(x)/N), and (sum(abs(x))/N)
512 	*/
513 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
514 	#ifdef DEBUG
515 	#ifdef MSDOS_BC
516 		sumabs += ABS ((signed long) AS_S16(buf)[i]);
517 	#else
518 		sumabs += ABS (AS_S16(buf)[i]);
519 	#endif
520 	#endif
521 		sum += AS_S16(buf)[i];
522 	}
523 	#ifdef DEBUG
524 	avgabs = sumabs / (unsigned long) (pinfo->n_in / 2);
525 	#endif
526 	avg = sum / (signed long) (pinfo->n_in / 2); /* cast here is necessary
527 		or division stuffs up (signed/unsigned)) */
528 	/* calculate average of the difference between each value and the average
529 		of all values
530 	*/
531 	for (i = 0; i < (pinfo->n_in / 2); i++) {
532 	#ifdef MSDOS_BC
533 		sumdcpk += ABS (avg - (signed long) AS_S16(buf)[i]);
534 	#else
535 		sumdcpk += ABS (avg - AS_S16(buf)[i]);
536 	#endif
537 	}
538 	avgdcpk = sumdcpk / (unsigned long) (pinfo->n_in / 2);
540 	/* decide whether this is a "silent" sector:
541 		This is somewhat tricky. I have seen sectors with a very high DC offset
542 		in the signal (crappy digitizer hardware?), the DC offset equals about
543 		the absolutes average (sum(abs(x))/N) in non-quiet sectors.
544 		Let's subtract the DC offset from the absolutes average and see how far
545 		that goes. Note very: fails dismally in sectors with only positive
546 		numbers! but then that would be a rather weird audio signal.
547 		Let's try the difference between
548 	*/
549   #if 0
550   	/* average of the sum of absolute values: sum(abs(x))/N
551 		Fails if DC offsets are present. */
552 	is_silent = (avgabs < pinfo->silence_thresh);
553   #elif 0
554 	/* absolute of the difference between average (which is the DC
555 		offset), and the above: abs(sum(abs(x))/N - sum(x)/N)
556 		Fails dismally in sectors with only positive numbers!
557 		but then that would be a rather weird audio signal */
558 	is_silent = (ABS ((signed long) avgabs - (signed long) avg)
559 		< pinfo->silence_thresh);
560 		/* without the casts, cond is always false for Borland C 3.1 */
561   #else
562 	/* avg := sum(x)/N; sum(abs(x - avg)) */
563 	is_silent = (avgdcpk < pinfo->silence_thresh);
564   #endif
566 	* (char *) buf = '\0';
567 	#ifdef DEBUG
568 	sprintf (buf,
569 		" %li: av %6i, +av %5i, d %3i, avdc %5i"
570 		", s%7li, +s %6li, +sdc %5li, n %i, =%c\n",
571 		(long) secnum++,
572 		avg, avgabs, avgabs - avg, avgdcpk,
573 		sum, sumabs, sumdcpk, pinfo->n_in / 2, is_silent ? 'Y' : 'N');
574 		/* note silence_info() scans for this = sign */
575 	#endif
576 	/* verbose output of how silent this sector is */
577 	if (pinfo->silence_val) sprintf (BUF(buf), "S%hu ", avgdcpk);
579 	return is_silent;
580 #undef BUF
581 } /* is_silent_sector() */
585 /*
586 	Return cut numbers according to the silent intervals in the input.
587 	These cut numbers can be fed back into --cut, then every second track
588 	generated (even numbers) contains a silent interval.
589 	The silence delay period is part of the signal interval, not the silence
590 	interval. If the silent interval between two signal intervals is less than
591 	(2 * silence delay), the silent part at the start of the second signal
592 	period will be shortened.
593 	Conditional HARDON_CUT: if set, the silence delay period is counted to the
594 	silent interval, not the signal interval.
595 	The input byte order must be that of the local machine.
596 	This function will produce incorrect results if called with buffer sizes not
597 	equal to CDAUDIOSECTORSIZE (unless the call is the last).
