1--  GHDL Run Time (GRT) - VPI interface.
2--  Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 Tristan Gingold & Felix Bertram
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17-- Description: VPI interface for GRT runtime
18--              the main purpose of this code is to interface with the
19--              Icarus Verilog Interactive (IVI) simulator GUI
22-- TODO:
24-- DONE:
25-- * The GHDL VPI implementation doesn't support time
26--   callbacks (cbReadOnlySynch). This is needed to support
27--   IVI run. Currently, the GHDL simulation runs until
28--   complete once a single 'run' is performed...
29-- * You are loading '_'-prefixed symbols when you
30--   load the vpi plugin. On Linux, there is no leading
31--   '_'. I just added code to try both '_'-prefixed and
32--   non-'_'-prefixed symbols. I have placed the changed
33--   file in the same download dir as the snapshot
34-- * I did find out why restart doesn't work for GHDL.
35--   You are passing back the leaf name of signals when the
36--   FullName is requested.
39with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
40with System.Storage_Elements; --  Work around GNAT bug.
41pragma Unreferenced (System.Storage_Elements);
42with Grt.Stdio; use Grt.Stdio;
43with Grt.C; use Grt.C;
44with Grt.Signals; use Grt.Signals;
45with Grt.Astdio; use Grt.Astdio;
46with Grt.Astdio.Vhdl; use Grt.Astdio.Vhdl;
47with Grt.Strings; use Grt.Strings;
48with Grt.Hooks; use Grt.Hooks;
49with Grt.Options;
50with Grt.Vcd; use Grt.Vcd;
51with Grt.Errors; use Grt.Errors;
52with Grt.Rtis_Types;
53with Grt.Std_Logic_1164; use Grt.Std_Logic_1164;
54with Grt.Callbacks; use Grt.Callbacks;
55with Grt.Vstrings; use Grt.Vstrings;
56with Version;
58package body Grt.Vpi is
59   --  The VPI interface requires libdl (dlopen, dlsym) to be linked in.
60   --  This is now set in Makefile, since this is target dependent.
61   --  pragma Linker_Options ("-ldl");
63   --errAnyString:     constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: any string" & NUL;
64   --errNoString:      constant String := "grt-vcd.adb: no string" & NUL;
66   Product : constant String := "GHDL" & NUL;
67   GhdlVersion : constant String :=
68      Version.Ghdl_Ver & " " & Version.Ghdl_Release & NUL;
70   --  If true, emit traces
71   Flag_Trace : Boolean := False;
72   Trace_File : FILEs;
73   Trace_Indent : Natural := 0;
76-- * * *   h e l p e r s   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
79   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
80   -- debugging helpers
81   procedure dbgPut (Str : String)
82   is
83      S : size_t;
84      pragma Unreferenced (S);
85   begin
86      S := fwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length, 1, stderr);
87   end dbgPut;
89   procedure dbgPut (C : Character)
90   is
91      R : int;
92      pragma Unreferenced (R);
93   begin
94      R := fputc (Character'Pos (C), stderr);
95   end dbgPut;
97   procedure dbgNew_Line is
98   begin
99      dbgPut (Nl);
100   end dbgNew_Line;
102   procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : String)
103   is
104   begin
105      dbgPut (Str);
106      dbgNew_Line;
107   end dbgPut_Line;
109--    procedure dbgPut_Line (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type)
110--    is
111--    begin
112--       Put_Str_Len(stderr, Str);
113--       dbgNew_Line;
114--    end dbgPut_Line;
116   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
117     (Name => vpiHandle, Object => struct_vpiHandle);
119   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
120   -- NUL-terminate strings.
121   -- note: there are several buffers
122   -- see IEEE 1364-2001
123--   tmpstring1: string(1..1024);
124--    function NulTerminate1 (Str : Ghdl_Str_Len_Type) return Ghdl_C_String
125--    is
126--    begin
127--       for i in 1..Str.Len loop
128--          tmpstring1(i):= Str.Str(i);
129--       end loop;
130--       tmpstring1(Str.Len+1):= NUL;
131--       return To_Ghdl_C_String (tmpstring1'Address);
132--    end NulTerminate1;
134   --  Clear error status.
135   procedure Reset_Error;
137   procedure Trace_Start (Msg : String) is
138   begin
139      for I in 1 .. Trace_Indent loop
140         Put (Trace_File, ' ');
141      end loop;
142      Put (Trace_File, Msg);
143   end Trace_Start;
145   procedure Trace (Msg : String) is
146   begin
147      Put (Trace_File, Msg);
148   end Trace;
150   procedure Trace (V : Integer) is
151   begin
152      Put_I32 (Trace_File, Ghdl_I32 (V));
153   end Trace;
155   procedure Trace_Cb_Reason (V : Integer) is
156   begin
157      case V is
158         when cbValueChange =>
159            Trace ("cbValueChange");
160         when cbReadWriteSynch =>
161            Trace ("cbReadWriteSynch");
162         when cbReadOnlySynch =>
163            Trace ("cbReadOnlySynch");
164         when cbNextSimTime =>
165            Trace ("cbNextSimTime");
166         when cbAfterDelay =>
167            Trace ("cbAfterDelay");
168         when cbEndOfCompile =>
169            Trace ("cbEndOfCompile");
170         when cbStartOfSimulation =>
171            Trace ("cbStartOfSimulation");
172         when cbEndOfSimulation =>
173            Trace ("cbEndOfSimulation");
174         when others =>
175            Trace (V);
176      end case;
177   end Trace_Cb_Reason;
179   procedure Trace_Property (V : Integer) is
180   begin
181      case V is
182         when vpiUndefined =>
183            Trace ("vpiUndefined");
184         when vpiType =>
185            Trace ("vpiType");
186         when vpiName =>
187            Trace ("vpiName");
188         when vpiFullName =>
189            Trace ("vpiFullName");
190         when vpiSize =>
191            Trace ("vpiSize");
192         when vpiFile =>
193            Trace ("vpiFile");
194         when vpiLineNo =>
195            Trace ("vpiLineNo");
197         when vpiDefName =>
198            Trace ("vpiDefName");
199         when vpiTimePrecision =>
200            Trace ("vpiTimePrecision");
201         when vpiDefFile =>
202            Trace ("vpiDefFile");
204         --  Port and net properties
206         when vpiScalar =>
207            Trace ("vpiScalar");
208         when vpiVector =>
209            Trace ("vpiVector");
211         when vpiModule =>
212            Trace ("vpiModule");
213         when vpiNet =>
214            Trace ("vpiNet");
215         when vpiPort =>
216            Trace ("vpiPort");
217         when vpiParameter =>
218            Trace ("vpiParameter");
219         when vpiScope =>
220            Trace ("vpiScope");
221         when vpiInternalScope =>
222            Trace ("vpiInternalScope");
223         when vpiLeftRange =>
224            Trace ("vpiLeftRange");
225         when vpiRightRange =>
226            Trace ("vpiRightRange");
228         when vpiStop =>
229            Trace ("vpiStop");
230         when vpiFinish =>
231            Trace ("vpiFinish");
232         when vpiReset =>
233            Trace ("vpiReset");
235         when others =>
236            Trace (V);
237      end case;
238   end Trace_Property;
240   procedure Trace_Format (F : Integer) is
241   begin
242      case F is
243         when vpiBinStrVal =>
244            Trace ("BinStr");
245         when vpiOctStrVal =>
246            Trace ("OctStr");
247         when vpiDecStrVal =>
248            Trace ("DecStr");
249         when vpiHexStrVal =>
250            Trace ("HexStr");
251         when vpiScalarVal =>
252            Trace ("Scalar");
253         when vpiIntVal =>
254            Trace ("Int");
255         when vpiRealVal =>
256            Trace ("Real");
257         when vpiStringVal =>
258            Trace ("String");
259         when vpiVectorVal =>
260            Trace ("Vector");
261         when vpiStrengthVal =>
262            Trace ("Strength");
263         when vpiTimeVal =>
264            Trace ("Time");
265         when vpiObjTypeVal =>
266            Trace ("ObjType");
267         when vpiSuppressVal =>
268            Trace ("Suppress");
270         when others =>
271            Trace (F);
272      end case;
273   end Trace_Format;
275   procedure Trace_Time_Tag (V : Integer) is
276   begin
277      case V is
278         when vpiSimTime =>
279            Trace ("vpiSimTime");
280         when others =>
281            Trace (V);
282      end case;
283   end Trace_Time_Tag;
285   procedure Trace (H : vpiHandle)
286   is
287      function To_Address is
288         new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (vpiHandle, System.Address);
289   begin
290      Put (Trace_File, To_Address (H));
291   end Trace;
293   procedure Trace (Str : Ghdl_C_String) is
294   begin
295      if Str = null then
296         Put (Trace_File, "null");
297      else
298         Put (Trace_File, '"');
299         Put (Trace_File, Str);
300         Put (Trace_File, '"');
301      end if;
302   end Trace;
304   procedure Trace_Time (V : Std_Time) is
305   begin
306      Put_Time (Trace_File, V);
307   end Trace_Time;
309   procedure Trace_Value (V : p_vpi_value) is
310   begin
311      case V.Format is
312         when vpiBinStrVal
313           | vpiOctStrVal
314           | vpiDecStrVal
315           | vpiHexStrVal
316           | vpiStringVal =>
317            Trace (V.Str);
318         when vpiScalarVal =>
319            Trace (V.Scalar);
320         when vpiIntVal =>
321            Trace (V.Integer_m);
322            --when vpiRealVal=>     null; -- what is the equivalent to double?
