1 // Common interface to game music file emulators
3 // Game_Music_Emu https://bitbucket.org/mpyne/game-music-emu/
4 #ifndef MUSIC_EMU_H
5 #define MUSIC_EMU_H
7 #include "Gme_File.h"
8 class Multi_Buffer;
10 struct Music_Emu : public Gme_File {
11 public:
12 // Basic functionality (see Gme_File.h for file loading/track info functions)
14 	// Set output sample rate. Must be called only once before loading file.
15 	blargg_err_t set_sample_rate( long sample_rate );
17 	// specifies if all 8 voices get rendered to their own stereo channel
18 	// default implementation of Music_Emu always returns not supported error (i.e. no multichannel support by default)
19 	// derived emus must override this if they support multichannel rendering
20 	virtual blargg_err_t set_multi_channel( bool is_enabled );
22 	// Start a track, where 0 is the first track. Also clears warning string.
23 	blargg_err_t start_track( int );
25 	// Generate 'count' samples info 'buf'. Output is in stereo. Any emulation
26 	// errors set warning string, and major errors also end track.
27 	typedef short sample_t;
28 	blargg_err_t play( long count, sample_t* buf );
30 // Informational
32 	// Sample rate sound is generated at
33 	long sample_rate() const;
35 	// Index of current track or -1 if one hasn't been started
36 	int current_track() const;
38 	// Number of voices used by currently loaded file
39 	int voice_count() const;
41 	// Names of voices
42 	const char** voice_names() const;
44 	bool multi_channel() const;
46 // Track status/control
48 	// Number of milliseconds (1000 msec = 1 second) played since beginning of track
49 	long tell() const;
51 	// Number of samples generated since beginning of track
52 	long tell_samples() const;
54 	// Seek to new time in track. Seeking backwards or far forward can take a while.
55 	blargg_err_t seek( long msec );
57 	// Equivalent to restarting track then skipping n samples
58 	blargg_err_t seek_samples( long n );
60 	// Skip n samples
61 	blargg_err_t skip( long n );
63 	// True if a track has reached its end
64 	bool track_ended() const;
66 	// Set start time and length of track fade out. Once fade ends track_ended() returns
67 	// true. Fade time can be changed while track is playing.
68 	void set_fade( long start_msec, long length_msec = 8000 );
70 	// Controls whether or not to automatically load and obey track length
71 	// metadata for supported emulators.
72 	//
73 	// @since 0.6.2.
74 	bool autoload_playback_limit() const;
75 	void set_autoload_playback_limit( bool do_autoload_limit );
77 	// Disable automatic end-of-track detection and skipping of silence at beginning
78 	void ignore_silence( bool disable = true );
80 	// Info for current track
81 	using Gme_File::track_info;
82 	blargg_err_t track_info( track_info_t* out ) const;
84 // Sound customization
86 	// Adjust song tempo, where 1.0 = normal, 0.5 = half speed, 2.0 = double speed.
87 	// Track length as returned by track_info() assumes a tempo of 1.0.
88 	void set_tempo( double );
90 	// Mute/unmute voice i, where voice 0 is first voice
91 	void mute_voice( int index, bool mute = true );
93 	// Set muting state of all voices at once using a bit mask, where -1 mutes them all,
94 	// 0 unmutes them all, 0x01 mutes just the first voice, etc.
95 	void mute_voices( int mask );
97 	// Change overall output amplitude, where 1.0 results in minimal clamping.
98 	// Must be called before set_sample_rate().
99 	void set_gain( double );
101 	// Request use of custom multichannel buffer. Only supported by "classic" emulators;
102 	// on others this has no effect. Should be called only once *before* set_sample_rate().
set_bufferMusic_Emu103 	virtual void set_buffer( Multi_Buffer* ) { }
105 	// Enables/disables accurate emulation options, if any are supported. Might change
106 	// equalizer settings.
107 	void enable_accuracy( bool enable = true );
109 // Sound equalization (treble/bass)
111 	// Frequency equalizer parameters (see gme.txt)
112 	// See gme.h for definition of struct gme_equalizer_t.
