1 /**CFile****************************************************************
3   FileName    [exorLink.c]
5   SystemName  [ABC: Logic synthesis and verification system.]
7   PackageName [Exclusive sum-of-product minimization.]
9   Synopsis    [Cube iterators.]
11   Author      [Alan Mishchenko]
13   Affiliation [UC Berkeley]
15   Date        [Ver. 1.0. Started - June 20, 2005.]
17   Revision    [$Id: exorLink.c,v 1.0 2005/06/20 00:00:00 alanmi Exp $]
19 ***********************************************************************/
21 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
22 ///                                                                  ///
23 ///                  Implementation of EXORCISM - 4                  ///
24 ///              An Exclusive Sum-of-Product Minimizer               ///
25 ///                                                                  ///
26 ///               Alan Mishchenko  <alanmi@ee.pdx.edu>               ///
27 ///                                                                  ///
28 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
29 ///                                                                  ///
30 ///                 Generation of ExorLinked Cubes                   ///
31 ///                                                                  ///
32 ///  Ver. 1.0. Started - July 26, 2000. Last update - July 29, 2000  ///
33 ///  Ver. 1.4. Started -  Aug 10, 2000. Last update -  Aug 12, 2000  ///
34 ///                                                                  ///
35 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
36 ///   This software was tested with the BDD package "CUDD", v.2.3.0  ///
37 ///                          by Fabio Somenzi                        ///
38 ///                  http://vlsi.colorado.edu/~fabio/                ///
39 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
41 #include "exor.h"
45 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 ///                       MACRO DEFINITIONS                          ///
47 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
49 #define LARGE_NUM 1000000
51 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
52 ///                 EXTERNAL FUNCTION DECLARATIONS                   ///
53 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
55 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
56 ///                    FUNCTIONS OF THIS MODULE                      ///
57 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
59 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorStart( Cube** pGroup, Cube* pC1, Cube* pC2, cubedist Dist );
60 // this function starts the Exor-Link iterator, which iterates
61 // through the cube groups starting from the group with min literals
62 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if the cubes have wrong distance
64 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorNext( Cube** pGroup );
65 // give the next group in the decreasing order of sum of literals
66 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if there are no more groups
68 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorPick( Cube** pGroup, int g );
69 // gives the group #g in the order in which the groups were given
70 // during iteration
71 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if something g is too large
73 void ExorLinkCubeIteratorCleanUp( int fTakeLastGroup );
74 // removes the cubes from the store back into the list of free cubes
75 // if fTakeLastGroup is 0, removes all cubes
76 // if fTakeLastGroup is 1, does not store the last group
78 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 ///                       EXTERNAL VARIABLES                         ///
80 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
82 // information about the cube cover before
83 extern cinfo g_CoverInfo;
84 // new IDs are assigned only when it is known that the cubes are useful
85 // this is done in ExorLinkCubeIteratorCleanUp();
87 // the head of the list of free cubes
88 extern Cube* g_CubesFree;
90 extern byte BitCount[];
92 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