598 	In: buffer
599 	Out: cut numbers
600 	Return: ---
601 */
process_silencecuts(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)602 void process_silencecuts (void * buf, process_t *pinfo)
603 {
604 static cdseccount_t secnum = 0; 	/* counter of sectors */
605 static BOOL sigstarted = FALSE; 	/* a non-silent interval has started */
606 static cdseccount_t sigstart;		/* start of signal (i.e. non-silence) */
607 static cdseccount_t
608 			 silentsectors = 0; 	/* silent sectors so far, this interval */
609 static cdseccount_t silencestart; 	/* first sector of silence, this interval */
610 #ifndef HARDON_CUT
611 static cdseccount_t lastsigend = 0;
612 #endif
614 #ifdef DEBUG
615 	if (secnum == 0) {
616 		DBGPRINTF1 ("cut: threshold: %i\n", pinfo->silence_thresh);
617 		DBGPRINTF1 ("cut: delay: %i\n", pinfo->silence_delay);
618 	#ifdef HARDON_CUT
619 		DBGPRINTF0 ("cut: HARD\n");
620 	#endif
621 	}
622 	/* in case is_silent_sector() wrote something: */
623 	#define BUF ((char *) buf + strlen (buf))
624 #else
625 	/*#define BUF buf*/
626 	#define BUF ((char *) buf + strlen (buf))
627 #endif
629 	/* is_silent_sector() will put a '\0' into the buffer returned */
630 	if (is_silent_sector (buf, pinfo)) {
631 		if ((pinfo->n_in / 2) > 0U) {
632 			if (silentsectors++ == 0U)
633 				silencestart = secnum;
634 			if (silentsectors == pinfo->silence_delay  AND  sigstarted) {
635 			#ifdef HARDON_CUT
636 				DBGPRINTF2 ("cut: signal: %ldC,%ldC\n", sigstart, silencestart);
637 				sprintf (BUF, "%ldC %ldC\n", sigstart, silencestart);
638 			#else
639 				DBGPRINTF2 ("cut: signal: %ldC,%ldC\n", sigstart, secnum + 1U);
640 				sprintf (BUF, "%ldC %ldC\n", sigstart, secnum + 1U);
641 				lastsigend = secnum + 1U;
642 			#endif
643 				sigstarted = FALSE;
644 			}
645 		}
646 	} else {
647 		if (NOT sigstarted) {
648 		#ifdef HARDON_CUT
649 			sigstart = secnum;
650 			if (silentsectors < pinfo->silence_delay)
651 				sigstart -= silentsectors;
652 		#else
653 			sigstart = secnum - (silentsectors < pinfo->silence_delay ?
654 									silentsectors : pinfo->silence_delay);
655 			if (sigstart < lastsigend)
656 				sigstart = lastsigend;
657 		#endif
658 			sigstarted = TRUE;
659 		}
660 		silentsectors = 0U;
661 	}
663 	if (pinfo->last  AND  sigstarted) {
664 		DBGPRINTF2 ("cut: signal: %ldC,%ldC\n", sigstart, secnum);
665 		sprintf (BUF, "%ldC %ldC\n", sigstart, secnum);
666 	}
668 	#undef BUF
669 	secnum++;
670 	pinfo->n_returned = strlen (buf);
671 		/* do not include \0 in number of returned bytes because it is more
672 			hassle than it's worth afterwards; buffer will be large enough
673 			to hold one more byte */
674 } /* process_silencecuts() */
678 /*
679 	Process one block of data. This will usually be one audio sector, but it can
680 	be any size divisable by 4.
681 	Processing depends on the setting of the variables in struct *pinfo.
682 	Byte swapping and scaling is handled here.
683 	Runs on big and little endian machines.
684 	Handles little and big input data, generates little or big output.
685 	Some care was taken to make things more efficient depending on the
686 	processing to be done.
687 	In: buffer, processing info
688 	Out: buffer contents changed
689 	Return: ---
690 */
process_sector(void * buf,process_t * pinfo)691 void process_sector (void *buf, process_t *pinfo)
692 {
693 BOOL order;
695 	/* always assert here */
696 	assert ((pinfo->n_in BITAND 0x3) == 0);
698 	/* preset bytes returned to bytes in; make sure those functions which do
699 		not return the same amount update n_returned */
700 	pinfo->n_returned = pinfo->n_in;
702 	/* do any byte swapping and scaling if necessary */
703 	if (pinfo->iscale != 100)
704 		process_swap_iscale (buf, pinfo);
705 	else if (pinfo->fscale != 1.0) /* is a precise float comparison ok here? */
706 		process_swap_fscale (buf, pinfo);
707 	else
708 		process_swap_noscale (buf, pinfo);
709 	/* now byte order of data is that of target audio format! */
711 	/* More processing with byte swapping to do? */
712 	if (pinfo->monostereo != MS_NONE
713 		OR pinfo->silencecuts
714 		OR pinfo->fadein != 0 OR pinfo->fadeout != 0) {
716 		/* get byte order of local architecture, swap data to it if necessary */
717 		order = pinfo->from_little;
718 		pinfo->from_little = pinfo->to_little;
719 		process_swap_tolocal (buf, pinfo);
721 		/* convert between mono and stereo */
722 		if (pinfo->monostereo != MS_NONE) {
723 			switch (pinfo->monostereo) {
724 			case MS_TOMONO:
725 				process_tomono (buf, pinfo); break;
726 			case MS_TOSTEREO:
727 				process_tostereo (buf, pinfo); break;
728 			case MS_TOMONOSTEREO:
729 				process_tomonostereo (buf, pinfo); break;
730 			default:
731 				; /* tough luck */
732 			}
733 		}
735 		/* find silent intervals, and output cut numbers accordingly */
736 		if (pinfo->silencecuts)
737 			process_silencecuts (buf, pinfo);
739 		/* process fading */
740 		if (pinfo->fadein != 0 OR pinfo->fadeout != 0)
741 			process_fading (buf, pinfo);
743 		/* swap data back to byte order of target audio format, if necessary */
744 		process_swap_totarget (buf, pinfo);
745 		pinfo->from_little = order;
746 	}
748 	/* swap pairs of words in buffer */
749 	if (pinfo->swap_channels)
750 		process_swap_words (buf, pinfo);
752 } /* process_sector() */
756 /* EOF process.c */
757 /******************************************************************************/