1 //#include "igl/random_points_on_mesh.h"
2 //#include "igl/AABB.h"
4 #include <tbb/parallel_for.h>
6 #include "SupportPointGenerator.hpp"
7 #include "Concurrency.hpp"
8 #include "Model.hpp"
9 #include "ExPolygon.hpp"
10 #include "SVG.hpp"
11 #include "Point.hpp"
12 #include "ClipperUtils.hpp"
13 #include "Tesselate.hpp"
14 #include "ExPolygonCollection.hpp"
15 #include "libslic3r.h"
17 #include "libnest2d/backends/clipper/geometries.hpp"
18 #include "libnest2d/utils/rotcalipers.hpp"
20 #include <iostream>
21 #include <random>
23 namespace Slic3r {
24 namespace sla {
26 /*float SupportPointGenerator::approximate_geodesic_distance(const Vec3d& p1, const Vec3d& p2, Vec3d& n1, Vec3d& n2)
27 {
28     n1.normalize();
29     n2.normalize();
31     Vec3d v = (p2-p1);
32     v.normalize();
34     float c1 = n1.dot(v);
35     float c2 = n2.dot(v);
36     float result = pow(p1(0)-p2(0), 2) + pow(p1(1)-p2(1), 2) + pow(p1(2)-p2(2), 2);
37     // Check for division by zero:
38     if(fabs(c1 - c2) > 0.0001)
39         result *= (asin(c1) - asin(c2)) / (c1 - c2);
40     return result;
41 }
44 float SupportPointGenerator::get_required_density(float angle) const
45 {
46     // calculation would be density_0 * cos(angle). To provide one more degree of freedom, we will scale the angle
47     // to get the user-set density for 45 deg. So it ends up as density_0 * cos(K * angle).
48     float K = 4.f * float(acos(m_config.density_at_45/m_config.density_at_horizontal) / M_PI);
49     return std::max(0.f, float(m_config.density_at_horizontal * cos(K*angle)));
50 }
52 float SupportPointGenerator::distance_limit(float angle) const
53 {
54     return 1./(2.4*get_required_density(angle));
55 }*/
SupportPointGenerator(const sla::IndexedMesh & emesh,const std::vector<ExPolygons> & slices,const std::vector<float> & heights,const Config & config,std::function<void (void)> throw_on_cancel,std::function<void (int)> statusfn)57 SupportPointGenerator::SupportPointGenerator(
58         const sla::IndexedMesh &emesh,
59         const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
60         const std::vector<float> &     heights,
61         const Config &                 config,
62         std::function<void(void)> throw_on_cancel,
63         std::function<void(int)>  statusfn)
64     : SupportPointGenerator(emesh, config, throw_on_cancel, statusfn)
65 {
66     std::random_device rd;
67     m_rng.seed(rd());
68     execute(slices, heights);
69 }
SupportPointGenerator(const IndexedMesh & emesh,const SupportPointGenerator::Config & config,std::function<void ()> throw_on_cancel,std::function<void (int)> statusfn)71 SupportPointGenerator::SupportPointGenerator(
72         const IndexedMesh &emesh,
73         const SupportPointGenerator::Config &config,
74         std::function<void ()> throw_on_cancel,
75         std::function<void (int)> statusfn)
76     : m_config(config)
77     , m_emesh(emesh)
78     , m_throw_on_cancel(throw_on_cancel)
79     , m_statusfn(statusfn)
80 {
81 }
execute(const std::vector<ExPolygons> & slices,const std::vector<float> & heights)83 void SupportPointGenerator::execute(const std::vector<ExPolygons> &slices,
84                                     const std::vector<float> &     heights)
85 {
86     process(slices, heights);
87     project_onto_mesh(m_output);
88 }
project_onto_mesh(std::vector<sla::SupportPoint> & points) const90 void SupportPointGenerator::project_onto_mesh(std::vector<sla::SupportPoint>& points) const
91 {
92     // The function  makes sure that all the points are really exactly placed on the mesh.
94     // Use a reasonable granularity to account for the worker thread synchronization cost.
95     static constexpr size_t gransize = 64;
97     ccr_par::for_each(size_t(0), points.size(), [this, &points](size_t idx)
98     {
99         if ((idx % 16) == 0)
100             // Don't call the following function too often as it flushes CPU write caches due to synchronization primitves.