323            --when vpiTimeVal=>     mTime:     p_vpi_time;
324            --when vpiVectorVal=>   mVector:   p_vpi_vecval;
325            --when vpiStrengthVal=> mStrength: p_vpi_strengthval;
326         when others =>
327            null;
328      end case;
329   end Trace_Value;
331   procedure Trace_Newline is
332   begin
333      New_Line (Trace_File);
334   end Trace_Newline;
336   function Vpi_Time_To_Time (V : s_vpi_time) return Std_Time is
337      Res : Std_Time;
338   begin
339      if V.mType /= vpiSimTime then
340         raise Program_Error;
341      end if;
342      Res := Std_Time (Unsigned_64 (V.mHigh) * 2 ** 32 + Unsigned_64 (V.mLow));
343      return Res;
344   end Vpi_Time_To_Time;
347-- * * *   V P I   f u n c t i o n s   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
350   --  Free an handler, when it was not passed by reference.
351   procedure Free_Copy (H : vpiHandle)
352   is
353      Copy : vpiHandle;
354   begin
355      Copy := H;
356      Free (Copy);
357   end Free_Copy;
359   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
360   -- vpiHandle  vpi_iterate(int type, vpiHandle ref)
361   -- Obtain an iterator handle to objects with a one-to-many relationship.
362   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page 685
363   function Vpi_Iterate_Internal
364     (aType: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
365   is
366      Res : vpiHandle;
367      Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
368      Error : AvhpiErrorT;
369   begin
370      case aType is
371         when vpiPort | vpiNet =>
372            Rel := VhpiDecls;
373         when vpiModule =>
374            if Ref = null then
375               Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiModule);
376               Get_Root_Inst (Res.Ref);
377               return Res;
378            else
379               Rel := VhpiInternalRegions;
380            end if;
381         when vpiInternalScope =>
382            Rel := VhpiInternalRegions;
383         when others =>
384            return null;
385      end case;
387      -- find the proper start object for our scan
388      if Ref = null then
389         Res := null;
390      else
391         Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType);
392         Vhpi_Iterator (Rel, Ref.Ref, Res.Ref, Error);
394         if Error /= AvhpiErrorOk then
395            Free (Res);
396         end if;
397      end if;
399      return Res;
400   end Vpi_Iterate_Internal;
402   function vpi_iterate (aType: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
403   is
404      Res : vpiHandle;
405   begin
406      if Flag_Trace then
407         Trace_Start ("vpi_iterate (");
408         Trace_Property (aType);
409         Trace (", ");
410         Trace (Ref);
411         Trace (") = ");
412      end if;
414      Res := Vpi_Iterate_Internal (aType, Ref);
416      if Flag_Trace then
417         Trace (Res);
418         Trace_Newline;
419      end if;
421      return Res;
422   end vpi_iterate;
424   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
425   -- int vpi_get(int property, vpiHandle ref)
426   -- Get the value of an integer or boolean property of an object.
427   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.6, page 667
428--    function ii_vpi_get_type (aRef: Ghdl_Instance_Name_Acc) return Integer
429--    is
430--    begin
431--       case aRef.Kind is
432--          when Ghdl_Name_Entity
433--            | Ghdl_Name_Architecture
434--            | Ghdl_Name_Block
435--            | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Iterative
436--            | Ghdl_Name_Generate_Conditional
437--            | Ghdl_Name_Instance =>
438--             return vpiModule;
439--          when Ghdl_Name_Signal =>
440--             return vpiNet;
441--          when others =>
442--             return vpiUndefined;
443--       end case;
444--    end ii_vpi_get_type;
446   function Vpi_Get_Size (Ref : vpiHandle) return Integer
447   is
448      Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
449   begin
450      Get_Verilog_Wire (Ref.Ref, Info);
451      case Info.Vtype is
452         when Vcd_Var_Vectors =>
453            return Natural (Get_Wire_Length (Info));
454         when Vcd_Bool
455           | Vcd_Bit
456           | Vcd_Stdlogic =>
457            return 1;
458         when Vcd_Integer32 =>
459            return 32;
460         when Vcd_Enum8 =>
461            return 8;
462         when Vcd_Float64 =>
463            return 0;
464         when Vcd_Bad =>
465            return 0;
466      end case;
467   end Vpi_Get_Size;
469   function Vpi_Get_Vector (Ref : vpiHandle) return Boolean
470   is
471      Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
472   begin
473      Get_Verilog_Wire (Ref.Ref, Info);
474      case Info.Vtype is
475         when Vcd_Bool
476           | Vcd_Integer32
477           | Vcd_Float64
478           | Vcd_Bit
479           | Vcd_Stdlogic
480           | Vcd_Enum8 =>
481            return False;
482         when Vcd_Bitvector
483           | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
484            return True;
485         when Vcd_Bad =>
486            return False;
487      end case;
488   end Vpi_Get_Vector;
490   function vpi_get (Property: integer; Ref: vpiHandle) return Integer
491   is
492      Res : Integer;
493   begin
494      if Flag_Trace then
495         Trace_Start ("vpi_get (");
496         Trace_Property (Property);
497         Trace (", ");
498         Trace (Ref);
499         Trace (") = ");
500      end if;
502      case Property is
503         when vpiType =>
504            Res := Ref.mType;
505         when vpiTimePrecision =>
506            Res := -3 * Options.Time_Resolution_Scale;
507         when vpiSize =>
508            Res := Vpi_Get_Size (Ref);
509         when vpiVector =>
510            Res := Boolean'Pos (Vpi_Get_Vector (Ref));
511         when vpiDirection =>
512            case Vhpi_Get_Mode (Ref.Ref) is
513               when VhpiInMode =>
514                  Res := vpiInput;
515               when VhpiOutMode =>
516                  Res := vpiOutput;
517               when VhpiInoutMode =>
518                  Res := vpiInout;
519               when others =>
520                  Res := vpiNoDirection;
521            end case;
522         when others =>
523            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get: unknown property");
524            Res := 0;
525      end case;
527      if Flag_Trace then
528         case Property is
529            when vpiType =>
530               Trace_Property (Res);
531            when others =>
532               Trace (Res);
533         end case;
534         Trace_Newline;
535      end if;
537      return Res;
538   end vpi_get;
540   function Vhpi_Handle_To_Vpi_Prop (Res : VhpiHandleT) return Integer is
541   begin
542      case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Res) is
543         when VhpiEntityDeclK
544           | VhpiArchBodyK
545           | VhpiBlockStmtK
546           | VhpiIfGenerateK
547           | VhpiForGenerateK
548           | VhpiCompInstStmtK =>
549            return vpiModule;
550         when VhpiPortDeclK =>
551            declare
552               Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
553            begin
554               Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info);
555               if Info.Vtype /= Vcd_Bad then
556                  return vpiNet;
557               end if;
558            end;
559         when VhpiSigDeclK =>
560            declare
561               Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
562            begin
563               Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info);
564               if Info.Vtype /= Vcd_Bad then
565                  return vpiNet;
566               end if;
567            end;
568         when VhpiGenericDeclK =>
569            declare
570               Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
571            begin
572               Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info);
573               if Info.Vtype /= Vcd_Bad then
574                  return vpiParameter;
575               end if;
576            end;
577         when VhpiConstDeclK =>
578            declare
579               Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
580            begin
581               Get_Verilog_Wire (Res, Info);
582               if Info.Vtype /= Vcd_Bad then
583                  return vpiConstant;
584               end if;
585            end;
586         when others =>
587            null;
588      end case;
589      return vpiUndefined;
590   end Vhpi_Handle_To_Vpi_Prop;
592   function Build_vpiHandle (Res : VhpiHandleT; Prop : Integer)
593                            return vpiHandle is
594   begin
595      case Prop is
596         when vpiModule =>
597            return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiModule,
598                                         Ref => Res);
599         when vpiNet =>
600            return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiNet,
601                                         Ref => Res);
602         when vpiPort =>
603            return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiPort,
604                                         Ref => Res);
605         when vpiParameter =>
606            return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiParameter,
607                                         Ref => Res);
608         when vpiConstant =>
609            return new struct_vpiHandle'(mType => vpiConstant,
610                                         Ref => Res);
611         when others =>
612            return null;
613      end case;
614   end Build_vpiHandle;
616   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
617   -- vpiHandle  vpi_scan(vpiHandle iter)
618   -- Scan the Verilog HDL hierarchy for objects with a one-to-many
619   -- relationship.
