1 /*
2  *     *********************************************************************
3  *     * Copyright (C) 1988, 1990 Stanford University.                     *
4  *     * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this              *
5  *     * software and its documentation for any purpose and without        *
6  *     * fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright          *
7  *     * notice appear in all copies.  Stanford University                 *
8  *     * makes no representations about the suitability of this            *
9  *     * software for any purpose.  It is provided "as is" without         *
10  *     * express or implied warranty.  Export of this software outside     *
11  *     * of the United States of America may require an export license.    *
12  *     *********************************************************************
13  */
15 #ifndef _NET_H
16 #define _NET_H
19 /* header for event driven mosfet simulator.  Chris Terman (6/84) */
21 typedef struct Event	*evptr;
22 typedef struct Node	*nptr;
23 typedef struct Trans	*tptr;
24 typedef struct Input	*iptr;
25 typedef struct Tlist	*lptr;
26 typedef struct HistEnt	*hptr;
27 typedef struct Bits     *bptr;
28 typedef struct thevenin	*Thev;
30 #ifndef _LOCTYPES_H
31 #include "loctypes.h"
32 #endif
34 #ifdef USER_SUBCKT
35 #include "../usersubckt/subckt.h"
36 #endif
38 struct Tlist
39   {
40     lptr    next;		/* next list element */
41     tptr    xtor;		/* txtor connected to this node */
42   };
45 struct Event
46   {
47     evptr    flink, blink;	/* doubly-linked event list */
48     evptr    nlink;		/* link for list of events for this node */
49     nptr     enode;		/* node this event is all about */
50     union
51       {
52 	nptr  cause;		/* node which caused this event to happen */
53 	hptr  hist;		/* ptr. to history entry that queued this */
54 	Ulong  oldt;		/* original time for delayed events */
55       } p;
56     Ulong    ntime;		/* time, in DELTAs, of this event */
57     long     delay;		/* delay associated with this event */
58     short    rtime;		/* rise/fall time, in DELTAs */
59     Uchar    eval;		/* new value */
60     Uchar    type;		/* type of event (for incremental only) */
61   };
63 typedef struct
64   {
65     short    delay;		      /* delay from input */
66     short    rtime;		      /* rise/fall time */
67   } RegTimes;
69 typedef struct
70   {
71     Uint    delay : 12;		      /* delay from input */
72     Uint    rtime : 10;		      /* rise/fall time */
73     Uint    ptime : 10;		      /* punt time */
74   } PuntTimes;
76 typedef struct HistEnt
77   {
78     hptr     next;			      /* next transition in history */
79     Ulong    time  : sizeof(Ulong) * 8 - 4;   /* time of transition */
80     Uint     inp   : 1;			      /* 1 if node became an input */
81     Uint     punt  : 1;			      /* 1 if this event was punted */
82     Uint     val   : 2;			      /* value: HIGH, LOW, or X */
83     union
84       {
85 	RegTimes    r;
86 	PuntTimes   p;
87 	int	   xx;
88       } t;
89   } HistEnt;
92 #define	MAX_TIME	( (~((Ulong) 0)) >> 4 )	/* a huge time */
93 #define	TIME_BOUND	(MAX_TIME + 1)		/* out-of-bounds time value */
95 typedef struct	_aw {
96 	nptr	node;	/* (assertion) which node we will check */
97 	char	val ;	/* (assertion) does the node have this value? */
98 	char	*proc ; /* (schedule) procedure to apply under this condition */
99 	int	tag;	/* (schedule) tag number */
100 	struct	_aw *nxt ;
101 } assertWhen ;
103 typedef assertWhen *awptr;
105 struct Node
106   {
107     nptr     nlink;	/* sundries list */
108     evptr    events;	/* charge sharing event */
109     lptr     ngate;	/* list of xtors w/ gates connected to this node */
110     lptr     nterm;	/* list of xtors w/ src/drn connected to this node */
111     nptr     hnext;	/* link in hash bucket */
112     float    ncap;	/* capacitance of node in pf */
113     float    vlow;	/* low logic threshold for node, normalized units */
114     float    vhigh;	/* high logic threshold for node, normalized units */
115     short    tplh;	/* low to high transition time in DELTA's */
116     short    tphl;	/* high to low transition time in DELTA's */
117     union
118       {
119 	Ulong  time;	/* time, in DELTAs, of last transistion */
