1--  PSL - Simplify expressions
2--  Copyright (C) 2002-2016 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17with Ada.Text_IO;
18with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types;
19with PSL.Prints;
20with Types; use Types;
22package body PSL.CSE is
23   function Is_X_And_Not_X (A, B : Node) return Boolean is
24   begin
25      return (Get_Kind (A) = N_Not_Bool
26                and then Get_Boolean (A) = B)
27        or else (Get_Kind (B) = N_Not_Bool
28                   and then Get_Boolean (B) = A);
29   end Is_X_And_Not_X;
31   type Hash_Table_Type is array (Uns32 range 0 .. 128) of Node;
32   Hash_Table : Hash_Table_Type := (others => Null_Node);
34   function Compute_Hash (L, R : Node; Op : Uns32) return Uns32
35   is
36   begin
37      return Shift_Left (Get_Hash (L), 12)
38        xor Shift_Left (Get_Hash (R), 2)
39        xor Op;
40   end Compute_Hash;
42   function Compute_Hash (L: Node; Op : Uns32) return Uns32
43   is
44   begin
45      return Shift_Left (Get_Hash (L), 2) xor Op;
46   end Compute_Hash;
48   procedure Dump_Hash_Table (Level : Natural := 0)
49   is
50      use Ada.Text_IO;
51      Cnt : Natural;
52      Total : Natural;
53      N : Node;
54   begin
55      Total := 0;
56      for I in Hash_Table_Type'Range loop
57         Cnt := 0;
58         N := Hash_Table (I);
59         while N /= Null_Node loop
60            Cnt := Cnt + 1;
61            N := Get_Hash_Link (N);
62         end loop;
63         Put_Line ("Hash_table(" & Uns32'Image (I)
64                     & "):" & Natural'Image (Cnt));
65         Total := Total + Cnt;
66         if Level > 0 then
67            Cnt := 0;
68            N := Hash_Table (I);
69            while N /= Null_Node loop
70               Put (Uns32'Image (Get_Hash (N)));
71               if Level > 1 then
72                  Put (": ");
73                  PSL.Prints.Dump_Expr (N);
74                  New_Line;
75               end if;
76               Cnt := Cnt + 1;
77               N := Get_Hash_Link (N);
78            end loop;
79            if Level = 1 and then Cnt > 0 then
80               New_Line;
81            end if;
82         end if;
83      end loop;
84      Put_Line ("Total:" & Natural'Image (Total));
85   end Dump_Hash_Table;
87   function Build_Bool_And (L, R : Node) return Node
88   is
89      R1 : Node;
90      Res : Node;
91      Hash : Uns32;
92      Head, H : Node;
93   begin
94      if L = True_Node then
95         return R;
96      elsif R = True_Node then
97         return L;
98      elsif L = False_Node or else R = False_Node then
99         return False_Node;
100      elsif L = R then
101         return L;
102      elsif Is_X_And_Not_X (L, R) then
103         return False_Node;
104      end if;
106      --  More simple optimizations.
107      if Get_Kind (R) = N_And_Bool then
108         R1 := Get_Left (R);
109         if L = R1 then
110            return R;
111         elsif Is_X_And_Not_X (L, R1) then
112            return False_Node;
113         end if;
114      end if;
116      Hash := Compute_Hash (L, R, 2);
117      Head := Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length);
118      H := Head;
119      while H /= Null_Node loop
120         if Get_Hash (H) = Hash
121           and then Get_Kind (H) = N_And_Bool
122           and then Get_Left (H) = L
123           and then Get_Right (H) = R
124         then
125            return H;
126         end if;
127         H := Get_Hash_Link (H);
128      end loop;
130      Res := Create_Node (N_And_Bool);
131      Set_Left (Res, L);
132      Set_Right (Res, R);
133      Copy_Location (Res, L);
134      Set_Hash_Link (Res, Head);
135      Set_Hash (Res, Hash);
136      Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length) := Res;
137      return Res;
138   end Build_Bool_And;
140   function Build_Bool_Or (L, R : Node) return Node
141   is
142      Res : Node;
143      Hash : Uns32;
144      Head, H : Node;
145   begin
146      if L = True_Node then
147         return L;
148      elsif R = True_Node then
149         return R;
150      elsif L = False_Node then
151         return R;
152      elsif R = False_Node then
153         return L;
154      elsif L = R then
155         return L;
156      elsif Is_X_And_Not_X (L, R) then
157         return True_Node;
158      end if;
160      Hash := Compute_Hash (L, R, 3);
161      Head := Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length);
162      H := Head;
163      while H /= Null_Node loop
164         if Get_Hash (H) = Hash
165           and then Get_Kind (H) = N_Or_Bool
166           and then Get_Left (H) = L
167           and then Get_Right (H) = R
168         then
169            return H;
170         end if;
171         H := Get_Hash_Link (H);
172      end loop;
174      Res := Create_Node (N_Or_Bool);
175      Set_Left (Res, L);
176      Set_Right (Res, R);
177      Copy_Location (Res, L);
178      Set_Hash_Link (Res, Head);
179      Set_Hash (Res, Hash);
180      Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length) := Res;
181      return Res;
182   end Build_Bool_Or;
184   function Build_Bool_Not (N : Node) return Node is
185      Res : Node;
186      Hash : Uns32;
187      Head : Node;
188      H : Node;
189   begin
190      if N = True_Node then
191         return False_Node;
192      elsif N = False_Node then
193         return True_Node;
194      elsif Get_Kind (N) = N_Not_Bool then
195         return Get_Boolean (N);
196      end if;
198      --  Find in hash table.
199      Hash := Compute_Hash (N, 1);
200      Head := Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length);
201      H := Head;
202      while H /= Null_Node loop
203         if Get_Hash (H) = Hash
204           and then Get_Kind (H) = N_Not_Bool
205           and then Get_Boolean (H) = N
206         then
207            return H;
208         end if;
209         H := Get_Hash_Link (H);
210      end loop;
212      Res := Create_Node (N_Not_Bool);
213      Set_Boolean (Res, N);
214      Copy_Location (Res, N);
215      Set_Hash_Link (Res, Head);
216      Set_Hash (Res, Hash);
217      Hash_Table (Hash mod Hash_Table'Length) := Res;
219      return Res;
220   end Build_Bool_Not;
221end PSL.CSE;