101             m_throw_on_cancel();
103         Vec3f& p = points[idx].pos;
104         // Project the point upward and downward and choose the closer intersection with the mesh.
105         sla::IndexedMesh::hit_result hit_up   = m_emesh.query_ray_hit(p.cast<double>(), Vec3d(0., 0., 1.));
106         sla::IndexedMesh::hit_result hit_down = m_emesh.query_ray_hit(p.cast<double>(), Vec3d(0., 0., -1.));
108         bool up   = hit_up.is_hit();
109         bool down = hit_down.is_hit();
111         if (!up && !down)
112             return;
114         sla::IndexedMesh::hit_result& hit = (!down || (hit_up.distance() < hit_down.distance())) ? hit_up : hit_down;
115         p = p + (hit.distance() * hit.direction()).cast<float>();
116     }, gransize);
117 }
make_layers(const std::vector<ExPolygons> & slices,const std::vector<float> & heights,std::function<void (void)> throw_on_cancel)119 static std::vector<SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer> make_layers(
120     const std::vector<ExPolygons>& slices, const std::vector<float>& heights,
121     std::function<void(void)> throw_on_cancel)
122 {
123     assert(slices.size() == heights.size());
125     // Allocate empty layers.
126     std::vector<SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer> layers;
127     layers.reserve(slices.size());
128     for (size_t i = 0; i < slices.size(); ++ i)
129         layers.emplace_back(i, heights[i]);
131     // FIXME: calculate actual pixel area from printer config:
132     //const float pixel_area = pow(wxGetApp().preset_bundle->project_config.option<ConfigOptionFloat>("display_width") / wxGetApp().preset_bundle->project_config.option<ConfigOptionInt>("display_pixels_x"), 2.f); //
133     const float pixel_area = pow(0.047f, 2.f);
135     ccr_par::for_each(size_t(0), layers.size(),
136         [&layers, &slices, &heights, pixel_area, throw_on_cancel](size_t layer_id)
137     {
138         if ((layer_id % 8) == 0)
139             // Don't call the following function too often as it flushes
140             // CPU write caches due to synchronization primitves.
141             throw_on_cancel();
143         SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer &layer   = layers[layer_id];
144         const ExPolygons &              islands = slices[layer_id];
145         // FIXME WTF?
146         const float height = (layer_id > 2 ?
147                                   heights[layer_id - 3] :
148                                   heights[0] - (heights[1] - heights[0]));
149         layer.islands.reserve(islands.size());
150         for (const ExPolygon &island : islands) {
151             float area = float(island.area() * SCALING_FACTOR * SCALING_FACTOR);
152             if (area >= pixel_area)
153                 // FIXME this is not a correct centroid of a polygon with holes.
154                 layer.islands.emplace_back(layer, island, get_extents(island.contour),
155                                            unscaled<float>(island.contour.centroid()), area, height);
156         }
157     }, 32 /*gransize*/);
159     // Calculate overlap of successive layers. Link overlapping islands.
160     ccr_par::for_each(size_t(1), layers.size(),
161                       [&layers, &heights, throw_on_cancel] (size_t layer_id)
162     {
163       if ((layer_id % 2) == 0)
164           // Don't call the following function too often as it flushes CPU write caches due to synchronization primitves.
165           throw_on_cancel();
166       SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer &layer_above = layers[layer_id];
167       SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer &layer_below = layers[layer_id - 1];
168       //FIXME WTF?
169       const float layer_height = (layer_id!=0 ? heights[layer_id]-heights[layer_id-1] : heights[0]);
170       const float safe_angle = 35.f * (float(M_PI)/180.f); // smaller number - less supports
171       const float between_layers_offset = scaled<float>(layer_height * std::tan(safe_angle));
172       const float slope_angle = 75.f * (float(M_PI)/180.f); // smaller number - less supports
173       const float slope_offset = scaled<float>(layer_height * std::tan(slope_angle));
174       //FIXME This has a quadratic time complexity, it will be excessively slow for many tiny islands.