93 ///                         EXORLINK INFO                            ///
94 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
96 const int s_ELMax = 4;
98 // ExorLink-2: there are 4 cubes,  2 literals each, combined into 2 groups
99 // ExorLink-3: there are 12 cubes, 3 literals each, combined into 6 groups
100 // ExorLink-4: there are 32 cubes, 4 literals each, combined into 24 groups
101 // ExorLink-5: there are 80 cubes, 5 literals each, combined into 120 groups
102 // Exorlink-n: there are n*2^(n-1) cubes, n literals each, combined into n! groups
103 const int s_ELnCubes[4]  = { 4, 12, 32, 80 };
104 const int s_ELnGroups[4] = { 2,  6, 24, 120 };
106 // value sets of cubes X{a0}Y{b0}Z{c0}U{d0} and X{a1}Y{b1}Z{c1}U{d1}
107 // used to represent the ExorLink cube generation rules
108 enum { vs0, vs1, vsX };
109 // vs0 = 0, // the value set of the first cube
110 // vs1 = 1, // the value set of the second cube
111 // vsX = 2  // EXOR of the value sets of the first and second cubes
113 // representation of ExorLinked cubes
114 static int s_ELCubeRules[3][32][4]  = {
115 { // ExorLink-2 Cube Generating Rules
116                        // | 0 | 1 | - sections
117                        // |-------|
118     {vsX,vs0}, // cube 0  |   |   |
119     {vsX,vs1}, // cube 1  |   | 0 |
120     {vs0,vsX}, // cube 2  |   |   |
121     {vs1,vsX}  // cube 3  | 0 |   |
122 },
123 { // ExorLink-3 Cube Generating Rules
124                             // | 0 | 1 | 2 | - sections
125                             // |-----------|
126     {vsX,vs0,vs0}, // cube 0   |   |   |   |
127     {vsX,vs0,vs1}, // cube 1   |   |   | 0 |
128     {vsX,vs1,vs0}, // cube 2   |   | 0 |   |
129     {vsX,vs1,vs1}, // cube 3   |   | 1 | 1 |
131     {vs0,vsX,vs0}, // cube 4   |   |   |   |
132     {vs0,vsX,vs1}, // cube 5   |   |   | 2 |
133     {vs1,vsX,vs0}, // cube 6   | 0 |   |   |
134     {vs1,vsX,vs1}, // cube 7   | 1 |   | 3 |
136     {vs0,vs0,vsX}, // cube 8   |   |   |   |
137     {vs0,vs1,vsX}, // cube 9   |   | 2 |   |
138     {vs1,vs0,vsX}, // cube 10  | 2 |   |   |
139     {vs1,vs1,vsX}  // cube 11  | 3 | 3 |   |
140 },
141 { // ExorLink-4 Rules Generating Rules
142                                 // | 0 | 1 | 2 | 4 | - sections
143                                 // |---------------|
144     {vsX,vs0,vs0,vs0}, // cube 0   |   |   |   |   |
145     {vsX,vs0,vs0,vs1}, // cube 1   |   |   |   | 0 |
146     {vsX,vs0,vs1,vs0}, // cube 2   |   |   | 0 |   |
147     {vsX,vs0,vs1,vs1}, // cube 3   |   |   | 1 | 1 |
148     {vsX,vs1,vs0,vs0}, // cube 4   |   | 0 |   |   |
149     {vsX,vs1,vs0,vs1}, // cube 5   |   | 1 |   | 2 |
150     {vsX,vs1,vs1,vs0}, // cube 6   |   | 2 | 2 |   |
151     {vsX,vs1,vs1,vs1}, // cube 7   |   | 3 | 3 | 3 |
153     {vs0,vsX,vs0,vs0}, // cube 8   |   |   |   |   |
154     {vs0,vsX,vs0,vs1}, // cube 9   |   |   |   | 4 |
155     {vs0,vsX,vs1,vs0}, // cube 10  |   |   | 4 |   |
156     {vs0,vsX,vs1,vs1}, // cube 11  |   |   | 5 | 5 |
157     {vs1,vsX,vs0,vs0}, // cube 12  | 0 |   |   |   |
158     {vs1,vsX,vs0,vs1}, // cube 13  | 1 |   |   | 6 |
159     {vs1,vsX,vs1,vs0}, // cube 14  | 2 |   | 6 |   |
160     {vs1,vsX,vs1,vs1}, // cube 15  | 3 |   | 7 | 7 |
162     {vs0,vs0,vsX,vs0}, // cube 16  |   |   |   |   |
163     {vs0,vs0,vsX,vs1}, // cube 17  |   |   |   | 8 |
164     {vs0,vs1,vsX,vs0}, // cube 18  |   | 4 |   |   |
165     {vs0,vs1,vsX,vs1}, // cube 19  |   | 5 |   | 9 |
166     {vs1,vs0,vsX,vs0}, // cube 20  | 4 |   |   |   |
167     {vs1,vs0,vsX,vs1}, // cube 21  | 5 |   |   | 10|
168     {vs1,vs1,vsX,vs0}, // cube 22  | 6 | 6 |   |   |
169     {vs1,vs1,vsX,vs1}, // cube 23  | 7 | 7 |   | 11|
171     {vs0,vs0,vs0,vsX}, // cube 24  |   |   |   |   |
172     {vs0,vs0,vs1,vsX}, // cube 25  |   |   | 8 |   |
173     {vs0,vs1,vs0,vsX}, // cube 26  |   | 8 |   |   |
174     {vs0,vs1,vs1,vsX}, // cube 27  |   | 9 | 9 |   |
175     {vs1,vs0,vs0,vsX}, // cube 28  | 8 |   |   |   |
176     {vs1,vs0,vs1,vsX}, // cube 29  | 9 |   | 10|   |
177     {vs1,vs1,vs0,vsX}, // cube 30  | 10| 10|   |   |
178     {vs1,vs1,vs1,vsX}  // cube 31  | 11| 11| 11|   |
