1--  Binary file Mach-O writer.
2--  Copyright (C) 2015 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
16with Macho; use Macho;
17with Macho_Arch64; use Macho_Arch64;
19package body Binary_File.Macho is
20   procedure Write (Fd : GNAT.OS_Lib.File_Descriptor)
21   is
22      use GNAT.OS_Lib;
24      --  If true, discard local symbols;
25      Flag_Discard_Local : Boolean := True;
27      procedure Xwrite (Data : System.Address; Len : Natural) is
28      begin
29         if Write (Fd, Data, Len) /= Len then
30            raise Write_Error;
31         end if;
32      end Xwrite;
34      function Symbol_Discarded (S : Symbol) return Boolean is
35      begin
36         case Get_Scope (S) is
37            when Sym_Local =>
38               if Flag_Discard_Local then
39                  return True;
40               end if;
41            when Sym_Private =>
42               null;
43            when Sym_Global =>
44               null;
45            when Sym_Undef =>
46               if not Get_Used (S) then
47                  return True;
48               end if;
49         end case;
50         return False;
51      end Symbol_Discarded;
53      procedure Fill_Name (Dest : out String; Src : String)
54      is
55         subtype D_Type is String (1 .. Dest'Length);
56         D : D_Type renames Dest;
57         subtype S_Type is String (1 .. Src'Length);
58         S : S_Type renames Src;
59      begin
60         if S'Length < D'Length then
61            D (1 .. S'Length) := S;
62            D (S'Length + 1 .. D'Last) := (others => ASCII.NUL);
63         else
64            D := S (1 .. D'Last);
65         end if;
66      end Fill_Name;
68      type Section_Info_Type is record
69         Sect : Section_Acc;
70         --  Index of the section symbol (in symtab).
71      end record;
72      type Section_Info_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Section_Info_Type;
73      Sects_Info : Section_Info_Array (1 .. Nbr_Sections);
74      type Section_Array is array (Natural range <>) of Section;
75      Sects_Hdr : Section_Array (1 .. Nbr_Sections);
76      Nbr_Sect : Natural;
77      Sect : Section_Acc;
79      --  Various offsets.
80      File_Offset : Natural;
81      Seg_Offset : Natural;
82      Symtab_Offset : Natural;
83      Strtab_Offset : Natural;
84      Sizeof_Cmds : Natural;
86      --  Number of symtab entries.
87      Nbr_Symbols : Natural;
89      Str_Size : Natural;
91      --  If true, do local relocs.
92      Flag_Reloc : constant Boolean := True;
93   begin
94      --  If relocations are not performs, then local symbols cannot be
95      --  discarded.
96      if not Flag_Reloc then
97         Flag_Discard_Local := False;
98      end if;
100      --  Count sections.
101      Sect := Section_Chain;
102      Nbr_Sect := 0;
103      while Sect /= null loop
104         Nbr_Sect := Nbr_Sect + 1;
105         Sects_Info (Nbr_Sect).Sect := Sect;
106         Sect.Number := Nbr_Sect;
107         Sect := Sect.Next;
108      end loop;
110      --  Set sections offset.
111      Sizeof_Cmds := Lc_Size + Segment_Command_Size
112        + Nbr_Sect * Section_Size
113        + Lc_Size + Symtab_Command_Size;
114      File_Offset := Header_Size + Sizeof_Cmds;
115      Seg_Offset := File_Offset;
116      for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
117         Sect := Sects_Info (I).Sect;
118         if Sect.Data /= null then
119            --  FIXME: alignment ?
120            Sects_Hdr (I).Offset := Unsigned_32 (File_Offset);
121            File_Offset := File_Offset + Natural (Sect.Pc);
122         else
123            Sects_Hdr (I).Offset := 0;
124         end if;
125      end loop;
127      --  Relocs
128      --  FIXME: todo.