620   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.36, page 709
621   function Vpi_Scan_Internal (Iter: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
622   is
623      Res : VhpiHandleT;
624      Error : AvhpiErrorT;
625      R : vpiHandle;
626      Kind, Expected_Kind : Integer;
627   begin
628      --  End of scan reached.  Avoid a crash in case of misuse.
629      if Iter = null then
630         return null;
631      end if;
633      --  There is only one top-level module.
634      if Iter.mType = vpiModule then
635         case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Iter.Ref) is
636            when VhpiRootInstK =>
637               R := new struct_vpiHandle (Iter.mType);
638               R.Ref := Iter.Ref;
639               Iter.Ref := Null_Handle;
640               return R;
641            when VhpiUndefined =>
642               --  End of iteration.
643               return null;
644            when others =>
645               --  Fall through.
646               null;
647         end case;
648      end if;
650      case Iter.mType is
651         when vpiInternalScope
652           | vpiModule =>
653            Expected_Kind := vpiModule;
654         when vpiPort =>
655            Expected_Kind := vpiPort;
656         when vpiNet =>
657            Expected_Kind := vpiNet;
658         when others =>
659            Expected_Kind := vpiUndefined;
660      end case;
662      loop
663         Vhpi_Scan (Iter.Ref, Res, Error);
664         exit when Error /= AvhpiErrorOk;
666         Kind := Vhpi_Handle_To_Vpi_Prop (Res);
667         if Kind /= vpiUndefined
668           and then (Kind = Expected_Kind
669                       or(Kind = vpiPort and Expected_Kind = vpiNet))
670         then
671            return Build_vpiHandle (Res, Kind);
672         end if;
673      end loop;
675      return null;
676   end Vpi_Scan_Internal;
678   function vpi_scan (Iter: vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
679   is
680      Res : vpiHandle;
681   begin
682      if Flag_Trace then
683         Trace_Start ("vpi_scan (");
684         Trace (Iter);
685         Trace (") = ");
686      end if;
688      Res := Vpi_Scan_Internal (Iter);
690      if Flag_Trace then
691         Trace (Res);
692         Trace_Newline;
693      end if;
695      --  IEEE 1364-2005 27.5 vpi_free_object()
696      --  The iterator object shall automatically be freed when vpi_scan()
697      --  returns NULL because it has either completed an object traversal
698      --  or encountered an error condition.
699      --  Free the iterator.
700      if Res = null then
701         Free_Copy (Iter);
702      end if;
704      return Res;
705   end vpi_scan;
707   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
708   -- char *vpi_get_str(int property, vpiHandle ref)
709   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx
710   Tmpstring2 : String (1 .. 1024);
711   function Vpi_Get_Str_Internal (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle)
712                                 return Ghdl_C_String
713   is
714      Prop : VhpiStrPropertyT;
715      Len : Natural;
716      Res : Ghdl_C_String;
717   begin
718      if Ref = null then
719         return null;
720      end if;
722      case Property is
723         when vpiFullName =>
724            Prop := VhpiFullNameP;
725         when vpiName =>
726            Prop := VhpiNameP;
727         when vpiType =>
728            Tmpstring2 (1 .. 4) := "???" & NUL;
729            return To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2'Address);
730         when others =>
731            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_str: unhandled property");
732            return null;
733      end case;
734      Vhpi_Get_Str (Prop, Ref.Ref, Tmpstring2, Len);
735      Tmpstring2 (Len + 1) := NUL;
736      if Property = vpiFullName then
737         for I in Tmpstring2'First .. Len loop
738            if Tmpstring2 (I) = ':' then
739               Tmpstring2 (I) := '.';
740            end if;
741         end loop;
742         --  Remove the initial '.'.
743         Res := To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2 (2)'Address);
744      else
745         Res := To_Ghdl_C_String (Tmpstring2'Address);
746      end if;
748      return Res;
749   end Vpi_Get_Str_Internal;
751   function vpi_get_str (Property : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle)
752                        return Ghdl_C_String
753   is
754      Res : Ghdl_C_String;
755   begin
756      if Flag_Trace then
757         Trace_Start ("vpi_get_str (");
758         Trace_Property (Property);
759         Trace (", ");
760         Trace (Ref);
761         Trace (") = ");
762      end if;
764      Res := Vpi_Get_Str_Internal (Property, Ref);
766      if Flag_Trace then
767         Trace (Res);
768         Trace_Newline;
769      end if;
771      return Res;
772   end vpi_get_str;
773   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
774   -- vpiHandle  vpi_handle(int type, vpiHandle ref)
775   -- Obtain a handle to an object with a one-to-one relationship.
776   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.16, page 682
777   function Vpi_Handle_Internal
778     (aType : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
779   is
780      Res : vpiHandle;
781   begin
782      if Ref = null then
783         return null;
784      end if;
786      case aType is
787         when vpiScope =>
788            case Ref.mType is
789               when vpiModule =>
790                  Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiScope);
791                  Res.Ref := Ref.Ref;
792                  return Res;
793               when others =>
794                  return null;
795            end case;
796         when vpiRightRange
797           | vpiLeftRange =>
798            case Ref.mType is
799               when vpiPort| vpiNet =>
800                  Res := new struct_vpiHandle (aType);
801                  Res.Ref := Ref.Ref;
802                  return Res;
803               when others =>
804                  return null;
805            end case;
806         when others =>
807            return null;
808      end case;
809   end Vpi_Handle_Internal;
811   function vpi_handle (aType : Integer; Ref : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
812   is
813      Res : vpiHandle;
814   begin
815      if Flag_Trace then
816         Trace_Start ("vpi_handle (");
817         Trace_Property (aType);
818         Trace (", ");
819         Trace (Ref);
820         Trace (") = ");
821      end if;
823      Res := Vpi_Handle_Internal (aType, Ref);
825      if Flag_Trace then
826         Trace (Res);
827         Trace_Newline;
828      end if;
830      return Res;
831   end vpi_handle;
833   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
834   -- void  vpi_get_value(vpiHandle expr, p_vpi_value value);
835   -- Retrieve the simulation value of an object.