179 }
180 };
182 // these cubes are combined into groups
183 static int s_ELGroupRules[3][24][4] = {
184 { // ExorLink-2 Group Forming Rules
185     {0,3},  // group 0 - section 0
186     {2,1}   // group 1 - section 1
187 },
188 { // ExorLink-3 Group Forming Rules
189     {0,6,11}, // group 0 - section 0
190     {0,7,10}, // group 1
191     {4,2,11}, // group 2 - section 1
192     {4,3,9},  // group 3
193     {8,1,7},  // group 4 - section 2
194     {8,3,5}   // group 5
195 },
196 { // ExorLink-4 Group Forming Rules
197 // section 0: (0-12)(1-13)(2-14)(3-15)(4-20)(5-21)(6-22)(7-23)(8-28)(9-29)(10-30)(11-31)
198     {0,12,22,31},  // group 0       // {0,6,11}, // group 0  - section 0
199     {0,12,23,30},  // group 1       // {0,7,10}, // group 1
200     {0,20,14,31},  // group 2       // {4,2,11}, // group 2
201     {0,20,15,29},  // group 3       // {4,3,9},  // group 3
202     {0,28,13,23},  // group 4       // {8,1,7},  // group 4
203     {0,28,15,21},  // group 5       // {8,3,5}   // group 5
204 // section 1: (0-4)(1-5)(2-6)(3-7)(4-18)(5-19)(6-22)(7-23)(8-26)(9-27)(10-30)(11-31)
205     {8,4,22,31},   // group 6
206     {8,4,23,30},   // group 7
207     {8,18,6,31},   // group 8
208     {8,18,7,27},   // group 9
209     {8,26,5,23},   // group 10
210     {8,26,7,19},   // group 11
211 // section 2: (0-2)(1-3)(2-6)(3-7)(4-10)(5-11)(6-14)(7-15)(8-25)(9-27)(10-29)(11-31)
212     {16,2,14,31},  // group 12
213     {16,2,15,29},  // group 13
214     {16,10,6,31},  // group 14
215     {16,10,7,27},  // group 15
216     {16,25,3,15},  // group 16
217     {16,25,7,11},  // group 17
218 // section 3: (0-1)(1-3)(2-5)(3-7)(4-9)(5-11)(6-13)(7-15)(8-17)(9-19)(10-21)(11-23)
219     {24,1,13,23},  // group 18
220     {24,1,15,21},  // group 19
221     {24,9, 5,23},  // group 20
222     {24,9, 7,19},  // group 21
223     {24,17,3,15},  // group 22
224     {24,17,7,11}   // group 23
225 }
226 };
228 // it is assumed that if literals in the first cube, second cube
229 // and their EXOR are 0 or 1 (as opposed to -), they are written
230 // into a mask, which is used to count the number of literals in
231 // the cube groups cubes
232 //
233 // below is the set of masks selecting literals belonging
234 // to the given cube of the group
236 static drow s_CubeLitMasks[3][32] = {
237 {  // ExorLink-2 Literal Counting Masks
238 //                      v3   v2   v1   v0
239 //                     -xBA -xBA -xBA -xBA
240 //                     -------------------
241     0x14,  // cube 0  <0000 0000 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0}
242     0x24,  // cube 1  <0000 0000 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1}
243     0x41,  // cube 2  <0000 0000 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX}
244     0x42,  // cube 3  <0000 0000 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX}
245 },
246 {  // ExorLink-3 Literal Counting Masks
247     0x114, // cube 0  <0000 0001 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs0}
248     0x214, // cube 1  <0000 0010 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs1}
249     0x124, // cube 2  <0000 0001 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs0}
250     0x224, // cube 3  <0000 0010 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs1}
251     0x141, // cube 4  <0000 0001 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs0}
252     0x241, // cube 5  <0000 0010 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs1}
253     0x142, // cube 6  <0000 0001 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs0}
254     0x242, // cube 7  <0000 0010 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs1}
255     0x411, // cube 8  <0000 0100 0001 0001> {vs0,vs0,vsX}
256     0x421, // cube 9  <0000 0100 0010 0001> {vs0,vs1,vsX}
257     0x412, // cube 10 <0000 0100 0001 0010> {vs1,vs0,vsX}
258     0x422, // cube 11 <0000 0100 0010 0010> {vs1,vs1,vsX}
259 },
260 {  // ExorLink-4 Literal Counting Masks
261     0x1114, // cube 0   <0001 0001 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs0,vs0}