175       for (SupportPointGenerator::Structure &top : layer_above.islands) {
176           for (SupportPointGenerator::Structure &bottom : layer_below.islands) {
177               float overlap_area = top.overlap_area(bottom);
178               if (overlap_area > 0) {
179                   top.islands_below.emplace_back(&bottom, overlap_area);
180                   bottom.islands_above.emplace_back(&top, overlap_area);
181               }
182           }
183           if (! top.islands_below.empty()) {
184               Polygons top_polygons    = to_polygons(*top.polygon);
185               Polygons bottom_polygons = top.polygons_below();
186               top.overhangs = diff_ex(top_polygons, bottom_polygons);
187               if (! top.overhangs.empty()) {
189                   // Produce 2 bands around the island, a safe band for dangling overhangs
190                   // and an unsafe band for sloped overhangs.
191                   // These masks include the original island
192                   auto dangl_mask = offset(bottom_polygons, between_layers_offset, ClipperLib::jtSquare);
193                   auto overh_mask = offset(bottom_polygons, slope_offset, ClipperLib::jtSquare);
195                   // Absolutely hopeless overhangs are those outside the unsafe band
196                   top.overhangs = diff_ex(top_polygons, overh_mask);
198                   // Now cut out the supported core from the safe band
199                   // and cut the safe band from the unsafe band to get distinct
200                   // zones.
201                   overh_mask = diff(overh_mask, dangl_mask);
202                   dangl_mask = diff(dangl_mask, bottom_polygons);
204                   top.dangling_areas = intersection_ex(top_polygons, dangl_mask);
205                   top.overhangs_slopes = intersection_ex(top_polygons, overh_mask);
207                   top.overhangs_area = 0.f;
208                   std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon*, float>> expolys_with_areas;
209                   for (ExPolygon &ex : top.overhangs) {
210                       float area = float(ex.area());
211                       expolys_with_areas.emplace_back(&ex, area);
212                       top.overhangs_area += area;
213                   }
214                   std::sort(expolys_with_areas.begin(), expolys_with_areas.end(),
215                             [](const std::pair<ExPolygon*, float> &p1, const std::pair<ExPolygon*, float> &p2)
216                             { return p1.second > p2.second; });
217                   ExPolygons overhangs_sorted;
218                   for (auto &p : expolys_with_areas)
219                       overhangs_sorted.emplace_back(std::move(*p.first));
220                   top.overhangs = std::move(overhangs_sorted);
221                   top.overhangs_area *= float(SCALING_FACTOR * SCALING_FACTOR);
222               }
223           }
224       }
225     }, 8 /* gransize */);
227     return layers;
228 }
process(const std::vector<ExPolygons> & slices,const std::vector<float> & heights)230 void SupportPointGenerator::process(const std::vector<ExPolygons>& slices, const std::vector<float>& heights)
231 {
233     std::vector<std::pair<ExPolygon, coord_t>> islands;
236     std::vector<SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer> layers = make_layers(slices, heights, m_throw_on_cancel);
238     PointGrid3D point_grid;
239     point_grid.cell_size = Vec3f(10.f, 10.f, 10.f);
241     double increment = 100.0 / layers.size();
242     double status    = 0;
244     for (unsigned int layer_id = 0; layer_id < layers.size(); ++ layer_id) {
245         SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer *layer_top     = &layers[layer_id];
246         SupportPointGenerator::MyLayer *layer_bottom  = (layer_id > 0) ? &layers[layer_id - 1] : nullptr;
247         std::vector<float>        support_force_bottom;
248         if (layer_bottom != nullptr) {
249             support_force_bottom.assign(layer_bottom->islands.size(), 0.f);
250             for (size_t i = 0; i < layer_bottom->islands.size(); ++ i)
251                 support_force_bottom[i] = layer_bottom->islands[i].supports_force_total();
252         }
253         for (Structure &top : layer_top->islands)
254             for (Structure::Link &bottom_link : top.islands_below) {
255                 Structure &bottom = *bottom_link.island;
256                 //float centroids_dist = (bottom.centroid - top.centroid).norm();
257                 // Penalization resulting from centroid offset:
258 //                  bottom.supports_force *= std::min(1.f, 1.f - std::min(1.f, (1600.f * layer_height) * centroids_dist * centroids_dist / bottom.area));
259                 float &support_force = support_force_bottom[&bottom - layer_bottom->islands.data()];
260 //FIXME this condition does not reflect a bifurcation into a one large island and one tiny island well, it incorrectly resets the support force to zero.