836   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.14, page 675
837   Buf_Value : Vstring;
839   procedure Append_Bin (V : Ghdl_U64; Ndigits : Natural) is
840   begin
841      for I in reverse 0 .. Ndigits - 1 loop
842         if (Shift_Right (V, I) and 1) /= 0 then
843            Append (Buf_Value, '1');
844         else
845            Append (Buf_Value, '0');
846         end if;
847      end loop;
848   end Append_Bin;
850   type Map_Type_E8 is array (Ghdl_E8 range 0..8) of character;
851   Map_Std_E8: constant Map_Type_E8 := "UX01ZWLH-";
853   type Map_Type_B1 is array (Ghdl_B1) of character;
854   Map_Std_B1: constant Map_Type_B1 := "01";
856   function ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Obj : VhpiHandleT)
857                                     return Ghdl_C_String
858   is
859      function E8_To_Char (Val : Ghdl_E8) return Character is
860      begin
861         if Val not in Map_Type_E8'range then
862            return '?';
863         else
864            return Map_Std_E8 (Val);
865         end if;
866      end E8_To_Char;
868      Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
869      Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
870   begin
871      case Vhpi_Get_Kind (Obj) is
872         when VhpiPortDeclK
873           | VhpiSigDeclK
874           | VhpiGenericDeclK
875           | VhpiConstDeclK =>
876            null;
877         when others =>
878            return null;
879      end case;
881      --  Get verilog compat info.
882      Get_Verilog_Wire (Obj, Info);
883      if Info.Vtype = Vcd_Bad then
884         return null;
885      end if;
887      Len := Get_Wire_Length (Info);
889      Reset (Buf_Value); -- reset string buffer
891      case Info.Vtype is
892         when Vcd_Bad
893           | Vcd_Float64 =>
894            return null;
895         when Vcd_Enum8 =>
896            declare
897               V : Ghdl_E8;
898            begin
899               V := Verilog_Wire_Val (Info).E8;
900               Append_Bin (Ghdl_U64 (V), 8);
901            end;
902         when Vcd_Integer32 =>
903            declare
904               V : Ghdl_U32;
905            begin
906               V := Verilog_Wire_Val (Info).E32;
907               Append_Bin (Ghdl_U64 (V), 32);
908            end;
909         when Vcd_Bit
910           | Vcd_Bool =>
911            Append (Buf_Value, Map_Std_B1 (Verilog_Wire_Val (Info).B1));
912         when Vcd_Bitvector =>
913            for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
914               Append (Buf_Value, Map_Std_B1 (Verilog_Wire_Val (Info, J).B1));
915            end loop;
916         when Vcd_Stdlogic =>
917            Append (Buf_Value, E8_To_Char (Verilog_Wire_Val (Info).E8));
918         when Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
919            for J in 0 .. Len - 1 loop
920               Append (Buf_Value, E8_To_Char (Verilog_Wire_Val (Info, J).E8));
921            end loop;
922      end case;
923      Append (Buf_Value, NUL);
924      return Get_C_String (Buf_Value);
925   end ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str;
927   procedure vpi_get_value (Expr : vpiHandle; Value : p_vpi_value) is
928   begin
929      if Flag_Trace then
930         Trace_Start ("vpi_get_value (");
931         Trace (Expr);
932         Trace (", {format=");
933         Trace_Format (Value.Format);
934         Trace ("}) = ");
935      end if;
937      case Value.Format is
938         when vpiObjTypeVal=>
939            -- fill in the object type and value:
940            -- For an integer, vpiIntVal
941            -- For a real, vpiRealVal
942            -- For a scalar, either vpiScalar or vpiStrength
943            -- For a time variable, vpiTimeVal with vpiSimTime
944            -- For a vector, vpiVectorVal
945            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiObjTypeVal");
946         when vpiBinStrVal=>
947            Value.Str := ii_vpi_get_value_bin_str (Expr.Ref);
948            --aValue.mStr := NulTerminate2(aExpr.mRef.Name.all);
949         when vpiOctStrVal=>
950            dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiOctStrVal");
951         when vpiDecStrVal=>
952            dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiDecStrVal");
953         when vpiHexStrVal=>
954            dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiHexStrVal");
955         when vpiScalarVal=>
956            dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiNet, vpiScalarVal");
957         when vpiIntVal=>
958            case Expr.mType is
959               when vpiLeftRange
960                 | vpiRightRange=>
961                  declare
962                     Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
963                  begin
964                     Get_Verilog_Wire (Expr.Ref, Info);
965                     if Info.Irange /= null then
966                        if Expr.mType = vpiLeftRange then
967                           Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Left);
968                        else
969                           Value.Integer_m := Integer (Info.Irange.I32.Right);
970                        end if;
971                     else
972                        Value.Integer_m  := 0;
973                     end if;
974                  end;
975               when others=>
976                  dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_value: vpiIntVal, unknown mType");
977            end case;
978         when vpiRealVal=>     dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiRealVal");
979         when vpiStringVal=>   dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStringVal");
980         when vpiTimeVal=>     dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiTimeVal");
981         when vpiVectorVal=>   dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiVectorVal");
982         when vpiStrengthVal=> dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: vpiStrengthVal");
983         when others=>         dbgPut_Line("vpi_get_value: unknown mFormat");
984      end case;
986      if Flag_Trace then
987         Trace_Value (Value);
988         Trace_Newline;
989      end if;
990   end vpi_get_value;
992   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
993   -- void  vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
994   --                               p_vpi_time when, int flags)
995   -- Alter the simulation value of an object.
996   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, chapter 27.14, page 675
997   -- FIXME
998   type Std_Ulogic_Array is array (Ghdl_Index_Type range <>) of Std_Ulogic;
1000   procedure Ii_Vpi_Put_Value (Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
1001                               Vec : Std_Ulogic_Array) is
1002   begin
1003      case Info.Vtype is
1004         when Vcd_Bad =>
1005            return;
1006         when Vcd_Bit
1007           | Vcd_Bool
1008           | Vcd_Bitvector =>
1009            for J in Vec'Range loop
1010               declare
1011                  V : constant Ghdl_B1 :=
1012                    Ghdl_B1 (Vec (J) = '1' or Vec (J) = 'H');
1013               begin
1014                  case Info.Val is
1015                     when Vcd_Effective =>
1016                        Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_B1
1017                          (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(J), V);
1018                     when Vcd_Driving =>
1019                        --  Force_Driving sets both the driving and the
1020                        --  effective value.
1021                        Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_B1
1022                          (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(J), V);
1023                     when Vcd_Variable =>
1024                        Verilog_Wire_Val (Info, J).B1 := V;
1025                  end case;
1026               end;
1027            end loop;
1028         when Vcd_Stdlogic
1029           | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
1030            for J in Vec'Range loop
1031               declare
1032                  V : constant Ghdl_E8 := Std_Ulogic'Pos (Vec (J));
1033               begin
1034                  case Info.Val is
1035                     when Vcd_Effective =>
1036                        Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E8
1037                          (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(J), V);
1038                     when Vcd_Driving =>
1039                        Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E8
1040                          (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(J), V);
1041                     when Vcd_Variable =>
1042                        Verilog_Wire_Val (Info, J).E8 := V;
1043                  end case;
1044               end;
1045            end loop;
1046         when Vcd_Enum8 =>
1047            declare
1048               V : Ghdl_E8;
1049            begin
1050               V := 0;
1051               for I in reverse Vec'Range loop
1052                  if Vec (I) = '1' then
1053                     --  Ok, handles 'X', 'Z'... like '0'.
