1--  Node garbage collector (for debugging).
2--  Copyright (C) 2014 Tristan Gingold
4--  This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
5--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6--  the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
7--  (at your option) any later version.
9--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12--  GNU General Public License for more details.
14--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15--  along with this program.  If not, see <gnu.org/licenses>.
17with Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation;
18with Types; use Types;
19with Logging; use Logging;
20with Vhdl.Nodes_Meta; use Vhdl.Nodes_Meta;
21with Vhdl.Errors; use Vhdl.Errors;
22with Libraries;
23with Vhdl.Disp_Tree;
24with Vhdl.Std_Package;
25with PSL.Types; use PSL.Types;
27package body Vhdl.Nodes_GC is
29   type Marker_Array is array (Iir range <>) of Boolean;
30   type Marker_Array_Acc is access Marker_Array;
32   Has_Error : Boolean := False;
34   Markers : Marker_Array_Acc;
36   procedure Free is new Ada.Unchecked_Deallocation
37     (Marker_Array, Marker_Array_Acc);
39   procedure Report_Early_Reference (N : Iir; F : Nodes_Meta.Fields_Enum) is
40   begin
41      Log ("early reference to ");
42      Log (Nodes_Meta.Get_Field_Image (F));
43      Log (" in ");
44      Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (N, True);
45      Has_Error := True;
46   end Report_Early_Reference;
48   procedure Report_Already_Marked (N : Iir) is
49   begin
50      Log ("Already marked ");
51      Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (N, True);
52      Has_Error := True;
53   end Report_Already_Marked;
55   procedure Mark_Iir (N : Iir);
57   procedure Mark_Iir_List (N : Iir_List)
58   is
59      It : List_Iterator;
60   begin
61      case N is
62         when Null_Iir_List
63           | Iir_List_All =>
64            null;
65         when others =>
66            It := List_Iterate (N);
67            while Is_Valid (It) loop
68               Mark_Iir (Get_Element (It));
69               Next (It);
70            end loop;
71      end case;
72   end Mark_Iir_List;
74   procedure Mark_Iir_List_Ref (N : Iir_List; F : Fields_Enum)
75   is
76      El : Iir;
77      It : List_Iterator;
78   begin
79      case N is
80         when Null_Iir_List
81           | Iir_List_All =>
82            null;
83         when others =>
84            It := List_Iterate (N);
85            while Is_Valid (It) loop
86               El := Get_Element (It);
87               if not Markers (El) then
88                  Report_Early_Reference (El, F);
89               end if;
90               Next (It);
91            end loop;
92      end case;
93   end Mark_Iir_List_Ref;
95   procedure Mark_Iir_Flist (N : Iir_Flist)
96   is
97      El : Iir;
98   begin
99      case N is
100         when Null_Iir_Flist
101           | Iir_Flist_All
102           | Iir_Flist_Others =>
103            null;
104         when others =>
105            for I in Flist_First .. Flist_Last (N) loop
106               El := Get_Nth_Element (N, I);
107               Mark_Iir (El);
108            end loop;
109      end case;
110   end Mark_Iir_Flist;
112   procedure Mark_Iir_Flist_Ref (N : Iir_Flist; F : Fields_Enum)
113   is
114      El : Iir;
115   begin
116      case N is
117         when Null_Iir_Flist
118           | Iir_Flist_All
119           | Iir_Flist_Others =>
120            null;
121         when others =>
122            for I in Flist_First .. Flist_Last (N) loop
123               El := Get_Nth_Element (N, I);
124               if not Markers (El) then
125                  Report_Early_Reference (El, F);
126               end if;
127            end loop;
128      end case;
129   end Mark_Iir_Flist_Ref;
131   procedure Mark_PSL_Node (N : PSL_Node) is
132   begin
133      null;
134   end Mark_PSL_Node;
136   procedure Mark_PSL_NFA (N : PSL_NFA) is
137   begin
138      null;
139   end Mark_PSL_NFA;
141   procedure Already_Marked (N : Iir) is
142   begin
143      --  An unused node mustn't be referenced.