261 // One should rather work with the overlap area vs overhang area.
262 //                support_force *= std::min(1.f, 1.f - std::min(1.f, 0.1f * centroids_dist * centroids_dist / bottom.area));
263                 // Penalization resulting from increasing polygon area:
264                 support_force *= std::min(1.f, 20.f * bottom.area / top.area);
265             }
266         // Let's assign proper support force to each of them:
267         if (layer_id > 0) {
268             for (Structure &below : layer_bottom->islands) {
269                 float below_support_force = support_force_bottom[&below - layer_bottom->islands.data()];
270                 float above_overlap_area = 0.f;
271                 for (Structure::Link &above_link : below.islands_above)
272                     above_overlap_area += above_link.overlap_area;
273                 for (Structure::Link &above_link : below.islands_above)
274                     above_link.island->supports_force_inherited += below_support_force * above_link.overlap_area / above_overlap_area;
275             }
276         }
277         // Now iterate over all polygons and append new points if needed.
278         for (Structure &s : layer_top->islands) {
279             // Penalization resulting from large diff from the last layer:
280             s.supports_force_inherited /= std::max(1.f, 0.17f * (s.overhangs_area) / s.area);
282             add_support_points(s, point_grid);
283         }
285         m_throw_on_cancel();
287         status += increment;
288         m_statusfn(int(std::round(status)));
291         /*std::string layer_num_str = std::string((i<10 ? "0" : "")) + std::string((i<100 ? "0" : "")) + std::to_string(i);
292         output_expolygons(expolys_top, "top" + layer_num_str + ".svg");
293         output_expolygons(diff, "diff" + layer_num_str + ".svg");
294         if (!islands.empty())
295             output_expolygons(islands, "islands" + layer_num_str + ".svg");*/
297     }
298 }
add_support_points(SupportPointGenerator::Structure & s,SupportPointGenerator::PointGrid3D & grid3d)300 void SupportPointGenerator::add_support_points(SupportPointGenerator::Structure &s, SupportPointGenerator::PointGrid3D &grid3d)
301 {
302     // Select each type of surface (overrhang, dangling, slope), derive the support
303     // force deficit for it and call uniformly conver with the right params
305     float tp      = m_config.tear_pressure();
306     float current = s.supports_force_total();
307     static constexpr float DANGL_DAMPING = .5f;
308     static constexpr float SLOPE_DAMPING = .1f;
310     if (s.islands_below.empty()) {
311         // completely new island - needs support no doubt
312         // deficit is full, there is nothing below that would hold this island
313         uniformly_cover({ *s.polygon }, s, s.area * tp, grid3d, IslandCoverageFlags(icfIsNew | icfWithBoundary) );
314         return;
315     }
317     if (! s.overhangs.empty()) {
318         uniformly_cover(s.overhangs, s, s.overhangs_area * tp, grid3d);
319     }
321     auto areafn = [](double sum, auto &p) { return sum + p.area() * SCALING_FACTOR * SCALING_FACTOR; };
323     current = s.supports_force_total();
324     if (! s.dangling_areas.empty()) {
325         // Let's see if there's anything that overlaps enough to need supports:
326         // What we now have in polygons needs support, regardless of what the forces are, so we can add them.
328         double a = std::accumulate(s.dangling_areas.begin(), s.dangling_areas.end(), 0., areafn);
329         uniformly_cover(s.dangling_areas, s, a * tp - a * current * s.area, grid3d, icfWithBoundary);
330     }
332     current = s.supports_force_total();
333     if (! s.overhangs_slopes.empty()) {
334         double a = std::accumulate(s.overhangs_slopes.begin(), s.overhangs_slopes.end(), 0., areafn);
335         uniformly_cover(s.overhangs_slopes, s, a * tp - a * current / s.area, grid3d, icfWithBoundary);
336     }
337 }
sample_expolygon(const ExPolygon & expoly,float samples_per_mm2,std::mt19937 & rng)339 std::vector<Vec2f> sample_expolygon(const ExPolygon &expoly, float samples_per_mm2, std::mt19937 &rng)
340 {
341     // Triangulate the polygon with holes into triplets of 3D points.