262     0x2114, // cube 1   <0010 0001 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs0,vs1}
263     0x1214, // cube 2   <0001 0010 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs1,vs0}
264     0x2214, // cube 3   <0010 0010 0001 0100> {vsX,vs0,vs1,vs1}
265     0x1124, // cube 4   <0001 0001 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs0,vs0}
266     0x2124, // cube 5   <0010 0001 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs0,vs1}
267     0x1224, // cube 6   <0001 0010 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs1,vs0}
268     0x2224, // cube 7   <0010 0010 0010 0100> {vsX,vs1,vs1,vs1}
269     0x1141, // cube 8   <0001 0001 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs0,vs0}
270     0x2141, // cube 9   <0010 0001 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs0,vs1}
271     0x1241, // cube 10  <0001 0010 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs1,vs0}
272     0x2241, // cube 11  <0010 0010 0100 0001> {vs0,vsX,vs1,vs1}
273     0x1142, // cube 12  <0001 0001 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs0,vs0}
274     0x2142, // cube 13  <0010 0001 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs0,vs1}
275     0x1242, // cube 14  <0001 0010 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs1,vs0}
276     0x2242, // cube 15  <0010 0010 0100 0010> {vs1,vsX,vs1,vs1}
277     0x1411, // cube 16  <0001 0100 0001 0001> {vs0,vs0,vsX,vs0}
278     0x2411, // cube 17  <0010 0100 0001 0001> {vs0,vs0,vsX,vs1}
279     0x1421, // cube 18  <0001 0100 0010 0001> {vs0,vs1,vsX,vs0}
280     0x2421, // cube 19  <0010 0100 0010 0001> {vs0,vs1,vsX,vs1}
281     0x1412, // cube 20  <0001 0100 0001 0010> {vs1,vs0,vsX,vs0}
282     0x2412, // cube 21  <0010 0100 0001 0010> {vs1,vs0,vsX,vs1}
283     0x1422, // cube 22  <0001 0100 0010 0010> {vs1,vs1,vsX,vs0}
284     0x2422, // cube 23  <0010 0100 0010 0010> {vs1,vs1,vsX,vs1}
285     0x4111, // cube 24  <0100 0001 0001 0001> {vs0,vs0,vs0,vsX}
286     0x4211, // cube 25  <0100 0010 0001 0001> {vs0,vs0,vs1,vsX}
287     0x4121, // cube 26  <0100 0001 0010 0001> {vs0,vs1,vs0,vsX}
288     0x4221, // cube 27  <0100 0010 0010 0001> {vs0,vs1,vs1,vsX}
289     0x4112, // cube 28  <0100 0001 0001 0010> {vs1,vs0,vs0,vsX}
290     0x4212, // cube 29  <0100 0010 0001 0010> {vs1,vs0,vs1,vsX}
291     0x4122, // cube 30  <0100 0001 0010 0010> {vs1,vs1,vs0,vsX}
292     0x4222, // cube 31  <0100 0010 0010 0010> {vs1,vs1,vs1,vsX}
293 }
294 };
296 static drow s_BitMasks[32] =
297 {
298     0x00000001,0x00000002,0x00000004,0x00000008,
299     0x00000010,0x00000020,0x00000040,0x00000080,
300     0x00000100,0x00000200,0x00000400,0x00000800,
301     0x00001000,0x00002000,0x00004000,0x00008000,
302     0x00010000,0x00020000,0x00040000,0x00080000,
303     0x00100000,0x00200000,0x00400000,0x00800000,
304     0x01000000,0x02000000,0x04000000,0x08000000,
305     0x10000000,0x20000000,0x40000000,0x80000000
306 };
308 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
309 ///                        STATIC VARIABLES                          ///
310 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
312 // this flag is TRUE as long as the storage is allocated
313 static int fWorking;
315 // set these flags to have minimum literal groups generated first
316 static int fMinLitGroupsFirst[4] = { 0 /*dist2*/, 0 /*dist3*/, 0 /*dist4*/};
318 static int nDist;
319 static int nCubes;
320 static int nCubesInGroup;
321 static int nGroups;
322 static Cube *pCA, *pCB;
324 // storage for variable numbers that are different in the cubes
325 static int DiffVars[5];
326 static int* pDiffVars;
327 static int nDifferentVars;
329 // storage for the bits and words of different input variables
330 static int nDiffVarsIn;
331 static int DiffVarWords[5];
332 static int DiffVarBits[5];
334 // literal mask used to count the number of literals in the cubes
335 static drow MaskLiterals;
336 // the base for counting literals
337 static int StartingLiterals;
338 // the number of literals in each cube
339 static int CubeLiterals[32];
340 static int BitShift;
341 static int DiffVarValues[4][3];
342 static int Value;
