1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
3import sys
4import os
5import re
6from pprint import pformat, pprint
7from distutils import log
8from distutils import sysconfig
9from configuration.util import execute, get_function, re_search, check_and_store, read_rcfile, prefix2etc
12def get_version_number(prefix):
13   # try for version >= 1.8
14   version = get_version_number_last(prefix)
15   if version:
16      log.info("previous installed version is %s (>= 1.8)", version)
17      return version
18   # try for version >= 1.7.5
19   version = get_version_number_1_7_5(prefix)
20   if version:
21      log.info("previous installed version is %s (>= 1.7.5)", version)
22      return version
23   # try for version <= 1.7.4
24   version = get_version_number_older(prefix)
25   if version:
26      log.info("previous installed version is %s", version)
27      return version
28   if not version:
29      log.warn("warning: can not get currently installed version!")
30   return version
33def get_version_number_last(prefix):
34   version = None
35   try:
36      path = sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix=prefix)
37      cmd = [sys.executable, '-c',
38             "import sys ; sys.path.insert(0, '%s') ; import asrun ; "\
39             "print 'as_run # %%s # %%s' %% (asrun.__version__, asrun.__file__)" % path]
40      output = execute(cmd)
41      log.debug("get_version_number >= 1.8, output :\n%s", output)
42      out = output.split('#')
43      if len(out) != 3:
44          return version
45      version, asrfile = [s.strip() for s in out[1:3]]
46      asrfile = re.sub("/asrun/__init__.py.*$", "", asrfile)
47      if asrfile.replace(path, '') != '':
48          raise Exception("unexpected asrun found :%s" % asrfile)
49   except Exception as msg:
50      log.debug("get_version_number >= 1.8, message : %s", str(msg))
51   return version
54def get_version_number_1_7_5(prefix):
55   version = None
56   try:
57      path = os.path.join(prefix, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV', 'lib')
58      assert os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, '__pkginfo__.py')), 'module not found: %s' % path
59      cmd = [sys.executable, '-c',
60             "import sys ; sys.path.insert(0, '%s') ; import __pkginfo__ as p ; print 'as_run', p.version" % path]
61      output = execute(cmd)
62      log.debug("get_version_number >= 1.7.5, output :\n%s", output)
63      mat = re.search('as_run +([0-9\-\.A-Za-z_]+)', output)
64      version = mat.group(1)
65   except Exception as msg:
66      log.debug("get_version_number >= 1.7.5, message : %s", str(msg))
67   return version
70def get_version_number_older(prefix):
71   version = None
72   try:
73      context = { 'path' : os.path.join(prefix, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV', 'bin') }
74      cmd = ['%(path)s/as_run' % context, '--version']
75      output = execute(cmd)
76      log.debug("get_version_number <= 1.7.4, output :\n%s", output)
77      mat = re.search('as_run +([0-9\-\.A-Za-z_]+)', output)
78      version = mat.group(1)
79   except Exception as msg:
80      log.debug("get_version_number <= 1.7.4, message : %s", str(msg))
81   return version
84def get_parameters(version, where, prefix=None):
85   """Return the dict of installation parameters.