1054                     V := V or Shift_Left (1, Natural (Vec'Last - I));
1055                  end if;
1056               end loop;
1057               case Info.Val is
1058                  when Vcd_Effective =>
1059                     Ghdl_Signal_Force_Effective_E8
1060                       (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(0), V);
1061                  when Vcd_Driving =>
1062                     Ghdl_Signal_Force_Driving_E8
1063                       (To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Ptr)(0), V);
1064                  when Vcd_Variable =>
1065                     Verilog_Wire_Val (Info).E8 := V;
1066               end case;
1067            end;
1068         when Vcd_Integer32
1069           | Vcd_Float64 =>
1070            null;
1071      end case;
1072   end Ii_Vpi_Put_Value;
1074   procedure Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Int (Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
1075                                   Len  : Ghdl_Index_Type;
1076                                   Val : Unsigned_32)
1077   is
1078      V : Unsigned_32;
1079      Vec : Std_Ulogic_Array (0 .. Len - 1);
1080   begin
1081      V := Val;
1082      for J in reverse 0 .. Len - 1 loop
1083         if (V mod 2) = 0 then
1084            Vec (J) := '0';
1085         else
1086            Vec (J) := '1';
1087         end if;
1088         V := Shift_Right_Arithmetic (V, 1);
1089      end loop;
1090      Ii_Vpi_Put_Value (Info, Vec);
1091   end Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Int;
1093   procedure Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Bin_Str (Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
1094                                       Len : Ghdl_Index_Type;
1095                                       Str : Ghdl_C_String)
1096   is
1097      Slen : constant Natural := strlen (Str);
1098      Soff : Integer;
1099      Vec : Std_Ulogic_Array (0 .. Len - 1);
1100      V : Std_Ulogic;
1101   begin
1102      Soff := Slen;
1103      for J in reverse 0 .. Len - 1 loop
1104         Soff := Soff - 1;
1105         if Soff >= 0 then
1106            case Str (Str'First + Soff) is
1107               when 'u' | 'U' => V := 'U';
1108               when 'x' | 'X' => V := 'X';
1109               when '0'       => V := '0';
1110               when '1'       => V := '1';
1111               when 'z' | 'Z' => V := 'Z';
1112               when 'w' | 'W' => V := 'W';
1113               when 'l' | 'L' => V := 'L';
1114               when 'h' | 'H' => V := 'H';
1115               when '-'       => V := '-';
1116               when others    => V := 'U';
1117            end case;
1118         else
1119            V := '0';
1120         end if;
1121         Vec (J) := V;
1122      end loop;
1123      Ii_Vpi_Put_Value (Info, Vec);
1124   end Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Bin_Str;
1126   -- vpiHandle vpi_put_value(vpiHandle obj, p_vpi_value value,
1127   --                         p_vpi_time when, int flags)
1128   function vpi_put_value (aObj : vpiHandle;
1129                           aValue : p_vpi_value;
1130                           aWhen : p_vpi_time;
1131                           aFlags : integer)
1132                         return vpiHandle
1133   is
1134      pragma Unreferenced (aWhen);
1135      pragma Unreferenced (aFlags);
1137      function To_Unsigned_32 is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
1138        (Integer, Unsigned_32);
1139      Info : Verilog_Wire_Info;
1140      Len  : Ghdl_Index_Type;
1141   begin
1142      if Flag_Trace then
1143         Trace_Start ("vpi_put_value (");
1144         Trace (aObj);
1145         Trace (", ");
1146         Trace_Value (aValue);
1147         Trace (")");
1148         Trace_Newline;
1149      end if;
1151      Reset_Error;
1153      -- A very simple write procedure for VPI.
1154      -- Basically, it accepts bin_str values and converts to appropriate
1155      -- types (only std_logic and bit values and vectors).
1157      -- It'll use Set_Effective_Value procedure to update signals
1159      -- Ignoring aWhen and aFlags, for now.
1161      -- Check the Obj type.
1162      -- * The vpiHandle has a reference (field Ref) to a VhpiHandleT
1163      --   when it doesnt come from a callback.
1164      case Vhpi_Get_Kind (aObj.Ref) is
1165         when VhpiPortDeclK
1166           | VhpiSigDeclK =>
1167            null;
1168         when others =>
1169            return null;
1170      end case;
1172      -- The following code segment was copied from the
1173      -- ii_vpi_get_value function.
1174      --  Get verilog compat info.
1175      Get_Verilog_Wire (aObj.Ref, Info);
1176      if Info.Vtype = Vcd_Bad then
1177         return null;
1178      end if;
1180      Len := Get_Wire_Length (Info);
1181      if Len = 0 then
1182         --  No signal.
1183         return null;
1184      end if;
1186      -- Step 1: convert vpi object to internal format.
1187      --         p_vpi_handle -> Ghdl_Signal_Ptr
1188      --         To_Signal_Arr_Ptr (Info.Addr) does part of the magic
1190      -- Step 2: convert datum to appropriate type.
1191      --         Ghdl_C_String -> Value_Union
1193      -- Step 3: assigns value to object using Set_Effective_Value
1194      --         call (from grt-signals)
1195      -- Set_Effective_Value(sig_ptr, conv_value);
1197      -- Checks the format of aValue. Only vpiBinStrVal will be accepted
1198      --  for now.
1199      case aValue.Format is
1200         when vpiObjTypeVal =>
1201            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiObjTypeVal");
1202         when vpiBinStrVal =>
1203            --  Convert LEN (number of elements) to number of bits.
1204            case Info.Vtype is
1205               when Vcd_Bad =>
1206                  null;
1207               when Vcd_Bit
1208                 | Vcd_Bool
1209                 | Vcd_Bitvector
1210                 | Vcd_Stdlogic
1211                 | Vcd_Stdlogic_Vector =>
1212                  null;
1213               when Vcd_Enum8 =>
1214                  Len := Len * 8;
1215               when Vcd_Integer32 =>
1216                  Len := Len * 32;
1217               when Vcd_Float64 =>
1218                  Len := Len * 64;
1219            end case;
1220            Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Bin_Str (Info, Len, aValue.Str);
1221            -- dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiBinStrVal");
1222         when vpiOctStrVal =>
1223            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiOctStrVal");
1224         when vpiDecStrVal =>
1225            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiDecStrVal");
1226         when vpiHexStrVal =>
1227            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiHexStrVal");
1228         when vpiScalarVal =>
1229            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiNet, vpiScalarVal");
1230         when vpiIntVal =>
1231            Ii_Vpi_Put_Value_Int
1232              (Info, Len, To_Unsigned_32 (aValue.Integer_m));
1233            -- dbgPut_Line ("vpi_put_value: vpiIntVal");
1234         when vpiRealVal =>
1235            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiRealVal");
1236         when vpiStringVal =>
1237            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiStringVal");
1238         when vpiTimeVal =>
1239            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiTimeVal");
1240         when vpiVectorVal =>
1241            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiVectorVal");
1242         when vpiStrengthVal =>
1243            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: vpiStrengthVal");
1244         when others =>
1245            dbgPut_Line("vpi_put_value: unknown mFormat");
1246      end case;
1248      -- Must return a scheduled event caused by vpi_put_value()
1249      -- Still dont know how to do it.