344 // the sorted array of groups in the increasing order of costs
345 static int GroupCosts[32];
346 static int GroupCostBest;
347 static int GroupCostBestNum;
349 static int CubeNum;
350 static int NewZ;
351 static drow Temp;
353 // the cubes currently created
354 static Cube* ELCubes[32];
356 // the bit string with 1's corresponding to cubes in ELCubes[]
357 // that constitute the last group
358 static drow LastGroup;
360 static int  GroupOrder[24];
361 static drow VisitedGroups;
362 static int  nVisitedGroups;
364 //int RemainderBits = (nVars*2)%(sizeof(drow)*8);
365 //int TotalWords    = (nVars*2)/(sizeof(drow)*8) + (RemainderBits > 0);
366 static drow DammyBitData[(MAXVARS*2)/(sizeof(drow)*8)+(MAXVARS*2)%(sizeof(drow)*8)];
368 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
369 ///                       FUNCTION DEFINTIONS                        ///
370 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
372 // IDEA! if we already used a cube to count distances and it did not improve
373 // there is no need to try it again with other group
374 // (this idea works only for ExorLink-2 and -3)
ExorLinkCubeIteratorStart(Cube ** pGroup,Cube * pC1,Cube * pC2,cubedist Dist)376 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorStart( Cube** pGroup, Cube* pC1, Cube* pC2, cubedist Dist )
377 // this function starts the Exor-Link iterator, which iterates
378 // through the cube groups starting from the group with min literals
379 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if the cubes have wrong distance
380 {
381     int i, c;
383     // check that everything is okey
384     assert( pC1 != NULL );
385     assert( pC2 != NULL );
386     assert( !fWorking );
388     nDist = Dist;
389     nCubes = Dist + 2;
390     nCubesInGroup = s_ELnCubes[nDist];
391     nGroups = s_ELnGroups[Dist];
392     pCA = pC1;
393     pCB = pC2;
394     // find what variables are different in these two cubes
395     // FindDiffVars returns DiffVars[0] < 0, if the output is different
396     nDifferentVars = FindDiffVars( DiffVars, pCA, pCB );
397     if ( nCubes != nDifferentVars )
398     {
399 //      cout << "ExorLinkCubeIterator(): Distance mismatch";
400 //      cout << " nCubes = " << nCubes << " nDiffVars = " << nDifferentVars << endl;
401         fWorking = 0;
402         return 0;
403     }
405     // copy the input variable cube data into DammyBitData[]
406     for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsIn; i++ )
407         DammyBitData[i] = pCA->pCubeDataIn[i];
409     // find the number of different input variables
410     nDiffVarsIn = ( DiffVars[0] >= 0 )? nCubes: nCubes-1;
411     // assign the pointer to the place where the number of diff input vars is stored
412     pDiffVars   = ( DiffVars[0] >= 0 )? DiffVars: DiffVars+1;
413     // find the bit offsets and remove different variables
414     for ( i = 0; i < nDiffVarsIn; i++ )
415     {
416         DiffVarWords[i] = ((2*pDiffVars[i]) >> LOGBPI) ;
417         DiffVarBits[i]  = ((2*pDiffVars[i]) & BPIMASK);
418         // clear this position
419         DammyBitData[ DiffVarWords[i] ] &= ~( 3 << DiffVarBits[i] );
420     }
422     // extract the values from the cubes and create the mask of literals
423     MaskLiterals = 0;
424     // initialize the base for literal counts
425     StartingLiterals = pCA->a;
426     for ( i = 0, BitShift = 0; i < nDiffVarsIn; i++, BitShift++ )
427     {
428         DiffVarValues[i][0] = ( pCA->pCubeDataIn[DiffVarWords[i]] >> DiffVarBits[i] ) & 3;
429         if ( DiffVarValues[i][0] != VAR_ABS )
430         {
431             MaskLiterals |= ( 1 << BitShift );
432             // update the base for literal counts
433             StartingLiterals--;
434         }
435         BitShift++;
437         DiffVarValues[i][1] = ( pCB->pCubeDataIn[DiffVarWords[i]] >> DiffVarBits[i] ) & 3;
438         if ( DiffVarValues[i][1] != VAR_ABS )
439             MaskLiterals |= ( 1 << BitShift );
440         BitShift++;
442         DiffVarValues[i][2] = DiffVarValues[i][0] ^ DiffVarValues[i][1];
443         if ( DiffVarValues[i][2] != VAR_ABS )