120 	float  cap;	/* incremental capacitance during net-changes */
121 	evptr  event;	/* non threaded events in incremental simulation */
122       } c;
123     union
124      {
125 	nptr  cause;	/* node which caused last transition of this node */
126 	hptr  punts;	/* punted events during incremental simulation */
127 	tptr  tran;	/* transistor into which stacked xtors were merged */
128      } t;
129     short    npot;	/* current potential */
130     short    oldpot;	/* old potential (for incremental simulation). */
131     long     nflags;	/* flag word (see defs below) */
132     char     *nname;	/* ascii name of node */
133     union
134       {
135 	Thev  thev;	/* used to temporarily store the thevenin structure */
136 	nptr  next;	/* used to build node lists during net changes */
137 	tptr  tran;	/* used to mark parallel transistors */
138       } n;
139     HistEnt  head;	/* first entry in transition history */
140     hptr     curr;	/* ptr. to current history entry */
141 #ifdef POWER_EST
142     int	     toggles; /* number of transitions */
143 #endif /* POWER_EST */
144 #ifdef FAULT_SIM
145     HistEnt  hchange;	/* special entry to avoid changing the history */
146 #endif
147     char     awmask ;	 /* mask of values to cause evaluation of awpending */
148     awptr    awpending ; /* pending asswertWhen list */
149   };
152 typedef struct		/* same as Res_1 but indexed dynamic resists */
153   {
154     float  dynres[ 2 ];		/* dynamic resistances [R_LOW - R_MAX] */
155     float  rstatic;		/* static resistance of transistor */
156     Uint   width, length;	/* transistor size in centimicrons */
157   } Resists;
159 #define	R_LOW		0		/* dynamic low resistance index */
160 #define	R_HIGH		1		/* dynamic high resistance index */
162 #define	dynlow		dynres[ R_LOW ]	/* abbrevations for above */
163 #define	dynhigh		dynres[ R_HIGH ]
166 typedef union
167   {
168     Thev  r;
169     tptr  t;
170     int   i;
171  } TCache;
173 typedef union
174   {
175     long  pos;
176     tptr  ptr;
177   } TPos;
179 struct Trans
180   {
181     nptr     gate, source, drain;    /* nodes to which trans is connected */
182     TCache   scache, dcache;	     /* caches to remember src/drn values */
183     Uchar    ttype;		     /* type of transistor */
184     Uchar    state;		     /* cache to remember current state */
185     Uchar    tflags; 		     /* transistor flags */
186     Uchar    n_par;		     /* index into parallel list */
187     Resists  *r;		     /* transistor resistances */
188     tptr     tlink;		     /* next txtor in position hash table */
189     TPos     x, y;		     /* position in the layout (optional) */
190 #ifdef  USER_SUBCKT
191     char     *subptr;                /* pointer to subcircuit structure */
192 #endif
193   };
196 typedef struct Bits
197   {
198     bptr    next;		/* next bit vector in chain */
199     char    *name;		/* name of this vector of bits */
200     int     traced;		/* <>0 if this vector is being traced */
201     int     nbits;		/* number of bits in this vector */
202     nptr    nodes[1];		/* pointers to the bits (nodes) */
203   } Bits;
206 	/* linked list of inputs */
207 struct Input
208   {
209     iptr    next;		/* next element of list */
210     nptr    inode;		/* pointer to this input node */
211   };
214 	/* transistor types (ttype) */
215 #define	NCHAN		0	/* n-channel enhancement */
216 #define	PCHAN		1	/* p-channel enhancement */
217 #define	DEP		2	/* depletion */
218 #define	RESIST		3	/* simple two-terminal resistor */
219 #define	TYPERESERVED	4	/* reserved for future transistor types */
220 #define	SUBCKT		5	/* black box user code */
222 #define	ALWAYSON	0x02	/* transistors not affected by gate logic */
224 #define	GATELIST	0x08	/* set if gate of xistor is a node list */
225 #define	STACKED		0x10	/* transistor was stacked into gate list */
226 #define	ORED		0x20	/* result of or'ing parallel transistors */
227 #define	ORLIST		0x40	/* part of an or'ed transistor */
228 #define	TCAP		0x80	/* transistor capacitor (source == drain) */
230 #ifndef	USER_SUBCKT
231 #define	NTTYPES		4	/* number of transistor types defined */
232 #else
233 #define	NTTYPES		6	/* number of transistor types defined */
234 #endif
236 #define	BASETYPE( T )		( (T) & 0x07 )