130      Symtab_Offset := File_Offset;
131      Str_Size := 0;
132      Nbr_Symbols := 0;
133      for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
134         if not Symbol_Discarded (I) then
135            Nbr_Symbols := Nbr_Symbols + 1;
136            Set_Number (I, Nbr_Symbols);
137            Str_Size := Str_Size + Get_Symbol_Name_Length (I) + 1;
138         else
139            Set_Number (I, 0);
140         end if;
141      end loop;
143      File_Offset := File_Offset + Nbr_Symbols * Nlist_Size;
144      Strtab_Offset := File_Offset;
146      --  Write file header.
147      declare
148         Hdr : Header;
149         Cputype : Unsigned_32;
150      begin
151         case Arch is
152            when Arch_X86 =>
153               Cputype := Cputype_I386;
154            when Arch_X86_64 =>
155               Cputype := Cputype_I386 + Cpu_Arch_64;
156            when others =>
157               raise Program_Error;
158         end case;
159         Hdr := (Magic => Magic,
160                 Cputype => Cputype,
161                 Cpusubtype => Cpusubtype_I386_All,
162                 Filetype => Mh_Object,
163                 Ncmds => 2,
164                 Sizeofcmds => Unsigned_32 (Sizeof_Cmds),
165                 others => 0);
166         Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Header_Size);
167      end;
169      --  Write segment and section commands.
170      declare
171         Lc : Load_Command;
172         Seg : Segment_Command;
173      begin
174         Lc := (Cmd => Lc_Segment,
175                Cmdsize => Unsigned_32 (Lc_Size + Segment_Command_Size
176                                          + Nbr_Sect * Section_Size));
177         Xwrite (Lc'Address, Lc_Size);
178         Seg := (Segname => (others => ASCII.NUL),
179                 Vmaddr => 0,
180                 Vmsize => 0, --  FIXME
181                 Fileoff => Addr_T (Seg_Offset),
182                 Filesize => Addr_T (Symtab_Offset - Seg_Offset),
183                 Maxprot => 7, --  rwx
184                 Initprot => 7,
185                 Nsects => Unsigned_32 (Nbr_Sect),
186                 Flags => 0);
187         Xwrite (Seg'Address, Segment_Command_Size);
188      end;
190      --  Write section headers.
191      for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
192         Sect := Sects_Info (I).Sect;
193         declare
194            Hdr : Section renames Sects_Hdr (I);
195            Secname_Raw : constant String := Sect.Name.all;
196            subtype S_Type is String (1 .. Secname_Raw'Length);
197            Secname : S_Type renames Secname_Raw;
198         begin
199            if Secname = ".text" then
200               Fill_Name (Hdr.Sectname, "__text");
201               Fill_Name (Hdr.Segname, "__TEXT");
202            elsif Secname = ".rodata" then
203               Fill_Name (Hdr.Sectname, "__const");
204               Fill_Name (Hdr.Segname, "__TEXT");
205            elsif (Sect.Flags and Section_Debug) /= 0 then
206               if Secname'Length > 7
207                 and then Secname (1 .. 7) = ".debug_"
208               then
209                  Fill_Name (Hdr.Sectname,
210                             "__debug_" & Secname (8 .. Secname'Last));
211               else
212                  Fill_Name (Hdr.Sectname, Sect.Name.all);
213               end if;
214               Fill_Name (Hdr.Segname, "__DWARF");
215            else
216               Fill_Name (Hdr.Sectname, Secname);
217               Fill_Name (Hdr.Segname, "");
218            end if;
219            Hdr.Addr := Addr_T (Sect.Vaddr);
220            Hdr.Size := Addr_T (Sect.Pc);
221            Hdr.Align := Unsigned_32 (Sect.Align);
222            Hdr.Reloff := 0;
223            Hdr.Nreloc := 0;
224            Hdr.Flags := 0;
225            Hdr.Reserved1 := 0;
226            Hdr.Reserved2 := 0;
227            Xwrite (Hdr'Address, Section_Size);
228         end;
229      end loop;
231      --  Write symtab command
232      declare
233         Lc : Load_Command;
234         Symtab : Symtab_Command;
235      begin
236         Lc := (Cmd => Lc_Symtab,
237                Cmdsize => Unsigned_32 (Lc_Size + Symtab_Command_Size));
238         Xwrite (Lc'Address, Lc_Size);
239         Symtab := (Symoff => Unsigned_32 (Symtab_Offset),
240                    Nsyms => Unsigned_32 (Nbr_Symbols),
241                    Stroff => Unsigned_32 (Strtab_Offset),
242                    Strsize => Unsigned_32 (Str_Size));
243         Xwrite (Symtab'Address, Symtab_Command_Size);
244      end;
246      --  Write sections content.
