1 /***************************************************************************
2 JSPICE3 adaptation of Spice3f2 - Copyright (c) Stephen R. Whiteley 1992
3 Copyright 1990 Regents of the University of California.  All rights reserved.
4 Authors: 1985 Thomas L. Quarles
5          1993 Stephen R. Whiteley
6 ****************************************************************************/
8 /*
9  * This file defines the BJT data structures that are
10  * available to the next level(s) up the calling hierarchy
11  */
13 #include "spice.h"
14 #include <stdio.h>
15 #include "bjtdefs.h"
16 #include "uflags.h"
18 static IFparm BJTpTable[] = { /* parameters */
19  IOPU( "area",   BJT_AREA,   IF_REAL,    "Area factor"),
20  IOPU( "off",    BJT_OFF,    IF_FLAG,    "Device initially off"),
21  IOPAU("icvbe",  BJT_IC_VBE, IF_REAL,    "Initial B-E voltage"),
22  IOPAU("icvce",  BJT_IC_VCE, IF_REAL,    "Initial C-E voltage"),
23  IP(   "ic",     BJT_IC,     IF_REALVEC, "Initial condition vector"),
24  IOPU( "temp",   BJT_TEMP,   IF_REAL,    "instance temperature"),
26  OPU(  "ft",     BJT_QUEST_FT,   IF_REAL,"Frequency for unity gain"),
28  OPU(  "colnode",       BJT_QUEST_COLNODE,       IF_INTEGER,
29                                             "Number of collector node"),
30  OPU(  "basenode",      BJT_QUEST_BASENODE,      IF_INTEGER,
31                                             "Number of base node"),
32  OPU(  "emitnode",      BJT_QUEST_EMITNODE,      IF_INTEGER,
33                                             "Number of emitter node"),
34  OPU(  "substnode",     BJT_QUEST_SUBSTNODE,     IF_INTEGER,
35                                             "Number of substrate node"),
37                                             "Internal collector node"),
39                                             "Internal base node"),
41                                             "Internal emitter node"),
43  OP( "vbe",  BJT_QUEST_VBE,  IF_REAL,"B-E voltage"),
44  OP( "vbc",  BJT_QUEST_VBC,  IF_REAL,"B-C voltage"),
45  OP( "ic",   BJT_QUEST_CC,   IF_REAL,"Current at collector node"),
46  OPR("cc",   BJT_QUEST_CC,   IF_REAL,"Current at collector node"),
47  OP( "ib",   BJT_QUEST_CB,   IF_REAL,"Current at base node"),
48  OPR("cb",   BJT_QUEST_CB,   IF_REAL,"Current at base node"),
49  OP( "gpi",  BJT_QUEST_GPI,  IF_REAL,"Small signal input conductance - pi"),
50  OP( "gmu",  BJT_QUEST_GMU,  IF_REAL,"Small signal conductance - mu"),
51  OP( "gm",   BJT_QUEST_GM,   IF_REAL,"Small signal transconductance"),
52  OP( "go",   BJT_QUEST_GO,   IF_REAL,"Small signal output conductance"),
53  OPU("qbe",  BJT_QUEST_QBE,  IF_REAL,"Charge storage B-E junction"),
54  OPU("cqbe", BJT_QUEST_CQBE, IF_REAL,"Cap. due to charge storage in B-E jct."),
55  OPU("qbc",  BJT_QUEST_QBC,  IF_REAL,"Charge storage B-C junction"),
56  OPU("cqbc", BJT_QUEST_CQBC, IF_REAL,"Cap. due to charge storage in B-C jct."),
57  OPU("qcs",  BJT_QUEST_QCS,  IF_REAL,"Charge storage C-S junction"),
58  OPU("cqcs", BJT_QUEST_CQCS, IF_REAL,"Cap. due to charge storage in C-S jct."),
59  OPU("qbx",  BJT_QUEST_QBX,  IF_REAL,"Charge storage B-X junction"),
60  OPU("cqbx", BJT_QUEST_CQBX, IF_REAL,"Cap. due to charge storage in B-X jct."),
61  OP( "gx",   BJT_QUEST_GX,   IF_REAL,"Conductance from base to internal base"),
62  OPU("cexbc",BJT_QUEST_CEXBC,IF_REAL,"Total Capacitance in B-X junction"),
63  OPU("geqcb",BJT_QUEST_GEQCB,IF_REAL,"d(Ibe)/d(Vbc)"),
64  OPU("gccs", BJT_QUEST_GCCS, IF_REAL,"Internal C-S cap. equiv. cond."),