144      if Get_Kind (N) = Iir_Kind_Unused then
145         raise Internal_Error;
146      end if;
148      if not Flag_Disp_Multiref then
149         return;
150      end if;
152      case Get_Kind (N) is
153         when Iir_Kind_Interface_Constant_Declaration =>
154            if Get_Identifier (N) = Null_Identifier then
155               --  Anonymous interfaces are shared by predefined functions.
156               return;
157            end if;
158         when others =>
159            null;
160      end case;
162      Report_Already_Marked (N);
163   end Already_Marked;
165   procedure Mark_Chain (Head : Iir)
166   is
167      El : Iir;
168   begin
169      El := Head;
170      while El /= Null_Iir loop
171         Mark_Iir (El);
172         El := Get_Chain (El);
173      end loop;
174   end Mark_Chain;
176   procedure Report_Unreferenced_Node (N : Iir) is
177   begin
178      Vhdl.Disp_Tree.Disp_Tree (N, True);
179      Has_Error := True;
180   end Report_Unreferenced_Node;
182   procedure Mark_Iir_Ref_Field (N : Iir; F : Fields_Enum)
183   is
184      Nf : constant Iir := Get_Iir (N, F);
185   begin
186      if Is_Valid (Nf) and then not Markers (Nf) then
187         Report_Early_Reference (N, F);
188      end if;
189   end Mark_Iir_Ref_Field;
191   procedure Mark_Iir (N : Iir) is
192   begin
193      if N = Null_Iir then
194         return;
195      elsif Markers (N) then
196         Already_Marked (N);
197         return;
198      else
199         Markers (N) := True;
200      end if;
202      declare
203         Fields : constant Fields_Array := Get_Fields (Get_Kind (N));
204         F : Fields_Enum;
205      begin
206         for I in Fields'Range loop
207            F := Fields (I);
208            case Get_Field_Type (F) is
209               when Type_Iir =>
210                  case Get_Field_Attribute (F) is
211                     when Attr_None =>
212                        Mark_Iir (Get_Iir (N, F));
213                     when Attr_Ref =>
214                        Mark_Iir_Ref_Field (N, F);
215                     when Attr_Forward_Ref
216                       | Attr_Chain_Next =>
217                        null;
218                     when Attr_Maybe_Forward_Ref =>
219                        --  Only used for Named_Entity
220                        pragma Assert (F = Field_Named_Entity);
222                        --  Overload_List has to be handled specially, as it
223                        --  that case the Ref applies to the elements of the
224                        --  list.
225                        declare
226                           Nf : constant Iir := Get_Iir (N, F);
227                        begin
228                           if Nf /= Null_Iir then
229                              if Get_Is_Forward_Ref (N) then
230                                 pragma Assert
231                                   (Get_Kind (Nf) /= Iir_Kind_Overload_List);
232                                 null;
233                              else
234                                 if Get_Kind (Nf) = Iir_Kind_Overload_List then
235                                    Mark_Iir (Nf);
236                                 else
237                                    Mark_Iir_Ref_Field (N, F);
238                                 end if;
239                              end if;
240                           end if;
241                        end;
242                     when Attr_Maybe_Ref =>
243                        if Get_Is_Ref (N) then
244                           Mark_Iir_Ref_Field (N, F);
245                        else
246                           Mark_Iir (Get_Iir (N, F));
247                        end if;
248                     when Attr_Chain =>
249                        Mark_Chain (Get_Iir (N, F));
250                     when Attr_Of_Ref | Attr_Of_Maybe_Ref =>
251                        raise Internal_Error;
252                  end case;
253               when Type_Iir_List =>
254                  declare
255                     Ref : Boolean;
256                  begin
257                     case Get_Field_Attribute (F) is
258                        when Attr_None =>
259                           Ref := False;
260                        when Attr_Of_Ref =>
261                           Ref := True;
262                        when Attr_Of_Maybe_Ref =>
263                           Ref := Get_Is_Ref (N);
264                        when Attr_Ref =>
265                           Ref := True;
266                        when others =>
267                           raise Internal_Error;
268                     end case;
269                     if Ref then
270                        Mark_Iir_List_Ref (Get_Iir_List (N, F), F);
271                     else
272                        Mark_Iir_List (Get_Iir_List (N, F));
