1 /*
2  * @(#)$Id: oscope.h,v 2.7 2009/01/15 07:05:59 baccala Exp $
3  *
4  * Copyright (C) 1996 - 2001 Tim Witham <twitham@quiknet.com>
5  *
6  * (see the files README and COPYING for more details)
7  *
8  * This file defines the program's global variables and structures
9  *
10  */
12 #include <gtk/gtk.h>		/* need GdkPoint below */
13 #include <gtkdatabox_graph.h>
15 #include "config.h"
17 /* global program variables */
18 extern char *progname;
19 extern char version[];
20 extern char error[256];
21 extern int quit_key_pressed;
22 extern int clip;
23 extern char *filename;
24 extern int in_progress;
26 typedef struct Scope {		/* The oscilloscope */
27   int mode;
28   int run;
29   int scale;
30   int div;
31   int grat;
32   int behind;
33   int select;
34   int trigch;
35   int trige;
36   int verbose;
37   int trig;
38   int curs;
39   int cursa;
40   int cursb;
41   int min_interval;
42 } Scope;
43 extern Scope scope;
45 /* Signal - the input/memory/math signals
46  *
47  * sc_linux.c depends on the order of these fields in a static initializer
48  */
50 typedef struct Signal {
51   char name[16];		/* Textual name of this signal (for display) */
52   char savestr[256];		/* String used in save files */
53   int rate;			/* sampling rate in samples/sec */
54   int volts;			/* millivolts per 320 sample values */
55   int frame;			/* Current frame number, for comparisons */
56   int num;			/* number of samples read from current frame */
57   int delay;			/* Delay, in ten-thousandths of samples */
58   int listeners;		/* Number of things 'listening' to this Sig */
59   int bits;			/* number of valid bits - 0 for analog sig */
60   int width;			/* size of data[] in samples */
61   short *data;			/* the data samples */
62 } Signal;
64 extern Signal mem[26];		/* Memory channels */
66 typedef struct DataSrc {	/* A source of data samples */
68   char *	name;
70   /* returns number of data channels available.  Return value can
71    * change around pretty much at will.  Zero indicates device unavailable
72    */
73   int		(* nchans)(void);
75   /* returns a pointer to the Signal structure for a numbered channel */
76   Signal *	(* chan)(int chan);
78   /* mode is 1 (rising trigger) or 2 (falling trigger) returns TRUE if
79    * trigger could be set; otherwise (it couldn't be set) return FALSE
80    * and leave trigger cleared 'level' is a pointer to the trigger
81    * level in signed raw sample values If a trigger can be set near,
82    * but not exactly on, the requested level, the function returns
83    * TRUE, sets the trigger, and modifies 'level' to the adjusted
84    * value.  */
85   int		(* set_trigger)(int chan, int *levelp, int mode);
86   void		(* clear_trigger)(void);
88   /* dir is 1 for faster; -1 for slower; returns TRUE if rate changed */
89   int		(* change_rate)(int dir);
91   /* sets the frame width (number of samples to capture per sweep) for
92    * all channels in the DataSrc.  Success is indicated by the 'width'
93    * field changing in the DataSrc's Signal structures.  Can be NULL
94    * to indicate device does not support multiple frame widths.
95    */
96   void		(* set_width)(int width);
98   /* reset() gets called whenever we want to start a new capture sweep.
99    * It should get called after any of the above channel, trigger, or rate
100    * functions have been used to change the data source capturing
101    * parameters, or after the capturing channels have been changed.
102    * Only after reset() has been called are the rate and volts
103    * fields in the Signal structures guaranteed valid.
104    */
105   void		(* reset)(void);
107   /* returns a file descriptor to poll on (for read) to indicate that
108    * the data source has data available for read, via get_data() below.
109    * return -1 to indicate no active signal capturing.  Always gets
110    * called after a reset()
111    */
112   int		(* fd)(void);
114   /* get_data() is called when poll(2) on the file descriptor returned
115    * by fd() indicates data is available to read.  It is responsible
116    * for filling in the Signal arrays returned by the chan() function,
117    * and returns TRUE if the trigger condition was hit (currently used
118    * only in single-shot mode to stop the scope after a single trace).