1250      return null;
1251   end vpi_put_value;
1253   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1254   -- void  vpi_get_time(vpiHandle obj, s_vpi_time*t);
1255   -- see IEEE 1364-2001, page xxx
1256   procedure vpi_get_time (Obj: vpiHandle; Time: p_vpi_time)
1257   is
1258      function To_Unsigned_64 is
1259         new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion (Std_Time, Unsigned_64);
1260      Res : Std_Time;
1261      V : Unsigned_64;
1262   begin
1263      if Flag_Trace then
1264         Trace_Start ("vpi_get_time (");
1265         Trace (Obj);
1266         Trace (", {mtype=");
1267         Trace_Time_Tag (Time.mType);
1268         Trace ("}) = ");
1269      end if;
1271      if Obj /= null
1272        or else Time.mType /= vpiSimTime
1273      then
1274         dbgPut_Line ("vpi_get_time: unhandled");
1275         return;
1276      end if;
1278      Res := Current_Time;
1280      V := To_Unsigned_64 (Res);
1281      Time.mHigh := Unsigned_32 (V / 2 ** 32);
1282      Time.mLow  := Unsigned_32 (V mod 2 ** 32);
1283      Time.mReal := 0.0;
1285      if Flag_Trace then
1286         Trace_Time (Res);
1287         Trace_Newline;
1288      end if;
1289   end vpi_get_time;
1291   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1293   type Callback_List is record
1294      First, Last : vpiHandle;
1295   end record;
1297   procedure Append_Callback (List : in out Callback_List; Hand : vpiHandle) is
1298   begin
1299      if List.First = null then
1300         List.First := Hand;
1301      else
1302         List.Last.Cb_Next := Hand;
1303         Hand.Cb_Prev := List.Last;
1304      end if;
1305      List.Last := Hand;
1306      Hand.Cb_Next := null;
1307   end Append_Callback;
1309   procedure Execute_Callback (Hand : vpiHandle)
1310   is
1311      Res : Integer;
1312      pragma Unreferenced (Res);
1313   begin
1314      if Flag_Trace then
1315         Trace_Start ("vpi call callback ");
1316         Trace (Hand);
1317         Trace (" ");
1318         Trace_Cb_Reason (Hand.Cb.Reason);
1319         Trace_Newline;
1320         Trace_Indent := Trace_Indent + 1;
1321      end if;
1322      Res := Hand.Cb.Cb_Rtn (Hand.Cb'Access);
1323      if Flag_Trace then
1324         Trace_Indent := Trace_Indent - 1;
1325         Trace_Start ("vpi end callback ");
1326         Trace (Hand);
1327         Trace_Newline;
1328      end if;
1329   end Execute_Callback;
1331   procedure Execute_Callback_List (List : Callback_List)
1332   is
1333      H, Next_H : vpiHandle;
1334   begin
1335      H := List.First;
1336      while H /= null loop
1337         Next_H := H.Cb_Next;
1338         --  The callback may destroy h.
1339         Execute_Callback (H);
1340         H := Next_H;
1341      end loop;
1342   end Execute_Callback_List;
1344   -- vpiHandle vpi_register_cb(p_cb_data data)
1345   g_cbEndOfCompile      : Callback_List;
1346   g_cbStartOfSimulation : Callback_List;
1347   g_cbEndOfSimulation   : Callback_List;
1349   function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
1350     (vpiHandle, System.Address);
1352   function To_vpiHandle is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
1353     (System.Address, vpiHandle);
1355   --  Wrapper
1356   procedure Call_Callback (Arg : System.Address)
1357   is
1358      Hand : vpiHandle;
1359   begin
1360      Hand := To_vpiHandle (Arg);
1362      --  Increase/decrease the reference counter as it is referenced by HAND.
1363      Hand.Cb_Refcnt := Hand.Cb_Refcnt + 1;
1364      Execute_Callback (Hand);
1365      Hand.Cb_Refcnt := Hand.Cb_Refcnt - 1;
1367      --  Free handlers if called once.
1368      case Hand.Cb.Reason is
1369         when cbEndOfCompile
1370           |  cbStartOfSimulation
1371           |  cbEndOfSimulation
1372           |  cbReadOnlySynch
1373           |  cbReadWriteSynch
1374           |  cbAfterDelay
1375           |  cbNextSimTime =>
1376            pragma Assert (Hand.Cb_Refcnt = 1);
1377            --  The handler has been removed from the queue, so the reference
1378            --  counter has to be decremented and its value must be 0.  Time
1379            --  to free it.
1380            Free (Hand);
1381         when cbValueChange =>
1382            --  The handler hasn't been removed from the queue, unless the
1383            --  user did it while the callback was executed.  If so, the
1384            --  reference counter must now be 0 and we can free it.
1385            if Hand.Cb_Refcnt = 0 then
1386               Free (Hand);
1387            end if;
1388         when others =>
1389            null;
1390      end case;
1391   end Call_Callback;
1393   procedure Call_Valuechange_Callback (Arg : System.Address)
1394   is
1395      Hand : constant vpiHandle := To_vpiHandle (Arg);
1396   begin
1397      if Verilog_Wire_Event (Hand.Cb_Wire) then
1398         --  Note: the call may remove H from the list, or even
1399         --  destroy it.
1400         --  However, we assume it doesn't remove the next callback...
1401         Call_Callback (Arg);
1402      end if;
1403   end Call_Valuechange_Callback;
1405   procedure Resched_Callback (Arg : System.Address)
1406   is
1407      Hand : constant vpiHandle := To_vpiHandle (Arg);
1408   begin
1409      case Hand.Cb.Reason is
1410         when cbReadOnlySynch =>
1411            Register_Callback
1412              (Cb_End_Of_Time_Step, Hand.Cb_Handle, Oneshot,
1413               Call_Callback'Access, Arg);
1414         when cbReadWriteSynch =>
1415            Register_Callback
1416              (Cb_Last_Known_Delta, Hand.Cb_Handle, Oneshot,
1417               Call_Callback'Access, Arg);
1418         when others =>
1419            raise Program_Error;
1420      end case;
1421   end Resched_Callback;
1423   function vpi_register_cb (Data : p_cb_data) return vpiHandle
1424   is
1425      Res : vpiHandle;
1426      T : Std_Time;
1427   begin
1428      if Flag_Trace then
1429         Trace_Start ("vpi_register_cb ({reason=");
1430         Trace_Cb_Reason (Data.Reason);
1431         Trace (", obj=");
1432         Trace (Data.Obj);
1433         case Data.Reason is
1434            when cbAfterDelay =>
1435               Trace (", time=");
1436               Trace_Time (Vpi_Time_To_Time (Data.Time.all));
1437            when others =>
1438               null;
1439         end case;
1440         Trace ("}) = ");
1441      end if;
1443      Res := new struct_vpiHandle (vpiCallback);
1444      Res.Cb := Data.all;
1446      --  There is one reference to the callback as it is registered.
1447      Res.Cb_Refcnt := 1;
1449      case Data.Reason is
1450         when cbEndOfCompile =>
1451            Append_Callback (g_cbEndOfCompile, Res);
1452         when cbStartOfSimulation =>
1453            Append_Callback (g_cbStartOfSimulation, Res);
1454         when cbEndOfSimulation =>
1455            Append_Callback (g_cbEndOfSimulation, Res);
1456         when cbValueChange =>
1457            Get_Verilog_Wire (Data.Obj.Ref, Res.Cb_Wire);
1458            Register_Callback
1459              (Cb_Signals_Updated, Res.Cb_Handle, Repeat,
1460               Call_Valuechange_Callback'Access, To_Address (Res));
1461         when cbReadOnlySynch
1462           | cbReadWriteSynch =>
1463            T := Vpi_Time_To_Time (Data.Time.all);
1464            if T = 0 then
1465               Resched_Callback (To_Address (Res));
1466            else
1467               Register_Callback_At
1468                 (Cb_After_Delay, Res.Cb_Handle, Current_Time + T,
1469                  Resched_Callback'Access, To_Address (Res));
1470            end if;
1471         when cbAfterDelay =>
1472            T := Vpi_Time_To_Time (Data.Time.all);
1473            Register_Callback_At
1474              (Cb_After_Delay, Res.Cb_Handle, Current_Time + T,
1475               Call_Callback'Access, To_Address (Res));
1476         when cbNextSimTime =>
1477            Register_Callback
1478              (Cb_Next_Time_Step, Res.Cb_Handle, Oneshot,
1479               Call_Callback'Access, To_Address (Res));
1480         when others =>
1481            dbgPut_Line ("vpi_register_cb: unknown callback reason");
1482            Free (Res);
1483      end case;
1485      if Flag_Trace then
1486         Trace (Res);
1487         Trace_Newline;
1488      end if;
1490      return Res;
1491   end vpi_register_cb;
1493   -- int vpi_remove_cb(vpiHandle ref)
1494   function vpi_remove_cb (Ref : vpiHandle) return Integer
1495   is
1496      Ref_Copy : vpiHandle;
1497      Res : Integer;
1498   begin
1499      if Flag_Trace then
1500         Trace_Start ("vpi_remove_cb (");
1501         Trace (Ref);
1502         Trace (") = ");
1503      end if;
1505      Res := 1;
1506      Ref_Copy := Ref;
1507      case Ref.Cb.Reason is
1508         when cbValueChange
1509           |  cbReadWriteSynch
1510           |  cbReadOnlySynch =>
1511            Delete_Callback (Ref.Cb_Handle);
1512            Ref.Cb_Refcnt := Ref.Cb_Refcnt - 1;
1513            if Ref.Cb_Refcnt > 0 then
1514               --  Do not free REF.