65  OPU("geqbx",BJT_QUEST_GEQBX,IF_REAL,"Internal C-B-base cap. equiv. cond."),
66  OP( "ie",   BJT_QUEST_CE,   IF_REAL,"Emitter current"),
67  OPR("ce",   BJT_QUEST_CE,   IF_REAL,"Emitter current"),
68  OPU("is",   BJT_QUEST_CS,   IF_REAL,"Substrate current"),
69  OPR("cs",   BJT_QUEST_CS,   IF_REAL,"Substrate current"),
70  OPU("p",    BJT_QUEST_POWER,IF_REAL,"Power dissipation"),
71  OP( "cpi",  BJT_QUEST_CPI,  IF_REAL,"Internal base to emitter capactance"),
72  OP( "cmu",  BJT_QUEST_CMU,  IF_REAL,"Internal base to collector capactiance"),
73  OP( "cbx",  BJT_QUEST_CBX,  IF_REAL,"Base to collector capacitance"),
74  OP( "ccs",  BJT_QUEST_CCS,  IF_REAL,"Collector to substrate capacitance")
75 };
77 static IFparm BJTmPTable[] = { /* model parameters */
78  IP  ("npn", BJT_MOD_NPN, IF_FLAG, "NPN type device"),
79  IP  ("pnp", BJT_MOD_PNP, IF_FLAG, "PNP type device"),
80  IOP( "is",  BJT_MOD_IS,  IF_REAL, "Saturation Current"),
81  IOP( "bf",  BJT_MOD_BF,  IF_REAL, "Ideal forward beta"),
82  IOP( "nf",  BJT_MOD_NF,  IF_REAL, "Forward emission coefficient"),
83  IOP( "vaf", BJT_MOD_VAF, IF_REAL, "Forward Early voltage"),
84  IOPR("va",  BJT_MOD_VAF, IF_REAL, "Forward Early voltage"),
85  IOP( "ikf", BJT_MOD_IKF, IF_REAL, "Forward beta roll-off corner current"),
86  IOPR("ik",  BJT_MOD_IKF, IF_REAL, "Forward beta roll-off corner current"),
87  IOP( "ise", BJT_MOD_ISE, IF_REAL, "B-E leakage saturation current"),
88  IOP( "ne",  BJT_MOD_NE,  IF_REAL, "B-E leakage emission coefficient"),
89  IOP( "br",  BJT_MOD_BR,  IF_REAL, "Ideal reverse beta"),
90  IOP( "nr",  BJT_MOD_NR,  IF_REAL, "Reverse emission coefficient"),
91  IOP( "var", BJT_MOD_VAR, IF_REAL, "Reverse Early voltage"),
92  IOPR("vb",  BJT_MOD_VAR, IF_REAL, "Reverse Early voltage"),
93  IOP( "ikr", BJT_MOD_IKR, IF_REAL, "reverse beta roll-off corner current"),
94  IOP( "isc", BJT_MOD_ISC, IF_REAL, "B-C leakage saturation current"),
95  IOP( "nc",  BJT_MOD_NC,  IF_REAL, "B-C leakage emission coefficient"),
96  IOP( "rb",  BJT_MOD_RB,  IF_REAL, "Zero bias base resistance"),
97  IOP( "irb", BJT_MOD_IRB, IF_REAL, "Current for base resistance=(rb+rbm)/2"),
98  IOP( "rbm", BJT_MOD_RBM, IF_REAL, "Minimum base resistance"),
99  IOP( "re",  BJT_MOD_RE,  IF_REAL, "Emitter resistance"),
100  IOP( "rc",  BJT_MOD_RC,  IF_REAL, "Collector resistance"),
101  IOPA("cje", BJT_MOD_CJE, IF_REAL, "Zero bias B-E depletion capacitance"),
102  IOPA("vje", BJT_MOD_VJE, IF_REAL, "B-E built in potential"),
103  IOPR("pe",  BJT_MOD_VJE, IF_REAL, "B-E built in potential"),
104  IOPA("mje", BJT_MOD_MJE, IF_REAL, "B-E junction grading coefficient"),
105  IOPR("me",  BJT_MOD_MJE, IF_REAL, "B-E junction grading coefficient"),
106  IOPA("tf",  BJT_MOD_TF,  IF_REAL, "Ideal forward transit time"),
107  IOPA("xtf", BJT_MOD_XTF, IF_REAL, "Coefficient for bias dependence of TF"),
108  IOPA("vtf", BJT_MOD_VTF, IF_REAL, "Voltage giving VBC dependence of TF"),
109  IOPA("itf", BJT_MOD_ITF, IF_REAL, "High current dependence of TF"),
110  IOPA("ptf", BJT_MOD_PTF, IF_REAL, "Excess phase"),
111  IOPA("cjc", BJT_MOD_CJC, IF_REAL, "Zero bias B-C depletion capacitance"),
112  IOPA("vjc", BJT_MOD_VJC, IF_REAL, "B-C built in potential"),
113  IOPR("pc",  BJT_MOD_VJC, IF_REAL, "B-C built in potential"),
114  IOPA("mjc", BJT_MOD_MJC, IF_REAL, "B-C junction grading coefficient"),
115  IOPR("mc",  BJT_MOD_MJC, IF_REAL, "B-C junction grading coefficient"),