119    * It also must set the global variable 'in_progress' TRUE if it
120    * returns in the middle of a trace, and FALSE at the end of a
121    * trace.  get_data() must always return at the end of every trace,
122    * as the display code assumes that a trace is completely drawn
123    * before moving on the next trace.
124    */
125   int		(* get_data)(void);
127   /* This function allows the data source to display various status
128    * information on the screen.  i ranges from 0 to 7, and corresponds
129    * to 8 information fields near the bottom of the display.  Fields
130    * 0 through 3 have room for about 16 chars, fields 4 and 5 have
131    * room for about 20, and fields 6 and 7 can hold about 12.
132    * Function pointer can be NULL if there's no status info to display.
133    */
135   char *	(* status_str)(int i);
137   /* These functions are called when the option1 (*) or option2 (^)
138    * keys are pressed and should return 1 to do a datasrc->reset.
139    * Their corresponding string functions should return a short string
140    * to be displayed on the screen, which can be NULL.  If the
141    * option function returns TRUE, a clear() is done.  Any of these
142    * pointers can be NULL.  If the 'str' function is NULL, no help
143    * will be displayed for that option key, but this doesn't preclude
144    * the corresponding option function from doing something!
145    */
147   int		(* option1)(void);
148   char *	(* option1str)(void);
149   int		(* option2)(void);
150   char *	(* option2str)(void);
152   /* set_option()/save_option()
153    *
154    * These functions are used to set and save data source specific
155    * options, either from the command line or from a savefile,
156    * including but not limited to the keyboard options corresponding
157    * to option1/option2.  To generate the savefile, save_option() will
158    * be called repeatedly with arguments starting at zero and
159    * increasing until it returns NULL.  Each string returned will
160    * later trigger a call to set_option() when the savefile is
161    * loaded.  Returning an empty string will skip to the next
162    * integer without outputing anything.
163    *
164    * set_option() should return TRUE if it was able to parse and
165    * process the option; FALSE otherwise.  The options can also be
166    * specified on the command line, so should be human readable.
167    *
168    * Both function pointers can be NULL.
169    */
171   int		(* set_option)(char *);
172   char *	(* save_option)(int);
174   /* This function is only used if the X Windows GTK interface is
175    * in use.  If non-NULL, it causes the "Device Options..." item
176    * on the File menu to be made sensitive, and the function itself
177    * is called whenever that item is clicked.  It should trigger
178    * a popup menu with device-specific options.
179    */
180   void		(* gtk_options)(void);
182 } DataSrc;
184 extern DataSrc *datasrc;
185 extern DataSrc *datasrcs[];
186 extern int ndatasrcs;
188 typedef GdkPoint Point;
190 typedef struct SignalLine {
191   int next_point;
192   struct SignalLine *next;	/* keep a linked list */
193   GtkDataboxGraph *graph;
194   gfloat *X;
195   gfloat *Y;
196 } SignalLine;
198 typedef struct Channel {	/* The display channels */
199   Signal *signal;
200   SignalLine *signalline[16];	/* 16 - could have up to 16 bits per sample,
201 				 * thus, up to 16 signal lines per channel
202 				 * in digital mode */
203   int old_frame;		/* last frame number plotted */
204   int mult;			/* A scaling ratio we multiply samples by */
205   int div;
206   int target_mult;		/* The target scaling ratio */
207   int target_div;
208   gfloat pos;			/* Location of zero line on scope display;
209 				 * 0 is center; 1 is top; -1 is bottom */
210   int color;
211   int show;
212   int bits;
213 } Channel;
214 extern Channel ch[CHANNELS];
216 /* functions that are called by files other than oscope.c */
217 void	usage();
218 void	handle_key(unsigned char);
219 void	cleanup();
220 void	init_scope();
221 void	init_channels();
222 int	samples();
223 void	loadfile();
224 void	savefile();
225 void	startcommand();
226 char *	split_field(char *, int, int);
228 int	datasrc_byname(char *);
230 extern char serial_error[];
232 /* Functions defined in display library specific files */
233 void	setinputfd(int);
234 void	settimeout(int);