342     std::vector<Vec2f> triangles = Slic3r::triangulate_expolygon_2f(expoly);
344     std::vector<Vec2f> out;
345     if (! triangles.empty())
346     {
347         // Calculate area of each triangle.
348         auto   areas = reserve_vector<float>(triangles.size() / 3);
349         double aback = 0.;
350         for (size_t i = 0; i < triangles.size(); ) {
351             const Vec2f &a  = triangles[i ++];
352             const Vec2f  v1 = triangles[i ++] - a;
353             const Vec2f  v2 = triangles[i ++] - a;
355             // Prefix sum of the areas.
356             areas.emplace_back(aback + 0.5f * std::abs(cross2(v1, v2)));
357             aback = areas.back();
358         }
360         size_t num_samples = size_t(ceil(areas.back() * samples_per_mm2));
361         std::uniform_real_distribution<> random_triangle(0., double(areas.back()));
362         std::uniform_real_distribution<> random_float(0., 1.);
363         for (size_t i = 0; i < num_samples; ++ i) {
364             double r = random_triangle(rng);
365             size_t idx_triangle = std::min<size_t>(std::upper_bound(areas.begin(), areas.end(), (float)r) - areas.begin(), areas.size() - 1) * 3;
366             // Select a random point on the triangle.
367             const Vec2f &a = triangles[idx_triangle ++];
368             const Vec2f &b = triangles[idx_triangle++];
369             const Vec2f &c = triangles[idx_triangle];
370 #if 1
371             // https://www.cs.princeton.edu/~funk/tog02.pdf
372             // page 814, formula 1.
373             double u = float(std::sqrt(random_float(rng)));
374             double v = float(random_float(rng));
375             out.emplace_back(a * (1.f - u) + b * (u * (1.f - v)) + c * (v * u));
376 #else
377             // Greg Turk, Graphics Gems
378             // https://devsplorer.wordpress.com/2019/08/07/find-a-random-point-on-a-plane-using-barycentric-coordinates-in-unity/
379             double u = float(random_float(rng));
380             double v = float(random_float(rng));
381             if (u + v >= 1.f) {
382               u = 1.f - u;
383               v = 1.f - v;
384             }
385             out.emplace_back(a + u * (b - a) + v * (c - a));
386 #endif
387         }
388     }
389     return out;
390 }
sample_expolygon(const ExPolygons & expolys,float samples_per_mm2,std::mt19937 & rng)393 std::vector<Vec2f> sample_expolygon(const ExPolygons &expolys, float samples_per_mm2, std::mt19937 &rng)
394 {
395     std::vector<Vec2f> out;
396     for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolys)
397         append(out, sample_expolygon(expoly, samples_per_mm2, rng));
399     return out;
400 }
sample_expolygon_boundary(const ExPolygon & expoly,float samples_per_mm,std::vector<Vec2f> & out,std::mt19937 & rng)402 void sample_expolygon_boundary(const ExPolygon &   expoly,
403                                float               samples_per_mm,
404                                std::vector<Vec2f> &out,
405                                std::mt19937 &      rng)
406 {
407     double  point_stepping_scaled = scale_(1.f) / samples_per_mm;
408     for (size_t i_contour = 0; i_contour <= expoly.holes.size(); ++ i_contour) {
409         const Polygon &contour = (i_contour == 0) ? expoly.contour :
410                                                     expoly.holes[i_contour - 1];
412         const Points pts = contour.equally_spaced_points(point_stepping_scaled);
413         for (size_t i = 0; i < pts.size(); ++ i)
414             out.emplace_back(unscale<float>(pts[i].x()),
415                              unscale<float>(pts[i].y()));
416     }
417 }
sample_expolygon_with_boundary(const ExPolygon & expoly,float samples_per_mm2,float samples_per_mm_boundary,std::mt19937 & rng)419 std::vector<Vec2f> sample_expolygon_with_boundary(const ExPolygon &expoly, float samples_per_mm2, float samples_per_mm_boundary, std::mt19937 &rng)
420 {
421     std::vector<Vec2f> out = sample_expolygon(expoly, samples_per_mm2, rng);
422     sample_expolygon_boundary(expoly, samples_per_mm_boundary, out, rng);
423     return out;
424 }
sample_expolygon_with_boundary(const ExPolygons & expolys,float samples_per_mm2,float samples_per_mm_boundary,std::mt19937 & rng)426 std::vector<Vec2f> sample_expolygon_with_boundary(const ExPolygons &expolys, float samples_per_mm2, float samples_per_mm_boundary, std::mt19937 &rng)
427 {
428     std::vector<Vec2f> out;
429     for (const ExPolygon &expoly : expolys)
430         append(out, sample_expolygon_with_boundary(expoly, samples_per_mm2, samples_per_mm_boundary, rng));
431     return out;
432 }
434 template<typename REFUSE_FUNCTION>
poisson_disk_from_samples(const std::vector<Vec2f> & raw_samples,float radius,REFUSE_FUNCTION refuse_function)435 static inline std::vector<Vec2f> poisson_disk_from_samples(const std::vector<Vec2f> &raw_samples, float radius, REFUSE_FUNCTION refuse_function)
436 {
437     Vec2f corner_min(std::numeric_limits<float>::max(), std::numeric_limits<float>::max());
438     for (const Vec2f &pt : raw_samples) {
439         corner_min.x() = std::min(corner_min.x(), pt.x());
440         corner_min.y() = std::min(corner_min.y(), pt.y());
441     }
443     // Assign the raw samples to grid cells, sort the grid cells lexicographically.