238 	/* transistor states (state)*/
239 #define	OFF		0	/* non-conducting */
240 #define	ON		1	/* conducting */
241 #define	UNKNOWN		2	/* unknown */
242 #define	WEAK		3	/* weak */
244 	/* transistor temporary flags (tflags) */
245 #define	CROSSED		0x01	/* Mark for crossing a transistor */
246 #define BROKEN		0x02	/* Mark a broken transistor to avoid loop */
247 #define	PBROKEN		0x04	/* Mark as broken a parallel transistor */
248 #define	PARALLEL	0x08	/* Mark as being a parallel transistor */
249 #define	ACTIVE_T	0x10	/* incremental status of transistor */
251 	/* figure what's on the *other* terminal node of a transistor */
252 #define	other_node( T, N )	((T)->drain == (N) ? (T)->source : (T)->drain)
254 	/* node potentials */
255 #define	LOW		0	/* logic low */
256 #define	X		1	/* unknown, intermediate, ... value */
257 #define	HIGH_Z		2	/* high impedence (not driven) */
258 #define	HIGH		3	/* logic high */
259 #define	N_POTS		4	/* number of potentials [LOW-HIGH] */
261 #define	DECAY		4	/* waiting to decay to X (only in events) */
263 	/* mask of node potentials, used by awpending */
264 #define POT2MASK( p )		( 1 << (1 + p) )
266 	/* possible values for nflags */
267 #define	DEVIATED	0x000001	/* node's state differs from hist */
268 #define	POWER_RAIL	0x000002
269 #define	ALIAS		0x000004
270 #define	USERDELAY	0x000008
271 #define	INPUT		0x000010
272 #define	WATCHED		0x000020
273 #define	WATCHVECTOR	0x000040
274 #define	STOPONCHANGE	0x000080
275 #define	STOPVECCHANGE	0x000100
276 #define	VISITED		0x000200
278 #define	MERGED		0x000400	/* node is whithin a txtor stack */
279 #define	DELETED		0x000800	/* node was deleted */
281 #define	H_INPUT		0x001000	/* node is in high input list */
282 #define	L_INPUT		0x002000	/* node is in low input list */
283 #define	U_INPUT		0x003000	/* node is in U input list */
284 #define	X_INPUT		0x004000	/* node is in X input list */
287 #define	IsInList( flg )		( (flg) & INPUT_MASK )
288 #define	INPUT_NUM( flg )	( ((flg) & INPUT_MASK) >> 12 )
290 #define	CHANGED		0x008000	/* node is affected by a net change */
291 #define	STIM		0x010000	/* node is used as stimuli */
292 #define	ACTIVE_CL	0x020000	/* node is in an active cluster */
293 #define	WAS_ACTIVE	0x040000	/* set if node was ever active */
295 #ifdef POWER_EST
296 #define	POWWATCHED	0x080000	/* node's capacitance is being logged*/
297 #define	POWWATCHVECTOR	0x100000	/* vector version */
298 #endif /* POWER_EST */
300 #define	SIM_ABORT	0x200000	/* set if unrecoverable error occurred */
302 	/* resistance types */
303 #define	STATIC		0	/* static resistance */
304 #define	DYNHIGH 	1	/* dynamic-high resistance */
305 #define	DYNLOW  	2	/* dynamic-low resistance */
306 #define	POWER		3	/* resist. for power calculation (unused) */
307 #define	R_TYPES		3	/* number of resistance contexts */
309 	/* Define TRUE and FALSE values */
310 #define TRUE  1
311 #define FALSE 0
313 	/* Possible simulator status */
314 #define	NORM_SIM		0		/* normal mode */
315 #define	INCR_SIM		01		/* incremental mode */
316 #define	OUT_OF_MEM		02		/* out of memory flag */
318 	/* Event Types (for incremental simulation only) */
320 #define	IS_INPUT		0x1		/* event makes node input */
321 #define	IS_XINPUT		0x2		/* event terminates input */
323 #define	REVAL			0x0		/* result of re-evaluation */
324 #define	DECAY_EV		0x1		/* node is decaying to X */
325 #define	PUNTED			0x3		/* previously punted event */
327 	/* events > THREAD are NOT threaded into node structure */
328 #define	THREAD			0x3
330 #define	PENDING			0x4		/* pending from last run */
331 #define	STIMULI			0x8		/* self-scheduled stimuli */
332 #define	STIM_INP		( STIMULI | IS_INPUT )
333 #define	STIM_XINP		( STIMULI | IS_XINPUT )
335 #define	CHECK_PNT		0x10		/* next change in history */
336 #define	INP_EV			( CHECK_PNT | IS_INPUT )
337 #define	XINP_EV			( CHECK_PNT | IS_XINPUT )
338 #define	DELAY_CHK		0x20		/* delayed CHECK_PNT */
339 #define	DELAY_EV		0x40		/* last REVAL was delayed */
341 #define	CHNG_MODEL		0x80		/* change evaluation model */
342 #define TRIGGER_EV      	0x90		/* faultsim trigger event */
343 #define TIMED_EV      		0xa0		/* timed trigger event */
346 	/* Conversion macros between various time units */
348 #ifndef _UNITS_H
349 #include "units.h"
350 #endif
352 #endif /* _NET_H */