273                     end if;
274                  end;
275               when Type_Iir_Flist =>
276                  declare
277                     Ref : Boolean;
278                  begin
279                     case Get_Field_Attribute (F) is
280                        when Attr_None =>
281                           Ref := False;
282                        when Attr_Of_Ref =>
283                           Ref := True;
284                        when Attr_Of_Maybe_Ref =>
285                           Ref := Get_Is_Ref (N);
286                        when Attr_Ref =>
287                           Ref := True;
288                        when others =>
289                           raise Internal_Error;
290                     end case;
291                     if Ref then
292                        Mark_Iir_Flist_Ref (Get_Iir_Flist (N, F), F);
293                     else
294                        Mark_Iir_Flist (Get_Iir_Flist (N, F));
295                     end if;
296                  end;
297               when Type_PSL_Node =>
298                  Mark_PSL_Node (Get_PSL_Node (N, F));
299               when Type_PSL_NFA =>
300                  Mark_PSL_NFA (Get_PSL_NFA (N, F));
301               when others =>
302                  null;
303            end case;
304         end loop;
305      end;
306   end Mark_Iir;
308   procedure Mark_Unit (Unit : Iir)
309   is
310      List : Iir_List;
311      It : List_Iterator;
312      El : Iir;
313   begin
314      pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Unit) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
315      if Markers (Unit) then
316         return;
317      end if;
319      --  Mark parents of UNIT.
320      declare
321         File : constant Iir := Get_Design_File (Unit);
322         Lib : constant Iir := Get_Library (File);
323      begin
324         Markers (File) := True;
325         Markers (Lib) := True;
326      end;
328      --  First mark dependences
329      List := Get_Dependence_List (Unit);
330      if List /= Null_Iir_List then
331         It := List_Iterate (List);
332         while Is_Valid (It) loop
333            El := Get_Element (It);
334            case Get_Kind (El) is
335               when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
336                  Mark_Unit (El);
337               when Iir_Kind_Entity_Aspect_Entity =>
338                  declare
339                     Ent : constant Iir := Get_Entity_Name (El);
340                     Arch_Name : constant Iir := Get_Architecture (El);
341                     Arch : Iir;
342                  begin
343                     Mark_Unit (Get_Design_Unit (Get_Named_Entity (Ent)));
345                     --  Architecture is optional.
346                     if Is_Valid (Arch_Name) then
347                        Arch := Get_Named_Entity (Arch_Name);
348                        --  There are many possibilities for the architecture.
349                        if Is_Valid (Arch) then
350                           case Get_Kind (Arch) is
351                              when Iir_Kind_Design_Unit =>
352                                 null;
353                              when Iir_Kind_Architecture_Body =>
354                                 Arch := Get_Design_Unit (Arch);
355                              when others =>
356                                 Error_Kind ("mark_unit", Arch);
357                           end case;
358                           Mark_Unit (Arch);
359                        end if;
360                     end if;
361                  end;
362               when others =>
363                  Error_Kind ("mark_unit", El);
364            end case;
365            Next (It);
366         end loop;
367      end if;
369      Mark_Iir (Unit);
370   end Mark_Unit;
372   --  Initialize the mark process.  Create the array and mark some unrooted
373   --  but referenced nodes in std_package.
374   procedure Mark_Init
375   is
376      use Vhdl.Std_Package;
377   begin
378      Markers := new Marker_Array'(Null_Iir .. Nodes.Get_Last_Node => False);
380      Has_Error := False;
382      --  Node not owned, but used for "/" (time, time).
383      Markers (Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition) := True;
384      Markers (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition) := True;
385   end Mark_Init;
387   --  Marks known nodes that aren't owned.
388   procedure Mark_Not_Owned
389   is
390      use Vhdl.Std_Package;
391   begin
392      --  These nodes are owned by type/subtype declarations, so unmark them
393      --  before marking their owner.
394      Markers (Convertible_Integer_Type_Definition) := False;
395      Markers (Convertible_Real_Type_Definition) := False;
397      --  These nodes are not rooted.