113 	typedef gme_equalizer_t equalizer_t;
115 	// Current frequency equalizater parameters
116 	equalizer_t const& equalizer() const;
118 	// Set frequency equalizer parameters
119 	void set_equalizer( equalizer_t const& );
121 	// Construct equalizer of given treble/bass settings
make_equalizerMusic_Emu122 	static const equalizer_t make_equalizer( double treble, double bass )
123 	{
124 	    const Music_Emu::equalizer_t e = { treble, bass,
125 		0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
126 	    return e;
127 	}
129 	// Equalizer settings for TV speaker
130 	static equalizer_t const tv_eq;
132 public:
133 	Music_Emu();
134 	~Music_Emu();
135 protected:
set_max_initial_silenceMusic_Emu136 	void set_max_initial_silence( int n )       { max_initial_silence = n; }
set_silence_lookaheadMusic_Emu137 	void set_silence_lookahead( int n )         { silence_lookahead = n; }
set_voice_countMusic_Emu138 	void set_voice_count( int n )               { voice_count_ = n; }
139 	void set_voice_names( const char* const* names );
set_track_endedMusic_Emu140 	void set_track_ended()                      { emu_track_ended_ = true; }
gainMusic_Emu141 	double gain() const                         { return gain_; }
tempoMusic_Emu142 	double tempo() const                        { return tempo_; }
143 	void remute_voices();
144 	blargg_err_t set_multi_channel_( bool is_enabled );
146 	virtual blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate ) = 0;
set_equalizer_Music_Emu147 	virtual void set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& ) { }
enable_accuracy_Music_Emu148 	virtual void enable_accuracy_( bool /* enable */ ) { }
149 	virtual void mute_voices_( int mask ) = 0;
150 	virtual void set_tempo_( double ) = 0;
151 	virtual blargg_err_t start_track_( int ) = 0; // tempo is set before this
152 	virtual blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* out ) = 0;
153 	virtual blargg_err_t skip_( long count );
154 protected:
155 	virtual void unload();
156 	virtual void pre_load();
157 	virtual void post_load_();
158 private:
159 	// general
160 	equalizer_t equalizer_;
161 	int max_initial_silence;
162 	const char** voice_names_;
163 	int voice_count_;
164 	int mute_mask_;
165 	double tempo_;
166 	double gain_;
167 	bool multi_channel_;
169 	// returns the number of output channels, i.e. usually 2 for stereo, unlesss multi_channel_ == true
out_channelsMusic_Emu170 	int out_channels() const { return this->multi_channel() ? 2*8 : 2; }
172 	long sample_rate_;
173 	blargg_long msec_to_samples( blargg_long msec ) const;
175 	// track-specific
176 	int current_track_;
177 	blargg_long out_time;  // number of samples played since start of track
178 	blargg_long emu_time;  // number of samples emulator has generated since start of track
179 	bool emu_track_ended_; // emulator has reached end of track
180 	bool emu_autoload_playback_limit_; // whether to load and obey track length by default
181 	volatile bool track_ended_;
182 	void clear_track_vars();
183 	void end_track_if_error( blargg_err_t );
185 	// fading
186 	blargg_long fade_start;
187 	int fade_step;
188 	void handle_fade( long count, sample_t* out );
190 	// silence detection
191 	int silence_lookahead; // speed to run emulator when looking ahead for silence
192 	bool ignore_silence_;
193 	long silence_time;     // number of samples where most recent silence began
194 	long silence_count;    // number of samples of silence to play before using buf
195 	long buf_remain;       // number of samples left in silence buffer
196 	enum { buf_size = 2048 };
197 	blargg_vector<sample_t> buf;
198 	void fill_buf();
199 	void emu_play( long count, sample_t* out );
201 	Multi_Buffer* effects_buffer;
202 	friend Music_Emu* gme_internal_new_emu_( gme_type_t, int, bool );
203 	friend void gme_set_stereo_depth( Music_Emu*, double );
204 };
206 // base class for info-only derivations
207 struct Gme_Info_ : Music_Emu
208 {
209 	virtual blargg_err_t set_sample_rate_( long sample_rate );
210 	virtual void set_equalizer_( equalizer_t const& );
211 	virtual void enable_accuracy_( bool );
212 	virtual void mute_voices_( int mask );
213 	virtual void set_tempo_( double );
214 	virtual blargg_err_t start_track_( int );
215 	virtual blargg_err_t play_( long count, sample_t* out );
216 	virtual void pre_load();
217 	virtual void post_load_();
218 };
track_info(track_info_t * out)220 inline blargg_err_t Music_Emu::track_info( track_info_t* out ) const
221 {
222 	return track_info( out, current_track_ );
223 }
sample_rate()225 inline long Music_Emu::sample_rate() const          { return sample_rate_; }
voice_names()226 inline const char** Music_Emu::voice_names() const  { return voice_names_; }
voice_count()227 inline int Music_Emu::voice_count() const           { return voice_count_; }
current_track()228 inline int Music_Emu::current_track() const         { return current_track_; }
track_ended()229 inline bool Music_Emu::track_ended() const          { return track_ended_; }
equalizer()230 inline const Music_Emu::equalizer_t& Music_Emu::equalizer() const { return equalizer_; }
enable_accuracy(bool b)232 inline void Music_Emu::enable_accuracy( bool b )    { enable_accuracy_( b ); }
set_tempo_(double t)233 inline void Music_Emu::set_tempo_( double t )       { tempo_ = t; }
remute_voices()234 inline void Music_Emu::remute_voices()              { mute_voices( mute_mask_ ); }
ignore_silence(bool b)235 inline void Music_Emu::ignore_silence( bool b )     { ignore_silence_ = b; }
start_track_(int)236 inline blargg_err_t Music_Emu::start_track_( int )  { return 0; }
set_voice_names(const char * const * names)238 inline void Music_Emu::set_voice_names( const char* const* names )
239 {
240 	// Intentional removal of const, so users don't have to remember obscure const in middle
241 	voice_names_ = const_cast<const char**> (names);
242 }
mute_voices_(int)244 inline void Music_Emu::mute_voices_( int ) { }
set_gain(double g)246 inline void Music_Emu::set_gain( double g )
247 {
248 	assert( !sample_rate() ); // you must set gain before setting sample rate
249 	gain_ = g;
250 }
252 #endif