444             MaskLiterals |= ( 1 << BitShift );
445         BitShift++;
446     }
448     // count the number of additional literals in each cube of the group
449     for ( i = 0; i < nCubesInGroup; i++ )
450         CubeLiterals[i] = BitCount[ MaskLiterals & s_CubeLitMasks[Dist][i] ];
452     // compute the costs of all groups
453     for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
454         // go over all cubes in the group
455         for ( GroupCosts[i] = 0, c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
456             GroupCosts[i] += CubeLiterals[ s_ELGroupRules[Dist][i][c] ];
458     // find the best cost group
459     if ( fMinLitGroupsFirst[Dist] )
460     { // find the minimum cost group
461         GroupCostBest = LARGE_NUM;
462         for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
463             if ( GroupCostBest > GroupCosts[i] )
464             {
465                 GroupCostBest = GroupCosts[i];
466                 GroupCostBestNum = i;
467             }
468     }
469     else
470     { // find the maximum cost group
471         GroupCostBest = -1;
472         for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
473             if ( GroupCostBest < GroupCosts[i] )
474             {
475                 GroupCostBest = GroupCosts[i];
476                 GroupCostBestNum = i;
477             }
478     }
480     // create the cubes with min number of literals needed for the group
481     LastGroup = 0;
482     for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
483     {
484         CubeNum = s_ELGroupRules[Dist][GroupCostBestNum][c];
485         LastGroup |= s_BitMasks[CubeNum];
487         // bring a cube from the free cube list
488         ELCubes[CubeNum] = GetFreeCube();
490         // copy the input bit data into the cube
491         for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsIn; i++ )
492             ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataIn[i] = DammyBitData[i];
494         // copy the output bit data into the cube
495         NewZ = 0;
496         if ( DiffVars[0] >= 0 ) // the output is not involved in ExorLink
497         {
498             for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
499                 ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i];
500             NewZ = pCA->z;
501         }
502         else // the output is involved
503         { // determine where the output information comes from
504             Value = s_ELCubeRules[Dist][CubeNum][nDiffVarsIn];
505             if ( Value == vs0 )
506                 for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
507                 {
508                     Temp = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i];
509                     ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
510                     NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
511                 }
512             else if ( Value == vs1 )
513                 for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
514                 {
515                     Temp = pCB->pCubeDataOut[i];
516                     ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
517                     NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
518                 }
519             else if ( Value == vsX )
520                 for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
521                 {
522                     Temp = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i] ^ pCB->pCubeDataOut[i];
523                     ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
524                     NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
525                 }
526         }
528         // set the variables that should be there
529         for ( i = 0; i < nDiffVarsIn; i++ )
530         {
531             Value = DiffVarValues[i][ s_ELCubeRules[Dist][CubeNum][i] ];
532             ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataIn[ DiffVarWords[i] ] |= ( Value << DiffVarBits[i] );
533         }
535         // set the number of literals