1515               Ref_Copy := null;
1516            end if;
1517         when others =>
1518            Res := 0;
1519            Ref_Copy := null;
1520      end case;
1522      if Flag_Trace then
1523         if Ref_Copy = null then
1524            Trace ("[not free] ");
1525         else
1526            Trace ("[free] ");
1527         end if;
1528         Trace (Res);
1529         Trace_Newline;
1530      end if;
1532      Free (Ref_Copy);
1534      return Res;
1535   end vpi_remove_cb;
1537   -- int vpi_free_object(vpiHandle ref)
1538   function vpi_free_object (aRef: vpiHandle) return integer
1539   is
1540      Ref_Copy : vpiHandle;
1541   begin
1542      if Flag_Trace then
1543         Trace_Start ("vpi_free_object (");
1544         Trace (aRef);
1545         Trace (")");
1546         Trace_Newline;
1547      end if;
1549      case aRef.mType is
1550         when vpiCallback =>
1551            --  Callback are automatically freed.
1552            null;
1553         when others =>
1554            Ref_Copy := aRef;
1555            Free (Ref_Copy);
1556      end case;
1558      return 1;
1559   end vpi_free_object;
1562-- * * *   V P I   d u m m i e s   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1565   -- int vpi_get_vlog_info(p_vpi_vlog_info vlog_info_p)
1566   function vpi_get_vlog_info (info : p_vpi_vlog_info) return integer is
1567      function To_Address is new Ada.Unchecked_Conversion
1568         (Source => Grt.Options.Argv_Type, Target => System.Address);
1569   begin
1570      if Flag_Trace then
1571         Trace_Start ("vpi_get_vlog_info");
1572         Trace_Newline;
1573      end if;
1575      info.all := (Argc => Options.Argc,
1576                   Argv => To_Address(Options.Argv),
1577                   Product => To_Ghdl_C_String (Product'Address),
1578                   Version => To_Ghdl_C_String (GhdlVersion'Address));
1579      return 1;
1580   end vpi_get_vlog_info;
1582   -- vpiHandle vpi_handle_by_index(vpiHandle ref, int index)
1583   function vpi_handle_by_index (aRef: vpiHandle; aIndex: integer)
1584                                return vpiHandle
1585   is
1586      pragma Unreferenced (aRef);
1587      pragma Unreferenced (aIndex);
1588   begin
1589      if Flag_Trace then
1590         Trace_Start ("vpi_handle_by_index UNIMPLEMENTED!");
1591         Trace_Newline;
1592      end if;
1594      return null;
1595   end vpi_handle_by_index;
1597   --  Return True iff L and R are equal.  L must not have an element set to
1598   --  NUL.  R must be lower case.
1599   function Strcasecmp (L : String; R : Ghdl_C_String) return Boolean is
1600   begin
1601      if L'Last < L'First - 1 then
1602         --  Handle null string.
1603         return R (1) = NUL;
1604      end if;
1606      for I in L'Range loop
1607         if L (I) = NUL then
1608            --  NUL not allowed in L.
1609            return False;
1610         end if;
1611         if To_Lower (L (I)) /= R (I - L'First + 1) then
1612            return False;
1613         end if;
1614      end loop;
1616      --  R is NUL terminated.
1617      return R (L'Length + 1) = NUL;
1618   end Strcasecmp;
1620   procedure Find_By_Name (Scope : VhpiHandleT;
1621                           Rel : VhpiOneToManyT;
1622                           Name : String;
1623                           Res : out VhpiHandleT;
1624                           Err : out AvhpiErrorT)
1625   is
1626      It : VhpiHandleT;
1627      El_Name : Ghdl_C_String;
1628   begin
1629      Vhpi_Iterator (Rel, Scope, It, Err);
1630      if Err /= AvhpiErrorOk then
1631         return;
1632      end if;
1634      loop
1635         Vhpi_Scan (It, Res, Err);
1637         --  Either a real error or end of iterator.
1638         exit when Err /= AvhpiErrorOk;
1640         El_Name := Avhpi_Get_Base_Name (Res);
1641         exit when El_Name /= null and then Strcasecmp (Name, El_Name);
1642      end loop;
1643   end Find_By_Name;
1645   function Vpi_Handle_By_Name_Internal
1646     (Name : Ghdl_C_String; Scope : vpiHandle) return vpiHandle
1647   is
1648      B, E : Natural;
1649      Base, El : VhpiHandleT;
1650      Err : AvhpiErrorT;
1651      Prop : Integer;
1652      Res : vpiHandle;
1653      Escaped : Boolean;
1654   begin
1655      --  Extract the start point.
1656      if Scope = null then
1657         Get_Root_Scope (Base);
1658      else
1659         Base := Scope.Ref;
1660      end if;
1662      B := Name'First;
1664      --  Iterate on each part of Name.
1665      loop
1666         exit when Name (B) = NUL;
1668         --  Extract the next part of the name.
1669         declare
1670            C : Character;
1671         begin
1672            E := B;
1673            Escaped := Name (E) = '\';
1674            loop
1675               C := Name (E + 1);
1677               --  '.' is a separator when not inside extended identifiers.
1678               exit when C = NUL or (C = '.' and not Escaped);
1680               if C = '\' then
1681                  --  Start or end of extended identifiers.
1682                  --  '\' within an extended identifier is doubled, so like
1683                  --  if there were two extended identifiers.
1684                  Escaped := not Escaped;
1685               end if;
1686               E := E + 1;
1687            end loop;
1688         end;
1690         --  Find name in Base, first as a decl, then as a sub-region.
1691         Find_By_Name (Base, VhpiDecls, Name (B .. E), El, Err);
1692         if Err /= AvhpiErrorOk then
1693            Find_By_Name (Base, VhpiInternalRegions, Name (B .. E), El, Err);
1694         end if;
1696         if Err = AvhpiErrorOk then
1697            --  Found!
1698            Base := El;
1699         else
1700            --  Not found.
1701            return null;
1702         end if;
1704         --  Next path component.