444     struct RawSample
445     {
446         Vec2f coord;
447         Vec2i cell_id;
448         RawSample(const Vec2f &crd = {}, const Vec2i &id = {}): coord{crd}, cell_id{id} {}
449     };
451     auto raw_samples_sorted = reserve_vector<RawSample>(raw_samples.size());
452     for (const Vec2f &pt : raw_samples)
453         raw_samples_sorted.emplace_back(pt, ((pt - corner_min) / radius).cast<int>());
455     std::sort(raw_samples_sorted.begin(), raw_samples_sorted.end(), [](const RawSample &lhs, const RawSample &rhs)
456         { return lhs.cell_id.x() < rhs.cell_id.x() || (lhs.cell_id.x() == rhs.cell_id.x() && lhs.cell_id.y() < rhs.cell_id.y()); });
458     struct PoissonDiskGridEntry {
459         // Resulting output sample points for this cell:
460         enum {
461             max_positions = 4
462         };
463         Vec2f   poisson_samples[max_positions];
464         int     num_poisson_samples = 0;
466         // Index into raw_samples:
467         int     first_sample_idx;
468         int     sample_cnt;
469     };
471     struct CellIDHash {
472         std::size_t operator()(const Vec2i &cell_id) const {
473             return std::hash<int>()(cell_id.x()) ^ std::hash<int>()(cell_id.y() * 593);
474         }
475     };
477     // Map from cell IDs to hash_data.  Each hash_data points to the range in raw_samples corresponding to that cell.
478     // (We could just store the samples in hash_data.  This implementation is an artifact of the reference paper, which
479     // is optimizing for GPU acceleration that we haven't implemented currently.)
480     typedef std::unordered_map<Vec2i, PoissonDiskGridEntry, CellIDHash> Cells;
481     Cells cells;
482     {
483         typename Cells::iterator last_cell_id_it;
484         Vec2i           last_cell_id(-1, -1);
485         for (size_t i = 0; i < raw_samples_sorted.size(); ++ i) {
486             const RawSample &sample = raw_samples_sorted[i];
487             if (sample.cell_id == last_cell_id) {
488                 // This sample is in the same cell as the previous, so just increase the count.  Cells are
489                 // always contiguous, since we've sorted raw_samples_sorted by cell ID.
490                 ++ last_cell_id_it->second.sample_cnt;
491             } else {
492                 // This is a new cell.
493                 PoissonDiskGridEntry data;
494                 data.first_sample_idx = int(i);
495                 data.sample_cnt       = 1;
496                 auto result     = cells.insert({sample.cell_id, data});
497                 last_cell_id    = sample.cell_id;
498                 last_cell_id_it = result.first;
499             }
500         }
501     }
503     const int   max_trials = 5;
504     const float radius_squared = radius * radius;
505     for (int trial = 0; trial < max_trials; ++ trial) {
506         // Create sample points for each entry in cells.