247      for I in 1 .. Nbr_Sect loop
248         Sect := Sects_Info (I).Sect;
249         if Sect.Data /= null then
250            Xwrite (Sect.Data (0)'Address, Natural (Sect.Pc));
251         end if;
252      end loop;
254      --  FIXME: write relocs.
256      --   Write symbols.
257      declare
258         Str_Offset : Natural;
260         generic
261            with procedure Handle (S : Symbol);
262         procedure Foreach_Symbol;
264         procedure Foreach_Symbol is
265         begin
266            --  First, the local and private symbols.
267            for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
268               case Get_Scope (I) is
269                  when Sym_Local =>
270                     if not Flag_Discard_Local then
271                        Handle (I);
272                     end if;
273                  when Sym_Private =>
274                     Handle (I);
275                  when Sym_Global
276                    | Sym_Undef =>
277                     null;
278               end case;
279            end loop;
281            --  Then global symbols
282            for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
283               case Get_Scope (I) is
284                  when Sym_Local
285                    | Sym_Private =>
286                     null;
287                  when Sym_Global =>
288                     Handle (I);
289                  when Sym_Undef =>
290                     null;
291               end case;
292            end loop;
293            --  Then undef symbols.
294            for I in Symbols.First .. Symbols.Last loop
295               case Get_Scope (I) is
296                  when Sym_Local
297                    | Sym_Private =>
298                     null;
299                  when Sym_Global =>
300                     null;
301                  when Sym_Undef =>
302                     if Get_Used (I) then
303                        Handle (I);
304                     end if;
305               end case;
306            end loop;
307         end Foreach_Symbol;
309         procedure Write_Symbol (S : Symbol)
310         is
311            Sym : Nlist;
312         begin
313            Sym := (N_Strx => Unsigned_32 (Str_Offset),
314                    N_Type => 0,
315                    N_Sect => 0,
316                    N_Desc => 0,
317                    N_Value => Addr_T (Get_Symbol_Value (S)));
318            Str_Offset := Str_Offset + Get_Symbol_Name_Length (S) + 1;
319            if Get_Scope (S) = Sym_Undef then
320               Sym.N_Type := N_Undf;
321            else
322               if Get_Scope (S) = Sym_Global then
323                  Sym.N_Type := N_Sect + N_Ext;
324               else
325                  Sym.N_Type := N_Sect;
326               end if;
327               Sym.N_Sect := Unsigned_8 (Get_Section (S).Number);
328               Sym.N_Value := Sym.N_Value + Addr_T (Get_Section (S).Vaddr);
329            end if;
330            Xwrite (Sym'Address, Nlist_Size);
331         end Write_Symbol;
333         procedure Write_String (Sym : Symbol)
334         is
335            Str : constant String := Get_Symbol_Name (Sym) & ASCII.NUL;
336         begin
337            Xwrite (Str'Address, Str'Length);
338         end Write_String;
340         procedure Write_All_Symbols is new
341           Foreach_Symbol (Write_Symbol);
342         procedure Write_All_Strings is new
343           Foreach_Symbol (Write_String);
344      begin
345         Str_Offset := 0;
347         Write_All_Symbols;
348         Write_All_Strings;
349      end;
350   end Write;
352end Binary_File.Macho;