1705         B := E + 1;
1706         exit when Name (B) = NUL;
1707         pragma Assert (Name (B) = '.');
1708         B := B + 1;
1709      end loop;
1711      Prop := Vhpi_Handle_To_Vpi_Prop (Base);
1712      if Prop /= vpiUndefined then
1713         Res := Build_vpiHandle (Base, Prop);
1714      else
1715         Res := null;
1716      end if;
1718      return Res;
1719   end Vpi_Handle_By_Name_Internal;
1721   function vpi_handle_by_name (Name : Ghdl_C_String; Scope : vpiHandle)
1722                               return vpiHandle
1723   is
1724      Res : vpiHandle;
1725   begin
1726      if Flag_Trace then
1727         Trace_Start ("vpi_handle_by_name (");
1728         Trace (Name);
1729         Trace (", ");
1730         Trace (Scope);
1731         Trace (") = ");
1732      end if;
1734      Res := Vpi_Handle_By_Name_Internal (Name, Scope);
1736      if Flag_Trace then
1737         Trace (Res);
1738         Trace_Newline;
1739      end if;
1741      return Res;
1742   end vpi_handle_by_name;
1744   -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_close(unsigned int mcd)
1745   function vpi_mcd_close (Mcd: integer) return integer
1746   is
1747      pragma Unreferenced (Mcd);
1748   begin
1749      return 0;
1750   end vpi_mcd_close;
1752   -- char *vpi_mcd_name(unsigned int mcd)
1753   function vpi_mcd_name (Mcd: integer) return integer
1754   is
1755      pragma Unreferenced (Mcd);
1756   begin
1757      return 0;
1758   end vpi_mcd_name;
1760   -- unsigned int vpi_mcd_open(char *name)
1761   function vpi_mcd_open (Name : Ghdl_C_String) return Integer
1762   is
1763      pragma Unreferenced (Name);
1764   begin
1765      return 0;
1766   end vpi_mcd_open;
1768   function vpi_register_systf (aSs: System.Address) return vpiHandle
1769   is
1770      pragma Unreferenced (aSs);
1771   begin
1772      if Flag_Trace then
1773         Trace_Start ("vpi_register_systf");
1774         Trace_Newline;
1775      end if;
1776      return null;
1777   end vpi_register_systf;
1779   -- missing here, see grt-cvpi.c:
1780   --    vpi_mcd_open_x
1781   --    vpi_mcd_vprintf
1782   --    vpi_mcd_fputc
1783   --    vpi_mcd_fgetc
1784   --    vpi_sim_vcontrol
1785   --    vpi_chk_error
1786   --    vpi_handle_by_name
1788   Default_Message : constant String := "(no error message)" & NUL;
1789   Unknown_File : constant String := "(no file)" & NUL;
1791   Err_Message : Ghdl_C_String := To_Ghdl_C_String (Default_Message'Address);
1792   Err_Code : Ghdl_C_String := null;
1793   Err_File : Ghdl_C_String := To_Ghdl_C_String (Unknown_File'Address);
1794   Err_Line : Integer := 0;
1795   Err_Status : Integer := 0;
1797   procedure Reset_Error is
1798   begin
1799      Err_Message := To_Ghdl_C_String (Default_Message'Address);
1800      Err_Code := null;
1801      Err_File := To_Ghdl_C_String (Unknown_File'Address);
1802      Err_Line := 0;
1803      Err_Status := 0;
1804   end Reset_Error;
1806   function vpi_chk_error (Info : p_vpi_error_info) return Integer is
1807   begin
1808      if Info /= null then
1809         Info.all := (State => vpiRun,
1810                      Level => vpiError,
1811                      Message => Err_Message,
1812                      Product => To_Ghdl_C_String (Product'Address),
1813                      Code => Err_Code,
1814                      File => Err_File,
1815                      Line => Err_Line);
1816      end if;
1817      return Err_Status;
1818   end vpi_chk_error;
1820   function vpi_control_np (Op : Integer; Status : Integer) return Integer is
1821   begin
1822      if Flag_Trace then
1823         Trace_Start ("vpi_control (");
1824         Trace_Property (Op);
1825         Trace (", ");
1826         Trace (Status);
1827         Trace (")");
1828         Trace_Newline;
1829      end if;
1831      case Op is
1832         when vpiFinish
1833           | vpiStop =>
1834            Options.Break_Simulation := True;
1835            return 1;
1836         when others =>
1837            return 0;
1838      end case;
1839   end vpi_control_np;
1842-- * * *   G H D L   h o o k s   * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
1845   --  VCD filename.
1846   Vpi_Filename : String_Access := null;
1848   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1849   --  Return TRUE if OPT is an option for VPI.
1850   function Vpi_Option (Opt : String) return Boolean
1851   is
1852      F : constant Natural := Opt'First;
1853   begin
1854      if Opt'Length < 5 or else Opt (F .. F + 4) /= "--vpi" then
1855         return False;
1856      end if;
1857      if Opt'Length > 6 and then Opt (F + 5) = '=' then
1858         --  Add an extra NUL character.
1859         Vpi_Filename := new String (1 .. Opt'Length - 6 + 1);
1860         Vpi_Filename (1 .. Opt'Length - 6) := Opt (F + 6 .. Opt'Last);
1861         Vpi_Filename (Vpi_Filename'Last) := NUL;
1862         return True;
1863      elsif Opt'Length >= 11 and then Opt (F + 5 .. F + 10) = "-trace" then
1864         if Opt'Length > 11 and then Opt (F + 11) = '=' then
1865            declare
1866               Filename : String (1 .. Opt'Length - 11);
1867               Mode : constant String := "wt" & NUL;
1868            begin
1869               Filename (1 .. Filename'Last - 1) := Opt (F + 12 .. Opt'Last);
1870               Filename (Filename'Last) := NUL;
1871               Trace_File := fopen (Filename'Address, Mode'Address);
1872               if Trace_File = NULL_Stream then
1873                  Error_S ("cannot open vpi trace file '");
1874                  Diag_C (Opt (F + 12 .. Opt'Last));
1875                  Error_E ("'");
1876                  return False;
1877               end if;
1878            end;
1879         elsif Opt'Length = 11 then
1880            Trace_File := stdout;
1881         else
1882            Error_S ("incorrect option '");
1883            Diag_C (Opt);
1884            Error_E ("'");
1885            return False;
1886         end if;
1887         Flag_Trace := True;
1888         return True;
1889      else
1890         return False;
1891      end if;
1892   end Vpi_Option;
1894   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1895   procedure Vpi_Help is
1896   begin
1897      Put_Line (" --vpi=FILENAME     load VPI module");
1898      Put_Line (" --vpi-trace[=FILE] trace vpi calls to FILE");
1899   end Vpi_Help;
1901   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1902   --  Called before elaboration.
1904   -- void loadVpiModule(const char* modulename)
1905   function LoadVpiModule (Filename: Address) return Integer;
1906   pragma Import (C, LoadVpiModule, "loadVpiModule");
1908   procedure Vpi_Init
1909   is
1910   begin
1911      if Vpi_Filename /= null then
1912         if LoadVpiModule (Vpi_Filename.all'Address) /= 0 then
1913            Error ("cannot load VPI module");
1914         end if;
1915      end if;
1916   end Vpi_Init;
1918   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1919   --  Called after elaboration.
1920   procedure Vpi_Start
1921   is
1922      Res : Integer;
1923      pragma Unreferenced (Res);
1924   begin
1925      if Vpi_Filename = null then
1926         return;
1927      end if;
1929      Grt.Rtis_Types.Search_Types_RTI;
1930      Execute_Callback_List (g_cbEndOfCompile);
1931      Execute_Callback_List (g_cbStartOfSimulation);
1932   end Vpi_Start;
1934   ------------------------------------------------------------------------
1935   --  Called at the end of the simulation.
1936   procedure Vpi_End
1937   is
1938      Res : Integer;
1939      pragma Unreferenced (Res);
1940   begin
1941      Execute_Callback_List (g_cbEndOfSimulation);
1942      Free (Buf_Value);
1943   end Vpi_End;
1945   Vpi_Hooks : aliased constant Hooks_Type :=
1946     (Desc => new String'("vpi: vpi compatible API"),
1947      Option => Vpi_Option'Access,
1948      Help => Vpi_Help'Access,
1949      Init => Vpi_Init'Access,
1950      Start => Vpi_Start'Access,
1951      Finish => Vpi_End'Access);
1953   procedure Register is
1954   begin
1955      Register_Hooks (Vpi_Hooks'Access);
1956   end Register;
1957end Grt.Vpi;