507         for (auto &it : cells) {
508             const Vec2i          &cell_id   = it.first;
509             PoissonDiskGridEntry &cell_data = it.second;
510             // This cell's raw sample points start at first_sample_idx.  On trial 0, try the first one. On trial 1, try first_sample_idx + 1.
511             int next_sample_idx = cell_data.first_sample_idx + trial;
512             if (trial >= cell_data.sample_cnt)
513                 // There are no more points to try for this cell.
514                 continue;
515             const RawSample &candidate = raw_samples_sorted[next_sample_idx];
516             // See if this point conflicts with any other points in this cell, or with any points in
517             // neighboring cells.  Note that it's possible to have more than one point in the same cell.
518             bool conflict = refuse_function(candidate.coord);
519             for (int i = -1; i < 2 && ! conflict; ++ i) {
520                 for (int j = -1; j < 2; ++ j) {
521                     const auto &it_neighbor = cells.find(cell_id + Vec2i(i, j));
522                     if (it_neighbor != cells.end()) {
523                         const PoissonDiskGridEntry &neighbor = it_neighbor->second;
524                         for (int i_sample = 0; i_sample < neighbor.num_poisson_samples; ++ i_sample)
525                             if ((neighbor.poisson_samples[i_sample] - candidate.coord).squaredNorm() < radius_squared) {
526                                 conflict = true;
527                                 break;
528                             }
529                     }
530                 }
531             }
532             if (! conflict) {
533                 // Store the new sample.
534                 assert(cell_data.num_poisson_samples < cell_data.max_positions);
535                 if (cell_data.num_poisson_samples < cell_data.max_positions)
536                     cell_data.poisson_samples[cell_data.num_poisson_samples ++] = candidate.coord;
537             }
538         }
539     }
541     // Copy the results to the output.
542     std::vector<Vec2f> out;
543     for (const auto& it : cells)
544         for (int i = 0; i < it.second.num_poisson_samples; ++ i)
545             out.emplace_back(it.second.poisson_samples[i]);
546     return out;
547 }
uniformly_cover(const ExPolygons & islands,Structure & structure,float deficit,PointGrid3D & grid3d,IslandCoverageFlags flags)550 void SupportPointGenerator::uniformly_cover(const ExPolygons& islands, Structure& structure, float deficit, PointGrid3D &grid3d, IslandCoverageFlags flags)
551 {
552     //int num_of_points = std::max(1, (int)((island.area()*pow(SCALING_FACTOR, 2) * m_config.tear_pressure)/m_config.support_force));
554     float support_force_deficit = deficit;
555 //    auto bb = get_extents(islands);
557     if (flags & icfIsNew) {
558         auto chull_ex = ExPolygonCollection{islands}.convex_hull();
559         auto chull = Slic3rMultiPoint_to_ClipperPath(chull_ex);
560         auto rotbox = libnest2d::minAreaBoundingBox(chull);
561         Vec2d bbdim = {unscaled(rotbox.width()), unscaled(rotbox.height())};
563         if (bbdim.x() > bbdim.y()) std::swap(bbdim.x(), bbdim.y());
564         double aspectr = bbdim.y() / bbdim.x();
566         support_force_deficit *= (1 + aspectr / 2.);
567     }
569     if (support_force_deficit < 0)
570         return;
572     // Number of newly added points.
573     const size_t poisson_samples_target = size_t(ceil(support_force_deficit / m_config.support_force()));
575     const float density_horizontal = m_config.tear_pressure() / m_config.support_force();
576     //FIXME why?
577     float poisson_radius		= std::max(m_config.minimal_distance, 1.f / (5.f * density_horizontal));
578 //    const float poisson_radius     = 1.f / (15.f * density_horizontal);
579     const float samples_per_mm2 = 30.f / (float(M_PI) * poisson_radius * poisson_radius);
580     // Minimum distance between samples, in 3D space.
581 //    float min_spacing			= poisson_radius / 3.f;
582     float min_spacing			= poisson_radius;
584     //FIXME share the random generator. The random generator may be not so cheap to initialize, also we don't want the random generator to be restarted for each polygon.
586     std::vector<Vec2f> raw_samples =
587         flags & icfWithBoundary ?
