2 %option nounput
4 %{
5 /*
6  * This file is part of the Alliance CAD System
7  * Copyright (C) Laboratoire LIP6 - D�partement ASIM
8  * Universite Pierre et Marie Curie
9  *
10  * Home page          : http://www-asim.lip6.fr/alliance/
11  * E-mail             : mailto:alliance-users@asim.lip6.fr
12  *
13  * This library is free software; you  can redistribute it and/or modify it
14  * under the terms  of the GNU Library General Public  License as published
15  * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at
16  * your option) any later version.
17  *
18  * Alliance VLSI  CAD System  is distributed  in the hope  that it  will be
19  * useful, but WITHOUT  ANY WARRANTY; without even the  implied warranty of
21  * Public License for more details.
22  *
23  * You should have received a copy  of the GNU General Public License along
24  * with the GNU C Library; see the  file COPYING. If not, write to the Free
25  * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
26  */
27  /*
28   * Parsing Philips modgen format, done during the IDPS project.
29   * Author: Fr�d�ric P�trot
30   */
32 #include <string.h>
33 #include <ctype.h>
34 #include <mut.h>
35 #include "mg2mbk_y.h"
36 static void zweep();
37 extern char *filenameforlex();
38 /* change lex input routine to a non case sensitive one */
39 #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER
40 #ifdef YY_INPUT
41 #undef YY_INPUT
42 #endif
43 #define YY_INPUT(buf,result,max_size) \
44 	do { \
45 	int c = getc(yyin); \
46 		result = (c == EOF) ? YY_NULL \
47 									: (buf[0] = isupper(c) ? tolower(c) : c, 1); \
48 	} while(0)
50 int yylineno;
51 #else /* using lex, for sure */
52 #ifdef input
53 #undef input
54 #endif
55 #define input()	(((yytchar = yysptr > yysbuf ? U(*--yysptr)    \
56 							: getc(yyin)) == 10 ?(yylineno++,yytchar)   \
57 								: yytchar) == EOF ? 0                    \
58 									: isupper(yytchar) ? tolower(yytchar) \
59 										: yytchar)
60 #endif
61 %}
63 cset		[a-zA-Z_/]
64 digit		[0-9]
65 sign		[-+]
66 blank		[ \t]*
67 ident		{cset}({cset}|{digit}|\[{digit}+\]|\.|$)*
68 fp			{sign}?{digit}*\.?{digit}+
70 %%
71 {blank}					{}
72 \n							{
73 #ifdef FLEX_SCANNER
74 								yylineno++;
75 #endif
76 							}
77 \/\*						{zweep('/');}
78 \#							{zweep('\n');}
79 property					{zweep('}');}
80 node						{zweep('}');}
81 text						{zweep(';');}
82 constraint				{zweep(';');}
83 cell						{return CELL;}
84 place						{return PLACE;}
85 terminal					{return TERMINAL;}
86 ra							{return RA;}
87 stretch					{return STRETCH;}
88 wire						{return WIRE;}
89 width						{return MWIDTH;}
90 hor						{return HORIZ;}
91 ver						{return VERTI;}
92 left						{return MLEFT;}
93 right						{return MRIGHT;}
94 top						{return MTOP;}
95 bottom					{return MBOTTOM;}
96 at							{return AT;}
97 mx							{return MX;}
98 my							{return MY;}
99 r							{return R;}
100 ntr						{return NTR;}
101 ptr						{return PTR;}
102 cop						{return COP;}
103 con						{return CON;}
104 cops						{return COPS;}
105 copw						{return COPW;}
106 conw						{return CONW;}
107 pvia						{return PVIA;}
108 cxn						{return CXN;}
109 cxp						{return CXP;}
110 "="						{return '=';}
111 "{"						{return '{';}
112 "}"						{return '}';}
113 "("						{return '(';}
114 ")"						{return ')';}
115 ","						{return ',';}
116 ";"						{return ';';}
117 {ident}					{	yylval.s = mbkstrdup(yytext);
118 								return STRING;}
119 {fp}						{float f;
120 								sscanf(yytext, "%f", &f);
121 								yylval.n = (long)(f * SCALE_X);
122 #ifdef GRIDDED
123 								yylval.n *= 2;
124 #endif
125 								return NUM;}
126 %%
128 int yywrap()
129 {
130 	return 1;
131 }
zweep(find_it)133 static void zweep(find_it)
134 char find_it;
135 {
136 char c;
138 	while (1) {
139 		if ((c = input()) == 0) {
140 			(void)fprintf(stderr, "reached EOF before expected end line %d\n",
141 								yylineno);
142 			exit(12);
143 		}
144 		/* special case for comments */
145 		if (c == '*')
146 			if (find_it == '/')
147 				if ((c = input()) == 0) {
148 					(void)fprintf(stderr,
149 										"reached EOF before expected end of comment\n");
150 					exit(12);
151 				}
152 		if (c == find_it)
153 			return;
154 	}
155 }
yyerror(s)157 int yyerror(s)
158 char *s;
159 {
160 	fflush(stdout);
161 	fprintf(stderr, "modgen parser : syntax error line %d on %s file %s\n",
162 				yylineno, yytext, filenameforlex());
163 	exit(13);
164 }