536         ELCubes[CubeNum]->a = StartingLiterals + CubeLiterals[CubeNum];
537         ELCubes[CubeNum]->z = NewZ;
538         ELCubes[CubeNum]->q = ComputeQCostBits( ELCubes[CubeNum] );
540         // assign the ID
541         ELCubes[CubeNum]->ID = g_CoverInfo.cIDs++;
542         // skip through zero-ID
543         if ( g_CoverInfo.cIDs == 256 )
544             g_CoverInfo.cIDs = 1;
546         // prepare the return array
547         pGroup[c] = ELCubes[CubeNum];
548     }
550     // mark this group as visited
551     VisitedGroups |= s_BitMasks[ GroupCostBestNum ];
552     // set the first visited group number
553     GroupOrder[0] = GroupCostBestNum;
554     // increment the counter of visited groups
555     nVisitedGroups = 1;
556     fWorking = 1;
557     return 1;
558 }
ExorLinkCubeIteratorNext(Cube ** pGroup)560 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorNext( Cube** pGroup )
561 // give the next group in the decreasing order of sum of literals
562 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if there are no more groups
563 {
564     int i, c;
566     // check that everything is okey
567     assert( fWorking );
569     if ( nVisitedGroups == nGroups )
570     // we have iterated through all groups
571         return 0;
573     // find the min/max cost group
574     if ( fMinLitGroupsFirst[nDist] )
575 //  if ( nCubes == 4 )
576     { // find the minimum cost
577         // go through all groups
578         GroupCostBest = LARGE_NUM;
579         for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
580             if ( !(VisitedGroups & s_BitMasks[i]) && GroupCostBest > GroupCosts[i] )
581             {
582                 GroupCostBest = GroupCosts[i];
583                 GroupCostBestNum = i;
584             }
585         assert( GroupCostBest != LARGE_NUM );
586     }
587     else
588     { // find the maximum cost
589         // go through all groups
590         GroupCostBest = -1;
591         for ( i = 0; i < nGroups; i++ )
592             if ( !(VisitedGroups & s_BitMasks[i]) && GroupCostBest < GroupCosts[i] )
593             {
594                 GroupCostBest = GroupCosts[i];
595                 GroupCostBestNum = i;
596             }
597         assert( GroupCostBest != -1 );
598     }
600     // create the cubes needed for the group, if they are not created already
601     LastGroup = 0;
602     for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
603     {
604         CubeNum = s_ELGroupRules[nDist][GroupCostBestNum][c];
605         LastGroup |= s_BitMasks[CubeNum];
607         if ( ELCubes[CubeNum] == NULL ) // this cube does not exist
608         {
609             // bring a cube from the free cube list
610             ELCubes[CubeNum] = GetFreeCube();
612             // copy the input bit data into the cube
613             for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsIn; i++ )
614                 ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataIn[i] = DammyBitData[i];
616             // copy the output bit data into the cube
617             NewZ = 0;
618             if ( DiffVars[0] >= 0 ) // the output is not involved in ExorLink
619             {
620                 for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
621                     ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i];
622                 NewZ = pCA->z;
623             }
624             else // the output is involved
625             { // determine where the output information comes from
626                 Value = s_ELCubeRules[nDist][CubeNum][nDiffVarsIn];
627                 if ( Value == vs0 )
628                     for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
629                     {
630                         Temp = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i];
631                         ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
632                         NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
633                     }
634                 else if ( Value == vs1 )
635                     for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