398      Mark_Iir (Convertible_Integer_Type_Declaration);
399      Mark_Iir (Convertible_Integer_Subtype_Declaration);
400      Mark_Iir (Convertible_Real_Type_Declaration);
401      Mark_Iir (Universal_Integer_One);
402      Mark_Chain (Wildcard_Type_Declaration_Chain);
403      Mark_Iir (Error_Mark);
404   end Mark_Not_Owned;
406   procedure Mark_Units_Of_All_Libraries is
407   begin
408      --  The user nodes.
409      declare
410         Lib : Iir;
411         File : Iir;
412         Unit : Iir;
413      begin
414         --  First mark all known libraries and file.
415         Lib := Libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain;
416         while Is_Valid (Lib) loop
417            pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration);
418            pragma Assert (not Markers (Lib));
419            Markers (Lib) := True;
420            File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
421            while Is_Valid (File) loop
422               pragma Assert (Get_Kind (File) = Iir_Kind_Design_File);
423               pragma Assert (not Markers (File));
424               Markers (File) := True;
425               File := Get_Chain (File);
426            end loop;
427            Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
428         end loop;
430         --  Then mark all design units.  This has to consider first the
431         --  dependencies.
432         Lib := Libraries.Get_Libraries_Chain;
433         while Is_Valid (Lib) loop
434            pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Lib) = Iir_Kind_Library_Declaration);
435            File := Get_Design_File_Chain (Lib);
436            while Is_Valid (File) loop
437               pragma Assert (Get_Kind (File) = Iir_Kind_Design_File);
438               Unit := Get_First_Design_Unit (File);
439               while Is_Valid (Unit) loop
440                  Mark_Unit (Unit);
441                  Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
442               end loop;
443               File := Get_Chain (File);
444            end loop;
445            Lib := Get_Chain (Lib);
446         end loop;
447      end;
449      --  Obsoleted units.
450      declare
451         Unit : Iir;
452      begin
453         Unit := Libraries.Obsoleted_Design_Units;
454         while Is_Valid (Unit) loop
455            pragma Assert (Get_Kind (Unit) = Iir_Kind_Design_Unit);
456            --  FIXME: obsoleted units may be in various state:
457            --  - unit created by the .cf file and replaced by the loaded one
458            --    (should have been free)
459            --  - unit directly obsoleted by a new unit in the same file
460            --  - unit indirectly obsoleted.
461            if Get_Date_State (Unit) <= Date_Disk then
462               --  Never loaded unit, so not referenced and removed from its
463               --  design file.
464               --  FIXME: free it early.
465               pragma Assert (Get_Dependence_List (Unit) = Null_Iir_List);
466               Mark_Iir (Unit);
467            else
468               if not Markers (Unit) then
469                  Mark_Iir (Unit);
470               end if;
471            end if;
472            Unit := Get_Chain (Unit);
473         end loop;
474      end;
475   end Mark_Units_Of_All_Libraries;
477   procedure Report_Unreferenced
478   is
479      use Vhdl.Std_Package;
480      El : Iir;
481      Nbr_Unreferenced : Natural;
482   begin
483      Mark_Init;
484      Mark_Units_Of_All_Libraries;
485      Mark_Not_Owned;
487      --  Iterate on all nodes, and report nodes not marked.
488      El := Error_Mark;
489      Nbr_Unreferenced := 0;
490      while El in Markers'Range loop
491         if not Markers (El) and then Get_Kind (El) /= Iir_Kind_Unused then
492            if Nbr_Unreferenced = 0 then
493               Log_Line ("** unreferenced nodes:");
494            end if;
495            Nbr_Unreferenced := Nbr_Unreferenced + 1;
496            Report_Unreferenced_Node (El);
497         end if;
498         El := Next_Node (El);
499      end loop;
501      Free (Markers);
503      if Has_Error then
504         raise Internal_Error;
505      end if;
506   end Report_Unreferenced;
508   procedure Check_Tree (Unit : Iir) is
509   begin
510      Mark_Init;
511      Mark_Unit (Unit);
512      Free (Markers);
513      if Has_Error then
514         raise Internal_Error;
515      end if;
516   end Check_Tree;
517end Vhdl.Nodes_GC;