588             sample_expolygon_with_boundary(islands, samples_per_mm2,
589                                            5.f / poisson_radius, m_rng) :
590             sample_expolygon(islands, samples_per_mm2, m_rng);
592     std::vector<Vec2f>  poisson_samples;
593     for (size_t iter = 0; iter < 4; ++ iter) {
594         poisson_samples = poisson_disk_from_samples(raw_samples, poisson_radius,
595             [&structure, &grid3d, min_spacing](const Vec2f &pos) {
596                 return grid3d.collides_with(pos, structure.layer->print_z, min_spacing);
597             });
598         if (poisson_samples.size() >= poisson_samples_target || m_config.minimal_distance > poisson_radius-EPSILON)
599             break;
600         float coeff = 0.5f;
601         if (poisson_samples.size() * 2 > poisson_samples_target)
602             coeff = float(poisson_samples.size()) / float(poisson_samples_target);
603         poisson_radius = std::max(m_config.minimal_distance, poisson_radius * coeff);
604         min_spacing    = std::max(m_config.minimal_distance, min_spacing * coeff);
605     }
608     {
609         static int irun = 0;
610         Slic3r::SVG svg(debug_out_path("SLA_supports-uniformly_cover-%d.svg", irun ++), get_extents(islands));
611         for (const ExPolygon &island : islands)
612             svg.draw(island);
613         for (const Vec2f &pt : raw_samples)
614             svg.draw(Point(scale_(pt.x()), scale_(pt.y())), "red");
615         for (const Vec2f &pt : poisson_samples)
616             svg.draw(Point(scale_(pt.x()), scale_(pt.y())), "blue");
617     }
618 #endif /* NDEBUG */
620 //    assert(! poisson_samples.empty());
621     if (poisson_samples_target < poisson_samples.size()) {
622         std::shuffle(poisson_samples.begin(), poisson_samples.end(), m_rng);
623         poisson_samples.erase(poisson_samples.begin() + poisson_samples_target, poisson_samples.end());
624     }
625     for (const Vec2f &pt : poisson_samples) {
626         m_output.emplace_back(float(pt(0)), float(pt(1)), structure.zlevel, m_config.head_diameter/2.f, flags & icfIsNew);
627         structure.supports_force_this_layer += m_config.support_force();
628         grid3d.insert(pt, &structure);
629     }
630 }
remove_bottom_points(std::vector<SupportPoint> & pts,float lvl)633 void remove_bottom_points(std::vector<SupportPoint> &pts, float lvl)
634 {
635     // get iterator to the reorganized vector end
636     auto endit = std::remove_if(pts.begin(), pts.end(), [lvl]
637                                 (const sla::SupportPoint &sp) {
638         return sp.pos.z() <= lvl;
639     });
641     // erase all elements after the new end
642     pts.erase(endit, pts.end());
643 }
output_structures(const std::vector<Structure> & structures)646 void SupportPointGenerator::output_structures(const std::vector<Structure>& structures)
647 {
648     for (unsigned int i=0 ; i<structures.size(); ++i) {
649         std::stringstream ss;
650         ss << structures[i].unique_id.count() << "_" << std::setw(10) << std::setfill('0') << 1000 + (int)structures[i].height/1000 << ".png";
651         output_expolygons(std::vector<ExPolygon>{*structures[i].polygon}, ss.str());
652     }
653 }
output_expolygons(const ExPolygons & expolys,const std::string & filename)655 void SupportPointGenerator::output_expolygons(const ExPolygons& expolys, const std::string &filename)
656 {
657     BoundingBox bb(Point(-30000000, -30000000), Point(30000000, 30000000));
658     Slic3r::SVG svg_cummulative(filename, bb);
659     for (size_t i = 0; i < expolys.size(); ++ i) {
660         /*Slic3r::SVG svg("single"+std::to_string(i)+".svg", bb);
661         svg.draw(expolys[i]);
662         svg.draw_outline(expolys[i].contour, "black", scale_(0.05));
663         svg.draw_outline(expolys[i].holes, "blue", scale_(0.05));
664         svg.Close();*/
666         svg_cummulative.draw(expolys[i]);
667         svg_cummulative.draw_outline(expolys[i].contour, "black", scale_(0.05));
668         svg_cummulative.draw_outline(expolys[i].holes, "blue", scale_(0.05));
669     }
670 }
671 #endif
673 } // namespace sla
674 } // namespace Slic3r