86   """
87   if where is None:
88      where = ''
89   if prefix is None:
90      prefix = where
91   if not version:
92      version = 'unknown'
93   log.info("searching for installation parameters of version %s...", version)
94   log.debug("          from %s", where)
95   log.debug("   destination %s", prefix)
96   # default values
97   parameters = {
98      'ASTER_ROOT'      : prefix,
99      'ASTER_VERSION'   : 'testing',
100      'SHELL_EXECUTION' : '/bin/bash',
101      'WISH_EXE'        : 'wish',
102      'PYTHON_EXE'      : sys.executable,
103      'HOME_PYTHON'     : sys.prefix,
104      'server_confdir'  : '',
105      'server_conf_values' : {},
106      'client_confdir'  : '',
107   }
108   try:
109      from external_configuration import parameters as ext_param
110      assert type(ext_param) is dict, 'invalid type for external_configuration dict : %s' % type(ext_param)
111      parameters.update(ext_param)
112   except (ImportError, AssertionError) as error:
113      log.info(str(error))
114      pass
115   parameters.update({
116      'TOOLS_DIR'      : os.path.join('$ASTER_ROOT', 'outils'),
117      'ASRUN_SITE_PKG' : sysconfig.get_python_lib(prefix='$ASTER_ROOT'),
118   })
119   if where:
121      func_shell(parameters, where, version)
122      # WISH_EXE
123      func_wish(parameters, where, version)
124      # add config files location
125      func_config_files(parameters, where, version)
126      # read config file
127      func_config(parameters, where, version)
128      # for auto_update.cron
129      func_config_auto_update(parameters, where)
130   # print dict
131   log.info("parameters values :")
132   pprint(parameters)
133##   log.info(pformat(parameters))  # python-Bugs-1541642
134   return parameters
137def func_shell(param, where, version):
138   files = ( ('0.0.0', os.path.join(where, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV', 'bin', 'as_run')),
139             ('1.8.0', os.path.join(where, 'bin', 'as_run')) )
140   mat = re_search(get_function(files, version), '^#!(.*)')
141   check_and_store(param, mat, 'SHELL_EXECUTION')
144def func_wish(param, where, version):
145   files = ( ('0.0.0', os.path.join(where, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_CLIENT', 'bin', 'astk')),
146             ('1.8.0', os.path.join(where, 'etc', 'codeaster', 'profile.sh')) )
147   expressions = ( ('0.0.0', '(.*) +.*/ASTK/ASTK_CLIENT/lib/ASTK/astk.tcl'),
148                   ('1.8.0', 'WISHEXECUTABLE=(.*)') )
149   mat = re_search(get_function(files, version), get_function(expressions, version))
150   check_and_store(param, mat, 'WISH_EXE')
153def func_config(param, where, version):
154   """Store values to configure each file ('new' in the loop)"""
155   confdir = param['server_confdir']
156   if not confdir:
157      return
158   per_file = param['server_conf_values']
159   for new, config_file in list(param['server_config_files'].items()):
160      if not os.path.isfile(config_file):
161         log.warn("warning: file not found: %s", config_file)
162         continue
163      log.info("reading configuration file: %s", config_file)
164      per_file[new] = {}
165      read_rcfile(config_file, per_file[new])
166   # if the philosophy of a field changes, it should be written here.
168def func_config_auto_update(param, where):
169    """Store the parameters set in auto_update.cron"""
170    dico = param['server_conf_values']['auto_update.cron'] = {}
171    fname = os.path.join(where, 'bin', 'auto_update.cron')
173        mat = re_search(fname, '%s=(.*)' % var)
174        check_and_store(dico, mat, var)
176def func_config_files(param, where, version):
177   server = ( ('0.0.0', os.path.join(where, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_SERV', 'conf')),
178              ('1.8.0', os.path.join(prefix2etc(where), 'codeaster')) )
179   client = ( ('0.0.0', os.path.join(where, 'ASTK', 'ASTK_CLIENT', 'lib', 'ASTK', 'astkrc')),
180              ('1.8.0', os.path.join(prefix2etc(where), 'codeaster', 'astkrc')) )
181   param['server_confdir'] = get_function(server, version)
182   param['client_confdir'] = get_function(client, version)
183   # server
184   files = ('asrun', 'aster', '.mysql_connect_REX')
185   exceptions = ( ('0.0.0', { 'asrun' : 'config',
186                              'aster' : 'config', }),
187                  ('1.8.0', {}) )
188   dchg = get_function(exceptions, version)
189   dpair = {}
190   for name in files:
191      dpair[name] = os.path.join(param['server_confdir'], dchg.get(name, name))
192   param['server_config_files'] = dpair
194   # client
195   files = ('config_serveurs', 'outils', 'prefs')
196   exceptions = ( ('0.0.0', {}),
197                  ('1.8.0', {}) )
198   dchg = get_function(exceptions, version)
199   dpair = {}
200   for name in files:
201      dpair[os.path.join('astkrc', name)] = \
202               os.path.join(param['client_confdir'], dchg.get(name, name))
203   param['client_config_files'] = dpair