636                     {
637                         Temp = pCB->pCubeDataOut[i];
638                         ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
639                         NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
640                     }
641                 else if ( Value == vsX )
642                     for ( i = 0; i < g_CoverInfo.nWordsOut; i++ )
643                     {
644                         Temp = pCA->pCubeDataOut[i] ^ pCB->pCubeDataOut[i];
645                         ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataOut[i] = Temp;
646                         NewZ += BIT_COUNT(Temp);
647                     }
648             }
650             // set the variables that should be there
651             for ( i = 0; i < nDiffVarsIn; i++ )
652             {
653                 Value = DiffVarValues[i][ s_ELCubeRules[nDist][CubeNum][i] ];
654                 ELCubes[CubeNum]->pCubeDataIn[ DiffVarWords[i] ] |= ( Value << DiffVarBits[i] );
655             }
657             // set the number of literals and output ones
658             ELCubes[CubeNum]->a = StartingLiterals + CubeLiterals[CubeNum];
659             ELCubes[CubeNum]->z = NewZ;
660             ELCubes[CubeNum]->q = ComputeQCostBits( ELCubes[CubeNum] );
661             assert( NewZ != 255 );
663             // assign the ID
664             ELCubes[CubeNum]->ID = g_CoverInfo.cIDs++;
665             // skip through zero-ID
666             if ( g_CoverInfo.cIDs == 256 )
667                 g_CoverInfo.cIDs = 1;
669         }
670         // prepare the return array
671         pGroup[c] = ELCubes[CubeNum];
672     }
674     // mark this group as visited
675     VisitedGroups |= s_BitMasks[ GroupCostBestNum ];
676     // set the next visited group number and
677     // increment the counter of visited groups
678     GroupOrder[ nVisitedGroups++ ] = GroupCostBestNum;
679     return 1;
680 }
ExorLinkCubeIteratorPick(Cube ** pGroup,int g)682 int ExorLinkCubeIteratorPick( Cube** pGroup, int g )
683 // gives the group #g in the order in which the groups were given
684 // during iteration
685 // returns 1 on success, returns 0 if something is wrong (g is too large)
686 {
687     int GroupNum, c;
689     assert( fWorking );
690     assert( g >= 0 && g < nGroups );
691     assert( VisitedGroups & s_BitMasks[g] );
693     GroupNum = GroupOrder[g];
694     // form the group
695     LastGroup = 0;
696     for ( c = 0; c < nCubes; c++ )
697     {
698         CubeNum = s_ELGroupRules[nDist][GroupNum][c];
700         // remember this group as the last one
701         LastGroup |= s_BitMasks[CubeNum];
703         assert( ELCubes[CubeNum] != NULL ); // this cube should exist
704         // prepare the return array
705         pGroup[c] = ELCubes[CubeNum];
706     }
707     return 1;
708 }
ExorLinkCubeIteratorCleanUp(int fTakeLastGroup)710 void ExorLinkCubeIteratorCleanUp( int fTakeLastGroup )
711 // removes the cubes from the store back into the list of free cubes
712 // if fTakeLastGroup is 0, removes all cubes
713 // if fTakeLastGroup is 1, does not store the last group
714 {
715     int c;
716     assert( fWorking );
718     // put cubes back
719     // set the cube pointers to zero
720     if ( fTakeLastGroup == 0 )
721         for ( c = 0; c < nCubesInGroup; c++ )
722         {
723             ELCubes[c]->fMark = 0;
724             AddToFreeCubes( ELCubes[c] );
725             ELCubes[c] = NULL;
726         }
727     else
728         for ( c = 0; c < nCubesInGroup; c++ )
729         if ( ELCubes[c] )
730         {
731             ELCubes[c]->fMark = 0;
732             if ( (LastGroup & s_BitMasks[c]) == 0 ) // does not belong to the last group
733                 AddToFreeCubes( ELCubes[c] );
734             ELCubes[c] = NULL;
735         }
737     // set the cube groups to zero
738     VisitedGroups = 0;
739     // shut down the iterator
740     fWorking = 0;
741 }
744 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
745 ////////////              End of File             /////////////////
746 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////