116  IOPA("xcjc",BJT_MOD_XCJC,IF_REAL, "Fraction of B-C cap to internal base"),
117  IOPA("tr",  BJT_MOD_TR,  IF_REAL, "Ideal reverse transit time"),
118  IOPA("cjs", BJT_MOD_CJS, IF_REAL, "Zero bias C-S capacitance"),
119  IOPA("ccs", BJT_MOD_CJS, IF_REAL, "Zero bias C-S capacitance"),
120  IOPA("vjs", BJT_MOD_VJS, IF_REAL, "Substrate junction built in potential"),
121  IOPR("ps",  BJT_MOD_VJS, IF_REAL, "Substrate junction built in potential"),
122  IOPA("mjs", BJT_MOD_MJS, IF_REAL, "Substrate junction grading coefficient"),
123  IOPR("ms",  BJT_MOD_MJS, IF_REAL, "Substrate junction grading coefficient"),
124  IOP( "xtb", BJT_MOD_XTB, IF_REAL, "Forward and reverse beta temp. exp."),
125  IOP( "eg",  BJT_MOD_EG,  IF_REAL, "Energy gap for IS temp. dependency"),
126  IOP( "xti", BJT_MOD_XTI, IF_REAL, "Temp. exponent for IS"),
127  IOP( "fc",  BJT_MOD_FC,  IF_REAL, "Forward bias junction fit parameter"),
128  IP(  "tnom",BJT_MOD_TNOM,IF_REAL, "Parameter measurement temperature"),
129  IP(  "kf",  BJT_MOD_KF,  IF_REAL, "Flicker Noise Coefficient"),
130  IP(  "af",  BJT_MOD_AF,  IF_REAL, "Flicker Noise Exponent"),
132  OPU( "invearlyvoltf",    BJT_MOD_INVEARLYF,     IF_REAL,
133                                        "Inverse early voltage:forward"),
134  OPU( "invearlyvoltr",    BJT_MOD_INVEARLYR,     IF_REAL,
135                                        "Inverse early voltage:reverse"),
136  OPU( "invrollofff",      BJT_MOD_INVROLLOFFF,   IF_REAL,
137                                        "Inverse roll off - forward"),
138  OPU( "invrolloffr",      BJT_MOD_INVROLLOFFR,   IF_REAL,
139                                        "Inverse roll off - reverse"),
140  OPU( "collectorconduct", BJT_MOD_COLCONDUCT,    IF_REAL,
141                                        "Collector conductance"),
142  OPU( "emitterconduct",   BJT_MOD_EMITTERCONDUCT,IF_REAL,
143                                        "Emitter conductance"),
144  OPU( "transtimevbcfact", BJT_MOD_TRANSVBCFACT,  IF_REAL,
145                                        "Transit time VBC factor"),
146  OPU( "excessphasefactor",BJT_MOD_EXCESSPHASEFACTOR,IF_REAL,
147                                        "Excess phase fact."),
148  OP(  "type",BJT_MOD_TYPE,IF_STRING, "NPN or PNP")
149 };
151 static char *BJTnames[] = {
152     "collector",
153     "base",
154     "emitter",
155     "substrate"
156 };
158 static char *BJTmodNames[] = {
159     "npn",
160     "pnp",
161     NULL
162 };
164 static IFkeys BJTkeys[] = {
165     { 'q', NUMELEMS(BJTnames), BJTnames, 1, 0 },
166 };
169 static int BJTkSize = NUMELEMS(BJTkeys);
170 static int BJTpTSize = NUMELEMS(BJTpTable);
171 static int BJTmPTSize = NUMELEMS(BJTmPTable);
172 static int BJTiSize = sizeof(BJTinstance);
173 static int BJTmSize = sizeof(BJTmodel);
176 SPICEdev BJTinfo = {
177     {   "BJT",
178         "Bipolar Junction Transistor",
180         &BJTkSize,
181         BJTkeys,
182         1,
183         BJTmodNames,
184         BJTparse,
186         &BJTpTSize,
187         BJTpTable,
189         &BJTmPTSize,
190         BJTmPTable
191     },
193     BJTparam,
194     BJTmParam,
195     BJTload,
196     BJTsetup,
197     BJTsetup,
198     BJTtemp,
199     BJTtrunc,
200     NULL,
201     BJTacLoad,
202     NULL,
203     GENdestroy,
204     GENmDelete,
205     GENdelete,
206     BJTgetic,
207     BJTask,
208     BJTmAsk,
209     BJTpzLoad,
210     BJTconvTest,
211     BJTdisto,
212     BJTnoise,
214     &BJTiSize,
215     &BJTmSize
216 };